def mk_additional_test_info(): s, d = StrictRedis.from_url(SRC), StrictRedis.from_url(DST) for suite in ['evosuite-branch.{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(0, 10) ] + ['randoop.{0}'.format(i + 1) for i in xrange(0, 10)]: for project, version in iter_versions(): for KN in ['passcnt']: fail_key = ':'.join( [PRE_SRC, KN, project, str(version), suite]) dst_fail_key = ':'.join([KN, project, str(version), suite]) fail_members = list(s.hkeys(fail_key)) if len(fail_members) > 0: fail_idxes = tn_i_s(d, fail_members, suite) results = s.hmget(fail_key, *fail_members) mapping = dict(zip(fail_idxes, results)) d.hmset(dst_fail_key, mapping) for tool in ['cobertura', 'codecover', 'jmockit', 'exec']: for KN in ['fail']: fail_key = ':'.join( [PRE_SRC, KN, tool, project, str(version), suite]) print fail_key dst_fail_key = ':'.join( [KN, tool, project, str(version), suite]) fail_members = list(s.smembers(fail_key)) fail_idxes = tn_i_s(d, fail_members, suite) if len(fail_members) > 0: d.sadd(dst_fail_key, fail_idxes)
def mk_bundles(): s, d = StrictRedis.from_url(SRC), StrictRedis.from_url(DST) for suite in ['evosuite-branch.{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(0, 10) ] + ['randoop.{0}'.format(i + 1) for i in xrange(0, 10)]: for project, version in iter_versions(): for tool in ['cobertura', 'codecover', 'jmockit']: key = ':'.join([ PRE_SRC, 'test-methods-exec', tool, project, str(version), suite, 'bundles' ]) result_key = ':'.join( [PRE_SRC, 'cvg', tool, project, str(version), suite]) print key execed_bundles = s.hkeys(key) if len(execed_bundles) == 0: continue idxes = tn_i_s(d, execed_bundles, suite) results = s.hmget(result_key, *execed_bundles) results_ = [ result if result is not None else json.dumps(None) for result in results ] dst_key = ':'.join( ['exec', tool, project, str(version), suite]) mapping = dict(zip(idxes, results_)) #{idx: for idx in idxes} if len(mapping) > 0: d.hmset(dst_key, mapping)
def timing(tests, idx_tp=idx_tp): tps = map(lambda t: idx_tp[t], tests) tps_sorted = sorted(tps, key=lambda (suite, i): suite) total_time = 0 for suite, i_it in groupby(tps_sorted, key=lambda(suite, i): suite): i_s = map(lambda (suite, i): i, i_it) if suite == 'dev': tns = i_tn_s(r, i_s, suite) tc_ns = set(tn.partition('::')[0] for tn in tns) tc_is = tn_i_s(r, list(tc_ns), suite, allow_create=False) all_is = tc_is + i_s else: all_is = i_s method_times = [msgpack.unpackb(b) for b in r.hmget(mk_key('time', [project, version, suite]), all_is)] bad_timings = [(time, i) for (time, i) in zip(method_times, all_is) if any(t < 0 for t in time)] if bad_timings: raise Exception('bad timing for tests: {project}, {version}, {suite} {idxs}'.format( project=project, version=version, suite=suite, idxs=' '.join(map(str, [i for (time, i) in bad_timings])))) def aggr(l): if any(x == -1 for x in l): raise Exception('bad timing for tests: {project}, {version}, {suite}'.format( project=project, version=version, suite=suite)) # let's go with average return reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, l)/len(l) method_times_aggregate = [aggr(timings) for timings in method_times] suite_time = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, method_times_aggregate, 0) total_time += suite_time return total_time
