    def call(self, env, *args, unroll=None):
        if len(args) == 0:
            raise TypeError('range expected at least 1 argument, got 0')
        elif len(args) == 1:
            start, stop, step = Constant(0), args[0], Constant(1)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            start, stop, step = args[0], args[1], Constant(1)
        elif len(args) == 3:
            start, stop, step = args
            raise TypeError(
                f'range expected at most 3 argument, got {len(args)}')

        if unroll is not None:
            if not all(isinstance(x, Constant)
                       for x in (start, stop, step, unroll)):
                raise TypeError(
                    'loop unrolling requires constant start, stop, step and '
                    'unroll value')
            unroll = unroll.obj
            if not (isinstance(unroll, int) or isinstance(unroll, bool)):
                raise TypeError(
                    'unroll value expected to be of type int, '
                    f'got {type(unroll).__name__}')
            if unroll is False:
                unroll = 1
            if not (unroll is True or 0 < unroll < 1 << 31):
                    'loop unrolling is ignored as the unroll value is '
                    'non-positive or greater than INT_MAX')

        if isinstance(step, Constant):
            step_is_positive = step.obj >= 0
        elif step.ctype.dtype.kind == 'u':
            step_is_positive = True
            step_is_positive = None

        stop = Data.init(stop, env)
        start = Data.init(start, env)
        step = Data.init(step, env)

        if start.ctype.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
            raise TypeError('range supports only for integer type.')
        if stop.ctype.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
            raise TypeError('range supports only for integer type.')
        if step.ctype.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
            raise TypeError('range supports only for integer type.')

        if env.mode == 'numpy':
            ctype = _cuda_types.Scalar(int)
        elif env.mode == 'cuda':
            ctype = stop.ctype
            assert False

        return Range(start, stop, step, ctype, step_is_positive, unroll=unroll)
文件: _compile.py 项目: takagi/cupy
def _infer_type(
    x: Union[Constant, Data],
    hint: Union[Constant, Data],
    env: Environment,
) -> Data:
    if not isinstance(x, Constant) or isinstance(x.obj, numpy.generic):
        return Data.init(x, env)
    hint = Data.init(hint, env)
    assert isinstance(hint.ctype, _cuda_types.Scalar)
    cast_x = _astype_scalar(x, hint.ctype, 'same_kind', env)
    return Data.init(cast_x, env)
文件: _compile.py 项目: takagi/cupy
def _indexing(
    array: _internal_types.Expr,
    index: _internal_types.Expr,
    env: Environment,
) -> Union[Data, Constant]:
    if isinstance(array, Constant):
        if isinstance(index, Constant):
            return Constant(array.obj[index.obj])
        raise TypeError(
            f'{type(array.obj)} is not subscriptable with non-constants.')

    array = Data.init(array, env)

    if isinstance(array.ctype, _cuda_types.Tuple):
        if isinstance(index, Constant):
            i = index.obj
            t = array.ctype.types[i]
            return Data(f'thrust::get<{i}>({array.code})', t)
        raise TypeError('Tuple is not subscriptable with non-constants.')

    if isinstance(array.ctype, _cuda_types.ArrayBase):
        index = Data.init(index, env)
        ndim = array.ctype.ndim
        if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Scalar):
            index_dtype = index.ctype.dtype
            if ndim != 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Scalar indexing is supported only for 1-dim array.')
            if index_dtype.kind not in 'ui':
                raise TypeError('Array indices must be integers.')
            return Data(f'{array.code}[{index.code}]', array.ctype.child_type)
        if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Tuple):
            if ndim != len(index.ctype.types):
                raise IndexError(f'The size of index must be {ndim}')
            for t in index.ctype.types:
                if not isinstance(t, _cuda_types.Scalar):
                    raise TypeError('Array indices must be scalar.')
                if t.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
                    raise TypeError('Array indices must be integer.')
            if ndim == 0:
                return Data(f'{array.code}[0]', array.ctype.child_type)
            if ndim == 1:
                return Data(f'{array.code}[thrust::get<0>({index.code})]',
            return Data(f'{array.code}._indexing({index.code})',
        if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.CArray):
            raise TypeError('Advanced indexing is not supported.')
        assert False  # Never reach.

