def sortBatches2(ccb0): # takes as input a matrix of nBatches by nBatches containing # dissimilarities. # outputs a matrix of sorted batches, and the sorting order, such that # ccb1 = ccb0(isort, isort) # put this matrix on the GPU ccb0 = cp.asarray(ccb0, order='F') # compute its svd on the GPU (this might also be fast enough on CPU) u, s, v = svdecon(ccb0) # HACK: consistency with MATLAB u = u * cp.sign(u[0, 0]) v = v * cp.sign(u[0, 0]) # initialize the positions xs of the batch embeddings to be very small but proportional to # the first PC xs = .01 * u[:, 0] / cp.std(u[:, 0], ddof=1) # 200 iterations of gradient descent should be enough # TODO: move_to_config niB = 200 # this learning rate should usually work fine, since it scales with the average gradient # and ccb0 is z-scored # TODO: move_to_config eta = 1 for k in tqdm(range(niB), desc="Sorting %d batches" % ccb0.shape[0]): # euclidian distances between 1D embedding positions ds = (xs - xs[:, np.newaxis])**2 # the transformed distances go through this function W = cp.log(1 + ds) # the error is the difference between ccb0 and W err = ccb0 - W # ignore the mean value of ccb0 err = err - cp.mean(err, axis=0) # backpropagate the gradients err = err / (1 + ds) err2 = err * (xs[:, np.newaxis] - xs) D = cp.mean( err2, axis=1) # one half of the gradients is along this direction E = cp.mean(err2, axis=0) # the other half is along this direction # we don't need to worry about the gradients for the diagonal because those are 0 # final gradients for the embedding variable dx = -D + E.T # take a gradient step xs = xs - eta * dx # sort the embedding positions xs isort = cp.argsort(xs, axis=0) # sort the matrix of dissimilarities ccb1 = ccb0[isort, :][:, isort] return ccb1, isort
def _svd_flip(u, v, u_based_decision=True): """Sign correction to ensure deterministic output from SVD. Adjusts the columns of u and the rows of v such that the loadings in the columns in u that are largest in absolute value are always positive. Parameters ---------- u : cupy.ndarray u and v are the output of `cupy.linalg.svd` v : cupy.ndarray u and v are the output of `cupy.linalg.svd` u_based_decision : boolean, (default=True) If True, use the columns of u as the basis for sign flipping. Otherwise, use the rows of v. The choice of which variable to base the decision on is generally algorithm dependent. Returns ------- u_adjusted, v_adjusted : arrays with the same dimensions as the input. """ if u_based_decision: # columns of u, rows of v max_abs_cols = cp.argmax(cp.abs(u), axis=0) signs = cp.sign(u[max_abs_cols, range(u.shape[1])]) u *= signs v *= signs[:, cp.newaxis] else: # rows of v, columns of u max_abs_rows = cp.argmax(cp.abs(v), axis=1) signs = cp.sign(v[list(range(v.shape[0])), max_abs_rows]) u *= signs v *= signs[:, cp.newaxis] return u, v
def iterative_least_likely(self, eps, alpha =1, n_iter = None, index = None): xp = AdvImage.xp if n_iter is None: n_iter = int(min(eps + 4, 1.25 * eps)) if index is None: probs = AdvImage.model.predict([self.org_image], oversample=False).data[0] probs = cuda.to_cpu(probs) least_index = np.argmin(probs) t = xp.array([least_index], dtype=xp.int32) out_layer = AdvImage.last_layer target_org = for _ in range(n_iter): x = AdvImage.model(, layers=[out_layer])[out_layer] loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(x, t) AdvImage.model.cleargrads() loss.backward() perturb = xp.sign( updated_data = - alpha * perturb clipped_data = xp.clip(updated_data, target_org - eps, target_org + eps) = Variable(clipped_data) self.adv_image = self._restore_image(
def signedpower(x, a): #将inf和-inf处理为nan #x[cp.isinf(x)] = cp.nan # 经测试where替换更快一些 x = cp.where(cp.isinf(x), cp.nan, x) return cp.sign(x) * cp.abs(x)**a
def constrain_variable_probe(variable_probe, weights): """Add the following constraints to variable probe weights 1. Remove outliars from weights 2. Enforce orthogonality once per epoch """'Orthogonalize variable probes') variable_probe = tike.linalg.orthogonalize_gs( variable_probe, axis=(-3, -2, -1), )'Remove outliars from variable probe weights') aevol = cp.abs(weights) weights = cp.minimum( aevol, 1.5 * cp.percentile( aevol, [95], axis=[-3], keepdims=True, ).astype(weights.dtype), ) * cp.sign(weights) # TODO: Smooth the weights as a function of the frame index. return variable_probe, weights
