文件: coco.py 项目: zwh930712/YOLOF
def convert_to_coco_dict(dataset_name, dataset_dicts, metadata):
    Convert a dataset in cvpods's standard format into COCO json format
    COCO data format description can be found here:
            name of the source dataset
            must be registered in DatastCatalog and in cvpods's standard format
        coco_dict: serializable dict in COCO json format
    if dataset_name not in [
            "citypersons_train", "citypersons_val", "crowdhuman_train",
            "crowdhuman_val", "coco_2017_train", "coco_2017_val",
            "widerface_2019_train", "widerface_2019_val"
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Dataset name '{}' not supported".format(dataset_name))

    # unmap the category mapping ids for COCO
    if hasattr(metadata, "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"):
        reverse_id_mapping = {
            v: k
            for k, v in metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()

        def reverse_id_mapper(contiguous_id):
            return reverse_id_mapping[contiguous_id]  # noqa

        def reverse_id_mapper(contiguous_id):
            return contiguous_id  # noqa

    categories = [{
        "id": reverse_id_mapper(id),
        "name": name
    } for id, name in enumerate(metadata.thing_classes)]

    logger.info("Converting dataset dicts into COCO format")
    coco_images = []
    coco_annotations = []

    for image_id, image_dict in enumerate(dataset_dicts):
        coco_image = {
            "id": image_dict.get("image_id", image_id),
            "width": image_dict["width"],
            "height": image_dict["height"],
            "file_name": image_dict["file_name"],

        anns_per_image = image_dict["annotations"]
        for annotation in anns_per_image:
            # create a new dict with only COCO fields
            coco_annotation = {}

            # COCO requirement: XYWH box format
            bbox = annotation["bbox"]
            bbox_mode = annotation["bbox_mode"]
            bbox = BoxMode.convert(bbox, bbox_mode, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS)

            # COCO requirement: instance area
            if "segmentation" in annotation:
                # Computing areas for instances by counting the pixels
                segmentation = annotation["segmentation"]
                # TODO: check segmentation type: RLE, BinaryMask or Polygon
                polygons = PolygonMasks([segmentation])
                area = polygons.area()[0].item()
                # Computing areas using bounding boxes
                bbox_xy = BoxMode.convert(bbox, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS,
                area = Boxes([bbox_xy]).area()[0].item()

            if "keypoints" in annotation:
                keypoints = annotation["keypoints"]  # list[int]
                for idx, v in enumerate(keypoints):
                    if idx % 3 != 2:
                        # COCO's segmentation coordinates are floating points in [0, H or W],
                        # but keypoint coordinates are integers in [0, H-1 or W-1]
                        # For COCO format consistency we substract 0.5
                        # https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/pull/175#issuecomment-551202163
                        keypoints[idx] = v - 0.5
                if "num_keypoints" in annotation:
                    num_keypoints = annotation["num_keypoints"]
                    num_keypoints = sum(kp > 0 for kp in keypoints[2::3])

            # COCO requirement:
            #   linking annotations to images
            #   "id" field must start with 1
            coco_annotation["id"] = len(coco_annotations) + 1
            coco_annotation["image_id"] = coco_image["id"]
            coco_annotation["bbox"] = [round(float(x), 3) for x in bbox]
            coco_annotation["area"] = area
            coco_annotation["category_id"] = reverse_id_mapper(
            coco_annotation["iscrowd"] = annotation.get("iscrowd", 0)

            # Add optional fields
            if "keypoints" in annotation:
                coco_annotation["keypoints"] = keypoints
                coco_annotation["num_keypoints"] = num_keypoints

            if "segmentation" in annotation:
                coco_annotation["segmentation"] = annotation["segmentation"]


        "Conversion finished, "
        f"num images: {len(coco_images)}, num annotations: {len(coco_annotations)}"

    info = {
        "date_created": str(datetime.datetime.now()),
        "description": "Automatically generated COCO json file for cvpods.",
    coco_dict = {
        "info": info,
        "images": coco_images,
        "annotations": coco_annotations,
        "categories": categories,
        "licenses": None,
    return coco_dict
    def inference_single_image(self, pred_logits, pred_deltas, pred_masks,
                               anchors, indexes, image_size):
        Single-image inference. Return bounding-box detection results by thresholding
        on scores and applying non-maximum suppression (NMS).
            pred_logits (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                tensor of size (AxHxW, K)
            pred_deltas (list[Tensor]): Same shape as 'pred_logits' except that K becomes 4.
            pred_masks (list[list[Tensor]]): List of #feature levels, each is a list of #anchors.
                Each entry contains tensor of size (M_i*M_i, H, W). `None` if mask_on=False.
            anchors (list[Boxes]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                a Boxes object, which contains all the anchors for that
                image in that feature level.
            image_size (tuple(H, W)): a tuple of the image height and width.
            Same as `inference`, but for only one image.
        pred_logits = pred_logits.flatten().sigmoid_()
        # We get top locations across all levels to accelerate the inference speed,
        # which does not seem to affect the accuracy.
        # First select values above the threshold
        logits_top_idxs = torch.where(pred_logits > self.score_threshold)[0]
        # Then get the top values
        num_topk = min(self.topk_candidates, logits_top_idxs.shape[0])
        pred_prob, topk_idxs = pred_logits[logits_top_idxs].sort(
        # Keep top k scoring values
        pred_prob = pred_prob[:num_topk]
        # Keep top k values
        top_idxs = logits_top_idxs[topk_idxs[:num_topk]]

        # class index
        cls_idxs = top_idxs % self.num_classes
        # HWA index
        top_idxs //= self.num_classes
        # predict boxes
        pred_boxes = self.box2box_transform.apply_deltas(
            pred_deltas[top_idxs], anchors[top_idxs].tensor)

        # apply nms
        keep = generalized_batched_nms(pred_boxes,
        # pick the top ones
        keep = keep[:self.detections_im]

        results = Instances(image_size)
        results.pred_boxes = Boxes(pred_boxes[keep])
        results.scores = pred_prob[keep]
        results.pred_classes = cls_idxs[keep]

        # deal with masks
        result_masks, result_anchors = [], None
        if self.mask_on:
            # index and anchors, useful for masks
            top_indexes = indexes[top_idxs]
            top_anchors = anchors[top_idxs]
            result_indexes = top_indexes[keep]
            result_anchors = top_anchors[keep]
            # Get masks and do sigmoid
            for lvl, _, h, w, anc in result_indexes.tolist():
                cur_size = self.mask_sizes[anc] * (2**lvl
                                                   if self.bipyramid_on else 1)
                    torch.sigmoid(pred_masks[lvl][anc][:, h, w].view(
                        1, cur_size, cur_size)))

        return results, (result_masks, result_anchors)
    def label_and_sample_proposals(
            self, proposals: List[Instances],
            targets: List[Instances]) -> List[Instances]:
        Prepare some proposals to be used to train the ROI heads.
        It performs box matching between `proposals` and `targets`, and assigns
        training labels to the proposals.
        It returns ``self.batch_size_per_image`` random samples from proposals and groundtruth
        boxes, with a fraction of positives that is no larger than

            See :meth:`ROIHeads.forward`

                length `N` list of `Instances`s containing the proposals
                sampled for training. Each `Instances` has the following fields:

                - proposal_boxes: the proposal boxes
                - gt_boxes: the ground-truth box that the proposal is assigned to
                  (this is only meaningful if the proposal has a label > 0; if label = 0
                  then the ground-truth box is random)

                Other fields such as "gt_classes", "gt_masks", that's included in `targets`.
        gt_boxes = [x.gt_boxes for x in targets]
        # Augment proposals with ground-truth boxes.
        # In the case of learned proposals (e.g., RPN), when training starts
        # the proposals will be low quality due to random initialization.
        # It's possible that none of these initial
        # proposals have high enough overlap with the gt objects to be used
        # as positive examples for the second stage components (box head,
        # cls head, mask head). Adding the gt boxes to the set of proposals
        # ensures that the second stage components will have some positive
        # examples from the start of training. For RPN, this augmentation improves
        # convergence and empirically improves box AP on COCO by about 0.5
        # points (under one tested configuration).
        if self.proposal_append_gt:
            proposals = add_ground_truth_to_proposals(gt_boxes, proposals)

        proposals_with_gt = []

        num_fg_samples = []
        num_bg_samples = []
        for proposals_per_image, targets_per_image in zip(proposals, targets):
            has_gt = len(targets_per_image) > 0
            match_quality_matrix = pairwise_iou(
                targets_per_image.gt_boxes, proposals_per_image.proposal_boxes)

            match_quality_ignore = pairwise_ioa(
                targets_per_image.gt_boxes, proposals_per_image.proposal_boxes,

            matched_idxs, matched_labels = self.proposal_matcher(
                match_quality_matrix, match_quality_ignore)
            sampled_idxs, gt_classes = self._sample_proposals(
                matched_idxs, matched_labels, targets_per_image.gt_classes)

