def convert_to_home( self ): # First of three conversion functions, to convert from the destination to the home currency. try: # Tries this block of code first, but should a Value Error appear it will act out the except ValueError code country_details = ( currency.get_all_details() ) # runs get_all_details in the file to obtain country codes in a dictionary amount = float( self.root.ids.input_location.text ) # Sets the current text as a float in the location/destination text field home_currency = self.root.ids.country_name.text # obtains the country name from the GUI home_currency = country_details[home_currency] # uses the name as a key on the already obtained dictionary home_currency_code = home_currency[1] # Gets the country code from the result target_currency = ( self.root.ids.spinner.text ) # Does the same as previous 3 lines, but for the target currency target_currency = country_details[target_currency] target_currency_code = target_currency[1] converted_number = currency.convert( amount, target_currency_code, home_currency_code ) # runs the convert function in self.status_update( target_currency[2].strip("\n"), target_currency_code, home_currency[2].strip("\n"), home_currency_code ) # Sets the status to show the conversion and the updated time self.root.ids.input_home.text = ( converted_number ) # shows in the GUI text field that the currency was not entered what the conversion is except ValueError: # Runs if a value error appears in the above code self.root.ids.input_home.text = "-1" # this will be shown as the 'conversion' should a value error arise self.root.ids.status.text = "Error in Conversion" # this is shown in the status.
def convert_to_home( self ): #First of three conversion functions, to convert from the destination to the home currency. try: #Tries this block of code first, but should a Value Error appear it will act out the except ValueError code country_details = currency.get_all_details( ) #runs get_all_details in the file to obtain country codes in a dictionary amount = float( self.root.ids.input_location.text ) #Sets the current text as a float in the location/destination text field home_currency = self.root.ids.country_name.text #obtains the country name from the GUI home_currency = country_details[ home_currency] #uses the name as a key on the already obtained dictionary home_currency_code = home_currency[ 1] #Gets the country code from the result target_currency = self.root.ids.spinner.text #Does the same as previous 3 lines, but for the target currency target_currency = country_details[target_currency] target_currency_code = target_currency[1] converted_number = currency.convert( amount, target_currency_code, home_currency_code) #runs the convert function in self.status_update( target_currency[2].strip('\n'), target_currency_code, home_currency[2].strip('\n'), home_currency_code ) #Sets the status to show the conversion and the updated time self.root.ids.input_home.text = converted_number #shows in the GUI text field that the currency was not entered what the conversion is except ValueError: #Runs if a value error appears in the above code self.root.ids.input_home.text = "-1" #this will be shown as the 'conversion' should a value error arise self.root.ids.status.text = "Error in Conversion" #this is shown in the status.
def build(self): self.trip_details = Details() # main window widget build self.title = "Foreign Exchange Calculator" self.root = Builder.load_file('gui.kv') Window.size = (500, 700) # text input disable self.root.ids.input_country_amount.disabled = True self.root.ids.input_home_country_amount.disabled = True # status label - config file if not os.path.isfile('config.txt'): self.root.ids.status.text = "The config file cannot be loaded" return else: self.root.ids.status.text = "The config file successfully loaded" # retrieving home country file = open('config.txt', encoding='utf-8') home_country = file.readline() home_country = home_country.rstrip("\n") self.root.ids.home_country_label.text = home_country file.close() # retrieving values for the spinner file = open('config.txt', encoding='utf-8') country_names = file.readlines() file.close() del(country_names[0]) sorted_country_names = sorted(country_names) # removes date details from the country list a = -1 for countries in range(len(sorted_country_names)): a += 1 sorted_country_name = sorted_country_names[a] sorted_country_name_split = sorted_country_name.rstrip("\n").split(",") country_list_dictionary = currency.get_all_details(sorted_country_name_split[0]) country_name_codes = sorted(country_list_dictionary.keys()) self.root.ids.country_selection.values = country_name_codes # date = + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") # current location file = open('config.txt', encoding='utf-8') country_details = file.readlines() del(country_details[0]) current_time = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") b = -1 for i in range(len(country_details)): b += 1 country_details_separated = country_details[b] country_details_split = country_details_separated.rstrip("\n").split(",") self.trip_details.add(country_details_split[0], country_details_split[1], country_details_split[2]) self.current_location = self.trip_details.current_country(current_time) self.root.ids.current_destination_label.text += self.current_location return self.root
