 def wait_until_dag_validated(self, dag_path):
     Reads the md5 sum of the DAG python file to see whether it
     was updated. Searches by md5 sum if exactly the same DAG
     python file has been already validated. If it was already
     validated raises exception in case of "error" result
     or does nothing if validation was successfull.
     If validation check for the specific DAG python file is
     still running ("checking" status), sleeps for 1 second and
     checks status again. This approach prevents from running
     multiple processes for exactly the same DAG python file on
     each POST request. Instead of using "airflow list_dags -sd"
     that never ends with exit code other than 0, we use "python3".
     Environment is copied to the subprocess, so it should work
     fine even in portable CWL-Airflow installation
     dag_md5_sum = get_md5_sum(dag_path)
     if dag_md5_sum not in self.validated_dags:
         self.validated_dags[dag_md5_sum] = "checking"
             check_call(["python3", dag_path],
             self.validated_dags[dag_md5_sum] = "success"
         except CalledProcessError:
             self.validated_dags[dag_md5_sum] = "error"
     while self.validated_dags[dag_md5_sum] not in ["success", "error"]:
     if self.validated_dags[dag_md5_sum] == "error":
         raise ValueError(f"Failed to load DAG from {dag_path}")
def fast_cwl_load(workflow, cwl_args=None):
    Tries to unpickle workflow from "pickle_folder" based on
    md5 sum of the "workflow" file. "cwl_args" can be used to update
    default location of "pickle_folder" as well as other parameters
    used by "slow_cwl_load" for loading and runtime contexts.
    If pickled file not found or failed to unpickle, load tool from
    the "workflow" using "slow_cwl_load" with "only_tool" set to True
    to return only tool. Returned tool will be pickled into "pickle_folder"
    with a basename generated from md5 sum of the "workflow" file.

    If "workflow" was already parsed into CommentedMap, return it unchanged.
    Nothing will be pickled

    cwl_args = {} if cwl_args is None else cwl_args

    if isinstance(workflow, CommentedMap):
        return workflow

    default_cwl_args = get_default_cwl_args(cwl_args)

    pickled_workflow = os.path.join(default_cwl_args["pickle_folder"],
                                    get_md5_sum(workflow) + ".p")


        with open(pickled_workflow, "rb") as input_stream:
            workflow_tool = pickle.load(input_stream)

    except (FileNotFoundError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as err:

        workflow_tool = slow_cwl_load(workflow=workflow,

        with open(pickled_workflow, "wb") as output_stream:
            pickle.dump(workflow_tool, output_stream)

    return workflow_tool
def test_get_md5_sum(location, control_md5sum):
    md5sum = get_md5_sum(location)
    assert control_md5sum==md5sum, \
        "Failed to calculate md5 sum"