            # Set target attributes of the sampled proposals:
            proposals_per_image = proposals_per_image[sampled_idxs]
            proposals_per_image.gt_classes = gt_classes

            # We index all the attributes of targets that start with "gt_"
            # and have not been added to proposals yet (="gt_classes").
            if has_gt:
                sampled_targets = matched_idxs[sampled_idxs]
                # NOTE: here the indexing waste some compute, because heads
                # like masks, keypoints, etc, will filter the proposals again,
                # (by foreground/background, or number of keypoints in the image, etc)
                # so we essentially index the data twice.
                for (trg_name,
                     trg_value) in targets_per_image.get_fields().items():
                    if trg_name.startswith(
                            "gt_") and not proposals_per_image.has(trg_name):
                gt_boxes = Boxes(
                        (len(sampled_idxs), 4)))
                proposals_per_image.gt_boxes = gt_boxes

                (gt_classes == self.num_classes).sum().item())
            num_fg_samples.append(gt_classes.numel() - num_bg_samples[-1])

        # Log the number of fg/bg samples that are selected for training ROI heads
        storage = get_event_storage()
        storage.put_scalar("roi_head/num_fg_samples", np.mean(num_fg_samples))
        storage.put_scalar("roi_head/num_bg_samples", np.mean(num_bg_samples))

        return proposals_with_gt
    def _inference_one_image(self, inputs):
        augmented_inputs = self.tta_mapper(inputs)
        assert len({x["file_name"]
                    for x in augmented_inputs
                    }) == 1, "inference different images"
        heights = [k["height"] for k in augmented_inputs]
        widths = [k["width"] for k in augmented_inputs]
        assert (
            len(set(heights)) == 1 and len(set(widths)) == 1
        ), "Augmented version of the inputs should have the same original resolution!"

        height = heights[0]
        width = widths[0]
        # 1. Detect boxes from all augmented versions
        # TODO wangfeng02: use box structures instead of boxes, scores and classes
        all_boxes = []
        all_scores = []
        all_classes = []

        factors = 2 if self.tta_mapper.flip else 1
        if self.enable_scale_filter:
            assert len(augmented_inputs) == len(self.scale_ranges) * factors

        for i, single_input in enumerate(augmented_inputs):
            do_hflip = single_input.pop("horiz_flip", False)
            # 1.1: forward with single augmented image
            output = self.model._inference_for_ms_test([single_input])
            # 1.2: union the results
            pred_boxes = output.get("pred_boxes").tensor
            if do_hflip:
                pred_boxes[:, [0, 2]] = width - pred_boxes[:, [2, 0]]

            pred_scores = output.get("scores")
            pred_classes = output.get("pred_classes")
            if self.enable_scale_filter:
                keep = filter_boxes(pred_boxes,
                                    *self.scale_ranges[i // factors])
                pred_boxes = pred_boxes[keep]
                pred_scores = pred_scores[keep]
                pred_classes = pred_classes[keep]


        boxes_all = torch.cat(all_boxes, dim=0)
        scores_all = torch.cat(all_scores, dim=0)
        class_idxs_all = torch.cat(all_classes, dim=0)
        boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all = merge_result_from_multi_scales(

        result = Instances((height, width))
        result.pred_boxes = Boxes(boxes_all)
        result.scores = scores_all
        result.pred_classes = class_idxs_all
        return {"instances": result}
文件: fcos.py 项目: zyg11/DeFCN
    def inference_single_image(self, box_cls, box_delta, shifts, image_size):
        Single-image inference. Return bounding-box detection results by thresholding
        on scores and applying non-maximum suppression (NMS).

            box_cls (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                tensor of size (H x W, K)
            box_delta (list[Tensor]): Same shape as 'box_cls' except that K becomes 4.
            shifts (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                a tensor, which contains all the shifts for that
                image in that feature level.
            image_size (tuple(H, W)): a tuple of the image height and width.

            Same as `inference`, but for only one image.
        boxes_all = []
        scores_all = []
        class_idxs_all = []

        # Iterate over every feature level
        for box_cls_i, box_reg_i, shifts_i in zip(box_cls, box_delta, shifts):
            # (HxWxK,)
            box_cls_i = box_cls_i.sigmoid_().flatten()

            # Keep top k top scoring indices only.
            num_topk = min(self.topk_candidates, box_reg_i.size(0))
            # torch.sort is actually faster than .topk (at least on GPUs)
            predicted_prob, topk_idxs = box_cls_i.sort(descending=True)
            predicted_prob = predicted_prob[:num_topk]
            topk_idxs = topk_idxs[:num_topk]

            # filter out the proposals with low confidence score
            keep_idxs = predicted_prob > self.score_threshold
            predicted_prob = predicted_prob[keep_idxs]
            topk_idxs = topk_idxs[keep_idxs]

            shift_idxs = topk_idxs // self.num_classes
            classes_idxs = topk_idxs % self.num_classes

            box_reg_i = box_reg_i[shift_idxs]
            shifts_i = shifts_i[shift_idxs]
            # predict boxes
            predicted_boxes = self.shift2box_transform.apply_deltas(
                box_reg_i, shifts_i)


        boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all = [
            cat(x) for x in [boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all]

        if self.nms_type is None:
            # strategies above (e.g. topk_candidates and score_threshold) are
            # useless for POTO, just keep them for debug and analysis
            keep = scores_all.argsort(descending=True)
            keep = generalized_batched_nms(boxes_all,
        keep = keep[:self.max_detections_per_image]

        result = Instances(image_size)
        result.pred_boxes = Boxes(boxes_all[keep])
        result.scores = scores_all[keep]
        result.pred_classes = class_idxs_all[keep]
        return result
 def func(x):
     boxes = Boxes(x)
     return boxes.area()
    def losses(self, shifts, gt_instances, box_cls, box_delta, box_center):
        box_cls_flattened = [
            permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, self.num_classes) for x in box_cls
        box_delta_flattened = [permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, 4) for x in box_delta]
        box_center_flattened = [permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, 1) for x in box_center]
        pred_class_logits = cat(box_cls_flattened, dim=1)
        pred_shift_deltas = cat(box_delta_flattened, dim=1)
        pred_obj_logits = cat(box_center_flattened, dim=1)

        pred_class_probs = pred_class_logits.sigmoid()
        pred_obj_probs = pred_obj_logits.sigmoid()
        pred_box_probs = []
        num_foreground = pred_class_logits.new_zeros(1)
        num_background = pred_class_logits.new_zeros(1)
        positive_losses = []
        gaussian_norm_losses = []

        for shifts_per_image, gt_instances_per_image, \
            pred_class_probs_per_image, pred_shift_deltas_per_image, \
            pred_obj_probs_per_image in zip(
                shifts, gt_instances, pred_class_probs, pred_shift_deltas,
            locations = torch.cat(shifts_per_image, dim=0)
            labels = gt_instances_per_image.gt_classes
            gt_boxes = gt_instances_per_image.gt_boxes

            target_shift_deltas = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                locations, gt_boxes.tensor.unsqueeze(1))
            is_in_boxes = target_shift_deltas.min(dim=-1).values > 0

            foreground_idxs = torch.nonzero(is_in_boxes, as_tuple=True)

            with torch.no_grad():
                # predicted_boxes_per_image: a_{j}^{loc}, shape: [j, 4]
                predicted_boxes_per_image = self.shift2box_transform.apply_deltas(
                    pred_shift_deltas_per_image, locations)
                # gt_pred_iou: IoU_{ij}^{loc}, shape: [i, j]
                gt_pred_iou = pairwise_iou(
                    gt_boxes, Boxes(predicted_boxes_per_image)).max(
                        dim=0, keepdim=True).values.repeat(
                            len(gt_instances_per_image), 1)

