    def _pm_expand(self, constr):

        # Get objects
        v = constr.left
        v = vstack([v[i, 0] for i in range(0, v.shape[0])])
        n = v.shape[0] - 1
        x = vstack([v[0:n, 0]])
        y = v[n, 0]
        z = variable()

        # One element
        if n == 1:
            return cvxpy_list([greater_equals(x, 0), greater_equals(x, y)])

        # Get power of 2 size
        m = 0
        while np.log2(n + m) % 1 != 0:
            m += 1

        # Copy elements of x on a list and restrict them
        constr_list = []
        el_list = []
        for i in range(0, n, 1):
            el_list += [x[i, 0]]
            if (not np.isscalar(x[i, 0]) and type(x[i, 0]) is not cvxpy_obj):
                constr_list += [greater_equals(x[i, 0], 0)]

        # Construct expansion
        for i in range(0, m, 1):
            el_list += [z]
        while len(el_list) > 2:
            new_list = []
            for i in range(0, int(len(el_list) / 2)):
                x1 = el_list[2 * i]
                x2 = el_list[2 * i + 1]
                w = variable()
                constr_list += [
                    belongs(vstack((hstack((x1, w)), hstack((w, x2)))),
                new_list += [w]
            el_list = new_list
        x1 = el_list[0]
        x2 = el_list[1]
        constr_list += [
            belongs(vstack((hstack((x1, z)), hstack((z, x2)))),
        constr_list += [greater_equals(z, 0), greater_equals(z, y)]
        return cvxpy_list(constr_list)
    def _pm_expand(self,constr):
        # Get objects
        v = constr.left
        v = vstack([v[i,0] for i in range(0,v.shape[0])])
        n = v.shape[0]-1
        x = vstack([v[0:n,0]])
        y = v[n,0]
        z = variable()

        # One element
        if n==1:
            return cvxpy_list([greater_equals(x,0),

        # Get power of 2 size
        m = 0
        while np.log2(n+m) % 1 != 0:
            m += 1

        # Copy elements of x on a list and restrict them
        constr_list = []
        el_list = []
        for i in range(0,n,1):
            if (not np.isscalar(x[i,0]) and
                type(x[i,0]) is not cvxpy_obj):
                constr_list += [greater_equals(x[i,0],0)]

        # Construct expansion
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            el_list += [z]
        while len(el_list) > 2:
            new_list = []
            for i in range(0,int(len(el_list)/2)):
                x1 = el_list[2*i]
                x2 = el_list[2*i+1]
                w = variable()
                constr_list += [belongs(vstack((hstack((x1,w)),
                new_list += [w]
            el_list = new_list
        x1 = el_list[0]
        x2 = el_list[1]
        constr_list += [belongs(vstack((hstack((x1,z)),
        constr_list += [greater_equals(z,0),greater_equals(z,y)]
        return cvxpy_list(constr_list)
    def _pm_expand(self,constr):
        # Get shape
        v = constr.left
        n = v.shape[0]-1
        x = v[0:n,0]
        y = v[n,0]
        z = var()

        # Get power of 2 size
        m = 0
        while (np.log2(n+m) % 1 != 0):
            m = m + 1

        # Copy elements of x on a list and restrict them
        constr_list = []
        el_list = []
        for i in range(0,n,1):
            if(not np.isscalar(x[i,0]) and
               type(x[i,0]) is not cvxpy_obj):
                constr_list += [greater(x[i,0],0)]

        # Construct expansion
        z = var()
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            el_list += [z]
        while(len(el_list) > 2):
            new_list = []
            for i in range(0,len(el_list)/2):
                x1 = el_list[2*i]
                x2 = el_list[2*i+1]
                w = var()
                constr_list += [belongs(vstack((hstack((x1,w)),
                new_list += [w]
            el_list = new_list
        x1 = el_list[0]
        x2 = el_list[1]
        constr_list += [belongs(vstack((hstack((x1,z)),
        constr_list += [greater(z,0),greater(z,y)]
        return cvxpy_list(constr_list)
    def _pm_expand(self, constr):

        # Get shape
        v = constr.left
        n = v.shape[0] - 1
        x = v[0:n, 0]
        y = v[n, 0]
        z = var()

        # Get power of 2 size
        m = 0
        while np.log2(n + m) % 1 != 0:
            m = m + 1

        # Copy elements of x on a list and restrict them
        constr_list = []
        el_list = []
        for i in range(0, n, 1):
            el_list += [x[i, 0]]
            if not np.isscalar(x[i, 0]) and type(x[i, 0]) is not cvxpy_obj:
                constr_list += [greater(x[i, 0], 0)]

        # Construct expansion
        z = var()
        for i in range(0, m, 1):
            el_list += [z]
        while len(el_list) > 2:
            new_list = []
            for i in range(0, len(el_list) / 2):
                x1 = el_list[2 * i]
                x2 = el_list[2 * i + 1]
                w = var()
                constr_list += [belongs(vstack((hstack((x1, w)), hstack((w, x2)))), sdc(2))]
                new_list += [w]
            el_list = new_list
        x1 = el_list[0]
        x2 = el_list[1]
        constr_list += [belongs(vstack((hstack((x1, z)), hstack((z, x2)))), sdc(2))]
        constr_list += [greater(z, 0), greater(z, y)]
        return cvxpy_list(constr_list)
def re_eval(arg,replace_map):
    Re-evaluates argument.