    raise TypeError(f'{array.code} is not subscriptable.')
 def call(self, env, array, index, value):
     array = Data.init(array, env)
     if not isinstance(array.ctype, (_cuda_types.CArray, _cuda_types.Ptr)):
         raise TypeError('The first argument must be of array type.')
     target = _compile._indexing(array, index, env)
     ctype = target.ctype
     value = _compile._astype_scalar(value, ctype, 'same_kind', env)
     name = self._name
     value = Data.init(value, env)
     if ctype.dtype.char not in self._dtypes:
         raise TypeError(f'`{name}` does not support {ctype.dtype} input.')
     if ctype.dtype.char == 'e' and runtime.runtimeGetVersion() < 10000:
         raise RuntimeError(
             'float16 atomic operation is not supported this CUDA version.')
     return Data(f'{name}(&{target.code}, {value.code})', ctype)
文件: cg.py 项目: takagi/cupy
    def call(self,
        if _runtime.runtimeGetVersion() < 11010:
            # the overloaded version of memcpy_async that we use does not yet
            # exist in CUDA 11.0
            raise RuntimeError("not supported in CUDA < 11.1")
        _check_include(env, 'cg')
        _check_include(env, 'cg_memcpy_async')

        dst = _Data.init(dst, env)
        src = _Data.init(src, env)
        for arr in (dst, src):
            if not isinstance(arr.ctype,
                              (_cuda_types.CArray, _cuda_types.Ptr)):
                raise TypeError('dst/src must be of array type.')
        dst = _compile._indexing(dst, dst_idx, env)
        src = _compile._indexing(src, src_idx, env)

        size = _compile._astype_scalar(
            # it's very unlikely that the size would exceed 2^32, so we just
            # pick uint32 for simplicity
        size = _Data.init(size, env)
        size_code = f'{size.code}'

        if aligned_size:
            if not isinstance(aligned_size, _Constant):
                raise ValueError(
                    'aligned_size must be a compile-time constant')
            _check_include(env, 'cuda_barrier')
            size_code = (f'cuda::aligned_size_t<{aligned_size.obj}>'
        return _Data(
            f'cg::memcpy_async({group.code}, &({dst.code}), '
            f'&({src.code}), {size_code})', _cuda_types.void)
def _call_ufunc(ufunc, args, dtype, env):
    if len(args) != ufunc.nin:
        raise ValueError('invalid number of arguments')

    in_types = []
    for x in args:
        if is_constants(x):
            t = _cuda_typerules.get_ctype_from_scalar(env.mode, x.obj).dtype
            t = x.ctype.dtype

    op = _cuda_typerules.guess_routine(ufunc, in_types, dtype, env.mode)

    if op is None:
        raise TypeError(
            f'"{ufunc.name}" does not support for the input types: {in_types}')

    if op.error_func is not None:

    if ufunc.nout == 1 and op.routine.startswith('out0 = '):
        out_type = _cuda_types.Scalar(op.out_types[0])
        expr = op.routine.replace('out0 = ', '')

        in_params = []
        for x, t in zip(args, op.in_types):
            x = _astype_scalar(x, _cuda_types.Scalar(t), 'same_kind', env)
            x = Data.init(x, env)

        can_use_inline_expansion = True
        for i in range(ufunc.nin):
            if len(list(re.finditer(r'in{}'.format(i), op.routine))) > 1:
                can_use_inline_expansion = False

        if can_use_inline_expansion:
            # Code pass for readable generated code
            for i, x in enumerate(in_params):
                expr = expr.replace(f'in{i}', x.code)
            expr = '(' + expr.replace('out0_type', str(out_type)) + ')'
            template_typenames = ', '.join(
                [f'typename T{i}' for i in range(ufunc.nin)])
            ufunc_name = f'{ufunc.name}_{str(numpy.dtype(op.out_types[0]))}'
            params = ', '.join([f'T{i} in{i}' for i in range(ufunc.nin)])
            ufunc_code = f"""template <{template_typenames}>
__device__ {out_type} {ufunc_name}({params}) {{
    return {expr};
            in_params = ', '.join([a.code for a in in_params])
            expr = f'{ufunc_name}({in_params})'
        return Data(expr, out_type)

    raise NotImplementedError(f'ufunc `{ufunc.name}` is not supported.')
    def call(self, env, mask, var, val_id, *, width=None):
        name = self._name

        var = Data.init(var, env)
        ctype = var.ctype
        if ctype.dtype.name not in self._dtypes:
            raise TypeError(f'`{name}` does not support {ctype.dtype} input.')

