def generate_plot(datatype, data, ligand_resname, dont_plot_atomtypes=''): # Make a list of labels specified by the user not to include in the graph, because they are boring # atoms like aliphatic hydrogens with a charge of +0.09 dont_plot_labels = [] for l in labels: for atomtype in dont_plot_atomtypes.split(','): if l.startswith('%s ' % atomtype): dont_plot_labels.append(l) print >>sys.stderr, 'Will not plot:', ', '.join(dont_plot_labels) # Try not to repeat line styles pretty_cycler = cycler.cycler(linewidth=[0.3, 0.8, 1.4]) * cycler.cycler('ls', ['-', ':']) * plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=pretty_cycler) orig_d = pd.read_csv('%s_%s.csv' % (datatype, ligand_resname)) print >> sys.stderr, 'Average %s energy: %.2f kcal/mol' % (datatype, np.sum(np.mean(orig_d))) # Generate plot d = orig_d.drop(dont_plot_labels, axis=1) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4.5)) # 16:9 aspect ratio plt.autoscale(tight=True) plt.plot(d) plt.figtext(0.01, 0.99, 'Average %s energy, including any atom types not plotted: %.2f kcal/mol' % \ (datatype, np.sum(np.mean(orig_d))), fontsize=5, verticalalignment='top') plt.title('%s energy for %s with %s (%s)' % (datatype.capitalize(), args.ligand_resname, args.solute_spec, args.namdconf)) plt.xlabel('Trajectory frame') plt.ylabel('Energy (kcal/mol)') plt.legend(list(d), fontsize=4, loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.0)) plt.savefig('%s.pdf' % prefix) print >> sys.stderr, 'Wrote a pretty picture to %s.pdf' % prefix
def test_by_key_mul(): input_dict = dict(c=list('rg'), lw=[1, 2, 3]) cy = cycler(c=input_dict['c']) * cycler(lw=input_dict['lw']) res = cy.by_key() assert_equal(input_dict['lw'] * len(input_dict['c']), res['lw']) yield _by_key_helper, cy
def test_creation(): c = cycler(c='rgb') yield _cycler_helper, c, 3, ['c'], [['r', 'g', 'b']] c = cycler(c=list('rgb')) yield _cycler_helper, c, 3, ['c'], [['r', 'g', 'b']] c = cycler(cycler(c='rgb')) yield _cycler_helper, c, 3, ['c'], [['r', 'g', 'b']]
def test_continous_color_cycle_line_and_markers(self): #TODO: Test that i can also cycle line and markers. I mean the product line_cycler * marker_cycler color_cycler = (cycler('color', ['r', 'g', 'b'])) marker_cycler = (cycler('marker', ['o', '+', 's'])) line_cycler = (cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', '-.'])) style_cycler = (marker_cycler*line_cycler) color_cycle_len = len(color_cycler) color_cycle = color_cycler() used_style_color_combo = set() color_style_cycler = utils.ContinousColorCycle(color_cycle, color_cycle_len, style_cycler, used_style_color_combo) color_line_cycle = utils.ContinousColorCycle(color_cycle, color_cycle_len, line_cycler, used_style_color_combo) color_marker_cycle = utils.ContinousColorCycle(color_cycle, color_cycle_len, marker_cycler, used_style_color_combo) res = [] res.append(dict_to_tuple(next(color_style_cycler))) res.append(dict_to_tuple(next(color_style_cycler))) res.append(dict_to_tuple(next(color_marker_cycle))) res.append(dict_to_tuple(next(color_line_cycle))) res.append(dict_to_tuple(next(color_style_cycler))) res.append(dict_to_tuple(next(color_style_cycler))) res = tuple(res) print(str(res)) assert res == ((('color', 'r'), ('linestyle', '-'), ('marker', 'o')), (('color', 'g'), ('linestyle', '-'), ('marker', 'o')), (('color', 'b'), ('marker', 'o')), (('color', 'r'), ('linestyle', '-')), (('color', 'b'), ('linestyle', '-'), ('marker', 'o')), (('color', 'r'), ('linestyle', '--'), ('marker', 'o')))
def test_invalid_input_forms(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle(1) with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle([1, 2]) with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle('color', 'fish') with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle('linewidth', 1) with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle('linewidth', {'1': 1, '2': 2}) with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle(linewidth=1, color='r') with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle('foobar', [1, 2]) with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle(foobar=[1, 2]) with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)): ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler(foobar=[1, 2])) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler(color='rgb', c='cmy'))
def update_prop_cycle(linewidth): # colors = [ '#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf', ] * 3 dashes_list = [ (4, 1), (2, 1), (4, 1, 2, 1), (4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1), (4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1), (8, 1, 4, 1), ] * 5 for i, dashes in enumerate(dashes_list): dashes_list[i] = _modify_dashes_by_linewidth(dashes, linewidth) plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=cycler('color', colors) + cycler('dashes', dashes_list))
def test_marker_cycle(): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', ['r', 'g', 'y']) + cycler('marker', ['.', '*', 'x'])) xs = np.arange(10) ys = 0.25 * xs + 2 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='red dot', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.45 * xs + 3 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='green star', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.65 * xs + 4 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='yellow x', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.85 * xs + 5 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='red2 dot', lw=4, ms=16) ax.legend(loc='upper left') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Test keyword arguments, numpy arrays, and generic iterators ax.set_prop_cycle(color=np.array(['r', 'g', 'y']), marker=iter(['.', '*', 'x'])) xs = np.arange(10) ys = 0.25 * xs + 2 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='red dot', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.45 * xs + 3 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='green star', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.65 * xs + 4 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='yellow x', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.85 * xs + 5 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='red2 dot', lw=4, ms=16) ax.legend(loc='upper left')
def spiral_fermat(x_motor, y_motor, x_start, y_start, x_range, y_range, dr, factor, *, dr_y=None, tilt=0.0): '''Absolute fermat spiral scan, centered around (x_start, y_start) Parameters ---------- x_motor : object, optional any 'setable' object (motor, temp controller, etc.) y_motor : object, optional any 'setable' object (motor, temp controller, etc.) x_start : float x center y_start : float y center x_range : float x width of spiral y_range : float y width of spiral dr : float delta radius along the minor axis of the ellipse. dr_y : float, optional Delta radius along the major axis of the ellipse, if not specifed defaults to dr factor : float radius gets divided by this tilt : float, optional Tilt angle in radians, default 0.0 Returns ------- cyc : cycler ''' if dr_y is None: dr_aspect = 1 else: dr_aspect = dr_y / dr phi = 137.508 * np.pi / 180. half_x = x_range / 2 half_y = y_range / (2 * dr_aspect) tilt_tan = np.tan(tilt + np.pi / 2.) x_points, y_points = [], [] diag = np.sqrt(half_x ** 2 + half_y ** 2) num_rings = int((1.5 * diag / (dr / factor)) ** 2) for i_ring in range(1, num_rings): radius = np.sqrt(i_ring) * dr / factor angle = phi * i_ring x = radius * np.cos(angle) y = radius * np.sin(angle) * dr_aspect if ((abs(x - (y / dr_aspect) / tilt_tan) <= half_x) and (abs(y) <= half_y)): x_points.append(x_start + x) y_points.append(y_start + y) cyc = cycler(x_motor, x_points) cyc += cycler(y_motor, y_points) return cyc
def test_multiply(): c1 = cycler('c', 'rgb') yield _cycler_helper, 2*c1, 6, ['c'], ['rgb'*2] c2 = cycler('ec', c1) c3 = c1 * c2 yield _cycles_equal, 2*c3, c3*2
def richify_line_style(plt):'fivethirtyeight') plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=( cycler('color', ['r', 'r', 'g', 'g', 'g', 'b']) + cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', ':', '-.', '--', '-']) + cycler('marker', ['o', 'v', 's', '*', 'o', '*']) ))
def test_cycler_parent_and_parts_fail(hw, children): p3x3 = hw.pseudo3x3 cyc = reduce(operator.add, (cycler(getattr(p3x3, k), range(5)) for k in children)) cyc += cycler(p3x3, range(5)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): merge_cycler(cyc)
def test_concat(): a = cycler('a', range(3)) b = cycler('a', 'abc') for con, chn in zip(a.concat(b), chain(a, b)): assert_equal(con, chn) for con, chn in zip(concat(a, b), chain(a, b)): assert_equal(con, chn)
def test_getitem(): c1 = cycler('lw', range(15)) widths = list(range(15)) for slc in (slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, -1), slice(1, 5, None), slice(0, 5, 2)): yield _cycles_equal, c1[slc], cycler('lw', widths[slc])
def test_cycler_parent_and_parts_succed(hw, children): p3x3 = hw.pseudo3x3 cyc = reduce(operator.add, (cycler(getattr(p3x3, k), range(5)) for k in children)) cyc += cycler(p3x3, range(5)) mcyc = merge_cycler(cyc) assert mcyc.keys == cyc.keys assert mcyc.by_key() == cyc.by_key()
def add(self,name="plot"): page = Plot(self.nb) self.nb.AddPage(page,name) page.figure.gca().set_prop_cycle( cycler('color', ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'm', 'c']) * cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', '-.']) ) return page.figure
def test_cn(): matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['blue', 'r']) assert mcolors.to_hex("C0") == '#0000ff' assert mcolors.to_hex("C1") == '#ff0000' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['xkcd:blue', 'r']) assert mcolors.to_hex("C0") == '#0343df' assert mcolors.to_hex("C1") == '#ff0000'
def test_keychange(): c1 = cycler('c', 'rgb') c2 = cycler('lw', [1, 2, 3]) c3 = cycler('ec', 'yk') c3.change_key('ec', 'edgecolor') assert_equal(c3, cycler('edgecolor', c3)) c = c1 + c2 c.change_key('lw', 'linewidth') # Changing a key in one cycler should have no # impact in the original cycler. assert_equal(c2, cycler('lw', [1, 2, 3])) assert_equal(c, c1 + cycler('linewidth', c2)) c = (c1 + c2) * c3 c.change_key('c', 'color') assert_equal(c1, cycler('c', 'rgb')) assert_equal(c, (cycler('color', c1) + c2) * c3) # Perfectly fine, it is a no-op c.change_key('color', 'color') assert_equal(c, (cycler('color', c1) + c2) * c3) # Can't change a key to one that is already in there assert_raises(ValueError, Cycler.change_key, c, 'color', 'lw') # Can't change a key you don't have assert_raises(KeyError, Cycler.change_key, c, 'c', 'foobar')
