def gen_set_params(algo, pnames, schema_params, required_params, skip_params=None):
    if skip_params:
        yield "  # formally define variables that were excluded from function parameters"
        for pname in skip_params:
           yield "  %s <- NULL" % pname
    validate_frames = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.validate_frames')
    if validate_frames:
        yield "  # Validate required training_frame first and other frame args: should be a valid key or an H2OFrame object"
        yield reformat_block(validate_frames, indent=2)
        frames = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.frame_params', [])
        if frames:
            yield "  # Validate required training_frame first and other frame args: should be a valid key or an H2OFrame object"
        for frame in frames:
            if frame in pnames:
                required_val = str(frame in required_params).upper()
                yield "  {frame} <- .validate.H2OFrame({frame}, required={required})".format(frame=frame, required=required_val)

    validate_required_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.validate_required_params')
    if validate_required_params:
        yield ""
        yield "  # Validate other required args"
        yield reformat_block(validate_required_params, indent=2)

    validate_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.validate_params')
    if validate_params:
        yield ""
        yield "  # Validate other args"
        yield reformat_block(validate_params, indent=2)

    yield ""
    yield "  # Build parameter list to send to model builder"
    yield "  parms <- list()"
    set_required_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.set_required_params')
    if set_required_params:
        yield reformat_block(set_required_params, indent=2)

    skip_default_set_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.skip_default_set_params_for', [])
    yield ""
    for pname in schema_params:
        if pname in skip_default_set_params or (skip_params and pname in skip_params):

        # leave the special handling of 'loss' param here for now as it is used by several algos
        if pname == "loss":
            yield "  if(!missing(loss)) {"
            yield "    if(loss == \"MeanSquare\") {"
            yield "      warning(\"Loss name 'MeanSquare' is deprecated; please use 'Quadratic' instead.\")"
            yield "      parms$loss <- \"Quadratic\""
            yield "    } else "
            yield "      parms$loss <- loss"
            yield "  }"
            yield "  if (!missing(%s))" % pname
            yield "    parms$%s <- %s" % (pname, pname)

    set_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.set_params')
    if set_params:
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(set_params, indent=2)
def gen_module(schema, algo, module):
    # print(str(schema))
    rest_api_version = get_customizations_for(algo, 'rest_api_version', 3)

    doc_preamble = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.preamble')
    doc_returns = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.returns')
    doc_seealso = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.seealso')
    doc_references = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.references')
    doc_examples = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.examples')

    required_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.required_params', [])
    extra_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.extra_params', [])
    model_name = algo_to_modelname(algo)

    update_param_defaults = get_customizations_for('defaults', 'update_param')
    update_param = get_customizations_for(algo, 'update_param')

    yield "# This file is auto-generated by h2o-3/h2o-bindings/bin/gen_R.py"
    yield "# Copyright 2016 H2O.ai;  Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details) \n#'"
    yield "# -------------------------- %s -------------------------- #" % model_name
    # start documentation
    if doc_preamble:
        yield "#'"
        yield reformat_block(doc_preamble, prefix="#' ")
    yield "#'"

    # start doc for signature
    required_params = odict([(p[0] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p,
                              p[1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else None)
                             for p in required_params])
    schema_params = odict([(p['name'], p) for p in schema['parameters']])
    extra_params = odict([(p[0] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p,
                           p[1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else None)
                          for p in extra_params])
    all_params = list(required_params.keys()) + list(
        schema_params.keys()) + list(extra_params.keys())

    def get_schema_params(pname):
        param = deepcopy(schema_params[pname])
        updates = None
        for update_fn in [update_param, update_param_defaults]:
            if callable(update_fn):
                updates = update_fn(pname, param)
            if updates is not None:
                param = updates
        return param if isinstance(param, (list, tuple)) else [
        ]  # always return array to support deprecated aliases

    tag = "@param"
    pdocs = odict()
    for pname in all_params:
        if pname in pdocs:  # avoid duplicates (esp. if already included in required_params)
        if pname in schema_params:
            for param in get_schema_params(
                    pname):  # retrieve potential aliases
                pname = param.get('name')
                if pname:
                    pdocs[pname] = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
                        algo, 'doc.params.' + pname,
                        get_help(param, indent=len(tag) + 4))
            pdocs[pname] = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
                algo, 'doc.params.' + pname)