def natural_compression(x): dim = x.shape[0] logx = logx_floor = xp.floor(logx) noise = xp.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, dim) leftx = xp.exp2(logx_floor) rounded = xp.floor( + leftx * noise).filled(-15)) compressed = xp.sign(x) * xp.exp2(rounded) return compressed
def sign(x: Array, /) -> Array: """ Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.sign <numpy.sign>`. See its docstring for more information. """ if x.dtype not in _numeric_dtypes: raise TypeError("Only numeric dtypes are allowed in sign") return Array._new(np.sign(x._array))
def random_quantization(x, s): dim = x.shape[0] xnorm = xp.linalg.norm(x) if s == 0 or xnorm == 0: return xp.zeros(dim, dtype=int) noise = xp.random.uniform(0, 1, dim) rounded = xp.floor(s * xp.abs(x) / xnorm + noise) compressed = (xnorm / s) * xp.sign(x) * rounded return compressed
def tvl1(lp, init_recon, tomo0, num_iter, reg_par, gpu): """ Reconstruction with the total variation method with the regularization parameter reg_par. Solving the problem ||R(recon)-tomo||_1 + reg_par*TV(recon) -> min """ # choose device cp.cuda.Device(gpu).use() # Allocating necessary gpu arrays recon = cp.array(init_recon) tomo = cp.array(tomo0) g = tomo * 0 p = recon * 0 recon0 = recon prox0x = recon * 0 prox0y = recon * 0 div0 = recon * 0 prox1 = tomo * 0 lam = reg_par c = 0.35 # 1/power_method(lp,tomo,num_iter) # tv iterations for i in range(0, num_iter): # forward step # compute proximal prox0 prox0x[:, :, :-1] += c * (recon[:, :, 1:] - recon[:, :, :-1]) prox0y[:, :-1, :] += c * (recon[:, 1:, :] - recon[:, :-1, :]) nprox = cp.array( cp.maximum(1, (cp.sqrt(prox0x * prox0x + prox0y * prox0y) / lam))) prox0x = prox0x / nprox prox0y = prox0y / nprox # compute proximal prox1 lp.fwdp(g, recon, gpu) tmp = prox1 + c * g - c * tomo tmp2 = cp.abs(tmp) - 1 tmp2[tmp2 < 0] = 0 prox1 = tmp - tmp2 * cp.sign(tmp) # backward step recon = recon0 div0[:, :, 1:] = (prox0x[:, :, 1:] - prox0x[:, :, :-1]) div0[:, :, 0] = prox0x[:, :, 0] div0[:, 1:, :] += (prox0y[:, 1:, :] - prox0y[:, :-1, :]) div0[:, 0, :] += prox0y[:, 0, :] lp.adjp(p, prox1, gpu) recon0 = recon0 - c * p + c * div0 # update recon recon = 2 * recon0 - recon return recon.get()
def FW(W, n): ## Initially the distance between all pairs are set to infinity d = cp.ones([n, n]) * myInf all_ones = cp.ones([n, n]) for k in range(n): ## Calculating distance in iteration k dk = cp.log([:, k].reshape(n, 1)), cp.exp(W[k, :].reshape(1, n)))) a = cp.sign(d - dk) where_to = cp.where(a > 0) ## Updating distances where necessary d[where_to] = dk[where_to] return d
def fast_gradient(self, eps): xp = AdvImage.xp out_layer = AdvImage.last_layer x = AdvImage.model(, layers=[out_layer])[out_layer] t = xp.array([self.index], dtype=xp.int32) loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(x, t) AdvImage.model.cleargrads() loss.backward() perturb = xp.sign( = Variable( + eps * perturb) self.adv_image = self._restore_image(
def itkrm(data,K,S,maxitr,startD=np.array([1])): M, N = data.shape if startD.all()==1: D_init = np.random.randn(M, K) else: D_init = startD #Algorithm GPU_D_old = cp.asarray(D_init) GPU_Y = cp.asarray(data) GPU_M = int(cp.asarray(M)) GPU_N = int(cp.asarray(N)) GPU_S = int(cp.asarray(S)) GPU_maxitr = int(cp.asarray(maxitr)) GPU_I_D = cp.zeros((S,N),dtype=cp.int32) for i in range(GPU_maxitr): start_time = N_timer.cont_timer(0,0) N_timer.Timer(i,maxitr) for n in range(GPU_N): GPU_I_D[:,n] = max_atoms(GPU_D_old,GPU_Y[:,n],GPU_S) GPU_D_new = cp.zeros((M,K)) GPU_DtD = GPU_D_old.T @ GPU_D_old for n in range(GPU_N): GPU_DtY = GPU_D_old[:,GPU_I_D[:,n]].T @ GPU_Y[:,n] GPU_matproj = cp.repeat((GPU_D_old[:,GPU_I_D[:,n]] @ cp.linalg.inv(GPU_DtD[GPU_I_D[:,n,None], GPU_I_D[:,n]]) @ GPU_DtY)[:,None],GPU_S,axis=1) GPU_vecproj = GPU_D_old[:,GPU_I_D[:,n]] @ cp.diag(cp.diag( GPU_DtD[GPU_I_D[:,n,None], GPU_I_D[:,n]] )**-1*( GPU_DtY )) GPU_signer = cp.sign( GPU_DtY ) GPU_D_new[:,GPU_I_D[:,n]] = GPU_D_new[:,GPU_I_D[:,n]] + (cp.repeat(GPU_Y[:,n,None], S, axis=1) - GPU_matproj + GPU_vecproj)*GPU_signer GPU_scale = cp.sum(GPU_D_new*GPU_D_new, axis=0) GPU_iszero = cp.where(GPU_scale < 0.00001)[0] # GPU_D_new[:,GPU_iszero] = np.random.randn(GPU_M, len(GPU_iszero)) # generate random with GPU GPU_D_new[:,GPU_iszero] = cp.asarray(np.random.randn(M, len(GPU_iszero))) # generate random with CPU #end hugget GPU_D_new = normalize_mat_col(GPU_D_new) GPU_D_old = 1*GPU_D_new return cp.asnumpy(GPU_D_old)
