def _updateTrustRegion(x, fx, oldFx, oldDeltaX, p, radius, g, oldGrad, H, func, grad, z, G, h, y, A, b): # readjust the bounds and initial value if possible # as we try our best to use warm start GTemp = numpy.append(numpy.zeros((1,p)), numpy.eye(p), axis=0) hTemp = numpy.zeros(p+1) hTemp[0] += radius if G is not None: GTemp = numpy.append(G, GTemp, axis=0) hTemp = numpy.append(h -, hTemp) dims = {'l': G.shape[0], 'q': [p+1], 's': []} else: dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [p+1], 's': []} if A is not None: bTemp = b - else: bTemp = None # solving the QP to get the descent direction try: if A is not None: qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g), matrix(GTemp), matrix(hTemp), dims, matrix(A), matrix(bTemp)) # print qpOut else: qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g), matrix(GTemp), matrix(hTemp), dims) except Exception as e: raise e # exact the descent diretion and do a line search deltaX = numpy.array(qpOut['x']) # diffM is the difference between the real objective # function and M, the quadratic approximation # M = diffM(deltaX.flatten(), g.flatten(), H) M = _diffM(g.flatten(), H) newFx = func(x + deltaX) predRatio = (fx - newFx) / M(deltaX) if predRatio>=0.75: radius = min(2.0*radius, maxRadius) elif predRatio<=0.25: radius *= 0.25 if predRatio>=0.25: oldGrad = g.copy() x += deltaX oldFx = fx fx = newFx update = True else: update = False if G is not None: z[:] = numpy.array(qpOut['z'])[G.shape[0]] if A is not None: y[:] = numpy.array(qpOut['y']) return x, update, radius, deltaX, z, y, fx, oldFx, oldGrad, qpOut['iterations']
def QuadMatch(K, B=1): """ Return the top B solutions in increasing objective value to the following quadratic optimization problem (with symmetry eliminated) minimize u^T K u subject to u in {-1, +1}^n sum_i u_i = 0 u_1 = -1 Args: K: d by d array representing a PSD matrix B: number of solutions Returns: list of lists of +/-1 denoting assignment """ allocations = [] obj_value = [] n = len(K) k = n / 2 K1 =, n)), K) K11 =, np.ones((n, 1))) result = solvers.coneqp( P=matrix(4. * K[1:, 1:]), q=matrix(-4 * K1[0, 1:]), A=matrix(np.ones((1, n - 1))), b=matrix(np.array(k).reshape(-1, 1)), ) allocation = [ 1 if zz > 0.5 else 0 for zz in np.array(result['x']).flatten() ] allocations.append([0] + allocation) obj_value.append(result['primal objective']) for b in range(B - 1): try: result = solvers.coneqp( P=matrix(4. * K[1:, 1:]), q=matrix(-4 * K1[0, 1:]), A=matrix(np.ones((1, n - 1))), b=matrix(np.array(k).reshape(-1, 1)), G=matrix(np.array(allocations).astype(float)[:, 1:]), h=matrix((k - 1) * np.ones((b + 1, 1)))) allocation = [ 1 if zz > 0.5 else 0 for zz in np.array(result['x']).flatten() ] allocations.append([0] + allocation) obj_value.append(result['primal objective']) except: break return [[2 * zz - 1 for zz in z] for z in allocations]
def Robust_opt(mean, cov, sigma, t, eta): N = len(mean) a = 2 / t kappa = np.sqrt(chi2.ppf(eta, df=N)) Y = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma) P_0 = np.hstack([a * cov, np.array([[0.0] for i in range(N)])]) P_0 = np.vstack([P_0, np.array([0.0 for i in range(N + 1)])]) P = matrix(P_0) q = matrix(np.append((-1) * mean, [kappa])) A = matrix(np.array([[1.0 for i in range(N)] + [0.0]]), tc='d') b = matrix(np.array([1.0]), tc='d') I = matrix(0.0, (N + 1, N + 1)) I[::N + 2] = 1.0 G_1 = np.hstack([(-1) * Y.T, np.array([[0.0] for i in range(N)])]) G_1 = np.vstack([np.array([0.0 for i in range(N)] + [-1.0]), G_1]) G = matrix([-I, matrix(G_1)]) h = matrix((N + 1) * [0.0] + (N + 1) * [0.0]) dims = {'l': N + 1, 'q': [N + 1], 's': []} sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims, A, b) w = sol['x'][:-1] #CE_0 =,w)[0] - 0.5*a*, cov), w)[0][0] return w
def find_nearest_valid_distribution(u_alpha, kernel, initial=None, reg=0): """ (solution,distance_sqd)=find_nearest_valid_distribution(u_alpha,kernel): Given a n-vector u_alpha summing to 1, with negative terms, finds the distance (squared) to the nearest n-vector summing to 1, with non-neg terms. Distance calculated using nxn matrix kernel. Regularization parameter reg -- min_v (u_alpha - v)^\top K (u_alpha - v) + reg* v^\top v""" P = matrix(2 * kernel) n = kernel.shape[0] q = matrix( * kernel, u_alpha)) A = matrix(np.ones((1, n))) b = matrix(1.) G = spmatrix(-1., range(n), range(n)) h = matrix(np.zeros(n)) dims = {'l': n, 'q': [], 's': []} solvers.options['show_progress'] = False solution = solvers.coneqp( P, q, G, h, dims, A, b, initvals=initial ) distance_sqd = solution['primal objective'] +,, u_alpha))[0, 0] return (solution, distance_sqd)
def testqp(opts): A = matrix([ [ .3, -.4, -.2, -.4, 1.3 ], [ .6, 1.2, -1.7, .3, -.3 ], [-.3, .0, .6, -1.2, -2.0 ] ]) b = matrix([ 1.5, .0, -1.2, -.7, .0]) m, n = A.size I = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) I[::n+1] = 1.0 G = matrix([-I, matrix(0.0, (1,n)), I]) h = matrix(n*[0.0] + [1.0] + n*[0.0]) dims = {'l': n, 'q': [n+1], 's': []} P = A.T*A q = -A.T*b #localcones.options.update(opts) #sol = localcones.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims, kktsolver='chol') solvers.options.update(opts) sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims) if sol['status'] == 'optimal': print "x=\n", helpers.strSpe(sol['x'], "%.5f") print "s=\n", helpers.strSpe(sol['s'], "%.5f") print "z=\n", helpers.strSpe(sol['z'], "%.5f") print "\n *** running GO test ***" helpers.run_go_test("../testconeqp", {'x': sol['x'], 's': sol['s'], 'z': sol['z']})
def l1regls(A, b, gamma): """ minimize 0.5 * ||A*x-b||_2^2 + gamma*sum_k |x_k| with complex data. """ A=matrix(A) b=matrix(b) m, n = A.size # Solve as # # minimize 0.5 * || AA*u - bb ||_2^2 + gamma* sum(t) # subject || (u[k], u[k+n]) ||_2 <= t[k], k = 0, ..., n-1. # # with real data and u = ( Re(x), Im(x) ). AA = matrix([ [A.real(), A.imag()], [-A.imag(), A.real()] ]) bb = matrix([ b.real(), b.imag() ]) # P = [AA'*AA, 0; 0, 0] P = matrix(0.0, (3*n, 3*n)) P[0:2*n,0:2*n]=AA.T*AA # q = [-AA'*bb; gamma*ones] q = matrix([-AA.T * bb, matrix(gamma, (n,1))]) # n second order cone constraints || (u[k], u[k+n]) ||_2 <= t[k] I = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) I[::n+1] = -1.0 G = matrix(0.0, (3*n, 3*n)) G[1::3, :n] = I G[2::3, n:2*n] = I G[::3, -n:] = I def Gfun(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'): gx=matrix(0.0,x.size) if trans=='N': gx[1::3,:]=-x[ : n,:] gx[2::3,:]=-x[ n:2*n,:] gx[ ::3,:]=-x[-n: ,:] elif trans=='T': gx[ : n,:]=-x[1::3,:] gx[ n:2*n,:]=-x[2::3,:] gx[-n: ,:]=-x[ ::3,:] y[:,:]=alpha*gx+beta*y h = matrix(0.0, (3*n, 1)) dims = {'l': 0, 'q': n*[3], 's': []} factor=mykktchol(P) sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, Gfun, h, dims,kktsolver=factor) return sol['x'][:n] + 1j*sol['x'][n:2*n]
def run(): vi = solvers.coneqp(fP, f, G, h=c, dims=dims, kktsolver=fKKT, xnewcopy=newcopy, xdot=dot, xaxpy=axpy, xscal=scal)['x'] v = np.zeros((n+2,)) v[1:-1] = vi[:,0].T print 'CG iters:', ITERS pretty_print(x,v)
def regress_erp(y, test_idx, predictor, events, ns): event_types = events['uniqueLabel'] labels = events['label'] latencies = events['latencyInFrame'] train_idx = ~test_idx ytrn = matrix(y[train_idx].tolist()).T #There is a specific test_set to use if (len(np.where(test_idx)[0])!=0): tst_start_idx = min(np.where(test_idx)[0]) tst_end_idx = max(np.where(test_idx)[0]) #Test on all the data else: tst_start_idx = min(np.where(~test_idx)[0]) tst_end_idx = max(np.where(~test_idx)[0]) train_idx_list= np.where(train_idx==1)[0] train_idx_list = array(train_idx_list, #Solve the system of equations y = Ax P = predictor[train_idx_list,:].T*predictor[train_idx_list,:] q = -predictor[train_idx_list, :].T*ytrn rerp_vec = solvers.coneqp(P, q)['x'] yestimate = array(predictor*rerp_vec) y_temp = matrix(y.tolist()).T noise = y_temp-yestimate events_to_test = np.where((array(latencies)<tst_end_idx) & (array(latencies)>tst_start_idx))[0] gc.disable() #Compute performance stats stats = np.empty((len(event_types),2)) for i, this_type in enumerate(event_types): this_stat = np.empty((0,2)) for j, event_idx in enumerate(events_to_test): this_event=labels[event_idx] if this_event==this_type: start_idx = latencies[event_idx]; end_idx = np.minimum(tst_end_idx, start_idx+ns) yblock = y[start_idx:end_idx] noiseblock = noise[start_idx:end_idx] this_stat = np.append(this_stat, array([[sp.var(yblock)], [sp.var(noiseblock)]]).T, axis=0) rov_raw = this_stat[:,0]-this_stat[:,1] rov_nor = rov_raw/this_stat[:,0] rov = array([sp.mean(rov_raw), sp.mean(rov_nor)]) stats[i,:] = rov gc.enable() return stats, np.reshape(array(rerp_vec),(-1, ns)).T
def solve_generalized_mom_conelp(MM, constraints, W=None, absslack=1e-4, totalslack=1e-2, maxiter=1): """ solve using iterative GMM using the cone linear program W is a specific weight matrix we give generous bound for each constraint, and then harsh bound for g'Wg @params constraints - E[g(x,X)] = f(x) - phi(X) that are supposed to be 0 Eggt - the function handle takes current f(x) and estimates E[g(x,X)g(x,X)'] \in \Re^{n \times n}, the information matrix maxiter - times to run the iterative GMM """ N = len(constraints) D = len(MM.matrix_monos) sr = len(MM.row_monos) A, b = MM.get_Ab(constraints, cvxoptmode=False) # augumented constraint matrix introduces slack variables g A_aug = sparse(matrix(sc.hstack((A, 1 * sc.eye(N + 1)[:, :-1])))) P = spdiag([matrix(0 * np.eye(D)), matrix(np.eye(N))]) b = matrix(b) indicatorlist = MM.get_LMI_coefficients() G = sparse(indicatorlist).trans() V, I, J = G.V, G.I, G.J, Gaug = sparse(spmatrix(V, I, J, size=(sr * sr, N + D))) h = matrix(np.zeros((sr * sr, 1))) dims = {} dims['l'] = 0 dims['q'] = [] dims['s'] = [sr] Bf = MM.get_Bflat() R = np.random.rand(len(MM), len(MM)) #W = W = np.eye(len(MM)) w =[:, np.newaxis] q = matrix(np.vstack((w, np.zeros((N, 1))))) #ipdb.set_trace() for i in xrange(maxiter): w =[:, np.newaxis] sol = cvxsolvers.coneqp(P, q, G=Gaug, h=h, dims=dims, A=A_aug, b=b) sol['x'] = sol['x'][0:D] return sol
def solve(self): if len(self.aux.G) == 0: raise ArithmeticError('No constraints') A = solvers.coneqp(P=matrix(self.__P), q=matrix(self.__q), G=matrix(numpy.array(self.aux.G)), h=matrix(numpy.array(self.aux.h)), dims=self.aux.dims) if A["status"] == "optimal": return numpy.array(A['x']).transpose()[0], A else: raise ArithmeticError("Solution not optimal: " + A["status"])
def solve_generalized_mom_conelp(MM, constraints, W=None, absslack=1e-4, totalslack=1e-2, maxiter = 1): """ solve using iterative GMM using the cone linear program W is a specific weight matrix we give generous bound for each constraint, and then harsh bound for g'Wg @params constraints - E[g(x,X)] = f(x) - phi(X) that are supposed to be 0 Eggt - the function handle takes current f(x) and estimates E[g(x,X)g(x,X)'] \in \Re^{n \times n}, the information matrix maxiter - times to run the iterative GMM """ N = len(constraints) D = len(MM.matrix_monos) sr = len(MM.row_monos) A,b = MM.get_Ab(constraints, cvxoptmode = False) # augumented constraint matrix introduces slack variables g A_aug = sparse(matrix(sc.hstack((A, 1*sc.eye(N+1)[:,:-1])))) P = spdiag([matrix(0*np.eye(D)), matrix(np.eye(N))]) b = matrix(b) indicatorlist = MM.get_LMI_coefficients() G = sparse(indicatorlist).trans() V,I,J = G.V, G.I, G.J, Gaug = sparse(spmatrix(V,I,J,size=(sr*sr, N + D))) h = matrix(np.zeros((sr*sr,1))) dims = {} dims['l'] = 0 dims['q'] = [] dims['s'] = [sr] Bf = MM.get_Bflat() R = np.random.rand(len(MM), len(MM)) #W = W = np.eye(len(MM)) w =[:,np.newaxis] q = matrix(np.vstack( (w,np.zeros((N,1))) )) #ipdb.set_trace() for i in xrange(maxiter): w =[:,np.newaxis] sol = cvxsolvers.coneqp(P, q, G=Gaug, h=h, dims=dims, A=A_aug, b=b) sol['x'] = sol['x'][0:D] return sol
def filter_copycounts(graph): # Same as filter_copycounts_inc_nodes except doesn't use edge weights # Currently not used A = buildMatrix(graph) [n,m]=A.size I = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m)) c = matrix(map(float,graph.edge_weights),(m,1)) q = -c #check if this is a row vector G = -I h = matrix(0.,(m,1)) # zero matrix dims = {'l': G.size[0], 'q': [], 's': []} b = matrix(0.,(n,1)) x=solvers.coneqp(I, q, G, h, dims, A, b)['x'] y = numpy.array(x) graph.filter_update(y) return x
def filter_copycounts(graph): # Same as filter_copycounts_inc_nodes except doesn't use edge weights # Currently not used A = buildMatrix(graph) [n, m] = A.size I = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m)) c = matrix(map(float, graph.edge_weights), (m, 1)) q = -c #check if this is a row vector G = -I h = matrix(0., (m, 1)) # zero matrix dims = {'l': G.size[0], 'q': [], 's': []} b = matrix(0., (n, 1)) x = solvers.coneqp(I, q, G, h, dims, A, b)['x'] y = numpy.array(x) graph.filter_update(y) return x
def solve_lbd(self, I_p): """ lbd=diag(Lambda) update with linear programming """ c, G, h, A, b, primalstart = self.compute_constraints_Diag( self.alpha, self.X, self.H, self.trace) sol = solvers.coneqp(matrix(self.gamma * I_p), c, G, h, A=A, b=b, primalstart=primalstart) lbd_new = abs(np.array(sol['x']).ravel()) return lbd_new
def solve_generalized_mom_coneqp(MM, constraints, pconstraints=None, maxiter = 1): """ solve using iterative GMM using the quadratic cone program func_W takes a solved instance and returns the weighting matrix, this function has access to individual data points @params constraints - E[g(x,X)] = f(x) - h(X) that are supposed to be 0 Eggt - the function handle takes current f(x) and estimates E[g(x,X)g(x,X)'] \in \Re^{n \times n}, the information matrix maxiter - times to run the iterative GMM """ N = len(constraints) D = len(MM.matrix_monos) sr = len(MM.row_monos) A,b = MM.get_Ab(constraints, cvxoptmode = False) #ipdb.set_trace() # augumented constraint matrix introduces slack variables g A_aug = sparse(matrix(sc.hstack((A, 1*sc.eye(N+1)[:,:-1])))) P = spdiag([matrix(0*np.eye(D)), matrix(np.eye(N))]) b = matrix(b) indicatorlist = MM.get_LMI_coefficients() G = sparse(indicatorlist).trans() V,I,J = G.V, G.I, G.J, Gaug = sparse(spmatrix(V,I,J,size=(sr*sr, N + D))) h = matrix(np.zeros((sr*sr,1))) dims = {} dims['l'] = 0 dims['q'] = [] dims['s'] = [sr] Bf = MM.get_Bflat() R = np.random.rand(len(MM), len(MM)) W = W = np.eye(len(MM)) w =[:,np.newaxis] q = 1e-5*matrix(np.vstack( (w,np.zeros((N,1))) )) #ipdb.set_trace() for i in xrange(maxiter): w =[:,np.newaxis] sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G=Gaug, h=h, dims=dims, A=A_aug, b=b) sol['x'] = sol['x'][0:D] return sol
def testqp(opts): A = matrix([ [ .3, -.4, -.2, -.4, 1.3 ], [ .6, 1.2, -1.7, .3, -.3 ], [-.3, .0, .6, -1.2, -2.0 ] ]) b = matrix([ 1.5, .0, -1.2, -.7, .0]) m, n = A.size I = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) I[::n+1] = 1.0 G = matrix([-I, matrix(0.0, (1,n)), I]) h = matrix(n*[0.0] + [1.0] + n*[0.0]) dims = {'l': n, 'q': [n+1], 's': []} P = A.T*A q = -A.T*b solvers.options.update(opts) sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims, kktsolver='ldl') if sol['status'] == 'optimal': print "x=\n", helpers.str2(sol['x'], "%.9f") print "s=\n", helpers.str2(sol['s'], "%.9f") print "z=\n", helpers.str2(sol['z'], "%.9f") helpers.run_go_test("../testconeqp", {'x': sol['x'], 's': sol['s'], 'z': sol['z']})
def testqp(opts): A = matrix([[0.3, -0.4, -0.2, -0.4, 1.3], [0.6, 1.2, -1.7, 0.3, -0.3], [-0.3, 0.0, 0.6, -1.2, -2.0]]) b = matrix([1.5, 0.0, -1.2, -0.7, 0.0]) m, n = A.size I = matrix(0.0, (n, n)) I[:: n + 1] = 1.0 G = matrix([-I, matrix(0.0, (1, n)), I]) h = matrix(n * [0.0] + [1.0] + n * [0.0]) dims = {"l": n, "q": [n + 1], "s": []} P = A.T * A q = -A.T * b # localcones.options.update(opts) # sol = localcones.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims, kktsolver='chol') solvers.options.update(opts) sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims) if sol["status"] == "optimal": print "x=\n", helpers.strSpe(sol["x"], "%.5f") print "s=\n", helpers.strSpe(sol["s"], "%.5f") print "z=\n", helpers.strSpe(sol["z"], "%.5f") print "\n *** running GO test ***" helpers.run_go_test("../testconeqp", {"x": sol["x"], "s": sol["s"], "z": sol["z"]})
# The quadratic cone program of section 8.2 (Quadratic cone programs). # minimize (1/2)*x'*A'*A*x - b'*A*x # subject to x >= 0 # ||x||_2 <= 1 from cvxopt import matrix, base, solvers A = matrix([ [ .3, -.4, -.2, -.4, 1.3 ], [ .6, 1.2, -1.7, .3, -.3 ], [-.3, .0, .6, -1.2, -2.0 ] ]) b = matrix([ 1.5, .0, -1.2, -.7, .0]) m, n = A.size I = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) I[::n+1] = 1.0 G = matrix([-I, matrix(0.0, (1,n)), I]) h = matrix(n*[0.0] + [1.0] + n*[0.0]) dims = {'l': n, 'q': [n+1], 's': []} x = solvers.coneqp(A.T*A, -A.T*b, G, h, dims)['x'] print("\nx = \n") print(x)
def nrmapp(A, B, C=None, d=None, G=None, h=None): """ Solves the regularized nuclear norm approximation problem minimize || A(x) + B ||_* + 1/2 x'*C*x + d'*x subject to G*x <= h and its dual maximize -h'*z + tr(B'*Z) - 1/2 v'*C*v subject to d + G'*z + A'(Z) = C*v z >= 0 || Z || <= 1. A(x) is a linear mapping that maps n-vectors x to (p x q)-matrices A(x). ||.||_* is the nuclear norm (sum of singular values). A'(Z) is the adjoint mapping of A(x). ||.|| is the maximum singular value norm. INPUT A real dense or sparse matrix of size (p*q, n). Its columns are the coefficients A_i of the mapping A: reals^n --> reals^pxq, A(x) = sum_i=1^n x_i * A_i, stored in column-major order, as p*q-vectors. B real dense or sparse matrix of size (p, q), with p >= q. C real symmetric positive semidefinite dense or sparse matrix of order n. Only the lower triangular part of C is accessed. The default value is a zero matrix. d real dense matrix of size (n, 1). The default value is a zero vector. G real dense or sparse matrix of size (m, n), with m >= 0. The default value is a matrix of size (0, n). h real dense matrix of size (m, 1). The default value is a matrix of size (0, 1). OUTPUT status 'optimal', 'primal infeasible', or 'unknown'. x 'd' matrix of size (n, 1) if status is 'optimal'; None otherwise. z 'd' matrix of size (m, 1) if status is 'optimal' or 'primal infeasible'; None otherwise. Z 'd' matrix of size (p, q) if status is 'optimal' or 'primal infeasible'; None otherwise. If status is 'optimal', then x, z, Z are approximate solutions of the optimality conditions C * x + G' * z + A'(Z) + d = 0 G * x <= h z >= 0, || Z || < = 1 z' * (h - G*x) = 0 tr (Z' * (A(x) + B)) = || A(x) + B ||_*. The last (complementary slackness) condition can be replaced by the following. If the singular value decomposition of A(x) + B is A(x) + B = [ U1 U2 ] * diag(s, 0) * [ V1 V2 ]', with s > 0, then Z = U1 * V1' + U2 * W * V2', || W || <= 1. If status is 'primal infeasible', then Z = 0 and z is a certificate of infeasibility for the inequalities G * x <= h, i.e., a vector that satisfies h' * z = 1, G' * z = 0, z >= 0. """ if type(B) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or B.typecode is not 'd': raise TypeError, "B must be a real dense or sparse matrix" p, q = B.size if p < q: raise ValueError, "row dimension of B must be greater than or "\ "equal to column dimension" if type(A) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or A.typecode is not 'd' or \ A.size[0] != p*q: raise TypeError, "A must be a real dense or sparse matrix with "\ "p*q rows if B has size (p, q)" n = A.size[1] if G is None: G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n)) if h is None: h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1)) if type(h) is not matrix or h.typecode is not 'd' or h.size[1] != 1: raise TypeError, "h must be a real dense matrix with one column" m = h.size[0] if type(G) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or G.typecode is not 'd' or \ G.size != (m, n): raise TypeError, "G must be a real dense matrix or sparse matrix "\ "of size (m, n) if h has length m and A has n columns" if C is None: C = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (n, n)) if d is None: d = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) if type(C) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or C.typecode is not 'd' or \ C.size != (n,n): raise TypeError, "C must be real dense or sparse matrix of size "\ "(n, n) if A has n columns" if type(d) is not matrix or d.typecode is not 'd' or d.size != (n, 1): raise TypeError, "d must be a real matrix of size (n, 1) if A has "\ "n columns" # The problem is solved as a cone program # # minimize (1/2) * x'*C*x + d'*x + (1/2) * (tr X1 + tr X2) # subject to G*x <= h # [ X1 (A(x) + B)' ] # [ A(x) + B X2 ] >= 0. # # The primal variable is stored as a list [ x, X1, X2 ]. def xnewcopy(u): return [matrix(u[0]), matrix(u[1]), matrix(u[2])] def xdot(u, v): return[0], v[0]) + misc.sdot2(u[1], v[1]) + \ misc.sdot2(u[2], v[2]) def xscal(alpha, u): blas.scal(alpha, u[0]) blas.scal(alpha, u[1]) blas.scal(alpha, u[2]) def xaxpy(u, v, alpha=1.0): blas.axpy(u[0], v[0], alpha) blas.axpy(u[1], v[1], alpha) blas.axpy(u[2], v[2], alpha) def Pf(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): base.symv(C, u[0], v[0], alpha=alpha, beta=beta) blas.scal(beta, v[1]) blas.scal(beta, v[2]) c = [d, matrix(0.0, (q, q)), matrix(0.0, (p, p))] c[1][::q + 1] = 0.5 c[2][::p + 1] = 0.5 # If V is a p+q x p+q matrix # # [ V11 V12 ] # V = [ ] # [ V21 V22 ] # # with V11 q x q, V21 p x q, V12 q x p, and V22 p x p, then I11, I21, # I22 are the index sets defined by # # V[I11] = V11[:], V[I21] = V21[:], V[I22] = V22[:]. # I11 = matrix([i + j * (p + q) for j in xrange(q) for i in xrange(q)]) I21 = matrix([q + i + j * (p + q) for j in xrange(q) for i in xrange(p)]) I22 = matrix([(p + q) * q + q + i + j * (p + q) for j in xrange(p) for i in xrange(p)]) dims = {'l': m, 'q': [], 's': [p + q]} hh = matrix(0.0, (m + (p + q)**2, 1)) hh[:m] = h hh[m + I21] = B[:] def Gf(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): if trans == 'N': # v[:m] := alpha * G * u[0] + beta * v[:m] base.gemv(G, u[0], v, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) # v[m:] := alpha * [-u[1], -A(u[0])'; -A(u[0]), -u[2]] # + beta * v[m:] blas.scal(beta, v, offset=m) v[m + I11] -= alpha * u[1][:] v[m + I21] -= alpha * A * u[0] v[m + I22] -= alpha * u[2][:] else: # v[0] := alpha * ( G.T * u[:m] - 2.0 * A.T * u[m + I21] ) # + beta v[1] base.gemv(G, u, v[0], trans='T', alpha=alpha, beta=beta) base.gemv(A, u[m + I21], v[0], trans='T', alpha=-2.0 * alpha, beta=1.0) # v[1] := -alpha * u[m + I11] + beta * v[1] blas.scal(beta, v[1]) blas.axpy(u[m + I11], v[1], alpha=-alpha) # v[2] := -alpha * u[m + I22] + beta * v[2] blas.scal(beta, v[2]) blas.axpy(u[m + I22], v[2], alpha=-alpha) def Af(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): if trans == 'N': pass else: blas.scal(beta, v[0]) blas.scal(beta, v[1]) blas.scal(beta, v[2]) L1 = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) L2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p)) T21 = matrix(0.0, (p, q)) s = matrix(0.0, (q, 1)) SS = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) V1 = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) V2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p)) As = matrix(0.0, (p * q, n)) As2 = matrix(0.0, (p * q, n)) tmp = matrix(0.0, (p, q)) a = matrix(0.0, (p + q, p + q)) H = matrix(0.0, (n, n)) Gs = matrix(0.0, (m, n)) Q1 = matrix(0.0, (q, p + q)) Q2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p + q)) tau1 = matrix(0.0, (q, 1)) tau2 = matrix(0.0, (p, 1)) bz11 = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) bz22 = matrix(0.0, (p, p)) bz21 = matrix(0.0, (p, q)) # Suppose V = [V1; V2] is p x q with V1 q x q. If v = V[:] then # v[Itriu] are the strict upper triangular entries of V1 stored # columnwise. Itriu = [i + j * p for j in xrange(1, q) for i in xrange(j)] # v[Itril] are the strict lower triangular entries of V1 stored rowwise. Itril = [j + i * p for j in xrange(1, q) for i in xrange(j)] # v[Idiag] are the diagonal entries of V1. Idiag = [i * (p + 1) for i in xrange(q)] # v[Itriu2] are the upper triangular entries of V1, with the diagonal # entries stored first, followed by the strict upper triangular entries # stored columnwise. Itriu2 = Idiag + Itriu # If V is a q x q matrix and v = V[:], then v[Itril2] are the strict # lower triangular entries of V stored columnwise and v[Itril3] are # the strict lower triangular entries stored rowwise. Itril2 = [i + j * q for j in xrange(q) for i in xrange(j + 1, q)] Itril3 = [i + j * q for i in xrange(q) for j in xrange(i)] P = spmatrix(0.0, Itriu, Itril, (p * q, p * q)) D = spmatrix(1.0, range(p * q), range(p * q)) DV = matrix(1.0, (p * q, 1)) def F(W): """ Create a solver for the linear equations C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx -uzs11 = bX1 -uzs22 = bX2 G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ uzs11 uzs21' ] [ ] - r*r' * [ ] * r*r' = bzs [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ uzs21 uzs22 ] where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0]. On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ]. On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ]. 1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r') [ V1 0 ] [ T11 T21' ] [ V1' 0 ] [ I S' ] [ ] [ ] [ ] = [ ] [ 0 V2' ] [ T21 T22 ] [ 0 V2 ] [ S I ] and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector. 2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S: X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). 3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the coefficients of the scaled mapping L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' ) and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G. 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As. """ # 1. Compute V1, V2, s. r = W['r'][0] # LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1. lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m=q) lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1) lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n=q, uplo='L') lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1) # LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2. lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m=p, offsetA=q) lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2) lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n=p, uplo='L') lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2) # V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if # # Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V', # # then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U. # T21 = Q2 * Q1.T blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB='T') # SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'. Store U in V2 and V' in V1. lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=V2, Vt=V1) # # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2 # this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq # V2 = L2^-T * U blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA='T') # V1 = V' * L1^-1 blas.trsm(L1, V1, side='R') # 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). # # The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower # triangular matrix P, such that # # L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:] # L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:]. # SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj. blas.scal(0.0, SS) blas.syr(s, SS) # For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where # # Yij = si * sj * Xji if i < j # = 0 otherwise. # P.V = SS[Itril2] # For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where # # Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 ) if i < j # = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 ) if i = j # = Xij otherwise. # DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q + 1]) DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2) D.V = DV**-1 # 3. Scaled linear mappings # Ask := V2' * Ask * V1' blas.scal(0.0, As) base.axpy(A, As) for i in xrange(n): # tmp := V2' * As[i, :] blas.gemm(V2, As, tmp, transA='T', m=p, n=q, k=p, ldB=p, offsetB=i * p * q) # As[:,i] := tmp * V1' blas.gemm(tmp, V1, As, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=q, ldC=p, offsetC=i * p * q) # As := D * (I - P) * As # = L^-1 * As. blas.copy(As, As2) base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) base.gemm(D, As2, As) # Gs := Dl^-1 * G blas.scal(0.0, Gs) base.axpy(G, Gs) for k in xrange(n): blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n=m, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * m) # 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As. blas.syrk(As, H, trans='T', alpha=2.0) blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans='T', beta=1.0) base.axpy(C, H) lapack.potrf(H) def f(x, y, z): """ Solve C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx -uzs11 = bX1 -uzs22 = bX2 G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ uzs11 uzs21' ] [ ] - T * [ ] * T = bzs. [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ uzs21 uzs22 ] On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ]. On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ]. Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T: C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx [ 0 X' ] [ bX1 0 ] T * [ ] * T - Z = T * [ ] * T [ X 0 ] [ 0 bX2 ] G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ Z11 Z21' ] [ ] - [ ] = bzs [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ Z21 Z22 ] Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ]. We use the congruence transformation [ V1 0 ] [ T11 T21' ] [ V1' 0 ] [ I S' ] [ ] [ ] [ ] = [ ] [ 0 V2' ] [ T21 T22 ] [ 0 V2 ] [ S I ] and the factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) to write this as C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ Z11 Z21' ] [ ] - [ ] = bzs, [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ Z21 Z22 ] or C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx XX - ZZ21 = bX Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21 -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11 -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 if we introduce scaled variables uuzl = D * uzl XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1) ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') and define bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1') [ bX1 0 ] bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [ ] * T)_21 * V1'). [ 0 bX2 ] Eliminating Z21 gives C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11 -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 and eliminating uuzl and XX gives H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21) Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11 -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22. In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 1. bXX := bX - bbzs21 [ bX1 0 ] = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [ ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1') [ 0 bX2 ] 2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX). 3. From ux, compute uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1. 4. Return ux, uuzl, rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11, uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22. """ # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21. lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m) lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m=p, n=q, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m + q) lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo='L', m=p, n=p, ldA=p + q, offsetA=m + (p + q + 1) * q) # zl := D^-1 * zl # = D^-1 * bzl blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=m, k=0, ldA=1) # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r. # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] blas.scal(0.0, z, offset=m) lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo='L', m=q, n=q, ldB=p + q, offsetB=m) lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo='L', m=p, n=p, ldB=p + q, offsetB=m + (p + q + 1) * q) # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2 blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m) # a := tril(zs)*r blas.copy(r, a) blas.trmm(z, a, side='L', m=p + q, n=p + q, ldA=p + q, ldB=p + q, offsetA=m) # zs := a'*r + r'*a blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans='T', n=p + q, k=p + q, ldB=p + q, ldC=p + q, offsetC=m) # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1') # # [ bX1 0 ] # = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [ ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1'). # [ 0 bX2 ] # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z # = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r # = [ T21 T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r blas.symm(z, r, a, side='R', m=p, n=p + q, ldA=p + q, ldC=p + q, offsetB=q) # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]' # = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21 blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=p + q, beta=-1.0, ldA=p + q, ldC=p) # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1' # = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1' blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA='T', m=p, n=q, k=p, ldB=p) blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB='T', m=p, n=q, k=q, ldC=p) # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:] # = L^-1 * bz21[:] # = bXX[:] blas.copy(bz21, tmp) base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21) # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX). # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21) # = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX) blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0) blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans='T', alpha=2.0, beta=1.0) # x[0] := H \ x[0] # = ux lapack.potrs(H, x[0]) # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0) # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1 # = X blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n=p * q, k=0, ldA=1) blas.copy(bz21, tmp) base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T') blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp) blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21) # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r # = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r. # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ] # = X * [ r11, r12 ] blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m=p, n=p + q, k=q, ldA=p, ldC=p + q) # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ] # = rti' * uzs * rti blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans='T', beta=-1.0, n=p + q, k=p, offsetA=q, offsetC=m, ldB=p + q, ldC=p + q) # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11 # = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11 # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22 # = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22 blas.copy(bz11, x[1]) blas.copy(bz22, x[2]) # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2 blas.scal(0.5, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m) # a := r*tril(zs) blas.copy(r, a) blas.trmm(z, a, side='R', m=p + q, n=p + q, ldA=p + q, ldB=p + q, offsetA=m) # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]' # = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11 blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n=q, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0) # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]' # = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22 blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n=p, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0, offsetA=q, offsetB=q) # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2 blas.scal(2.0, z, inc=p + q + 1, offset=m) return f if C: sol = solvers.coneqp(Pf, c, Gf, hh, dims, Af, kktsolver=F, xnewcopy=xnewcopy, xdot=xdot, xaxpy=xaxpy, xscal=xscal) else: sol = solvers.conelp(c, Gf, hh, dims, Af, kktsolver=F, xnewcopy=xnewcopy, xdot=xdot, xaxpy=xaxpy, xscal=xscal) if sol['status'] is 'optimal': x = sol['x'][0] z = sol['z'][:m] Z = sol['z'][m:] Z.size = (p + q, p + q) Z = -2.0 * Z[-p:, :q] elif sol['status'] is 'primal infeasible': x = None z = sol['z'][:m] Z = sol['z'][m:] Z.size = (p + q, p + q) Z = -2.0 * Z[-p:, :q] else: x, z, Z = None, None, None return {'status': sol['status'], 'x': x, 'z': z, 'Z': Z}
def train(self, data, slices=[[0,[0]]]): #self.gammas = self.determine_gammas_from(data) self.gammas = [.1,] print "Gammas determined: %s" % str(self.gammas) # [gamma][sequence offset][dimension] #self.active_slices = np.mgrid[0:1,0:data.shape[1]].T.reshape(data.shape[1],2).tolist() # Make a single slice consisting of the 1st sequence element and all 3 dimensions #self.active_slices = [ [0,[0,1]], [0,[0]] ] self.active_slices = slices # Working with 1 sequence element for now sequences = data[:-1].astype('float32').reshape(data.shape[0]-1,1) labels = data[1:].astype('float32').reshape(data.shape[0]-1,1) l = sequences.shape[0] jitter = ( ( np.random.randn(l,1) / 10 ) ).astype('float32') jittery = ( ( np.random.randn(l,1) / 10 ) ).astype('float32') self.sequences = sequences + jitter self.labels = labels + jittery print "Calculating kernel matrix" kx = kernel_matrix(self.sequences.reshape(l,1,1), self.sequences.reshape(l,1,1), self.gammas[-1]) ky = kernel_matrix(self.labels.reshape(l,1,1), self.labels.reshape(l,1,1), self.gammas[-1]) sigma = 1000 print "Constructing constraints" P = self.labels * self.labels.T * kx q = np.zeros((l,1)) G_1 = self.labels.T * kx G_2 = -self.labels.T * kx h_1 = sigma + self.labels h_2 = sigma - self.labels G = np.vstack([G_1,G_2]) h = np.vstack([h_1,h_2]) A = kx b = np.ones((l,1)) print "p(A[0])=%s" % A.shape[0] print "n(G[1],A[1])=%s or %s" % (G.shape[1], A.shape[1]) print "rank P: %s" % rank(P) print "rank G: %s" % rank(G) print "rank A: %s" % rank(A) print "rand kernel: %s" % rank(kx) print "unique source: %s" % np.unique(self.sequences).shape[0] print "Solving" solution = solvers.coneqp( matrix(P.astype('float')), matrix(q.astype('float')), matrix(G.astype('float')), matrix(h.astype('float')), None, matrix(A.astype('float')), matrix(b.astype('float')) ) print "Handling Solution" if solution['status'] == 'optimal': X = np.array( solution['x'] ) #R_emp = np.array( solution['x'][-1] ) #print solution['x'] self.SV_mask = ( np.abs(X) < 1e-8 ) self.beta = X, mask = self.SV_mask ) ).astype('float32') self.SVx = sequences, mask = np.repeat( self.SV_mask, sequences.shape[1], 1) ) ).astype('float32') self.SVy = labels.reshape(labels.shape[0],1), mask = self.SV_mask ) ).astype('float32') self.nSV = self.beta.shape[0] #print self.beta #print self.SVx.shape #print self.SVy.shape #print self.nSV #print self.SV_mask #print solution['x'] print "--> SVM Trained: %s SV's of %s" % ( self.nSV, self.SV_mask.shape[0] )
def l1regls(A, b): """ Returns the solution of l1-norm regularized least-squares problem minimize || A*x - b ||_2^2 + || x ||_1. """ m, n = A.size q = matrix(1.0, (2 * n, 1)) q[:n] = -2.0 * A.T * b def P(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): """ v := alpha * 2.0 * [ A'*A, 0; 0, 0 ] * u + beta * v """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha * 2.0 * A.T * (A * u[:n]) def G(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ v := alpha*[I, -I; -I, -I] * u + beta * v (trans = 'N' or 'T') """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha * (u[:n] - u[n:]) v[n:] += alpha * (-u[:n] - u[n:]) h = matrix(0.0, (2 * n, 1)) # Customized solver for the KKT system # # [ 2.0*A'*A 0 I -I ] [x[:n] ] [bx[:n] ] # [ 0 0 -I -I ] [x[n:] ] = [bx[n:] ]. # [ I -I -D1^-1 0 ] [zl[:n]] [bzl[:n]] # [ -I -I 0 -D2^-1 ] [zl[n:]] [bzl[n:]] # # where D1 = W['di'][:n]**2, D2 = W['di'][:n]**2. # # We first eliminate zl and x[n:]: # # ( 2*A'*A + 4*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * x[:n] = # bx[:n] - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] + # D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[:n] - # D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[n:] # # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bzl[:n] - D2*bzl[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] # # zl[:n] = D1 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[:n] ) # zl[n:] = D2 * (-x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[n:] ). # # The first equation has the form # # (A'*A + D)*x[:n] = rhs # # and is equivalent to # # [ D A' ] [ x:n] ] = [ rhs ] # [ A -I ] [ v ] [ 0 ]. # # It can be solved as # # ( A*D^-1*A' + I ) * v = A * D^-1 * rhs # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ). S = matrix(0.0, (m, m)) Asc = matrix(0.0, (m, n)) v = matrix(0.0, (m, 1)) def Fkkt(W): # Factor # # S = A*D^-1*A' + I # # where D = 2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1, D1 = d[:n]**-2, D2 = d[n:]**-2. d1, d2 = W['di'][:n]**2, W['di'][n:]**2 # ds is square root of diagonal of D ds = math.sqrt(2.0) * div(mul(W['di'][:n], W['di'][n:]), sqrt(d1 + d2)) d3 = div(d2 - d1, d1 + d2) # Asc = A*diag(d)^-1/2 Asc = A * spdiag(ds**-1) # S = I + A * D^-1 * A' blas.syrk(Asc, S) S[::m + 1] += 1.0 lapack.potrf(S) def g(x, y, z): x[:n] = 0.5 * (x[:n] - mul(d3, x[n:]) + mul( d1, z[:n] + mul(d3, z[:n])) - mul(d2, z[n:] - mul(d3, z[n:]))) x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # Solve # # S * v = 0.5 * A * D^-1 * ( bx[:n] - # (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] + # D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[:n] - # D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[n:] ) blas.gemv(Asc, x, v) lapack.potrs(S, v) # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ). blas.gemv(Asc, v, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T') x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bzl[:n] - D2*bzl[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\ - mul( d3, x[:n] ) # zl[:n] = D1^1/2 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[:n] ) # zl[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[n:] ). z[:n] = mul(W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n]) z[n:] = mul(W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:]) return g return solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver=Fkkt)['x'][:n]
