def DNSRequestObj(dnsinfo):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "DNS"
    ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    sport = Port()
    sport.port_value = dnsinfo[1]
    sport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    ssocketaddress.port = sport
    networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    dsocketaddress.ip_address = dnsinfo[2]
    dport = Port()
    dport.port_value = dnsinfo[3]
    dport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    dsocketaddress.port = dport
    networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    layer7connections = Layer7Connections()
    dqr = DNSQuery()
    indicator = Indicator()
    dnsques = DNSQuestion()
    dnsques.qname = dnsinfo[4]
    dnsques.qtype = translateType(dnsinfo[5])
    dqr.question = dnsques
    indicator.title = "DNS Request"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a DNS Request")
    layer7connections.dns_query = dqr
    networkconnection.layer7_connections = layer7connections
    return indicator
def SSHObj(SSH):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "SSH"
    if SSH[0] != VMIP and SSH[4] == 1 and SSH[5] == 0:  # incoming connection
        ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        ssocketaddress.ip_address = SSH[0]
        sport = Port()
        sport.port_value = SSH[1]
        sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        ssocketaddress.port = sport
        networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    elif SSH[2] != VMIP and SSH[4] == 1 and SSH[5] == 0:  # outgoing connection
        dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        dsocketaddress.ip_address = SSH[2]
        dport = Port()
        dport.port_value = SSH[3]
        dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        dsocketaddress.port = dport
        networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    indicator = Indicator()
    if SSH[6] != '':
        indicator.title = "SSH Request with pulic key"
        indicator.description = ("SSH public key: " + SSH[6])
        indicator.title = "SSH Request"
        indicator.description = (
            "An indicator containing information about a SSH request")
    return indicator
def UDPRequestObj(udpinfo):
    u = NetworkConnection()
    u.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    u.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
    ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    if udpinfo[3] != VMIP:
        ssocketaddress.ip_address = udpinfo[3]
        sport = Port()
        sport.port_value = udpinfo[0]
        sport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
        ssocketaddress.port = sport
        u.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
    if udpinfo[2] != VMIP:
        dsocketaddress.ip_address = udpinfo[2]
        dport = Port()
        dport.port_value = udpinfo[1]
        dport.layer4_protocol = "UDP"
        dsocketaddress.port = dport
        u.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    indicator = Indicator()
    indicator.title = "UDP connection"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a UDP connection")
    return indicator
def TCPConnectionEstablishedObj(tcpinfo):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    if tcpinfo[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
        networkconnection.destination_tcp_state = "ESTABLISHED"
        ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        ssocketaddress.ip_address = tcpinfo[0]
        sport = Port()
        sport.port_value = tcpinfo[2]
        sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        ssocketaddress.port = sport
        networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
    elif tcpinfo[1] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
        networkconnection.source_tcp_state = "ESTABLISHED"
        dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
        dsocketaddress.ip_address = tcpinfo[1]
        dport = Port()
        dport.port_value = tcpinfo[3]
        dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
        dsocketaddress.port = dport
        networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
    indicator = Indicator()
    indicator.title = "TCP Connection Established"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a successful TCP hand shake"
    return indicator
    def create_network_connection(self,creation_time=None,destination_socket_address=None,destination_tcp_state=None,source_socket_address=None,source_tcp_state=None,tls_used=None,
        network_connection = NetworkConnection()
        network_connection.creation_time= DateTime(creation_time)
        network_connection.destination_socket_address = destination_socket_address
        network_connection.destination_tcp_state = destination_tcp_state
        network_connection.source_socket_address = source_socket_address
        network_connection.source_tcp_state = source_tcp_state
        network_connection.tls_used =tls_used
        network_connection.layer7_protocol= layer7_protocol
        network_connection.layer4_protocol =layer4_protocol
        network_connection.layer3_protocol = layer3_protocol
        network_connection.layer7_connections = layer7_connections

        return network_connection
def FTPObj(ftp):
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "FTP"
    indicator = Indicator()
    if ftp[4] == '220':
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Service ready for new user: "******"TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("User logged in")
        return indicator
    elif ftp[4] == '250':
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Requested file action okay, completed.")
        return indicator
    elif ftp[5] == "USER":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Requested username: "******"PASS":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Requested Password: "******"STOR":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Upload file to server: " + ftp[6])
        return indicator
    elif ftp[5] == "RETR":
        if ftp[0] != VMIP:  # incoming connection
            ssocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            ssocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[0]
            sport = Port()
            sport.port_value = ftp[1]
            sport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            ssocketaddress.port = sport
            networkconnection.source_socket_address = ssocketaddress
        elif ftp[2] != VMIP:  # outgoing connection
            dsocketaddress = SocketAddress()
            dsocketaddress.ip_address = ftp[2]
            dport = Port()
            dport.port_value = ftp[3]
            dport.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
            dsocketaddress.port = dport
            networkconnection.destination_socket_address = dsocketaddress
        indicator.title = "FTP"
        indicator.description = ("Retrieve a copy of the file: " + ftp[6])
        return indicator
def HTTPFullObj(http):
    httprequestline = HTTPRequestLine()
    httprequestline.http_method = http[0]
    httprequestline.value = http[1]
    httprequestline.version = http[2]
    hostfield = HostField()
    h = URI()
    h.value = str(http[14])
    hostfield.domain_name = h
    port = Port()
    port.port_value = http[3]
    hostfield.port = port
    httprequestheaderfields = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
    if http[4] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.accept = http[4]
    if http[5] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.accept_language = http[5]
    if http[6] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.accept_encoding = http[6]
    if http[7] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.authorization = http[7]
    if http[8] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.cache_control = http[8]
    if http[9] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.connection = http[9]
    if http[10] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.cookie = http[10]
    if http[11] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.content_length = http[11]  # integer
    if http[12] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.content_type = http[12]
    if http[13] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.date = http[13]  # datetime
    if http[14] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.host = hostfield
    if http[15] != '':
        httprequestheaderfields.proxy_authorization = http[15]
    httprequestheader = HTTPRequestHeader()
    httprequestheader.parsed_header = httprequestheaderfields
    httpclientrequest = HTTPClientRequest()
    httpclientrequest.http_request_line = httprequestline
    httpclientrequest.http_request_header = httprequestheader

    http_request_response = HTTPRequestResponse()
    http_request_response.http_client_request = httpclientrequest

    httpsession = HTTPSession()
    httpsession.http_request_response = http_request_response
    layer7connections = Layer7Connections()
    layer7connections.http_session = httpsession
    networkconnection = NetworkConnection()
    networkconnection.layer3_protocol = "IPv4"
    networkconnection.layer4_protocol = "TCP"
    networkconnection.layer7_protocol = "HTTP"
    networkconnection.layer7_connections = layer7connections
    indicator = Indicator()
    indicator.title = "HTTP request"
    indicator.description = (
        "An indicator containing information about a HTTP request")
    return indicator