def extractPCfromSnippets(proc, probe=None, params=None, Nbatch=None): # extracts principal components for 1D snippets of spikes from all channels # loads a subset of batches to find these snippets NT = params.NT nPCs = params.nPCs Nchan = probe.Nchan batchstart = np.arange(0, NT * Nbatch + 1, NT).astype(np.int64) # extract the PCA projections # initialize the covariance of single-channel spike waveforms CC = cp.zeros(params.nt0, dtype=np.float32) # from every 100th batch for ibatch in range(0, Nbatch, 100): offset = Nchan * batchstart[ibatch] dat = proc.flat[offset:offset + NT * Nchan].reshape((-1, Nchan), order='F') if dat.shape[0] == 0: continue # move data to GPU and scale it back to unit variance dataRAW = cp.asarray(dat, dtype=np.float32) / params.scaleproc # find isolated spikes from each batch row, col, mu = isolated_peaks_new(dataRAW, params) # for each peak, get the voltage snippet from that channel c = get_SpikeSample(dataRAW, row, col, params) # scale covariance down by 1,000 to maintain a good dynamic range CC = CC +, c.T) / 1e3 # the singular vectors of the covariance matrix are the PCs of the waveforms U, Sv, V = svdecon(CC) wPCA = U[:, :nPCs] # take as many as needed # adjust the arbitrary sign of the first PC so its negativity is downward # TODO: unclear - is 20 here the index into the spike waveform? Should this be hardcoded? # - should it be nt0min instead? wPCA[:, 0] = -wPCA[:, 0] * cp.sign(wPCA[20, 0]) return wPCA
def inverse( data, impulse_response=None, filter_params={}, max_gain=2, predefined_filter=None, ): """Apply the filter in reverse to the given data. Parameters ---------- data : (M,N) ndarray Input data. impulse_response : callable `f(r, c, **filter_params)` Impulse response of the filter. See LPIFilter2D.__init__. filter_params : dict Additional keyword parameters to the impulse_response function. max_gain : float Limit the filter gain. Often, the filter contains zeros, which would cause the inverse filter to have infinite gain. High gain causes amplification of artefacts, so a conservative limit is recommended. Other Parameters ---------------- predefined_filter : LPIFilter2D If you need to apply the same filter multiple times over different images, construct the LPIFilter2D and specify it here. """ check_nD(data, 2, "data") if predefined_filter is None: filt = LPIFilter2D(impulse_response, **filter_params) else: filt = predefined_filter F, G = filt._prepare(data) _min_limit(F) F = 1 / F mask = cp.abs(F) > max_gain F[mask] = cp.sign(F[mask]) * max_gain return _centre(cp.abs(fft.ifftshift(fft.ifftn(G * F))), data.shape)
def iterative_gradient(self, eps, alpha =1, n_iter = None): xp = AdvImage.xp if n_iter is None: n_iter = int(min(eps + 4, 1.25 * eps)) t = xp.array([self.index], dtype=xp.int32) out_layer = AdvImage.last_layer target_org = for _ in range(n_iter): x = AdvImage.model(, layers=[out_layer])[out_layer] loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(x, t) AdvImage.model.cleargrads() loss.backward() perturb = xp.sign( updated_data = + alpha * perturb clipped_data = xp.clip(updated_data, target_org - eps, target_org + eps) = Variable(clipped_data) self.adv_image = self._restore_image(
def FISTA(grad_f, x_0, L, LAMBDA, n_iters=100, eps=1e-10): '''FISTA''' r = xp.zeros(n_iters + 1) for t in range(1, n_iters + 1): r[t] = 0.5 + xp.sqrt(1 + 4 * r[t - 1]**2) / 2 gamma = (1 - r[:n_iters]) / r[1:] x = x_0.copy() y = x_0.copy() for t in range(1, n_iters): _grad = grad_f(x) if xp.linalg.norm(_grad) < eps: break x -= _grad / L y_new = xp.sign(x) * xp.maximum(xp.abs(x) - LAMBDA / L, 0) x = (1 - gamma[t]) * y_new + gamma[t] * y y = y_new return y, t + 1
def fixpix(data, mask, out=None, dtype=None, fix_NaN=False): ''' fill the bad pixel with mean of surrounding pixels Parameters ---------- data : ndarray An array of image If a 3D array containing multiple images, the images must be stacked along the 1st dimension (axis=0). mask : ndarray An array indicates bad pixel positions The shape must be same as image. The value of bad pixel is nonzero, and the others is 0. If all pixels are bad, raise ValueError. out : cupy.ndarray, default None Alternate output array in which to place the result. The default is ``None``; if provided, it must have the same shape as the expected output, but the type will be cast if necessary. dtype : str or dtype, default 'float32' dtype of array used internally If None, this value will be usually "float32", but this can be changed with eclair.set_dtype. If the input dtype is different, use a casted copy. fix_NaN : bool, default False If true, fix NaN pixel even if it's not bad pixel in the mask. Returns ------- fixed : ndarray An array of images fixed bad pixel Notes ----- NaN is ignored in interpolation calculations, but is not fixed if fix_NaN is False. ''' dtype = judge_dtype(dtype) if data.shape[-2:] != mask.shape[-2:]: raise ValueError('shape differs between data and mask') elif mask.all(): raise ValueError('No available pixel') data = cp.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=False, ndmin=3) mask = cp.array(mask, dtype=dtype, copy=False, ndmin=3) convolution = lambda data, out: conv_kernel(data, out) if out is None: out = cp.empty_like(data) cp.copyto(out, data) filt = mask2filter(mask) if fix_NaN: filt = checkfinite(data, filt) out *= filt dconv = cp.empty_like(out) nconv = cp.empty_like(filt) while not filt.all(): convolution(out, dconv) convolution(filt, nconv) fix_kernel(out, filt, dconv, nconv, out) cp.sign(nconv, out=filt) return cp.squeeze(out)
def gsgd(x, b): norm = xp.linalg.norm(x, axis=0) return norm / (2**(b - 1)) * xp.sign(x) * xp.floor( (2**(b - 1)) / norm * xp.abs(x) + xp.random.uniform(0, 1, x.shape))
def extractTemplatesfromSnippets(proc=None, probe=None, params=None, Nbatch=None, nPCs=None): # this function is very similar to extractPCfromSnippets. # outputs not just the PC waveforms, but also the template "prototype", # basically k-means clustering of 1D waveforms. NT = params.NT # skip every this many batches nskip = params.nskip nPCs = nPCs or params.nPCs nt0min = params.nt0min Nchan = probe.Nchan batchstart = np.arange(0, NT * Nbatch + 1, NT).astype(np.int64) k = 0 # preallocate matrix to hold 1D spike snippets # dd = cp.zeros((params.nt0, int(5e4)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') dds = [] for ibatch in tqdm(range(0, Nbatch, nskip), desc="Extracting templates"): offset = Nchan * batchstart[ibatch] dat = proc.flat[offset:offset + NT * Nchan].reshape((-1, Nchan), order='F') # move data to GPU and scale it back to unit variance dataRAW = cp.asarray(dat, dtype=np.float32) / params.scaleproc # find isolated spikes from each batch row, col, mu = isolated_peaks_new(dataRAW, params) # for each peak, get the voltage snippet from that channel c = get_SpikeSample(dataRAW, row, col, params) # if k + c.shape[1] > dd.shape[1]: # dd = cp.pad(dd, (0, dd.shape[1]), mode='constant') # dd[:, k:k + c.shape[1]] = c dds.append(c) k = k + c.shape[1] if k > 1e5: break # discard empty samples # dd = dd[:, :k] dd = cp.asfortranarray(cp.concatenate(dds, axis=1).astype(np.float32)) # initialize the template clustering with random waveforms uu = np.random.permutation(dd.shape[1])[:nPCs] wTEMP = dd[:, uu] wTEMP = wTEMP / cp.sum(wTEMP**2, axis=0)**.5 # normalize them for i in range(10): # at each iteration, assign the waveform to its most correlated cluster cc =, dd) imax = cp.argmax(cc, axis=0) amax = cc[imax, np.arange(cc.shape[1])] for j in range(nPCs): # weighted average to get new cluster means wTEMP[:, j] =[:, imax == j], amax[imax == j].T) wTEMP = wTEMP / cp.sum(wTEMP**2, axis=0)**.5 # unit normalize # the PCs are just the left singular vectors of the waveforms U, Sv, V = svdecon(dd) # take as many as needed wPCA = U[:, :nPCs] # adjust the arbitrary sign of the first PC so its negativity is downward wPCA[:, 0] = -wPCA[:, 0] * cp.sign(wPCA[nt0min, 0]) return wTEMP, wPCA
def _tvl1( reference_image, moving_image, flow0, attachment, tightness, num_warp, num_iter, tol, prefilter, ): """TV-L1 solver for optical flow estimation. Parameters ---------- reference_image : ndarray, shape (M, N[, P[, ...]]) The first gray scale image of the sequence. moving_image : ndarray, shape (M, N[, P[, ...]]) The second gray scale image of the sequence. flow0 : ndarray, shape (image0.ndim, M, N[, P[, ...]]) Initialization for the vector field. attachment : float Attachment parameter. The smaller this parameter is, the smoother is the solutions. tightness : float Tightness parameter. It should have a small value in order to maintain attachement and regularization parts in correspondence. num_warp : int Number of times image1 is warped. num_iter : int Number of fixed