def resize(self, yx=None): """Resize UI to yx.""" if yx is None: yx = self.screen.getmaxyx() self.screen.erase() curses.resizeterm(yx[0], yx[1]) self.setup_windows(resize=True)
def setupwindows(self, resize=False): """Setup and draw bannerwin and logwin If `resize`, don't create new windows, just adapt size. This function should be invoked with CursesUtils.locked().""" self.height, self.width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.logheight = self.height - len(self.accframes) - 1 if resize: curses.resizeterm(self.height, self.width) self.bannerwin.resize(1, self.width) self.logwin.resize(self.logheight, self.width) else: self.bannerwin = curses.newwin(1, self.width, 0, 0) self.logwin = curses.newwin(self.logheight, self.width, 1, 0) self.draw_bannerwin() self.logwin.idlok(True) # needed for scrollok below self.logwin.scrollok(True) # scroll window when too many lines added self.draw_logwin() self.accounts = reversed(sorted(self.accframes.keys())) pos = self.height - 1 index = 0 self.hotkeys = [] for account in self.accounts: acc_win = curses.newwin(1, self.width, pos, 0) self.accframes[account].setwindow(acc_win, index) self.hotkeys.append(account) index += 1 pos -= 1 curses.doupdate()
def initialize(self): self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.resizeterm(self.screen_y, self.screen_x) self.stdscr.keypad(True) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(False)
def draw_player_selection_screen(stdscr, players, option): """ Draws a screen where the user can select two players to play a game. The user can select themselves as a player or a bot. """ # Clear the screen before drawing anything. stdscr.clear() # Get the height and width of the window and resize the screen if either # go below a certain threshold. height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx() if width < 64: width = 64 curses.resizeterm(height, width) if height < 26: height = 26 curses.resizeterm(height, width) # Centering calculation. centre_x = int(width // 2) top_y = 4 # Draw two rectangles, the first to encompass the player options and the # second to encompass the selected players. draw_panel_border(stdscr, centre_x - 29, top_y, 58, 13) draw_panel_border(stdscr, centre_x - 29, top_y + 15, 58, 3) # Print a header in the first rectangle detailing which side is being # selected for. if len(players) < 2: side_name = "white" if len(players) == 1 else "black" header = "Select a player to play as {0}:".format(side_name) elif len(players) == 2: header = " Press Enter to start the game." stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(top_y + 1, centre_x - 16, header) stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(top_y + 13, centre_x - 28, "Press backspace to undo.") # Print the available options with the current option highlighted. x = centre_x - 28 y = top_y + 2 for op, option_string in enumerate(PLAYERS): colour = 3 if option == op else 1 stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(colour)) stdscr.addstr(y + 3 + 3 * op, x, option_string) stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(colour)) stdscr.addstr(y + 3 + 3 * op, x + 13, PLAYER_DESCRIPTIONS[op]) # Print which options have been selected so far in the second rectangle. b = PLAYERS[players[0]] if len(players) > 0 else "__" w = PLAYERS[players[1]] if len(players) > 1 else "__" currently_selected = "{0} as black - vs - {1} as white".format(b, w) x = int((width // 2) - (len(currently_selected) // 2)) stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(top_y + 17, x, currently_selected) stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD) # Refresh the screen stdscr.refresh()