def make_diag_figure(self, xnames, ynames): nobj = len(xnames) # initialize subplot size gs, fig = ftools.gen_gridspec_fig( nobj, add_row=False, border=(0.6, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4), space=(0.6, 0.35)) # set up subplot interactions gs_geo = gs.get_geometry() fgrid_r, fgrid_c = tuple(list(range(n)) for n in gs_geo) gs_iter = iproduct(fgrid_r, fgrid_c) # set up kwargs for matplotlib errorbar # prefer to change color, then marker colors_ = ['C{}'.format(cn) for cn in range(10)] markers_ = ['o', 'v', 's', 'P', 'X', 'D', 'H'] # iterate through rows & columns (rows change fastest) # which correspond to different quantities for (i, (ri, ci)) in enumerate(gs_iter): if i >= len(xnames): continue # choose axis ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[ri, ci]) kwarg_cycler = cycler(marker=markers_) * \ cycler(c=colors_) xqty = xnames[i] yqty = ynames[i] # now iterate through results hdulists for (j, (result, kwargs)) in enumerate( zip(self.results, kwarg_cycler)): kwargs['label'] = result[0].header['PLATEIFU'] ax = self._add_log_offset_plot( j, xqty=xqty, yqty=yqty, ax=ax, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelsize=5) if i == 0: handles_, labels_ = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.figlegend( handles=handles_, labels=labels_, loc='upper right', prop={'size': 4.}) fig.suptitle('PCA fitting diagnostics', size=8.) return fig
def test_failures(): c1 = cycler('c', 'rgb') c2 = cycler('c', c1) assert_raises(ValueError, add, c1, c2) assert_raises(ValueError, iadd, c1, c2) assert_raises(ValueError, mul, c1, c2) assert_raises(ValueError, imul, c1, c2) c3 = cycler('ec', c1) assert_raises(ValueError, cycler, 'c', c2 + c3)
def test_inplace(): c1 = cycler('c', 'rgb') c2 = cycler('lw', range(3)) c2 += c1 yield _cycler_helper, c2, 3, ['c', 'lw'], [list('rgb'), range(3)] c3 = cycler('c', 'rgb') c4 = cycler('lw', range(3)) c3 *= c4 target = zip(*product(list('rgb'), range(3))) yield (_cycler_helper, c3, 9, ['c', 'lw'], target)
def spiral(x_motor, y_motor, x_start, y_start, x_range, y_range, dr, nth, *, tilt=0.0): '''Spiral scan, centered around (x_start, y_start) Parameters ---------- x_motor : object, optional any 'setable' object (motor, temp controller, etc.) y_motor : object, optional any 'setable' object (motor, temp controller, etc.) x_start : float x center y_start : float y center x_range : float x width of spiral y_range : float y width of spiral dr : float Delta radius nth : float Number of theta steps tilt : float, optional Tilt angle in radians, default 0.0 Returns ------- cyc : cycler ''' half_x = x_range / 2 half_y = y_range / 2 r_max = np.sqrt(half_x ** 2 + half_y ** 2) num_ring = 1 + int(r_max / dr) tilt_tan = np.tan(tilt + np.pi / 2.) x_points, y_points = [], [] for i_ring in range(1, num_ring + 2): radius = i_ring * dr angle_step = 2. * np.pi / (i_ring * nth) for i_angle in range(int(i_ring * nth)): angle = i_angle * angle_step x = radius * np.cos(angle) y = radius * np.sin(angle) if ((abs(x - y / tilt_tan) <= half_x) and (abs(y) <= half_y)): x_points.append(x_start + x) y_points.append(y_start + y) cyc = cycler(x_motor, x_points) cyc += cycler(y_motor, y_points) return cyc
def test_eq(): a = cycler(c='rgb') b = cycler(c='rgb') yield _eq_test_helper, a, b, True yield _eq_test_helper, a, b[::-1], False c = cycler(lw=range(3)) yield _eq_test_helper, a+c, c+a, True yield _eq_test_helper, a+c, c+b, True yield _eq_test_helper, a*c, c*a, False yield _eq_test_helper, a, c, False d = cycler(c='ymk') yield _eq_test_helper, b, d, False
def multi_sample_edge(*, edge_list=None, sample_list=None): if sample_list is None: sample_list = list(SAMPLE_MAP) if edge_list is None: edge_list = list(EDGE_MAP) # edge_list = sorted(edge_list, key=lambda k: EDGE_MAP[k]['start']) cy = cycler('edge', edge_list) * cycler('sample_name', sample_list) for inp in cy: if pass_filter(**inp): yield from edge_ascan(**inp) yield from bps.abs_set(valve_diag3_close, 1) yield from bps.abs_set(valve_mir3_close, 1)
def test_failures(): c1 = cycler(c='rgb') c2 = cycler(c=c1) assert_raises(ValueError, add, c1, c2) assert_raises(ValueError, iadd, c1, c2) assert_raises(ValueError, mul, c1, c2) assert_raises(ValueError, imul, c1, c2) assert_raises(TypeError, iadd, c2, 'aardvark') assert_raises(TypeError, imul, c2, 'aardvark') c3 = cycler(ec=c1) assert_raises(ValueError, cycler, c=c2+c3)
def test_marker_cycle(): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler("color", ["r", "g", "y"]) + cycler("marker", [".", "*", "x"])) xs = np.arange(10) ys = 0.25 * xs + 2 ax.plot(xs, ys, label="red dot", lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.45 * xs + 3 ax.plot(xs, ys, label="green star", lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.65 * xs + 4 ax.plot(xs, ys, label="yellow x", lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.85 * xs + 5 ax.plot(xs, ys, label="red2 dot", lw=4, ms=16) ax.legend(loc="upper left")
def test_cn(): matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['blue', 'r']) x11_blue = mcolors.rgb2hex(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgb('C0')) assert x11_blue == '#0000ff' red = mcolors.rgb2hex(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgb('C1')) assert red == '#ff0000' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['XKCDblue', 'r']) XKCD_blue = mcolors.rgb2hex(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgb('C0')) assert XKCD_blue == '#0343df' red = mcolors.rgb2hex(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgb('C1')) assert red == '#ff0000'
def test_marker_cycle(): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', ['r', 'g', 'y']) + cycler('marker', ['.', '*', 'x'])) xs = np.arange(10) ys = 0.25 * xs + 2 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='red dot', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.45 * xs + 3 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='green star', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.65 * xs + 4 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='yellow x', lw=4, ms=16) ys = 0.85 * xs + 5 ax.plot(xs, ys, label='red2 dot', lw=4, ms=16) ax.legend(loc='upper left')
def test_repr(): c = cycler('c', 'rgb') c2 = cycler('lw', range(3)) c_sum_rpr = "(cycler('c', ['r', 'g', 'b']) + cycler('lw', [0, 1, 2]))" c_prod_rpr = "(cycler('c', ['r', 'g', 'b']) * cycler('lw', [0, 1, 2]))" yield _repr_tester_helper, '__repr__', c + c2, c_sum_rpr yield _repr_tester_helper, '__repr__', c * c2, c_prod_rpr sum_html = "<table><th>'c'</th><th>'lw'</th><tr><td>'r'</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>'g'</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>'b'</td><td>2</td></tr></table>" prod_html = "<table><th>'c'</th><th>'lw'</th><tr><td>'r'</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>'r'</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>'r'</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>'g'</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>'g'</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>'g'</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>'b'</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>'b'</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>'b'</td><td>2</td></tr></table>" yield _repr_tester_helper, '_repr_html_', c + c2, sum_html yield _repr_tester_helper, '_repr_html_', c * c2, prod_html
def add_to_rc_defaultParams(): """ Adds parameters to rcParams :return: """ params_to_add = {'axes.midv_line_cycle': [cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', '-.', ':']), rcsetup.validate_cycler], 'axes.midv_marker_cycle': [cycler('marker', ['o', '+', 's', 'x']), rcsetup.validate_cycler], 'legend.midv_ncol': [1, rcsetup.validate_int]} rcsetup.defaultParams.update(params_to_add) mpl.RcParams.validate = dict((key, converter) for key, (default, converter) in six.iteritems(rcsetup.defaultParams)) mpl.rcParamsDefault.update({k: v[0] for k, v in params_to_add.items()}) mpl.rcdefaults()
def test_fillcycle_basic(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('c', ['r', 'g', 'y']) + cycler('hatch', ['xx', 'O', '|-']) + cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', ':'])) xs = np.arange(10) ys = 0.25 * xs**.5 + 2 ax.fill(xs, ys, label='red, xx', linewidth=3) ys = 0.45 * xs**.5 + 3 ax.fill(xs, ys, label='green, circle', linewidth=3) ys = 0.65 * xs**.5 + 4 ax.fill(xs, ys, label='yellow, cross', linewidth=3) ys = 0.85 * xs**.5 + 5 ax.fill(xs, ys, label='red2, xx', linewidth=3) ax.legend(loc='upper left')
# print(population[:,1]) # # x = range(0, 1001) # y = population[:,1] # p = plt.plot(x, y, "o") num_plots = num_species # Have a look at the colormaps here and decide which one you'd like: # from cycler import cycler colors = [ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, num_species)] colormap = plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', colors)) # Plot several different functions... x = np.arange(num_time + 1) labels = [] plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) for i in range(1, num_plots + 1): plt.plot(x, trait_N1[:, i - 1]) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) for i in range(1, num_plots + 1): plt.plot(x, population_N1[:, i - 1]) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) sns.distplot(trait_N1[num_time, :], hist=False, rug=True) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
def set_rcParams_scanpy(fontsize=12, color_map=None, frameon=None): """Set matplotlib.rcParams to Scanpy defaults.""" # dpi options rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 150 # figure rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4, 4) rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.18 rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = 0.96 rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.15 rcParams[''] = 0.91 rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5 # the line width of the frame rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 6 rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 1 # font rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = [ 'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'sans-serif'] fontsize = fontsize labelsize = 0.92 * fontsize rcParams['font.size'] = fontsize rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = labelsize rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = fontsize rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = fontsize # legend rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = 1 rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 0.5 rcParams['legend.handletextpad'] = 0.4 # color cycle rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=vega_20) # lines rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 0.8 rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = 'black' rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white' # ticks rcParams['xtick.color'] = 'k' rcParams['ytick.color'] = 'k' rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = fontsize rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = fontsize # axes grid rcParams['axes.grid'] = True rcParams['grid.color'] = '.8' # color map rcParams['image.cmap'] = rcParams['image.cmap'] if color_map is None else color_map # frame frameon = True if frameon is None else frameon global _frameon _frameon = frameon