point iteration. tol : float Tolerance used as stopping criterion based on the L² distance between two consecutive values of (u, v). prefilter : bool Whether to prefilter the estimated optical flow before each image warp. Returns ------- flow : ndarray, shape ((image0.ndim, M, N[, P[, ...]]) The estimated optical flow components for each axis. """ dtype = reference_image.dtype grid = cp.stack( cp.meshgrid( *[cp.arange(n, dtype=dtype) for n in reference_image.shape], indexing="ij", ), axis=0, ) dt = 0.5 / reference_image.ndim reg_num_iter = 2 f0 = attachment * tightness f1 = dt / tightness tol *= reference_image.size flow_current = flow_previous = flow0 g = cp.zeros((reference_image.ndim, ) + reference_image.shape, dtype=dtype) proj = cp.zeros( (reference_image.ndim, reference_image.ndim) + reference_image.shape, dtype=dtype, ) s_g = [slice(None)] * g.ndim s_p = [slice(None)] * proj.ndim s_d = [slice(None)] * (proj.ndim - 2) for _ in range(num_warp): if prefilter: flow_current = ndi.median_filter(flow_current, [1] + reference_image.ndim * [3]) image1_warp = warp(moving_image, grid + flow_current, mode="nearest") grad = cp.stack(cnp.gradient(image1_warp)) NI = (grad * grad).sum(0) NI[NI == 0] = 1 rho_0 = image1_warp - reference_image - (grad * flow_current).sum(0) for _ in range(num_iter): # Data term rho = rho_0 + (grad * flow_current).sum(0) idx = abs(rho) <= f0 * NI flow_auxiliary = flow_current flow_auxiliary[:, idx] -= rho[idx] * grad[:, idx] / NI[idx] idx = ~idx srho = f0 * cp.sign(rho[idx]) flow_auxiliary[:, idx] -= srho * grad[:, idx] # Regularization term flow_current = flow_auxiliary.copy() for idx in range(reference_image.ndim): s_p[0] = idx for _ in range(reg_num_iter): for ax in range(reference_image.ndim): s_g[0] = ax s_g[ax + 1] = slice(0, -1) g[tuple(s_g)] = cp.diff(flow_current[idx], axis=ax) s_g[ax + 1] = slice(None) norm = cp.sqrt((g * g).sum(0, keepdims=True)) norm *= f1 norm += 1.0 proj[idx] -= dt * g proj[idx] /= norm # d will be the (negative) divergence of proj[idx] d = -proj[idx].sum(0) for ax in range(reference_image.ndim): s_p[1] = ax s_p[ax + 2] = slice(0, -1) s_d[ax] = slice(1, None) d[tuple(s_d)] += proj[tuple(s_p)] s_p[ax + 2] = slice(None) s_d[ax] = slice(None) flow_current[idx] = flow_auxiliary[idx] + d flow_previous -= flow_current # The difference as stopping criteria if (flow_previous * flow_previous).sum() < tol: break flow_previous = flow_current return flow_current
def compute(self, ab, krv, cartesian=True, bohren=True): '''Returns the field scattered by the particle at each coordinate Parameters ---------- ab : numpy.ndarray [2, norders] Mie scattering coefficients krv : numpy.ndarray Reduced vector displacements of particle from image coordinates cartesian : bool If set, return field projected onto Cartesian coordinates. Otherwise, return polar projection. bohren : bool If set, use sign convention from Bohren and Huffman. Otherwise, use opposite sign convention. Returns ------- field : numpy.ndarray [3, npts] array of complex vector values of the scattered field at each coordinate. ''' norders = ab.shape[0] # number of partial waves in sum # GEOMETRY # 1. particle displacement [pixel] # Note: The sign convention used here is appropriate # for illumination propagating in the -z direction. # This means that a particle forming an image in the # focal plane (z = 0) is located at positive z. # Accounting for this by flipping the axial coordinate # is equivalent to using a mirrored (left-handed) # coordinate system. shape = krv.shape kx = krv[0, :] ky = krv[1, :] kz = -krv[2, :] # 2. geometric factors krho = cp.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2) kr = cp.sqrt(krho**2 + kz**2) self.cosphi[...] = safe_division(kx, krho, 1.) self.sinphi[...] = safe_division(ky, krho, 0.) self.costheta[...] = safe_division(kz, kr, 1.) # z convention self.sintheta[...] = safe_division(krho, kr, 0.) sinkr = cp.sin(kr) coskr = cp.cos(kr) # SPECIAL FUNCTIONS # starting points for recursive function evaluation ... # 1. Riccati-Bessel radial functions, page 478. # Particles above the focal plane create diverging waves # described by Eq. (4.13) for $h_n^{(1)}(kr)$. These have z > 0. # Those below the focal plane appear to be converging from the # perspective of the camera. They are descrinbed by Eq. (4.14) # for $h_n^{(2)}(kr)$, and have z < 0. We can select the # appropriate case by applying the correct sign of the imaginary # part of the starting functions... if bohren: factor = 1.j * cp.sign(kz) else: factor = -1.j * cp.sign(kz) xi_nm2 = coskr + factor * sinkr # \xi_{-1}(kr) xi_nm1 = sinkr - factor * coskr # \xi_0(kr) # 2. Angular functions (4.47), page 95 pi_nm1 = 0. # \pi_0(\cos\theta) pi_n = 1. # \pi_1(\cos\theta) # 3. Vector spherical harmonics: [r,theta,phi] self.mo1n[0, :] = 0.j # no radial component # storage for scattered field # COMPUTE field by summing partial waves for n in range(1, norders): # upward recurrences ... # 4. Legendre factor (4.47) # Method described by Wiscombe (1980) swisc = pi_n * self.costheta twisc = swisc - pi_nm1 tau_n = pi_nm1 - n * twisc # -\tau_n(\cos\theta) # ... Riccati-Bessel function, page 478 xi_n = (2. * n - 1.) * (xi_nm1 / kr) - xi_nm2 # \xi_n(kr) # ... Deirmendjian's derivative dn = (n * xi_n) / kr - xi_nm1 # vector spherical harmonics (4.50) self.mo1n[1, :] = pi_n * xi_n # ... divided by cosphi/kr self.mo1n[2, :] = tau_n * xi_n # ... divided by sinphi/kr # ... divided by cosphi sintheta/kr^2 self.ne1n[0, :] = n * (n + 1.) * pi_n * xi_n self.ne1n[1, :] = tau_n * dn # ... divided by cosphi/kr self.ne1n[2, :] = pi_n * dn # ... divided by sinphi/kr # prefactor, page 93 en = 1.j**n * (2. * n + 1.) / n / (n + 1.) # the scattered field in spherical coordinates (4.45) += (1.j * en * ab[n, 0]) * self.ne1n -= (en * ab[n, 1]) * self.mo1n # upward recurrences ... # ... angular functions (4.47) # Method described by Wiscombe (1980) pi_nm1 = pi_n pi_n = swisc + ((n + 1.) / n) * twisc # ... Riccati-Bessel function xi_nm2 = xi_nm1 xi_nm1 = xi_n # n: multipole sum # geometric factors were divided out of the vector # spherical harmonics for accuracy and efficiency ... # ... put them back at the end. radialfactor = 1. / kr[0, :] *= self.cosphi * self.sintheta * radialfactor**2[1, :] *= self.cosphi * radialfactor[2, :] *= self.sinphi * radialfactor # By default, the scattered wave is returned in spherical # coordinates. Project components onto Cartesian coordinates. # Assumes that the incident wave propagates along z and # is linearly polarized along x if cartesian:[0, :] =[0, :] * self.sintheta * self.cosphi[0, :] +=[1, :] * self.costheta * self.cosphi[0, :] -=[2, :] * self.sinphi[1, :] =[0, :] * self.sintheta * self.sinphi[1, :] +=[1, :] * self.costheta * self.sinphi[1, :] +=[2, :] * self.cosphi[2, :] = ([0, :] * self.costheta -[1, :] * self.sintheta) return else: return
def soft_py(x, tau): threshed = np.maximum(np.abs(x) - tau, 0) threshed = threshed * np.sign(x) return threshed
def _min_limit(x, val=eps): mask = cp.abs(x) < eps x[mask] = cp.sign(x[mask]) * eps
def T(x,d,dim=2): assert dim <= d assert dim >= 1 assert dim == int(dim) return x + 2*cp.sign(x)*cp.array(dim*[1]+(d-dim)*[0])
def soft_thresh(self, x, tau): out = np.maximum(np.abs(x) - tau, 0) out = out * np.sign(x) return out
def fixpix(data,mask,out=None,dtype=None,fix_NaN=False): ''' fill the bad pixel with linear interpolation using surrounding pixels Parameters ---------- data : array-like An array of image If a 3D array containing multiple images, the images must be stacked along the 1st dimension (axis=0). mask : array-like An array indicates bad pixel positions The shape must be same as image. The value of bad pixel is nonzero, and the others is 0. If all pixels are bad, raise ValueError. out : cupy.ndarray, default None Alternate output array in which to place the result. The default is None; if provided, it must have the same shape as the expected output, but the type will be cast if necessary. dtype : str or dtype, default None dtype of ndarray used internally If None, use eclair.common.default_dtype. If the input dtype is different, use a casted copy. fix_NaN : bool, default False If true, fix NaN pixel even if it's not specified as bad pixel in mask Returns ------- fixed : ndarray An array of images fixed bad pixel Notes ----- NaN is ignored in interpolation calculations, but is not fixed if fix_NaN is False. ''' dtype = judge_dtype(dtype) data = cp.asarray(data,dtype=dtype) mask = cp.asarray(mask,dtype=dtype) dshape = data.shape imshape = data.shape[-2:] if imshape != mask.shape[-2:]: raise ValueError('shape differs between data and mask') if mask.all(axis=(-2,-1)).any(): raise ValueError('No available pixel') if out is None: out = data.copy() else: cp.copyto(out,data) tout = cp.array(out,copy=False,ndmin=3) filt = cp.array(mask,ndmin=3) elementwise_not(filt,filt) ternary_operation(filt,tout,0,tout) dconv = cp.empty_like(tout) nconv = cp.empty_like(filt) for _ in range(max(imshape)): conv_kernel(tout,dconv) conv_kernel(filt,nconv) fix_core(filt,dconv,nconv,fix_NaN,tout) if nconv.all(): break else: cp.sign(nconv,out=filt) return out
