def _fft_convolve(a1, a2, mode):

    offset = 0
    if a1.size < a2.size:
        a1, a2 = a2, a1
        offset = 1 - a2.size % 2

    # if either of them is complex, the dtype after multiplication will also be
    if a1.dtype.kind == 'c' or a2.dtype.kind == 'c':
        fft, ifft = cupy.fft.fft, cupy.fft.ifft
        fft, ifft = cupy.fft.rfft, cupy.fft.irfft

    dtype = cupy.result_type(a1, a2)
    n1, n2 = a1.size, a2.size
    out_size = cupyx.scipy.fft.next_fast_len(n1 + n2 - 1)
    fa1 = fft(a1, out_size)
    fa2 = fft(a2, out_size)
    out = ifft(fa1 * fa2, out_size)

    if mode == 'full':
        start, end = 0, n1 + n2 - 1
    elif mode == 'same':
        start = (n2 - 1) // 2 + offset
        end = start + n1
    elif mode == 'valid':
        start, end = n2 - 1, n1
        raise ValueError(
            'acceptable mode flags are `valid`, `same`, or `full`.')

    out = out[start:end]

    if dtype.kind in 'iu':
        out = cupy.around(out)

    return out.astype(dtype, copy=False)
def _polypow(x, n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    if n == 1:
        return x

    method = cupy._math.misc._choose_conv_method(x, x, 'full')

    if method == 'direct':
        return _polypow_direct(x, n)
    elif method == 'fft':
        if x.dtype.kind == 'c':
            fft, ifft = cupy.fft.fft, cupy.fft.ifft
            fft, ifft = cupy.fft.rfft, cupy.fft.irfft
        out_size = (x.size - 1) * n + 1
        size = cupyx.scipy.fft.next_fast_len(out_size)
        fx = fft(x, size)
        fy = cupy.power(fx, n, fx)
        y = ifft(fy, size)
        return y[:out_size]
        assert False
def _fft_convolve(a1, a2, mode):

    offset = 0
    if a1.size < a2.size:
        a1, a2 = a2, a1
        offset = 1 - a2.size % 2

    # if either of them is complex, the dtype after multiplication will also be
    if a1.dtype.kind == 'c' or a2.dtype.kind == 'c':
        fft, ifft = cupy.fft.fft, cupy.fft.ifft
        is_c2c = True
        fft, ifft = cupy.fft.rfft, cupy.fft.irfft
        is_c2c = False

    # hack to work around NumPy/CuPy FFT dtype incompatibility:
    # CuPy internally converts fp16 to fp32 before doing FFT (whereas Numpy
    # converts both fp16 and fp32 to fp64), so here we do the cast early and
    # explicitly, and make sure a correct cuFFT plan can be generated. After
    # the fft-ifft round trip, we cast the output dtype to the correct one.
    out_dtype = cupy.result_type(a1, a2)
    dtype = _output_dtype(out_dtype, 'C2C' if is_c2c else 'R2C')
    a1 = a1.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    a2 = a2.astype(dtype, copy=False)

    n1, n2 = a1.size, a2.size
    out_size = cupyx.scipy.fft.next_fast_len(n1 + n2 - 1)
    # skip calling get_fft_plan() as we know the args exactly
    if is_c2c:
        fft_t = cufft.CUFFT_C2C if dtype == cupy.complex64 else cufft.CUFFT_Z2Z
        fft_plan = cufft.Plan1d(out_size, fft_t, 1)
        ifft_plan = fft_plan
        fft_t = cufft.CUFFT_R2C if dtype == cupy.float32 else cufft.CUFFT_D2Z
        fft_plan = cufft.Plan1d(out_size, fft_t, 1)
        # this is a no-op context manager
        # TODO(leofang): use contextlib.nullcontext() for PY37+?
        ifft_plan = contextlib.suppress()
    with fft_plan:
        fa1 = fft(a1, out_size)
        fa2 = fft(a2, out_size)
    with ifft_plan:
        out = ifft(fa1 * fa2, out_size)

    if mode == 'full':
        start, end = 0, n1 + n2 - 1
    elif mode == 'same':
        start = (n2 - 1) // 2 + offset
        end = start + n1
    elif mode == 'valid':
        start, end = n2 - 1, n1
        raise ValueError(
            'acceptable mode flags are `valid`, `same`, or `full`.')

    out = out[start:end]

    if out.dtype.kind in 'iu':
        out = cupy.around(out)

    return out.astype(out_dtype, copy=False)