    for pname, pdoc in pdocs.items():
        if pdoc:
            yield reformat_block("%s %s %s" % (tag, pname, pdoc.lstrip('\n')),
                                 indent=len(tag) + 1,
                                 prefix="#' ")

    if doc_returns:
        tag = "@return"
        yield reformat_block("%s %s" % (tag, doc_returns.lstrip('\n')),
                             indent=len(tag) + 1,
                             prefix="#' ")
    if doc_seealso:
        tag = "@seealso"
        yield reformat_block("%s %s" % (tag, doc_seealso.lstrip('\n')),
                             indent=len(tag) + 1,
                             prefix="#' ")
    if doc_references:
        tag = "@references"
        yield reformat_block("%s %s" % (tag, doc_references.lstrip('\n')),
                             indent=len(tag) + 1,
                             prefix="#' ")
    if doc_examples:
        yield "#' @examples"
        yield "#' \dontrun{"
        yield reformat_block(doc_examples, prefix="#' ")
        yield "#' }"
    yield "#' @export"

    # start function signature
    sig_pnames = []
    sig_params = []
    for k, v in required_params.items():
        sig_params.append(k if v is None else '%s = %s' % (k, v))

    for pname in schema_params:
        params = get_schema_params(pname)
        for param in params:
            pname = param.get(
                'name')  # override local var as param can be an alias of pname
            if pname in required_params or not pname:  # skip schema params already added by required_params, and those explicitly removed
            sig_params.append("%s = %s" %
                              (pname, get_sig_default_value(param)))

    for k, v in extra_params.items():
        sig_params.append("%s = %s" % (k, v))

    param_indent = len("h2o.%s <- function(" % module)
    yield reformat_block("h2o.%s <- function(%s)" %
                         (module, ',\n'.join(sig_params)),

    # start function body
    yield "{"
    validate_frames = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.validate_frames')
    if validate_frames:
        yield "  # Validate required training_frame first and other frame args: should be a valid key or an H2OFrame object"
        yield reformat_block(validate_frames, indent=2)
        frames = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo,
        if frames:
            yield "  # Validate required training_frame first and other frame args: should be a valid key or an H2OFrame object"
        for frame in frames:
            if frame in sig_pnames:
                required_val = str(frame in required_params).upper()
                yield "  {frame} <- .validate.H2OFrame({frame}, required={required})".format(
                    frame=frame, required=required_val)

    validate_required_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.validate_required_params')
    if validate_required_params:
        yield ""
        yield "  # Validate other required args"
        yield reformat_block(validate_required_params, indent=2)

    validate_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.validate_params')
    if validate_params:
        yield ""
        yield "  # Validate other args"
        yield reformat_block(validate_params, indent=2)

    yield ""
    yield "  # Build parameter list to send to model builder"
    yield "  parms <- list()"
    set_required_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.set_required_params')
    if set_required_params:
        yield reformat_block(set_required_params, indent=2)

    skip_default_set_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
        algo, 'extensions.skip_default_set_params_for', [])
    yield ""
    for pname in schema_params:
        if pname in skip_default_set_params:

        # leave the special handling of 'loss' param here for now as it is used by several algos
        if pname == "loss":
            yield "  if(!missing(loss)) {"
            yield "    if(loss == \"MeanSquare\") {"
            yield "      warning(\"Loss name 'MeanSquare' is deprecated; please use 'Quadratic' instead.\")"
            yield "      parms$loss <- \"Quadratic\""
            yield "    } else "
            yield "      parms$loss <- loss"
            yield "  }"
            yield "  if (!missing(%s))" % pname
            yield "    parms$%s <- %s" % (pname, pname)

    set_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo,
    if set_params:
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(set_params, indent=2)

    yield ""
    yield "  # Error check and build model"
    verbose = 'verbose' if 'verbose' in extra_params else 'FALSE'
    yield "  model <- .h2o.modelJob('%s', parms, h2oRestApiVersion=%d, verbose=%s)" % (
        algo, rest_api_version, verbose)
    with_model = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.with_model')
    if with_model:
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(with_model, indent=2)
    yield "  return(model)"
    yield "}"