def change_state(self, target_country): self.root.ids.current_country_input.readonly = False self.root.ids.home_country_input.readonly = False self.target_country = self.root.ids.country_spinner.text all_details = get_all_details() for country in all_details: if target_country == country: details = all_details[country] target_country_details = details[0] target_currency_new = target_country_details[1] # If the currency code has not changed, do not update if not target_currency_new == self.target_currency: self.target_currency = target_currency_new self.get_conversion_rate() return [self.target_currency, target_country_details[2]]
def convert_to_location(self): # Same as previous function except inversed try: country_details = currency.get_all_details() amount = float(self.root.ids.input_home.text) home_currency = self.root.ids.country_name.text home_currency = country_details[home_currency] home_currency_code = home_currency[1] target_currency = self.root.ids.spinner.text target_currency = country_details[target_currency] target_currency_code = target_currency[1] converted_number = currency.convert(amount, home_currency_code, target_currency_code) self.root.ids.input_location.text = converted_number self.status_update( home_currency[2].strip("\n"), home_currency_code, target_currency[2].strip("\n"), target_currency_code ) except ValueError: self.root.ids.input_location.text = "-1" self.root.ids.status.text = "Error in Conversion"
def get_country_details(self): """ Retrieves country details for home/travel """ travel_country = self.travel_country home_country = self.home_country country_details_dict = get_all_details() # Find currency code/symbol for home/travel country for parts in country_details_dict: if travel_country == parts: # If currency symbol is the same, and list not blank, return "Same" if self.travel_details and country_details_dict[parts][2] == self.travel_details[2]: self.update_indicator = False self.travel_details = country_details_dict[parts] if home_country == parts: self.home_details = country_details_dict[parts] # If either list is blank, display error if not self.travel_details or not self.home_details: self.toggle_inputs_disabled(True) self.root.ids.status_label.text = "Invalid Name!"
def convert_to_location(self): #Same as previous function except inversed try: country_details = currency.get_all_details() amount = float(self.root.ids.input_home.text) home_currency = self.root.ids.country_name.text home_currency = country_details[home_currency] home_currency_code = home_currency[1] target_currency = self.root.ids.spinner.text target_currency = country_details[target_currency] target_currency_code = target_currency[1] converted_number = currency.convert(amount, home_currency_code, target_currency_code) self.root.ids.input_location.text = converted_number self.status_update(home_currency[2].strip('\n'), home_currency_code, target_currency[2].strip('\n'), target_currency_code) except ValueError: self.root.ids.input_location.text = "-1" self.root.ids.status.text = "Error in Conversion"
def on_start(self): number = 0 # checks if config could be loaded try: # gets details for the Destination dictionary self.Destinations = currency.get_all_details() # loads data from congig file and checks if its valid or not files = open(File_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") try: for line in files: number += 1 # if not first line add data to current_trip object, else is first line, add data to home_country if number > 1: parts = line.strip().split(',') self.current_trip.add(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]) else: self.home_country = line.strip() self.root.ids.status_window.text = "Config Load Succesful" except: self.root.ids.status_window.text = "Config File Invalid Details" # update currency data, labels and spinner for start self.currency_update() self.cdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.current_country = self.current_trip.current_country(self.cdate) self.root.ids.country_select.text = self.current_country self.root.ids.country_select.values = self.current_trip.location self.root.ids.home_country.text = self.home_country self.root.ids.date_label.text = "Todays date is: \n" + str(self.cdate) except: self.app_can_run = False self.root.ids.status_window.text = "Config Load Failed" # check if spinner is empty and if so disable spinner if self.root.ids.country_select.text == "?": self.root.ids.country_amount.background_color = Colour self.root.ids.home_amount.background_color = Colour self.root.ids.country_amount.readonly = True self.root.ids.home_amount.readonly = True # make the current country label equal the current country self.root.ids.country_selected.text = "Current Trip Location: " + self.current_country
def conversion_rates( self ): # Same as the first conversion function, however always defaults to only converting 1 in the selected currency for the conversion rate rather than an actual conversion try: country_details = currency.get_all_details() amount = float("1") home_currency = self.root.ids.country_name.text home_currency = country_details[home_currency] home_currency_code = home_currency[1] target_currency = self.root.ids.spinner.text target_currency = country_details[target_currency] target_currency_code = target_currency[1] converted_number = currency.convert(amount, target_currency_code, home_currency_code) self.status_update( target_currency[2].strip("\n"), target_currency_code, home_currency[2].strip("\n"), home_currency_code ) self.root.ids.input_home.text = converted_number self.root.ids.input_location.text = "1" except ValueError: self.root.ids.input_home.text = "-1" self.root.ids.status.text = "Error in Conversion"