def tv(delta): """ minimize (1/2) * ||x-corr||_2^2 + delta * sum(y) subject to -y <= D*x <= y Variables x (n), y (n-1). """ q = matrix(0.0, (2*n-1,1)) q[:n] = -corr q[n:] = delta def P(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0): """ v := alpha*u + beta*v """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha*u[:n] def G(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'): """ v := alpha*[D, -I; -D, -I] * u + beta * v (trans = 'N') v := alpha*[D, -I; -D, -I]' * u + beta * v (trans = 'T') For an n-vector z, D*z = z[1:] - z[:-1]. For an (n-1)-vector z, D'*z = [-z;0] + [0; z]. """ v *= beta if trans == 'N': y = u[1:n] - u[:n-1] v[:n-1] += alpha*(y - u[n:]) v[n-1:] += alpha*(-y - u[n:]) else: y = u[:n-1] - u[n-1:] v[:n-1] -= alpha * y v[1:n] += alpha * y v[n:] -= alpha * (u[:n-1] + u[n-1:]) h = matrix(0.0, (2*(n-1),1)) # Customized solver for KKT system with coefficient # # [ I 0 D' -D' ] # [ 0 0 -I -I ] # [ D -I -D1 0 ] # [ -D -I 0 -D2 ]. # Diagonal and subdiagonal. Sd = matrix(0.0, (n,1)) Se = matrix(0.0, (n-1,1)) def Fkkt(W): """ Factor the tridiagonal matrix S = I + 4.0 * D' * diag( d1.*d2./(d1+d2) ) * D with d1 = W['di'][:n-1]**2 = diag(D1^-1) d2 = W['di'][n-1:]**2 = diag(D2^-1). """ d1 = W['di'][:n-1]**2 d2 = W['di'][n-1:]**2 d = 4.0*div( mul(d1,d2), d1+d2) Sd[:] = 1.0 Sd[:n-1] += d Sd[1:] += d Se[:] = -d lapack.pttrf(Sd, Se) def g(x, y, z): """ Solve [ I 0 D' -D' ] [x[:n] ] [bx[:n] ] [ 0 0 -I -I ] [x[n:] ] = [bx[n:] ] [ D -I -D1 0 ] [z[:n-1] ] [bz[:n-1] ] [ -D -I 0 -D2 ] [z[n-1:] ] [bz[n-1:] ]. First solve S*x[:n] = bx[:n] + D' * ( (d1-d2) ./ (d1+d2) .* bx[n:] + 2*d1.*d2./(d1+d2) .* (bz[:n-1] - bz[n-1:]) ). Then take x[n:] = (d1+d2)^-1 .* ( bx[n:] - d1.*bz[:n-1] - d2.*bz[n-1:] + (d1-d2) .* D*x[:n] ) z[:n-1] = d1 .* (D*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n-1]) z[n-1:] = d2 .* (-D*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n-1:]). """ # y = (d1-d2) ./ (d1+d2) .* bx[n:] + # 2*d1.*d2./(d1+d2) .* (bz[:n-1] - bz[n-1:]) y = mul( div(d1-d2, d1+d2), x[n:]) + \ mul( 0.5*d, z[:n-1]-z[n-1:] ) # x[:n] += D*y x[:n-1] -= y x[1:n] += y # x[:n] := S^-1 * x[:n] lapack.pttrs(Sd, Se, x) # u = D*x[:n] u = x[1:n] - x[0:n-1] # x[n:] = (d1+d2)^-1 .* ( bx[n:] - d1.*bz[:n-1] # - d2.*bz[n-1:] + (d1-d2) .* u) x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n-1]) - mul(d2, z[n-1:]) + mul(d1-d2, u), d1+d2 ) # z[:n-1] = d1 .* (D*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n-1]) # z[n-1:] = d2 .* (-D*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n-1:]) z[:n-1] = mul(W['di'][:n-1], u - x[n:] - z[:n-1]) z[n-1:] = mul(W['di'][n-1:], -u - x[n:] - z[n-1:]) return g return solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver = Fkkt)['x'][:n]
x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bz[:n] - D2*bz[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\ - mul( d3, x[:n] ) # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] ) # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ). z[:n] = mul(W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n]) z[n:] = mul(W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:]) return g x = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver=Fkkt)['x'][:n] I = [k for k in range(n) if abs(x[k]) > 1e-2] xls = +y lapack.gels(A[:, I], xls) ybp = A[:, I] * xls[:len(I)] print("Sparse basis contains %d basis functions." % len(I)) print("Relative RMS error = %.1e." % (blas.nrm2(ybp - y) / blas.nrm2(y))) if pylab_installed: pylab.figure(2, facecolor='w') pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(ts, y, '-', ts, ybp, 'r--') pylab.xlabel('t') pylab.ylabel('y(t), yhat(t)')
### Simply QP n = 4 S = matrix([[4e-2, 6e-3, -4e-3, 0.0], [6e-3, 1e-2, 0.0, 0.0], [-4e-3, 0.0, 2.5e-3, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) pbar = matrix([.12, .10, .07, .03]) G = matrix(0.0, (n, n)) G[::n + 1] = -1.0 h = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) A = matrix(1.0, (1, n)) b = matrix(1.0) # Compute trade-off. N = 100 mus = [10**(5.0 * t / N - 1.0) for t in range(N)] sol = solvers.qp(mus[0] * S, -pbar, G, h, A, b) sol = solvers.coneqp(mus[0] * S, -pbar, G, h, [], A, b) portfolios = [solvers.qp(mu * S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x'] for mu in mus] ## From SCOP to Cone LP c = matrix([-2., 1., 5.]) G = [matrix([[12., 13., 12.], [6., -3., -12.], [-5., -5., 6.]])] G += [matrix([[3., 3., -1., 1.], [-6., -6., -9., 19.], [10., -2., -2., -3.]])] h = [matrix([-12., -3., -2.]), matrix([27., 0., 3., -42.])] sol = solvers.socp(c, Gq=G, hq=h) sol['status'] c = matrix([-2., 1., 5.]) G = matrix([[12., 13., 12., 3., 3., -1., 1.], [6., -3., -12., -6., -6., -9., 19.],
def doit(name, n,r, g, a, nu, Lambda): zero_n = spmatrix([],[],[],(n,n)) id_n = spmatrix(1., range(n), range(n)) print print print "// ------- Generated from ---" print "template<typename Scalar> int qp_test_%s() {" % name print print "typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Matrix;" print "typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;" print print "// Problem" print "int n = %d;" % n print "int r = %d;" % r print "Matrix g(n,n);" print "Matrix a(r, n);" print "Vector nu(n, 1);" print "Scalar lambda = %50g;" % Lambda print_cxx("a", a) print "a.adjointInPlace();" print_cxx("g", g) print_cxx("nu", nu) print print "// Solve" print "kqp::cvxopt::ConeQPReturn<Scalar> result;" print "solve_qp(r, lambda, g, a, nu, result, options);" print # Construct P print "/*" print "Constructing P..." l = [] for i in range(r+1): sl = [] for j in range(r+1): if i < r and i == j: sl.append(g) else: sl.append(zero_n) l.append(sl) P = sparse(l) print "Constructing q..." q = matrix(0., (n * r + n, 1)) for i in range(r): if DEBUG > 0: print "a[%d] = %s" % (i, a[i*n:(i+1)*n,0].T), q[i*n:(i+1)*n,0] = - g * a[i*n:(i+1)*n,0] q[n*r:n*r+n] = Lambda / 2. if DEBUG > 1: print "q = %s" % q.T, print "Constructing G (%d x %d) and q" % (2 * n*r, n*r + n) s = [] for i in range(r): s += [nu[i]] * n s_nr = spmatrix(s, range(n*r), range(n*r)) id_col = [] for i in range(r): id_col.append(-id_n) id_col = sparse([id_col]) G = sparse([ [ -s_nr, s_nr ], [id_col, id_col ] ]) h = matrix(0., (2*n*r,1)) dims = {"l": h.size[0], "q": 0, "s": 0} sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h) #, kktsolver=solver(n,r,g)) print "*/" print print "// Solution" if sol["status"] != "optimal": raise "Solution is not optimal..." print "Eigen::VectorXd s_x(n*(r+1));" print_cxx("s_x", sol["x"]) print """
def filter_copycounts_inc_nodes(graph): '''This fucntion runs the minimum cost flow algorithm to filter the copycounts of the graph. it has the option of either minimizing the normalized l1 norm of the error between the original copycounts and the new copycounts, or minimizing the normalized l2 norm of the error between the original copycounts and the new copycounts. ''' pen_constant = 10 #set this to 1 so that something like 1/10th of the flow is likely to flow through non-existent edges (A) = buildMatrixIncNodes(graph) [ta,tb]=A.size n = int(ta/2) m = int(tb)-n I = spmatrix(1.0, range(m+n), range(m+n)) x = [] for each in graph.edge_weights: x.append(float(each)) for each in graph.node_weights: x.append(float(each)) x_mat = matrix(x,(m+n,1)) c = matrix(x,(m+n,1)) L = matrix(graph.normalization,(m+n,1)) penality = matrix(graph.penalization,(m+n,1)) L_th = sum(L)/len(L)*0.001; for ctr in range(m+n): c[ctr] = x_mat[ctr]*L[ctr] if L[ctr]<L_th: x_mat[ctr]=0 pen_cost = 1e10 #set ridiculously large number to force penalization to zero if run_penalized: q = -c+pen_cost*penality else: q = -c G = -I h = - 0*x_mat # implies f>=0.1c dims = {'l': G.size[0], 'q': [], 's': []} b = matrix(0.,(2*n,1)) P = spdiag(graph.normalization) #Run it unpenalized in order to calculate the scale for the pen_cost if use_norm == 'l2': sol=solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims, A, b) x=sol['x'] elif use_norm == 'l1': ## L1 norm cvx_opt L_root = L**(.5) c_l1 = matrix([[x_mat*0, L_root]]) A_l1 = sparse([[A], [A*0]]) b_l1 = b h_l1 = matrix([[h, x_mat, -x_mat]]) G_l1 = sparse([[G, I, G], [0*I, G, G]]) print('Generated the matrices, running the solver:') if use_GLPK: sol = solvers.lp(c_l1, G_l1, h_l1, A_l1, b_l1,solver='glpk') else: sol = solvers.lp(c_l1, G_l1, h_l1, A_l1, b_l1) print('Solver finished') x_l1 = sol['x'] x = x_l1[:m+n, :] opt_val = sol['primal objective'] #Run it penalized to obtain the final answer if run_penalized: pen_cost = pen_constant*abs(opt_val)/sum(x) #this is the real value of penality q = -c+pen_cost*penality #check if this is a row vector sol=solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, dims, A, b) x=sol['x'] ''' Check for negative elements ''' i = 0 for element in x: if cmp(element, 0) < 0: x[i] = 0.0 i += 1 y = numpy.array(x) graph.filter_update_incnodes(y,m,n) #print(y) return x
def _reconEngine(mmTheta_, vvSig_, iK): """ This is the engine of the reconstruction. Basis pursuit problem: minimize ||A*x - y||_2^2 + k * ||x||_1 where: 1. A - Theta matrix A = B * C: B - observation matirx C - dictionary matrix 2. y - observed signal 3. x - vector with coefficients we are looking for 4. k - noise wage coefficient ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The engine of this reconstruction is based on the fact that a problem: minimize ||A*x - y||_2^2 + ||x||_1 can be translated to: minimize x'*A'*A*x - 2.0*y'*A*x + 1'*u subject to -u <= x <= u variables x (n), u (n). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Args: mTheta_ (cvxopt matrix): Theta matrix vvSig_ (cvxopt vector): vector with an observed signal iK (float): k parameter Returns: vvCoef (cvxopt vector): vector with found coefficients NOTE: 'cvxopt vector' is nothing but a 'cvxopt matrix' of a size (N x 1) """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the input Theta matrix and make it global global mmTh mmTh = mmTheta_ # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the size of the Theta matrix global iR # The number of rows global iC # The number of columns iR, iC = mmTh.size # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Silence the outoput from the cvxopt solvers.options["show_progress"] = False # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Q = -2.0 * A' * y vvQ = matrix(float(iK), (2 * iC, 1)) blas.gemv(mmTh, vvSig_, vvQ, alpha=-2.0, trans="T") # Run the solver mmH = matrix(0.0, (2 * iC, 1)) vvCoef = solvers.coneqp(P, vvQ, G, mmH, kktsolver=Fkkt)["x"][:iC] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the vecto with coefficients return vvCoef
# The quadratic cone program of section 8.2 (Quadratic cone programs). # minimize (1/2)*x'*A'*A*x - b'*A*x # subject to x >= 0 # ||x||_2 <= 1 from cvxopt import matrix, solvers A = matrix([[.3, -.4, -.2, -.4, 1.3], [.6, 1.2, -1.7, .3, -.3], [-.3, .0, .6, -1.2, -2.0]]) b = matrix([1.5, .0, -1.2, -.7, .0]) m, n = A.size I = matrix(0.0, (n, n)) I[::n + 1] = 1.0 G = matrix([-I, matrix(0.0, (1, n)), I]) h = matrix(n * [0.0] + [1.0] + n * [0.0]) dims = {'l': n, 'q': [n + 1], 's': []} x = solvers.coneqp(A.T * A, -A.T * b, G, h, dims)['x'] print("\nx = \n") print(x)
K = matrix(P + R) def solve(bx, by, bz): # bx <- bx - W^{-1} W^{-T} * bz # = bx - R * bz gemv(R, bz, bx, trans='N', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) # solve K x = bx - R * bz -> bx gesv(K, bx) # bz <- W^{-T}(-x - bz) gemv(Wd,(-bx-bz),bz) return solve ui = solvers.coneqp(P, f, G, c)['x'] u = np.zeros((n+2,)) u[1:-1] = ui[:,0].T vi = solvers.coneqp(P, f, G, c, kktsolver=fKKT1)['x'] v = np.zeros((n+2,)) v[1:-1] = vi[:,0].T wi = solvers.coneqp(P, f, G, c, kktsolver=fKKT2)['x'] w = np.zeros((n+2,)) w[1:-1] = wi[:,0].T def pretty_print(*arrays): print 'Solution:' for i in range(0,n+2): for a in arrays:
x = numpy.array(theta).reshape(p,1) radius = 1.0 GTemp = numpy.append(numpy.zeros((1,p)), numpy.eye(p), axis=0) hTemp = numpy.zeros(p+1) hTemp[0] += radius GTemp = numpy.append(G, GTemp, axis=0) hTemp = numpy.append(h -, hTemp) dims = {'l': G.shape[0], 'q': [p+1], 's': []} H = rosen_hess(theta) H = numpy.eye(p) g = rosen_der(theta) qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g), matrix(GTemp), matrix(hTemp), dims) # converting to a cp def F(x=None, z=None): if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0,(p,1)) # H = matrix(rosen_hess(numpy.array(x).ravel())) # H = matrix(rosen_hess(theta)) H = matrix(numpy.eye(p)) g = matrix(rosen_der(numpy.array(x).ravel())) g = matrix(rosen_der(theta)) f = 0.5 * x.T * H * x + g.T * x df = (H * x + g).T #df = -(g).T if z is None: return f, df H = z[0] * H
def _coneqp(self, gram, targets, probs): n_quantiles = probs.size # Number of quantiles to predict n_coefs = gram.shape[0] # Number of variables n_samples = n_coefs // n_quantiles # Quantiles levels kronprobs = kron(ones(int(n_coefs / n_quantiles)), probs.squeeze()) solvers.options['show_progress'] = self.verbose if self.tol: solvers.options['reltol'] = self.tol if self.eps == 0: # Quadratic part of the objective gram = matrix(gram) # Linear part of the objective q_lin = matrix(-kron(targets, ones(n_quantiles))) # LHS of the inequality constraint g_lhs = matrix(r_[eye(n_coefs), -eye(n_coefs)]) # RHS of the inequality h_rhs = matrix(r_[self.reg_c_ * kronprobs, self.reg_c_ * (1 - kronprobs)]) # LHS of the equality constraint lhs_eqc = matrix(kron(ones(n_samples), eye(n_quantiles))) # Solve the dual optimization problem self.sol_ = solvers.qp(gram, q_lin, g_lhs, h_rhs, lhs_eqc, matrix(zeros(n_quantiles))) # Set coefs coefs = asarray(self.sol_['x']) else: def build_lhs(m, p): # m: n_samples # p: n_quantiles n = m*p # n_variables # Get the norm bounds (m last variables) A = zeros(p+1) A[0] = -1 A = kron(eye(m), A).T # Get the m p-long vectors B = kron(eye(m), c_[zeros(p), eye(p)].T) # Box constraint C = c_[r_[eye(n), -eye(n)], zeros((2*n, m))] # Set everything together C = r_[C, c_[B, A]] return C # Quadratic part of the objective gram = matrix(r_[c_[gram, zeros((n_coefs, n_samples))], zeros((n_samples, n_coefs+n_samples))]) # Linear part of the objective q_lin = matrix(r_[-kron(targets, ones(n_quantiles)), ones(n_samples)*self.eps]) # LHS of the inequality constraint g_lhs = matrix(build_lhs(n_samples, n_quantiles)) # RHS of the inequality h_rhs = matrix(r_[self.reg_c_ * kronprobs, self.reg_c_ * (1-kronprobs), zeros(n_samples * (n_quantiles+1))]) # LHS of the equality constraint lhs_eqc = matrix(c_[kron(ones(n_samples), eye(n_quantiles)), zeros((n_quantiles, n_samples))]) # Parameters of the optimization problem dims = {'l': 2*n_coefs, 'q': [n_quantiles+1]*n_samples, 's': []} # Solve the dual optimization problem self.sol_ = solvers.coneqp(gram, q_lin, g_lhs, h_rhs, dims, lhs_eqc, matrix(zeros(n_quantiles))) # Set coefs coefs = asarray(self.sol_['x'][:n_coefs]) # Set the intercept # Erase the previous intercept before prediction self.model_ = {'coefs': coefs, 'intercept': 0} predictions = self.predict(self.linop_.X) if predictions.ndim < 2: predictions = predictions.reshape(1, -1) # 2D array intercept = [percentile(targets - pred, 100. * prob) for (pred, prob) in zip(predictions, probs)] intercept = asarray(intercept).squeeze() self.model_ = {'coefs': coefs, 'intercept': intercept}
def OHMCPricer(self, option_type='c', func_list=[lambda x: x**0, lambda x: x]): def _calculate_Q_matrix(S_k, S_kp1, df, df2, func_list): dS = df2 * S_kp1 - S_k A = np.array([func(S_k) for func in func_list]).T B = (np.array([func(S_k) for func in func_list]) * dS).T return np.concatenate((-A, B), axis=1) price_matrix = self.price_matrix # k = n_steps dt = self.T / self.n_steps df = np.exp(-self.r * dt) df2 = np.exp(-(self.r - self.q) * dt) n_basis = len(func_list) n_trails = self.n_trails n_steps = self.n_steps if (option_type == "c"): payoff = (price_matrix[:, n_steps] - strike) elif (option_type == "p"): payoff = (strike - price_matrix[:, n_steps]) else: print("please enter the option type: (c/p)") return payoff = matrix(np.where(payoff < 0, 0, payoff)) vk = payoff * df # print("regular MC price",regular_mc_price) # k = 1,...,n_steps-1 for k in range(n_steps - 1, 0, -1): Sk = price_matrix[:, k] Skp1 = price_matrix[:, k + 1] Qk = matrix(_calculate_Q_matrix(Sk, Skp1, df, df2, func_list)) P = Qk.T * Qk q = Qk.T * vk A = matrix(np.ones(n_trails, dtype=np.float64)).T * Qk b = -matrix(np.ones(n_trails, dtype=np.float64)).T * vk sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) ak = sol["x"][:n_basis] bk = sol["x"][n_basis:] vk = matrix( np.array([func(price_matrix[:, k]) for func in func_list])).T * ak * df # k = 0 v0 = vk S0 = price_matrix[:, 0] S1 = price_matrix[:, 1] dS0 = df2 * S1 - S0 Q0 = np.concatenate( (-np.ones(n_trails)[:, np.newaxis], dS0[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) Q0 = matrix(Q0) P = Q0.T * Q0 q = Q0.T * v0 A = matrix(np.ones(n_trails, dtype=np.float64)).T * Q0 b = -matrix(np.ones(n_trails, dtype=np.float64)).T * v0 C1 = matrix(ak).T * np.array([func(S1) for func in func_list]).T sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) self.sol = sol residual_risk = (v0.T * v0 + 2 * sol["primal objective"]) / n_trails self.residual_risk = residual_risk[0] # the value of unit matrix return sol["x"][0]
def robsvm(X, d, gamma, P, e): """ Solves the following robust SVM training problem: minimize (1/2) w'*w + gamma*sum(v) subject to diag(d)*(X*w + b*1) >= 1 - v + E*u || S_j*w ||_2 <= u_j, j = 1...t v >= 0 The variables are w, b, v, and u. The matrix E is a selector matrix with zeros and one '1' per row. E_ij = 1 means that the i'th training vector is associated with the j'th uncertainty ellipsoid. A custom KKT solver that exploits low-rank structure is used, and a positive definite system of equations of order n is formed and solved at each iteration. ARGUMENTS X m-by-n matrix with training vectors as rows d m-vector with training labels (-1,+1) P list of t symmetric matrices of order n e m-vector where e[i] is the index of the uncertainty ellipsoid associated with the i'th training vector RETURNS w n-vector b scalar u t-vector v m-vector iters number of interior-point iterations """ m,n = X.size assert type(P) is list, "P must be a list of t symmtric positive definite matrices of order n." k = len(P) if k > 0: assert e.size == (m,1), "e must be an m-vector." assert max(e) < k and min(e) >= 0, "e[i] must be in {0,1,...,k-1}." E = spmatrix(1.,e,range(m),(k,m)).T d = matrix(d,tc='d') q = matrix(0.0, (n+k+1+m,1)) q[n+k+1:] = gamma h = matrix(0.0,(2*m+k*(n+1),1)) h[:m] = -1.0 # linear operators Q and G def Q(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'): y[:n] = alpha * x[:n] + beta * y[:n] def G(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'): """ Implements the linear operator [ -DX E -d -I ] [ 0 0 0 -I ] [ 0 -e_1' 0 0 ] G = [ -P_1' 0 0 0 ] [ . . . . ] [ 0 -e_k' 0 0 ] [ -P_k' 0 0 0 ] and its adjoint G'. """ if trans == 'N': tmp = +y[:m] # y[:m] = alpha*(-DXw + Et - d*b - v) + beta*y[:m] base.gemv(E, x[n:n+k], tmp, alpha = alpha, beta = beta) blas.axpy(x[n+k+1:], tmp, alpha = -alpha) blas.axpy(d, tmp, alpha = -alpha*x[n+k]) y[:m] = tmp base.gemv(X, x[:n], tmp, alpha = alpha, beta = 0.0) tmp = mul(d,tmp) y[:m] -= tmp # y[m:2*m] = -v y[m:2*m] = -alpha * x[n+k+1:] + beta * y[m:2*m] # SOC 1,...,k for i in range(k): l = 2*m+i*(n+1) y[l] = -alpha * x[n+i] + beta * y[l] y[l+1:l+1+n] = -alpha * P[i] * x[:n] + beta * y[l+1:l+1+n]; else: tmp1 = mul(d,x[:m]) tmp2 = y[:n] blas.gemv(X, tmp1, tmp2, trans = 'T', alpha = -alpha, beta = beta) for i in range(k): l = 2*m+1+i*(n+1) blas.gemv(P[i], x[l:l+n], tmp2, trans = 'T', alpha = -alpha, beta = 1.0) y[:n] = tmp2 tmp2 = y[n:n+k] base.gemv(E, x[:m], tmp2, trans = 'T', alpha = alpha, beta = beta) blas.axpy(x[2*m:2*m+k*(1+n):n+1], tmp2, alpha = -alpha) y[n:n+k] = tmp2 y[n+k] = -alpha *,x[:m]) + beta * y[n+k] y[n+k+1:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:2*m]) + beta * y[n+k+1:] # precompute products Pi'*Pi Pt = [] for p in P: y = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) blas.syrk(p, y, trans = 'T') Pt.append(y) # scaled hyperbolic Householder transformations def qscal(u, beta, v, inv = False): """ Transforms the vector u as u := beta * (2*v*v' - J) * u if 'inv' is False and as u := (1/beta) * (2*J*v*v'*J - J) * u if 'inv' is True. """ if not inv: tmp =,v) u[0] *= -1 u += 2 * v * tmp u *= beta else: u[0] *= -1.0 tmp =,u) u[0] -= 2*v[0] * tmp u[1:] += 2*v[1:] * tmp u /= beta # custom KKT solver def F(W): """ Custom solver for the system [ It 0 0 Xt' 0 At1' ... Atk' ][ dwt ] [ rwt ] [ 0 0 0 -d' 0 0 ... 0 ][ db ] [ rb ] [ 0 0 0 -I -I 0 ... 