async def test_nvd_incremental_update(self): """Test to check whether we are able to fetch and save the nvd entries using time_of_last_update""" nvd_api = NVD_API(incremental_update=True) await nvd_api.get_nvd_params( - timedelta(days=4) ) await nvd_api.get() cvedb = CVEDB(cachedir=self.outdir, nvd_type="api") cvedb.all_cve_entries = nvd_api.all_cve_entries cvedb.init_database() cvedb.populate_db() cvedb.check_cve_entries() assert cvedb.cve_count == nvd_api.total_results
def main(argv=None): """Scan a binary file for certain open source libraries that may have CVEs""" argv = argv or sys.argv # Reset logger level to info LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="cve-bin-tool", description=textwrap.dedent(""" The CVE Binary Tool scans for a number of common, vulnerable open source components (openssl, libpng, libxml2, expat and a few others) to let you know if a given directory or binary file includes common libraries with known vulnerabilities. """), epilog=textwrap.fill( f'Available checkers: {", ".join(VersionScanner.available_checkers())}' ) + "\n\nPlease disclose issues responsibly!", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) input_group = parser.add_argument_group("Input") input_group.add_argument("directory", help="directory to scan", nargs="?", default=None) input_group.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", action=StringToListAction, help="Comma separated Exclude directory path", default=None, ) input_group.add_argument( "-i", "--input-file", action="store", default="", help="provide input filename", ) input_group.add_argument("-C", "--config", action="store", default="", help="provide config file") output_group = parser.add_argument_group("Output") output_group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="suppress output") output_group.add_argument( "-l", "--log", help="log level (default: info)", dest="log_level", action="store", choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], ) output_group.add_argument( "-o", "--output-file", action="store", help="provide output filename (default: output to stdout)", ) output_group.add_argument( "--html-theme", action="store", help="provide custom theme directory for HTML Report", ) output_group.add_argument( "-f", "--format", action="store", choices=["csv", "json", "console", "html", "pdf"], help="update output format (default: console)", ) output_group.add_argument( "-c", "--cvss", action="store", help= "minimum CVSS score (as integer in range 0 to 10) to report (default: 0)", ) output_group.add_argument( "-S", "--severity", action="store", choices=["low", "medium", "high", "critical"], help="minimum CVE severity to report (default: low)", ) parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version", version=VERSION) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--update", action="store", choices=["now", "daily", "never", "latest"], help="update schedule for NVD database (default: daily)", ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--extract", action="store_true", help="autoextract compressed files", ) parser.add_argument( "--disable-version-check", action="store_true", help="skips checking for a new version", ) checker_group = parser.add_argument_group("Checkers") checker_group.add_argument( "-s", "--skips", dest="skips", action=StringToListAction, type=str, help="comma-separated list of checkers to disable", ) checker_group.add_argument( "-r", "--runs", dest="runs", action=StringToListAction, type=str, help="comma-separated list of checkers to enable", ) defaults = { "directory": "", "exclude": [], "input_file": "", "log_level": "info", "format": "console", "cvss": 0, "severity": "low", "update": "daily", "extract": True, "disable_version_check": False, "skips": "", "runs": "", "quiet": False, "output_file": "", "html_theme": "", } with ErrorHandler(mode=ErrorMode.NoTrace): raw_args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) args = {key: value for key, value in vars(raw_args).items() if value} configs = {} if args.get("config"): conf = ConfigParser(args["config"]) configs = conf.parse_config() args = ChainMap(args, configs, defaults) # logging and error related settings if args["log_level"]: LOGGER.setLevel(args["log_level"].upper()) if args["quiet"]: LOGGER.