    # start additional functions
    module_extensions = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.module')
    if module_extensions:
        yield ""
        yield module_extensions
def gen_module(schema, algo, module):
    # print(str(schema))
    rest_api_version = get_customizations_for(algo, 'rest_api_version', 3)

    doc_preamble = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.preamble')
    doc_returns = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.returns')
    doc_seealso = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.seealso')
    doc_references = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.references')
    doc_examples = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.examples')

    required_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.required_params', [])
    extra_params = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'extensions.extra_params', [])
    model_name = algo_to_modelname(algo)

    update_param_defaults = get_customizations_for('defaults', 'update_param')
    update_param = get_customizations_for(algo, 'update_param')

    yield "# This file is auto-generated by h2o-3/h2o-bindings/bin/gen_R.py"
    yield "# Copyright 2016 H2O.ai;  Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details) \n#'"
    yield "# -------------------------- %s -------------------------- #" % model_name
    # start documentation
    if doc_preamble:
        yield "#'"
        yield reformat_block(doc_preamble, prefix="#' ")
    yield "#'"

    # start doc for signature
    required_params = odict([(p[0] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p, p[1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else None)
                            for p in required_params])
    schema_params = odict([(p['name'], p)
                           for p in schema['parameters']])
    extra_params = odict([(p[0] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p, p[1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else None)
                          for p in extra_params])
    all_params = list(required_params.keys()) + list(schema_params.keys()) + list(extra_params.keys())

    def get_schema_params(pname):
        param = deepcopy(schema_params[pname])
        updates = None
        for update_fn in [update_param, update_param_defaults]:
            if callable(update_fn):
                updates = update_fn(pname, param)
            if updates is not None:
                param = updates
        return param if isinstance(param, (list, tuple)) else [param]  # always return array to support deprecated aliases

    tag = "@param"
    pdocs = odict()
    for pname in all_params:
        if pname in pdocs:  # avoid duplicates (esp. if already included in required_params)
        if pname in schema_params:
            for param in get_schema_params(pname):  # retrieve potential aliases
                pname = param.get('name')
                if pname:
                    pdocs[pname] = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'doc.params.'+pname, get_help(param, indent=len(tag)+4))
            pdocs[pname] = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(algo, 'doc.params.'+pname)

    for pname, pdoc in pdocs.items():
        if pdoc:
            yield reformat_block("%s %s %s" % (tag, pname, pdoc.lstrip('\n')), indent=len(tag)+1, indent_first=False, prefix="#' ")

    if doc_returns:
        tag = "@return"
        yield reformat_block("%s %s" % (tag, doc_returns.lstrip('\n')), indent=len(tag)+1, indent_first=False, prefix="#' ")
    if doc_seealso:
        tag = "@seealso"
        yield reformat_block("%s %s" % (tag, doc_seealso.lstrip('\n')), indent=len(tag)+1, indent_first=False, prefix="#' ")
    if doc_references:
        tag = "@references"
        yield reformat_block("%s %s" % (tag, doc_references.lstrip('\n')), indent=len(tag)+1, indent_first=False, prefix="#' ")
    if doc_examples:
        yield "#' @examples"
        yield "#' \dontrun{"
        yield reformat_block(doc_examples, prefix="#' ")
        yield "#' }"
    yield "#' @export"

    # start function signature
    sig_pnames = []
    sig_params = []
    for k, v in required_params.items():
        sig_params.append(k if v is None else '%s = %s' % (k, v))

    for pname in schema_params:
        params = get_schema_params(pname)
        for param in params:
            pname = param.get('name')  # override local var as param can be an alias of pname
            if pname in required_params or not pname:  # skip schema params already added by required_params, and those explicitly removed
            sig_params.append("%s = %s" % (pname, get_sig_default_value(param)))

    for k, v in extra_params.items():
        sig_params.append("%s = %s" % (k, v))

    param_indent = len("h2o.%s <- function(" % module)
    yield reformat_block("h2o.%s <- function(%s)" % (module, ',\n'.join(sig_params)), indent=param_indent, indent_first=False)