0 ][ dv ] [ rv ] [ Xt -d -I -Wl1^-2 ][ dzl1 ] [ rl1 ] [ 0 0 -I -Wl2^-2 ][ dzl2 ] = [ rl2 ] [ At1 0 0 -W1^-2 ][ dz1 ] [ r1 ] [ | | | . ][ | ] [ | ] [ Atk 0 0 -Wk^-2 ][ dzk ] [ rk ] where It = [ I 0 ] Xt = [ -D*X E ] Ati = [ 0 -e_i' ] [ 0 0 ] [ -Pi 0 ] dwt = [ dw ] rwt = [ rw ] [ dt ] [ rt ]. """ # scalings and 'intermediate' vectors # db = inv(Wl1)^2 + inv(Wl2)^2 db = W['di'][:m]**2 + W['di'][m:2*m]**2 dbi = div(1.0,db) # dt = I - inv(Wl1)*Dbi*inv(Wl1) dt = 1.0 - mul(W['di'][:m]**2,dbi) dtsqrt = sqrt(dt) # lam = Dt*inv(Wl1)*d lam = mul(dt,mul(W['di'][:m],d)) # lt = E'*inv(Wl1)*lam lt = matrix(0.0,(k,1)) base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m],lam), lt, trans = 'T') # Xs = sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*X tmp = mul(dtsqrt,W['di'][:m]) Xs = spmatrix(tmp,range(m),range(m))*X # Es = D*sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*E Es = spmatrix(mul(d,tmp),range(m),range(m))*E # form Ab = I + sum((1/bi)^2*(Pi'*Pi + 4*(v'*v + 1)*Pi'*y*y'*Pi)) + Xs'*Xs # and Bb = -sum((1/bi)^2*(4*ui*v'*v*Pi'*y*ei')) - Xs'*Es # and D2 = Es'*Es + sum((1/bi)^2*(1+4*ui^2*(v'*v - 1)) Ab = matrix(0.0,(n,n)) Ab[::n+1] = 1.0 base.syrk(Xs,Ab,trans = 'T', beta = 1.0) Bb = matrix(0.0,(n,k)) Bb = -Xs.T*Es # inefficient!? D2 = spmatrix(0.0,range(k),range(k)) base.syrk(Es,D2,trans = 'T', partial = True) d2 = +D2.V del D2 py = matrix(0.0,(n,1)) for i in range(k): binvsq = (1.0/W['beta'][i])**2 Ab += binvsq*Pt[i] dvv =['v'][i],W['v'][i]) blas.gemv(P[i], W['v'][i][1:], py, trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0) blas.syrk(py, Ab, alpha = 4*binvsq*(dvv+1), beta = 1.0) Bb[:,i] -= 4*binvsq*W['v'][i][0]*dvv*py d2[i] += binvsq*(1+4*(W['v'][i][0]**2)*(dvv-1)) d2i = div(1.0,d2) d2isqrt = sqrt(d2i) # compute a = alpha - lam'*inv(Wl1)*E*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam alpha =,mul(W['di'][:m],d)) tmp = matrix(0.0,(k,1)) base.gemv(E,mul(W['di'][:m],lam), tmp, trans = 'T') tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt) #tmp = inv(D2)^(1/2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam a = alpha -,tmp) # compute M12 = X'*D*inv(Wl1)*lam + Bb*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt) M12 = matrix(0.0,(n,1)) blas.gemv(Bb,tmp,M12, alpha = 1.0) tmp = mul(d,mul(W['di'][:m],lam)) blas.gemv(X,tmp,M12, trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0) # form and factor M sBb = Bb * spmatrix(d2isqrt,range(k), range(k)) base.syrk(sBb, Ab, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) M = matrix([[Ab, M12.T],[M12, a]]) lapack.potrf(M) def f(x,y,z): # residuals rwt = x[:n+k] rb = x[n+k] rv = x[n+k+1:n+k+1+m] iw_rl1 = mul(W['di'][:m],z[:m]) iw_rl2 = mul(W['di'][m:2*m],z[m:2*m]) ri = [z[2*m+i*(n+1):2*m+(i+1)*(n+1)] for i in range(k)] # compute 'derived' residuals # rbwt = rwt + sum(Ai'*inv(Wi)^2*ri) + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 rbwt = +rwt for i in range(k): tmp = +ri[i] qscal(tmp,W['beta'][i],W['v'][i],inv=True) qscal(tmp,W['beta'][i],W['v'][i],inv=True) rbwt[n+i] -= tmp[0] blas.gemv(P[i], tmp[1:], rbwt, trans = 'T', alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) tmp = mul(W['di'][:m],iw_rl1) tmp2 = matrix(0.0,(k,1)) base.gemv(E,tmp,tmp2,trans='T') rbwt[n:] += tmp2 tmp = mul(d,tmp) # tmp = D*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 blas.gemv(X,tmp,rbwt,trans='T', alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) # rbb = rb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 rbb = rb - sum(tmp) # rbv = rv - inv(Wl2)*rl2 - inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 rbv = rv - mul(W['di'][m:2*m],iw_rl2) - mul(W['di'][:m],iw_rl1) # [rtw;rtt] = rbwt + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv tmp = mul(W['di'][:m]**2, mul(dbi,rbv)) rtt = +rbwt[n:] base.gemv(E, tmp, rtt, trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0) rtw = +rbwt[:n] tmp = mul(d,tmp) blas.gemv(X, tmp, rtw, trans = 'T', alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) # rtb = rbb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv rtb = rbb - sum(tmp) # solve M*[dw;db] = [rtw - Bb*inv(D2)*rtt; rtb + lt'*inv(D2)*rtt] tmp = mul(d2i,rtt) tmp2 = matrix(0.0,(n,1)) blas.gemv(Bb,tmp,tmp2) dwdb = matrix([rtw - tmp2,rtb +,lt),rtt)]) lapack.potrs(M,dwdb) # compute dt = inv(D2)*(rtt - Bb'*dw + lt*db) tmp2 = matrix(0.0,(k,1)) blas.gemv(Bb, dwdb[:n], tmp2, trans='T') dt = mul(d2i, rtt - tmp2 + lt*dwdb[-1]) # compute dv = inv(Db)*(rbv + inv(Wl1)^2*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db)) dv = matrix(0.0,(m,1)) blas.gemv(X,dwdb[:n],dv,alpha = -1.0) dv = mul(d,dv) - d*dwdb[-1] base.gemv(E, dt, dv, beta = 1.0) tmp = +dv # tmp = E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db dv = mul(dbi, rbv + mul(W['di'][:m]**2,dv)) # compute wdz1 = inv(Wl1)*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db - dv - rl1) wdz1 = mul(W['di'][:m], tmp - dv) - iw_rl1 # compute wdz2 = - inv(Wl2)*(dv + rl2) wdz2 = - mul(W['di'][m:2*m],dv) - iw_rl2 # compute wdzi = inv(Wi)*([-ei'*dt; -Pi*dw] - ri) wdzi = [] tmp = matrix(0.0,(n,1)) for i in range(k): blas.gemv(P[i],dwdb[:n],tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 0.0) tmp1 = matrix([-dt[i],tmp]) blas.axpy(ri[i],tmp1,alpha = -1.0) qscal(tmp1,W['beta'][i],W['v'][i],inv=True) wdzi.append(tmp1) # solution x[:n] = dwdb[:n] x[n:n+k] = dt x[n+k] = dwdb[-1] x[n+k+1:] = dv z[:m] = wdz1 z[m:2*m] = wdz2 for i in range(k): z[2*m+i*(n+1):2*m+(i+1)*(n+1)] = wdzi[i] return f # solve cone QP and return solution sol = solvers.coneqp(Q, q, G, h, dims = {'l':2*m,'q':[n+1 for i in range(k)],'s':[]}, kktsolver = F) return sol['x'][:n], sol['x'][n+k], sol['x'][n:n+k], sol['x'][n+k+1:], sol['iterations']
def softmargin_completion(Q, d, gamma): """ Solves the QP minimize (1/2)*y'*Qc^{-1}*y + gamma*sum(v) subject to diag(d)*(y + b*ones) + v >= 1 v >= 0 (with variables y, b, v) and its dual, the 'soft-margin' SVM problem, maximize -(1/2)*z'*Qc*z + d'*z subject to 0 <= diag(d)*z <= gamma*ones sum(z) = 0 (with variables z). Qc is the max determinant completion of Q. Input arguments. Q is a sparse N x N sparse matrix with chordal sparsity pattern and a positive definite completion d is an N-vector of labels -1 or 1. gamma is a positive parameter. F is the chompack pattern corresponding to Q. If F is None, the pattern is computed. Output. z, y, b, v, optval, L, iters """ if verbose: solvers.options['show_progress'] = True else: solvers.options['show_progress'] = False N = Q.size[0] p = chompack.maxcardsearch(Q) symb = chompack.symbolic(Q, p) Qc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + Q # Qinv is the inverse of the max. determinant p.d. completion of Q Lc = Qc.copy() chompack.completion(Lc) Qinv = Lc.copy() chompack.llt(Qinv) Qinv = Qinv.spmatrix(reordered=False) Qinv = chompack.symmetrize(Qinv) def P(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): """ v := alpha * [ Qc^-1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0 ] * u + beta * v """ v *= beta base.symv(Qinv, u, v, alpha=alpha, beta=1.0) def G(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ If trans is 'N': v := alpha * [ -diag(d), -d, -I; 0, 0, -I ] * u + beta * v. If trans is 'T': v := alpha * [ -diag(d), 0; -d', 0; -I, -I ] * u + beta * v. """ v *= beta if trans is 'N': v[:N] -= alpha * (base.mul(d, u[:N] + u[N]) + u[-N:]) v[-N:] -= alpha * u[-N:] else: v[:N] -= alpha * base.mul(d, u[:N]) v[N] -= alpha *, u, n=N) v[-N:] -= alpha * (u[:N] + u[N:]) K = spmatrix(0.0, Qinv.I, Qinv.J) dy1, dy2 = matrix(0.0, (N, 1)), matrix(0.0, (N, 1)) def Fkkt(W): """ Custom KKT solver for [ Qinv 0 0 -D 0 ] [ ux_y ] [ bx_y ] [ 0 0 0 -d' 0 ] [ ux_b ] [ bx_b ] [ 0 0 0 -I -I ] [ ux_v ] = [ bx_v ] [ -D -d -I -D1 0 ] [ uz_z ] [ bz_z ] [ 0 0 -I 0 -D2 ] [ uz_w ] [ bz_w ] with D1 = diag(d1), D2 = diag(d2), d1 = W['d'][:N]**2, d2 = W['d'][N:])**2. """ d1, d2 = W['d'][:N]**2, W['d'][N:]**2 d3, d4 = (d1 + d2)**-1, (d1**-1 + d2**-1)**-1 # Factor the chordal matrix K = Qinv + (D_1+D_2)^-1. K.V = Qinv.V K[::N + 1] = K[::N + 1] + d3 L = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + K chompack.cholesky(L) # Solve (Qinv + (D1+D2)^-1) * dy2 = (D1 + D2)^{-1} * 1 blas.copy(d3, dy2) chompack.trsm(L, dy2, trans='N') chompack.trsm(L, dy2, trans='T') def g(x, y, z): # Solve # # [ K d3 ] [ ux_y ] # [ ] [ ] = # [ d3' 1'*d3 ] [ ux_b ] # # [ bx_y ] [ D ] # [ ] - [ ] * D3 * (D2 * bx_v + bx_z - bx_w). # [ bx_b ] [ d' ] x[:N] -= mul(d, mul(d3, mul(d2, x[-N:]) + z[:N] - z[-N:])) x[N] -=, mul(d3, mul(d2, x[-N:]) + z[:N] - z[-N:])) # Solve dy1 := K^-1 * x[:N] blas.copy(x, dy1, n=N) chompack.trsm(L, dy1, trans='N') chompack.trsm(L, dy1, trans='T') # Find ux_y = dy1 - ux_b * dy2 s.t # # d3' * ( dy1 - ux_b * dy2 + ux_b ) = x[N] # # i.e. x[N] := ( x[N] - d3'* dy1 ) / ( d3'* ( 1 - dy2 ) ). x[N] = ( x[N] -, dy1) ) / \ ( blas.asum(d3) -, dy2) ) x[:N] = dy1 - x[N] * dy2 # ux_v = D4 * ( bx_v - D1^-1 (bz_z + D * (ux_y + ux_b)) # - D2^-1 * bz_w ) x[-N:] = mul( d4, x[-N:] - div(z[:N] + mul(d, x[:N] + x[N]), d1) - div(z[N:], d2)) # uz_z = - D1^-1 * ( bx_z - D * ( ux_y + ux_b ) - ux_v ) # uz_w = - D2^-1 * ( bx_w - uz_w ) z[:N] += base.mul(d, x[:N] + x[N]) + x[-N:] z[-N:] += x[-N:] blas.scal(-1.0, z) # Return W['di'] * uz blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n=2 * N, k=0, ldA=1) return g q = matrix(0.0, (2 * N + 1, 1)) if weights is 'proportional': dlist = list(d) C1 = 0.5 * N * gamma / dlist.count(1) C2 = 0.5 * N * gamma / dlist.count(-1) gvec = matrix([C1 if w == 1 else C2 for w in dlist], (N, 1)) del dlist q[-N:] = gvec elif weights is 'equal': q[-N:] = gamma h = matrix(0.0, (2 * N, 1)) h[:N] = -1.0 sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver=Fkkt) u = matrix(0.0, (N, 1)) y, b, v = sol['x'][:N], sol['x'][N], sol['x'][N + 1:] z = mul(d, sol['z'][:N]) base.symv(Qinv, y, u) optval = 0.5 *, u) + gamma * sum(v) return y, b, v, z, optval, Lc, sol['iterations']
def LSM3(self, option_type="c", func_list=[lambda x: x ** 0, lambda x: x],onlyITM=False,buy_cost=0,sell_cost=0): dt = self.T / self.n_steps df = np.exp(-self.r * dt) df2 = np.exp(-(self.r - self.q) * dt) K = self.K price_matrix = self.price_matrix n_trials = self.n_trials n_steps = self.n_steps exercise_matrix = np.zeros(price_matrix.shape,dtype=bool) american_values_matrix = np.zeros(price_matrix.shape) def __calc_american_values(payoff_fun,func_list, sub_price_matrix,sub_exercise_matrix,df,onlyITM=False): exercise_values_t = payoff_fun(sub_price_matrix[:,0]) ITM_filter = exercise_values_t > 0 OTM_filter = exercise_values_t <= 0 n_sub_trials, n_sub_steps = sub_price_matrix.shape holding_values_t = np.zeros(n_sub_trials) # simulated samples: y exp_holding_values_t = np.zeros(n_sub_trials) # regressed results: E[y] itemindex = np.where(sub_exercise_matrix==1) # print(sub_exercise_matrix) for trial_i in range(n_sub_trials): first = next(itemindex[1][i] for i,x in enumerate(itemindex[0]) if x==trial_i) payoff_i = payoff_fun(sub_price_matrix[trial_i, first]) df_i = df**(n_sub_steps-first) holding_values_t[trial_i] = payoff_i*df_i A_matrix = np.array([func(sub_price_matrix[:,0]) for func in func_list]).T b_matrix = holding_values_t[:, np.newaxis] # g_tau|Fi ITM_A_matrix = A_matrix[ITM_filter, :] ITM_b_matrix = b_matrix[ITM_filter, :] lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), ITM_b_matrix) exp_holding_values_t[ITM_filter] =, lr.coef_.T)[:, 0] # E[g_tau|Fi] only ITM if onlyITM: # Original LSM exp_holding_values_t[OTM_filter] = np.nan else: # non-conformed approximation: do not assure the continuity of the approximation. OTM_A_matrix = A_matrix[OTM_filter, :] OTM_b_matrix = b_matrix[OTM_filter, :], OTM_b_matrix) exp_holding_values_t[OTM_filter] =, lr.coef_.T)[:, 0] # E[g_tau|Fi] only OTM sub_exercise_matrix[:,0] = ITM_filter & (exercise_values_t>exp_holding_values_t) american_values_t = np.maximum(exp_holding_values_t,exercise_values_t) return american_values_t if (option_type == "c"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(x - K, 0) elif (option_type == "p"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(K - x, 0) # when contract is at the maturity stock_prices_t = price_matrix[:, -1] exercise_values_t = payoff_fun(stock_prices_t) holding_values_t = exercise_values_t american_values_matrix[:,-1] = exercise_values_t exercise_matrix[:,-1] = 1 # before maturaty for i in np.arange(n_steps)[:0:-1]: sub_price_matrix = price_matrix[:,i:] sub_exercise_matrix = exercise_matrix[:,i:] american_values_t = __calc_american_values(payoff_fun,func_list,sub_price_matrix,sub_exercise_matrix,df,onlyITM) american_values_matrix[:,i] = american_values_t # obtain the optimal policies at the inception holding_matrix = np.zeros(exercise_matrix.shape, dtype=bool) for i in np.arange(n_trials): exercise_row = exercise_matrix[i, :] if (exercise_row.any()): exercise_idx = np.where(exercise_row == 1)[0][0] exercise_row[exercise_idx + 1:] = 0 holding_matrix[i,:exercise_idx+1] = 1 else: exercise_row[-1] = 1 holding_matrix[i,:] = 1 if onlyITM==False: # i=0 # regular martingale pricing: LSM american_value1 = american_values_matrix[:,1].mean() * df # with delta hedging: OHMC # min dP0.T*dP0 + delta dS0.T dS0 delta + 2*dP0.T*delta*dS0 # subject to: e.T * (dP0 + delta dS0) = 0 # P = Q.T * Q # Q = dS0 # q = 2*dP0.T*dS0 # A = e.T * dS0 # b = - e.T * dP0 v0 = matrix((american_values_matrix[:,1] * df)[:,np.newaxis]) S0 = price_matrix[:, 0] S1 = price_matrix[:, 1] dS0 = df2 * S1 * (1-sell_cost) - S0*(1+buy_cost) dP0 = american_values_matrix[:,1] * df - american_value1 Q0 = dS0[:, np.newaxis] Q0 = matrix(Q0) P = Q0.T * Q0 q = 2*matrix(dP0[:,np.newaxis]).T*Q0 A = matrix(np.ones(n_trials, dtype=np.float64)).T * Q0 b = - matrix(np.ones(n_trials, dtype=np.float64)).T * matrix(dP0[:,np.newaxis]) sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) self.sol = sol residual_risk = (v0.T * v0 + 2 * sol["primal objective"]) / n_trials self.residual_risk = residual_risk[0] # the value of unit matrix delta_hedge = sol["x"][0] american_values_matrix[:,0] = american_value1 self.american_values_matrix = american_values_matrix self.HLSM_price = american_value1 self.HLSM_delta = - delta_hedge print("price: {}, delta-hedge: {}".format(american_value1,delta_hedge)) self.holding_matrix = holding_matrix self.exercise_matrix = exercise_matrix pass
def solve(bx, by, bz): # solve K x = bx - R * bz -> bx x, info = cg(K, bx - R * bz) bx[:] = matrix(x) # bz <- W^{-T}(-x - bz) bz[:] = matrix(Wd * (-bx - bz)) return solve solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-5 solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-5 solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-5 wi = solvers.coneqp(P, f, G, c, kktsolver=fKKT)['x'] w = np.zeros((n + 2, )) w[1:-1] = wi[:, 0].T def pretty_print(*arrays): print 'Solution:' for i in range(0, n + 2): for a in arrays: print "%+.4f" % (a[i]), print "" def tikz_save(basename, *arrays): x = arrays[0] for i, a in enumerate(arrays[1:]):
def _updateLineSearch(x, fx, oldFx, oldOldFx, oldDeltaX, g, H, func, grad, z, G, h, y, A, b): initVals = dict() initVals['x'] = matrix(oldDeltaX) # readjust the bounds and initial value if possible # as we try our best to use warm start if G is not None: hTemp = h - dims = {'l': G.shape[0], 'q': [], 's': []} initVals['z'] = matrix(z) s = hTemp - while numpy.any(s<=0.0): oldDeltaX *= 0.5 s = h - initVals['s'] = matrix(s) initVals['x'] = matrix(oldDeltaX) #print initVals['s'] else: hTemp = None dims = [] if A is not None: initVals['y'] = matrix(y) bTemp = b - else: bTemp = None # solving the QP to get the descent direction if A is not None: if G is not None: qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g), matrix(G), matrix(hTemp), dims, matrix(A), matrix(bTemp)) else: qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g), None, None, None, matrix(A), matrix(bTemp)) else: if G is not None: qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g), matrix(G), matrix(hTemp), dims, initvals=initVals) else: qpOut = solvers.coneqp(matrix(H), matrix(g)) # exact the descent diretion and do a line search deltaX = numpy.array(qpOut['x']) oldOldFx = oldFx oldFx = fx oldGrad = g.copy() lineFunc = lineSearch(x, deltaX, func) #step, fx = exactLineSearch(1, x, deltaX, func) # step, fc, gc, fx, oldFx, new_slope = line_search(func, # grad, # x.ravel(), # deltaX.ravel(), # g.ravel(), # oldFx, # oldOldFx) # print step # if step is None: # step, fx = exactLineSearch2(1, lineFunc, deltaX.ravel().dot(g.ravel()), oldFx) # step, fx = exactLineSearch(1, lineFunc) # if fx >= oldFx: step, fx = backTrackingLineSearch(1, lineFunc, deltaX.ravel().dot(g.ravel()), alpha=0.0001, beta=0.8) x += step * deltaX if G is not None: z[:] = numpy.array(qpOut['z']) if A is not None: y[:] = numpy.array(qpOut['y']) return x, deltaX, z, y, fx, oldFx, oldOldFx, oldGrad, step, qpOut['iterations']
def robsvm(X, d, gamma, P, e): """ Solves the following robust SVM training problem: minimize (1/2) w'*w + gamma*sum(v) subject to diag(d)*(X*w + b*1) >= 1 - v + E*u || S_j*w ||_2 <= u_j, j = 1...t v >= 0 The variables are w, b, v, and u. The matrix E is a selector matrix with zeros and one '1' per row. E_ij = 1 means that the i'th training vector is associated with the j'th uncertainty ellipsoid. A custom KKT solver that exploits low-rank structure is used, and a positive definite system of equations of order n is formed and solved at each iteration. ARGUMENTS X m-by-n matrix with training vectors as rows d m-vector with training labels (-1,+1) P list of t symmetric matrices of order n e m-vector where e[i] is the index of the uncertainty ellipsoid associated with the i'th training vector RETURNS w n-vector b scalar u t-vector v m-vector iters number of interior-point iterations """ m, n = X.size assert type( P ) is list, "P must be a list of t symmtric positive definite matrices of order n." k = len(P) if k > 0: assert e.size == (m, 1), "e must be an m-vector." assert max(e) < k and min(e) >= 0, "e[i] must be in {0,1,...,k-1}." E = spmatrix(1., e, range(m), (k, m)).T d = matrix(d, tc='d') q = matrix(0.0, (n + k + 1 + m, 1)) q[n + k + 1:] = gamma h = matrix(0.0, (2 * m + k * (n + 1), 1)) h[:m] = -1.0 # linear operators Q and G def Q(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): y[:n] = alpha * x[:n] + beta * y[:n] def G(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ Implements the linear operator [ -DX E -d -I ] [ 0 0 0 -I ] [ 0 -e_1' 0 0 ] G = [ -P_1' 0 0 0 ] [ . . . . ] [ 0 -e_k' 0 0 ] [ -P_k' 0 0 0 ] and its adjoint G'. """ if trans == 'N': tmp = +y[:m] # y[:m] = alpha*(-DXw + Et - d*b - v) + beta*y[:m] base.gemv(E, x[n:n + k], tmp, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) blas.axpy(x[n + k + 1:], tmp, alpha=-alpha) blas.axpy(d, tmp, alpha=-alpha * x[n + k]) y[:m] = tmp base.gemv(X, x[:n], tmp, alpha=alpha, beta=0.0) tmp = mul(d, tmp) y[:m] -= tmp # y[m:2*m] = -v y[m:2 * m] = -alpha * x[n + k + 1:] + beta * y[m:2 * m] # SOC 1,...,k for i in range(k): l = 2 * m + i * (n + 1) y[l] = -alpha * x[n + i] + beta * y[l] y[l + 1:l + 1 + n] = -alpha * P[i] * x[:n] + beta * y[l + 1:l + 1 + n] else: tmp1 = mul(d, x[:m]) tmp2 = y[:n] blas.gemv(X, tmp1, tmp2, trans='T', alpha=-alpha, beta=beta) for i in range(k): l = 2 * m + 1 + i * (n + 1) blas.gemv(P[i], x[l:l + n], tmp2, trans='T', alpha=-alpha, beta=1.0) y[:n] = tmp2 tmp2 = y[n:n + k] base.gemv(E, x[:m], tmp2, trans='T', alpha=alpha, beta=beta) blas.axpy(x[2 * m:2 * m + k * (1 + n):n + 1], tmp2, alpha=-alpha) y[n:n + k] = tmp2 y[n + k] = -alpha *, x[:m]) + beta * y[n + k] y[n + k + 1:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:2 * m]) + beta * y[n + k + 1:] # precompute products Pi'*Pi Pt = [] for p in P: y = matrix(0.0, (n, n)) blas.syrk(p, y, trans='T') Pt.append(y) # scaled hyperbolic Householder transformations def qscal(u, beta, v, inv=False): """ Transforms the vector u as u := beta * (2*v*v' - J) * u if 'inv' is False and as u := (1/beta) * (2*J*v*v'*J - J) * u if 'inv' is True. """ if not inv: tmp =, v) u[0] *= -1 u += 2 * v * tmp u *= beta else: u[0] *= -1.0 tmp =, u) u[0] -= 2 * v[0] * tmp u[1:] += 2 * v[1:] * tmp u /= beta # custom KKT solver def F(W): """ Custom solver for the system [ It 0 0 Xt' 0 At1' ... Atk' ][ dwt ] [ rwt ] [ 0 0 0 -d' 0 0 ... 0 ][ db ] [ rb ] [ 0 0 0 -I -I 0 ... 