def load_config(self): try: config_data = open("config.txt", mode='r', encoding="utf-8") self.home_country = config_data.readline().strip("\n") # Retrieve locations from config.txt file format: location,start_date,end_date self.details.locations = [] self.country_list = [] for line in config_data.readlines(): parts = line.strip().split(",") # add all details to locations self.details.locations.append(tuple(parts)) # checks country exists for key in get_all_details(): if parts[0] == key: # add only country names to country_list self.country_list.append(parts[0]) else: self.status_text = "Invalid trip details" config_data.close() self.status_text = "Config loaded\nsuccessfully" except FileNotFoundError: self.status_text = "Config could not\nbe loaded"
def get_currency_conversion(self, directions): # print(directions) # creates a dictionary from the currency module place_dictionary = get_all_details() # stores the user selection from the spinner gui spinner_location = self.root.ids.country_selection.text # print(spinner_location) location_currency = place_dictionary[spinner_location][1] home_currency = place_dictionary[self.home_country][1] # print(location_currency) # print(home_currency) # provides the status message and conversion amount in the gui # allows for back and forth conversion if directions == 'to home': value = convert(float(self.root.ids.target_amount.text), home_currency, location_currency) self.root.ids.home_amount.text = str(value) self.root.ids.status.text = location_currency + ' to ' + home_currency else: value = convert(float(self.root.ids.home_amount.text), location_currency, home_currency) self.root.ids.target_amount.text = str(value) self.root.ids.status.text = home_currency + ' to ' + location_currency
def conversion_rates( self ): #Same as the first conversion function, however always defaults to only converting 1 in the selected currency for the conversion rate rather than an actual conversion try: country_details = currency.get_all_details() amount = float("1") home_currency = self.root.ids.country_name.text home_currency = country_details[home_currency] home_currency_code = home_currency[1] target_currency = self.root.ids.spinner.text target_currency = country_details[target_currency] target_currency_code = target_currency[1] converted_number = currency.convert(amount, target_currency_code, home_currency_code) self.status_update(target_currency[2].strip('\n'), target_currency_code, home_currency[2].strip('\n'), home_currency_code) self.root.ids.input_home.text = converted_number self.root.ids.input_location.text = "1" except ValueError: self.root.ids.input_home.text = "-1" self.root.ids.status.text = "Error in Conversion"
def get_symbol(self, country): if country in get_all_details().keys(): symbol = get_all_details()[country][0][2] return symbol else: return None
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.trip_details = currency.get_all_details()
def build(self): self.trip_details = Details() # main window widget build self.title = "Foreign Exchange Calculator" self.root = Builder.load_file('gui.kv') Window.size = (500, 700) # text input disable self.root.ids.input_country_amount.disabled = True self.root.ids.input_home_country_amount.disabled = True # status label - config file if not os.path.isfile('config.txt'): self.root.ids.status.text = "The config file cannot be loaded" return else: self.root.ids.status.text = "The config file successfully loaded" # retrieving home country file = open('config.txt', encoding='utf-8') home_country = file.readline() home_country = home_country.rstrip("\n") self.root.ids.home_country_label.text = home_country file.close() # retrieving values for the spinner file = open('config.txt', encoding='utf-8') country_names = file.readlines() file.close() del (country_names[0]) sorted_country_names = sorted(country_names) # removes date details from the country list a = -1 for countries in range(len(sorted_country_names)): a += 1 sorted_country_name = sorted_country_names[a] sorted_country_name_split = sorted_country_name.rstrip("\n").split( ",") country_list_dictionary = currency.get_all_details( sorted_country_name_split[0]) country_name_codes = sorted(country_list_dictionary.keys()) self.root.ids.country_selection.values = country_name_codes # date = + time.strftime( "%Y/%m/%d") # current location file = open('config.txt', encoding='utf-8') country_details = file.readlines() del (country_details[0]) current_time = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") b = -1 for i in range(len(country_details)): b += 1 country_details_separated = country_details[b] country_details_split = country_details_separated.rstrip( "\n").split(",") self.trip_details.add(country_details_split[0], country_details_split[1], country_details_split[2]) self.current_location = self.trip_details.current_country(current_time) self.root.ids.current_destination_label.text += self.current_location return self.root