    # start function body
    yield "{"
    yield '\n'.join(gen_set_params(algo, sig_pnames, schema_params, required_params))

    yield ""
    yield "  # Error check and build model"
    verbose = 'verbose' if 'verbose' in extra_params else 'FALSE'
    yield "  model <- .h2o.modelJob('%s', parms, h2oRestApiVersion=%d, verbose=%s)" % (algo, rest_api_version, verbose)
    with_model = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.with_model')
    if with_model:
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(with_model, indent=2)
    yield "  return(model)"
    yield "}"

    bulk_pnames_skip = ["model_id",
                        "destination_key"] # destination_key is only for SVD
    bulk_params = list(zip(*filter(lambda t: not t[0] in bulk_pnames_skip, zip(sig_pnames, sig_params))))
    bulk_pnames = list(bulk_params[0])
    sig_bulk_params = list(bulk_params[1])
    sig_bulk_params.append("segment_columns = NULL")
    sig_bulk_params.append("segment_models_id = NULL")
    sig_bulk_params.append("parallelism = 1")

    if algo != "generic":
        # Segment model building
        bulk_param_indent = len(".h2o.train_segments_%s <- function(" % module)
        yield reformat_block(".h2o.train_segments_%s <- function(%s)" % (module, ',\n'.join(sig_bulk_params)), indent=bulk_param_indent, indent_first=False)
        # start train_segments-function body
        yield "{"
        yield '\n'.join(gen_set_params(algo, bulk_pnames, schema_params, required_params, bulk_pnames_skip))
        yield ""
        yield "  # Build segment-models specific parameters"
        yield "  segment_parms <- list()"
        yield "  if (!missing(segment_columns))"
        yield "    segment_parms$segment_columns <- segment_columns"
        yield "  if (!missing(segment_models_id))"
        yield "    segment_parms$segment_models_id <- segment_models_id"
        yield "  segment_parms$parallelism <- parallelism"
        yield ""
        yield "  # Error check and build segment models"
        yield "  segment_models <- .h2o.segmentModelsJob('%s', segment_parms, parms, h2oRestApiVersion=%d)" % (algo, rest_api_version)
        yield "  return(segment_models)"
        yield "}"

    # Additional functions
    module_extensions = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.module')
    if module_extensions:
        yield ""
        yield module_extensions
def gen_module(schema, algo):
    Ideally we should be able to avoid logic specific to algos in this file.
    Instead, customizations are externalized in ./python/gen_{algo}.py files.
    Logic that is specific to python types (e.g. H2OFrame, enums as list...) should however stay here
    as the type translation is done in this file.
    classname = algo_to_classname(algo)
    extra_imports = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.__imports__')
    class_doc = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.__class__')
    class_examples = get_customizations_for(algo, 'examples.__class__')
    class_extras = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.__class__')
    module_extras = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.__module__')

    update_param_defaults = get_customizations_for('defaults', 'update_param')
    update_param = get_customizations_for(algo, 'update_param')
    deprecated_params = get_customizations_for(algo, 'deprecated_params', {})

    def extend_schema_params(param):
        pname = param.get('name')
        param = deepcopy(param)
        updates = None
        for update_fn in [update_param, update_param_defaults]:
            if callable(update_fn):
                updates = update_fn(pname, param)
            if updates is not None:
                param = updates
        # return param if isinstance(param, (list, tuple)) else [param]  # always return array to support deprecated aliases
        return param

    extended_params = [extend_schema_params(p) for p in schema['parameters']]

    param_names = []
    for param in extended_params:
        pname = param.get('name')
        ptype = param.get('type')
        pvalues = param.get('values')
        pdefault = param.get('default_value')

        assert (ptype[:4] == 'enum'
                ) == bool(pvalues), "Values are expected for enum types only"
        if pvalues:
            enum_values = [normalize_enum_constant(p) for p in pvalues]
            if pdefault:
                pdefault = normalize_enum_constant(pdefault)
            enum_values = None

        if pname in reserved_words:
            pname += "_"
        param['pname'] = pname
        param['default_value'] = pdefault
        param['ptype'] = translate_type_for_check(ptype, enum_values)
        param['dtype'] = translate_type_for_doc(ptype, enum_values)

    if deprecated_params:
        extended_params = [
            p for p in extended_params
            if p['pname'] not in deprecated_params.keys()

