def main(): tables = excel_table_byindex() db = Custom_MySQL(using='center_app') for row in tables: print row game = row['name'].split('_')[0] sql ='select id from main_category where prefix= %s' p =(game,) result= db.get(sql,*p) if result: print result['id'] param={} param['main_category_id']= result['id'] if row['inner'] !='' and row['pub']!="": sql='select count(*) as count from assets where inner_ip="%s" or public_ip ="%s"'%(row['inner'],row['pub']) count = db.count(sql)['count'] if count == 0: param['inner_ip'] = row['inner'] param['public_ip'] = row['pub'] param['hostname'] = row['name'] param['wxsn'] = row['name'] db.insert('assets',**param) else: param['hostname'] = row['name'] db.update('assets','inner_ip="%s"'%row['inner'],**param) elif row['inner'] !='': sql='select count(*) as count from assets where inner_ip="%s"'%row['inner'] count = db.count(sql)['count'] if count == 0: param['inner_ip'] = row['inner'] param['hostname'] = row['name'] param['wxsn'] = row['name'] db.insert('assets',**param) else: param['hostname'] = row['name'] db.update('assets','inner_ip="%s"'%row['inner'],**param) elif row['pub']!="": sql='select count(*) as count from assets where public_ip="%s"'%row['pub'] count = db.count(sql)['count'] if count ==0: param['public_ip'] = row['pub'] param['hostname'] = row['name'] param['wxsn'] = row['name'] db.insert('assets',**param) else: param['hostname'] = row['name'] db.update('assets','public_ip="%s"'%row['pub'],**param) else: print 'pub and inner are both empty'
def save_hosts(self): if == None: return False db = Custom_MySQL(using='center_app') for param in sql ='select count(*) as count from assets where wxsn= %s' p =(param['wxsn'],) count = db.count(sql,*p) if count['count'] == 0: db.insert('assets',**param) else: db.update('assets','wxsn="%s"'%param['wxsn'],**param)
def save_idcs(self): if == None: return False db = Custom_MySQL(using='center_app') for param in sql = 'select count(*) as count from idc where prefix = %s' p = (param['prefix'],) count = db.count(sql, *p) # 检查是否存在 if count['count'] == 0: db.insert('idc', **param) else: db.update('idc', 'prefix="%s"' % param['prefix'], **param)
def run(self): ''' 业务入口 ''' api_data = self.get_api_data() if api_data == None:return db = Custom_MySQL(using='center_app') #更新大类中的应用类型 app_type ={} app_type ={'app_type':','.join(api_data['type'])} db.update('main_category',' prefix="%s" ' % self.game_code,**app_type) game = db.get('select id from main_category where prefix="%s"' % self.game_code) main_category_id = game['id'] #获取区组信息 for dist in api_data['dists']: print '========'+dist['name']+'+'+dist['code'] sql ='select count(id) as count from sub_category where main_category_id ='+str(main_category_id)+ ' and name="'+dist['name']+'"' count = db.count(sql) if count==None: print 'SQL Error:%s'% sql return False #区组更新内容 dist_data ={} dist_data ={'prefix':dist['code'], 'main_category_id':main_category_id, 'name':dist['name'], 'platform':self.platform} #如果没有区组信息则保存 if count['count'] == 0: db.insert('sub_category',**dist_data) else: db.update('sub_category',' main_category_id ='+str(main_category_id)+ ' and name="'+dist['name']+'"',**dist_data)
def insert_db(self,main_category_id,sub_category_id,platform,app): temp_app ={} temp_app['name']=app['type']+'['+app['memo']+']' temp_app['platform'] = platform temp_app['type']=app['type'] temp_app['port']=app['port'] temp_app['main_category_id'] = main_category_id temp_app['sub_category_id'] = sub_category_id if app.get('db_type',False): temp_app['db_type'] = app['db_type'] sql ='select count(*) as count from app_info where ' #同一游戏同一区组 where ='type="%s" and port="%s" and main_category_id="%s" \ and sub_category_id="%s"'% (app['type'],app['port'],main_category_id,sub_category_id) db = Custom_MySQL(using='center_app') #处理内网 if app['ip'].split('.')[0] in ['10','172']: inner_ip ='and inner_ip="%s"'%(app['ip']) count = db.count(sql+where+inner_ip) if count==None: print 'SQL Error:%s'% sql+where+inner_ip return False count = count['count'] try: temp_app['public_ip'] = db.get('select public_ip from assets where inner_ip="%s"'% app['ip'])['public_ip'] except: pass if count==0: temp_app['inner_ip'] = app['ip'] db.insert('app_info',**temp_app) else: db.update('app_info',where+inner_ip,**temp_app) else: import re if app['type']=='web': app['ip'] = app['ip'].replace('http://','').split('/')[0] p=r'(?<![\.\d])(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(?![\.\d])' mo = ,app['ip']) if not mo: domain = app['ip'].replace('http://','').split('/')[0] app['ip'] = db.get('select ip from domain where domain="%s"'% domain)['ip'] temp_app['domain'] = domain public_ip ='and (public_ip="%s") '%(app['ip']) count = db.count(sql+where+public_ip) if count==None: print 'SQL Error:%s'% sql+where+public_ip return False count = count['count'] if count==0: temp_app['public_ip'] = app['ip'] db.insert('app_info',**temp_app) else: db.update('app_info',where+public_ip,**temp_app)