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(x_majorFormatter) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(x_minorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(y_majorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_majorFormatter) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(y_minorLocator) ax.tick_params(which='major',direction='in', length=8, width=1 , bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True ,labelbottom=True, labeltop=False, labelleft=True, labelright=False,) ax.tick_params(which='minor',direction='in', length=4, width=0.5, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True ,labelbottom=True, labeltop=False, labelleft=True, labelright=False,) return fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4)) leg_text=[] line_cycler = ( cycler('color', ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']) * cycler('lw', [0.5,]) * cycler('linestyle', ['-',])) marker_cycler = (cycler('marker', ['o', 'd', 's', 'X','x','v','^','<','>','p','+','P'])) data=np.loadtxt('Errors_C1L1.dat') dxm1=1./data[:,0] ax.loglog(dxm1,data[:,3] ,'-o',lw=0.75,label='normals') ax.loglog(dxm1,data[:,5] ,'-s',lw=0.75,label='mean curvature') ax.loglog(dxm1,data[:,11] ,'-d',lw=0.75,label='membrane force') ax.loglog(dxm1,3*data[:,0]**1 ,'k:' ,lw=0.9,label='$\Delta X$') ax.loglog(dxm1,50*data[:,0]**2,'k--',lw=0.9,label='$\Delta X^{2}$') ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta X^{-1}$')
(1. - 0.99 * outdoorFraction['outdoorFraction'].resample('W').mean()) * 10 ], axis=1) # disease import: #[pd.to_datetime("2020-02-24"),'diseaseImport'] = 0.9 # ... # rr3['diseaseImport'].interpolate(inplace=True) pyplot.close('all') pyplot.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 5] default_cycler = ( cycler(color=[ 'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'purple', 'purple', 'orange', 'cyan', 'brown', 'r', 'orange' ]) + cycler(linestyle=['', '', '', '', '', '', '-', '', '', '-', '']) + cycler(marker=['.', '', '', '', '.', '', '', '.', 'o', '', '.'])) pyplot.rc('axes', prop_cycle=default_cycler) axes = rr3.plot(logy=True, grid=True, legend=None) axes.set_ylim(0.9, 4000) axes.set_xlim(pd.to_datetime('2020-02-10'), pd.to_datetime('2020-12-01')) pyplot.errorbar(rr3.index, rr3['nShowingSymptomsCumulative'], yerr=3 * np.sqrt(rr3['nShowingSymptomsCumulative'])) # pyplot.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2020-03-10'), color='gray', linestyle=':', lw=1) # pyplot.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2020-03-17'), color='gray', linestyle=':', lw=1) # pyplot.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2020-03-22'), color='gray', linestyle=':', lw=1) # pyplot.axhline(32,color='gray',linestyle='dotted')
from cycler import cycler import numpy as np import sliceplots from matplotlib import pyplot from collections import defaultdict line_colors = ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6"] line_styles = ["-", "--", ":", "-.", (0, (1, 10)), (0, (5, 10))] cyl = cycler(color=line_colors) + cycler(linestyle=line_styles) loop_cy_iter = cyl() STYLE = defaultdict(lambda: next(loop_cy_iter)) class Peak: def __init__(self, startidx): self.born = self.left = self.right = startidx self.died = None def get_persistence(self, seq): return float("inf") if self.died is None else seq[self.born] - seq[self.died] def get_persistent_homology(seq): peaks = [] # Maps indices to peaks idxtopeak = [None for s in seq] # Sequence indices sorted by values indices = range(len(seq))
def plot_iso(isotherms, ax=None, x_data='pressure', y1_data='loading', y2_data=None, branch="all", logx=False, logy1=False, logy2=False, color=True, marker=None, adsorbent_basis="mass", adsorbent_unit="g", loading_basis="molar", loading_unit="mmol", pressure_mode="absolute", pressure_unit="bar", x_range=(None, None), y1_range=(None, None), y2_range=(None, None), fig_title=None, lgd_keys=None, lgd_pos='best', save_path=None, **other_parameters): """ Plot the isotherm(s) provided on a single graph. Parameters ---------- isotherms : PointIsotherms or list of Pointisotherms An isotherm or iterable of isotherms to be plotted. ax : matplotlib axes object, default None The axes object where to plot the graph if a new figure is not desired. x_data : str Key of data to plot on the x axis. Defaults to 'pressure'. y1_data : tuple Key of data to plot on the left y axis. Defaults to 'loading'. y2_data : tuple Key of data to plot on the right y axis. Defaults to None. branch : str Which branch to display, adsorption ('ads'), desorption ('des'), both ('all') or both with a single legend entry ('all-nol'). logx : bool Whether the graph x axis should be logarithmic. logy1 : bool Whether the graph y1 axis should be logarithmic. logy2 : bool Whether the graph y2 axis should be logarithmic. color : bool, int, list, optional If a boolean, the option controls if the graph is coloured or grayscale. Grayscale graphs are usually preferred for publications or print media. If an int, it will be the number of colours the colourspace is divided into. If a list of matplotlib colour names or values, it will be passed directly to the plot function. marker : bool, int, list, optional Whether the graph should contain different markers. Implied ``True`` if color=False. Set both to "True" to get both effects at the same time. If an int, it will be the number of markers used. If a list of matplotlib markers, it will be passed directly to the plot function. adsorbent_basis : str, optional Whether the adsorption is read in terms of either 'per volume' or 'per mass'. adsorbent_unit : str, optional Unit of loading. loading_basis : str, optional Loading basis. loading_unit : str, optional Unit of loading. pressure_mode : str, optional The pressure mode, either absolute pressures or relative in the form of p/p0. pressure_unit : str, optional Unit of pressure. x_range : tuple Range for data on the x axis. eg: (0, 1). Is applied to each isotherm, in the unit/mode/basis requested. y1_range : tuple Range for data on the regular y axis. eg: (0, 1). Is applied to each isotherm, in the unit/mode/basis requested. y2_range : tuple Range for data on the secondary y axis. eg: (0, 1). Is applied to each isotherm, in the unit/mode/basis requested. fig_title : str Title of the graph. Defaults to none. lgd_keys : iterable The components of the isotherm which are displayed on the legend. For example pass ['material', 'material_batch'] to have the legend labels display only these two components. Works with any isotherm properties and with 'branch' and 'key', the isotherm branch and the y-axis key respectively. Defaults to 'material' and 'adsorbate'. lgd_pos : [None, 'best', 'bottom', 'right', 'inner'] Specify to have the legend position to the bottom, the right of the graph or inside the plot area itself. Defaults to 'best'. save_path : str, optional Whether to save the graph or not. If a path is provided, then that is where the graph will be saved. Other Parameters ---------------- fig_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib figure() function. title_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib set_title() function. label_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib set_label() function. y1_line_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib plot() function. Applicable for left axis. y2_line_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib plot() function. Applicable for right axis. tick_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib tick_params() function. legend_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib legend() function. save_style : dict A dictionary that will be passed into the matplotlib savefig() function if the saving of the figure is selected. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes or numpy.ndarray of them """ ####################################### # # Initial checks # Make iterable if not already if not isinstance(isotherms, abc.Iterable): isotherms = [isotherms] # Check for plot type validity if None in [x_data, y1_data]: raise ParameterError("Specify a plot type to graph" " e.g. x_data=\'loading\', y1_data=\'pressure\'") # Check if required keys are present in isotherms def keys(iso): ks = ['loading', 'pressure'] ks.extend(getattr(iso, 'other_keys', [])) return ks if any(x_data not in keys(isotherm) for isotherm in isotherms): raise GraphingError( "None of the isotherms supplied have {} data".format(x_data)) if any(y1_data not in keys(isotherm) for isotherm in isotherms): raise GraphingError( "None of the isotherms supplied have {} data".format(y1_data)) if y2_data is not None: if all(y2_data not in keys(isotherm) for isotherm in isotherms): raise GraphingError( "None of the isotherms supplied have {} data".format(y2_data)) elif any(y2_data not in keys(isotherm) for isotherm in isotherms): warnings.warn('Some isotherms do not have {} data'.format(y2_data)) # Store which branches will be displayed if branch is None: raise ParameterError("Specify a branch to display" " e.g. branch=\'ads\'") if branch not in _BRANCH_TYPES: raise GraphingError("The supplied branch type is not valid." "Viable types are {}".format(_BRANCH_TYPES)) ads = False des = False if branch == 'ads': ads = True elif branch == 'des': des = True else: ads = True des = True log_params = dict(logx=logx, logy1=logy1, logy2=logy2) range_params = dict(x_range=x_range, y1_range=y1_range, y2_range=y2_range) iso_params = dict( pressure_mode=pressure_mode, pressure_unit=pressure_unit, loading_basis=loading_basis, loading_unit=loading_unit, adsorbent_basis=adsorbent_basis, adsorbent_unit=adsorbent_unit, ) ####################################### # # Settings and graph generation # Create style dictionaries and get user defined ones styles = copy.deepcopy(ISO_STYLES) # Overwrite with any user provided styles for style in styles: new_style = other_parameters.get(style) if new_style: styles[style].update(new_style) # # Generate the graph itself if ax: ax1 = ax fig = ax1.get_figure() else: fig = plt.figure(**styles['fig_style']) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) # Create empty axes object ax2 = None # Populate it if required if y2_data: ax2 = ax1.twinx() # Build the name of the axes