def get_cvss3(stringCVSS3):
    # Returns FLOAT CVSS3 Score...
    # It accepts:
    #   AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N
    #   CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N
    return calculate_vector(stringCVSS3, cvss3)[0]
def transform_cvssv2_to_cvssv3(cve: dict):
    Transform CVSSv2 vector and score of given CVE to CVSSv3
    # Conversion incentives are taken from: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/127335/how-to-convert-risk-scores-cvssv1-cvssv2-cvssv3-owasp-risk-severity
    converted_cvssv3_vector = ""
    vector_fields = cve["vector_short"].split(
        "/")  # remove left and right parenthesis
    for vector_field in vector_fields:
        key, val = vector_field.split(":")
        # straightforware value conversion
        if key == "AC":
            if val == "M":
                val = "L"
        elif key == "Au":
            if val == "S":
                val = "L"
            elif val == "M":
                val = "H"
            key = "PR"
        elif key in ("C", "I", "A"):
            if val == "C":
                val = "H"
            elif val == "P":
                val = "H"
            elif val == "N":
                val = "N"
        elif key == "RL":
            if val == "OF":
                val = "O"
            elif val == "TF":
                val = "T"
            elif val == "ND":
                val = "X"
        elif key == "RC":
            if val == "UR":
                val = "R"
            elif val == "UC":
                val = "U"
            elif val == "ND":
                val = "X"

        converted_cvssv3_vector += "%s:%s/" % (key, val)

    # always declare Scope as "unchanged"
    converted_cvssv3_vector += "S:U/"

    # derive value for user interaction from access complexity metric
    if "AC:H" in cve["vector_short"] or "AC:M" in cve["vector_short"]:
        converted_cvssv3_vector += "UI:R/"
        converted_cvssv3_vector += "UI:N/"

    converted_cvssv3_vector = converted_cvssv3_vector[:-1]  # remove trailing /

    # backup the original CVSSv2 information and add the CVSSv3 information
    if "vector_detail" in cve:
        del cve["vector_detail"]
    cve["orig_cvssv2"] = cve["cvssv2"]
    del cve["cvssv2"]
    cve["orig_cvssv2_vector"] = cve["vector_short"]
    del cve["vector_short"]
    cve["vector_short"] = ("CVSS:3.0/%s" % converted_cvssv3_vector).replace(
        "(", "")
    vector_v3 = "CVSS:3.0/" + converted_cvssv3_vector
    cvssv3 = calculate_vector(
        vector_v3, cvss3)[0]  # get base score of cvssv3 score vector
    cve["cvssv3"] = cvssv3
    def compute(self):

        def getname(obj, name):

            _val = None

            if hasattr(obj, name):
                _val = getattr(obj, name, None)

            if _val is None:
                return _val

            # handling for values from a method
            if isinstance(_val, str):
                return _val

                if _val.isdynamic:
                    raise ValueError('Cvssv2 plugin cannot process %s because it contains a dynamic class' % name)
            except AttributeError:
                raise TypeError('Expected an attribute but got a %s' % type(_val))

            if _val.issingleton():
                _ret = '%s' % _val[0].raw()
                raise ValueError('Cvssv2 method plugin specified in user defined class %s '
                                 'only works on singleton attributes' % striptoclassname(type(self.targetobject)))

            return _ret

        attrid = (p.Literal('@') | p.Literal('!')).suppress() + p.Word(p.alphanums)

        attrexpr = attrid.setResultsName('attribute')

        parseresult = attrexpr.parseString(self.config)

        _attrname = parseresult.get('attribute', None)[0]

        if _attrname is None:
            raise ValueError('The configuration string provided to the Cvssv2 method '
                             'plugin in user defined class %s does not contain an '
                             'identifiable attribute. Please provide a configuration '
                             'string in the form of \'@attribute[#:#]\'' % striptoclassname(type(self.targetobject)))

        self.vector = getname(self.targetobject, _attrname)

        if isinstance(self.vector, str):
            self.computable = True

        if self.computable:
                _score = calculate_vector(self.vector, cvss2)
                _index = len([c for c in _score if c is not None]) - 1
                self.__result__ = _score[_index]
                #self.__result__ = ', '.join(str(i) for i in _score)
            except Exception as err:
                raise Exception('When the Cvssv2 method plugin used in '
                                'the %s class attempted to process the provided '
                                'vector string from %s in %s, the following '
                                'error occured: %s' %
def CVSS_modscore(vector):
    # Return base score for given CVSS vector string
    score = calculate_vector(vector, cvss31)
    # Returned list order is base score, temporal score, environmental score
    return score[2]
文件: try.py 项目: rajivraj/RVSS
from cvsslib import cvss2, cvss3, rvss, calculate_vector

# vector_v2 = "AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N"
vector = "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N"

