    def test_matrix_frac(self) -> None:
        """Test gradient for matrix_frac
        expr = cp.matrix_frac(self.A, self.B)
        self.A.value = np.eye(2)
        self.B.value = np.eye(2)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A].toarray(), [2, 0, 0, 2])
                                    [-1, 0, 0, -1])

        self.B.value = np.zeros((2, 2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A], None)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.B], None)

        expr = cp.matrix_frac(self.x[:, None], self.A)
        self.x.value = [2, 3]
        self.A.value = np.eye(2)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.x].toarray(), [4, 6])
                                    [-4, -6, -6, -9])

        expr = cp.matrix_frac(self.x, self.A)
        self.x.value = [2, 3]
        self.A.value = np.eye(2)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.x].toarray(), [4, 6])
                                    [-4, -6, -6, -9])
def mean_cov_prox_cvxpy(Y, eta, theta, t):
	if Y is None:
		return eta
	Y = Y[0]
	n,N = Y.shape

	ybar = cp.Parameter((n,1))
	ybar.value = np.mean(Y,1).reshape(-1,1)

	Yemp = cp.Parameter((n,n))
	Yemp.value = Y @ Y.T / N

	S = cp.Variable((n,n))
	nu = cp.Variable((n,1))
	eps = (1./(2*t))

	main_part = -cp.log_det(S) 
	main_part += cp.trace(S@Yemp) 
	main_part += - 2*ybar.T@nu 
	main_part += cp.matrix_frac(nu, S) 

	prox_part = eps * cp.sum_squares(nu-eta[:, -1].reshape(-1,1))
	prox_part += eps * cp.norm(S-eta[:, :-1], "fro")**2
	prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(N*main_part+prox_part))

	prob.solve(verbose=False, warm_start=True)

	return np.hstack((S.value, nu.value))
def get_robust_hinf_policy(A, B, G, Q, R, alpha, gamma):
    n, m = B.shape
    wq = G.shape[1]

    S = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True)
    Y = cp.Variable((m, n))
    mu = cp.Variable()

    Q_sqrt = la.sqrtm(Q)
    R_sqrt = la.sqrtm(R)
    f = cp.trace(S @ Q) + cp.matrix_frac(Y.T @ R_sqrt, S)

    cons_mat = cp.bmat([[S @ A.T + A @ S + Y.T @ B.T + B @ Y + alpha * S + (mu / gamma ** 2) * G @ G.T,
                         cp.bmat([[S @ Q_sqrt, Y.T @ R_sqrt]])],
                        [cp.bmat([[Q_sqrt @ S], [R_sqrt @ Y]]), -mu * np.eye(m + n)]])
    cons = [S >> np.eye(n), mu >= 0] + [cons_mat << -1e-3 * np.eye(n+m+n)]

        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), cons)
        prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS)  #cp.MOSEK)
    except cp.error.SolverError as e:
        raise ValueError('Solver failed with error: %s \n Try another environment seed' % e)
    K = np.linalg.solve(S.value, Y.value.T).T
    assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(S.value) > 0)
    assert np.all(mu.value > 0)
    assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(cons_mat.value) <= 0)
    return K, S.value, mu.value
def rcwc(A, b, is_verbose=True, weights=None, solveroptions={}):
    A: m x n matrix with A_ij being an indicator for whether element j appears in sample set i
    b: m x n matrix with b_ij being the weights for element j in target set i corresponding to target set mean
    m, n = A.shape
    V = cp.Variable(shape=(n,n), PSD=True)
    constraints = [V[j,j] <= 1 for j in range(n)]
    objective = 0
    for i in range(m):
        row_mask = np.nonzero(A[i,:])[0]
        rowcol_mask = np.ix_(row_mask, row_mask)
        objterm = cp.quad_form(b[i,:], V) - cp.matrix_frac(V[row_mask,:] @ b[i,:], V[rowcol_mask])
        if weights is not None:
            objterm *= weights[i]
        objective += objterm
    if weights is None:
        objective /= m
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(objective), constraints)

