def create_model(n_res_blocks=9, device="cpu"): """Builds the generators and discriminators.""" # Instantiate generators G_XtoY = CycleGenerator(n_residual_blocks=n_res_blocks) G_YtoX = CycleGenerator(n_residual_blocks=n_res_blocks) # Instantiate discriminators D_X = Discriminator() D_Y = Discriminator() # move models to GPU, if available if device != "cpu": print('Models moved to GPU.') else: print('Only CPU available.') return G_XtoY, G_YtoX, D_X, D_Y
def main(): place = set_device(FLAGS.device) fluid.enable_dygraph(place) if FLAGS.dynamic else None # Generators g_AB = Generator() g_BA = Generator() # Discriminators d_A = Discriminator() d_B = Discriminator() g = GeneratorCombine(g_AB, g_BA, d_A, d_B) da_params = d_A.parameters() db_params = d_B.parameters() g_params = g_AB.parameters() + g_BA.parameters() da_optimizer = opt(da_params) db_optimizer = opt(db_params) g_optimizer = opt(g_params) im_shape = [None, 3, 256, 256] input_A = Input(im_shape, 'float32', 'input_A') input_B = Input(im_shape, 'float32', 'input_B') fake_A = Input(im_shape, 'float32', 'fake_A') fake_B = Input(im_shape, 'float32', 'fake_B') g_AB.prepare(inputs=[input_A], device=FLAGS.device) g_BA.prepare(inputs=[input_B], device=FLAGS.device) g.prepare(g_optimizer, GLoss(), inputs=[input_A, input_B], device=FLAGS.device) d_A.prepare(da_optimizer, DLoss(), inputs=[input_B, fake_B], device=FLAGS.device) d_B.prepare(db_optimizer, DLoss(), inputs=[input_A, fake_A], device=FLAGS.device) if FLAGS.resume: g.load(FLAGS.resume) loader_A =, places=place, shuffle=True, return_list=True, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) loader_B =, places=place, shuffle=True, return_list=True, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) A_pool = data.ImagePool() B_pool = data.ImagePool() for epoch in range(FLAGS.epoch): for i, (data_A, data_B) in enumerate(zip(loader_A, loader_B)): data_A = data_A[0][0] if not FLAGS.dynamic else data_A[0] data_B = data_B[0][0] if not FLAGS.dynamic else data_B[0] start = time.time() fake_B = g_AB.test_batch(data_A)[0] fake_A = g_BA.test_batch(data_B)[0] g_loss = g.train_batch([data_A, data_B])[0] fake_pb = B_pool.get(fake_B) da_loss = d_A.train_batch([data_B, fake_pb])[0] fake_pa = A_pool.get(fake_A) db_loss = d_B.train_batch([data_A, fake_pa])[0] t = time.time() - start if i % 20 == 0: print("epoch: {} | step: {:3d} | g_loss: {:.4f} | " \ "da_loss: {:.4f} | db_loss: {:.4f} | s/step {:.4f}". format(epoch, i, g_loss[0], da_loss[0], db_loss[0], t))'{}/{}'.format(FLAGS.checkpoint_path, epoch))
default='/media/mint/Barracuda/Models/cyclegan/vangog', help='path to store the models') opt = parser.parse_args() print(opt) if torch.cuda.is_available() and not opt.cuda: print( "WARNING: You have a CUDA device, so you should probably run with --cuda" ) ###### Definition of variables ###### # Networks netG_A2B = Generator(opt.input_nc, opt.output_nc) netG_B2A = Generator(opt.output_nc, opt.input_nc) netD_A = Discriminator(opt.input_nc) netD_B = Discriminator(opt.output_nc) if opt.cuda: netG_A2B.cuda() netG_B2A.cuda() netD_A.cuda() netD_B.cuda() netG_A2B.apply(weights_init_normal) netG_B2A.apply(weights_init_normal) netD_A.apply(weights_init_normal) netD_B.apply(weights_init_normal) # Lossess criterion_GAN = torch.nn.MSELoss()