0 ][ dv ] [ rv ] [ Xt -d -I -Wl1^-2 ][ dzl1 ] [ rl1 ] [ 0 0 -I -Wl2^-2 ][ dzl2 ] = [ rl2 ] [ At1 0 0 -W1^-2 ][ dz1 ] [ r1 ] [ | | | . ][ | ] [ | ] [ Atk 0 0 -Wk^-2 ][ dzk ] [ rk ] where It = [ I 0 ] Xt = [ -D*X E ] Ati = [ 0 -e_i' ] [ 0 0 ] [ -Pi 0 ] dwt = [ dw ] rwt = [ rw ] [ dt ] [ rt ]. """ # scalings and 'intermediate' vectors # db = inv(Wl1)^2 + inv(Wl2)^2 db = W['di'][:m]**2 + W['di'][m:2 * m]**2 dbi = div(1.0, db) # dt = I - inv(Wl1)*Dbi*inv(Wl1) dt = 1.0 - mul(W['di'][:m]**2, dbi) dtsqrt = sqrt(dt) # lam = Dt*inv(Wl1)*d lam = mul(dt, mul(W['di'][:m], d)) # lt = E'*inv(Wl1)*lam lt = matrix(0.0, (k, 1)) base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m], lam), lt, trans='T') # Xs = sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*X tmp = mul(dtsqrt, W['di'][:m]) Xs = spmatrix(tmp, range(m), range(m)) * X # Es = D*sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*E Es = spmatrix(mul(d, tmp), range(m), range(m)) * E # form Ab = I + sum((1/bi)^2*(Pi'*Pi + 4*(v'*v + 1)*Pi'*y*y'*Pi)) + Xs'*Xs # and Bb = -sum((1/bi)^2*(4*ui*v'*v*Pi'*y*ei')) - Xs'*Es # and D2 = Es'*Es + sum((1/bi)^2*(1+4*ui^2*(v'*v - 1)) Ab = matrix(0.0, (n, n)) Ab[::n + 1] = 1.0 base.syrk(Xs, Ab, trans='T', beta=1.0) Bb = matrix(0.0, (n, k)) Bb = -Xs.T * Es # inefficient!? D2 = spmatrix(0.0, range(k), range(k)) base.syrk(Es, D2, trans='T', partial=True) d2 = +D2.V del D2 py = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) for i in range(k): binvsq = (1.0 / W['beta'][i])**2 Ab += binvsq * Pt[i] dvv =['v'][i], W['v'][i]) blas.gemv(P[i], W['v'][i][1:], py, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=0.0) blas.syrk(py, Ab, alpha=4 * binvsq * (dvv + 1), beta=1.0) Bb[:, i] -= 4 * binvsq * W['v'][i][0] * dvv * py d2[i] += binvsq * (1 + 4 * (W['v'][i][0]**2) * (dvv - 1)) d2i = div(1.0, d2) d2isqrt = sqrt(d2i) # compute a = alpha - lam'*inv(Wl1)*E*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam alpha =, mul(W['di'][:m], d)) tmp = matrix(0.0, (k, 1)) base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m], lam), tmp, trans='T') tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt) #tmp = inv(D2)^(1/2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam a = alpha -, tmp) # compute M12 = X'*D*inv(Wl1)*lam + Bb*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt) M12 = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) blas.gemv(Bb, tmp, M12, alpha=1.0) tmp = mul(d, mul(W['di'][:m], lam)) blas.gemv(X, tmp, M12, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0) # form and factor M sBb = Bb * spmatrix(d2isqrt, range(k), range(k)) base.syrk(sBb, Ab, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) M = matrix([[Ab, M12.T], [M12, a]]) lapack.potrf(M) def f(x, y, z): # residuals rwt = x[:n + k] rb = x[n + k] rv = x[n + k + 1:n + k + 1 + m] iw_rl1 = mul(W['di'][:m], z[:m]) iw_rl2 = mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], z[m:2 * m]) ri = [ z[2 * m + i * (n + 1):2 * m + (i + 1) * (n + 1)] for i in range(k) ] # compute 'derived' residuals # rbwt = rwt + sum(Ai'*inv(Wi)^2*ri) + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 rbwt = +rwt for i in range(k): tmp = +ri[i] qscal(tmp, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True) qscal(tmp, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True) rbwt[n + i] -= tmp[0] blas.gemv(P[i], tmp[1:], rbwt, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) tmp = mul(W['di'][:m], iw_rl1) tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (k, 1)) base.gemv(E, tmp, tmp2, trans='T') rbwt[n:] += tmp2 tmp = mul(d, tmp) # tmp = D*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 blas.gemv(X, tmp, rbwt, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) # rbb = rb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 rbb = rb - sum(tmp) # rbv = rv - inv(Wl2)*rl2 - inv(Wl1)^2*rl1 rbv = rv - mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], iw_rl2) - mul(W['di'][:m], iw_rl1) # [rtw;rtt] = rbwt + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv tmp = mul(W['di'][:m]**2, mul(dbi, rbv)) rtt = +rbwt[n:] base.gemv(E, tmp, rtt, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0) rtw = +rbwt[:n] tmp = mul(d, tmp) blas.gemv(X, tmp, rtw, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) # rtb = rbb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv rtb = rbb - sum(tmp) # solve M*[dw;db] = [rtw - Bb*inv(D2)*rtt; rtb + lt'*inv(D2)*rtt] tmp = mul(d2i, rtt) tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) blas.gemv(Bb, tmp, tmp2) dwdb = matrix([rtw - tmp2, rtb +, lt), rtt)]) lapack.potrs(M, dwdb) # compute dt = inv(D2)*(rtt - Bb'*dw + lt*db) tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (k, 1)) blas.gemv(Bb, dwdb[:n], tmp2, trans='T') dt = mul(d2i, rtt - tmp2 + lt * dwdb[-1]) # compute dv = inv(Db)*(rbv + inv(Wl1)^2*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db)) dv = matrix(0.0, (m, 1)) blas.gemv(X, dwdb[:n], dv, alpha=-1.0) dv = mul(d, dv) - d * dwdb[-1] base.gemv(E, dt, dv, beta=1.0) tmp = +dv # tmp = E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db dv = mul(dbi, rbv + mul(W['di'][:m]**2, dv)) # compute wdz1 = inv(Wl1)*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db - dv - rl1) wdz1 = mul(W['di'][:m], tmp - dv) - iw_rl1 # compute wdz2 = - inv(Wl2)*(dv + rl2) wdz2 = -mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], dv) - iw_rl2 # compute wdzi = inv(Wi)*([-ei'*dt; -Pi*dw] - ri) wdzi = [] tmp = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) for i in range(k): blas.gemv(P[i], dwdb[:n], tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=0.0) tmp1 = matrix([-dt[i], tmp]) blas.axpy(ri[i], tmp1, alpha=-1.0) qscal(tmp1, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True) wdzi.append(tmp1) # solution x[:n] = dwdb[:n] x[n:n + k] = dt x[n + k] = dwdb[-1] x[n + k + 1:] = dv z[:m] = wdz1 z[m:2 * m] = wdz2 for i in range(k): z[2 * m + i * (n + 1):2 * m + (i + 1) * (n + 1)] = wdzi[i] return f # solve cone QP and return solution sol = solvers.coneqp(Q, q, G, h, dims={ 'l': 2 * m, 'q': [n + 1 for i in range(k)], 's': [] }, kktsolver=F) return sol['x'][:n], sol['x'][ n + k], sol['x'][n:n + k], sol['x'][n + k + 1:], sol['iterations']
def proxqp_clique_SNL(c, A, b, z, rho): """ Solves the 1-norm regularized conic LP min. < c, x > + || A(x) - b ||_1 + (rho/2) || x - z ||^2 s.t. x >= 0 for a single dense clique . The method is used in this package to solve the sensor node localization problem Input arguments. c is a 'd' matrix of size n_k**2 x 1 A is a 'd' matrix. with size n_k**2 times m_k. Each of its columns represents a symmetric matrix of order n_k in unpacked column-major order. The term A ( x ) in the primal constraint is given by A(x) = A' * vec(x). The adjoint A'( y ) in the dual constraint is given by A'(y) = mat( A * y ). Only the entries of A corresponding to lower-triangular positions are accessed. b is a 'd' matrix of size m_k x 1. z is a 'd' matrix of size n_k**2 x 1 rho is a positive scalar. Output arguments. sol : Solution dictionary for quadratic optimization problem. primal : objective for optimization problem without prox term (trace C*X) """ ns2, ms = A.size nl, msl = len(b) * 2, len(b) ns = int(sqrt(ns2)) dims = {'l': nl, 'q': [], 's': [ns]} c = matrix([matrix(1.0, (nl, 1)), c]) z = matrix([matrix(0.0, (nl, 1)), z]) q = +c blas.axpy(z, q, alpha=-rho, offsetx=nl, offsety=nl) symmetrize(q, ns, offset=nl) q = q[:] h = matrix(0.0, (nl + ns2, 1)) bz = +q xp = +q def P(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): # v := alpha * rho * u + beta * v blas.scal(beta, v) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=alpha * rho, offsetx=nl, offsety=nl) def xdot(x, y): misc.trisc(x, dims) adot =, y) misc.triusc(x, dims) return adot def Gf(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): # v = -alpha*u + beta * v blas.scal(beta, v) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=-alpha) def Af(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans="N"): # v := alpha * A(u) + beta * v if trans is 'N' # v := alpha * A'(u) + beta * v if trans is 'T' blas.scal(beta, v) if trans == "N": blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=alpha, n=nl / 2) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=-alpha, offsetx=nl / 2, n=nl / 2) sgemv(A, u, v, n=ns, m=ms, alpha=alpha, beta=1.0, trans="T", offsetx=nl) elif trans == "T": blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=alpha, n=nl / 2) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=-alpha, offsety=nl / 2, n=nl / 2) sgemv(A, u, v, n=ns, m=ms, alpha=alpha, beta=1.0, trans="N", offsety=nl) U = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) Vt = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) sv = matrix(0.0, (ns, 1)) Gamma = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) if type(A) is spmatrix: VecAIndex = +A[:].I As = matrix(A) Aspkd = matrix(0.0, ((ns + 1) * ns / 2, ms)) tmp = matrix(0.0, (ms, 1)) def F(W): # SVD R[j] = U[j] * diag(sig[j]) * Vt[j] lapack.gesvd(+W['r'][0], sv, jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=U, Vt=Vt) W2 = mul(+W['d'], +W['d']) # Vt[j] := diag(sig[j])^-1 * Vt[j] for k in xrange(ns): blas.tbsv(sv, Vt, n=ns, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * ns) # Gamma[j] is an ns[j] x ns[j] symmetric matrix # (sig[j] * sig[j]') ./ sqrt(1 + rho * (sig[j] * sig[j]').^2) # S = sig[j] * sig[j]' S = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) blas.syrk(sv, S) Gamma = div(S, sqrt(1.0 + rho * S**2)) symmetrize(Gamma, ns) # As represents the scaled mapping # # As(x) = A(u * (Gamma .* x) * u') # As'(y) = Gamma .* (u' * A'(y) * u) # # stored in a similar format as A, except that we use packed # storage for the columns of As[i][j]. if type(A) is spmatrix: blas.scal(0.0, As) As[VecAIndex] = +A[VecAIndex] else: blas.copy(A, As) # As[i][j][:,k] = diag( diag(Gamma[j]))*As[i][j][:,k] # As[i][j][l,:] = Gamma[j][l,l]*As[i][j][l,:] for k in xrange(ms): cngrnc(U, As, trans='T', offsetx=k * (ns2)) blas.tbmv(Gamma, As, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * (ns2)) misc.pack(As, Aspkd, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns] * ms}) # H is an m times m block matrix with i, k block # # Hik = sum_j As[i,j]' * As[k,j] # # of size ms[i] x ms[k]. Hik = 0 if As[i,j] or As[k,j] # are zero for all j H = matrix(0.0, (ms, ms)) blas.syrk(Aspkd, H, trans='T', beta=1.0, k=ns * (ns + 1) / 2) #H = H + spmatrix(W2[:nl/2] + W2[nl/2:] ,range(nl/2),range(nl/2)) blas.axpy(W2, H, n=ms, incy=ms + 1, alpha=1.0) blas.axpy(W2, H, offsetx=ms, n=ms, incy=ms + 1, alpha=1.0) lapack.potrf(H) def solve(x, y, z): """ Returns solution of rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx A(ux) = by -ux - r * uz * r' = bz. On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz. On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz. """ # bz is a copy of z in the format of x blas.copy(z, bz) blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho, offsetx=nl, offsety=nl) # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u) # = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) cngrnc(U, x, trans='T', offsetx=nl) blas.tbmv(Gamma, x, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=nl) blas.tbmv(+W['d'], x, n=nl, k=0, ldA=1) # y := y - As(x) # := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) misc.pack(x, xp, dims) blas.gemv(Aspkd, xp, y, trans = 'T',alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, \ m = ns*(ns+1)/2, n = ms,offsetx = nl) #y = y - mul(+W['d'][:nl/2],xp[:nl/2])+ mul(+W['d'][nl/2:nl],xp[nl/2:nl]) blas.tbmv(+W['d'], xp, n=nl, k=0, ldA=1) blas.axpy(xp, y, alpha=-1, n=ms) blas.axpy(xp, y, alpha=1, n=ms, offsetx=nl / 2) # y := -y - A(bz) # = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0) # y := H^-1 * y # = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) ) # = uy blas.trsv(H, y) blas.trsv(H, y, trans='T') # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt # = uz where # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy) - x ) # = Gamma .* ( As'(uy) - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) ) # = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ). misc.pack(x, xp, dims) blas.scal(-1.0, xp) blas.gemv(Aspkd, y, xp, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, m=ns * (ns + 1) / 2, n=ms, offsety=nl) #xp[:nl/2] = xp[:nl/2] + mul(+W['d'][:nl/2],y) #xp[nl/2:nl] = xp[nl/2:nl] - mul(+W['d'][nl/2:nl],y) blas.copy(y, tmp) blas.tbmv(+W['d'], tmp, n=nl / 2, k=0, ldA=1) blas.axpy(tmp, xp, n=nl / 2) blas.copy(y, tmp) blas.tbmv(+W['d'], tmp, n=nl / 2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=nl / 2) blas.axpy(tmp, xp, alpha=-1, n=nl / 2, offsety=nl / 2) # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma blas.copy(xp, bz) #,n = nl) misc.unpack(xp, bz, dims) blas.tbmv(Gamma, bz, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=nl) # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt # = uz cngrnc(Vt, bz, trans='T', offsetx=nl) symmetrize(bz, ns, offset=nl) # x = -bz - r * uz * r' # z contains r.h.s. bz; copy to x #so far, z = bzc (untouched) blas.copy(z, x) blas.copy(bz, z) cngrnc(W['r'][0], bz, offsetx=nl) blas.tbmv(W['d'], bz, n=nl, k=0, ldA=1) blas.axpy(bz, x) blas.scal(-1.0, x) return solve sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, Gf, h, dims, Af, b, None, F, xdot=xdot) primal =['s'], c) sol['s'] = sol['s'][nl:] sol['z'] = sol['z'][nl:] return sol, primal
def solve(bx, by, bz): # solve K x = bx - R * bz -> bx x, info = cg(K, bx - R * bz) bx[:] = matrix(x) # bz <- W^{-T}(-x - bz) bz[:] = matrix(Wd*(-bx-bz)) return solve solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-5 solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-5 solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-5 wi = solvers.coneqp(P, f, G, c, kktsolver=fKKT)['x'] w = np.zeros((n+2,)) w[1:-1] = wi[:,0].T def pretty_print(*arrays): print 'Solution:' for i in range(0,n+2): for a in arrays: print "%+.4f" % (a[i]), print "" def tikz_save(basename, *arrays): x = arrays[0] for i, a in enumerate(arrays[1:]): filename = "../Plots/%s-%d.table" % (basename, i) np.savetxt(filename, np.column_stack((x,a)), fmt="%.4f")
def proxqp_clique(c, A, b, z, rho): """ Solves the conic QP min. < c, x > + (rho/2) || x - z ||^2 s.t. A(x) = b x >= 0 and its dual max. -< b, y > - 1/(2*rho) * || c + A'(y) - rho * z - s ||^2 s.t. s >= 0. for a single dense clique. If the problem has block-arrow correlative sparsity, then the previous function X = proxqp(c,A,b,z,rho,**kwargs) is equivalent to for k in xrange(ncliques): X[k] = proxqp_clique(c[k],A[k][k],b[k],z[k],rho,**kwargs) and each call can be implemented in parallel. Input arguments. c is a 'd' matrix of size n_k**2 x 1 A is a 'd' matrix. with size n_k**2 times m_k. Each of its columns represents a symmetric matrix of order n_k in unpacked column-major order. The term A ( x ) in the primal constraint is given by A(x) = A' * vec(x). The adjoint A'( y ) in the dual constraint is given by A'(y) = mat( A * y ). b is a 'd' matrix of size m_k x 1. z is a 'd' matrix of size n_k**2 x 1 rho is a positive scalar. Output arguments. sol : Solution dictionary for quadratic optimization problem. primal : objective for optimization problem without prox term (trace C*X) """ ns2, ms = A.size ns = int(sqrt(ns2)) dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]} q = +c blas.axpy(z, q, alpha=-rho) symmetrize(q, ns, offset=0) q = q[:] h = matrix(0.0, (ns2, 1)) bz = +q xp = +q def P(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): # v := alpha * rho * u + beta * v #if not (beta==0.0): blas.scal(beta, v) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=alpha * rho) def xdot(x, y): misc.trisc(x, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]}) adot =, y) misc.triusc(x, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]}) return adot def Gf(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): # v = -alpha*u + beta * v # u and v are vectors representing N symmetric matrices in the # cvxopt format. blas.scal(beta, v) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=-alpha) def Af(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans="N"): # v := alpha * A(u) + beta * v if trans is 'N' # v := alpha * A'(u) + beta * v if trans is 'T' blas.scal(beta, v) if trans == "N": sgemv(A, u, v, n=ns, m=ms, alpha=alpha, beta=1.0, trans="T", offsetx=0) elif trans == "T": sgemv(A, u, v, n=ns, m=ms, alpha=alpha, beta=1.0, trans="N", offsetx=0) U = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) Vt = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) sv = matrix(0.0, (ns, 1)) Gamma = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) if type(A) is spmatrix: VecAIndex = +A[:].I Aspkd = matrix(0.0, ((ns + 1) * ns / 2, ms)) As = matrix(A) def F(W): # SVD R[j] = U[j] * diag(sig[j]) * Vt[j] lapack.gesvd(+W['r'][0], sv, jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=U, Vt=Vt) # Vt[j] := diag(sig[j])^-1 * Vt[j] for k in xrange(ns): blas.tbsv(sv, Vt, n=ns, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * ns) # Gamma[j] is an ns[j] x ns[j] symmetric matrix # # (sig[j] * sig[j]') ./ sqrt(1 + rho * (sig[j] * sig[j]').^2) # S = sig[j] * sig[j]' S = matrix(0.0, (ns, ns)) blas.syrk(sv, S) Gamma = div(S, sqrt(1.0 + rho * S**2)) symmetrize(Gamma, ns) # As represents the scaled mapping # # As(x) = A(u * (Gamma .* x) * u') # As'(y) = Gamma .* (u' * A'(y) * u) # # stored in a similar format as A, except that we use packed # storage for the columns of As[i][j]. if type(A) is spmatrix: blas.scal(0.0, As) try: As[VecAIndex] = +A['s'][VecAIndex] except: As[VecAIndex] = +A[VecAIndex] else: blas.copy(A, As) # As[i][j][:,k] = diag( diag(Gamma[j]))*As[i][j][:,k] # As[i][j][l,:] = Gamma[j][l,l]*As[i][j][l,:] for k in xrange(ms): cngrnc(U, As, trans='T', offsetx=k * (ns2)) blas.tbmv(Gamma, As, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * (ns2)) misc.pack(As, Aspkd, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns] * ms}) # H is an m times m block matrix with i, k block # # Hik = sum_j As[i,j]' * As[k,j] # # of size ms[i] x ms[k]. Hik = 0 if As[i,j] or As[k,j] # are zero for all j H = matrix(0.0, (ms, ms)) blas.syrk(Aspkd, H, trans='T', beta=1.0, k=ns * (ns + 1) / 2) lapack.potrf(H) def solve(x, y, z): """ Returns solution of rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx A(ux) = by -ux - r * uz * r' = bz. On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz. On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz. """ # bz is a copy of z in the format of x blas.copy(z, bz) blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho) # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u) # = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) cngrnc(U, x, trans='T', offsetx=0) blas.tbmv(Gamma, x, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=0) # y := y - As(x) # := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) #blas.copy(x,xp) #pack_ip(xp,n = ns,m=1,nl=nl) misc.pack(x, xp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]}) blas.gemv(Aspkd, xp, y, trans = 'T',alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, \ m = ns*(ns+1)/2, n = ms,offsetx = 0) # y := -y - A(bz) # = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0) # y := H^-1 * y # = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) ) # = uy blas.trsv(H, y) blas.trsv(H, y, trans='T') # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt # = uz where # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy) - x ) # = Gamma .* ( As'(uy) - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) ) # = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ). #blas.copy(x,xp) #pack_ip(xp,n=ns,m=1,nl=nl) misc.pack(x, xp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]}) blas.scal(-1.0, xp) blas.gemv(Aspkd, y, xp, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, m=ns * (ns + 1) / 2, n=ms, offsety=0) # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma misc.unpack(xp, bz, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns]}) blas.tbmv(Gamma, bz, n=ns2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=0) # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt # = uz cngrnc(Vt, bz, trans='T', offsetx=0) symmetrize(bz, ns, offset=0) # x = -bz - r * uz * r' # z contains r.h.s. bz; copy to x blas.copy(z, x) blas.copy(bz, z) cngrnc(W['r'][0], bz, offsetx=0) blas.axpy(bz, x) blas.scal(-1.0, x) return solve #solvers.options['show_progress'] = True sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, Gf, h, dims, Af, b, None, F, xdot=xdot) primal =, sol['s']) return sol, primal
print print "=== G" print G print print "=== h" print h.T print print "=== Problem size: n=%d and r=%d ===\n\n" % (n, r) print "* np = %d" % np print "* lambda = %g" % Lambda print "\n\n [[[Solving with optimised]]]" T1 = time() sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver=solver(n,r,g)) print "Time taken = %s" % (time() - T1) print sol['status'] if (n * r < 10): print "Solution = %s" % sol['x'].T printing.options['width'] = n nzeros=0 xi = sol['x'][n*r:n*(r+1)] maxxi=max(xi) print sum(xi[0:n]) for i in xrange(n): if xi[i]/maxxi < 1e-4: nzeros += 1 print "xi = %s" % sorted(xi.T/maxxi) print "Sparsity = %d on %d" % (nzeros, n)
def F(x=None, z=None): if x is None: return 0, matrix(np.random.rand(n, 1)) f = -1 * (sum((x**2))) + 1 #print f,"DD",x,z Df = 2 * (x).T if z is None: return f, Df H = spdiag(z[0] * x**-2) return f, Df, H return solvers.cp(F, A=A, b=b)['x'] c2 = acent(matrix(A), matrix(c)) c2 = np.array(c2) print c1 c2 = c2.reshape(dim) print c2 print c1 / c2 print np.sum(c1**2), np.sum(c2**2), np.sum(c1**1), np.sum(c2**1) dddd xx = solvers.coneqp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(A), matrix(c)) print xx['x'] s2 = np.sum(c**2) s1 = np.sum(c) s1 = np.sum(c) print s1, s2
blas.gemv(Asc, v, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T') x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bz[:n] - D2*bz[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\ - mul( d3, x[:n] ) # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] ) # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ). z[:n] = mul( W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n] ) z[n:] = mul( W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:] ) return g x = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver = Fkkt)['x'][:n] I = [ k for k in range(n) if abs(x[k]) > 1e-2 ] xls = +y lapack.gels(A[:,I], xls) ybp = A[:,I]*xls[:len(I)] print("Sparse basis contains %d basis functions." %len(I)) print("Relative RMS error = %.1e." %(blas.nrm2(ybp-y) / blas.nrm2(y))) if pylab_installed: pylab.figure(2, facecolor='w') pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(ts, y, '-', ts, ybp, 'r--') pylab.xlabel('t') pylab.ylabel('y(t), yhat(t)')
