def createHist(img):
    b_plane = cv.CreateImage((img.width,img.height), 8, 1)
    g_plane = cv.CreateImage((img.width,img.height), 8, 1)
    r_plane = cv.CreateImage((img.width,img.height), 8, 1)
    planes = [b_plane, g_plane, r_plane]
    bins = 4
    b_bins = bins
    g_bins = bins
    r_bins = bins
    hist_size = [b_bins,g_bins,r_bins]
    b_range = [0,255]
    g_range = [0,255]
    r_range = [0,255]
    ranges = [b_range,g_range,r_range]
    hist = cv.CreateHist(hist_size, cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1)
    cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(i) for i in planes], hist)
    return hist
文件: liner.py 项目: jgrip/xystitch
def hs_histogram(src, mask=None):
    '''Takes a cvMat and computes a hue-saturation histogram (value is dropped)'''
    # Convert to HSV
    # Allocate the 3 HSV 8 bit channels
    hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), 8, 3)
    # Convert from the default BGR representation to HSV
    cv.CvtColor(src, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

    # Extract the H and S planes
    h_plane = cv.CreateMat(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
    s_plane = cv.CreateMat(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
    v_plane = cv.CreateMat(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
    # Copy out omitting the values we don't want
    cv.Split(hsv, h_plane, s_plane, v_plane, None)
    planes = [h_plane, s_plane]

    if 0:
        pplane('H plane', h_plane, prefix='    ')
        pplane('S plane', s_plane, prefix='    ')

    h_bins = 8
    s_bins = 8
    #hist_size = [h_bins, s_bins]
    # hue varies from 0 (~0 deg red) to 180 (~360 deg red again
    # ??? My values give a hue of 0-255
    h_ranges = [0, 255]
    # saturation varies from 0 (black-gray-white) to
    # 255 (pure spectrum color)
    s_ranges = [0, 255]
    ranges = [h_ranges, s_ranges]
    # Allocate bins
    # note that we haven't put any data in yet
    #1: uniform
    hist = cv.CreateHist([h_bins, s_bins], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1)
    # Convert the array planes back into images since thats what CalcHist needs?
    # Doc seems to indcate that cvMat will work as well
    # Doesn't this cross the hue and saturate values together?  That doesn't seem to make sense, like comparing red to blue
    # Guess its a 2D histogram so it deals with where they overlap
    cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(i) for i in planes], hist, 0, mask)
    cv.NormalizeHist(hist, 1.0)

    return hist
def compute_histogram(src, bins=255):
    hist = cv.CreateHist([255], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges=[(0, 256)])
    cv.CalcHist([src], hist)  #compute histogram
    cv.NormalizeHist(hist, 1.0)  #normalize hist
    return hist
import cv2.cv as cv

im = cv.LoadImage("meinv.jpg", cv.CV_8U)

cv.SetImageROI(im, (1, 1, 30, 30))

histsize = 256  #Because we are working on grayscale pictures
hist = cv.CreateHist([histsize], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [[0, histsize]], 1)
cv.CalcHist([im], hist)

    hist, 1)  # The factor rescale values by multiplying values by the factor
_, max_value, _, _ = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)

if max_value == 0:
    max_value = 1.0
cv.NormalizeHist(hist, 256 / max_value)


res = cv.CreateMat(im.height, im.width, cv.CV_8U)
cv.CalcBackProject([im], res, hist)

cv.Rectangle(im, (1, 1), (30, 30), (0, 0, 255), 2, cv.CV_FILLED)
cv.ShowImage("Original Image", im)
cv.ShowImage("BackProjected", res)