def update(self): if self._query_reshape < 0 and time.time() > -self._query_reshape: self._query_reshape = 0.0 if self._query_reshape > 0 and time.time() > self._query_reshape + 0.5: height, width = self._stdscr.getmaxyx() self._stdscr.clear() curses.resizeterm(height, width) for k, view in self._views.items(): # reshape any views view.reshape(height, width) self._views.get('info').redraw() self._views.get('help').redraw() self._views.get('default').redraw() self._views.get('command').redraw() self._views.get('status').redraw() self._views.get('notice').redraw() self._views.get('panel').redraw() self._views.get('panel-head').redraw() if self._active_content: view = self._views.get(self._active_content) if view: view.redraw() self._stdscr.refresh() self._query_reshape = -time.time() - 0.5 for k, view in self._views.items(): view.refresh()
def display(self): # Display event loop while True: y, x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if( y != self._height ) or ( x != self._width ): self._height = y self._width = x curses.resizeterm(y, x) self.update() c = self.stdscr.getch() # TODO - Handle various keystrokes here if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.tab_shift_right() # elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # self.resize() elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self.tab_shift_left() elif c == ord('q') or c == ord('Q'): break # Refresh subwindow self._active_tab.subwindow.clear() self._active_tab.subwindow.refresh() # Refresh the windows from the bottom up self.update()
def loop(screen, update_delay): redraw(screen) #print('Please wait. The display is updated every {sleep:.0f} seconds.' # .format(sleep=sleep)) #print('Starting up...') # Main loop y, x = screen.getmaxyx() while True: try: signal.alarm(int(update_delay)) in_char = screen.getch() # Input signal.alarm(0) except TimedOutException: in_char = IN_TIMEOUT # Handle resize resized = curses.is_term_resized(y, x) if resized is True: y, x = screen.getmaxyx() screen.clear() curses.resizeterm(y, x) redraw(screen) if in_char in [ord(' '), IN_TIMEOUT]: redraw(screen) elif in_char is ord('q'): raise SystemExit() else: pass # ignore
def main(stdscr, max_y, max_x): # set up screen for standard terminal size global screen screen = stdscr.subwin(max_y,max_x,0,0) screen.hline(2, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, max_x-2) screen.addstr(30, 10, str(max_y)) screen.addstr(31, 10, str(max_x)) screen.refresh() # define menus file_menu = ("File", file_func) exit_menu = ("Exit", exit_func) # EXIT # add topbar menu menus_setup((file_menu, exit_menu)) #topbar menu loop while topbar_key_handler(): screen.move(1,1) new_y, new_x = stdscr.getmaxyx() if (new_y, new_x) != (max_y, max_x): if new_x > max_x: rm_col(max_y, max_x) if new_y > max_y: rm_row(max_y, max_x) max_y, max_x = new_y, new_x curses.resizeterm(max_y, max_x) screen.hline(2, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, max_x-2) screen.refresh()
def resize(self): '''resize the screen''' # move to the renderer y, x = self.scr.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(y, x) self.render.entire_buffer(self.buff) self.scr.refresh()
def setup_curses(self): curses.resizeterm(24, 80) curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.curs_set(False) self.window_size = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.stdscr.nodelay(True)
def check_screen_resize(screen): if screen.getch() == curses.KEY_RESIZE: curses.resizeterm(*screen.getmaxyx()) screen.clear() screen.border() screen.refresh()
def test_resize_term(stdscr): if hasattr(curses, 'resizeterm'): lines, cols = curses.LINES, curses.COLS curses.resizeterm(lines - 1, cols + 1) if curses.LINES != lines - 1 or curses.COLS != cols + 1: raise RuntimeError, "Expected resizeterm to update LINES and COLS"
def sigwch(signum, stackframe): screen_size = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0) screen_size = fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, screen_size) rows, cols, xpixels, ypixels = struct.unpack('HHHH', screen_size) if curses.is_term_resized(rows, cols): curses.resizeterm(rows, cols) raise TerminalResized("Terminal size changed")
