def test_sdp(self): """Test a problem with semidefinite cones. """ a = sp.rand(100, 100, .1, random_state=1) a = a.todense() X = Variable(100, 100) obj = at.norm(X, "nuc") + at.norm(X - a, 'fro') p = Problem(Minimize(obj)) p.solve(solver="SCS")
def test_sdp(self): """Test a problem with semidefinite cones. """ a = sp.rand(100,100,.1, random_state=1) a = a.todense() X = Variable(100,100) obj = at.norm(X, "nuc") + at.norm(X-a,'fro') p = Problem(Minimize(obj)) p.solve(solver="SCS")
def test_sdp(self) -> None: """Test a problem with semidefinite cones. """ self.skipTest("Too slow.") a = sp.rand(100, 100, .1, random_state=1) a = a.todense() X = Variable((100, 100)) obj = at.norm(X, "nuc") + at.norm(X - a, 'fro') p = Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) p.solve(solver="SCS")
def test_sum_squares(self): X = Variable(5, 4) P = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(3, 5)) Q = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(4, 7)) M = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(3, 7)) y = P*X*Q + M self.assertFalse(y.is_constant()) self.assertTrue(y.is_affine()) self.assertTrue(y.is_quadratic()) self.assertTrue(y.is_dcp()) s = sum_squares(y) self.assertFalse(s.is_constant()) self.assertFalse(s.is_affine()) self.assertTrue(s.is_quadratic()) self.assertTrue(s.is_dcp()) # Frobenius norm squared is indeed quadratic # but can't show quadraticity using recursive rules t = norm(y, 'fro')**2 self.assertFalse(t.is_constant()) self.assertFalse(t.is_affine()) self.assertFalse(t.is_quadratic()) self.assertTrue(t.is_dcp())
def test_gurobi_environment(self) -> None: """Tests that Gurobi environments can be passed to Model. Gurobi environments can include licensing and model parameter data. """ from cvxpy import GUROBI if GUROBI in INSTALLED_SOLVERS: import gurobipy # Set a few parameters to random values close to their defaults params = { 'MIPGap': np.random.random(), # range {0, INFINITY} 'AggFill': np.random.randint(10), # range {-1, MAXINT} 'PerturbValue': np.random.random(), # range: {0, INFINITY} } # Create a custom environment and set some parameters custom_env = gurobipy.Env() for k, v in params.items(): custom_env.setParam(k, v) # Testing QP Solver Interface sth = StandardTestLPs.test_lp_0(solver='GUROBI', env=custom_env) model = sth.prob.solver_stats.extra_stats for k, v in params.items(): # name, p_type, p_val, p_min, p_max, p_def = model.getParamInfo( k) self.assertEqual(v, p_val) else: with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm: prob = Problem(Minimize(norm(self.x, 1)), [self.x == 0]) prob.solve(solver=GUROBI, TimeLimit=0) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "The solver %s is not installed." % GUROBI)
def mat_norm_2(self, solver): A = np.random.randn(5, 3) B = np.random.randn(5, 2) p = Problem(Minimize(norm(A @ self.C - B, 2))) s = self.solve_QP(p, solver) for var in p.variables(): self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(lstsq(A, B)[0], s.primal_vars[], places=1)
def norm_2(self, solver): A = np.random.randn(10, 5) b = np.random.randn(10) p = Problem(Minimize(norm(A @ self.w - b, 2))) self.solve_QP(p, solver) for var in p.variables(): self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(lstsq(A, b)[0].flatten(), var.value, places=1)
def norm_2(self, solver): A = numpy.random.randn(10, 5) b = numpy.random.randn(10, 1) p = Problem(Minimize(norm(A * self.w - b, 2))) s = self.solve_QP(p, solver) for var in p.variables(): self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(lstsq(A, b)[0].flatten(), s.primal_vars[], places=1)
def test_gurobi_time_limit_no_solution(self) -> None: """Make sure that if Gurobi terminates due to a time limit before finding a solution: 1) no error is raised, 2) solver stats are returned. The test is skipped if something changes on Gurobi's side so that: - a solution is found despite a time limit of zero, - a different termination criteria is hit first. """ from cvxpy import GUROBI if GUROBI in INSTALLED_SOLVERS: import gurobipy objective = Minimize(self.x[0]) constraints = [self.x[0] >= 1] prob = Problem(objective, constraints) try: prob.solve(solver=GUROBI, TimeLimit=0.0) except Exception as e: "An exception %s is raised instead of returning a result." % e) extra_stats = None solver_stats = getattr(prob, "solver_stats", None) if solver_stats: extra_stats = getattr(solver_stats, "extra_stats", None) self.assertTrue(extra_stats, "Solver stats have not been returned.") nb_solutions = getattr(extra_stats, "SolCount", None) if nb_solutions: self.skipTest( "Gurobi has found a solution, the test is not relevant anymore." ) solver_status = getattr(extra_stats, "Status", None) if solver_status != gurobipy.StatusConstClass.TIME_LIMIT: self.skipTest( "Gurobi terminated for a different reason than reaching time limit, " "the test is not relevant anymore.") else: with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm: prob = Problem(Minimize(norm(self.x, 1)), [self.x == 0]) prob.solve(solver=GUROBI, TimeLimit=0) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "The solver %s is not installed." % GUROBI)
def optimize(self): self._pre_optimizer.optimize() self._pre_optimizer.update() points = self.graph.free_points landmarks = self.graph.landmarks num_points = len(points) point_dim = self.graph.point_dim num_landmarks = len(landmarks) landmark_dim = self.graph.landmark_dim transforms = [ equivalence.SumMass(self.graph.correspondence_map.set_map()), equivalence.ExpDistance(self._sigma), equivalence.Facing() ] E, W = equivalence.equivalence_matrix(landmarks, transforms=transforms) if E.shape[0] == 0: self.M = self._pre_optimizer.M self.P = self._pre_optimizer.P self.res_d = self._pre_optimizer.res_d self.res_t = self._pre_optimizer.res_t self.equivalence_pairs = [] return Am, Ap, d, sigma_d = self.graph.observation_system() Bp, t, sigma_t = self.graph.odometry_system() S_d, S_t = sp.sparse.diags( 1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_d)), sp.sparse.diags( 1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_t)) M = cp.Variable((landmark_dim, num_landmarks)) P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points)) M.value = self._pre_optimizer.M P.value = self._pre_optimizer.P objective = cp.Minimize(mixed_norm(W * E * M.T)) constraints = [ norm((Am * vec(M)) + (Ap * vec(P)) - d) <= 2 * np.linalg.norm(sigma_d + 1e-6), norm((Bp * vec(P)) - t) <= 2 * np.linalg.norm(sigma_t + 1e-6) ] problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver, warm_start=True) if problem.solution.status == 'infeasible': self.M = self._pre_optimizer.M self.P = self._pre_optimizer.P self.res_d = self._pre_optimizer.res_d self.res_t = self._pre_optimizer.res_t self.equivalence_pairs = [] return E_ = E[np.abs(np.linalg.norm(E * M.value.T, axis=1)) < 0.001, :] objective = cp.Minimize( sum_squares(S_d * ((Am * vec(M)) + (Ap * vec(P)) - d)) + sum_squares(S_t * ((Bp * vec(P)) - t))) constraints = [E_ * M.T == 0] if E_.shape[0] > 0 else [] problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver, warm_start=True) self.M = M.value self.P = P.value m = self.M.ravel(order='F') p = self.P.ravel(order='F') self.res_d = + - d self.res_t = - t self.equivalence_pairs = [(landmarks[i], landmarks[j]) for (i, j) in E_.tolil().rows]