    yield "#!/usr/bin/env python"
    yield "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-"
    yield "#"
    yield "# This file is auto-generated by h2o-3/h2o-bindings/bin/gen_python.py"
    yield "# Copyright 2016 H2O.ai;  Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details)"
    yield "#"
    yield "from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals"
    yield ""
    if deprecated_params:
        yield "from h2o.utils.metaclass import deprecated_params, deprecated_property"
    if extra_imports:
        yield reformat_block(extra_imports)
    yield "from h2o.estimators.estimator_base import H2OEstimator"
    yield "from h2o.exceptions import H2OValueError"
    yield "from h2o.frame import H2OFrame"
    yield "from h2o.utils.typechecks import assert_is_type, Enum, numeric"
    yield ""
    yield ""
    yield "class %s(H2OEstimator):" % classname
    yield '    """'
    yield "    " + schema["algo_full_name"]
    yield ""
    if class_doc:
        yield reformat_block(class_doc, 4)
    if class_examples:
        yield ""
        yield "    :examples:"
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(class_examples, 4)
    yield '    """'
    yield ""
    yield '    algo = "%s"' % algo
    yield "    supervised_learning = %s" % get_customizations_for(
        algo, 'supervised_learning', True)
    options = get_customizations_for(algo, 'options')
    if options:
        yield "    _options_ = %s" % reformat_block(
            pformat(options), prefix=' ' * 16, prefix_first=False)
    yield ""
    if deprecated_params:
        yield reformat_block("@deprecated_params(%s)" % deprecated_params,
    init_sig = "def __init__(self,\n%s\n):" % "\n".join(
        "%s=%s,  # type: %s" %
        (name, default, "Optional[%s]" % type if default is None else type)
        for name, default, type in [(
            p.get('pname'), stringify(p.get('default_value'), infinity=None),
            p.get('dtype')) for p in extended_params])
    yield reformat_block(init_sig,
                         prefix=' ' * 13,
    yield '        """'
    for p in extended_params:
        pname, pdefault, dtype, pdoc = p.get('pname'), stringify(
            p.get('default_value')), p.get('dtype'), p.get('help')
        pdesc = "%s: %s\nDefaults to ``%s``." % (pname, pdoc, pdefault)
        pident = ' ' * 15
        yield "        :param %s" % bi.wrap(
            pdesc, indent=pident, indent_first=False)
        yield "        :type %s: %s%s" % (
            pname, bi.wrap(dtype, indent=pident, indent_first=False),
            ", optional" if pdefault is None else "")
    yield '        """'
    yield "        super(%s, self).__init__()" % classname
    yield "        self._parms = {}"
    for p in extended_params:
        pname = p.get('pname')
        if pname == 'model_id':
            yield "        self._id = self._parms['model_id'] = model_id"
            yield "        self.%s = %s" % (pname, pname)
    rest_api_version = get_customizations_for(algo, 'rest_api_version')
    if rest_api_version:
        yield '        self._parms["_rest_version"] = %s' % rest_api_version
    yield ""
    for param in extended_params:
        pname = param.get('pname')
        if pname == "model_id":
            continue  # The getter is already defined in ModelBase
        sname = pname[:-1] if pname[-1] == '_' else pname
        ptype = param.get('ptype')
        dtype = param.get('dtype')
        pdefault = param.get('default_value')

        if dtype.startswith("Enum"):
            vals = dtype[5:-1].split(", ")
            property_doc = "One of: " + ", ".join("``%s``" % v for v in vals)
            property_doc = "Type: ``%s``" % dtype
        property_doc += ("." if pdefault is None else ", defaults to ``%s``." %

        yield "    @property"
        yield "    def %s(self):" % pname
        yield '        """'
        yield bi.wrap(param.get('help'), indent=8 *
                      ' ')  # we need to wrap only for text coming from server
        yield ""
        yield bi.wrap(property_doc, indent=8 * ' ')
        custom_property_doc = get_customizations_for(algo,
        if custom_property_doc:
            yield ""
            yield reformat_block(custom_property_doc, 8)
        property_examples = get_customizations_for(algo,
        if property_examples:
            yield ""
            yield "        :examples:"
            yield ""
            yield reformat_block(property_examples, 8)
        yield '        """'
        property_getter = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
            algo, "overrides.{}.getter".format(
                pname))  # check gen_stackedensemble.py for an example
        if property_getter:
            yield reformat_block(property_getter.format(**locals()), 8)
            yield "        return self._parms.get(\"%s\")" % sname