def mcsvm(X, labels, gamma, kernel='linear', sigma=1.0, degree=1): """ Solves the Crammer and Singer multiclass SVM training problem maximize -(1/2) * tr(U' * Q * U) + tr(E' * U) subject to U <= gamma * E U * 1_m = 0. The variable is an (N x m)-matrix U if N is the number of training examples and m the number of classes. Q is a positive definite matrix of order N with Q[i,j] = K(xi, xj) where K is a kernel function and xi is the ith row of X. The matrix E is an N x m matrix with E[i,j] = 1 if labels[i] = j and E[i,j] = 0 otherwise. Input arguments. X is a N x n matrix. The rows are the training vectors. labels is a list of integers of length N with values 0, ..., m-1. labels[i] is the class of training example i. gamma is a positive parameter. kernel is a string with values 'linear' or 'poly'. 'linear': K(u,v) = u'*v. 'poly': K(u,v) = (u'*v / sigma)**degree. sigma is a positive number. degree is a positive integer. Output. Returns a function classifier(). If Y is M x n then classifier(Y) returns a list with as its kth element argmax { j = 0, ..., m-1 | sum_{i=1}^N U[i,j] * K(xi, yk) } where yk' = Y[k, :], xi' = X[i, :], and U is the optimal solution of the QP. """ N, n = X.size m = max(labels) + 1 E = matrix(0.0, (N, m)) E[matrix(range(N)) + N * matrix(labels)] = 1.0 def G(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ If trans is 'N', x is an N x m matrix, and y is an N*m-vector. y := alpha * x[:] + beta * y. If trans is 'T', x is an N*m vector, and y is an N x m matrix. y[:] := alpha * x + beta * y[:]. """ blas.scal(beta, y) blas.axpy(x, y, alpha) h = matrix(gamma * E, (N * m, 1)) ones = matrix(1.0, (m, 1)) def A(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ If trans is 'N', x is an N x m matrix and y an N-vector. y := alpha * x * 1_m + beta y. If trans is 'T', x is an N vector and y an N x m matrix. y := alpha * x * 1_m' + beta y. """ if trans == 'N': blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) else: blas.scal(beta, y) blas.ger(x, ones, y, alpha=alpha) b = matrix(0.0, (N, 1)) if kernel == 'linear' and N > n: def P(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): """ x and y are N x m matrices. y = alpha * X * X' * x + beta * y. """ z = matrix(0.0, (n, m)) blas.gemm(X, x, z, transA='T') blas.gemm(X, z, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) else: if kernel == 'linear': # Q = X * X' Q = matrix(0.0, (N, N)) blas.syrk(X, Q) elif kernel == 'poly': # Q = (X * X' / sigma) ** degree Q = matrix(0.0, (N, N)) blas.syrk(X, Q, alpha=1.0 / sigma) Q = Q**degree else: raise ValueError("invalid kernel type") def P(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): """ x and y are N x m matrices. y = alpha * Q * x + beta * y. """ blas.symm(Q, x, y, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) if kernel == 'linear' and N > n: # add separate code for n <= N <= m*n H = [matrix(0.0, (n, n)) for k in range(m)] S = matrix(0.0, (m * n, m * n)) Xs = matrix(0.0, (N, n)) wnm = matrix(0.0, (m * n, 1)) wN = matrix(0.0, (N, 1)) D = matrix(0.0, (N, 1)) def kkt(W): """ KKT solver for X*X' * ux + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx ux * 1_m = by ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz). ux and bx are N x m matrices. uy and by are N-vectors. uz and bz are N*m-vectors. mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz. d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix. If we eliminate uz from the last equation using mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2 we get two equations in ux, uy: X*X' * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2 ux * 1_m = by. From the 1st equation, uxk = (X*X' + Dk^-2)^-1 * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk) = Dk * (I + Xk*Xk')^-1 * Dk * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk) for k = 1, ..., m, where Dk = diag(d[:,k]), Xk = Dk * X, uxk is column k of ux, and bzk is column k of mat(bz). We use the matrix inversion lemma ( I + Xk * Xk' )^-1 = I - Xk * (I + Xk' * Xk)^-1 * Xk' = I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk' = I - Xk * Lk^-T * Lk^-1 * Xk' where Hk = I + Xk' * Xk = Lk * Lk' to write this as uxk = Dk * (I - Xk * Hk^-1 * Xk') * Dk * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk) = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk). Substituting this in the second equation gives an equation for uy: sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) * uy = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * ( bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk ), i.e., with D = (sum_k Dk^2)^1/2, Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T, D * ( I - sum_k Yk * Yk' ) * D * uy = -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ). Another application of the matrix inversion lemma gives uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * ( -by + sum_k ( Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2 ) * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) ) with S = I - Y' * Y, Y = [ Y1 ... Ym ]. Summary: 1. Compute uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) ) 2. For k = 1, ..., m: uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk) 3. Solve for uz d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d. Return ux, uy, d .* uz. """ ### utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### d = matrix(W['d'], (N, m)) dsq = matrix(W['d']**2, (N, m)) # Factor the matrices # # H[k] = I + Xk' * Xk # = I + X' * Dk^2 * X. # # Dk = diag(d[:,k]). for k in range(m): # H[k] = I blas.scal(0.0, H[k]) H[k][::n + 1] = 1.0 # Xs = Dk * X # = diag(d[:,k]]) * X blas.copy(X, Xs) for j in range(n): blas.tbmv(d, Xs, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N, offsetx=j * N) # H[k] := H[k] + Xs' * Xs # = I + Xk' * Xk blas.syrk(Xs, H[k], trans='T', beta=1.0) # Factorization H[k] = Lk * Lk' lapack.potrf(H[k]) ### utime, stime = cputime() print("Factor Hk's: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \ %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0)) utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### # diag(D) = ( sum_k d[:,k]**2 ) ** 1/2 # = ( sum_k Dk^2) ** 1/2. blas.gemv(dsq, ones, D) D[:] = sqrt(D) ### # utime, stime = cputime() # print("Compute D: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \ # %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0)) utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### # S = I - Y'* Y is an m x m block matrix. # The i,j block of Y' * Y is # # Yi' * Yj = Li^-1 * X' * Di^2 * D^-1 * Dj^2 * X * Lj^-T. # # We compute only the lower triangular blocks in Y'*Y. blas.scal(0.0, S) for i in range(m): for j in range(i + 1): # Xs = Di * Dj * D^-1 * X blas.copy(X, Xs) blas.copy(d, wN, n=N, offsetx=i * N) blas.tbmv(d, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=j * N) blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1) for k in range(n): blas.tbmv(wN, Xs, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * N) # block i, j of S is Xs' * Xs (as nonsymmetric matrix so we # get the correct multiple after scaling with Li, Lj) blas.gemm(Xs, Xs, S, transA='T', ldC=m * n, offsetC=(j * n) * m * n + i * n) ### utime, stime = cputime() print("Form S: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \ %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0)) utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### for i in range(m): # multiply block row i of S on the left with Li^-1 blas.trsm(H[i], S, m=n, n=(i + 1) * n, ldB=m * n, offsetB=i * n) # multiply block column i of S on the right with Li^-T blas.trsm(H[i], S, side='R', transA='T', m=(m - i) * n, n=n, ldB=m * n, offsetB=i * n * (m * n + 1)) blas.scal(-1.0, S) S[::(m * n + 1)] += 1.0 ### utime, stime = cputime() print("Form S (2): utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \ %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0)) utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### # S = L*L' lapack.potrf(S) ### utime, stime = cputime() print("Factor S: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \ %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0)) utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### def f(x, y, z): """ 1. Compute uy = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * ( -by + sum_k (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * ( bxk + Dk^-2 *bzk ) ) 2. For k = 1, ..., m: uxk = (Dk^2 - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * Dk^2) * (-uy + bxk + Dk^-2 * bzk) 3. Solve for uz d .* uz = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d. Return ux, uy, d .* uz. """ ### utime0, stime0 = cputime() ### # xk := Dk^2 * xk + zk # = Dk^2 * bxk + bzk blas.tbmv(dsq, x, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1) blas.axpy(z, x) # y := -y + sum_k ( I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' ) * xk # = -y + x*ones - sum_k Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X' * xk # y := -y + x*ones blas.gemv(x, ones, y, alpha=1.0, beta=-1.0) # wnm = X' * x (wnm interpreted as an n x m matrix) blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, m=n, k=N, n=m, transA='T', ldB=N, ldC=n) # wnm[:,k] = Hk \ wnm[:,k] (for wnm as an n x m matrix) for k in range(m): lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=k * n) for k in range(m): # wN = X * wnm[:,k] blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=n * k) # wN = Dk^2 * wN blas.tbmv(dsq[:, k], wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1) # y := y - wN blas.axpy(wN, y, -1.0) # y = D^-1 * (I + Y * S^-1 * Y') * D^-1 * y # # Y = [Y1 ... Ym ], Yk = D^-1 * Dk^2 * X * Lk^-T. # y := D^-1 * y blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1) # wnm = Y' * y (interpreted as an Nm vector) # = [ L1^-1 * X' * D1^2 * D^-1 * y; # L2^-1 * X' * D2^2 * D^-1 * y; # ... # Lm^-1 * X' * Dm^2 * D^-1 * y ] for k in range(m): # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * y blas.copy(y, wN) blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N) blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1) # wnm[:,k] = X' * wN blas.gemv(X, wN, wnm, trans='T', offsety=k * n) # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-1 * wnm[:,k] blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, offsetx=k * n) # wnm := S^-1 * wnm (an mn-vector) lapack.potrs(S, wnm) # y := y + Y * wnm # = y + D^-1 * [ D1^2 * X * L1^-T ... D2^k * X * Lk^-T] # * wnm for k in range(m): # wnm[:,k] = Lk^-T * wnm[:,k] blas.trsv(H[k], wnm, trans='T', offsetx=k * n) # wN = X * wnm[:,k] blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n) # wN = D^-1 * Dk^2 * wN blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N) blas.tbsv(D, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1) # y += wN blas.axpy(wN, y) # y := D^-1 * y blas.tbsv(D, y, n=N, k=0, ldA=1) # For k = 1, ..., m: # # xk = (I - Dk^2 * X * Hk^-1 * X') * (-Dk^2 * y + xk) # x = x - [ D1^2 * y ... Dm^2 * y] (as an N x m matrix) for k in range(m): blas.copy(y, wN) blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N) blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, offsety=k * N) # wnm = X' * x (as an n x m matrix) blas.gemm(X, x, wnm, transA='T', m=n, n=m, k=N, ldB=N, ldC=n) # wnm[:,k] = Hk^-1 * wnm[:,k] for k in range(m): lapack.potrs(H[k], wnm, offsetB=n * k) for k in range(m): # wN = X * wnm[:,k] blas.gemv(X, wnm, wN, offsetx=k * n) # wN = Dk^2 * wN blas.tbmv(dsq, wN, n=N, k=0, ldA=1, offsetA=k * N) # x[:,k] := x[:,k] - wN blas.axpy(wN, x, -1.0, n=N, offsety=k * N) # z := ( x - z ) ./ d blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0) blas.scal(-1.0, z) blas.tbsv(d, z, n=N * m, k=0, ldA=1) ### utime, stime = cputime() print("Solve: utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" \ %(utime-utime0, stime-stime0)) ### return f else: H = [matrix(0.0, (N, N)) for k in range(m)] S = matrix(0.0, (N, N)) def kkt(W): """ KKT solver for Q * ux + uy * 1_m' + mat(uz) = bx ux * 1_m = by ux - d.^2 .* mat(uz) = mat(bz). ux and bx are N x m matrices. uy and by are N-vectors. uz and bz are N*m-vectors. mat(uz) is the N x m matrix that satisfies mat(uz)[:] = uz. d = mat(W['d']) a positive N x m matrix. If we eliminate uz from the last equation using mat(uz) = (ux - mat(bz)) ./ d.^2 we get two equations in ux, uy: Q * ux + ux ./ d.^2 + uy * 1_m' = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2 ux * 1_m = by. From the 1st equation uxk = -(Q + Dk)^-1 * uy + (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk) where uxk is column k of ux, Dk = diag(d[:,k].^-2), and bzk is column k of mat(bz). Substituting this in the second equation gives an equation for uy. 1. Solve for uy sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * uy = sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk) - by. 2. Solve for ux (column by column) Q * ux + ux ./ d.^2 = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2 - uy * 1_m'. 3. Solve for uz mat(uz) = ( ux - mat(bz) ) ./ d.^2. Return ux, uy, d .* uz. """ # D = d.^-2 D = matrix(W['di']**2, (N, m)) blas.scal(0.0, S) for k in range(m): # Hk := Q + Dk blas.copy(Q, H[k]) H[k][::N + 1] += D[:, k] # Hk := Hk^-1 # = (Q + Dk)^-1 lapack.potrf(H[k]) lapack.potri(H[k]) # S := S + Hk # = S + (Q + Dk)^-1 blas.axpy(H[k], S) # Factor S = sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 lapack.potrf(S) def f(x, y, z): # z := mat(z) # = mat(bz) z.size = N, m # x := x + D .* z # = bx + mat(bz) ./ d.^2 x += mul(D, z) # y := y - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * X[:,k] # = by - sum_k (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + Dk * bzk) for k in range(m): blas.symv(H[k], x[:, k], y, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0) # y := H^-1 * y # = -uy lapack.potrs(S, y) # x[:,k] := H[k] * (x[:,k] + y) # = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y) # = ux[:,k] w = matrix(0.0, (N, 1)) for k in range(m): # x[:,k] := x[:,k] + y blas.axpy(y, x, offsety=N * k, n=N) # w := H[k] * x[:,k] # = (Q + Dk)^-1 * (bxk + bzk ./ d.^2 + y) blas.symv(H[k], x, w, offsetx=N * k) # x[:,k] := w # = ux[:,k] blas.copy(w, x, offsety=N * k) # y := -y # = uy blas.scal(-1.0, y) # z := (x - z) ./ d blas.axpy(x, z, -1.0) blas.tbsv(W['d'], z, n=m * N, k=0, ldA=1) blas.scal(-1.0, z) z.size = N * m, 1 return f utime0, stime0 = cputime() # solvers.options['debug'] = True # solvers.options['maxiters'] = 1 solvers.options['refinement'] = 1 sol = solvers.coneqp(P, -E, G, h, A=A, b=b, kktsolver=kkt, xnewcopy=matrix,, xaxpy=blas.axpy, xscal=blas.scal) utime, stime = cputime() utime -= utime0 stime -= stime0 print("utime = %.2f, stime = %.2f" % (utime, stime)) U = sol['x'] if kernel == 'linear': # W = X' * U W = matrix(0.0, (n, m)) blas.gemm(X, U, W, transA='T') def classifier(Y): # return [ argmax of Y[k,:] * W for k in range(M) ] M = Y.size[0] S = Y * W c = [] for i in range(M): a = zip(list(S[i, :]), range(m)) a.sort(reverse=True) c += [a[0][1]] return c elif kernel == 'poly': def classifier(Y): M = Y.size[0] # K = Y * X' / sigma K = matrix(0.0, (M, N)) blas.gemm(Y, X, K, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma) S = K**degree * U c = [] for i in range(M): a = zip(list(S[i, :]), range(m)) a.sort(reverse=True) c += [a[0][1]] return c else: pass return classifier #, utime, sol['iterations']
f = -1 * (sum((x ** 2))) + 1 # print f,"DD",x,z Df = 2 * (x).T if z is None: return f, Df H = spdiag(z[0] * x ** -2) return f, Df, H return solvers.cp(F, A=A, b=b)["x"] c2 = acent(matrix(A), matrix(c)) c2 = np.array(c2) print c1 c2 = c2.reshape(dim) print c2 print c1 / c2 print np.sum(c1 ** 2), np.sum(c2 ** 2), np.sum(c1 ** 1), np.sum(c2 ** 1) dddd xx = solvers.coneqp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(A), matrix(c)) print xx["x"] s2 = np.sum(c ** 2) s1 = np.sum(c) s1 = np.sum(c) print s1, s2
def l1regls(A, y): """ Returns the solution of l1-norm regularized least-squares problem minimize || A*x - y ||_2^2 + || x ||_1. """ m, n = A.size q = matrix(1.0, (2*n,1)) q[:n] = -2.0 * A.T * y def P(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0 ): """ v := alpha * 2.0 * [ A'*A, 0; 0, 0 ] * u + beta * v """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha * 2.0 * A.T * (A * u[:n]) def G(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ v := alpha*[I, -I; -I, -I] * u + beta * v (trans = 'N' or 'T') """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha*(u[:n] - u[n:]) v[n:] += alpha*(-u[:n] - u[n:]) h = matrix(0.0, (2*n,1)) # Customized solver for the KKT system # # [ 2.0*A'*A 0 I -I ] [x[:n] ] [bx[:n] ] # [ 0 0 -I -I ] [x[n:] ] = [bx[n:] ]. # [ I -I -D1^-1 0 ] [zl[:n]] [bzl[:n]] # [ -I -I 0 -D2^-1 ] [zl[n:]] [bzl[n:]] # # where D1 = W['di'][:n]**2, D2 = W['di'][n:]**2. # # We first eliminate zl and x[n:]: # # ( 2*A'*A + 4*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * x[:n] = # bx[:n] - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] + # D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[:n] - # D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[n:] # # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bzl[:n] - D2*bzl[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] # # zl[:n] = D1 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[:n] ) # zl[n:] = D2 * (-x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[n:] ). # # The first equation has the form # # (A'*A + D)*x[:n] = rhs # # and is equivalent to # # [ D A' ] [ x:n] ] = [ rhs ] # [ A -I ] [ v ] [ 0 ]. # # It can be solved as # # ( A*D^-1*A' + I ) * v = A * D^-1 * rhs # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ). S = matrix(0.0, (m,m)) Asc = matrix(0.0, (m,n)) v = matrix(0.0, (m,1)) def Fkkt(W): # Factor # # S = A*D^-1*A' + I # # where D = 2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1, D1 = d[:n]**-2, D2 = d[n:]**-2. d1, d2 = W['di'][:n]**2, W['di'][n:]**2 # ds is square root of diagonal of D ds = math.sqrt(2.0) * div( mul( W['di'][:n], W['di'][n:]), sqrt(d1+d2) ) d3 = div(d2 - d1, d1 + d2) # Asc = A*diag(d)^-1/2 Asc = A * spdiag(ds**-1) # S = I + A * D^-1 * A' blas.syrk(Asc, S) S[::m+1] += 1.0 lapack.potrf(S) def g(x, y, z): x[:n] = 0.5 * ( x[:n] - mul(d3, x[n:]) + mul(d1, z[:n] + mul(d3, z[:n])) - mul(d2, z[n:] - mul(d3, z[n:])) ) x[:n] = div( x[:n], ds) # Solve # # S * v = 0.5 * A * D^-1 * ( bx[:n] - # (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] + # D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[:n] - # D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[n:] ) blas.gemv(Asc, x, v) lapack.potrs(S, v) # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ). blas.gemv(Asc, v, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T') x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bzl[:n] - D2*bzl[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\ - mul( d3, x[:n] ) # zl[:n] = D1^1/2 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[:n] ) # zl[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[n:] ). z[:n] = mul( W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n] ) z[n:] = mul( W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:] ) return g return solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver = Fkkt)['x'][:n]
def nrmapp(A, B, C = None, d = None, G = None, h = None): """ Solves the regularized nuclear norm approximation problem minimize || A(x) + B ||_* + 1/2 x'*C*x + d'*x subject to G*x <= h and its dual maximize -h'*z + tr(B'*Z) - 1/2 v'*C*v subject to d + G'*z + A'(Z) = C*v z >= 0 || Z || <= 1. A(x) is a linear mapping that maps n-vectors x to (p x q)-matrices A(x). ||.||_* is the nuclear norm (sum of singular values). A'(Z) is the adjoint mapping of A(x). ||.