def BatchRun(cls, Command=None, BatchSize=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), TimeOut=3, MaxTime=604800): print('Running batch of GITR simulations. Batchsize={}. TimeOut={}'.format( BatchSize, TimeOut)) assert BatchSize > 0, "BatchSize<1" Tstart = time.time() TimeElapsed = 0 cls.Screen = curses.initscr() cls.Screen.resize(len(cls.CurrentSimu)+10, 150) curses.resizeterm(len(cls.CurrentSimu)+10, 150) cls.Nprocess = 0 while TimeElapsed < MaxTime and cls.Nprocess <= len(cls.CurrentSimu): TimeElapsed = time.time()-Tstart while cls.CheckRunningSim() < BatchSize and cls.Nprocess < len(cls.CurrentSimu): for S in cls.CurrentSimu: if S.Process is None: #print('Time elapsed: {:.1f} - Running simulations: {}'.format(TimeElapsed, cls.CheckRunningSim())) S.Start(Command) cls.Nprocess = cls.Nprocess + 1 break cls.Screen.clear() cls.Screen.addstr(0, 0, cls.DisplayOutput(TimeElapsed=TimeElapsed), curses.A_PROTECT) cls.Screen.refresh() if cls.CheckRunningSim() == 0: break time.sleep(TimeOut) #curses.endwin() cls.Screen.clear() cls.Screen.addstr(0, 0, cls.DisplayOutput(TimeElapsed=TimeElapsed), curses.A_PROTECT) cls.Screen.refresh() cls.StopBatch()
def resize(self): """Handles a resized terminal.""" self.screen.redraw = True max_y, max_x = self.screen.window.getmaxyx() self.screen.clear() # Check if we have the resizeterm ncurses extension if hasattr(curses, "resizeterm"): curses.resizeterm(max_y, max_x) # An ungetch for KEY_RESIZE will be sent to let others handle it. # We'll just pop it off again to prevent endless loops. self.screen.get_key() self.screen.set_quote(self.quote) if self.start is not None and self.stop is None: # Resize during typing requires redrawing quote. self.screen.update_quote(Screen.COLOR_QUOTE) self.screen.update_author() if self.position + self.incorrect <= len(self.quote.text): for pos in range(self.position + 1): self.screen.highlight_progress(pos, 0) for inc in range(self.incorrect + 1): self.screen.highlight_progress(self.position, inc)
def print_status(status_message=""): global ypos global maxyx ypos = 0 stdscr.clear() if curses.is_term_resized(*maxyx): maxyx = stdscr.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(*maxyx) print_autoy("%c")) print_autoy("") if status_message: for msg in status_message.split('\n'): print_autoy(msg) ws = Worker.all(connection=conn) print_autoy("WORKERS (%s): " % len(ws), yadd=1) if ws: for w in sorted(ws, key=lambda x: print_autoy("worker %s: %s" % (, job_string(w.get_current_job())), xadd=2) else: print_autoy("no workers", xadd=2) qs = Queue.all(connection=conn) print_autoy("QUEUES: ", yadd=1) for q in sorted(qs, key=lambda x: print_autoy("%s (%s):" % (, len(q)), xadd=2) for j in sorted(q.get_jobs(), key=lambda x: x.enqueued_at): print_autoy(job_string(j), xadd=4) stdscr.refresh()
def _handle_resize(self): curx, cury = get_terminal_size() if self.screen_size != (cury, curx): self.screen_size = (cury, curx) curses.resizeterm(cury, curx) self.layout._resize(0, 0, curx, cury) self.refresh_event.set()
def resize(self): """Handle window resizing.""" if curses.is_term_resized(self.max_win_size_y, self.max_win_size_x): self.win_init() self.box_init() self.text = [self._text_wrap(i) for i in self.text] curses.resizeterm(self.max_win_size_y, self.max_win_size_x)
def checkIfresize(win,x,y): # Check if screen was re-sized (True or False) resize = curses.is_term_resized(y, x) # Action in loop if resize is True: if resize == True: ry,rx = win.getmaxyx() win.clear() curses.resizeterm(ry,rx) drowList(win,config,iterator,ry-4) #try: for i in range(0,rx): # 窗口缩放过快可能导致窗口大小变化,导致出错 # 即便是做了这个保险也是会出错...... ty,tx = win.getmaxyx() #if(rx == tx): win.addstr(ry-3,i,"=") #except: ''' with open("log","a") as f:#debug t = win.getmaxyx() f.write(str(t)) f.write("---") f.write(str(rx)) f.write("-----") f.write(str(i)) f.write("-------") f.write(str(ry)+"\n") ''' catThing(win,"resize to:"+str(ry)+":"+str(rx)) return (ry,rx) return (y,x)