        yield ""
        yield "    @%s.setter" % pname
        yield "    def %s(self, %s):" % (pname, pname)
        property_setter = get_customizations_or_defaults_for(
            algo, "overrides.{}.setter".format(
                pname))  # check gen_stackedensemble.py for an example
        if property_setter:
            yield reformat_block(property_setter.format(**locals()), 8)
        elif "H2OFrame" in ptype:
            yield "        self._parms[\"%s\"] = H2OFrame._validate(%s, '%s')" % (
                sname, pname, pname)
            yield "        assert_is_type(%s, None, %s)" % (pname, ptype)
            yield "        self._parms[\"%s\"] = %s" % (sname, pname)
        yield ""

    for old, new in deprecated_params.items():
        new_name = new[0] if isinstance(new, tuple) else new
        yield "    %s = deprecated_property('%s', %s)" % (old, old, new)

    yield ""
    if class_extras:
        yield reformat_block(code_as_str(class_extras), 4)
    if module_extras:
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(code_as_str(module_extras))
def gen_module(schema, algo):
    Ideally we should be able to avoid logic specific to algos in this file.
    Instead, customizations are externalized in ./python/gen_{algo}.py files.
    Logic that is specific to python types (e.g. H2OFrame, enums as list...) should however stay here
    as the type translation is done in this file.
    classname = algo_to_classname(algo)
    rest_api_version = get_customizations_for(algo, 'rest_api_version')
    extra_imports = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.__imports__')
    class_doc = get_customizations_for(algo, 'doc.__class__')
    class_examples = get_customizations_for(algo, 'examples.__class__')
    class_init_validation = get_customizations_for(
        algo, 'extensions.__init__validation')
    class_init_setparams = get_customizations_for(
        algo, 'extensions.__init__setparams')
    class_extras = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.__class__')
    module_extras = get_customizations_for(algo, 'extensions.__module__')

    update_param_defaults = get_customizations_for('defaults', 'update_param')
    update_param = get_customizations_for(algo, 'update_param')

    def extend_schema_params(param):
        pname = param.get('name')
        param = deepcopy(param)
        updates = None
        for update_fn in [update_param, update_param_defaults]:
            if callable(update_fn):
                updates = update_fn(pname, param)
            if updates is not None:
                param = updates
        # return param if isinstance(param, (list, tuple)) else [param]  # always return array to support deprecated aliases
        return param

    extended_params = [extend_schema_params(p) for p in schema['parameters']]

    param_names = []
    for param in extended_params:
        pname = param.get('name')
        ptype = param.get('type')
        pvalues = param.get('values')
        pdefault = param.get('default_value')

        assert (ptype[:4] == 'enum'
                ) == bool(pvalues), "Values are expected for enum types only"
        if pvalues:
            enum_values = [normalize_enum_constant(p) for p in pvalues]
            if pdefault:
                pdefault = normalize_enum_constant(pdefault)
            enum_values = None

        if pname in reserved_words:
            pname += "_"
        param['pname'] = pname
        param['default_value'] = pdefault
        param['ptype'] = translate_type_for_check(ptype, enum_values)
        param['dtype'] = translate_type_for_doc(ptype, enum_values)