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) if 0 < LOGGER.level <= 10: error_mode = ErrorMode.FullTrace elif LOGGER.level >= 50: error_mode = ErrorMode.NoTrace else: error_mode = ErrorMode.TruncTrace if platform.system() != "Linux": warning_nolinux = """ ********************************************** Warning: this utility was developed for Linux. You may need to install additional utilities to use it on other operating systems. ********************************************** """ LOGGER.warning(warning_nolinux) # Database update related settings # Connect to the database cvedb_orig = CVEDB(version_check=not args["disable_version_check"], error_mode=error_mode) # if OLD_CACHE_DIR (from exists, print warning if os.path.exists(OLD_CACHE_DIR): LOGGER.warning( f"Obsolete cache dir {OLD_CACHE_DIR} is no longer needed and can be removed." ) # Clear data if -u now is set if args["update"] == "now": cvedb_orig.clear_cached_data() if args["update"] == "latest": cvedb_orig.refresh_cache_and_update_db() # update db if needed if args["update"] != "never": cvedb_orig.get_cvelist_if_stale() else: LOGGER.warning("Not verifying CVE DB cache") if not cvedb_orig.nvd_years(): with ErrorHandler(mode=error_mode, logger=LOGGER): raise EmptyCache(cvedb_orig.cachedir) # CVE Database validation if not cvedb_orig.check_cve_entries(): with ErrorHandler(mode=error_mode, logger=LOGGER): raise CVEDataMissing("No data in CVE Database") # Input validation if not args["directory"] and not args["input_file"]: parser.print_usage() with ErrorHandler(logger=LOGGER, mode=ErrorMode.NoTrace): raise InsufficientArgs( "Please specify a directory to scan or an input file required") if args["directory"] and not os.path.exists(args["directory"]): parser.print_usage() with ErrorHandler(logger=LOGGER, mode=ErrorMode.NoTrace): raise FileNotFoundError("Directory/File doesn't exist") # Checkers related settings skips = args["skips"] if args["runs"]: runs = args["runs"] skips = list( map( lambda checker:, filter( lambda checker: not in runs, pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("cve_bin_tool.checker"), ), )) # CSVScanner related settings score = 0 if args["severity"]: # Set minimum CVSS score based on severity cvss_score = {"low": 0, "medium": 4, "high": 7, "critical": 9} score = cvss_score[args["severity"]] if int(args["cvss"]) > 0: score = int(args["cvss"]) with CVEScanner(score=score) as cve_scanner: triage_data: TriageData total_files: int = 0 parsed_data: Dict[ProductInfo, TriageData] = {} if args["input_file"]: input_engine = InputEngine(args["input_file"], logger=LOGGER, error_mode=error_mode) parsed_data = input_engine.parse_input() if not args["directory"]: for product_info, triage_data in parsed_data.items(): LOGGER.warning(f"{product_info}, {triage_data}") cve_scanner.get_cves(product_info, triage_data) if args["directory"]: version_scanner = VersionScanner( should_extract=args["extract"], exclude_folders=args["exclude"], error_mode=error_mode, ) version_scanner.remove_skiplist(skips) version_scanner.print_checkers() for scan_info in version_scanner.recursive_scan(args["directory"]): if scan_info: product_info, path = scan_info LOGGER.debug(f"{product_info}: {path}") triage_data = parsed_data.get(product_info, {"default": {}}) # Ignore paths from triage_data if we are scanning directory triage_data["paths"] = {path} cve_scanner.get_cves(product_info, triage_data) total_files = version_scanner.total_scanned_files"")"Overall CVE summary: ") if args["input_file"]: f"There are {cve_scanner.products_with_cve} products with known CVEs detected" ) else: f"There are {cve_scanner.products_with_cve} files with known CVEs detected" ) if cve_scanner.products_with_cve > 0 or (args["format"] == "html" or args["format"] == "pdf"): affected_string = ", ".join( map( lambda product_version: "".join(str(product_version)), cve_scanner.affected(), ))"Known CVEs in {affected_string}:") # Creates a Object for OutputEngine output = OutputEngine( all_cve_data=cve_scanner.all_cve_data, scanned_dir=args["directory"], filename=args["output_file"], themes_dir=args["html_theme"], products_with_cve=cve_scanner.products_with_cve, products_without_cve=cve_scanner.products_without_cve, total_files=total_files, ) if not args["quiet"]: output.output_file(args["format"]) # Use the number of products with known cves as error code # as requested by folk planning to automate use of this script. # If no cves found, then the program exits cleanly. return cve_scanner.products_with_cve