            mask = mask.obj
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError('mask must be an integer')
        if runtime.is_hip:
            warnings.warn(f'mask {mask} is ignored on HIP', RuntimeWarning)
        elif not (0x0 <= mask <= 0xffffffff):
            raise ValueError('mask is out of range')

        # val_id refers to "delta" for shfl_{up, down}, "srcLane" for shfl, and
        # "laneMask" for shfl_xor
        if self._op in ('up', 'down'):
            val_id_t = _cuda_types.uint32
            val_id_t = _cuda_types.int32
        val_id = _compile._astype_scalar(val_id, val_id_t, 'same_kind', env)
        val_id = Data.init(val_id, env)

        if width:
            if isinstance(width, Constant):
                if width.obj not in (2, 4, 8, 16, 32):
                    raise ValueError('width needs to be power of 2')
            width = Constant(64) if runtime.is_hip else Constant(32)
        width = _compile._astype_scalar(width, _cuda_types.int32, 'same_kind',
        width = Data.init(width, env)

        code = f'{name}({hex(mask)}, {var.code}, {val_id.code}'
        code += f', {width.code})'
        return Data(code, ctype)
    def call(self, env, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 0:
            raise TypeError('range expected at least 1 argument, got 0')
        elif len(args) == 1:
            start, stop, step = Constant(0), args[0], Constant(1)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            start, stop, step = args[0], args[1], Constant(1)
        elif len(args) == 3:
            start, stop, step = args
            raise TypeError(
                f'range expected at most 3 argument, got {len(args)}')

        if isinstance(step, Constant):
            step_is_positive = step.obj >= 0
        elif step.ctype.dtype.kind == 'u':
            step_is_positive = True
            step_is_positive = None

        stop = Data.init(stop, env)
        start = Data.init(start, env)
        step = Data.init(step, env)

        if start.ctype.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
            raise TypeError('range supports only for integer type.')
        if stop.ctype.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
            raise TypeError('range supports only for integer type.')
        if step.ctype.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
            raise TypeError('range supports only for integer type.')

        if env.mode == 'numpy':
            ctype = _cuda_types.Scalar(int)
        elif env.mode == 'cuda':
            ctype = stop.ctype
            assert False

        return Range(start, stop, step, ctype, step_is_positive)
 def call(self, env, array, index, value, value2=None):
     name = self._name
     op = self._op
     array = Data.init(array, env)
     if not isinstance(array.ctype, (_cuda_types.CArray, _cuda_types.Ptr)):
         raise TypeError('The first argument must be of array type.')
     target = _compile._indexing(array, index, env)
     ctype = target.ctype
     if ctype.dtype.name not in self._dtypes:
         raise TypeError(f'`{name}` does not support {ctype.dtype} input.')
     # On HIP, 'e' is not supported and we will never reach here
     if (op == 'Add' and ctype.dtype.char == 'e'
             and runtime.runtimeGetVersion() < 10000):
         raise RuntimeError(
             'float16 atomic operation is not supported before CUDA 10.0.')
     value = _compile._astype_scalar(value, ctype, 'same_kind', env)
     value = Data.init(value, env)
     if op == 'CAS':
         assert value2 is not None
         # On HIP, 'H' is not supported and we will never reach here
         if ctype.dtype.char == 'H':
             if runtime.runtimeGetVersion() < 10010:
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     'uint16 atomic operation is not supported before '
                     'CUDA 10.1')
             if int(device.get_compute_capability()) < 70:
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     'uint16 atomic operation is not supported before '
         value2 = _compile._astype_scalar(value2, ctype, 'same_kind', env)
         value2 = Data.init(value2, env)
         code = f'{name}(&{target.code}, {value.code}, {value2.code})'
         assert value2 is None
         code = f'{name}(&{target.code}, {value.code})'
     return Data(code, ctype)
    def call(self, env, *, mask=None):
        if runtime.is_hip:
            if mask is not None:
                warnings.warn(f'mask {mask} is ignored on HIP', RuntimeWarning)
                mask = None