def get_name(key): if key == 'pressure': if pressure_mode == "absolute": text = 'Pressure ($' + pressure_unit + '$)' elif pressure_mode == "relative": text = "$p/p^0$" elif key == 'loading': text = 'Loading ($' + loading_unit + '/' + adsorbent_unit + '$)' elif key == 'enthalpy': text = r'$\Delta_{ads}h$ $(-kJ\/mol^{-1})$' else: text = key return text x_label = get_name(x_data) y1_label = get_name(y1_data) if y2_data: y2_label = get_name(y2_data) # Get a cycling style for the graph if color: if isinstance(color, bool): colors = [cm.jet(x) for x in numpy.linspace(0, 1, 7)] elif isinstance(color, int): colors = [cm.jet(x) for x in numpy.linspace(0, 1, color)] elif isinstance(color, list): colors = color else: raise ParameterError("Unknown ``color`` parameter type.") color_cy = cycler('color', colors) else: color_cy = cycler('color', ['black', 'grey', 'silver']) all_markers = ['o', 's', 'D', 'P', '*', '<', '>', 'X', 'v', '^'] if marker is None: marker = True cycle_compose = True if isinstance(marker, bool): if marker: cycle_compose = False markers = all_markers else: markers = [] elif isinstance(marker, int): marker = len(all_markers) if marker > len(all_markers) else marker markers = all_markers[:marker] elif isinstance(marker, list): markers = marker else: raise ParameterError("Unknown ``marker`` parameter type.") y1_marker_cy = cycler('marker', markers) y2_marker_cy = cycler('marker', markers[::-1]) def extend_cycle(cy_1, cy_2): l_1 = len(cy_1) l_2 = len(cy_2) if l_1 == 0: return cycle(cy_2) if l_2 == 0: return cycle(cy_1) if l_1 > l_2: return cycle(cy_1 + (cy_2 * math.ceil(l_1 / l_2))[:l_1]) return cycle(cy_2 + (cy_1 * math.ceil(l_2 / l_1))[:l_2]) if cycle_compose: pc_primary = extend_cycle(y1_marker_cy, color_cy) pc_secondary = extend_cycle(y2_marker_cy, color_cy) else: pc_primary = cycle(y1_marker_cy * color_cy) pc_secondary = cycle(y2_marker_cy * color_cy) # Put grid on plot ax1.grid(True, zorder=5) # Graph title if fig_title is None: fig_title = '' ax1.set_title(fig_title, **styles['title_style']) # Graph legend builder def build_label(isotherm, lbl_components, current_branch, key): """Build a label for the legend depending on requested parameters.""" if branch == 'all-nol' and current_branch == 'des': return '' else: if lbl_components is None: return isotherm.material + ' ' + convert_chemformula(isotherm) text = [] for selected in lbl_components: if selected == 'branch': text.append(current_branch) continue elif selected == 'key': text.append(key) continue val = getattr(isotherm, selected) if val: if selected == 'adsorbate': text.append(convert_chemformula(isotherm)) else: text.append(str(val)) return " ".join(text) ########################################### # # Generic axes graphing function # def graph_caller(isotherm, current_branch, y1_style, y2_style, **iso_params): """Convenience function to call other graphing functions.""" # Labels and ticks ax1.set_xlabel(x_label, **styles['label_style']) ax1.set_ylabel(y1_label, **styles['label_style']) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', **styles['tick_style']) # Plot line 1 label = build_label(isotherm, lgd_keys, current_branch, y1_data) x_p, y_p = _get_data(isotherm, x_data, current_branch, x_range, **iso_params).align(_get_data( isotherm, y1_data, current_branch, y1_range, **iso_params), join='inner') ax1.plot(x_p, y_p, label=label, **y1_style) # Plot line 2 (if applicable) if y2_data and y2_data in keys(isotherm): x_p, y2_p = _get_data(isotherm, x_data, current_branch, x_range, **iso_params).align(_get_data( isotherm, y2_data, current_branch, y2_range, **iso_params), join='inner') label = build_label(isotherm, lgd_keys, current_branch, y2_data) ax2.set_ylabel(y2_label, **styles['label_style']) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', **styles['tick_style']) ax2.plot(x_p, y2_p, label=label, **y2_style) ##################################### # # Actual plotting # # Plot the data for isotherm in isotherms: # Line styles for the current isotherm y1_line_style = next(pc_primary) y2_line_style = next(pc_secondary) y1_line_style.update(styles['y1_line_style']) y2_line_style.update(styles['y2_line_style']) # If there's an adsorption branch, plot it if ads: current_branch = 'ads' if isotherm.has_branch(branch=current_branch): # Call the plotting function graph_caller(isotherm, current_branch, y1_line_style, y2_line_style, **iso_params) # Switch to desorption linestyle (dotted, open marker) y1_line_style['markerfacecolor'] = 'none' y1_line_style['linestyle'] = '--' y2_line_style['markerfacecolor'] = 'none' # If there's a desorption branch, plot it if des: current_branch = 'des' if isotherm.has_branch(branch=current_branch): # Call the plotting function graph_caller(isotherm, current_branch, y1_line_style, y2_line_style, **iso_params) ##################################### # # Final settings _final_styling(fig, ax1, ax2, log_params, range_params, lgd_pos, styles, save_path) if ax2: return [ax1, ax2] return ax1
# Other 'savefig.dpi': 72, } color_cycle = ['#348ABD', # blue '#7A68A6', # purple '#A60628', # red '#467821', # green '#CF4457', # pink '#188487', # turquoise '#E24A33'] # orange if MATPLOTLIB_GE_1_5: # This is a dependency of matplotlib, so should be present. from cycler import cycler astropy_mpl_style_1['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', color_cycle) else: astropy_mpl_style_1['axes.color_cycle'] = color_cycle ''' Version 1 astropy plotting style for matplotlib. This style improves some settings over the matplotlib default. ''' astropy_mpl_style = astropy_mpl_style_1 ''' Most recent version of the astropy plotting style for matplotlib.
def _set_colors_for_categorical_obs(adata, value_to_plot, palette): """ Sets the adata.uns[value_to_plot + '_colors'] according to the given palette Parameters ---------- adata : annData object value_to_plot : name of a valid categorical observation palette : Palette should be either a valid `matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps()` string, a list of colors (in a format that can be understood by matplotlib, eg. RGB, RGBS, hex, or a cycler object with key='color' Returns ------- None """ from matplotlib.colors import to_hex from cycler import Cycler, cycler categories = adata.obs[value_to_plot].cat.categories # check is palette is a valid matplotlib colormap if isinstance(palette, str) and palette in pl.colormaps(): # this creates a palette from a colormap. E.g. 'Accent, Dark2, tab20' cmap = pl.get_cmap(palette) colors_list = [ to_hex(x) for x in cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(categories))) ] else: # check if palette is a list and convert it to a cycler, thus # it doesnt matter if the list is shorter than the categories length: if isinstance(palette, abc.Sequence): if len(palette) < len(categories): logg.warn( "Length of palette colors is smaller than the number of " "categories (palette length: {}, categories length: {}. " "Some categories will have the same color.".format( len(palette), len(categories))) # check that colors are valid _color_list = [] for color in palette: if not is_color_like(color): # check if the color is a valid R color and translate it # to a valid hex color value if color in utils.additional_colors: color = utils.additional_colors[color] else: raise ValueError( "The following color value of the given palette is not valid: {}" .format(color)) _color_list.append(color) palette = cycler(color=_color_list) if not isinstance(palette, Cycler): raise ValueError( "Please check that the value of 'palette' is a " "valid matplotlib colormap string (eg. Set2), a " "list of color names or a cycler with a 'color' key.") if 'color' not in palette.keys: raise ValueError("Please set the palette key 'color'.") cc = palette() colors_list = [ to_hex(next(cc)['color']) for x in range(len(categories)) ] adata.uns[value_to_plot + '_colors'] = colors_list
with open(op.join(styledir, 'figure-params.yaml'), 'r') as fp: fig_params = yaml.load(fp) signifcol = fig_params['signif_color'] cue = fig_params['cue_color'] msk = fig_params['msk_color'] hatchlwd = fig_params['hatch_linewidth'] prp = fig_params['prp'] # purple pch = fig_params['pch'] # peach cyn = fig_params['cyn'] # cyan blu = fig_params['blu'] # blue # plot style. cannot change cycler via after axes created, # so we define colors as cycler objects to assign directly to axes. style_files = ('font-libertine.yaml', 'garnish.yaml')[op.join(styledir, sf) for sf in style_files]) darks = cycler(color=[blu, prp]) lights = cycler(color=[cyn, pch]) # make DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame() df['attn'] = np.array(params['attns'])[cond_mat[:, 0]] df['spat'] = np.array(params['spatials'])[cond_mat[:, 1]] df['iden'] = np.array(params['idents'])[cond_mat[:, 2]] df['lr'] = df['spat'].map(spatial_mapping) df['mf'] = df['iden'].map(talker_mapping) # align subject data with listening-difficulty data lisdiff = {s: l for s, l in zip(subjects, listening_difficulty)} lisdiff_bool = np.array([lisdiff[s] for s in subj_ord], dtype=bool) # make boolean group subset vectors groups = {'ldiff': lisdiff_bool, 'control': np.logical_not(lisdiff_bool)}
def test_plotratio(): # histogram creation and manipulation from coffea import hist # matplotlib import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt lepton_kinematics = fill_lepton_kinematics() # Add some pseudodata to a pt histogram so we can make a nice data/mc plot pthist = lepton_kinematics.sum('eta') bin_values = pthist.axis('pt').centers() poisson_means = pthist.sum('flavor').values()[()] values = np.repeat(bin_values, np.random.poisson(poisson_means)) pthist.fill(flavor='pseudodata', pt=values) # Set nicer labels, by accessing the string bins' label property pthist.axis('flavor').index('electron').label = 'e Flavor' pthist.axis('flavor').index('muon').label = r'$\mu$ Flavor' pthist.axis('flavor').index('pseudodata').label = r'Pseudodata from e/$\mu$' # using regular expressions on flavor name to select just the data # another method would be to fill a separate data histogram import re notdata = re.compile('(?!pseudodata)') # make a nice ratio plot plt.rcParams.update({ 'font.size': 14, 'axes.titlesize': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 18, 'xtick.labelsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12 }) fig, (ax, rax) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7,7), gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": (3, 1)}, sharex=True) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.07) # Here is an example of setting up a color cycler to color the various fill patches # from cycler import cycler colors = ['#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c'] ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler(color=colors)) fill_opts = { 'edgecolor': (0,0,0,0.3), 'alpha': 0.8 } error_opts = { 'label':'Stat. Unc.', 'hatch':'///', 'facecolor':'none', 'edgecolor':(0,0,0,.5), 'linewidth': 0 } data_err_opts = { 'linestyle':'none', 'marker': '.', 'markersize': 10., 'color':'k', 'elinewidth': 1, 'emarker': '_' } hist.plot1d(pthist[notdata], overlay="flavor", ax=ax, clear=False, stack=True, line_opts=None, fill_opts=fill_opts, error_opts=error_opts ) hist.plot1d(pthist['pseudodata'], overlay="flavor", ax=ax, clear=False, error_opts=data_err_opts ) ax.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True) ax.set_ylim(0, None) ax.set_xlabel(None) leg = ax.legend() hist.plotratio(pthist['pseudodata'].sum("flavor"), pthist[notdata].sum("flavor"), ax=rax, error_opts=data_err_opts, denom_fill_opts={}, guide_opts={}, unc='num' ) rax.set_ylabel('Ratio') rax.set_ylim(0,2) coffee = plt.text(0., 1., u"☕", fontsize=28, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes ) lumi = plt.text(1., 1., r"1 fb$^{-1}$ (?? TeV)", fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes )
density.set_bandwidth(0.1) ys = density(logxs) areas[h].set_xy(list(zip(ys, xs)) + [(0, xs[-1]), (0, xs[0])]) dist_shdp[h].set_data(ys, xs) # sns.heatmap(shdp.state[:, 0:1].T, ax=ax2, cbar=False) all_states, state_counts = np.unique(shdp.state, return_counts=True) # print("all states: ", all_states) # print("state counts: ", state_counts) # print("PI: ", shdp.PI) trans_shdp.set_data(shdp.PI.copy()) text.set_text("MCMC iteration {0}".format(t)) return line_shdp + dist_shdp + [trans_shdp, text] + areas cycle = cycler('color', colors) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8), facecolor='w') ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((15, 20), (0, 0), colspan=13, rowspan=5) plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(cycle) ax1.set_title("Simulated data") # ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.plot(data) ax1.set_ylabel("$f(t)$") ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_ylim([vmin, vmax]) # ax1.set_xlim([0, 288]) ax1.grid()
""" A module to customize Matplotlib parameters """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from cycler import cycler plt.figure(figsize=[10, 7]) #['seaborn-deep']) custom_cycler = (cycler(color=[ '#003262', '#C4820F', '#55A868', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#CCB974', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf', '#1f77b4' ])) plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=custom_cycler) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=3, dashed_pattern=[4, 3], dashdot_pattern=[4, 2, 1, 2], dotted_pattern=[1, 2]) plt.rc('font', family='sans-serif', size=15) plt.rc('mathtext', fontset='cm') plt.rc( 'axes', linewidth=2, titlesize=25, labelsize=25,
def colorfunction(nfiles, function, printed, *options): solid = (0, ()) loosely_dotted = (0, (1, 10)) dotted = (0, (1, 5)) densely_dotted = (0, (1, 1)) loosely_dashed = (0, (5, 10)) dashed = (0, (5, 5)) densely_dashed = (0, (5, 1)) loosely_dashdotted = (0, (3, 10, 1, 10)) dashdotted = (0, (3, 5, 1, 5)) densely_dashdotted = (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)) loosely_dashdotdotted = (0, (3, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10)) dashdotdotted = (0, (3, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5)) densely_dashdotdotted = (0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) color = [] style = [] estyle = [] for argument in options: if argument == 'blue': option = 'blue' if argument == 'bluegreen': option = 'bluegreen' if argument == 'green': option = 'green' if argument == 'gold': option = 'gold' if argument == 'brown': option = 'brown' if argument == 'rose': option = 'rose' if argument == 'purple': option = 'purple' if printed == 'c': estyle = [solid] * nfiles if function == 'fccolorblind': color = fccolorblind(nfiles) elif function == 'rbscale': color = rbscale(nfiles) elif function == 'rainbow': color = rainbow(nfiles) elif function == 'huescale': color = huescale(nfiles, *options) if (printed == 'b&w'): color = ['black'] * nfiles if (printed == 'blue'): color = ['#4477AA'] * nfiles if (printed == 'red'): color = ['#CC6677'] * nfiles if (printed == 'yellow'): color = ['#DDCC77'] * nfiles if (printed == 'green'): color = ['#117733'] * nfiles if (printed == 'b&w' or printed == 'blue' or printed == 'red' or printed == 'yellow' or printed == 'green'): style = [ solid, dashed, dotted, dashdotted, dashdotdotted, densely_dashed, densely_dotted, densely_dashdotted, densely_dashdotdotted, loosely_dashed, loosely_dotted, loosely_dashdotted, loosely_dashdotdotted ] if (nfiles > 13): print('CAREFUL : MAXIMUM 13 DIFFERENT LINESTYLES') style = style * int(np.ceil(nfiles / 13)) estyle = style[0:nfiles] default_cycler = (cycler(color=color) + cycler(linestyle=estyle)) plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=default_cycler) return (color, estyle)
# Initialize the figure fig, axs = plt.subplots(9, 9)'seaborn-darkgrid') # create an aid dict AID_list = [ 'AID_1345083', 'AID_624255', 'AID_449739', 'AID_995', 'AID_938', 'AID_628', 'AID_596', 'AID_893', 'AID_894' ] # create a color palette from cycler import cycler from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap cmap = ListedColormap(sns.color_palette()) colors = cmap.colors custom_cycler = (cycler(color=colors[:5]) + cycler(lw=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1])) #set color pallettes for all of these for ax in axs.flatten().tolist(): ax.set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) # multiple line plot num = 0 for _, row in df.iterrows(): ax_row = AID_list.index(row['AID']) ax_col = int(row['Iteration Number']) #get prec rec from df row rec = row['rec_array'].tolist() prec = row['prec_array'].tolist() recs, precs = zip(*sorted(zip(rec, prec))) #sort the recall so that we can view it on y axis axs[ax_row, ax_col].plot(precs, recs, label=row['Classifier']) # Find the right spot on the plot
def set_lines_marker_style(style='both', omit_markers=False): """ Set the rcParams to either 'both', 'bw' or 'color'. The function will change matplotlib's rcParams key "axes.prop_cycle" accordingly. """ if style.lower() in ['color', 'c', 'col']: if omit_markers: cl = cycler(color=cols) else: cl = cycler(color=cols, marker=markers) elif style.lower() in ['bw', 'blackwhite', 'blacknwhite', 'black']: if omit_markers: cl = (cycler('color', ['k']) * cycler(dashes=dashs)) else: cl = (cycler('color', ['k']) * cycler(dashes=dashs) + cycler(marker=markers)) elif style.lower() in ['both', 'egal', 'dunno']: if omit_markers: cl = (cycler(color=cols) + cycler(dashes=dashs)) else: cl = (cycler(color=cols) + cycler(dashes=dashs) + cycler(marker=markers)) else: print('Unknown style {}. Properties not set.'.format(style)) mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cl
# run ParameterSweep directly upon initialization AUTORUN_SWEEP = True # enable/disable the CENTRAL_DISPATCH system DISPATCH_ENABLED = True # For parallel processing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # store processing pool once generated POOL = None # number of cores to be used by default in methods that enable parallel processing NUM_CPUS = 1 # Select multiprocessing library # Options: 'multiprocessing' # 'pathos' MULTIPROC = 'multiprocessing' # Matplotlib options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set custom matplotlib color cycle mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=[ "#016E82", "#333795", "#2E5EAC", "#4498D3", "#CD85B9", "#45C3D1", "#AA1D3F", "#F47752", "#19B35A", "#EDE83B", "#ABD379", "#F9E6BE" ]) # set matplotlib defaults mpl.rcParams[''] = "sans-serif" mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial" mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150 mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 11
def generate_validator_testcases(valid): validation_tests = ( { 'validator': validate_bool, 'success': (*((_, True) for _ in ('t', 'y', 'yes', 'on', 'true', '1', 1, True)), *((_, False) for _ in ('f', 'n', 'no', 'off', 'false', '0', 0, False))), 'fail': ((_, ValueError) for _ in ( 'aardvark', 2, -1, [], )) }, { 'validator': validate_stringlist, 'success': ( ('', []), ('a,b', ['a', 'b']), ('aardvark', ['aardvark']), ('aardvark, ', ['aardvark']), ('aardvark, ,', ['aardvark']), (['a', 'b'], ['a', 'b']), (('a', 'b'), ['a', 'b']), (iter(['a', 'b']), ['a', 'b']), (np.array(['a', 'b']), ['a', 'b']), ((1, 2), ['1', '2']), (np.array([1, 2]), ['1', '2']), ), 'fail': ( (set(), ValueError), (1, ValueError), ) }, { 'validator': _listify_validator(validate_int, n=2), 'success': ((_, [1, 2]) for _ in ('1, 2', [1.5, 2.5], [1, 2], (1, 2), np.array((1, 2)))), 'fail': ((_, ValueError) for _ in ('aardvark', ('a', 1), (1, 2, 3))) }, { 'validator': _listify_validator(validate_float, n=2), 'success': ((_, [1.5, 2.5]) for _ in ('1.5, 2.5', [1.5, 2.5], [1.5, 2.5], (1.5, 2.5), np.array((1.5, 2.5)))), 'fail': ((_, ValueError) for _ in ('aardvark', ('a', 1), (1, 2, 3))) }, { 'validator': validate_cycler, 'success': ( ('cycler("color", "rgb")', cycler("color", 'rgb')), (cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--']), cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--'])), ("""(cycler("color", ["r", "g", "b"]) + cycler("mew", [2, 3, 5]))""", (cycler("color", 'rgb') + cycler("markeredgewidth", [2, 3, 5]))), ("cycler(c='rgb', lw=[1, 2, 3])", cycler('color', 'rgb') + cycler('linewidth', [1, 2, 3])), ("cycler('c', 'rgb') * cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--'])", (cycler('color', 'rgb') * cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--']))), (cycler('ls', ['-', '--']), cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--'])), (cycler(mew=[2, 5]), cycler('markeredgewidth', [2, 5])), ), # This is *so* incredibly important: validate_cycler() eval's # an arbitrary string! I think I have it locked down enough, # and that is what this is testing. # TODO: Note that these tests are actually insufficient, as it may # be that they raised errors, but still did an action prior to # raising the exception. We should devise some additional tests # for that... 