    prob.solve(verbose=is_verbose, solver=cp.MOSEK, **solveroptions)
    Vhat = V.value
    a = np.zeros((m,n))
    for i in range(m):
        row_mask = np.nonzero(A[i,:])[0]
        rowcol_mask = np.ix_(row_mask, row_mask)
        a[i,row_mask] = np.linalg.inv(Vhat[rowcol_mask]) @ Vhat[row_mask,:] @ b[i,:]
    a[A == 0] = 0
    return a
 def test_matrix_frac(self) -> None:
     """Test domain for matrix_frac.
     dom = cp.matrix_frac(self.x, self.A + np.eye(2)).domain
     prob = Problem(Minimize(cp.sum(cp.diag(self.A))), dom)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, -2, places=3)
    def test_matrix_frac(self):
        """Test for the matrix_frac atom.
        atom = cp.matrix_frac(self.x, self.A)
        self.assertEqual(atom.shape, tuple())
        self.assertEqual(atom.curvature, s.CONVEX)
        # Test matrix_frac shape validation.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            cp.matrix_frac(self.x, self.C)
                         "The second argument to matrix_frac must be a square matrix.")

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            cp.matrix_frac(Variable(3), self.A)
                         "The arguments to matrix_frac have incompatible dimensions.")
    def test_key_error(self):
        """Test examples that caused key error.
        import cvxpy as cvx
        x = cvx.Variable()
        u = -cvx.exp(x)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(u), [x == 1])
        prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
        prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)


        import numpy as np
        import cvxopt
        import cvxpy as cp


        print "second solve"
        prob.solve(verbose=False, solver=cp.CVXOPT)
    def test_key_error(self):
        """Test examples that caused key error.
        if cvx.CVXOPT in cvx.installed_solvers():
            x = cvx.Variable()
            u = -cvx.exp(x)
            prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(u), [x == 1])
            prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
            prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)


            import numpy as np

            kD = 2
            Sk = cvx.Variable((kD, kD), PSD=True)
            Rsk = cvx.Parameter((kD, kD))
            mk = cvx.Variable((kD, 1))
            musk = cvx.Parameter((kD, 1))

            logpart = -0.5 * cvx.log_det(Sk) + 0.5 * cvx.matrix_frac(
                mk, Sk) + (kD / 2.) * np.log(2 * np.pi)
            linpart = mk.T * musk - 0.5 * cvx.trace(Sk * Rsk)
            obj = logpart - linpart
            prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(obj), [Sk == Sk.T])
            musk.value = np.ones((2, 1))
            covsk = np.diag([0.3, 0.5])
            Rsk.value = covsk + (musk.value * musk.value.T)
            prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
            print("second solve")
            prob.solve(verbose=False, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
def get_robust_lqr_sol(A, B, G, C, D, Q, R, alpha):
    n, m = B.shape
    wq = C.shape[0]

    S = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True)
    Y = cp.Variable((m, n))
    mu = cp.Variable()

    R_sqrt = la.sqrtm(R)
    f = cp.trace(S @ Q) + cp.matrix_frac(Y.T @ R_sqrt, S)

    cons_mat = cp.bmat((
        (A @ S + S @ A.T + cp.multiply(mu, G @ G.T) + B @ Y + Y.T @ B.T + alpha * S, S @ C.T + Y.T @ D.T),
        (C @ S + D @ Y, -cp.multiply(mu, np.eye(wq)))
    cons = [S >> 0, mu >= 1e-2] + [cons_mat << 0]

        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), cons)
    except cp.error.SolverError as e:
        raise ValueError('Solver failed with error: %s \n Try another environment seed' % e)
    K = np.linalg.solve(S.value, Y.value.T).T

    return K, S.value
 def test_matrix_frac(self) -> None:
     x = Variable(5)
     M = np.eye(5)
     P = M.T @ M
     s = cp.matrix_frac(x, P)
def main():

    print("What is N ... ", end='')
    N = int(input())

    print("\nWhat is a ... ", end='')
    a = int(input())

    print("\nWhat is b ... ", end='')
    b = int(input())

    print("\nWhat is p ... ", end='')
    p = int(input())

    print('\n( N, a, b, p) = (', N, ',', a, ',', b, ',', p, ')')

    c1 = np.array([[1], [1], [1], [1]])
    c2 = np.array([[1], [-1], [1], [-1]])
    C = [c1, c2]
    #Generate A
    A = []
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        u_i = a + (b - a) * (i - 1) / (N - 1)
        tmp_a = np.array([[u_i**i for i in range(p + 1)]])  # 1 x (p+1)
        tmp_b = np.transpose(tmp_a)  # (p+1) x 1
        A_i = np.matmul(tmp_b, tmp_a)