# print(calculate_vector(vector_v2, cvss2))
vector_v3 = "CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:H/MPR:N"
# print("base_score, temporal_score and environment_score: "+str(calculate_vector(vector, cvss3)))
print("base_score, temporal_score and environment_score: " +
      str(calculate_vector(vector, rvss)))
def _refresh_vprating(vuln_id, asset_metadata={}):
    from vulns.serializers import VulnSerializer
    vpr = VPRating.objects.filter(vuln_id=vuln_id).first()
    if vpr is None:
        vpr = VPRating()
    # vuln = vpr.vuln.__dict__
    vuln = VulnSerializer(vpr.vuln).data
    # exploits = vuln.exploitmetata_set.all()

    vpr.data = {
        'vuln': {
            'published': vuln.get('published', None),
            'modified': vuln.get('modified', None),
            'cvss': vuln.get('cvss', None),
            'cvss_time': vuln.get('cvss_time', None),
            'cvss_vector': vuln.get('cvss_vector', None),
            'access': vuln.get('access', None),
            'impact': vuln.get('impact', None),
            'is_confirmed': vuln.get('is_confirmed', None)
        "threats": {
            'is_exploitable': vuln.get('is_exploitable', None),
            'is_in_the_wild': vuln.get('is_in_the_wild', None),
            'is_in_the_news': vuln.get('is_in_the_news', None)
        'asset': {
            'criticality': asset_metadata.get('criticality', None),
            'exposure': asset_metadata.get('exposure', None),
            'distribution': asset_metadata.get('distribution', None),
    vpr.vector = vpr.data['vuln']['cvss_vector']

    # AdjustTemporal Score
    # if vpr.data['exploit']['is_exploitable'] not in [None, False]:
    if vpr.data['threats']['is_exploitable'] not in [None, False]:
        vpr.vector += "/E:H"
    if vpr.data['bulletin']['is_confirmed'] not in [None, False]:
        vpr.vector += "/RC:C"

    # Adjust Environmental Score
    if vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] is not None:
        if vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] == "high":
            vpr.vector += "/CDP:H"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] == "medium":
            vpr.vector += "/CDP:MH"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] == "low":
            vpr.vector += "/CDP:LM"
    if vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] is not None:
        if vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] == "internet":
            vpr.vector += "/TD:H"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] == "internal":
            vpr.vector += "/TD:M"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] == "dmz":
            vpr.vector += "/TD:L"

    adjusted_cvss2_scores = calculate_vector(vpr.vector, cvss2)
    # print("adjusted_cvss2_scores:", adjusted_cvss2_scores)
    # vpr.cvssv2adj = adjusted_cvss2_scores
    return vpr
def _calc_vprating(vuln, asset_metadata={}, save=False, org=None):
    # print("_calc_vprating():", vuln)
    # print("_calc_vprating():", org)
    vpr = VPRating(vuln=vuln)

    v = vuln.__dict__

    vpr.data = {
        'vulnerability': {
            'published': v.get('published', None),
            'modified': v.get('modified', None),
            'cvss': v.get('cvss', 5.0),
            'cvss_time': v.get('cvss_time', None),
            'cvss_vector': v.get('cvss_vector', None),
            'access': v.get('access', {None}),
            'impact': v.get('impact', {None}),
            'is_confirmed': v.get('is_confirmed', False),
            'remediation': v.get('remediation', False)  # TODO
        "threat": {
            'is_exploitable': v.get('is_exploitable', False),
            'is_in_the_wild': v.get('is_in_the_wild', False),
            'is_in_the_news': v.get('is_in_the_news', False)
        'asset': {
            'criticality': asset_metadata.get('criticality', None),
            'exposure': asset_metadata.get('exposure', None),
            'distribution': asset_metadata.get('distribution', None),

    cvss2adj_vector = ""
    if vpr.data['vulnerability']['cvss_vector'] is not None:
        cvss2adj_vector = vpr.data['vulnerability']['cvss_vector']

    # AdjustTemporal Score
    if vpr.data['threat']['is_exploitable'] not in [None, False]:
        cvss2adj_vector += "/E:H"
    if vpr.data['vulnerability']['is_confirmed'] not in [None, False]:
        cvss2adj_vector += "/RC:C"

    # Adjust Environmental Score
    if vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] is not None:
        if vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] == "high":
            cvss2adj_vector += "/CDP:H"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] == "medium":
            cvss2adj_vector += "/CDP:MH"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['criticality'] == "low":
            cvss2adj_vector += "/CDP:LM"
    if vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] is not None:
        if vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] == "internet":
            cvss2adj_vector += "/TD:H"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] == "internal":
            cvss2adj_vector += "/TD:M"
        elif vpr.data['asset']['exposure'] == "dmz":
            cvss2adj_vector += "/TD:L"

    vpr.cvssv2adj = calculate_vector(cvss2adj_vector, cvss2)
    vpr.vector = cvss2adj_vector

    if save is True:
    # print("END: CVSSv2 Adjusted:", vpr.cvssv2adj, "VPRating:", vpr.score)
    return vpr
 def cvss_v3_score(self):
         return calculate_vector(self.cvss_v3_vector, cvss3)[0]
         return 0