        if mask:
            if isinstance(mask, Constant):
                if not (0x0 <= mask.obj <= 0xffffffff):
                    raise ValueError('mask is out of range')
            mask = _compile._astype_scalar(mask, _cuda_types.int32,
                                           'same_kind', env)
            mask = Data.init(mask, env)
            code = f'__syncwarp({mask.code})'
            code = '__syncwarp()'
        return Data(code, _cuda_types.void)
def _infer_type(x, hint, env) -> Data:
    if not isinstance(x, Constant) or isinstance(x.obj, numpy.generic):
        return Data.init(x, env)
    hint = Data.init(hint, env)
    cast_x = _astype_scalar(x, hint.ctype, 'same_kind', env)
    return Data.init(cast_x, env)
def _transpile_expr_internal(expr, env):
    if isinstance(expr, ast.BoolOp):
        values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in expr.values]
        value = values[0]
        for rhs in values[1:]:
            value = _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, rhs), env)
        return value
    if isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp):
        left = _transpile_expr(expr.left, env)
        right = _transpile_expr(expr.right, env)
        return _eval_operand(expr.op, (left, right), env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp):
        value = _transpile_expr(expr.operand, env)
        return _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, ), env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Lambda):
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.')
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Compare):
        values = [expr.left] + expr.comparators
        if len(values) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Comparison of 3 or more values is not implemented.')
        values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in values]
        return _eval_operand(expr.ops[0], values, env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.IfExp):
        cond = _transpile_expr(expr.test, env)
        x = _transpile_expr(expr.body, env)
        y = _transpile_expr(expr.orelse, env)

        if isinstance(expr, Constant):
            return x if expr.obj else y
        if cond.ctype.dtype.kind == 'c':
            raise TypeError("Complex type value cannot be boolean condition.")
        x, y = _infer_type(x, y, env), _infer_type(y, x, env)
        if x.ctype.dtype != y.ctype.dtype:
            raise TypeError('Type mismatch in conditional expression.: '
                            f'{x.ctype.dtype} != {y.ctype.dtype}')
        cond = _astype_scalar(cond, _cuda_types.bool_, 'unsafe', env)
        return Data(f'({cond.code} ? {x.code} : {y.code})', x.ctype)

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Call):
        func = _transpile_expr(expr.func, env)
        args = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.args]
        kwargs = dict([(kw.arg, _transpile_expr(kw.value, env))
                       for kw in expr.keywords])

        builtin_funcs = _builtin_funcs.builtin_functions_dict
        if is_constants(func) and (func.obj in builtin_funcs):
            func = builtin_funcs[func.obj]

        if isinstance(func, _internal_types.BuiltinFunc):
            return func.call(env, *args, **kwargs)

        if not is_constants(func):
            raise TypeError(f"'{func}' is not callable.")

        func = func.obj

        if is_constants(*args, *kwargs.values()):
            # compile-time function call
            args = [x.obj for x in args]
            kwargs = dict([(k, v.obj) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
            return Constant(func(*args, **kwargs))

        if isinstance(func, _kernel.ufunc):
            # ufunc call
            dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', Constant(None)).obj
            if len(kwargs) > 0:
                name = next(iter(kwargs))
                raise TypeError(
                    f"'{name}' is an invalid keyword to ufunc {func.name}")
            return _call_ufunc(func, args, dtype, env)

        if inspect.isclass(func) and issubclass(func, _typeclasses):
            # explicit typecast
            if len(args) != 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'function takes {func} invalid number of argument')
            ctype = _cuda_types.Scalar(func)
            return _astype_scalar(args[0], ctype, 'unsafe', env)

        if isinstance(func, _interface._JitRawKernel) and func._device:
            args = [Data.init(x, env) for x in args]
            in_types = tuple([x.ctype for x in args])
            fname, return_type = _transpile_func_obj(func._func,
                                                     ['__device__'], env.mode,
                                                     in_types, None,
            in_params = ', '.join([x.code for x in args])
            return Data(f'{fname}({in_params})', return_type)

        raise TypeError(f"Invalid function call '{fname}'.")