    # Initializing Variables, Objective, and Constraints
    W = cp.Variable(N)
    obj = cp.Minimize(
            cp.matrix_frac(c, sum([W[i] * A[i] for i in range(N)])) for c in C
    const = [0 <= W, cp.sum(W) == 1]

    # Creating Problem & Solving
    start = timeit.default_timer()

    prob = cp.Problem(obj, const)

    stop = timeit.default_timer()

    eps = 0.0001
    for i in range(N):
        if W.value[i] > eps:
            print(f"{a + (b - a) * ((i+1)-1) / (N-1)}\t{W[i].value}")

    print("Sum of W = ", sum(W.value))

    print("\nMethod used: ", prob.solver_stats.solver_name)
    print('Time to Compute: ', stop - start)
    def test_matrix_frac(self):
        """Test matrix_frac atom.
        P = np.array([[10, 1j], [-1j, 10]])
        Y = Variable((2, 2), complex=True)
        b = np.arange(2)
        x = Variable(2, complex=False)
        value = cvx.matrix_frac(b, P).value
        expr = cvx.matrix_frac(x, Y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [x == b, Y == P])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, eps=1e-6, max_iters=7500, verbose=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value, places=3)

        b = (np.arange(2) + 3j*(np.arange(2) + 10))
        x = Variable(2, complex=True)
        value = cvx.matrix_frac(b, P).value
        expr = cvx.matrix_frac(x, Y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [x == b, Y == P])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, eps=1e-6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value, places=3)

        b = (np.arange(2) + 10)/10j
        x = Variable(2, imag=True)
        value = cvx.matrix_frac(b, P).value
        expr = cvx.matrix_frac(x, Y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [x == b, Y == P])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, eps=1e-5, max_iters=7500)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value, places=3)
def get_robust_pldi_policy(A, B, Q, R, alpha):
    L, n, m = B.shape
    S = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True)
    Y = cp.Variable((m, n))

    R_sqrt = la.sqrtm(R)

    f = cp.trace(S @ Q) + cp.matrix_frac(Y.T @ R_sqrt, S)
    cons = [S >> np.eye(n)] + [A[i, :, :] @ S + B[i, :, :] @ Y + S @ A[i, :, :].T + Y.T @ B[i, :, :].T << -alpha * S for i in range(A.shape[0])]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), cons)
    K = np.linalg.solve(S.value, Y.value.T).T
    return K, S.value
def c_optimal(A, N, c):

    # Initializing Variables, Objective, and Constraints
    p = A[1].shape[0] - 1
    W = cp.Variable(N)
    obj = cp.Minimize(cp.matrix_frac(c, sum([W[i] * A[i] for i in range(N)])))
    const = [0 <= W, cp.sum(W) == 1]

    # Creating Problem & Solving
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, const)

    return prob
def _construct_objective(covariance_matrices, lambdas):
    ''' Constructs the CVX objective function. '''
    num_points = len(covariance_matrices)
    num_dim = int(covariance_matrices[0].shape[0])
    objective = 0
    matrix_part = np.zeros([num_dim, num_dim])
    for j in range(0, num_points):
        matrix_part = matrix_part + covariance_matrices[j] * lambdas[j]

    for i in range(0, num_dim):
        k_vec = np.zeros(num_dim)
        k_vec[i] = 1.0
        objective = objective + cvx.matrix_frac(k_vec, matrix_part)

    return objective
def get_custom_lqr_sol(A, B, Q, R, alpha):
    n, m = B.shape
    S = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True)
    Y = cp.Variable((m, n))

    R_sqrt = la.sqrtm(R)
    f = cp.trace(S @ Q) + cp.matrix_frac(Y.T @ R_sqrt, S)