def __init__(self): print("\x1b[8;"+str(HEIGHT)+";"+str(WIDTH)+"t") self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() # @ in title and credits curses.init_pair(1, -1, curses.COLOR_RED) # ^ in title and credits curses.init_pair(2, -1, curses.COLOR_GREEN) # = in title and credits curses.init_pair(3, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) # menu unselected curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) # menu selected curses.init_pair(5, -1, curses.COLOR_RED) # A in title curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_RED, -1) # V in title curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1) # E in title curses.init_pair(8, curses.COLOR_BLUE, -1) # inventory curses.init_pair(9, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) # gameover curses.init_pair(10, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) self.stdscr.keypad(1) curses.resizeterm(HEIGHT,WIDTH) self.stdscr.refresh()
def main(stdscr): global screen text = "This is a test" screen = stdscr.subwin(0, 0) # Wrap screen window in box # Get window diminsions y, x = screen.getmaxyx() global cur_x, cur_y; # Sets the cursor to center the text on screen cur_x = (x/2)-(len(text))/2 cur_y = (y/2) # Add string to screen screen.addstr( cur_y, cur_x, text) screen.refresh() # Refresh to populate screen with data c = screen.getch() # Get char while c != ord('q'): # Exit loop if char caught is 'q' screen.addstr(1,1,str(c)) screen.refresh() if c == 65: # ARROW_UP move_up(text, screen) elif c == 66: # ARROW_DOWN move_down(text, screen) elif c == 68: # ARROW_LEFT move_left(text, screen) elif c == 67: # ARROW_RIGHT move_right(text, screen) elif c == 410: y, x = screen.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(y, x) # Resize curses boundaries move_center(text,screen) c = screen.getch() return
def __init__(self, stdscr): META_DATA_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '') self.stdscr = stdscr # topic self.messages = [] curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) self.stdscr.nodelay(1) curses.curs_set(0) """ Workaround for issuse #1774, since we know the exactly number of the columns that we used, so if the default terminal width <= 80, we just resize the terminal to ensure it is bigger enough for the addstr() call. Otherwise, addstr() may not happy: "error: addstr() returned ERR". """ maxY, maxX = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if maxY <= 80: curses.resizeterm(maxX, 90) #80+10, 10 for the "Delay" column self.lock = threading.Lock() with open(META_DATA_FILE) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() # Skip empty lines, header and comments. if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue module_name, proto_name, topic, period = line.split() self.messages.append( Message(module_name, proto_name, topic, period, self.stdscr, self.lock)) self.selection = 0 self.current_index = 0 self.MENU = True
def update_size(self, width, height): curses.resizeterm(height, width) self.screen.refresh() logger.logInformation(f'Terminal size updated to `{[width, height]}`') tui.layout.cols = width tui.layout.lines = height tui.layout.__update_size__()
def __init__(self): print("\x1b[8;" + str(HEIGHT) + ";" + str(WIDTH) + "t") self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() # @ in title and credits curses.init_pair(1, -1, curses.COLOR_RED) # ^ in title and credits curses.init_pair(2, -1, curses.COLOR_GREEN) # = in title and credits curses.init_pair(3, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) # menu unselected curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) # menu selected curses.init_pair(5, -1, curses.COLOR_RED) # A in title curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_RED, -1) # V in title curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1) # E in title curses.init_pair(8, curses.COLOR_BLUE, -1) # inventory curses.init_pair(9, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) # gameover curses.init_pair(10, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) self.stdscr.keypad(1) curses.resizeterm(HEIGHT, WIDTH) self.stdscr.refresh()