    :param replace_map: Dictionary.

    # Number
    if np.isscalar(arg):
        return arg
    # Constant object
    elif type(arg) is cvxpy_obj:
        return arg.value
    # Scalar variable
    elif type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_var:
        if arg in replace_map.keys():
            return re_eval(replace_map[arg],replace_map)
            return arg
    # Scalar param
    elif type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_param:
        if arg in replace_map.keys():
            return re_eval(replace_map[arg],replace_map)
            return arg

    # Summation
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and 
          arg.item.type == OPERATOR and
          arg.item.name == SUMMATION):
        new_children = list(map(lambda x:re_eval(x,replace_map),arg.children))
        return sum(new_children)

    # Multiplication
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and 
          arg.item.type == OPERATOR and
          arg.item.name == MULTIPLICATION):
        child1 = re_eval(arg.children[0],replace_map)
        child2 = re_eval(arg.children[1],replace_map)
        return child1*child2

    # Function
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and 
          arg.item.type == FUNCTION):
        new_children = list(map(lambda x:re_eval(x,replace_map),arg.children))
        return arg.item(new_children)

    # Constraint
    elif type(arg) is cvxpy_constr:
        # Not set membership
        if arg.type != BELONGS:
            left = re_eval(arg.left ,replace_map)
            right= re_eval(arg.right,replace_map)
            if arg.type == EQUALS:
                return equals(left,right)
            elif arg.type == LESS_EQUALS:
                return less_equals(left,right)
            elif arg.type == GREATER_EQUALS:
                return greater_equals(left,right)
                raise TypeError('Invalid constraint')

        # Set membership
            left = re_eval(arg.left,replace_map)
            return belongs(left,arg.right)

    # Array
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_array or
          type(arg) is cvxpy_var or
          type(arg) is cvxpy_param):
        (m,n) = arg.shape
        new_ar = cvxpy_array(m,n)
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):
                new_ar[i,j] = re_eval(arg[i,j],replace_map)
        return new_ar

    # List
    elif (type(arg) is list or
          type(arg) is cvxpy_list):

        new_list = []
        for c in arg:
            new_list += [re_eval(c,replace_map)]
        return cvxpy_list(new_list)

    # Invalid
        raise TypeError('Invalid argument')
def re_eval(arg,param_map):
    Replaces parameters found in arg using the param_map
    and re-evaluates the resulting object.
    arg: Argument to be re-evaluated.
    param_map: Dictionery that maps the parameters 
    to objects.

    # Number
        return arg
    # Constant object
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_obj):
        return arg.get_value()
    # Scalar variable
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_var):
        return arg
    # Scalar param
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_param):
        return re_eval(param_map[arg],param_map)

    # Summation
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '+'):
        new_children = map(lambda x:re_eval(x,param_map),arg.children)
        return sum(new_children)

    # Multiplication
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '*'):
        child1 = re_eval(arg.children[0],param_map)
        child2 = re_eval(arg.children[1],param_map)
        return child1*child2

    # Function
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.type == FUNCTION):
        new_children = map(lambda x:re_eval(x,param_map),arg.children)
        return arg.item(new_children)

    # Constraint
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_constr):
        # Not set membership
        if(arg.op != 'in'):
            left = re_eval(arg.left ,param_map)
            right= re_eval(arg.right,param_map)
            if(arg.op == '=='):
                return equal(left,right)
            elif(arg.op == '<='):
                return less(left,right)
                return greater(left,right)

        # Set membership
            left = re_eval(arg.left,param_map)
            return belongs(left,arg.right)

    # Array
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_expression or
         type(arg) is cvxpy_var or
         type(arg) is cvxpy_param):
        (m,n) = arg.shape
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m,n)
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):
                new_exp[i,j] = re_eval(arg[i,j],param_map)
        return new_exp

    # List
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_list):
        new_list = cvxpy_list([])
        for c in arg:
            new_list += cvxpy_list([re_eval(c,param_map)])
        return new_list

    # Invalid
        raise ValueError('Invalid argument')