'fail': ( (4, ValueError), # Gotta be a string or Cycler object ('cycler("bleh, [])', ValueError), # syntax error ('Cycler("linewidth", [1, 2, 3])', ValueError), # only 'cycler()' function is allowed ('1 + 2', ValueError), # doesn't produce a Cycler object ('os.system("echo Gotcha")', ValueError), # os not available ('import os', ValueError), # should not be able to import ('def badjuju(a): return a; badjuju(cycler("color", "rgb"))', ValueError), # Should not be able to define anything # even if it does return a cycler ('cycler("waka", [1, 2, 3])', ValueError), # not a property ('cycler(c=[1, 2, 3])', ValueError), # invalid values ("cycler(lw=['a', 'b', 'c'])", ValueError), # invalid values (cycler('waka', [1, 3, 5]), ValueError), # not a property (cycler('color', ['C1', 'r', 'g']), ValueError) # no CN ) }, { 'validator': validate_hatch, 'success': (('--|', '--|'), ('\\oO', '\\oO'), ('/+*/.x', '/+*/.x'), ('', '')), 'fail': (('--_', ValueError), (8, ValueError), ('X', ValueError)), }, { 'validator': validate_colorlist, 'success': ( ('r,g,b', ['r', 'g', 'b']), (['r', 'g', 'b'], ['r', 'g', 'b']), ('r, ,', ['r']), (['', 'g', 'blue'], ['g', 'blue']), ([np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0])], np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])), (np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]), np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])), ), 'fail': (('fish', ValueError), ), }, { 'validator': validate_color, 'success': ( ('None', 'none'), ('none', 'none'), ('AABBCC', '#AABBCC'), # RGB hex code ('AABBCC00', '#AABBCC00'), # RGBA hex code ('tab:blue', 'tab:blue'), # named color ('C12', 'C12'), # color from cycle ('(0, 1, 0)', (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), # RGB tuple ((0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)), # non-string version ('(0, 1, 0, 1)', (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)), # RGBA tuple ((0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1)), # non-string version ), 'fail': ( ('tab:veryblue', ValueError), # invalid name ('(0, 1)', ValueError), # tuple with length < 3 ('(0, 1, 0, 1, 0)', ValueError), # tuple with length > 4 ('(0, 1, none)', ValueError), # cannot cast none to float ('(0, 1, "0.5")', ValueError), # last one not a float ), }, { 'validator': validate_hist_bins, 'success': (('auto', 'auto'), ('fd', 'fd'), ('10', 10), ('1, 2, 3', [1, 2, 3]), ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), (np.arange(15), np.arange(15))), 'fail': (('aardvark', ValueError), ) }, { 'validator': validate_markevery, 'success': ((None, None), (1, 1), (0.1, 0.1), ((1, 1), (1, 1)), ((0.1, 0.1), (0.1, 0.1)), ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), (slice(2), slice(None, 2, None)), (slice(1, 2, 3), slice(1, 2, 3))), 'fail': (((1, 2, 3), TypeError), ([1, 2, 0.3], TypeError), (['a', 2, 3], TypeError), ([1, 2, 'a'], TypeError), ((0.1, 0.2, 0.3), TypeError), ((0.1, 2, 3), TypeError), ((1, 0.2, 0.3), TypeError), ((1, 0.1), TypeError), ((0.1, 1), TypeError), (('abc'), TypeError), ((1, 'a'), TypeError), ((0.1, 'b'), TypeError), (('a', 1), TypeError), (('a', 0.1), TypeError), ('abc', TypeError), ('a', TypeError), (object(), TypeError)) }, { 'validator': _validate_linestyle, 'success': ( ('-', '-'), ('solid', 'solid'), ('--', '--'), ('dashed', 'dashed'), ('-.', '-.'), ('dashdot', 'dashdot'), (':', ':'), ('dotted', 'dotted'), ('', ''), (' ', ' '), ('None', 'none'), ('none', 'none'), ('DoTtEd', 'dotted'), # case-insensitive ('1, 3', (0, (1, 3))), ([1.23, 456], (0, [1.23, 456.0])), ([1, 2, 3, 4], (0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])), ((0, [1, 2]), (0, [1, 2])), ((-1, [1, 2]), (-1, [1, 2])), ), 'fail': ( ('aardvark', ValueError), # not a valid string (b'dotted', ValueError), ('dotted'.encode('utf-16'), ValueError), ([1, 2, 3], ValueError), # sequence with odd length (1.23, ValueError), # not a sequence (("a", [1, 2]), ValueError), # wrong explicit offset ((1, [1, 2, 3]), ValueError), # odd length sequence (([1, 2], 1), ValueError), # inverted offset/onoff ) }, ) for validator_dict in validation_tests: validator = validator_dict['validator'] if valid: for arg, target in validator_dict['success']: yield validator, arg, target else: for arg, error_type in validator_dict['fail']: yield validator, arg, error_type
def default_palette(palette=None): if palette is None: return rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] elif not isinstance(palette, Cycler): return cycler(color=palette) else: return palette
print(sty) sty.update(plot_kwargs) print(sty) ret = plot_func(ax, edges, top, bottoms=bottoms, label=label, **sty) bottoms = top arts[label] = ret ax.legend(fontsize=10) return arts # set up histogram function to fixed bins edges = np.linspace(-3, 3, 20, endpoint=True) hist_func = partial(np.histogram, bins=edges) # set up style cycles color_cycle = cycler(facecolor=plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'][:4]) label_cycle = cycler(label=['set {n}'.format(n=n) for n in range(4)]) hatch_cycle = cycler(hatch=['/', '*', '+', '|']) # Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19680801) stack_data = np.random.randn(4, 12250) dict_data = OrderedDict(zip((c['label'] for c in label_cycle), stack_data)) ############################################################################### # Work with plain arrays fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 4.5), tight_layout=True) arts = stack_hist(ax1, stack_data,
def paper_plot(fontsize=9, font='paper'): """ Initialize the settings of the plot, including font, fontsize, etc.. Also refer to the changes in fontsize: fontsize for legends and labels. font: font for legends and labels, 'paper' uses Times New Roman, 'default' uses default, a tuple of (family, font, ...) customizes font. """ # Set locale for unicode signs (e.g., minus sign). try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C.UTF-8') except locale.Error: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') except locale.Error: pass # Clear font cache (in case of switching host machines). # On Mac OS, cache directory and config directory is the same, avoid remove # the rc file. for e in os.listdir(matplotlib.get_cachedir()): if str(e) != 'matplotlibrc': fe = os.path.join(matplotlib.get_cachedir(), e) try: os.remove(fe) except OSError: shutil.rmtree(fe, ignore_errors=True) if font == 'paper': matplotlib.rcParams[''] = 'serif' matplotlib.rcParams['font.serif'] = ['Times New Roman'] matplotlib.rcParams[ 'mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix' # to blend well with Times matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = 'serif' elif font == 'default': pass else: if not isinstance(font, (tuple, list)) or len(font) < 2: raise ValueError('[format] font must be a tuple of (family, font)') matplotlib.rcParams[''] = font[0] matplotlib.rcParams['font.{}'.format(font[0])] = list(font[1:]) matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = font[0] matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = fontsize # Use TrueType fonts. matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42 matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 matplotlib.rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'upper right' matplotlib.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = fontsize matplotlib.rcParams['legend.fancybox'] = False matplotlib.rcParams['legend.shadow'] = False matplotlib.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 2 matplotlib.rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = 3 matplotlib.rcParams['legend.borderpad'] = 0.4 try: matplotlib.rcParams['legend.facecolor'] = 'inherit' matplotlib.rcParams['legend.edgecolor'] = 'inherit' except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (2, 0) # Changed from 2.0 try: matplotlib.rcParams['legend.framealpha'] = 1.0 except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (1, 5) # Changed from 1.5 matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1.0 matplotlib.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'w' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = 'k' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = fontsize matplotlib.rcParams['axes.axisbelow'] = True try: matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', COLOR_SET) except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (1, 5) # Changed from 1.5 matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = COLOR_SET matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = fontsize matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = fontsize matplotlib.rcParams['grid.linestyle'] = ':' matplotlib.rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 0.5 matplotlib.rcParams['grid.alpha'] = 1.0 matplotlib.rcParams['grid.color'] = 'k' matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.0 try: matplotlib.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'C0' except ValueError: assert __mpl_version__ < (2, 0) # Changed from 2.0 matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 0.5 matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 4 try: matplotlib.rcParams['lines.dashed_pattern'] = [4, 4] matplotlib.rcParams['lines.dashdot_pattern'] = [4, 2, 1, 2] matplotlib.rcParams['lines.dotted_pattern'] = [1, 3] except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (2, 0) # Changed from 2.0 matplotlib.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 0.5 try: matplotlib.rcParams['patch.facecolor'] = 'C0' matplotlib.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] = True except ValueError: assert __mpl_version__ < (2, 0) # Changed from 2.0 matplotlib.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'k' try: matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 0.5 matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.color'] = 'k' except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (2, 0) # Changed from 2.0 try: matplotlib.rcParams['errorbar.capsize'] = 3 except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (1, 5) # Changed from 1.5 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 0.8 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 0.6 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 0.8 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 0.6 try: matplotlib.rcParams[''] = False matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.right'] = False except KeyError: assert __mpl_version__ < (2, 0) # Changed from 2.0