                # pred_box_prob_per_image: P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}, shape: [j, c]
                pred_box_prob_per_image = torch.zeros_like(
                box_prob = 1 / (1 - gt_pred_iou[foreground_idxs]).clamp_(1e-12)
                for i in range(len(gt_instances_per_image)):
                    idxs = foreground_idxs[0] == i
                    if idxs.sum() > 0:
                        box_prob[idxs] = normalize(box_prob[idxs])
                                        labels[foreground_idxs[0]]] = box_prob

            normal_probs = []
            for stride, shifts_i in zip(self.fpn_strides, shifts_per_image):
                gt_shift_deltas = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                    shifts_i, gt_boxes.tensor.unsqueeze(1))
                distances = (gt_shift_deltas[..., :2] -
                             gt_shift_deltas[..., 2:]) / 2
                    normal_distribution(distances / stride,
            normal_probs = torch.cat(normal_probs, dim=1).prod(dim=-1)

            composed_cls_prob = pred_class_probs_per_image[:,
                                                           labels] * pred_obj_probs_per_image

            # matched_gt_shift_deltas: P_{ij}^{loc}
            loss_box_reg = iou_loss(pred_shift_deltas_per_image.unsqueeze(0),
                                    reduction="none") * self.reg_weight
            pred_reg_probs = (-loss_box_reg).exp()

            # positive_losses: { -log( Mean-max(P_{ij}^{cls} * P_{ij}^{loc}) ) }
                    composed_cls_prob.transpose(1, 0) * pred_reg_probs,
                    is_in_boxes.float(), normal_probs))

            num_foreground += len(gt_instances_per_image)
            num_background += normal_probs[foreground_idxs].sum().item()

                len(gt_instances_per_image) /

        if dist.is_initialized():
            num_foreground /= dist.get_world_size()
            num_background /= dist.get_world_size()

        # positive_loss: \sum_{i}{ -log( Mean-max(P_{ij}^{cls} * P_{ij}^{loc}) ) } / ||B||
        positive_loss = torch.cat(positive_losses).sum() / max(
            1, num_foreground)

        # pred_box_probs: P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}
        pred_box_probs = torch.stack(pred_box_probs, dim=0)
        # negative_loss: \sum_{j}{ FL( (1 - P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}) * (1 - P_{j}^{bg}) ) } / n||B||
        negative_loss = negative_bag_loss(
            pred_class_probs * pred_obj_probs * (1 - pred_box_probs),
            self.focal_loss_gamma).sum() / max(1, num_background)

        loss_pos = positive_loss * self.focal_loss_alpha
        loss_neg = negative_loss * (1 - self.focal_loss_alpha)
        loss_norm = torch.stack(gaussian_norm_losses).mean() * (
            1 - self.focal_loss_alpha)

        return {
            "loss_pos": loss_pos,
            "loss_neg": loss_neg,
            "loss_norm": loss_norm,
    def inference_single_image(self, conf_pred_per_image, loc_pred_per_image,
                               default_boxes, image_size):
        Single-image inference. Return bounding-box detection results by thresholding
        on scores and applying non-maximum suppression (NMS).

            conf_pred_per_image (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                tensor of size [Hi x Wi x D, C].
            loc_pred_per_image (list[Tensor]): same shape as 'conf_pred_per_image' except
                that C becomes 4.
            default_boxes (list['Boxes']):  a list of 'Boxes' elements.
                The Boxes contains default boxes of one image on the specific feature level.
            image_size (tuple(H, W)): a tuple of the image height and width.

            Same as `inference`, but for only one image.
        # predict confidence
        conf_pred = torch.cat(conf_pred_per_image, dim=0)  # [R, C]
        conf_pred = conf_pred.softmax(dim=1)

        # predict boxes
        loc_pred = torch.cat(loc_pred_per_image, dim=0)  # [R, 4]
        default_boxes = Boxes.cat(default_boxes)  # [R, 4]
        boxes_pred = self.box2box_transform.apply_deltas(
            loc_pred, default_boxes.tensor)

        num_boxes, num_classes = conf_pred.shape
        boxes_pred = boxes_pred.view(num_boxes, 1,
                                     4).expand(num_boxes, num_classes,
                                               4)  # [R, C, 4]
        labels = torch.arange(num_classes, device=self.device)  # [0, ..., C]
        labels = labels.view(1, num_classes).expand_as(conf_pred)  # [R, C]

        # remove predictions with the background label
        boxes_pred = boxes_pred[:, :-1]
        conf_pred = conf_pred[:, :-1]
        labels = labels[:, :-1]

        # batch everything, by making every class prediction be a separate instance
        boxes_pred = boxes_pred.reshape(-1, 4)
        conf_pred = conf_pred.reshape(-1)
        labels = labels.reshape(-1)

        # remove low scoring boxes
        indices = torch.nonzero(conf_pred > self.score_threshold,
        boxes_pred, conf_pred, labels = boxes_pred[indices], conf_pred[
            indices], labels[indices]

        keep = generalized_batched_nms(boxes_pred,

        keep = keep[:self.max_detections_per_image]
        result = Instances(image_size)
        result.pred_boxes = Boxes(boxes_pred[keep])
        result.scores = conf_pred[keep]
        result.pred_classes = labels[keep]
        return result
def find_top_rpn_proposals(
    training,  # pylint: disable=W0613
    For each feature map, select the `pre_nms_topk` highest scoring proposals,
    apply NMS, clip proposals, and remove small boxes. Return the `post_nms_topk`
    highest scoring proposals among all the feature maps if `training` is True,
    otherwise, returns the highest `post_nms_topk` scoring proposals for each
    feature map.

        proposals (list[Tensor]): A list of L tensors. Tensor i has shape (N, Hi*Wi*A, 4).
            All proposal predictions on the feature maps.
        pred_objectness_logits (list[Tensor]): A list of L tensors. Tensor i has shape (N, Hi*Wi*A).
        images (ImageList): Input images as an :class:`ImageList`.
        nms_thresh (float): IoU threshold to use for NMS
        pre_nms_topk (int): number of top k scoring proposals to keep before applying NMS.
            When RPN is run on multiple feature maps (as in FPN) this number is per
            feature map.
        post_nms_topk (int): number of top k scoring proposals to keep after applying NMS.
            When RPN is run on multiple feature maps (as in FPN) this number is total,
            over all feature maps.
        min_box_side_len (float): minimum proposal box side length in pixels (absolute units
            wrt input images).
        training (bool): True if proposals are to be used in training, otherwise False.
            This arg exists only to support a legacy bug; look for the "NB: Legacy bug ..."

        proposals (list[Instances]): list of N Instances. The i-th Instances
            stores post_nms_topk object proposals for image i.
    image_sizes = images.image_sizes  # in (h, w) order
    num_images = len(image_sizes)
    device = proposals[0].device

    # 1. Select top-k anchor for every level and every image
    topk_scores = []  # #lvl Tensor, each of shape N x topk
    topk_proposals = []
    level_ids = []  # #lvl Tensor, each of shape (topk,)
    batch_idx = torch.arange(num_images, device=device)
    for level_id, proposals_i, logits_i in zip(
        itertools.count(), proposals, pred_objectness_logits
        Hi_Wi_A = logits_i.shape[1]
        num_proposals_i = min(pre_nms_topk, Hi_Wi_A)

        # sort is faster than topk (https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/22812)
        # topk_scores_i, topk_idx = logits_i.topk(num_proposals_i, dim=1)
        logits_i, idx = logits_i.sort(descending=True, dim=1)
        topk_scores_i = logits_i[batch_idx, :num_proposals_i]
        topk_idx = idx[batch_idx, :num_proposals_i]

        # each is N x topk
        topk_proposals_i = proposals_i[batch_idx[:, None], topk_idx]  # N x topk x 4

        level_ids.append(torch.full((num_proposals_i,), level_id, dtype=torch.int64, device=device))

    # 2. Concat all levels together
    topk_scores = cat(topk_scores, dim=1)
    topk_proposals = cat(topk_proposals, dim=1)
    level_ids = cat(level_ids, dim=0)

    # 3. For each image, run a per-level NMS, and choose topk results.
    results = []
    for n, image_size in enumerate(image_sizes):
        boxes = Boxes(topk_proposals[n])
        scores_per_img = topk_scores[n]

        # filter empty boxes
        keep = boxes.nonempty(threshold=min_box_side_len)
        lvl = level_ids
        if keep.sum().item() != len(boxes):
            boxes, scores_per_img, lvl = boxes[keep], scores_per_img[keep], level_ids[keep]

        keep = generalized_batched_nms(boxes.tensor, scores_per_img, lvl,
                                       nms_thresh, nms_type=nms_type)