|| is the maximum singular value norm. INPUT A real dense or sparse matrix of size (p*q, n). Its columns are the coefficients A_i of the mapping A: reals^n --> reals^pxq, A(x) = sum_i=1^n x_i * A_i, stored in column-major order, as p*q-vectors. B real dense or sparse matrix of size (p, q), with p >= q. C real symmetric positive semidefinite dense or sparse matrix of order n. Only the lower triangular part of C is accessed. The default value is a zero matrix. d real dense matrix of size (n, 1). The default value is a zero vector. G real dense or sparse matrix of size (m, n), with m >= 0. The default value is a matrix of size (0, n). h real dense matrix of size (m, 1). The default value is a matrix of size (0, 1). OUTPUT status 'optimal', 'primal infeasible', or 'unknown'. x 'd' matrix of size (n, 1) if status is 'optimal'; None otherwise. z 'd' matrix of size (m, 1) if status is 'optimal' or 'primal infeasible'; None otherwise. Z 'd' matrix of size (p, q) if status is 'optimal' or 'primal infeasible'; None otherwise. If status is 'optimal', then x, z, Z are approximate solutions of the optimality conditions C * x + G' * z + A'(Z) + d = 0 G * x <= h z >= 0, || Z || < = 1 z' * (h - G*x) = 0 tr (Z' * (A(x) + B)) = || A(x) + B ||_*. The last (complementary slackness) condition can be replaced by the following. If the singular value decomposition of A(x) + B is A(x) + B = [ U1 U2 ] * diag(s, 0) * [ V1 V2 ]', with s > 0, then Z = U1 * V1' + U2 * W * V2', || W || <= 1. If status is 'primal infeasible', then Z = 0 and z is a certificate of infeasibility for the inequalities G * x <= h, i.e., a vector that satisfies h' * z = 1, G' * z = 0, z >= 0. """ if type(B) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or B.typecode is not 'd': raise TypeError, "B must be a real dense or sparse matrix" p, q = B.size if p < q: raise ValueError, "row dimension of B must be greater than or "\ "equal to column dimension" if type(A) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or A.typecode is not 'd' or \ A.size[0] != p*q: raise TypeError, "A must be a real dense or sparse matrix with "\ "p*q rows if B has size (p, q)" n = A.size[1] if G is None: G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n)) if h is None: h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1)) if type(h) is not matrix or h.typecode is not 'd' or h.size[1] != 1: raise TypeError, "h must be a real dense matrix with one column" m = h.size[0] if type(G) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or G.typecode is not 'd' or \ G.size != (m, n): raise TypeError, "G must be a real dense matrix or sparse matrix "\ "of size (m, n) if h has length m and A has n columns" if C is None: C = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (n,n)) if d is None: d = matrix(0.0, (n, 1)) if type(C) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or C.typecode is not 'd' or \ C.size != (n,n): raise TypeError, "C must be real dense or sparse matrix of size "\ "(n, n) if A has n columns" if type(d) is not matrix or d.typecode is not 'd' or d.size != (n,1): raise TypeError, "d must be a real matrix of size (n, 1) if A has "\ "n columns" # The problem is solved as a cone program # # minimize (1/2) * x'*C*x + d'*x + (1/2) * (tr X1 + tr X2) # subject to G*x <= h # [ X1 (A(x) + B)' ] # [ A(x) + B X2 ] >= 0. # # The primal variable is stored as a list [ x, X1, X2 ]. def xnewcopy(u): return [ matrix(u[0]), matrix(u[1]), matrix(u[2]) ] def xdot(u,v): return[0], v[0]) + misc.sdot2(u[1], v[1]) + \ misc.sdot2(u[2], v[2]) def xscal(alpha, u): blas.scal(alpha, u[0]) blas.scal(alpha, u[1]) blas.scal(alpha, u[2]) def xaxpy(u, v, alpha = 1.0): blas.axpy(u[0], v[0], alpha) blas.axpy(u[1], v[1], alpha) blas.axpy(u[2], v[2], alpha) def Pf(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0): base.symv(C, u[0], v[0], alpha = alpha, beta = beta) blas.scal(beta, v[1]) blas.scal(beta, v[2]) c = [ d, matrix(0.0, (q,q)), matrix(0.0, (p,p)) ] c[1][::q+1] = 0.5 c[2][::p+1] = 0.5 # If V is a p+q x p+q matrix # # [ V11 V12 ] # V = [ ] # [ V21 V22 ] # # with V11 q x q, V21 p x q, V12 q x p, and V22 p x p, then I11, I21, # I22 are the index sets defined by # # V[I11] = V11[:], V[I21] = V21[:], V[I22] = V22[:]. # I11 = matrix([ i + j*(p+q) for j in xrange(q) for i in xrange(q) ]) I21 = matrix([ q + i + j*(p+q) for j in xrange(q) for i in xrange(p) ]) I22 = matrix([ (p+q)*q + q + i + j*(p+q) for j in xrange(p) for i in xrange(p) ]) dims = {'l': m, 'q': [], 's': [p+q]} hh = matrix(0.0, (m + (p+q)**2, 1)) hh[:m] = h hh[m + I21] = B[:] def Gf(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'): if trans == 'N': # v[:m] := alpha * G * u[0] + beta * v[:m] base.gemv(G, u[0], v, alpha = alpha, beta = beta) # v[m:] := alpha * [-u[1], -A(u[0])'; -A(u[0]), -u[2]] # + beta * v[m:] blas.scal(beta, v, offset = m) v[m + I11] -= alpha * u[1][:] v[m + I21] -= alpha * A * u[0] v[m + I22] -= alpha * u[2][:] else: # v[0] := alpha * ( G.T * u[:m] - 2.0 * A.T * u[m + I21] ) # + beta v[1] base.gemv(G, u, v[0], trans = 'T', alpha = alpha, beta = beta) base.gemv(A, u[m + I21], v[0], trans = 'T', alpha = -2.0*alpha, beta = 1.0) # v[1] := -alpha * u[m + I11] + beta * v[1] blas.scal(beta, v[1]) blas.axpy(u[m + I11], v[1], alpha = -alpha) # v[2] := -alpha * u[m + I22] + beta * v[2] blas.scal(beta, v[2]) blas.axpy(u[m + I22], v[2], alpha = -alpha) def Af(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'): if trans == 'N': pass else: blas.scal(beta, v[0]) blas.scal(beta, v[1]) blas.scal(beta, v[2]) L1 = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) L2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p)) T21 = matrix(0.0, (p, q)) s = matrix(0.0, (q, 1)) SS = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) V1 = matrix(0.0, (q, q)) V2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p)) As = matrix(0.0, (p*q, n)) As2 = matrix(0.0, (p*q, n)) tmp = matrix(0.0, (p, q)) a = matrix(0.0, (p+q, p+q)) H = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) Gs = matrix(0.0, (m, n)) Q1 = matrix(0.0, (q, p+q)) Q2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p+q)) tau1 = matrix(0.0, (q,1)) tau2 = matrix(0.0, (p,1)) bz11 = matrix(0.0, (q,q)) bz22 = matrix(0.0, (p,p)) bz21 = matrix(0.0, (p,q)) # Suppose V = [V1; V2] is p x q with V1 q x q. If v = V[:] then # v[Itriu] are the strict upper triangular entries of V1 stored # columnwise. Itriu = [ i + j*p for j in xrange(1,q) for i in xrange(j) ] # v[Itril] are the strict lower triangular entries of V1 stored rowwise. Itril = [ j + i*p for j in xrange(1,q) for i in xrange(j) ] # v[Idiag] are the diagonal entries of V1. Idiag = [ i*(p+1) for i in xrange(q) ] # v[Itriu2] are the upper triangular entries of V1, with the diagonal # entries stored first, followed by the strict upper triangular entries # stored columnwise. Itriu2 = Idiag + Itriu # If V is a q x q matrix and v = V[:], then v[Itril2] are the strict # lower triangular entries of V stored columnwise and v[Itril3] are # the strict lower triangular entries stored rowwise. Itril2 = [ i + j*q for j in xrange(q) for i in xrange(j+1,q) ] Itril3 = [ i + j*q for i in xrange(q) for j in xrange(i) ] P = spmatrix(0.0, Itriu, Itril, (p*q, p*q)) D = spmatrix(1.0, range(p*q), range(p*q)) DV = matrix(1.0, (p*q, 1)) def F(W): """ Create a solver for the linear equations C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx -uzs11 = bX1 -uzs22 = bX2 G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ uzs11 uzs21' ] [ ] - r*r' * [ ] * r*r' = bzs [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ uzs21 uzs22 ] where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0]. On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ]. On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ]. 1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r') [ V1 0 ] [ T11 T21' ] [ V1' 0 ] [ I S' ] [ ] [ ] [ ] = [ ] [ 0 V2' ] [ T21 T22 ] [ 0 V2 ] [ S I ] and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector. 2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S: X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). 3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the coefficients of the scaled mapping L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' ) and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G. 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As. """ # 1. Compute V1, V2, s. r = W['r'][0] # LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1. lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m = q) lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1) lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n = q, uplo = 'L') lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1) # LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2. lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m = p, offsetA = q) lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2) lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n = p, uplo = 'L') lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2) # V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if # # Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V', # # then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U. # T21 = Q2 * Q1.T blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB = 'T') # SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'. Store U in V2 and V' in V1. lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu = 'A', jobvt = 'A', U = V2, Vt = V1) # # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2 # this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq # V2 = L2^-T * U blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA = 'T') # V1 = V' * L1^-1 blas.trsm(L1, V1, side = 'R') # 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )). # # The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower # triangular matrix P, such that # # L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:] # L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:]. # SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj. blas.scal(0.0, SS) blas.syr(s, SS) # For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where # # Yij = si * sj * Xji if i < j # = 0 otherwise. # P.V = SS[Itril2] # For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where # # Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 ) if i < j # = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 ) if i = j # = Xij otherwise. # DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q+1]) DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2) D.V = DV**-1 # 3. Scaled linear mappings # Ask := V2' * Ask * V1' blas.scal(0.0, As) base.axpy(A, As) for i in xrange(n): # tmp := V2' * As[i, :] blas.gemm(V2, As, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p, ldB = p, offsetB = i*p*q) # As[:,i] := tmp * V1' blas.gemm(tmp, V1, As, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q, ldC = p, offsetC = i*p*q) # As := D * (I - P) * As # = L^-1 * As. blas.copy(As, As2) base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) base.gemm(D, As2, As) # Gs := Dl^-1 * G blas.scal(0.0, Gs) base.axpy(G, Gs) for k in xrange(n): blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1, offsetx = k*m) # 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As. blas.syrk(As, H, trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0) blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0) base.axpy(C, H) lapack.potrf(H) def f(x, y, z): """ Solve C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx -uzs11 = bX1 -uzs22 = bX2 G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ uzs11 uzs21' ] [ ] - T * [ ] * T = bzs. [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ uzs21 uzs22 ] On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ]. On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ]. Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T: C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx [ 0 X' ] [ bX1 0 ] T * [ ] * T - Z = T * [ ] * T [ X 0 ] [ 0 bX2 ] G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ Z11 Z21' ] [ ] - [ ] = bzs [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ Z21 Z22 ] Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ]. We use the congruence transformation [ V1 0 ] [ T11 T21' ] [ V1' 0 ] [ I S' ] [ ] [ ] [ ] = [ ] [ 0 V2' ] [ T21 T22 ] [ 0 V2 ] [ S I ] and the factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) ) to write this as C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl [ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ Z11 Z21' ] [ ] - [ ] = bzs, [ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ Z21 Z22 ] or C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx XX - ZZ21 = bX Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl -As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21 -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11 -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 if we introduce scaled variables uuzl = D * uzl XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) = L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1) ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') and define bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1') [ bX1 0 ] bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [ ] * T)_21 * V1'). [ 0 bX2 ] Eliminating Z21 gives C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11 -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22 and eliminating uuzl and XX gives H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21) Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl -As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX -uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11 -uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22. In summary, we can use the following algorithm: 1. bXX := bX - bbzs21 [ bX1 0 ] = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [ ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1') [ 0 bX2 ] 2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX). 3. From ux, compute uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1. 4. Return ux, uuzl, rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11, uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22. """ # Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21. lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m) lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m = p, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m+q) lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m + (p+q+1)*q) # zl := D^-1 * zl # = D^-1 * bzl blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1) # zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r. # zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] blas.scal(0.0, z, offset = m) lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldB = p+q, offsetB = m) lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldB = p+q, offsetB = m + (p+q+1)*q) # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2 blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m) # a := tril(zs)*r blas.copy(r, a) blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'L', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = p+q, offsetA = m) # zs := a'*r + r'*a blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', n = p+q, k = p+q, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q, offsetC = m) # bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1') # # [ bX1 0 ] # = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [ ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1'). # [ 0 bX2 ] # a = [ r21 r22 ] * z # = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r # = [ T21 T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r blas.symm(z, r, a, side = 'R', m = p, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldC = p+q, offsetB = q) # bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]' # = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21 blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p+q, beta = -1.0, ldA = p+q, ldC = p) # bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1' # = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1' blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p, ldB = p) blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q, ldC = p) # bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:] # = L^-1 * bz21[:] # = bXX[:] blas.copy(bz21, tmp) base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21) # Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX). # x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21) # = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX) blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0) blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0, beta = 1.0) # x[0] := H \ x[0] # = ux lapack.potrs(H, x[0]) # uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha = 1.0, beta = -1.0) # bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1 # = X blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0) blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n = p*q, k = 0, ldA = 1) blas.copy(bz21, tmp) base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T') blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp) blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21) # zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r # = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r. # a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ] # = X * [ r11, r12 ] blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m = p, n = p+q, k = q, ldA = p, ldC = p+q) # z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ] # = rti' * uzs * rti blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', beta = -1.0, n = p+q, k = p, offsetA = q, offsetC = m, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q) # uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11 # = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11 # uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22 # = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22 blas.copy(bz11, x[1]) blas.copy(bz22, x[2]) # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2 blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m) # a := r*tril(zs) blas.copy(r, a) blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'R', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB = p+q, offsetA = m) # x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]' # = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11 blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n = q, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0) # x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]' # = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22 blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n = p, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0, offsetA = q, offsetB = q) # scale diagonal of zs by 1/2 blas.scal(2.0, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m) return f if C: sol = solvers.coneqp(Pf, c, Gf, hh, dims, Af, kktsolver = F, xnewcopy = xnewcopy, xdot = xdot, xaxpy = xaxpy, xscal = xscal) else: sol = solvers.conelp(c, Gf, hh, dims, Af, kktsolver = F, xnewcopy = xnewcopy, xdot = xdot, xaxpy = xaxpy, xscal = xscal) if sol['status'] is 'optimal': x = sol['x'][0] z = sol['z'][:m] Z = sol['z'][m:] Z.size = (p + q, p + q) Z = -2.0 * Z[-p:, :q] elif sol['status'] is 'primal infeasible': x = None z = sol['z'][:m] Z = sol['z'][m:] Z.size = (p + q, p + q) Z = -2.0 * Z[-p:, :q] else: x, z, Z = None, None, None return {'status': sol['status'], 'x': x, 'z': z, 'Z': Z }
S = matrix([[ 4e-2, 6e-3, -4e-3, 0.0 ], [ 6e-3, 1e-2, 0.0, 0.0 ], [-4e-3, 0.0, 2.5e-3, 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]]) pbar = matrix([.12, .10, .07, .03]) G = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) G[::n+1] = -1.0 h = matrix(0.0, (n,1)) A = matrix(1.0, (1,n)) b = matrix(1.0) # Compute trade-off. N = 100 mus = [ 10**(5.0*t/N-1.0) for t in range(N) ] sol = solvers.qp(mus[0]*S, -pbar, G, h, A, b) sol = solvers.coneqp(mus[0]*S, -pbar, G, h, [], A, b) portfolios = [ solvers.qp(mu*S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x'] for mu in mus ] ## From SCOP to Cone LP c = matrix([-2., 1., 5.]) G = [ matrix( [[12., 13., 12.], [6., -3., -12.], [-5., -5., 6.]] ) ] G += [ matrix( [[3., 3., -1., 1.], [-6., -6., -9., 19.], [10., -2., -2., -3.]] ) ] h = [ matrix( [-12., -3., -2.] ), matrix( [27., 0., 3., -42.] ) ] sol = solvers.socp(c, Gq = G, hq = h) sol['status']
def l1regls(A, y, alpha=1.0, show_progress=1): """ Returns the solution of l1-norm regularized least-squares problem minimize || A*x - y ||_2^2 + alpha * || x ||_1. Parameters: A : 2D cvxopt.matrix for the design matrix in (m, n) y : 2D cvxopt.matrix for the observation in (m, 1) alpha : float for the degree of shrinkage show_progress : bool, show solving progress Returns: x : 2D cvxopt.matrix in (m, 1) Example: A = matrix(np.array(-C, dtype=float)) b = matrix(np.array(closure_int, dtype=float).reshape(C.shape[0], -1)) x = np.round(l1reg_lstsq(A, b, alpha=1e-2)) """ solvers.options['show_progress'] = show_progress m, n = A.size q = matrix(alpha, (2 * n, 1)) q[:n] = -2.0 * A.T * y def P(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): """ v := alpha * 2.0 * [ A'*A, 0; 0, 0 ] * u + beta * v """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha * 2.0 * A.T * (A * u[:n]) def G(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): """ v := alpha*[I, -I; -I, -I] * u + beta * v (trans = 'N' or 'T') """ v *= beta v[:n] += alpha * (u[:n] - u[n:]) v[n:] += alpha * (-u[:n] - u[n:]) h = matrix(0.0, (2 * n, 1)) # Customized solver for the KKT system # # [ 2.0*A'*A 0 I -I ] [x[:n] ] [bx[:n] ] # [ 0 0 -I -I ] [x[n:] ] = [bx[n:] ]. # [ I -I -D1^-1 0 ] [zl[:n]] [bzl[:n]] # [ -I -I 0 -D2^-1 ] [zl[n:]] [bzl[n:]] # # where D1 = W['di'][:n]**2, D2 = W['di'][n:]**2. # # We first eliminate zl and x[n:]: # # ( 2*A'*A + 4*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * x[:n] = # bx[:n] - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] + # D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[:n] - # D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[n:] # # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bzl[:n] - D2*bzl[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] # # zl[:n] = D1 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[:n] ) # zl[n:] = D2 * (-x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[n:] ). # # The first equation has the form # # (A'*A + D)*x[:n] = rhs # # and is equivalent to # # [ D A' ] [ x:n] ] = [ rhs ] # [ A -I ] [ v ] [ 0 ]. # # It can be solved as # # ( A*D^-1*A' + I ) * v = A * D^-1 * rhs # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ). S = matrix(0.0, (m, m)) Asc = matrix(0.0, (m, n)) v = matrix(0.0, (m, 1)) def Fkkt(W): # Factor # # S = A*D^-1*A' + I # # where D = 2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^-1, D1 = d[:n]**-2, D2 = d[n:]**-2. d1, d2 = W['di'][:n]**2, W['di'][n:]**2 # ds is square root of diagonal of D ds = math.sqrt(2.0) * div(mul(W['di'][:n], W['di'][n:]), sqrt(d1 + d2)) d3 = div(d2 - d1, d1 + d2) # Asc = A*diag(d)^-1/2 Asc = A * spdiag(ds**-1) # S = I + A * D^-1 * A' blas.syrk(Asc, S) S[::m + 1] += 1.0 lapack.potrf(S) def g(x, y, z): x[:n] = 0.5 * (x[:n] - mul(d3, x[n:]) + mul( d1, z[:n] + mul(d3, z[:n])) - mul(d2, z[n:] - mul(d3, z[n:]))) x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # Solve # # S * v = 0.5 * A * D^-1 * ( bx[:n] - # (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * bx[n:] + # D1 * ( I + (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[:n] - # D2 * ( I - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 ) * bzl[n:] ) blas.gemv(Asc, x, v) lapack.potrs(S, v) # x[:n] = D^-1 * ( rhs - A'*v ). blas.gemv(Asc, v, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, trans='T') x[:n] = div(x[:n], ds) # x[n:] = (D1+D2)^-1 * ( bx[n:] - D1*bzl[:n] - D2*bzl[n:] ) # - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n] x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\ - mul( d3, x[:n] ) # zl[:n] = D1^1/2 * ( x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[:n] ) # zl[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bzl[n:] ). z[:n] = mul(W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n]) z[n:] = mul(W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:]) return g return solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver=Fkkt)['x'][:n]