    # Exponential stability constraints from LMI book
    cons = [S >> np.eye(n)]  # make LMI non-homogeneous
    cons += [A @ S + S @ A.T + B @ Y + Y.T @ B.T << -alpha * S]

    cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), cons).solve()
    K = np.linalg.solve(S.value, Y.value.T).T
    S = S.value

    return np.array(K), np.array(S)
    def mode_solver(self):
        mode = arg min x^T*Sigma^-1*x
        if self.f is None:
            return self.mu
        m = len(self.mu)
        xi = cp.Variable(m)
        obj = cp.Minimize(cp.matrix_frac(xi, self.Sigma))

        constraints = [self.f * (xi + self.mu) + self.g >= 0]

        prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
        # print("status:", prob.status)
        if prob.status != "optimal":
            raise ValueError('cannot compute the mode')
        return xi.value
    def mode(self, x, y):
        :param x:     (n,) or (n,2), the design of experiment [x1,x2,...,xn]
        :param y:     (n,), array_like, the true value at x

        :return : (in 2D, m = m1*m2)
        mu:    (m,) the posterior mean with interpolation condition only, Gamma*Phi^T*[Phi*Gamma*Phi^T]^-1*y
        Sigma: (m,m), the covariance matrix of the posterior with interpolation condition only,
                      Sigma = Gamma-Gamma*Phi^T*[Phi*Gamma*Phi^T]^-1*Phi*Gamma
        mode:  (m,) the posterior mode which is given by the maximum of the PDF of the posterior
        l, Lambda, u = self.inequality_constraints()
        Phi = self.interpolation_constraints(x)
        Gamma = self.covariance()
        Gamma = Gamma + self.alpha * np.eye(len(Gamma))
        mu = Gamma @ Phi.T @ np.linalg.solve(Phi @ Gamma @ Phi.T, y)
        Sigma = Gamma - Gamma @ Phi.T @ np.linalg.solve(
            Phi @ Gamma @ Phi.T, Phi) @ Gamma
        Sigma = Sigma + self.alpha * np.eye(len(Sigma))

        if Lambda is None:
            # no inequality constraints, so mode is the posterior mean
            mode = mu
            xi = cp.Variable(np.prod(self.m))
            obj = cp.Minimize(cp.matrix_frac(xi, Gamma))
            constraints = [Phi @ xi == y]
            if not np.all(l == -np.inf):
                    Lambda[l != -np.inf] * xi >= l[l != -np.inf])
            if not np.all(u == np.inf):
                constraints.append(Lambda[u != np.inf] * xi <= u[u != np.inf])

            prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
            # print("Problem is DCP: ", prob.is_dcp())
            # print("status:", prob.status)
            if prob.status != "optimal":
                raise ValueError('cannot compute the mode')
            mode = xi.value

        return mu, Sigma, mode
    def get_objective(self, covariance_matrices, lambdas):
        num_points = len(covariance_matrices)
        num_dim = int(covariance_matrices[0].shape[0])

        #print num_points
        #print num_dim
        #print int(covariance_matrices[0].shape[1])

        objective = 0
        matrix_part = np.zeros([num_dim, num_dim])
        for j in xrange(0, num_points):
            matrix_part = matrix_part + covariance_matrices[j] * lambdas[j]

        # return np.matrix.trace(np.linalg.inv(matrix_part))
        for i in xrange(0, num_dim):
            k_vec = np.zeros(num_dim)
            k_vec[i] = 1.0
            objective = objective + cvx.matrix_frac(k_vec, matrix_part)

        return objective
def small_cone(x, verbose=False):
    x : numpy.array
        An N x d array, where d is the dimension and N is the number of points
    N, d = x.shape

    A = cvx.Variable((d, d), PSD=True)
    b = cvx.Variable(d)

    cst = [cvx.norm(A @ x[i]) <= b @ x[i]
           for i in range(N)] + [cvx.matrix_frac(b, A) <= 1]

    obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(A))
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cst)
    prob.solve(verbose=verbose, eps=1e-8)

    A = A.value
    b = b.value

    return A, b, prob
print tau_2, b
print b.shape, tau_2.shape
#inv_alpha_1 = cvx.Variable(1)
inv_alpha_1 = 0.5