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Constant):
        return Constant(expr.value)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Num):
        # Deprecated since py3.8
        return Constant(expr.n)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Str):
        # Deprecated since py3.8
        return Constant(expr.s)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.NameConstant):
        # Deprecated since py3.8
        return Constant(expr.value)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Subscript):
        array = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env)
        index = _transpile_expr(expr.slice, env)
        return _indexing(array, index, env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Name):
        value = env[expr.id]
        if value is None:
            raise NameError(f'Unbound name: {expr.id}')
        return env[expr.id]
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute):
        value = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env)
        if is_constants(value):
            return Constant(getattr(value.obj, expr.attr))
        if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.ArrayBase):
            if 'ndim' == expr.attr:
                return Constant(value.ctype.ndim)
        if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.CArray):
            if 'size' == expr.attr:
                return Data(f'static_cast<long long>({value.code}.size())',
        if isinstance(value.ctype, _interface._Dim3):
            if expr.attr in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                return Data(f'{value.code}.{expr.attr}', _cuda_types.uint32)
        # TODO(leofang): support arbitrary Python class methods
        if isinstance(value.ctype, _ThreadGroup):
            return _internal_types.BuiltinFunc.from_class_method(
                value.code, getattr(value.ctype, expr.attr))
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: __getattr__')

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple):
        elts = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.elts]
        # TODO: Support compile time constants.
        elts = [Data.init(x, env) for x in elts]
        elts_code = ', '.join([x.code for x in elts])
        ctype = _cuda_types.Tuple([x.ctype for x in elts])
        return Data(f'thrust::make_tuple({elts_code})', ctype)

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Index):
        return _transpile_expr(expr.value, env)

    raise ValueError('Not supported: type {}'.format(type(expr)))
def _transpile_stmt(stmt, is_toplevel, env):
    """Transpile the statement.

    Returns (list of [CodeBlock or str]): The generated CUDA code.

    if isinstance(stmt, ast.ClassDef):
        raise NotImplementedError('class is not supported currently.')
    if isinstance(stmt, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef)):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Nested functions are not supported currently.')
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Return):
        value = _transpile_expr(stmt.value, env)
        value = Data.init(value, env)
        t = value.ctype
        if env.ret_type is None:
            env.ret_type = t
        elif env.ret_type != t:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Failed to infer the return type: {env.ret_type} or {t}')
        return [f'return {value.code};']
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Delete):
        raise NotImplementedError('`del` is not supported currently.')

    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Assign):
        if len(stmt.targets) != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.')

        value = _transpile_expr(stmt.value, env)
        target = stmt.targets[0]

        if is_constants(value) and isinstance(target, ast.Name):
            name = target.id
            if not isinstance(value.obj, _typeclasses):
                if is_toplevel:
                    if env[name] is not None and not is_constants(env[name]):
                        raise TypeError(f'Type mismatch of variable: `{name}`')
                    env.consts[name] = value
                    return []
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Cannot assign constant value not at top-level.')

        value = Data.init(value, env)
        return _transpile_assign_stmt(target, env, value, is_toplevel)

    if isinstance(stmt, ast.AugAssign):
        value = _transpile_expr(stmt.value, env)
        target = _transpile_expr(stmt.target, env)
        assert isinstance(target, Data)
        value = Data.init(value, env)
        result = _eval_operand(stmt.op, (target, value), env)
        if not numpy.can_cast(result.ctype.dtype, target.ctype.dtype,
            raise TypeError('dtype mismatch')
        return [target.ctype.assign(target, result) + ';']

    if isinstance(stmt, ast.For):
        if len(stmt.orelse) > 0:
            raise NotImplementedError('while-else is not supported.')
        name = stmt.target.id
        iters = _transpile_expr(stmt.iter, env)

        if env[name] is None:
            var = Data(stmt.target.id, iters.ctype)
            env.locals[name] = var
            env.decls[name] = var
        elif env[name].ctype.dtype != iters.ctype.dtype:
            raise TypeError(f'Data type mismatch of variable: `{name}`: '
                            f'{env[name].ctype.dtype} != {iters.ctype.dtype}')

        body = _transpile_stmts(stmt.body, False, env)

        if not isinstance(iters, _internal_types.Range):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'for-loop is supported only for range iterator.')