        # In Detectron1, there was different behavior during training vs. testing.
        # (https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/issues/459)
        # During training, topk is over the proposals from *all* images in the training batch.
        # During testing, it is over the proposals for each image separately.
        # As a result, the training behavior becomes batch-dependent,
        # and the configuration "POST_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN" end up relying on the batch size.
        # This bug is addressed in cvpods to make the behavior independent of batch size.
        keep = keep[:post_nms_topk]

        res = Instances(image_size)
        res.proposal_boxes = boxes[keep]
        res.objectness_logits = scores_per_img[keep]
    return results
文件: detr.py 项目: zivzone/cvpods
    def forward(self, batched_inputs):
            batched_inputs: a list, batched outputs of :class:`DatasetMapper` .
                Each item in the list contains the inputs for one image.
                For now, each item in the list is a dict that contains:
                * image: Tensor, image in (C, H, W) format.
                * instances: Instances
                Other information that's included in the original dicts, such as:
                * "height", "width" (int): the output resolution of the model, used in inference.
                  See :meth:`postprocess` for details.
            dict[str: Tensor]:
                mapping from a named loss to a tensor storing the loss. Used during training only.
        images = self.preprocess_image(batched_inputs)

        B, C, H, W = images.tensor.shape
        device = images.tensor.device

        mask = torch.ones((B, H, W), dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
        for img_shape, m in zip(images.image_sizes, mask):
            m[:img_shape[0], :img_shape[1]] = False

        src = self.backbone(images.tensor)["res5"]
        mask = F.interpolate(mask[None].float(), size=src.shape[-2:]).bool()[0]
        pos = self.position_embedding(src, mask)

        hs = self.transformer(self.input_proj(src), mask,
                              self.query_embed.weight, pos)[0]

        outputs_class = self.class_embed(hs)
        outputs_coord = self.bbox_embed(hs).sigmoid()
        out = {
            "pred_logits": outputs_class[-1],
            "pred_boxes": outputs_coord[-1]

        if self.training:

            targets = self.convert_anno_format(batched_inputs)

            if self.aux_loss:
                out["aux_outputs"] = [{
                    "pred_logits": a,
                    "pred_boxes": b
                } for a, b in zip(outputs_class[:-1], outputs_coord[:-1])]
            loss_dict = self.criterion(out, targets)
            for k, v in loss_dict.items():
                loss_dict[k] = v * self.weight_dict[
                    k] if k in self.weight_dict else v
            return loss_dict
            target_sizes = torch.stack([
                    bi.get("height", img_size[0]),
                    bi.get("width", img_size[1])
                for bi, img_size in zip(batched_inputs, images.image_sizes)
            res = self.post_processors["bbox"](out, target_sizes)

            processed_results = []
            # for results_per_image, input_per_image, image_size in zip(
            for results_per_image, _, image_size in zip(
                    res, batched_inputs, images.image_sizes):
                result = Instances(image_size)
                result.pred_boxes = Boxes(results_per_image["boxes"].float())
                result.scores = results_per_image["scores"].float()
                result.pred_classes = results_per_image["labels"]
                processed_results.append({"instances": result})

            return processed_results
    def inference_single_image(self, box_cls, box_center, border_cls,
                               border_delta, bd_based_box, image_size):
        Single-image inference. Return bounding-box detection results by thresholding
        on scores and applying non-maximum suppression (NMS).

            box_cls (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                tensor of size (H x W, K)
            box_delta (list[Tensor]): Same shape as 'box_cls' except that K becomes 4.
            box_center (list[Tensor]): Same shape as 'box_cls' except that K becomes 1.
            shifts (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                a tensor, which contains all the shifts for that
                image in that feature level.
            image_size (tuple(H, W)): a tuple of the image height and width.

            Same as `inference`, but for only one image.
        boxes_all = []
        scores_all = []
        class_idxs_all = []

        border_bbox_std = bd_based_box[0].new_tensor(self.border_bbox_std)

        # Iterate over every feature level
        for box_cls_i, box_ctr_i, bd_box_cls_i, bd_box_reg_i, bd_based_box_i in zip(
                box_cls, box_center, border_cls, border_delta, bd_based_box):
            # (HxWxK,)
            box_cls_i = box_cls_i.sigmoid_()
            box_ctr_i = box_ctr_i.sigmoid_()
            bd_box_cls_i = bd_box_cls_i.sigmoid_()

            predicted_prob = (box_cls_i * bd_box_cls_i).sqrt()

            # filter out the proposals with low confidence score
            keep_idxs = predicted_prob > self.score_threshold

            predicted_prob = predicted_prob * box_ctr_i

            predicted_prob = predicted_prob[keep_idxs]
            # Keep top k top scoring indices only.
            num_topk = min(self.topk_candidates, predicted_prob.size(0))
            # torch.sort is actually faster than .topk (at least on GPUs)
            predicted_prob, topk_idxs = predicted_prob.sort(descending=True)
            topk_idxs = topk_idxs[:num_topk]

            keep_idxs = keep_idxs.nonzero()
            keep_idxs = keep_idxs[topk_idxs]
            keep_box_idxs = keep_idxs[:, 0]
            classes_idxs = keep_idxs[:, 1]

            predicted_prob = predicted_prob[:num_topk]
            bd_box_reg_i = bd_box_reg_i[keep_box_idxs]
            bd_based_box_i = bd_based_box_i[keep_box_idxs]

            det_wh = (bd_based_box_i[..., 2:4] - bd_based_box_i[..., :2])
            det_wh = torch.cat([det_wh, det_wh], dim=1)
            predicted_boxes = bd_based_box_i + (bd_box_reg_i *
                                                border_bbox_std * det_wh)


        boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all = [
            cat(x) for x in [boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all]

        keep = generalized_batched_nms(boxes_all,
        boxes_all = boxes_all[keep]
        scores_all = scores_all[keep]
        class_idxs_all = class_idxs_all[keep]

        number_of_detections = len(keep)
        # Limit to max_per_image detections **over all classes**
        if number_of_detections > self.max_detections_per_image > 0:
            image_thresh, _ = torch.kthvalue(
                number_of_detections - self.max_detections_per_image + 1)
            keep = scores_all >= image_thresh.item()
            keep = torch.nonzero(keep).squeeze(1)
            boxes_all = boxes_all[keep]
            scores_all = scores_all[keep]
            class_idxs_all = class_idxs_all[keep]

        result = Instances(image_size)
        result.pred_boxes = Boxes(boxes_all)
        result.scores = scores_all
        result.pred_classes = class_idxs_all
        return result
    def get_ground_truth(self, shifts, targets, pre_boxes_list):
            shifts (list[list[Tensor]]): a list of N=#image elements. Each is a
                list of #feature level tensors. The tensors contains shifts of
                this image on the specific feature level.
            targets (list[Instances]): a list of N `Instances`s. The i-th
                `Instances` contains the ground-truth per-instance annotations
                for the i-th input image.  Specify `targets` during training only.

            gt_classes (Tensor):
                An integer tensor of shape (N, R) storing ground-truth
                labels for each shift.
                R is the total number of shifts, i.e. the sum of Hi x Wi for all levels.
                Shifts in the valid boxes are assigned their corresponding label in the
                [0, K-1] range. Shifts in the background are assigned the label "K".
                Shifts in the ignore areas are assigned a label "-1", i.e. ignore.
            gt_shifts_deltas (Tensor):
                Shape (N, R, 4).
                The last dimension represents ground-truth shift2box transform
                targets (dl, dt, dr, db) that map each shift to its matched ground-truth box.
                The values in the tensor are meaningful only when the corresponding
                shift is labeled as foreground.
            gt_centerness (Tensor):
                An float tensor (0, 1) of shape (N, R) whose values in [0, 1]
                storing ground-truth centerness for each shift.
            border_classes (Tensor):
                An integer tensor of shape (N, R) storing ground-truth
                labels for each shift.
                R is the total number of shifts, i.e. the sum of Hi x Wi for all levels.
                Shifts in the valid boxes are assigned their corresponding label in the
                [0, K-1] range. Shifts in the background are assigned the label "K".
                Shifts in the ignore areas are assigned a label "-1", i.e. ignore.
            border_shifts_deltas (Tensor):
                Shape (N, R, 4).
                The last dimension represents ground-truth shift2box transform
                targets (dl, dt, dr, db) that map each shift to its matched ground-truth box.
                The values in the tensor are meaningful only when the corresponding
                shift is labeled as foreground.