def set_up_curses(self): # Instantiate standard screen object. self.stdscr = curses.initscr() # Properly initialize screen. curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) # Check for and begin color support. if curses.has_colors(): curses.start_color() # Optionally enable the F-1 etc. keys, which are multi-byte. self.stdscr.keypad(1) # Declare colors. curses.use_default_colors() for i in range(0, curses.COLORS): curses.init_pair(i + 1, i, -1) # Create and configure window. curses.resizeterm(30, 80) self.window = curses.newwin(curses.LINES, curses.COLS) self.window.nodelay(1) # Create and configure main half-screen subwindows. half_screen = curses.COLS//2 self.attacks = curses.newwin(curses.LINES-3, half_screen, 1, 0) self.attacks.attrset(curses.color_pair(198)) self.attacks.addstr(1, 0, 'ATTACK STRINGS (KILL THESE)'. center(half_screen, ' ')) self.noncomb = curses.newwin( curses.LINES-3, half_screen, 1, half_screen) self.noncomb.attrset(curses.color_pair(47)) self.noncomb.addstr(1, 0, '''NON-COMBATANT STRINGS (DO NOT KILL)'''. center(half_screen, ' '))
def on_resize(self, *args): log.debug("on_resize_from_signal") # Get the new rows and cols value self.rows, self.cols = struct.unpack( "hhhh", ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "\000" * 8))[0:2] curses.resizeterm(self.rows, self.cols) self.refresh()
def __handle_resize(self): self.__update_size() self.__stdscr.clear() curses.resizeterm(self.__rows, self.__cols) self.__stdscr.addstr( 0, 0, "Rows: {} Cols: {}".format(self.__rows, self.__cols)) self.__redraw()
def main(stdscr): cursor_x = START_CURSOR_X cursor_y = curses.LINES-1 global spot, input_string, finish_winch, g_lines, g_cols global input_string, g_hashtags, g_encoded_hashtags, tweet_arr draw_scr(stdscr) while True: ch_code = stdscr.getch() if ch_code == curses.KEY_UP: spot = min(len(tweet_arr)-1, curses.LINES-2, spot + 1) elif ch_code == curses.KEY_DOWN: spot = max(0, spot - 1) elif ch_code == 8 or ch_code == 127: cursor_x = max(START_CURSOR_X, cursor_x - 1) input_string = input_string[:-1] elif ch_code == 10: # enter key break elif ch_code in char_codes and cursor_x < curses.COLS-1: cursor_x += 1 input_string += chr(ch_code) elif ch_code == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # Assume WINCH input_string = "" cursor_x = START_CURSOR_X spot = 0 l, c = stdscr.getmaxyx() if g_lines != l or g_cols != c: curses.resizeterm(l, c) g_lines, g_cols = l, c draw_scr(stdscr)
def main(stdscr): global LINES global COLS pad = curses.newpad(curses.LINES, curses.COLS) curses.use_default_colors() thread.start_new_thread(readInput,(stdscr,pad)) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) COLS=curses.COLS LINES=curses.LINES while 1: resize = curses.is_term_resized(LINES, COLS) if resize is True: LINES, COLS = stdscr.getmaxyx() stdscr.clear() curses.resizeterm(LINES, COLS) pad.resize(LINES,COLS) stdscr.refresh() try: for i in range(0,LINES-1): pad.move(i,0) pad.clrtoeol() pad.addstr(i,0,prevChatLines[i], curses.color_pair(1)) pad.addstr(i,math.floor(COLS/2), prevEdLines[i], curses.color_pair(3)) pad.move(LINES-1,0) pad.clrtoeol() global ed if (ed): pad.addstr(LINES-1,0,currentmessage, curses.color_pair(3)) else: pad.addstr(LINES-1,0,currentmessage, curses.color_pair(1)) pad.refresh(0,0,0,0,LINES,COLS) except _curses.error: pass
def resize(self): y, x = self.screen.getmaxyx() self.screen.clear() curses.resizeterm(y, x) self.WIDTH = x self.HEIGHT = y self.refresh()
def WatchJobs(cls): cls.Screen = curses.initscr() cls.Screen.resize(len(cls.CurrentSimu)+10, 150) curses.resizeterm(len(cls.CurrentSimu)+10, 150) cls.Screen.clear() cls.Screen.addstr(0, 0, cls.DisplayOutput(0), curses.A_PROTECT) cls.Screen.refresh()