        init_code = (f'{iters.ctype} '
                     f'__it = {iters.start.code}, '
                     f'__stop = {iters.stop.code}, '
                     f'__step = {iters.step.code}')
        cond = '__step >= 0 ? __it < __stop : __it > __stop'
        if iters.step_is_positive is True:
            cond = '__it < __stop'
        elif iters.step_is_positive is False:
            cond = '__it > __stop'

        head = f'for ({init_code}; {cond}; __it += __step)'
        return [CodeBlock(head, [f'{name} = __it;'] + body)]

    if isinstance(stmt, ast.AsyncFor):
        raise ValueError('`async for` is not allowed.')
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.While):
        if len(stmt.orelse) > 0:
            raise NotImplementedError('while-else is not supported.')
        condition = _transpile_expr(stmt.test, env)
        condition = _astype_scalar(condition, _cuda_types.bool_, 'unsafe', env)
        condition = Data.init(condition, env)
        body = _transpile_stmts(stmt.body, False, env)
        head = f'while ({condition.code})'
        return [CodeBlock(head, body)]
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.If):
        condition = _transpile_expr(stmt.test, env)
        if is_constants(condition):
            stmts = stmt.body if condition.obj else stmt.orelse
            return _transpile_stmts(stmts, is_toplevel, env)
        head = f'if ({condition.code})'
        then_body = _transpile_stmts(stmt.body, False, env)
        else_body = _transpile_stmts(stmt.orelse, False, env)
        return [CodeBlock(head, then_body), CodeBlock('else', else_body)]
    if isinstance(stmt, (ast.With, ast.AsyncWith)):
        raise ValueError('Switching contexts are not allowed.')
    if isinstance(stmt, (ast.Raise, ast.Try)):
        raise ValueError('throw/catch are not allowed.')
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Assert):
        value = _transpile_expr(stmt.test, env)
        if is_constants(value):
            assert value.obj
            return [';']
            return ['assert(' + value + ');']
    if isinstance(stmt, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
        raise ValueError('Cannot import modules from the target functions.')
    if isinstance(stmt, (ast.Global, ast.Nonlocal)):
        raise ValueError('Cannot use global/nonlocal in the target functions.')
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Expr):
        value = _transpile_expr(stmt.value, env)
        return [';'] if is_constants(value) else [value.code + ';']
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Pass):
        return [';']
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Break):
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.')
    if isinstance(stmt, ast.Continue):
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.')
    assert False
def _transpile_expr_internal(expr, env):
    if isinstance(expr, ast.BoolOp):
        values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in expr.values]
        value = values[0]
        for rhs in values[1:]:
            value = _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, rhs), env)
        return value
    if isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp):
        left = _transpile_expr(expr.left, env)
        right = _transpile_expr(expr.right, env)
        return _eval_operand(expr.op, (left, right), env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp):
        value = _transpile_expr(expr.operand, env)
        return _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, ), env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Lambda):
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.')
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Compare):
        values = [expr.left] + expr.comparators
        if len(values) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Comparison of 3 or more values is not implemented.')
        values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in values]
        return _eval_operand(expr.ops[0], values, env)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.IfExp):
        cond = _transpile_expr(expr.test, env)
        x = _transpile_expr(expr.body, env)
        y = _transpile_expr(expr.orelse, env)

        if isinstance(expr, Constant):
            return x if expr.obj else y
        if cond.ctype.dtype.kind == 'c':
            raise NotImplementedError('')
        x = Data.init(x, env)
        y = Data.init(y, env)
        if x.ctype.dtype != y.ctype.dtype:
            raise TypeError('Type mismatch in conditional expression.: '
                            f'{x.ctype.dtype} != {y.ctype.dtype}')
        cond = _astype_scalar(cond, _cuda_types.bool_, 'unsafe', env)
        return Data(f'({cond.code} ? {x.code} : {y.code})', x.ctype)