        gt_classes = []
        gt_shifts_deltas = []
        gt_centerness = []

        border_classes = []
        border_shifts_deltas = []

        for shifts_per_image, targets_per_image, pre_boxes in zip(
                shifts, targets, pre_boxes_list):
            object_sizes_of_interest = torch.cat([
                    shifts_i.size(0), -1) for shifts_i, size in zip(
                        shifts_per_image, self.object_sizes_of_interest)

            shifts_over_all_feature_maps = torch.cat(shifts_per_image, dim=0)

            gt_boxes = targets_per_image.gt_boxes

            deltas = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                shifts_over_all_feature_maps, gt_boxes.tensor.unsqueeze(1))

            if self.center_sampling_radius > 0:
                centers = gt_boxes.get_centers()
                is_in_boxes = []
                for stride, shifts_i in zip(self.fpn_strides,
                    radius = stride * self.center_sampling_radius
                    center_boxes = torch.cat((
                        torch.max(centers - radius, gt_boxes.tensor[:, :2]),
                        torch.min(centers + radius, gt_boxes.tensor[:, 2:]),
                    center_deltas = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                        shifts_i, center_boxes.unsqueeze(1))
                    is_in_boxes.append(center_deltas.min(dim=-1).values > 0)
                is_in_boxes = torch.cat(is_in_boxes, dim=1)
                # no center sampling, it will use all the locations within a ground-truth box
                is_in_boxes = deltas.min(dim=-1).values > 0

            max_deltas = deltas.max(dim=-1).values
            # limit the regression range for each location
            is_cared_in_the_level = \
                (max_deltas >= object_sizes_of_interest[None, :, 0]) & \
                (max_deltas <= object_sizes_of_interest[None, :, 1])

            gt_positions_area = gt_boxes.area().unsqueeze(1).repeat(
                1, shifts_over_all_feature_maps.size(0))
            gt_positions_area[~is_in_boxes] = math.inf
            gt_positions_area[~is_cared_in_the_level] = math.inf

            # if there are still more than one objects for a position,
            # we choose the one with minimal area
            positions_min_area, gt_matched_idxs = gt_positions_area.min(dim=0)

            # ground truth box regression
            gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                shifts_over_all_feature_maps, gt_boxes[gt_matched_idxs].tensor)

            # ground truth classes
            has_gt = len(targets_per_image) > 0
            if has_gt:
                gt_classes_i = targets_per_image.gt_classes[gt_matched_idxs]
                # Shifts with area inf are treated as background.
                gt_classes_i[positions_min_area == math.inf] = self.num_classes
                gt_classes_i = torch.zeros_like(
                    gt_matched_idxs) + self.num_classes

            # ground truth centerness
            left_right = gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i[:, [0, 2]]
            top_bottom = gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i[:, [1, 3]]
            gt_centerness_i = torch.sqrt(
                (left_right.min(dim=-1).values /
                 left_right.max(dim=-1).values).clamp_(min=0) *
                (top_bottom.min(dim=-1).values /


            # border
            iou = pairwise_iou(Boxes(pre_boxes), gt_boxes)
            (max_iou, argmax_iou) = iou.max(dim=1)
            invalid = max_iou < self.border_iou_thresh
            gt_target = gt_boxes[argmax_iou].tensor

            border_cls_target = targets_per_image.gt_classes[argmax_iou]
            border_cls_target[invalid] = self.num_classes

            border_bbox_std = pre_boxes.new_tensor(self.border_bbox_std)
            pre_boxes_wh = pre_boxes[:, 2:4] - pre_boxes[:, 0:2]
            pre_boxes_wh = torch.cat([pre_boxes_wh, pre_boxes_wh], dim=1)
            border_off_target = (gt_target - pre_boxes) / (pre_boxes_wh *


        return (
    def test_rpn(self):
        cfg = RCNNConfig()
        # ANCHOR_GENERATOR: "DefaultAnchorGenerator"
        cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.DEPTH = 50
        cfg.MODEL.RPN.BBOX_REG_WEIGHTS = (1, 1, 1, 1)
        backbone = build_backbone(cfg)
        proposal_generator = RPN(cfg, backbone.output_shape())
        num_images = 2
        images_tensor = torch.rand(num_images, 20, 30)
        image_sizes = [(10, 10), (20, 30)]
        images = ImageList(images_tensor, image_sizes)
        image_shape = (15, 15)
        num_channels = 1024
        features = {"res4": torch.rand(num_images, num_channels, 1, 2)}
        gt_boxes = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 3, 3], [2, 2, 6, 6]],
        gt_instances = Instances(image_shape)
        gt_instances.gt_boxes = Boxes(gt_boxes)
        with EventStorage():  # capture events in a new storage to discard them
            proposals, proposal_losses = proposal_generator(
                images, features, [gt_instances[0], gt_instances[1]])

        expected_losses = {
            "loss_rpn_cls": torch.tensor(0.0804563984),
            "loss_rpn_loc": torch.tensor(0.0990132466),
        for name in expected_losses.keys():
            err_msg = "proposal_losses[{}] = {}, expected losses = {}".format(
                name, proposal_losses[name], expected_losses[name])
                torch.allclose(proposal_losses[name], expected_losses[name]),

        expected_proposal_boxes = [
            Boxes(torch.tensor([[0, 0, 10, 10], [7.3365392685, 0, 10, 10]])),
                    [0, 0, 30, 20],
                    [0, 0, 16.7862777710, 13.1362524033],
                    [0, 0, 30, 13.3173446655],
                    [0, 0, 10.8602609634, 20],
                    [7.7165775299, 0, 27.3875980377, 20],

        expected_objectness_logits = [
            torch.tensor([0.1225359365, -0.0133192837]),
                0.1415634006, 0.0989848152, 0.0565387346, -0.0072308783,

        for proposal, expected_proposal_box, im_size, expected_objectness_logit in zip(
                proposals, expected_proposal_boxes, image_sizes,
            self.assertEqual(len(proposal), len(expected_proposal_box))
            self.assertEqual(proposal.image_size, im_size)
def _evaluate_box_proposals(dataset_predictions, lvis_api, thresholds=None, area="all", limit=None):
    Evaluate detection proposal recall metrics. This function is a much
    faster alternative to the official LVIS API recall evaluation code. However,
    it produces slightly different results.
    # Record max overlap value for each gt box
    # Return vector of overlap values
    areas = {
        "all": 0,
        "small": 1,
        "medium": 2,
        "large": 3,
        "96-128": 4,
        "128-256": 5,
        "256-512": 6,
        "512-inf": 7,
    area_ranges = [
        [0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2],  # all
        [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2],  # small
        [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2],  # medium
        [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2],  # large
        [96 ** 2, 128 ** 2],  # 96-128
        [128 ** 2, 256 ** 2],  # 128-256
        [256 ** 2, 512 ** 2],  # 256-512
        [512 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2],
    ]  # 512-inf
    assert area in areas, "Unknown area range: {}".format(area)
    area_range = area_ranges[areas[area]]
    gt_overlaps = []
    num_pos = 0

    for prediction_dict in dataset_predictions:
        predictions = prediction_dict["proposals"]

        # sort predictions in descending order
        # TODO maybe remove this and make it explicit in the documentation
        inds = predictions.objectness_logits.sort(descending=True)[1]
        predictions = predictions[inds]

        ann_ids = lvis_api.get_ann_ids(img_ids=[prediction_dict["image_id"]])
        anno = lvis_api.load_anns(ann_ids)
        gt_boxes = [
            BoxMode.convert(obj["bbox"], BoxMode.XYWH_ABS, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) for obj in anno
        gt_boxes = torch.as_tensor(gt_boxes).reshape(-1, 4)  # guard against no boxes
        gt_boxes = Boxes(gt_boxes)
        gt_areas = torch.as_tensor([obj["area"] for obj in anno])

        if len(gt_boxes) == 0 or len(predictions) == 0:

        valid_gt_inds = (gt_areas >= area_range[0]) & (gt_areas <= area_range[1])
        gt_boxes = gt_boxes[valid_gt_inds]

        num_pos += len(gt_boxes)

        if len(gt_boxes) == 0:

        if limit is not None and len(predictions) > limit:
            predictions = predictions[:limit]

        overlaps = pairwise_iou(predictions.proposal_boxes, gt_boxes)