    yield "#!/usr/bin/env python"
    yield "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-"
    yield "#"
    yield "# This file is auto-generated by h2o-3/h2o-bindings/bin/gen_python.py"
    yield "# Copyright 2016 H2O.ai;  Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details)"
    yield "#"
    yield "from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals"
    yield ""
    if extra_imports:
        yield reformat_block(extra_imports)
    yield "from h2o.estimators.estimator_base import H2OEstimator"
    yield "from h2o.exceptions import H2OValueError"
    yield "from h2o.frame import H2OFrame"
    yield "from h2o.utils.typechecks import assert_is_type, Enum, numeric"
    yield ""
    yield ""
    yield "class %s(H2OEstimator):" % classname
    yield '    """'
    yield "    " + schema["algo_full_name"]
    yield ""
    if class_doc:
        yield reformat_block(class_doc, 4)
    if class_examples:
        yield ""
        yield "    :examples:"
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(class_examples, 4)
    yield '    """'
    yield ""
    yield '    algo = "%s"' % algo
    yield "    param_names = {%s}" % bi.wrap(", ".join('"%s"' % p
                                                       for p in param_names),
                                             indent=(" " * 19),
    yield ""
    yield "    def __init__(self, **kwargs):"
    # TODO: generate __init__ docstring with all params (also generate exact signature to support auto-completion)
    yield "        super(%s, self).__init__()" % classname
    yield "        self._parms = {}"
    if class_init_validation:
        yield reformat_block(class_init_validation, 8)
    yield "        for pname, pvalue in kwargs.items():"
    yield "            if pname == 'model_id':"
    yield "                self._id = pvalue"
    yield '                self._parms["model_id"] = pvalue'
    if class_init_setparams:
        yield reformat_block(class_init_setparams, 12)
    yield "            elif pname in self.param_names:"
    yield "                # Using setattr(...) will invoke type-checking of the arguments"
    yield "                setattr(self, pname, pvalue)"
    yield "            else:"
    yield '                raise H2OValueError("Unknown parameter %s = %r" % (pname, pvalue))'
    if rest_api_version:
        yield '        self._parms["_rest_version"] = %s' % rest_api_version
    yield ""
    for param in extended_params:
        pname = param.get('pname')
        if pname == "model_id":
            continue  # The getter is already defined in ModelBase

        sname = pname[:-1] if pname[-1] == '_' else pname
        ptype = param.get('ptype')
        dtype = param.get('dtype')
        pdefault = param.get('default_value')

        if dtype.startswith("Enum"):
            vals = dtype[5:-1].split(", ")
            property_doc = "One of: " + ", ".join("``%s``" % v for v in vals)
            property_doc = "Type: ``%s``" % dtype
        property_doc += ("." if pdefault is None else "  (default: ``%s``)." %

        deprecated = pname in get_customizations_for(algo, 'deprecated', [])
        yield "    @property"
        yield "    def %s(self):" % pname
        yield '        """'
        yield bi.wrap(
            "%s%s" %
            ("[Deprecated] " if deprecated else "", param.get('help')),
            indent=8 * ' ')  # we need to wrap only for text coming from server
        yield ""
        yield bi.wrap(property_doc, indent=8 * ' ')
        custom_property_doc = get_customizations_for(algo,
        if custom_property_doc:
            yield ""
            yield reformat_block(custom_property_doc, 8)
        property_examples = get_customizations_for(algo,
        if property_examples:
            yield ""
            yield "        :examples:"
            yield ""
            yield reformat_block(property_examples, 8)
        yield '        """'
        property_getter = get_customizations_for(
            algo, "overrides.{}.getter".format(
                pname))  # check gen_stackedensemble.py for an example
        if property_getter:
            yield reformat_block(property_getter.format(**locals()), 8)
            yield "        return self._parms.get(\"%s\")" % sname

        yield ""
        yield "    @%s.setter" % pname
        yield "    def %s(self, %s):" % (pname, pname)
        property_setter = get_customizations_for(
            algo, "overrides.{}.setter".format(
                pname))  # check gen_stackedensemble.py for an example
        if property_setter:
            yield reformat_block(property_setter.format(**locals()), 8)
            # special types validation
            if ptype == "H2OEstimator":
                yield "        assert_is_type(%s, None, str, %s)" % (pname,
            elif ptype == "H2OFrame":
                yield "        self._parms[\"%s\"] = H2OFrame._validate(%s, '%s')" % (
                    sname, pname, pname)
                # default validation
                yield "        assert_is_type(%s, None, %s)" % (pname, ptype)
            if ptype != "H2OFrame":
                # default assignment
                yield "        self._parms[\"%s\"] = %s" % (sname, pname)
        yield ""
        yield ""
    if class_extras:
        yield reformat_block(code_as_str(class_extras), 4)
    if module_extras:
        yield ""
        yield reformat_block(code_as_str(module_extras))