# specify objective function
#obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1)) - cvx.log_det(A - cvx.diag(tau_1)))
#obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1)) - cvx.log_det(A - cvx.diag(tau_1)))
# original
#obj = cvx.Minimize( 0.5*N*(inv_alpha_1-1)*log_2_pi - 0.5*inv_alpha_1*(N*cvx.log(1/inv_alpha_1) + cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1))) + 0.5*cvx.sum_entries(cvx.square(tau_2)/tau_1) + inv_alpha_1*cvx.sum_entries(log_normcdf(tau_2*cvx.sqrt(1/(inv_alpha_1*tau_1)))) +0.5*N*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log(1-inv_alpha_1) -0.5*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log_det(A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(b-tau_2, A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) )
# modifications
#obj = cvx.Minimize( 0.5*N*(inv_alpha_1-1)*log_2_pi - 0.5*inv_alpha_1*(-N*cvx.log(inv_alpha_1) + cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1))) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(tau_2, cvx.diag(tau_1)) + inv_alpha_1*cvx.sum_entries(log_normcdf(tau_2.T*cvx.inv_pos(cvx.sqrt(inv_alpha_1*tau_1)))) +0.5*N*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log(1-inv_alpha_1) -0.5*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log_det(A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(b-tau_2, A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) )
obj = cvx.Minimize(
    0.5 * N * (inv_alpha_1 - 1) * log_2_pi - 0.5 * inv_alpha_1 *
    (-N * cvx.log(inv_alpha_1) + cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1))) +
    0.5 * cvx.matrix_frac(tau_2, cvx.diag(tau_1)) + cvx.sum_entries(
        inv_alpha_1 * log_normcdf(cvx.inv_pos(cvx.sqrt(inv_alpha_1 * tau_1))))
)  # +0.5*N*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log(1-inv_alpha_1) -0.5*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log_det(A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(b-tau_2, A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) )

#def upper_bound_logpartition(tau, inv_alpha_1):
#    tau_1, tau_2 = tau[:D+N], tau[D+N:]
#    tau_1_N, tau_2_N = tau_1[D:], tau_2[D:]     # first D values correspond to w
#    alpha_1 = 1.0 / inv_alpha_1
#    inv_alpha_2 = 1 - inv_alpha_1
#    if np.any(tau_1 <= 0):
#        integral_1 = INF2
#    else:
#        integral_1 = inv_alpha_1 * (-0.5 * ((D+N)*np.log(alpha_1) + np.sum(np.log(tau_1)) ) \
#                        + np.sum(norm.logcdf(np.sqrt(alpha_1)*tau_2_N/np.sqrt(tau_1_N)))) \
#                        + 0.5 * np.sum(np.power(tau_2, 2) / tau_1)
#    mat = A - np.diag(tau_1)
tau_1 = cvx.Variable(N)
#tau_2 = cvx.Variable(N)
tau_2 = np.zeros(N)
print tau_2, b
print b.shape, tau_2.shape
#inv_alpha_1 = cvx.Variable(1)
inv_alpha_1 = 0.5

# specify objective function
#obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1)) - cvx.log_det(A - cvx.diag(tau_1)))
#obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1)) - cvx.log_det(A - cvx.diag(tau_1)))
# original
#obj = cvx.Minimize( 0.5*N*(inv_alpha_1-1)*log_2_pi - 0.5*inv_alpha_1*(N*cvx.log(1/inv_alpha_1) + cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1))) + 0.5*cvx.sum_entries(cvx.square(tau_2)/tau_1) + inv_alpha_1*cvx.sum_entries(log_normcdf(tau_2*cvx.sqrt(1/(inv_alpha_1*tau_1)))) +0.5*N*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log(1-inv_alpha_1) -0.5*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log_det(A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(b-tau_2, A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) )
# modifications
#obj = cvx.Minimize( 0.5*N*(inv_alpha_1-1)*log_2_pi - 0.5*inv_alpha_1*(-N*cvx.log(inv_alpha_1) + cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1))) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(tau_2, cvx.diag(tau_1)) + inv_alpha_1*cvx.sum_entries(log_normcdf(tau_2.T*cvx.inv_pos(cvx.sqrt(inv_alpha_1*tau_1)))) +0.5*N*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log(1-inv_alpha_1) -0.5*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log_det(A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(b-tau_2, A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) )
obj = cvx.Minimize( 0.5*N*(inv_alpha_1-1)*log_2_pi - 0.5*inv_alpha_1*(-N*cvx.log(inv_alpha_1) + cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1))) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(tau_2, cvx.diag(tau_1)) + cvx.sum_entries(inv_alpha_1*log_normcdf(cvx.inv_pos(cvx.sqrt(inv_alpha_1*tau_1)))) )# +0.5*N*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log(1-inv_alpha_1) -0.5*(1-inv_alpha_1)*cvx.log_det(A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) + 0.5*cvx.matrix_frac(b-tau_2, A-cvx.diag(tau_1)) )