async def clear(self, height, width): if curses.is_term_resized(height, width): curses.resizeterm( height, width) # FIXME: Crash if less characters in new window size self.stdscr.clear()
def main(stdscr): global screen text = "This is a test" screen = stdscr.subwin(0, 0) # Wrap screen window in box # Get window diminsions y, x = screen.getmaxyx() global cur_x, cur_y # Sets the cursor to center the text on screen cur_x = (x / 2) - (len(text)) / 2 cur_y = (y / 2) # Add string to screen screen.addstr(cur_y, cur_x, text) screen.refresh() # Refresh to populate screen with data c = screen.getch() # Get char while c != ord('q'): # Exit loop if char caught is 'q' screen.addstr(1, 1, str(c)) screen.refresh() if c == 65: # ARROW_UP move_up(text, screen) elif c == 66: # ARROW_DOWN move_down(text, screen) elif c == 68: # ARROW_LEFT move_left(text, screen) elif c == 67: # ARROW_RIGHT move_right(text, screen) elif c == 410: y, x = screen.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(y, x) # Resize curses boundaries move_center(text, screen) c = screen.getch() return
def isResized(self): if curses.is_term_resized(self.y, self.x): self.y, self.x = self.screen.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(self.y, self.x) self.screen.clear() return True return False
def on_terminal_size(self, *args): # Get the new rows and cols value rows, cols = struct.unpack('hhhh', ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, b'\000' * 8))[0:2] curses.resizeterm(rows, cols) return rows, cols
def resize(self): """Handle terminal resizing""" # Check if screen was re-sized (True or False) resize = self.max_x == 0 or curses.is_term_resized(self.max_y, self.max_x) if resize is True: self.recalculate_layout() curses.resizeterm(self.max_y, self.max_x)
def curses_program(screen: curses.window): y, x = screen.getmaxyx() o = Ocean(x - 1, y - 1) screen.clear() curses.resizeterm(y, x) for instruct in data: screen.clear() curr_north, curr_east = c.north, c.east c.execute_instruction(instruct) new_north, new_east = c.north, c.east if new_north < curr_north: for i in range(abs(curr_north - new_north)): o.move_ocean_south() o.draw(screen) else: for i in range(abs(curr_north - new_north)): o.move_ocean_north() o.draw(screen) if new_east < curr_east: for i in range(abs(curr_east - new_east)): o.move_ocean_west() o.draw(screen) else: for i in range(abs(curr_east - new_east)): o.move_ocean_east() o.draw(screen)
def draw(self, world): self.screen.clear() self.draw_pos(world.ship, 'W') for b in world.all_bunkers: self.draw_pos(b, str( for b in world.bombs: self.draw_pos(b, 'o') for e in world.enemies: self.draw_pos(e, '!') for b in world.bullets: self.draw_pos(b, '^') if self.debug: self.screen.addstr(0, 0, f'h{self.cols}') self.screen.addstr(0, 3, f'w{self.rows}') self.screen.refresh() if curses.is_term_resized(self.rows, self.cols): self.rows, self.cols = self.screen.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(self.rows, self.cols)
def commandLoop(self): window = self.inputWindow window.focus() self.focusedWindow = window self.mainLoopTime = 0 self.mainLoopTimePeak = 0 start = time.time() while not self.exiting: self.refresh() self.mainLoopTime = time.time() - start if self.mainLoopTime > self.mainLoopTimePeak: self.mainLoopTimePeak = self.mainLoopTime cmdList = [] mouseEvents = [] while not len(cmdList): for i in range(5): ch = window.cursorWindow.getch() #if ch != -1: #'ch', ch) if ch == curses.ascii.ESC: keySequence = [] n = window.cursorWindow.getch() while n != curses.ERR: keySequence.append(n) n = window.cursorWindow.getch()'sequence\n', keySequence) ch = tuple(keySequence) if not ch: # The sequence was empty, just forward the esc. ch = curses.ascii.ESC if ch != curses.ERR: = ch if ch == curses.KEY_MOUSE: # On Ubuntu, Gnome terminal, curses.getmouse() may only be called # once for each