    def make_array(self):
        """Make the variable an array, ensuring that the type supports arrays."""
        if not self.type.can_be_in_array:
            raise NotSupportedError(
                "Variable_MakeArray(): type does not support arrays")

        self.is_array = True
 def new(self, cursor, num_elements, type, size):
     variable_class = mapping_variable_type_to_python_type.get(type)
     if variable_class is None:
         raise NotSupportedError('Type %s (%s) not found in mapping to python type' % (type, vt_to_name[type]))
     var = variable_class(cursor, num_elements, type, size)
     return var
    def set_value(self, array_pos, value):
        """Set the value of the variable."""
        if self.is_array:
            if array_pos > 0:
                raise NotSupportedError(
                    "arrays of arrays are not supported by the OCI")

            return self.set_array_value(value)

        return self.set_single_value(array_pos, value)
    def type_by_python_type(self, cursor, type):
        """Return a variable type given a Python type object or NULL if the Python type does not have a corresponding
variable type."""
        if type == NUMBER:
            if cursor.numbersAsStrings:
                return vt_NumberAsString
                return vt_Float
            return mapping_python_type_to_variable_type[type]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotSupportedError("Variable_TypeByPythonType(): unhandled data type")
    def type_by_oracle_data_type(self, oracle_data_type, charset_form):
        mapping = {
                    oci.SQLT_LNG: vt_LongString,
                    oci.SQLT_RDD: vt_Rowid,
                    oci.SQLT_BIN: vt_Binary,
                    oci.SQLT_LBI: vt_LongBinary,
                    oci.SQLT_NUM: vt_Float,
                    oci.SQLT_VNU: vt_Float,
                    oci.SQLT_DAT: vt_DateTime,
                    oci.SQLT_ODT: vt_DateTime,
                    oci.SQLT_DATE: vt_Timestamp,
                    oci.SQLT_TIMESTAMP: vt_Timestamp,
                    oci.SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ: vt_Timestamp,
                    oci.SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ: vt_Timestamp,
                    oci.SQLT_INTERVAL_DS: vt_Interval,
                    oci.SQLT_BLOB: vt_BLOB,
                    oci.SQLT_BFILE: vt_BFILE,
                    oci.SQLT_RSET: vt_Cursor,
                    oci.SQLT_NTY: vt_Object,
                    #oci.SQLT_BFLOAT: vt_NativeFloat, # TODO: removed #ifdef SQLT_BFLOAT
                    #oci.SQLT_IBFLOAT: vt_NativeFloat,
                    #oci.SQLT_BDOUBLE: vt_NativeFloat,
                    #oci.SQLT_IBDOUBLE: vt_NativeFloat,

        if oracle_data_type == oci.SQLT_AFC:
            if not python3_or_better() and charset_form == oci.SQLCS_NCHAR:
                return vt_FixedNationalChar
                return vt_FixedChar

        if oracle_data_type == oci.SQLT_CHR:
            if not python3_or_better() and charset_form == oci.SQLCS_NCHAR:
                return vt_NationalCharString
                return vt_String
        if oracle_data_type == oci.SQLT_CLOB:
            if charset_form == oci.SQLCS_NCHAR:
                return vt_NCLOB
                return vt_CLOB
            return mapping[oracle_data_type]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotSupportedError("Variable_TypeByOracleDataType: unhandled data type %d" % oracle_data_type)
def Time(*args):
    raise NotSupportedError("Oracle does not support time only variables")
    def type_by_value(self, value):
        """Return a variable type given a Python object or NULL if the Python object does not have a corresponding 
variable type."""

        # handle scalars
        if value is None:
            return vt_String, 1, None

        if isinstance(value, cxString):
            size = len(value) # assuming cxString_GetSize = len
            if size > MAX_STRING_CHARS:
                type = vt_LongString
                type = vt_String
            return type, size, None

        if not python3_or_better():
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                size = len(value)
                if size > MAX_STRING_CHARS:
                    type = vt_LongString
                    type = vt_NationalCharString
                return type, size, None

            if isinstance(value, int):
                return vt_Integer, None, None
            if isinstance(value, bytes):
                size = len(value)
                if size > MAX_BINARY_BYTES:
                    type = vt_LongBinary
                    type = vt_Binary

                return type, None, None

        if isinstance(value, long):
            return vt_LongInteger, None, None
        if isinstance(value, float):
            return vt_Float, None, None
        if isinstance(value, cxBinary):
            size = len(value)
            if size > MAX_BINARY_BYTES:
                type = vt_LongBinary
                type = vt_Binary
            return type, size, None

        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return vt_Boolean, None, None
        if isinstance(value, datetime):
            return vt_DateTime, None, None
        if isinstance(value, date):
            return vt_DateTime, None, None
        if isinstance(value, timedelta):
            return vt_Interval, None, None

        from cursor import Cursor

        is_cursor = isinstance(value, Cursor)
        if is_cursor:
            return vt_Cursor, None, None

        if isinstance(value, Decimal):
            return vt_NumberAsString, None, None

        # handle arrays
        if isinstance(value, list):
            for element_value in value:
                if element_value is not None:

            var_type, _, _ = self.type_by_value(element_value)
            num_elements = len(value)
            size = var_type.size
            return var_type, size, num_elements

        raise NotSupportedError("Variable_TypeByValue(): unhandled data type %.*s" % type(value))