def LSM2(self, option_type="c", func_list=[lambda x: x ** 0, lambda x: x]): dt = self.T / self.n_steps df = np.exp(-self.r * dt) df2 = np.exp(-(self.r - self.q) * dt) K = self.K price_matrix = self.price_matrix n_trials = self.n_trials n_steps = self.n_steps exercise_matrix = np.zeros(price_matrix.shape,dtype=bool) american_values_matrix = np.zeros(price_matrix.shape) def __calc_american_values(payoff_fun,sub_price_matrix,sub_exercise_matrix,df): exercise_values_t = payoff_fun(sub_price_matrix[:,0]) ITM_filter = exercise_values_t > 0 n_sub_trials, n_sub_steps = sub_price_matrix.shape holding_values_t = np.zeros(n_sub_trials) itemindex = np.where(sub_exercise_matrix==1) for trial_i in range(n_sub_trials): first = next(itemindex[1][i] for i,x in enumerate(itemindex[0]) if x==trial_i) payoff_i = payoff_fun(sub_price_matrix[trial_i, first]) df_i = df**(n_sub_steps-first) holding_values_t[trial_i] = payoff_i*df_i A_matrix = np.array([func(sub_price_matrix[:,0]) for func in func_list]).T b_matrix = holding_values_t[:, np.newaxis] # g_tau|Fi A_prime_matrix = A_matrix[ITM_filter, :] b_prime_matrix = b_matrix[ITM_filter, :] lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), b_prime_matrix) exp_holding_values_t =, lr.coef_.T)[:, 0] # E[g_tau|Fi] only ITM exp_holding_values_t[np.invert(ITM_filter)] = np.nan sub_exercise_matrix[:,0] = ITM_filter & (exercise_values_t>exp_holding_values_t) american_values_t = np.maximum(exp_holding_values_t,exercise_values_t) return american_values_t if (option_type == "c"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(x - K, 0) elif (option_type == "p"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(K - x, 0) # when contract is at the maturity stock_prices_t = price_matrix[:, -1] exercise_values_t = payoff_fun(stock_prices_t) holding_values_t = exercise_values_t american_values_matrix[:,-1] = exercise_values_t exercise_matrix[:,-1] = 1 # before maturaty for i in np.arange(n_steps)[:0:-1]: # A1 only ITM sub_price_matrix = price_matrix[:,i:] sub_exercise_matrix = exercise_matrix[:,i:] american_values_t = __calc_american_values(payoff_fun,sub_price_matrix,sub_exercise_matrix,df) american_values_matrix[:,i] = american_values_t # i=0 # regular martingale pricing: LSM american_value1 = american_values_matrix[:,1].mean() * df # with delta hedging: OHMC v0 = matrix((american_values_matrix[:,1] * df)[:,np.newaxis]) S0 = price_matrix[:, 0] S1 = price_matrix[:, 1] dS0 = df * S1 - S0 Q0 = np.concatenate((-np.ones(n_trials)[:, np.newaxis], dS0[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) Q0 = matrix(Q0) P = Q0.T * Q0 q = Q0.T * v0 A = matrix(np.ones(n_trials, dtype=np.float64)).T * Q0 b = - matrix(np.ones(n_trials, dtype=np.float64)).T * v0 sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) self.sol = sol residual_risk = (v0.T * v0 + 2 * sol["primal objective"]) / n_trials self.residual_risk = residual_risk[0] # the value of unit matrix american_value2 = sol["x"][0] delta_hedge = sol["x"][1] american_values_matrix[:,0] = american_value2 # obtain the optimal policies at the inception holding_matrix = np.zeros(exercise_matrix.shape, dtype=bool) for i in np.arange(n_trials): exercise_row = exercise_matrix[i, :] if (exercise_row.any()): exercise_idx = np.where(exercise_row == 1)[0][0] exercise_row[exercise_idx + 1:] = 0 holding_matrix[i,:exercise_idx+1] = 1 else: exercise_row[-1] = 1 holding_matrix[i,:] = 1 self.holding_matrix = holding_matrix self.exercise_matrix = exercise_matrix self.american_values_matrix = american_values_matrix self.american_price = american_value2 self.american_delta = delta_hedge return american_value2, delta_hedge
def LSM2(self, option_type="c", func_list=[lambda x: x ** 0, lambda x: x],onlyITM=False,buy_cost=0,sell_cost=0): dt = self.T / self.n_steps df = np.exp(-self.r * dt) df2 = np.exp(-(self.r - self.q) * dt) K = self.K price_matrix = self.price_matrix n_trials = self.n_trials n_steps = self.n_steps exercise_matrix = np.zeros(price_matrix.shape,dtype=bool) american_values_matrix = np.zeros(price_matrix.shape) def __calc_american_values(payoff_fun,func_list, prices_t, american_values_tp1,df): exercise_values_t = payoff_fun(prices_t[:]) ITM_filter = exercise_values_t > 0 OTM_filter = exercise_values_t <= 0 n_sub_trials = len(prices_t) holding_values_t = df*american_values_tp1 # simulated samples: y exp_holding_values_t = np.zeros(n_sub_trials) # regressed results: E[y] A_matrix = np.array([func(prices_t[:]) for func in func_list]).T b_matrix = holding_values_t[:, np.newaxis] # g_tau|Fi ITM_A_matrix = A_matrix[ITM_filter, :] ITM_b_matrix = b_matrix[ITM_filter, :] lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), ITM_b_matrix) exp_holding_values_t[ITM_filter] =, lr.coef_.T)[:, 0] # E[g_tau|Fi] only ITM OTM_A_matrix = A_matrix[OTM_filter, :] OTM_b_matrix = b_matrix[OTM_filter, :], OTM_b_matrix) exp_holding_values_t[OTM_filter] =, lr.coef_.T)[:, 0] # E[g_tau|Fi] only OTM american_values_t = np.maximum(exp_holding_values_t,exercise_values_t) return american_values_t if (option_type == "c"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(x - K, 0) elif (option_type == "p"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(K - x, 0) # when contract is at the maturity exercise_values_t = payoff_fun(price_matrix[:,-1]) american_values_matrix[:,-1] = exercise_values_t american_values_t = exercise_values_t # before maturaty for i in np.arange(n_steps)[:0:-1]: prices_t = price_matrix[:,i] american_values_tp1 = american_values_t american_values_t = __calc_american_values(payoff_fun,func_list,prices_t, american_values_tp1,df) american_values_matrix[:,i] = american_values_t # obtain the optimal policies at the inception # i=0 # regular martingale pricing: LSM american_value1 = american_values_matrix[:,1].mean() * df # with delta hedging: OHMC v0 = matrix((american_values_matrix[:,1] * df)[:,np.newaxis]) S0 = price_matrix[:, 0] S1 = price_matrix[:, 1] dS0 = df2 * S1 * (1-sell_cost) - S0*(1+buy_cost) Q0 = np.concatenate((-np.ones(n_trials)[:, np.newaxis], dS0[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) Q0 = matrix(Q0) P = Q0.T * Q0 q = Q0.T * v0 A = matrix(np.ones(n_trials, dtype=np.float64)).T * Q0 b = - matrix(np.ones(n_trials, dtype=np.float64)).T * v0 sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) self.sol = sol residual_risk = (v0.T * v0 + 2 * sol["primal objective"]) / n_trials self.residual_risk = residual_risk[0] # the value of unit matrix american_value2 = sol["x"][0] delta_hedge = sol["x"][1] american_values_matrix[:,0] = american_value2 self.american_values_matrix = american_values_matrix self.HLSM_price = american_value2 self.HLSM_delta = - delta_hedge print("price: {}, delta-hedge: {}".format(american_value2,delta_hedge)) pass
def obj_tracking_err(s2_x_xb, s=None): """For details, see here. Parameters ---------- s2_x_xb : array, shape (n_ + 1, n_ + 1) s : array, shape (k_, ) or int Returns ------- w_star : array, shape (n_, ) minus_te : scalar """ # read the number of components in x n_ = np.shape(s2_x_xb)[0] - 1 # shift indices of instruments by -1 if s is None: s = np.arange(n_) elif np.isscalar(s): s = np.array([s - 1]) else: s = s - 1 ## Step 0: LCQP optimization setup # quadratic objective parameters s2_0 = s2_x_xb[:-1, :-1] u_0 = -(s2_x_xb[:-1, -1].reshape(-1, 1)) v_0 = s2_x_xb[-1, -1] # linear constraint parameters c_sort = np.array([k for k in np.arange(0, n_) if k not in list(s)]) if c_sort.size == 0: a_1 = np.ones((1, n_)) else: # first row of a_1 first_r = np.ones((1, n_)) first_r[0, c_sort] = 0 # rest rows of a_1 rest_r = (np.eye(n_))[c_sort, :] a_1 = np.concatenate((first_r, rest_r)) a_2 = np.zeros((c_sort.size + 1, 1)) a_2[0, 0] = 1 b_1 = np.eye(n_) b_2 = np.zeros((n_, 1)) ## step 1: perform optimization using CVXOPT function solver.coneqp for LCQP # prepare data types for CVXPOT P = matrix(s2_0, tc='d') q = matrix(u_0, tc='d') A = matrix(a_1, tc='d') b = matrix(a_2, tc='d') G = matrix(-b_1, tc='d') h = matrix(b_2, tc='d') # run optimization function solvers.options['show_progress'] = False sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, A=A, b=b) # prepare output w_star = np.array(sol['x']) minus_te = -(np.sqrt(w_star.T @ s2_0 @ w_star + 2 * w_star.T @ u_0 + v_0)) return w_star, np.asscalar(minus_te.reshape(-1))
def OHMCPricer(self, option_type='c', isAmerican=False, func_list=[lambda x: x ** 0, lambda x: x]): def _calculate_Q_matrix(S_k, S_kp1, df, df2, func_list): dS = df2 * S_kp1 - S_k A = np.array([func(S_k) for func in func_list]).T B = (np.array([func(S_k) for func in func_list]) * dS).T return np.concatenate((-A, B), axis=1) price_matrix = self.price_matrix # k = n_steps dt = self.T / self.n_steps df = np.exp(- self.r * dt) df2 = np.exp(-(self.r - self.q) * dt) n_basis = len(func_list) n_trials = self.n_trials n_steps = self.n_steps strike = self.K if (option_type == "c"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(x-strike,0) # payoff = (price_matrix[:, n_steps] - strike) elif (option_type == "p"): payoff_fun = lambda x: np.maximum(strike-x,0) # payoff = (strike - price_matrix[:, n_steps]) else: print("please enter the option type: (c/p)") return if isAmerican is True: holding_matrix = self.holding_matrix else: holding_matrix = np.ones(price_matrix.shape,dtype=bool) # At maturity holding_filter_k = holding_matrix[:, n_steps] payoff = matrix(payoff_fun(price_matrix[holding_filter_k,n_steps])) vk = payoff * df Sk = price_matrix[holding_filter_k,n_steps] # print("regular MC price",regular_mc_price) # k = n_steps-1,...,1 for k in range(n_steps - 1, 0, -1): holding_filter_kp1 = holding_filter_k holding_filter_k = holding_matrix[:, k] Skp1 = price_matrix[holding_filter_kp1, k+1] Sk = price_matrix[holding_filter_kp1, k] Qk = matrix(_calculate_Q_matrix(Sk, Skp1, df, df2, func_list)) P = Qk.T * Qk q = Qk.T * vk A = matrix(np.ones(holding_filter_kp1.sum(), dtype=np.float64)).T * Qk b = - matrix(np.ones(holding_filter_kp1.sum(), dtype=np.float64)).T * vk # print(Sk) # print(Skp1) sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) ak = sol["x"][:n_basis] bk = sol["x"][n_basis:] vk = matrix(np.array([func(price_matrix[holding_filter_k, k]) for func in func_list])).T * ak * df # break # k = 0 v0 = vk holding_filter_1 = holding_filter_k holding_filter_0 = holding_matrix[:, 0] S0 = price_matrix[holding_filter_1, 0] S1 = price_matrix[holding_filter_1, 1] dS0 = df2 * S1 - S0 Q0 = np.concatenate((-np.ones(holding_filter_1.sum())[:, np.newaxis], dS0[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) Q0 = matrix(Q0) P = Q0.T * Q0 q = Q0.T * v0 A = matrix(np.ones(holding_filter_1.sum(), dtype=np.float64)).T * Q0 b = - matrix(np.ones(holding_filter_1.sum(), dtype=np.float64)).T * v0 C1 = matrix(ak).T * np.array([func(S1) for func in func_list]).T sol = solvers.coneqp(P=P, q=q, A=A, b=b) self.sol = sol residual_risk = (v0.T * v0 + 2 * sol["primal objective"]) / holding_filter_1.sum() self.residual_risk = residual_risk[0] # the value of unit matrix return sol["x"][0]
def proxqp_general(proxargs): """ Solves the conic QP min. < c, x > + (rho/2) || x - z ||^2 s.t. A(x) = b x >= 0 and its dual max. -< b, y > - 1/(2*rho) * || c + A'(y) - rho * z - s ||^2 s.t. s >= 0. The primal variable is x = matrix(x_0[:], ..., x_{N-1}[:]) with x_k a symmetric matrix of order nk. The dual variables are y = matrix(y_0, ..., y_{M-1}), with y_k a column vector of length mk, and s = matrix(s_0[:], .., s_{N-1}[:]), with s_i a symmetric matrix of order nk. In the primal cost function, c = (c_0[:], ..., c_{N-1}[:]), with c_k a symmetric matrix, and < c, x > = sum_j tr (c_j * x_j). In the dual cost function, b = matrix(b_0, ..., b_{M-1}), with b_k a column vector, and < b, y > = sum_j b_i' * y_i. The mapping A(x) is defined as follows. The value of u = A(x) is u = matrix(u_0, ..., u_{M-1}) with u_i a vector defined by u_i = sum_j Aij(x_j), i = 0, ..., M-1. The adjoint v = A'(y) is v = (v_0, ..., v_{N-1}) with v_j a matrix defined as v_j = sum_i Aij'(y_i), j = 0, ..., N-1. If we expand the primal and dual problems we therefore have min. sum_j < c_j, x_j > + (rho/2) * sum_j || x_j - z_j ||_F^2 s.t. sum_j Aij(x_j) = b_i, i = 0, ..., M-1 x_j >= 0, j = 0, ..., N-1 with variables x_j and its dual max. sum_i b_i'*y_i - 1/(2*rho) * sum_j || c_j - sum_i Aij'(y_i) + rho *z_j - s_j ||_F^2 s.t. s_j >= 0, j = 0, ..., N-1 with variables y_i, s_j. Input arguments. proxargs['C'] is a stacked vector containing vectorized 'd' matrices c_k of size n_k**2 x 1, representing symmetric matrices. proxargs['A'] is a list of a list of either 'd' matrices, 'd' sparse matrices, or 0. If A[i][j] = 0, then variable block i is not involved in constraint block j. Otherwise, A[i][j] has size n_j**2 times m_i. Each of its columns represents a symmetric matrix of order n_j in unpacked column-major order. The term Aij(x[j]) in the primal constraint is given by Aij(x_j) = A[i][j]' * vec(x_j). The adjoint Aij'(y[i]) in the dual constraint is given by Aij'(y_i) = mat( A[i][j] * y_i ). proxargs['b'] is a stacked vector containing constraint vectors of size m_i x 1. proxargs['Z'] is a stacked vector containing variable Z vectors of size n_k**2 x 1. proxargs['sigma'] is a positive scalar (step size). proxargs['X'] contains the primal variable X in stacked vector form. proxargs['dualy'] contains the dual variable y proxargs['dualS'] contains the primal variable S On output, proxargs['X'], proxargs['dualy'], and proxargs['dualZ'] will be filled with prox optimal primal and dual variables. Output arguments. primal : trace(C*X) where X is the optimal variable gap : trace(X*S) as computed by CVXOPT """ c, A, b = proxargs['C'], proxargs['A'], proxargs['b'] z, X = proxargs['Z'], proxargs['X'] rho = proxargs['sigma'] ns, ms = proxargs['ns'], proxargs['ms'] multiprocess = proxargs['multiprocess'] N = len(A[0]) M = len(A) def Pf(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0): # v[k] := alpha * rho * u[k] + beta * v[k] blas.scal(beta, v) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=alpha * rho) q = (c - rho * z)[:] xp = +q[:] bz = +q[:] uy = +b[:] def Gf(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): # v = -alpha*u + beta * v blas.scal(beta, v) blas.axpy(u, v, alpha=-alpha) h = matrix(0.0, (sum(nk**2 for nk in ns), 1)) dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': ns} def Af(u, v, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'): # v := alpha * A(u) + beta * v if trans is 'N' # v := alpha * A'(u) + beta * v if trans is 'T' blas.scal(beta, v) if trans == 'N': offseti = 0 for i in xrange(M): offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): if type(A[i][j]) is matrix or type(A[i][j]) is spmatrix: sgemv(A[i][j], u, v, n=ns[j], m=ms[i], trans='T', alpha=alpha, beta=1.0, offsetx=offsetj, offsety=offseti) offsetj += ns[j]**2 offseti += ms[i] else: offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): offseti = 0 for i in xrange(M): if type(A[i][j]) is matrix or type(A[i][j]) is spmatrix: sgemv(A[i][j], u, v, n=ns[j], m=ms[i], trans='N', alpha=alpha, beta=1.0, offsetx=offseti, offsety=offsetj) offseti += ms[i] offsetj += ns[j]**2 def xdot(x, y): offset = 0 for k in xrange(N): misc.trisc(x, {'l': offset, 'q': [], 's': [ns[k]]}) offset += ns[k]**2 a =, y) offset = 0 for k in xrange(N): misc.triusc(x, {'l': offset, 'q': [], 's': [ns[k]]}) symmetrize(x, n=ns[k], offset=offset) offset += ns[k]**2 return a U = [matrix(0.0, (nk, nk)) for nk in ns] Vt = [matrix(0.0, (nk, nk)) for nk in ns] sv = [matrix(0.0, (nk, 1)) for nk in ns] Gamma = [matrix(0.0, (nk, nk)) for nk in ns] As = [[+A[i][j] for j in xrange(N)] for i in xrange(M)] def F(W): for j in xrange(N): # SVD R[j] = U[j] * diag(sig[j]) * Vt[j] lapack.gesvd(+W['r'][j], sv[j], jobu='A', jobvt='A', U=U[j], Vt=Vt[j]) # Vt[j] := diag(sig[j])^-1 * Vt[j] for k in xrange(ns[j]): blas.tbsv(sv[j], Vt[j], n=ns[j], k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * ns[j]) # Gamma[j] is an ns[j] x ns[j] symmetric matrix # # (sig[j] * sig[j]') ./ sqrt(1 + rho * (sig[j] * sig[j]').^2) # S = sig[j] * sig[j]' S = matrix(0.0, (ns[j], ns[j])) blas.syrk(sv[j], S) Gamma[j][:] = div(S, sqrt(1.0 + rho * S**2))[:] symmetrize(Gamma[j], ns[j]) # As represents the scaled mapping # # As(x) = A(u * (Gamma .* x) * u') # As'(y) = Gamma .* (u' * A'(y) * u) # # stored in a similar format as A, except that we use packed # storage for the columns of As[i][j]. for i in xrange(M): if (type(A[i][j]) is matrix) or (type(A[i][j]) is spmatrix): # As[i][j][:,k] = vec( # (U[j]' * mat( A[i][j][:,k] ) * U[j]) .* Gamma[j]) copy(A[i][j], As[i][j]) As[i][j] = matrix(As[i][j]) for k in xrange(ms[i]): cngrnc(U[j], As[i][j], trans='T', offsetx=k * (ns[j]**2), n=ns[j]) blas.tbmv(Gamma[j], As[i][j], n=ns[j]**2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=k * (ns[j]**2)) # pack As[i][j] in place #pack_ip(As[i][j], ns[j]) for k in xrange(As[i][j].size[1]): tmp = +As[i][j][:, k] misc.pack2(tmp, {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]}) As[i][j][:, k] = tmp else: As[i][j] = 0.0 # H is an m times m block matrix with i, k block # # Hik = sum_j As[i,j]' * As[k,j] # # of size ms[i] x ms[k]. Hik = 0 if As[i,j] or As[k,j] # are zero for all j H = spmatrix([], [], [], (sum(ms), sum(ms))) rowid = 0 for i in xrange(M): colid = 0 for k in xrange(i + 1): sparse_block = True Hik = matrix(0.0, (ms[i], ms[k])) for j in xrange(N): if (type(As[i][j]) is matrix) and \ (type(As[k][j]) is matrix): sparse_block = False # Hik += As[i,j]' * As[k,j] if i == k: blas.syrk(As[i][j], Hik, trans='T', beta=1.0, k=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2, ldA=ns[j]**2) else: blas.gemm(As[i][j], As[k][j], Hik, transA='T', beta=1.0, k=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2, ldA=ns[j]**2, ldB=ns[j]**2) if not (sparse_block): H[rowid:rowid+ms[i], colid:colid+ms[k]] \ = sparse(Hik) colid += ms[k] rowid += ms[i] HF = cholmod.symbolic(H) cholmod.numeric(H, HF) def solve(x, y, z): """ Returns solution of rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx A(ux) = by -ux - r * uz * r' = bz. On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz. On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz. """ # bz is a copy of z in the format of x blas.copy(z, bz) # x := x + rho * bz # = bx + rho * bz blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho) # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u) # = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): cngrnc(U[j], x, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j]) blas.tbmv(Gamma[j], x, n=ns[j]**2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=offsetj) offsetj += ns[j]**2 # y := y - As(x) # := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) blas.copy(x, xp) offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]}) offsetj += ns[j]**2 offseti = 0 for i in xrange(M): offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): if type(As[i][j]) is matrix: blas.gemv(As[i][j], xp, y, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0, m=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2, n=ms[i], ldA=ns[j]**2, offsetx=offsetj, offsety=offseti) offsetj += ns[j]**2 offseti += ms[i] # y := -y - A(bz) # = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u) Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0) # y := H^-1 * y # = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) ) # = uy cholmod.solve(HF, y) # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt # = uz where # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy) - x ) # = Gamma .* ( As'(uy) - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) ) # = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ). blas.copy(x, xp) offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): # xp is -x[j] = -Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho*bz) * u) # in packed storage misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]}) offsetj += ns[j]**2 blas.scal(-1.0, xp) offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): # xp += As'(uy) offseti = 0 for i in xrange(M): if type(As[i][j]) is matrix: blas.gemv(As[i][j], y, xp, alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0, m = ns[j]*(ns[j]+1)/2, \ n = ms[i],ldA = ns[j]**2, \ offsetx = offseti, offsety = offsetj) offseti += ms[i] # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma #unpack(xp, bz[j], ns[j]) misc.unpack(xp, bz, { 'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]] }, offsetx=offsetj, offsety=offsetj) blas.tbmv(Gamma[j], bz, n=ns[j]**2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=offsetj) # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt # = uz cngrnc(Vt[j], bz, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j]) symmetrize(bz, ns[j], offset=offsetj) offsetj += ns[j]**2 # x = -bz - r * uz * r' blas.copy(z, x) blas.copy(bz, z) offsetj = 0 for j in xrange(N): cngrnc(+W['r'][j], bz, offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j]) offsetj += ns[j]**2 blas.axpy(bz, x) blas.scal(-1.0, x) return solve sol = solvers.coneqp(Pf, q, Gf, h, dims, Af, b, kktsolver=F, xdot=xdot) proxargs['X'][:] = +sol['s'][:] proxargs['dualy'][:] = +sol['y'][:] proxargs['dualS'][:] = +sol['z'][:] primal =['C'], proxargs['X']) gap = sol['gap'] return primal, gap