        _gt_overlaps = torch.zeros(len(gt_boxes))
        for j in range(min(len(predictions), len(gt_boxes))):
            # find which proposal box maximally covers each gt box
            # and get the iou amount of coverage for each gt box
            max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = overlaps.max(dim=0)

            # find which gt box is 'best' covered (i.e. 'best' = most iou)
            gt_ovr, gt_ind = max_overlaps.max(dim=0)
            assert gt_ovr >= 0
            # find the proposal box that covers the best covered gt box
            box_ind = argmax_overlaps[gt_ind]
            # record the iou coverage of this gt box
            _gt_overlaps[j] = overlaps[box_ind, gt_ind]
            assert _gt_overlaps[j] == gt_ovr
            # mark the proposal box and the gt box as used
            overlaps[box_ind, :] = -1
            overlaps[:, gt_ind] = -1

        # append recorded iou coverage level
    gt_overlaps = torch.cat(gt_overlaps, dim=0)
    gt_overlaps, _ = torch.sort(gt_overlaps)

    if thresholds is None:
        step = 0.05
        thresholds = torch.arange(0.5, 0.95 + 1e-5, step, dtype=torch.float32)
    recalls = torch.zeros_like(thresholds)
    # compute recall for each iou threshold
    for i, t in enumerate(thresholds):
        recalls[i] = (gt_overlaps >= t).float().sum() / float(num_pos)
    # ar = 2 * np.trapz(recalls, thresholds)
    ar = recalls.mean()
    return {
        "ar": ar,
        "recalls": recalls,
        "thresholds": thresholds,
        "gt_overlaps": gt_overlaps,
        "num_pos": num_pos,
文件: atss.py 项目: zyg11/DeFCN
    def get_ground_truth(self, shifts, targets):
            shifts (list[list[Tensor]]): a list of N=#image elements. Each is a
                list of #feature level tensors. The tensors contains shifts of
                this image on the specific feature level.
            targets (list[Instances]): a list of N `Instances`s. The i-th
                `Instances` contains the ground-truth per-instance annotations
                for the i-th input image.  Specify `targets` during training only.

            gt_classes (Tensor):
                An integer tensor of shape (N, R) storing ground-truth
                labels for each shift.
                R is the total number of shifts, i.e. the sum of Hi x Wi for all levels.
                Shifts in the valid boxes are assigned their corresponding label in the
                [0, K-1] range. Shifts in the background are assigned the label "K".
                Shifts in the ignore areas are assigned a label "-1", i.e. ignore.
            gt_shifts_deltas (Tensor):
                Shape (N, R, 4).
                The last dimension represents ground-truth shift2box transform
                targets (dl, dt, dr, db) that map each shift to its matched ground-truth box.
                The values in the tensor are meaningful only when the corresponding
                shift is labeled as foreground.
            gt_centerness (Tensor):
                An float tensor (0, 1) of shape (N, R) whose values in [0, 1]
                storing ground-truth centerness for each shift.

        gt_classes = []
        gt_shifts_deltas = []
        gt_centerness = []

        for shifts_per_image, targets_per_image in zip(shifts, targets):
            shifts_over_all_feature_maps = torch.cat(shifts_per_image, dim=0)

            gt_boxes = targets_per_image.gt_boxes

            is_in_boxes = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                gt_boxes.tensor.unsqueeze(1)).min(dim=-1).values > 0

            gt_positions_iou = []
            candidate_idxs = []
            base = 0
            for stride, shifts_i in zip(self.fpn_strides, shifts_per_image):
                                shifts_i - stride * self.anchor_scale / 2,
                                shifts_i + stride * self.anchor_scale / 2,

                distances = (gt_boxes.get_centers().unsqueeze(1) -
                _, topk_idxs = distances.topk(self.atss_topk,
                candidate_idxs.append(base + topk_idxs)
                base += len(shifts_i)
            gt_positions_iou = torch.cat(gt_positions_iou, dim=1)
            candidate_idxs = torch.cat(candidate_idxs, dim=1)

            candidate_ious = gt_positions_iou.gather(1, candidate_idxs)
            ious_thr = (candidate_ious.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) +
                        candidate_ious.std(dim=1, keepdim=True))
            is_foreground = torch.zeros_like(is_in_boxes).scatter_(
                1, candidate_idxs, True)
            is_foreground &= gt_positions_iou >= ious_thr

            gt_positions_iou[~is_in_boxes] = -1
            gt_positions_iou[~is_foreground] = -1

            # if there are still more than one objects for a position,
            # we choose the one with maximum iou
            positions_max_iou, gt_matched_idxs = gt_positions_iou.max(dim=0)

            # ground truth box regression
            gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                shifts_over_all_feature_maps, gt_boxes[gt_matched_idxs].tensor)

            # ground truth classes
            has_gt = len(targets_per_image) > 0
            if has_gt:
                gt_classes_i = targets_per_image.gt_classes[gt_matched_idxs]
                # Shifts with iou -1 are treated as background.
                gt_classes_i[positions_max_iou == -1] = self.num_classes
                gt_classes_i = torch.zeros_like(
                    gt_matched_idxs) + self.num_classes

            # ground truth centerness
            left_right = gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i[:, [0, 2]]
            top_bottom = gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i[:, [1, 3]]
            gt_centerness_i = torch.sqrt(
                (left_right.min(dim=-1).values /
                 left_right.max(dim=-1).values).clamp_(min=0) *
                (top_bottom.min(dim=-1).values /


        return torch.stack(gt_classes), torch.stack(
            gt_shifts_deltas), torch.stack(gt_centerness)
def annotations_to_instances(annos, image_size, mask_format="polygon"):
    Create an :class:`Instances` object used by the models,
    from instance annotations in the dataset dict.

        annos (list[dict]): a list of instance annotations in one image, each
            element for one instance.
        image_size (tuple): height, width

            It will contain fields "gt_boxes", "gt_classes",
            "gt_masks", "gt_keypoints", if they can be obtained from `annos`.
            This is the format that builtin models expect.
    boxes = [
        BoxMode.convert(obj["bbox"], obj["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS)
        for obj in annos
    target = Instances(image_size)
    boxes = target.gt_boxes = Boxes(boxes)

    classes = [obj["category_id"] for obj in annos]
    classes = torch.tensor(classes, dtype=torch.int64)
    target.gt_classes = classes

    if len(annos) and "segmentation" in annos[0]:
        segms = [obj["segmentation"] for obj in annos]
        if mask_format == "polygon":
            masks = PolygonMasks(segms)
            assert mask_format == "bitmask", mask_format
            masks = []
            for segm in segms:
                if isinstance(segm, list):
                    # polygon
                    masks.append(polygons_to_bitmask(segm, *image_size))
                elif isinstance(segm, dict):
                    # COCO RLE
                elif isinstance(segm, np.ndarray):
                    assert segm.ndim == 2, "Expect segmentation of 2 dimensions, got {}.".format(
                    # mask array
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Cannot convert segmentation of type '{}' to BitMasks!"
                        "Supported types are: polygons as list[list[float] or ndarray],"
                        " COCO-style RLE as a dict, or a full-image segmentation mask "
                        "as a 2D ndarray.".format(type(segm)))
            # torch.from_numpy does not support array with negative stride.
            masks = BitMasks(
                    torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(x)) for x in masks
        target.gt_masks = masks

    if len(annos) and "keypoints" in annos[0]:
        kpts = np.array([obj.get("keypoints", [])
                         for obj in annos])  # (N, K, 3)
        # Set all out-of-boundary points to "unlabeled"
        kpts_xy = kpts[:, :, :2]
        inside = (kpts_xy >= np.array([0, 0])) & (kpts_xy <= np.array(
        inside = inside.all(axis=2)
        kpts[:, :, :2] = kpts_xy
        kpts[:, :, 2][~inside] = 0
        target.gt_keypoints = Keypoints(kpts)

    return target
    def get_ground_truth(self, shifts, targets, box_cls, box_delta, box_filter):
            shifts (list[list[Tensor]]): a list of N=#image elements. Each is a
                list of #feature level tensors. The tensors contains shifts of
                this image on the specific feature level.
            targets (list[Instances]): a list of N `Instances`s. The i-th
                `Instances` contains the ground-truth per-instance annotations
                for the i-th input image.  Specify `targets` during training only.