def migrate_test_classes(r_from, r_to, projects=[], versions=[]): for project, version in iter_versions(projects, versions): print project, version tm_key = 'tms:{project}:{version}:dev'.format(project=project, version=version) tm_is = r_to.lrange(tm_key, 0, -1) tms = i_tn_s(r_to, tm_is, 'dev') unique_set = set([]) def is_unique(tt): retval = tt not in unique_set unique_set.add(tt) return retval tc_tns = [tc for tc, _, _ in [tm.partition('::') for tm in tms] if is_unique(tc)] tc_tis = tn_i_s(r_to, tc_tns, 'dev', allow_create=False) # for tool in ['codecover', 'jmockit']: # class_key = 'results:test-classes-cvg:{tool}:{project}:{version}'.format( # tool=tool,project=project,version=version # ) # class_cvgs = r_from.hmget(class_key, *tc_tns) # assert all(lambda x: x is not None for x in class_cvgs) # assert len(tc_tis) == len(class_cvgs) # to_key_class = 'exec:{tool}:{project}:{version}:dev'.format( # tool=tool, project=project, version=version # ) # r_to.hmset(to_key_class, {ck: cv for (ck, cv) in zip(tc_tis, class_cvgs)}) for tool in ['cobertura', 'codecover', 'jmockit', 'major']: method_key = 'results:test-methods-run-cvg:{tool}:{project}:{version}'.format( tool=tool, project=project, version=version ) res_dict = r_from.hgetall(method_key) assert(type(res_dict) == dict) res_list = res_dict.items() res_idxs = tn_i_s(r_to, [k for (k, v) in res_list], 'dev') res_vals = [v for (_, v) in res_list] assert len(res_vals) == len(res_idxs) res_map = {ki: v for (ki, v) in zip(res_idxs, res_vals)} to_key = 'exec:{tool}:{project}:{version}:dev'.format( tool=tool, project=project, version=version ) if res_map: r_to.hmset(to_key, res_map)
def mk_index(): s, d = StrictRedis.from_url(SRC), StrictRedis.from_url(DST) for suite in ['dev' ] + ['evosuite-branch.{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(0, 10)]: for project, version in iter_versions(): key = ':'.join( [PRE_SRC, 'test-methods', project, str(version), suite]) print key tm_list = s.lrange(key, 0, -1) idxes = tn_i_s(d, tm_list, suite) assert (all(type(idx) is type(0) for idx in idxes))
def mk_tms(): s, d = StrictRedis.from_url(SRC), StrictRedis.from_url(DST) for suite in ['dev'] + [ 'evosuite-branch.{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(0, 10) ] + ['randoop.{0}'.format(i + 1) for i in xrange(0, 10)]: for project, version in iter_versions(): key = ':'.join( [PRE_SRC, 'test-methods', project, str(version), suite]) print key tm_list = s.lrange(key, 0, -1) idxes = tn_i_s(d, tm_list, suite) dst_key = ':'.join(['tms', project, str(version), suite]) assert (len(idxes) == len(tm_list)) for chunk in chunks(idxes, 100): if len(chunk) == 0: continue d.rpush(dst_key, *chunk)
def tabulate_tgs(r, rr, work_dir, input): project = input['project'] version = input['version'] redo = input.get('redo', False) suite = input['suite'] tests = input['tests'] generated = not (suite == 'dev') redo = input.get('redo', False) bundle = [project, version, suite] with filter_key_list( rr, key='tgs', bundle=bundle, list=tests, redo=redo, other_keys=[], worklist_map=lambda tns: tn_i_s(r, tns, suite)) as worklist: total = {'t': 0, 'c': 0, 'b': 0} count = 0 for (tc, tc_idx), progress_callback in worklist: def handle_single(): with refresh_dir(work_dir / tc_idx, cleanup=True): print tc_idx, tc map_file_name = '{project}:{version}'.format( project=project, version=version) get_file_from_cache_or_s3( 'darioush-map-files', map_file_name, str(work_dir / tc_idx / 'map.txt')) # - prep the tmp dir call_tgs = ALL_TGS for tool in ['cobertura', 'codecover', 'jmockit', 'major']: try: get_files(work_dir / tc_idx, tool, project, version, suite, tc) except NoFileOnS3: exec_result = json.loads( r.hget(mk_key('exec', [tool] + bundle), tc_idx)) print exec_result, tool if exec_result is None: has_failed = r.sismember( mk_key('fail', ['exec'] + bundle), tc_idx) if has_failed: print "-- Has failed" return [], [] is_it_empty = is_empty(tool, exec_result) if is_it_empty: if tool in ('major', 'codecover', 'jmockit'): print "-> Empty results for {0} noticed, ignoring this tool".format( tool) call_tgs = [ tg for tg in call_tgs if not tg.endswith(tool) ] else: raise else: raise result = jar()[work_dir / tc_idx](*call_tgs) all_tgs = result.strip().split('\n') tgs = [ tg for covered, _, tg in [s.partition(' ') for s in all_tgs] if covered == '+' ] return all_tgs, tgs all_tgs, tgs = handle_single() # bandaid tgs_jmockit = [tg for tg in tgs if tg.find('jmockit') != -1] tg_i_s(rr, tgs_jmockit, project, version, allow_create=True) # end bandaid tg_idxs = tg_i_s(rr, tgs, project, version, allow_create=False) assert len(tg_idxs) == len(tgs) result = msgpack.packb(tg_idxs, use_bin_type=True) results_readable = { 't': len(all_tgs), 'c': len(tgs), 'b': len(result) } for key in total: total[key] += results_readable[key] count += 1 print '{r[c]}/{r[t]} packed: {r[b]}'.format(r=results_readable) progress_callback(result) return "Success ({r[c]}/{r[t]} packed: {r[b]} totals, count={count})".format( r=total, count=count)
def check_cvg(r, tool, project, v, suite, t_idxs, ts): key = mk_key('exec', [tool, project, v, suite]) cvg_infos = r.hmget(key, *t_idxs) assert len(cvg_infos) == len(t_idxs) nils = [(t_idx, t) for (t_idx, t, cvg_info) in zip(t_idxs, ts, cvg_infos) if cvg_info is None] print len(nils), len(ts) if suite == 'dev': check_for_nil_classes = [ tc for tc, _, _ in [t.partition('::') for (t_idx, t) in nils] ] check_for_nil_classes = list(set(check_for_nil_classes)) check_for_nil_classes_idxes = tn_i_s(r, check_for_nil_classes, 'dev') non_nil_classes_idxes = set( cobertura_covers(r, project, v, suite, check_for_nil_classes_idxes)) nil_class_dict = { class_name: idx not in non_nil_classes_idxes for ( class_name, idx) in zip(check_for_nil_classes, check_for_nil_classes_idxes) } nil_idxes = [(t_idx_, tc, tm) for (t_idx_, (tc, _, tm)) in [(t_idx, t.partition('::')) for (t_idx, t) in nils] if nil_class_dict.get(tc) is False] # really only need the idxes nil_idxes = [t_idx for (t_idx, _, _) in nil_idxes] else: nil_idxes = [t_idx for (t_idx, _) in nils] if tool == 'cobertura' and nil_idxes: raise Straggler('COBERTURA_NOT_RUN', [tool, project, v, suite], idxes=nil_idxes, fix=('cvgmeasure.cvg.do_cvg', lambda bundle: bundle[1:], lambda bundle: b_pvs(bundle) + " -K cvg_tool -a {tool}".format(tool=tool))) cc = cobertura_covers(r, project, v, suite, nil_idxes) if cc != []: raise Straggler('CVG_NOT_RUN_COBERTURA_NONEMPTY', [tool, project, v, suite], idxes=cc, fix=('cvgmeasure.cvg.do_cvg', lambda bundle: bundle[1:], lambda bundle: b_pvs(bundle) + " -K cvg_tool -a {tool}".format(tool=tool))) # time to check s3 non_nils = [ (t_idx, t) for (t_idx, t, cvg_info) in zip(t_idxs, ts, cvg_infos) if cvg_info is not None and not is_empty(tool, json.loads(cvg_info)) ] print '- non-nil len: {0}'.format(len(non_nils)) if non_nils: s3_list = list_from_s3('cvg-files', [tool, project, v, suite]) s3_tname_list = set( ['/')[2] for key in s3_list if key.size > 0]) non_nils_missing_from_s3 = [(t_idx, t) for (t_idx, t) in non_nils if t not in s3_tname_list] if len(non_nils_missing_from_s3) != 0: raise Straggler( 'NON_NIL_CVG_BUT_NO_S3', [tool, project, v, suite], idxes=[t_idx for (t_idx, _) in non_nils_missing_from_s3], fix=('cvgmeasure.cvg.do_cvg', lambda bundle: bundle[1:], lambda bundle: b_pvs(bundle) + " -K cvg_tool -a {tool} -j '{{\"redo\": true}}'".format( tool=tool))) return "Cvg for in s3 : {0}".format(len(non_nils))