KEY_MOUSE. Subsequent calls will throw an # exception. self.debugMouseEvent = curses.getmouse() mouseEvents.append( (self.debugMouseEvent, time.time()))'mouse event\n', mouseEvents[-1]) cmdList.append(ch) start = time.time() if len(cmdList): for cmd in cmdList: if cmd == curses.KEY_RESIZE: if sys.platform == 'darwin': rows, cols = app.curses_util.terminalSize() curses.resizeterm(rows, cols) self.layout() window.controller.onChange() self.refresh() app.log.debug(self.stdscr.getmaxyx(), time.time()) continue window.controller.doCommand(cmd) if cmd == curses.KEY_MOUSE: self.handleMouse(mouseEvents[0]) mouseEvents = mouseEvents[1:] window = self.focusedWindow window.controller.onChange()
def resize_screen(self): y, x = stdscr.getmaxyx() screen.clear() stdscr.clear() curses.resizeterm(y, x) self.height, self.width = screen.getmaxyx() stdscr.refresh() self.draw_topbar()
def resize(h, w): y,x = W.getmaxyx() if y < h or x < w: raise Exception("Your window is x=%s, y=%s. Minimum required is x=%s, y=%s" % (x, y, w, h)) curses.resizeterm(h, w) W.resize(h, w) curses.nocbreak() curses.echo()
def handle_resize(self, *args): w,h = self.getTerminalSize_linux(),w) self.screen.resize(h,w) curses.resizeterm(h,w) self.win_log.height = h - 1 self.win_log.width = w - 1 self.win_log.refr()
def __init__(self, size): if CursesWindow.__single: raise CursesWindow.__single CursesWindow.__single = self self.xsize, self.ysize = size self.screen = curses.initscr() curses.resizeterm(self.ysize, self.xsize) curses.cbreak()
def redraw_scr(window): screen_write_sema.acquire() height, width = get_win_size() if is_term_resized(height, width): curses.resizeterm(height, width) window.erase() window.addstr(2, 2, "{0} - {1}".format(height, width)) screen_write_sema.release()
def change_screen_size(): # quite literal global SPLIT_X SPLIT_X = int(MAX_X/5) curses.resizeterm(MAX_Y, MAX_X) screen.hline(2, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, MAX_X-2) screen.refresh() refresh_hits()
def handle_window_resize(stdscr, y, x): if curses.is_term_resized(y, x): maxy, maxx = stdscr.getmaxyx() stdscr.clear() curses.resizeterm(y, x) stdscr.refresh() else: maxy = y maxx = x return maxy, maxx
def init(scrn): curses.resizeterm(32,62) scrn.addstr(1,1,"For best results maximize/fullscreen the terminal.") scrn.addstr(5,1,"Press Any Arrow Key to continue.") scrn.addstr(3,1,"Pressing 'q' at any time will close the game") c = scrn.getch() while c not in (curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_DOWN): c = scrn.getch()
def refresh_windows(self): """Called on SIGWINCH""" self.height, self.width = self.window.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(self.height, self.width) # (Re-)define scroll region self.window.setscrreg(2, self.height-2) self.draw_title() self.window.refresh()
def __init__(self, refresh_time = 1): # Global information to display self.__version = __version__ # Init windows positions self.term_h = 24 ; self.term_w = 80 self.host_x = 0 ; self.host_y = 0 self.system_x = 0 ; self.system_y = 1 self.cpu_x = 0 ; self.cpu_y = 3 self.load_x = 20; self.load_y = 3 self.mem_x = 41; self.mem_y = 3 self.network_x = 0 ; self.network_y = 9 self.diskio_x = 0 ; self.diskio_y = 16 self.process_x = 30; self.process_y = 9 self.now_x = 79; self.now_y = 23 # Align right self.caption_x = 0 ; self.caption_y = 23 # Init the curses screen self.screen = curses.initscr() if not self.screen: print "Error: Can not init the curses library.