# prof2[i] = csRecon[profileX1, yVal] # prof3[i] = mlemRecon[profileX1, yVal] # prof4[i] = sirtRecon[profileX1, yVal] prof1[i] = image[yVal, profileX1] prof2[i] = csRecon[yVal, profileX1] prof3[i] = mlemRecon[yVal, profileX1] prof4[i] = sirtRecon[yVal, profileX1] prof5[i] = radialRecon[yVal, profileX1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=4) plt.rc( 'axes', prop_cycle=( cycler('color', ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'm']) + # cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', ':', '-.', '-']))) # cycler('linestyle', ['solid', 'densely dashed', 'densely dashdotted', 'densely dashdotdotted', 'dotted']))) cycler('linestyle', [(0, ()), (0, (3, 1)), (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)), (0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), (0, (1, 2))]))) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=fontsize) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=fontsize) xVals1 = profileY1 #xVals3 = np.arange(0, len(sirtSSIMS))*plotIncrement keysProf = [] profImg, = plt.plot(xVals1, prof1, label='Original', linewidth=3) profCS, = plt.plot(xVals1, prof2, label='CS', linewidth=3) profMLEM, = plt.plot(xVals1, prof3, label='Finite MLEM', linewidth=3)
class SaveLogic(GenericLogic): """ A general class which saves all kinds of data in a general sense. """ _modclass = 'savelogic' _modtype = 'logic' _win_data_dir = ConfigOption('win_data_directory', 'C:/Data/') _unix_data_dir = ConfigOption('unix_data_directory', 'Data') log_into_daily_directory = ConfigOption('log_into_daily_directory', False, missing='warn') # Matplotlib style definition for saving plots mpl_qd_style = { 'axes.prop_cycle': cycler('color', [ '#1f17f4', '#ffa40e', '#ff3487', '#008b00', '#17becf', '#850085' ]) + cycler('marker', ['o', 's', '^', 'v', 'D', 'd']), 'axes.edgecolor': '0.3', 'xtick.color': '0.3', 'ytick.color': '0.3', 'axes.labelcolor': 'black', 'font.size': '14', 'lines.linewidth': '2', 'figure.figsize': '12, 6', 'lines.markeredgewidth': '0', 'lines.markersize': '5', 'axes.spines.right': True, '': True, 'xtick.minor.visible': True, 'ytick.minor.visible': True, 'savefig.dpi': '180' } _additional_parameters = {} def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): super().__init__(config=config, **kwargs) # locking for thread safety self.lock = Mutex() # name of active POI, default to empty string self.active_poi_name = '' # Some default variables concerning the operating system: self.os_system = None # Chech which operation system is used and include a case if the # directory was not found in the config: if sys.platform in ('linux', 'darwin'): self.os_system = 'unix' self.data_dir = self._unix_data_dir elif 'win32' in sys.platform or 'AMD64' in sys.platform: self.os_system = 'win' self.data_dir = self._win_data_dir else: raise Exception('Identify the operating system.') # Expand environment variables in the data_dir path (e.g. $HOME) self.data_dir = os.path.expandvars(self.data_dir) # start logging into daily directory? if not isinstance(self.log_into_daily_directory, bool): self.log.warning( 'log entry in configuration is not a ' 'boolean. Falling back to default setting: False.') self.log_into_daily_directory = False self._daily_loghandler = None def on_activate(self): """ Definition, configuration and initialisation of the SaveLogic. """ if self.log_into_daily_directory: # adds a log handler for logging into daily directory self._daily_loghandler = DailyLogHandler( '%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss-qudi.log', self) self._daily_loghandler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) self._daily_loghandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger().addHandler(self._daily_loghandler) else: self._daily_loghandler = None def on_deactivate(self): if self._daily_loghandler is not None: # removes the log handler logging into the daily directory logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self._daily_loghandler) @property def dailylog(self): """ Returns the daily log handler. """ return self._daily_loghandler def dailylog_set_level(self, level): """ Sets the log level of the daily log handler @param level int: log level, see logging """ self._daily_loghandler.setLevel(level) def save_data(self, data, filepath=None, parameters=None, filename=None, filelabel=None, timestamp=None, filetype='text', fmt='%.15e', delimiter='\t', plotfig=None): """ General save routine for data. @param dictionary data: Dictionary containing the data to be saved. The keys should be strings containing the data header/description. The corresponding items are one or more 1D arrays or one 2D array containing the data (list or numpy.ndarray). Example: data = {'Frequency (MHz)': [1,2,4,5,6]} data = {'Frequency': [1, 2, 4], 'Counts': [234, 894, 743, 423]} data = {'Frequency (MHz),Counts':[[1,234], [2,894],...[30,504]]} @param string filepath: optional, the path to the directory, where the data will be saved. If the specified path does not exist yet, the saving routine will try to create it. If no path is passed (default filepath=None) the saving routine will create a directory by the name of the calling module inside the daily data directory. If no calling module can be inferred and/or the requested path can not be created the data will be saved in a subfolder of the daily data directory called UNSPECIFIED @param dictionary parameters: optional, a dictionary with all parameters you want to save in the header of the created file. @parem string filename: optional, if you really want to fix your own filename. If passed, the whole file will have the name <filename> If nothing is specified the save logic will generate a filename either based on the module name from which this method was called, or it will use the passed filelabel if that is speficied. You also need to specify the ending of the filename! @parem string filelabel: optional, if filelabel is set and no filename was specified, the savelogic will create a name which looks like YYYY-MM-DD_HHh-MMm-SSs_<filelabel>.dat The timestamp will be created at runtime if no user defined timestamp was passed. @param datetime timestamp: optional, a datetime.datetime object. You can create this object with in the calling module if you want to fix the timestamp for the filename. Be careful when passing a filename and a timestamp, because then the timestamp will be ignored. @param string filetype: optional, the file format the data should be saved in. Valid inputs are 'text', 'xml' and 'npz'. Default is 'text'. @param string or list of strings fmt: optional, format specifier for saved data. See python documentation for "Format Specification Mini-Language". If you want for example save a float in scientific notation with 6 decimals this would look like '%.6e'. For saving integers you could use '%d', '%s' for strings. The default is '%.15e' for numbers and '%s' for str. If len(data) > 1 you should pass a list of format specifiers; one for each item in the data dict. If only one specifier is passed but the data arrays have different data types this can lead to strange behaviour or failure to save right away. @param string delimiter: optional, insert here the delimiter, like '\n' for new line, '\t' for tab, ',' for a comma ect. 1D data ======= 1D data should be passed in a dictionary where the data trace should be assigned to one identifier like {'<identifier>':[list of values]} {'Numbers of counts':[1.4, 4.2, 5, 2.0, 5.9 , ... , 9.5, 6.4]} You can also pass as much 1D arrays as you want: {'Frequency (MHz)':list1, 'signal':list2, 'correlations': list3, ...} 2D data ======= 2D data should be passed in a dictionary where the matrix like data should be assigned to one identifier like {'<identifier>':[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]} which will result in: <identifier> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IDENTIFIER! DO NOT FORGET THE UNITS FOR THE SAVED TIME TRACE/MATRIX. """ start_time = time.time() # Create timestamp if none is present if timestamp is None: timestamp = # Try to cast data array into numpy.ndarray if it is not already one # Also collect information on arrays in the process and do sanity checks found_1d = False found_2d = False multiple_dtypes = False arr_length = [] arr_dtype = [] max_row_num = 0 max_line_num = 0 for keyname in data: # Cast into numpy array if not isinstance(data[keyname], np.ndarray): try: data[keyname] = np.array(data[keyname]) except: self.log.error( 'Casting data array of type "{0}" into numpy.ndarray failed. ' 'Could not save data.'.format(type(data[keyname]))) return -1 # determine dimensions if data[keyname].ndim < 3: length = data[keyname].shape[0] arr_length.append(length) if length > max_line_num: max_line_num = length if data[keyname].ndim == 2: found_2d = True width = data[keyname].shape[1] if max_row_num < width: max_row_num = width else: found_1d = True max_row_num += 1 else: self.log.error( 'Found data array with dimension >2. Unable to save data.') return -1 # determine array data types if len(arr_dtype) > 0: if arr_dtype[-1] != data[keyname].dtype: multiple_dtypes = True arr_dtype.append(data[keyname].dtype) # Raise error if data contains a mixture of 1D and 2D arrays if found_2d and found_1d: self.log.error( 'Passed data dictionary contains 1D AND 2D arrays. This is not allowed. ' 'Either fit all data arrays into a single 2D array or pass multiple 1D ' 'arrays only. Saving data failed!') return -1 # try to trace back the functioncall to the class which was calling it. try: frm = inspect.stack()[1] # this will get the object, which called the save_data function. mod = inspect.getmodule(frm[0]) # that will extract the name of the class. module_name = mod.__name__.split('.')[-1] except: # Sometimes it is not possible to get the object which called the save_data function # (such as when calling this from the console). module_name = 'UNSPECIFIED' # determine proper file path if filepath is None: filepath = self.get_path_for_module(module_name) elif not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) 'Custom filepath does not exist. Created directory "{0}"' ''.format(filepath)) # create filelabel if none has been passed if filelabel is None: filelabel = module_name if self.active_poi_name != '': filelabel = self.active_poi_name.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + filelabel # determine proper unique filename to save if none has been passed if filename is None: filename = timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S' + '_' + filelabel + '.dat') # Check format specifier. if not isinstance(fmt, str) and len(fmt) != len(data): self.log.error( 'Length of list of format specifiers and number of data items differs. ' 'Saving not possible. Please pass exactly as many format specifiers as ' 'data arrays.') return -1 # Create header string for the file header = 'Saved Data from the class {0} on {1}.\n' \ ''.format(module_name, timestamp.strftime('%d.%m.