def sign(self): self.getNdArray()[:] = cp.sign(self.getNdArray()) return self
variation = proc.calc_variations('EQUALIZED_SUM') / 'variation', variation) variation = cp.asarray(variation) hz = 1 / proc.fps yfft_eq_sum = fft.fft(variation) xfft_eq_sum = fft.fftfreq(variation.size, hz)[:variation.size // 2] sum_energy_eq_sum = cp.cumsum( 2.0 / variation.size * cp.abs(yfft_eq_sum[0:variation.size // 2])) eq_sum_limiar_pc_energy = sum_energy_eq_sum.max() * ENERGY_LIMIT frequency = float( xfft_eq_sum[sum_energy_eq_sum <= eq_sum_limiar_pc_energy].max()) filter_coef = firwin(NUM_TAPS, frequency, fs=2 / hz) result = lfilter(filter_coef, 1, cp.asnumpy(variation)) / 'filtered', result) result = cp.asarray(result) subs = cp.diff(result) subs2 = cp.diff(subs) critical_points = (cp.sign(subs[1:]) != cp.sign( subs[:-1])).astype(bool) maxes = critical_points & (subs2 < 0).astype(bool) mins = critical_points & (subs2 > 0).astype(bool) / 'maxes', maxes) / 'mins', mins) / 'diff', subs) / 'diff2', subs2) with (video_folder / 'metadata.json').open('w') as fp: dump({ 'hz': hz, 'frequency': frequency, }, fp)
def General_n_Balance_n_Collision_Eff(self, _new_path, length_only = True, GPU_accelerating = False, GPU_accelerating_data = None, matrix_data = None): ITC = {} max_ITC = 1 min_ITC = sys.maxsize total_cost = 0 max_order = 0 total_order = 0 standard_index =**2 +**2 # Parallelization if GPU_accelerating and length_only: n_AGV, population_size = GPU_accelerating_data T_matrix, S_matrix = matrix_data T_matrix = cp.array(T_matrix) S_matrix = cp.array(np.array(S_matrix).astype(float)) ITC_matrix = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[1],[1]])), (population_size, n_AGV)) O_matrix = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[0],[1]])), (population_size, n_AGV)) TC_matrix = cp.reshape(, cp.ones((n_AGV, 1))), (population_size)) TO_matrix = cp.reshape(, cp.ones((n_AGV, 1))), (population_size)) max_ITC_matrix = cp.amax(ITC_matrix, axis=1) min_ITC_matrix = cp.amin(ITC_matrix, axis=1) max_order_matrix = cp.amax(O_matrix, axis=1) _, n_order_points, _ = S_matrix.shape t_m = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[[1],[0],[0],[0],[0]]]*n_order_points)), (population_size, n_order_points, n_order_points)) x_m = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[[0],[1],[0],[0],[0]]]*n_order_points)), (population_size, n_order_points, n_order_points)) y_m = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[[0],[0],[1],[0],[0]]]*n_order_points)), (population_size, n_order_points, n_order_points)) l_m = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[[0],[0],[0],[1],[0]]]*n_order_points)), (population_size, n_order_points, n_order_points)) o_m = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[[0],[0],[0],[0],[1]]]*n_order_points)), (population_size, n_order_points, n_order_points)) t_m_l = cp.reshape(, cp.array([[[1],[0],[0],[0],[0]]])), (population_size, n_order_points)) t_m_diff = t_m - cp.transpose(t_m, (0, 2, 1)) x_m_diff = x_m - cp.transpose(x_m, (0, 2, 1)) y_m_diff = y_m - cp.transpose(y_m, (0, 2, 1)) m_xy_diff = cp.absolute(x_m_diff) + cp.absolute(y_m_diff) m_diff = cp.absolute(t_m_diff) + m_xy_diff m_diff_l = m_diff - l_m * 2 m_diff_l_sign = (cp.logical_xor(cp.sign(m_diff_l) + 1, True)) m_diff_l_eff = cp.multiply(m_diff, m_diff_l_sign) m_diff_l_sign = cp.sign(m_diff_l_eff) m_diff_l_H = cp.multiply(cp.multiply(cp.reciprocal(m_diff_l_eff + m_diff_l_sign - 1), m_diff_l_sign), cp.log10(m_diff_l_eff + cp.absolute(m_diff_l_sign - 1))) d_m = cp.reciprocal(cp.sum(m_diff_l_H, (1,2))) # Occupancy test """ t_m_o = t_m + o_m - 1 m_diff_o = cp.absolute(t_m_o - cp.transpose(t_m_o, (0, 2, 1))) - o_m - 1 m_occupancy = (cp.logical_xor(cp.sign(m_diff_o) + 1, True)) m_idn = cp.identity(n_order_points) OT =, cp.logical_not(m_occupancy - m_idn)), (1,2)) """ G1 = max_order_matrix/max_ITC_matrix G2 = TO_matrix/TC_matrix BU = min_ITC_matrix/max_ITC_matrix CI = cp.multiply(d_m, BU) # d_m * 0.1 E_matrix = G1 + G2 + BU + CI cp.cuda.Stream.null.synchronize() return (list(E_matrix), (list(max_ITC_matrix), list(TC_matrix), list(BU), list(CI))) # Non-Paralleization else: print("[Scheduling] Must be use GPU to calculate") for each_AGV_ID in _new_path.keys(): each_AGV_len_schedule = 0 each_AGV_num_orders = 0 if length_only: each_AGV_len_schedule, each_num_order, each_order_list = _new_path[each_AGV_ID] each_AGV_num_orders = each_num_order else: each_path = _new_path[each_AGV_ID] for each_pos_path in each_path: if len(each_pos_path) == 3: each_AGV_num_orders += 1 each_AGV_len_schedule += 1 cost = each_AGV_len_schedule + each_AGV_num_orders ITC[each_AGV_ID] = cost if each_AGV_num_orders > max_order: max_order = each_AGV_num_orders total_order += each_AGV_num_orders for _, each_value in ITC.items(): if each_value > max_ITC: max_ITC = each_value if each_value < min_ITC: min_ITC = each_value total_cost += each_value TT = max_ITC TTC = total_cost BU = min_ITC / max_ITC CI = 0 G1 = max_order/TT G2 = total_order/TTC value = G1 + G2 + BU + CI return (value, (TT, TTC, BU, CI))
def compute_gradients_gpu(u, v, lr, batch_size, num_negs, dimensions, indices, negatives): """ This function computes and applies the gradient updates for the batch os samples, applying them inside the function then returning the final values that the embedding should be set too. :param u: the embedding values for the words we are computing gradients for (batch_size, dimensions) :param v: the embedding values for the positive sample + negatives samples (1 + num_negs, dimensions) :param lr: learning rate :param batch_size: size of the current batch, may vary from regular batch_size because of last remaining samples that can't fit into an entire batch_size in an epoch :param num_negs: number of negative samples for each positive sample :param dimensions: dimensions of the embedding :param indices: the indices of all the u values (batch_size) :param negatives: the indices of all the v values (batch_size, 1 + num_negs) :return: Returns the values that the embedding of the samples and negatives should be set too as well as the loss Once again, calculation was adapted from R. Řehůřek and P. Sojka RaRe-Technologies: Software Framework for Topic Modelling with Large Corpora """ u = cp.asarray(u) v = cp.asarray(v) u_orig = u v_orig = v u = u.T[cp.newaxis, :, :] v = cp.swapaxes(cp.swapaxes(v, 1, 2), 0, 2) norm_u = cp.linalg.norm(u, axis=1) norm_v = cp.linalg.norm(v, axis=1) distances = cp.linalg.norm(u - v, axis=1) alpha = 1 - norm_u**2 beta = 1 - norm_v**2 gamma = 1 + 2 * ((distances**2) / (alpha * beta)) poincare_distances = cp.arccosh(gamma) exp_negative_distances = cp.exp(-poincare_distances) sum = cp.sum(exp_negative_distances, axis=0) distances_squared = distances**2 c = (4 / (alpha * beta * cp.sqrt(gamma**2 - 1)))[:, cp.newaxis, :] u_coeff = ((distances_squared + alpha) / alpha)[:, cp.newaxis, :] distance_gradient_u = (u_coeff * u - v) distance_gradient_u *= c v_coeffs = ((distances_squared + beta) / beta)[:, cp.newaxis, :] distance_gradients_v = (v_coeffs * v - u) distance_gradients_v *= c gradients_v = -exp_negative_distances[:, cp.newaxis, :] * distance_gradients_v gradients_v /= sum gradients_v[0] += distance_gradients_v[0] gradients_v[0] += lr * 2 * v[0] gradients_u = -exp_negative_distances[:, cp.newaxis, :] * distance_gradient_u gradients_u /= sum gradient_u = cp.sum(gradients_u, axis=0) gradient_u += distance_gradient_u[0] u_update = (lr * (alpha**2) / 4 * gradient_u).T handle_duplicates(u_update, indices) v_updates = cp.swapaxes( cp.swapaxes((lr * (beta**2)[:, cp.newaxis, :] / 4 * gradients_v), 0, 2), 1, 2) v_updates = cp.reshape(v_updates, (batch_size * (num_negs + 1), dimensions)) handle_duplicates(v_updates, np.ravel(negatives)) u_orig -= u_update v_orig = cp.reshape(v_orig, (batch_size * (num_negs + 1), dimensions)) v_orig -= v_updates u_norms = cp.linalg.norm(u_orig, axis=1) v_norms = cp.linalg.norm(v_orig, axis=1) u_orig = (u_norms >= 1 - epsilon)[:, cp.newaxis] * ( u_orig / u_norms[:, cp.newaxis] - cp.sign(u_orig) * 0.00001) + ( u_norms < 1 - epsilon)[:, cp.newaxis] * u_orig v_orig = (v_norms >= 1 - epsilon)[:, cp.newaxis] * ( v_orig / v_norms[:, cp.newaxis] - cp.sign(v_orig) * 0.00001) + ( v_norms < 1 - epsilon)[:, cp.newaxis] * v_orig loss = cp.sum(-cp.log(exp_negative_distances[0] / sum), axis=0) return u_orig, v_orig, loss