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Call):
        func = _transpile_expr(expr.func, env)
        args = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.args]
        kwargs = dict([(kw.arg, _transpile_expr(kw.value, env))
                       for kw in expr.keywords])

        builtin_funcs = _builtin_funcs.builtin_functions_dict
        if is_constants(func) and (func.obj in builtin_funcs):
            func = builtin_funcs[func.obj]

        if isinstance(func, _internal_types.BuiltinFunc):
            return func.call(env, *args, **kwargs)

        if not is_constants(func):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'device function call is not implemented.')

        func = func.obj

        if is_constants(*args, *kwargs.values()):
            # compile-time function call
            args = [x.obj for x in args]
            kwargs = dict([(k, v.obj) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
            return Constant(func(*args, **kwargs))

        if isinstance(func, _kernel.ufunc):
            # ufunc call
            dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', Constant(None)).obj
            if len(kwargs) > 0:
                name = next(iter(kwargs))
                raise TypeError(
                    f"'{name}' is an invalid keyword to ufunc {func.name}")
            return _call_ufunc(func, args, dtype, env)

        if inspect.isclass(func) and issubclass(func, _typeclasses):
            # explicit typecast
            if len(args) != 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'function takes {func} invalid number of argument')
            ctype = _cuda_types.Scalar(func)
            return _astype_scalar(args[0], ctype, 'unsafe', env)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'function call of `{func.__name__}` is not implemented')

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Constant):
        return Constant(expr.value)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Num):
        # Deprecated since py3.8
        return Constant(expr.n)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Str):
        # Deprecated since py3.8
        return Constant(expr.s)
    if isinstance(expr, ast.NameConstant):
        # Deprecated since py3.8
        return Constant(expr.value)

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Subscript):
        value = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env)
        index = _transpile_expr(expr.slice, env)

        if is_constants(value):
            if is_constants(index):
                return Constant(value.obj[index.obj])
            raise TypeError(
                f'{type(value.obj)} is not subscriptable with non-constants.')

        value = Data.init(value, env)

        if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.Tuple):
            raise NotImplementedError

        if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.ArrayBase):
            index = Data.init(index, env)
            ndim = value.ctype.ndim
            if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Scalar):
                index_dtype = index.ctype.dtype
                if ndim != 1:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Scalar indexing is supported only for 1-dim array.')
                if index_dtype.kind not in 'ui':
                    raise TypeError('Array indices must be integers.')
                return Data(f'{value.code}[{index.code}]',
            if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Tuple):
                if ndim != len(index.ctype.types):
                    raise IndexError(f'The size of index must be {ndim}')
                for t in index.ctype.types:
                    if not isinstance(t, _cuda_types.Scalar):
                        raise TypeError('Array indices must be scalar.')
                    if t.dtype.kind not in 'iu':
                        raise TypeError('Array indices must be integer.')
                if ndim == 0:
                    return Data(f'{value.code}[0]', value.ctype.child_type)
                if ndim == 1:
                    return Data(f'{value.code}[thrust::get<0>({index.code})]',
                return Data(f'{value.code}._indexing({index.code})',
            if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Array):
                raise TypeError('Advanced indexing is not supported.')
            assert False  # Never reach.

        raise TypeError(f'{value.code} is not subscriptable.')

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Name):
        value = env[expr.id]
        if value is None:
            raise NameError(f'Unbound name: {expr.id}')
        return env[expr.id]
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute):
        value = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env)
        if is_constants(value):
            return Constant(getattr(value.obj, expr.attr))
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: __getattr__')

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple):
        elts = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.elts]
        # TODO: Support compile time constants.
        elts = [Data.init(x, env) for x in elts]
        elts_code = ', '.join([x.code for x in elts])
        ctype = _cuda_types.Tuple([x.ctype for x in elts])
        return Data(f'thrust::make_tuple({elts_code})', ctype)

    if isinstance(expr, ast.Index):
        return _transpile_expr(expr.value, env)

    raise ValueError('Not supported: type {}'.format(type(expr)))