#def upper_bound_logpartition(tau, inv_alpha_1):
#    tau_1, tau_2 = tau[:D+N], tau[D+N:]
#    tau_1_N, tau_2_N = tau_1[D:], tau_2[D:]     # first D values correspond to w
#    alpha_1 = 1.0 / inv_alpha_1
#    inv_alpha_2 = 1 - inv_alpha_1
#    if np.any(tau_1 <= 0):
#        integral_1 = INF2
#    else:
#        integral_1 = inv_alpha_1 * (-0.5 * ((D+N)*np.log(alpha_1) + np.sum(np.log(tau_1)) ) \
#                        + np.sum(norm.logcdf(np.sqrt(alpha_1)*tau_2_N/np.sqrt(tau_1_N)))) \
#                        + 0.5 * np.sum(np.power(tau_2, 2) / tau_1)
#    mat = A - np.diag(tau_1)
#    sign, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(mat)
def matrix_frac(b, A):
    return cvx.matrix_frac(b, A).value
    def fit(self, X, y, groups):
        Fit a hierarchical linear regression to data
        X : pandas data frame or numpy array
            Table with predictors/covariates. Categorical variables must be properly encoded beforehand.
        y : pandas data frame or numpy array
            Values to predict.
        groups : pandas data frame or numpy array
            Groups to which each observation belongs.
            Can have more than one column if there are multiple group categories (e.g. 'province' and 'city').
            Values can be strings or numbers, will be one-hot-encoded internally.
            Observations not belonging to any group must have NA values.
        ## checking input
        if type(X) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
            x = X.as_matrix()
            xnames = X.columns.values
        elif (type(X) == np.ndarray) or (type(X)
                                         == np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix):
            x = X.copy()
            xnames = None
            raise ValueError("'X' must be a pandas data frame or numpy array")

        if (type(y) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame) or (type(y)
                                                    == pd.core.series.Series):
            yval = y.as_matrix()
        elif (type(y) == np.ndarray) or (type(y)
                                         == np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix):
            yval = y.copy()
            raise ValueError(
                "'y' must be a pandas data frame, pandas series, or numpy array"

        if self.problem == 'classification':
            classes = set(yval)
            if len(classes) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Only binary classification is supported. 'y' contains " +
                    str(len(classes)) + " values")
            if (1 in classes) and ((-1) in classes):
                self.class1 = 1
                self.class2 = -1
            elif (1 in classes) and (0 in classes):
                yval[yval == 0] = -1.0
                self.class1 = 1
                self.class2 = 0
                self.class1, self.class2 = tuple(classes)
                yval[yval == class1] = 1.0
                yval[yval == class2] = -1.0

        if type(groups) == pd.core.series.Series:
            gbin = pd.get_dummies(np.array(groups.astype('str')))
            self._gdim = 1
            self._gnames = ''
        elif type(groups) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
            self._gdim = groups.shape[1]
            self._gnames = list(groups.columns.values)
            gbin = pd.get_dummies(groups.astype('str'))
        elif (type(groups)
              == np.ndarray) or (type(groups)
                                 == np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix):
                self._gdim = groups.shape[1]
                self._gdim = 1
            gr = pd.DataFrame(groups,
                                  'X' + str(i) for i in range(self._gdim)
            self._gnames = gr.columns.values
            gbin = pd.get_dummies(gr.astype('str'))
            del gr
            raise ValueError(
                "'groups' must be a pandas data frame, pandas series, or numpy array"

        ## processing X as specified
        if self.standardize:
            xmeans = x.mean(axis=0)
            xsd = x.std(axis=0)
            x = (x - xmeans) / xsd

        if self.fit_intercept or self.standardize:
            x = np.hstack([np.ones((x.shape[0], 1)), x])
            if xnames is not None:
                xnames = ['Intercept'] + list(xnames)
        nobs = x.shape[0]
        nvar = x.shape[1]
        assert gbin.shape[0] == nobs
        assert yval.shape[0] == nobs