\n" curses.resizeterm( self.term_h, self.term_w ) curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.noecho() ; curses.cbreak() ; curses.curs_set(0) # Init colors self.hascolors = False if curses.has_colors(): self.hascolors = True #Init FG color BG color curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_RED) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_GREEN) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA) curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) # Text colors/styles self.title_color = curses.A_BOLD|curses.A_UNDERLINE self.no_color = curses.color_pair(1) self.default_color = curses.color_pair(3)|curses.A_BOLD self.if50pc_color = curses.color_pair(4)|curses.A_BOLD self.if70pc_color = curses.color_pair(5)|curses.A_BOLD self.if90pc_color = curses.color_pair(2)|curses.A_BOLD # Init window self.term_window = curses.newwin(self.term_h, self.term_w, 0, 0) # Init refresh time self.__refresh_time = refresh_time # Catch key pressed with non blocking mode self.term_window.keypad(1) ; self.term_window.nodelay(1) ; self.pressedkey = -1
def start_view(self, screen): self.screen = screen screen.keypad(False) refr = True (last_h, last_w) = screen.getmaxyx() while 1: (h, w) = screen.getmaxyx() if h != last_h or w != last_w: screen.erase() curses.resizeterm(h, w) last_h = h last_w = w refr = True if self.cursor_y > h: self.cursor_y = h - 5 if self.cursor_y < 0: self.cursor_y = 0 if self.cursor_x > w: self.cursor_x = w - 3 if self.has_statusbar: h -= 1 if refr: self.redraw(h, w) refr = False size_line = len(self.output.lines[self.win_y + self.cursor_y]) if size_line == 0: x = 0 elif self.cursor_x >= size_line: x = size_line - 1 else: x = self.cursor_x screen.move(self.cursor_y, x) k = self.read_escape_keys() if k in self.mapping: refr = self.mapping[k](h, w) elif k.startswith(b"\x1b[M"): refr = self.mouse_event(k, h, w) elif k == b"q" or k == b"\x1b": break if self.should_stop: screen.erase() return True screen.erase() return False
def _update_win(self): if curses.is_term_resized(self.win_height, self.win_width): self.win_height, self.win_width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(self.win_height, self.win_width) self.status_win.resize(self.state_win_height, self.win_width) self.status_win.mvwin(self.win_height-self.state_win_height, 0) self.textblock.set_width(self.win_width, reflow=False) self.win_changed = True
def set_screen_size(self): """ Setup screen size and padding We have need 2 free lines at the top and 2 free lines at the bottom """ height, width = self.getheightwidth() curses.resizeterm(height, width) self.pad_x = 0 self.max_y, self.max_x = (height-1, width-1) self.pad_h = height-3 self.pad_w = width-2*self.pad_x
def update_size(self): # get terminal size size = terminalsize.get_terminal_size() self.x = max(size[0], 10) self.y = max(size[1], 25) # update intendations curses.resizeterm(self.y, self.x) self.startcol = int(float(self.x)/5) self.indented_startcol = max(self.startcol - 3, 0) self.update_space() self.screen.clear() self.screen.refresh()
def doresize(self, signum, frame): self.log.debug('doresize: in_redisplay=%s', self.in_redisplay) if os.getpid() != self.main_pid: return # sigh winsz = array.array('H', [0] * 4) # four unsigned shorts per tty_ioctl(4) fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, winsz, True) curses.resizeterm(winsz[0], winsz[1]) oldy = self.maxy self.maxy, self.maxx = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() new = [] orphans = [] remaining = self.maxy for (i, victim) in enumerate( if hasattr(victim.window, 'height'): height = victim.window.height() elif victim.window.noresize: height = victim.height else: # should get proportional chunk of remaining? think harder later. height = max(1, int(victim.height * (self.maxy / oldy))) height = min(height, remaining) if height > remaining: orphans.append(victim) else: new.append([ victim.window, self.maxy - remaining, height, i ==, ]) remaining -= height if remaining: new[-1][2] += remaining for victim in orphans: # it sounds terrible when you put it that way with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): self.popstack.remove(victim) victim.window.destroy() = 1 = [] for (i, (window, y, height, active)) in enumerate(new):, y, height, window)) if active: = i[i].window.focus() self.log.debug('RESIZED %d windows', len( self.redisplay()