            gt_classes (Tensor):
                An integer tensor of shape (N, R) storing ground-truth
                labels for each shift.
                R is the total number of shifts, i.e. the sum of Hi x Wi for all levels.
                Shifts in the valid boxes are assigned their corresponding label in the
                [0, K-1] range. Shifts in the background are assigned the label "K".
                Shifts in the ignore areas are assigned a label "-1", i.e. ignore.
            gt_shifts_deltas (Tensor):
                Shape (N, R, 4).
                The last dimension represents ground-truth shift2box transform
                targets (dl, dt, dr, db) that map each shift to its matched ground-truth box.
                The values in the tensor are meaningful only when the corresponding
                shift is labeled as foreground.
        gt_classes = []
        gt_shifts_deltas = []

        box_cls = torch.cat([permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, self.num_classes) for x in box_cls], dim=1)
        box_delta = torch.cat([permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, 4) for x in box_delta], dim=1)
        box_filter = torch.cat([permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, 1) for x in box_filter], dim=1)
        box_cls = box_cls.sigmoid_() * box_filter.sigmoid_()

        num_fg = 0
        num_gt = 0

        for shifts_per_image, targets_per_image, box_cls_per_image, box_delta_per_image in zip(
                shifts, targets, box_cls, box_delta):
            shifts_over_all_feature_maps = torch.cat(shifts_per_image, dim=0)

            gt_boxes = targets_per_image.gt_boxes

            prob = box_cls_per_image[:, targets_per_image.gt_classes].t()
            boxes = self.shift2box_transform.apply_deltas(
                box_delta_per_image, shifts_over_all_feature_maps
            iou = pairwise_iou(gt_boxes, Boxes(boxes))
            quality = prob ** (1 - self.poto_alpha) * iou ** self.poto_alpha

            deltas = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                shifts_over_all_feature_maps, gt_boxes.tensor.unsqueeze(1))

            if self.center_sampling_radius > 0:
                centers = gt_boxes.get_centers()
                is_in_boxes = []
                for stride, shifts_i in zip(self.fpn_strides, shifts_per_image):
                    radius = stride * self.center_sampling_radius
                    center_boxes = torch.cat((
                        torch.max(centers - radius, gt_boxes.tensor[:, :2]),
                        torch.min(centers + radius, gt_boxes.tensor[:, 2:]),
                    ), dim=-1)
                    center_deltas = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                        shifts_i, center_boxes.unsqueeze(1))
                    is_in_boxes.append(center_deltas.min(dim=-1).values > 0)
                is_in_boxes = torch.cat(is_in_boxes, dim=1)
                # no center sampling, it will use all the locations within a ground-truth box
                is_in_boxes = deltas.min(dim=-1).values > 0

            quality[~is_in_boxes] = -1

            gt_idxs, shift_idxs = linear_sum_assignment(quality.cpu().numpy(), maximize=True)

            num_fg += len(shift_idxs)
            num_gt += len(targets_per_image)

            gt_classes_i = shifts_over_all_feature_maps.new_full(
                (len(shifts_over_all_feature_maps),), self.num_classes, dtype=torch.long
            gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i = shifts_over_all_feature_maps.new_zeros(
                len(shifts_over_all_feature_maps), 4
            if len(targets_per_image) > 0:
                # ground truth classes
                gt_classes_i[shift_idxs] = targets_per_image.gt_classes[gt_idxs]
                # ground truth box regression
                gt_shifts_reg_deltas_i[shift_idxs] = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                    shifts_over_all_feature_maps[shift_idxs], gt_boxes[gt_idxs].tensor


        get_event_storage().put_scalar("num_fg_per_gt", num_fg / num_gt)

        return torch.stack(gt_classes), torch.stack(gt_shifts_deltas)
    def __call__(self):
        # compute box_size
        m = len(self.feature_map_size) - 1
        size_stride = math.floor(
            (math.floor(self.s_max * 100) - math.floor(self.s_min * 100)) /
            (m - 1))
        bbox_size = [self.conv4_3_scale * self.image_size]
        bbox_size += [(self.s_min + i * size_stride / 100) * self.image_size
                      for i in range(m)]
        bbox_size += [1.05 * self.image_size]

        self.widths = [[] for _ in self.aspect_ratios]
        self.heights = [[] for _ in self.aspect_ratios]

        # each a_r denotes the aspect ratios of one feature map
        for i, a_rs in enumerate(self.aspect_ratios):
            # ratio = 1
            a_r = 1
            self.widths[i].append(bbox_size[i] * sqrt(a_r))
            self.heights[i].append(bbox_size[i] / sqrt(a_r))
                sqrt(bbox_size[i] * bbox_size[i + 1]) * sqrt(a_r))
                sqrt(bbox_size[i] * bbox_size[i + 1]) / sqrt(a_r))

            # other ratios
            for a_r in a_rs:
                self.widths[i].append(bbox_size[i] * sqrt(a_r))
                self.heights[i].append(bbox_size[i] / sqrt(a_r))
                a_r = 1 / a_r
                self.widths[i].append(bbox_size[i] * sqrt(a_r))
                self.heights[i].append(bbox_size[i] / sqrt(a_r))

        # compute center of default boxes
        self.center_xs = [[] for _ in self.feature_map_size]
        self.center_ys = [[] for _ in self.feature_map_size]
        for k, f_k in enumerate(self.feature_map_size):
            for i, j in product(range(f_k), repeat=2):
                # bbox center x, y
                cx = (j + 0.5) / f_k * self.image_size
                cy = (i + 0.5) / f_k * self.image_size

        default_boxes = []
        for i, cxs, cys in zip(range(len(self.feature_map_size)),
                               self.center_xs, self.center_ys):
            one_feature_map_boxes = []
            widths = self.widths[i]
            heights = self.heights[i]
            for cx, cy in zip(cxs, cys):
                for w, h in zip(widths, heights):
                    (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = cx - 0.5 * \
                        w, cy - 0.5 * h, cx + 0.5 * w, cy + 0.5 * h
                    one_feature_map_boxes.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
            one_feature_map_boxes = torch.tensor(one_feature_map_boxes,
            if self.clip:
                one_feature_map_boxes = one_feature_map_boxes.clamp_(
                    max=self.image_size, min=0)
        return default_boxes
    def get_aux_ground_truth(self, shifts, targets, box_cls, box_delta):
            shifts (list[list[Tensor]]): a list of N=#image elements. Each is a
                list of #feature level tensors. The tensors contains shifts of
                this image on the specific feature level.
            targets (list[Instances]): a list of N `Instances`s. The i-th
                `Instances` contains the ground-truth per-instance annotations
                for the i-th input image.  Specify `targets` during training only.

            gt_classes (Tensor):
                An integer tensor of shape (N, R) storing ground-truth
                labels for each shift.
                R is the total number of shifts, i.e. the sum of Hi x Wi for all levels.
                Shifts in the valid boxes are assigned their corresponding label in the
                [0, K-1] range. Shifts in the background are assigned the label "K".
                Shifts in the ignore areas are assigned a label "-1", i.e. ignore.
        gt_classes = []

        box_cls = torch.cat([permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, self.num_classes) for x in box_cls], dim=1)
        box_delta = torch.cat([permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, 4) for x in box_delta], dim=1)
        box_cls = box_cls.sigmoid_()

        num_fg = 0
        num_gt = 0

        for shifts_per_image, targets_per_image, box_cls_per_image, box_delta_per_image in zip(
                shifts, targets, box_cls, box_delta):
            shifts_over_all_feature_maps = torch.cat(shifts_per_image, dim=0)

            gt_boxes = targets_per_image.gt_boxes

            prob = box_cls_per_image[:, targets_per_image.gt_classes].t()
            boxes = self.shift2box_transform.apply_deltas(
                box_delta_per_image, shifts_over_all_feature_maps
            iou = pairwise_iou(gt_boxes, Boxes(boxes))
            quality = prob ** (1 - self.poto_alpha) * iou ** self.poto_alpha

            candidate_idxs = []
            st, ed = 0, 0
            for shifts_i in shifts_per_image:
                ed += len(shifts_i)
                _, topk_idxs = quality[:, st:ed].topk(self.poto_aux_topk, dim=1)
                candidate_idxs.append(st + topk_idxs)
                st = ed
            candidate_idxs = torch.cat(candidate_idxs, dim=1)

            is_in_boxes = self.shift2box_transform.get_deltas(
                shifts_over_all_feature_maps, gt_boxes.tensor.unsqueeze(1)
            ).min(dim=-1).values > 0

            candidate_qualities = quality.gather(1, candidate_idxs)
            quality_thr = candidate_qualities.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) + \
                          candidate_qualities.std(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            is_foreground = torch.zeros_like(is_in_boxes).scatter_(1, candidate_idxs, True)
            is_foreground &= quality >= quality_thr

            quality[~is_in_boxes] = -1
            quality[~is_foreground] = -1

            # if there are still more than one objects for a position,
            # we choose the one with maximum quality
            positions_max_quality, gt_matched_idxs = quality.max(dim=0)

            num_fg += (positions_max_quality != -1).sum().item()
            num_gt += len(targets_per_image)