        ## putting one-hot-encd' groups into a wide numpy array
        self._gbin_names = list(gbin.columns.values)
        ngroupvar = len(self._gbin_names)
        nweight = 1 / gbin.sum(axis=0)
        ntot = np.sum(nweight)
        nweight = nweight / ntot
        nweight = np.hstack([nweight for g in range(nvar)]) / nvar

        gbin = csc_matrix(gbin.as_matrix())
        gbin = hstack(
            [gbin.multiply(x[:, g].reshape(-1, 1)) for g in range(nvar)])
        gbin = csr_matrix(gbin)

        ## modeling the problem
        if self.solver_interface == 'cvxpy':
            w = cvx.Variable(nvar)
            v = cvx.Variable(ngroupvar * nvar)
            if self.problem == 'regression':
                obj = cvx.norm(yval - x * w - gbin * v) / np.sqrt(nobs)
                obj = cvx.sum_entries(
                                                  x * w + gbin * v))) / nobs
            if self.reweight_deviations:
                if self.main_l2_reg > 0:
                    obj += self.main_l2_reg * cvx.norm(w)
                D = cvx.Variable(nvar, nvar)
                for g in range(ngroupvar):
                    if self.weight_by_nobs:
                        obj += l2_reg * cvx.matrix_frac(
                                nweight[ngroupvar], v[[
                                    for i in range(g, gbin.shape[1], ngroupvar)
                                ]]), D)
                        obj += l2_reg * cvx.matrix_frac(
                            v[[i for i in range(g, gbin.shape[1], ngroupvar)]],
                prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(obj), [cvx.trace(D) == 1])
                if self.main_l2_reg > 0:
                    obj += self.main_l2_reg * cvx.norm(w)
                if self.l1_reg > 0:
                    if self.weight_by_nobs:
                        obj += self.l1_reg * cvx.norm(
                            cvx.mul_elemwise(nweight, v), 1)
                        obj += self.l1_reg * cvx.norm(v, 1)
                if self.l2_reg > 0:
                    if self.weight_by_nobs:
                        obj += self.l2_reg * cvx.norm(
                            cvx.mul_elemwise(nweight, v), 2)
                        obj += self.l2_reg * cvx.norm(v, 2)
                if self.linf_reg > 0:
                    obj += self.linf_reg * cvx.norm(v, 'inf')
                prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(obj))

            ## saving results
            self.coef_ = np.array(w.value)
            self.coef2_ = np.array(v.value)

        if self.solver_interface == 'casadi':
            xvars = MX.sym('Vars', nvar * (1 + ngroupvar))
            w = xvars[:nvar]
            v = xvars[nvar:]
            pred = mtimes(x, w) + mtimes(gbin, v)
            if self.problem == 'regression':
                err = yval - pred
                obj = dot(err, err) / nobs
                obj = sum1(log(1 + np.exp(-yval * pred))) / nobs

            if self.weight_by_nobs:
                regw = nweight * v
                regw = v
            obj += self.l2_reg * dot(regw, regw)
            if self.main_l2_reg > 0:
                obj += self.main_l2_reg * dot(w, w)

            solver = nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", {
                'x': xvars,
                'f': obj
            }, {
                'print_time': False,
                'ipopt': self.ipopt_options
            x0 = np.zeros(shape=nvar * (1 + ngroupvar))
            res = solver(x0=x0)

            ## saving results
            self.coef_ = np.array(res['x'][:nvar])
            self.coef2_ = np.array(res['x'][nvar:])

        if self.standardize:
            div = np.array([1] + list(xsd))
            self.coef_ = self.coef_.reshape(-1) / div
            self.coef2_ = self.coef2_.reshape(-1) / np.hstack(
                [[div[i]] * ngroupvar for i in range(nvar)])
            self.coef_[0] -= np.sum(self.coef_[1:] * xmeans)
            xmeans = [0] + list(xmeans)
            self.coef_[0] -= np.sum(self.coef2_ *
                                    np.hstack([[xmeans[i]] * ngroupvar
                                               for i in range(nvar)]))

        self.group_effects_ = pd.DataFrame(self.coef2_.reshape(
            nvar, ngroupvar),
        if xnames is not None:
            self.group_effects_.index = xnames