            # ground truth classes
            has_gt = len(targets_per_image) > 0
            if has_gt:
                gt_classes_i = targets_per_image.gt_classes[gt_matched_idxs]
                # Shifts with quality -1 are treated as background.
                gt_classes_i[positions_max_quality == -1] = self.num_classes
                gt_classes_i = torch.zeros_like(
                    gt_matched_idxs) + self.num_classes


        get_event_storage().put_scalar("num_fg_per_gt_aux", num_fg / num_gt)

        return torch.stack(gt_classes)
文件: yolov3.py 项目: zivzone/cvpods
    def forward(self, batched_inputs):
            batched_inputs: a list, batched outputs of :class:`DatasetMapper` .
                Each item in the list contains the inputs for one image.
                For now, each item in the list is a dict that contains:

                * image: Tensor, image in (C, H, W) format.
                * instances: Instances

                Other information that's included in the original dicts, such as:

                * "height", "width" (int): the output resolution of the model, used in inference.
                    See :meth:`postprocess` for details.
            dict[str: Tensor]:
                mapping from a named loss to a tensor storing the loss. Used during training only.

        images, labels = self.preprocess_image(batched_inputs, self.training)

        # batched_inputs[0]['image'] = images.tensor[0].cpu() * 255
        # self.visualize_data(batched_inputs[0])

        x = images.tensor
        img_size = x.shape[-2:]

        def _branch(_embedding, _in):
            for i, e in enumerate(_embedding):
                _in = e(_in)
                if i == 4:
                    out_branch = _in
            return _in, out_branch

        #  backbone
        # x2, x1, x0 = self.backbone(x)
        out_features = self.backbone(x)
        features = [out_features[f] for f in self.in_features]
        [x2, x1, x0] = features
        #  yolo branch 0
        out0, out0_branch = _branch(self.out0, x0)
        #  yolo branch 1
        x1_in = self.out1_cbl(out0_branch)
        x1_in = self.out1_upsample(x1_in)
        x1_in = torch.cat([x1_in, x1], 1)
        out1, out1_branch = _branch(self.out1, x1_in)
        #  yolo branch 2
        x2_in = self.out2_cbl(out1_branch)
        x2_in = self.out2_upsample(x2_in)
        x2_in = torch.cat([x2_in, x2], 1)
        out2, out2_branch = _branch(self.out2, x2_in)

        outputs = [out0, out1, out2]

        if self.training:
            losses = [
                loss_evaluator(out, labels, img_size) for out, loss_evaluator in zip(
                    outputs, self.loss_evaluators)
            keys = ["loss_x", "loss_y", "loss_w",
                    "loss_h", "loss_conf", "loss_cls"]
            losses_dict = {}
            for key in keys:
                losses_dict[key] = sum([loss[key] for loss in losses])
            return losses_dict
            predictions_list = [loss_evaluator(out, labels, img_size) for
                                out, loss_evaluator in zip(outputs, self.loss_evaluators)]

            predictions = torch.cat(predictions_list, 1)
            detections = postprocess(predictions,

            results = []
            for idx, out in enumerate(detections):
                if out is None:
                    out = x.new_zeros((0, 7))
                # image_size = images.image_sizes[idx]
                image_size = img_size
                result = Instances(image_size)
                result.pred_boxes = Boxes(out[:, :4])
                result.scores = out[:, 5] * out[:, 4]
                result.pred_classes = out[:, -1]

            processed_results = []
            for results_per_image, input_per_image, image_size in zip(
                    results, batched_inputs, images.image_sizes):
                height = input_per_image.get("height", image_size[0])
                width = input_per_image.get("width", image_size[1])
                r = detector_postprocess(results_per_image, height, width)
                processed_results.append({"instances": r})

            return processed_results
    def losses(self, anchors, gt_instances, box_cls, box_delta):
        anchors = [Boxes.cat(anchors_i) for anchors_i in anchors]

        box_cls_flattened = [
            permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, self.num_classes) for x in box_cls
        box_delta_flattened = [permute_to_N_HWA_K(x, 4) for x in box_delta]
        pred_class_logits = cat(box_cls_flattened, dim=1)
        pred_anchor_deltas = cat(box_delta_flattened, dim=1)

        pred_class_probs = pred_class_logits.sigmoid()
        pred_box_probs = []
        num_foreground = 0
        positive_losses = []
        for anchors_per_image, \
            gt_instances_per_image, \
            pred_class_probs_per_image, \
            pred_anchor_deltas_per_image in zip(
                anchors, gt_instances, pred_class_probs, pred_anchor_deltas):
            gt_classes_per_image = gt_instances_per_image.gt_classes

            with torch.no_grad():
                # predicted_boxes_per_image: a_{j}^{loc}, shape: [j, 4]
                predicted_boxes_per_image = self.box2box_transform.apply_deltas(
                    pred_anchor_deltas_per_image, anchors_per_image.tensor)
                # gt_pred_iou: IoU_{ij}^{loc}, shape: [i, j]
                gt_pred_iou = pairwise_iou(gt_instances_per_image.gt_boxes,

                t1 = self.bbox_threshold
                t2 = gt_pred_iou.max(dim=1, keepdim=True).values.clamp_(
                    min=t1 + torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps)
                # gt_pred_prob: P{a_{j} -> b_{i}}, shape: [i, j]
                gt_pred_prob = ((gt_pred_iou - t1) / (t2 - t1)).clamp_(min=0,

                # pred_box_prob_per_image: P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}, shape: [j, c]
                nonzero_idxs = torch.nonzero(gt_pred_prob, as_tuple=True)
                pred_box_prob_per_image = torch.zeros_like(
                pred_box_prob_per_image[nonzero_idxs[1], gt_classes_per_image[nonzero_idxs[0]]] \
                    = gt_pred_prob[nonzero_idxs]

            # construct bags for objects
            match_quality_matrix = pairwise_iou(
                gt_instances_per_image.gt_boxes, anchors_per_image)
            _, foreground_idxs = torch.topk(match_quality_matrix,

            # matched_pred_class_probs_per_image: P_{ij}^{cls}
            matched_pred_class_probs_per_image = torch.gather(
                pred_class_probs_per_image[foreground_idxs], 2,
                gt_classes_per_image.view(-1, 1,
                                          1).repeat(1, self.pos_anchor_topk,

            # matched_gt_anchor_deltas_per_image: P_{ij}^{loc}
            matched_gt_anchor_deltas_per_image = self.box2box_transform.get_deltas(
            loss_box_reg = smooth_l1_loss(
                reduction="none").sum(dim=-1) * self.reg_weight
            matched_pred_reg_probs_per_image = (-loss_box_reg).exp()

            # positive_losses: { -log( Mean-max(P_{ij}^{cls} * P_{ij}^{loc}) ) }
            num_foreground += len(gt_instances_per_image)
                positive_bag_loss(matched_pred_class_probs_per_image *

        # positive_loss: \sum_{i}{ -log( Mean-max(P_{ij}^{cls} * P_{ij}^{loc}) ) } / ||B||
        positive_loss = torch.cat(positive_losses).sum() / max(
            1, num_foreground)

        # pred_box_probs: P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}
        pred_box_probs = torch.stack(pred_box_probs, dim=0)
        # negative_loss: \sum_{j}{ FL( (1 - P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}) * (1 - P_{j}^{bg}) ) } / n||B||
        negative_loss = negative_bag_loss(
            pred_class_probs *
            (1 - pred_box_probs), self.focal_loss_gamma).sum() / max(
                1, num_foreground * self.pos_anchor_topk)

        loss_pos = positive_loss * self.focal_loss_alpha
        loss_neg = negative_loss * (1 - self.focal_loss_alpha)

        return {"loss_pos": loss_pos, "loss_neg": loss_neg}