%Y at %Hh%Mm%Ss')) header += '\nParameters:\n===========\n\n' # Include the active POI name (if not empty) as a parameter in the header if self.active_poi_name != '': header += 'Measured at POI: {0}\n'.format(self.active_poi_name) # add the parameters if specified: if parameters is not None: # check whether the format for the parameters have a dict type: if isinstance(parameters, dict): if isinstance(self._additional_parameters, dict): parameters = {**self._additional_parameters, **parameters} for entry, param in parameters.items(): if isinstance(param, float): header += '{0}: {1:.16e}\n'.format(entry, param) else: header += '{0}: {1}\n'.format(entry, param) # make a hardcore string conversion and try to save the parameters directly: else: self.log.error( 'The parameters are not passed as a dictionary! The SaveLogic will ' 'try to save the parameters nevertheless.') header += 'not specified parameters: {0}\n'.format(parameters) header += '\nData:\n=====\n' # write data to file # FIXME: Implement other file formats # write to textfile if filetype == 'text': # Reshape data if multiple 1D arrays have been passed to this method. # If a 2D array has been passed, reformat the specifier if len(data) != 1: identifier_str = '' if multiple_dtypes: field_dtypes = list( zip([ 'f{0:d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(arr_dtype)) ], arr_dtype)) new_array = np.empty(max_line_num, dtype=field_dtypes) for i, keyname in enumerate(data): identifier_str += keyname + delimiter field = 'f{0:d}'.format(i) length = data[keyname].size new_array[field][:length] = data[keyname] if length < max_line_num: if isinstance(data[keyname][0], str): new_array[field][length:] = 'nan' else: new_array[field][length:] = np.nan else: new_array = np.empty([max_line_num, max_row_num], arr_dtype[0]) for i, keyname in enumerate(data): identifier_str += keyname + delimiter length = data[keyname].size new_array[:length, i] = data[keyname] if length < max_line_num: if isinstance(data[keyname][0], str): new_array[length:, i] = 'nan' else: new_array[length:, i] = np.nan # discard old data array and use new one data = {identifier_str: new_array} elif found_2d: keyname = list(data.keys())[0] identifier_str = keyname.replace(', ', delimiter).replace( ',', delimiter) data[identifier_str] = data.pop(keyname) else: identifier_str = list(data)[0] header += list(data)[0] self.save_array_as_text(data=data[identifier_str], filename=filename, filepath=filepath, fmt=fmt, header=header, delimiter=delimiter, comments='#', append=False) # write npz file and save parameters in textfile elif filetype == 'npz': header += str(list(data.keys()))[1:-1] np.savez_compressed(filepath + '/' + filename[:-4], **data) self.save_array_as_text(data=[], filename=filename[:-4] + '_params.dat', filepath=filepath, fmt=fmt, header=header, delimiter=delimiter, comments='#', append=False) else: self.log.error( 'Only saving of data as textfile and npz-file is implemented. Filetype "{0}" is not ' 'supported yet. Saving as textfile.'.format(filetype)) self.save_array_as_text(data=data[identifier_str], filename=filename, filepath=filepath, fmt=fmt, header=header, delimiter=delimiter, comments='#', append=False) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save thumbnail figure of plot if plotfig is not None: # create Metadata metadata = dict() metadata['Title'] = 'Image produced by qudi: ' + module_name metadata['Author'] = 'qudi - Software Suite' metadata[ 'Subject'] = 'Find more information on:' metadata[ 'Keywords'] = 'Python 3, Qt, experiment control, automation, measurement, software, framework, modular' metadata['Producer'] = 'qudi - Software Suite' if timestamp is not None: metadata['CreationDate'] = timestamp metadata['ModDate'] = timestamp else: metadata['CreationDate'] = time metadata['ModDate'] = time # determine the PDF-Filename fig_fname_vector = os.path.join(filepath, filename)[:-4] + '_fig.pdf' # Create the PdfPages object to which we will save the pages: # The with statement makes sure that the PdfPages object is closed properly at # the end of the block, even if an Exception occurs. with PdfPages(fig_fname_vector) as pdf: pdf.savefig(plotfig, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) # We can also set the file's metadata via the PdfPages object: pdf_metadata = pdf.infodict() for x in metadata: pdf_metadata[x] = metadata[x] # determine the PNG-Filename and save the plain PNG fig_fname_image = os.path.join(filepath, filename)[:-4] + '_fig.png' plotfig.savefig(fig_fname_image, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) # Use Pillow (an fork for PIL) to attach metadata to the PNG png_image = png_metadata = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() # PIL can only handle Strings, so let's convert our times metadata['CreationDate'] = metadata['CreationDate'].strftime( '%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S') metadata['ModDate'] = metadata['ModDate'].strftime( '%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S') for x in metadata: # make sure every value of the metadata is a string if not isinstance(metadata[x], str): metadata[x] = str(metadata[x]) # add the metadata to the picture png_metadata.add_text(x, metadata[x]) # save the picture again, this time including the metadata, "png", pnginfo=png_metadata) # close matplotlib figure plt.close(plotfig) self.log.debug( 'Time needed to save data: {0:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - start_time)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_array_as_text(self, data, filename, filepath='', fmt='%.15e', header='', delimiter='\t', comments='#', append=False): """ An Independent method, which can save a 1D or 2D numpy.ndarray as textfile. Can append to files. """ # write to file. Append if requested. if append: with open(os.path.join(filepath, filename), 'ab') as file: np.savetxt(file, data, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, header=header, comments=comments) else: with open(os.path.join(filepath, filename), 'wb') as file: np.savetxt(file, data, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, header=header, comments=comments) return def get_daily_directory(self): """ Creates the daily directory. @return string: path to the daily directory. If the daily directory does not exits in the specified <root_dir> path in the config file, then it is created according to the following scheme: <root_dir>\<year>\<month>\<yearmonthday> and the filepath is returned. There should be always a filepath returned. """ # First check if the directory exists and if not then the default # directory is taken. if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir): # Check if the default directory does exist. If yes, there is # no need to create it, since it will overwrite the existing # data there. if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir): os.makedirs(self.data_dir) self.log.warning( 'The specified Data Directory in the ' 'config file does not exist. Using default for ' '{0} system instead. The directory {1} was ' 'created'.format(self.os_system, self.data_dir)) # That is now the current directory: current_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, time.strftime("%Y"), time.strftime("%m")) folder_exists = False # Flag to indicate that the folder does not exist. if os.path.exists(current_dir): # Get only the folders without the files there: folderlist = [ d for d in os.listdir(current_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(current_dir, d)) ] # Search if there is a folder which starts with the current date: for entry in folderlist: if time.strftime("%Y%m%d") in (entry[:2]): current_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, str(entry)) folder_exists = True break if not folder_exists: current_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, time.strftime("%Y%m%d"))'Creating directory for today\'s data in \n' '{0}'.format(current_dir)) # The exist_ok=True is necessary here to prevent Error 17 "File Exists" # Details at os.makedirs(current_dir, exist_ok=True) return current_dir def get_path_for_module(self, module_name): """ Method that creates a path for 'module_name' where data are stored. @param string module_name: Specify the folder, which should be created in the daily directory. The module_name can be e.g. 'Confocal'. @return string: absolute path to the module name """ dir_path = os.path.join(self.get_daily_directory(), module_name) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) return dir_path def get_additional_parameters(self): """ Method that return the additional parameters dictionary securely """ return self._additional_parameters.copy() def update_additional_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Method to update one or multiple additional parameters @param dict args: Optional single positional argument holding parameters in a dict to update additional parameters from. @param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to be added to additional parameters """ if len(args) == 0: param_dict = kwargs elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): param_dict = args[0] param_dict.update(kwargs) else: raise TypeError( '"update_additional_parameters" takes exactly 0 or 1 positional ' 'argument of type dict.') for key in param_dict.keys(): param_dict[key] = netobtain(param_dict[key]) self._additional_parameters.update(param_dict) return def remove_additional_parameter(self, key): """ remove parameter from additional parameters @param str key: The additional parameters key/name to delete """ self._additional_parameters.pop(key, None) return
def showSurveyStatistics(simulatedSurvey, pdfFile=None, pngFile=None, usekde=False): """ Produce a plot with the survey statistics. Parameters ---------- simulatedSurvey : Object containing the simulated survey. Keywords -------- pdfFile : string Name of optional PDF file in which to save the plot. pngFile : string Name of optional PNG file in which to save the plot. usekde : boolean If true use kernel density estimates to show the distribution of survey quantities instead of histograms. """ try: _ = simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes.shape except AttributeError: stderr.write("You have not generated the observations yet!\n") return parLimitPlot = 50.0 plxSnrLim = 5.0 positiveParallaxes = (simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes > 0.0) goodParallaxes = (simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes / simulatedSurvey.parallaxErrors >= plxSnrLim) estimatedAbsMags = ( simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes[positiveParallaxes] + 5.0 * np.log10(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[positiveParallaxes]) - 10.0) relParErr = (simulatedSurvey.parallaxErrors[positiveParallaxes] / simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[positiveParallaxes]) deltaAbsMag = estimatedAbsMags - simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[ positiveParallaxes] useagab(usetex=False, fontfam='sans') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(27, 12)) axA = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) apply_tufte(axA, withgrid=False) axA.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) minPMinThird = np.power(simulatedSurvey.minParallax, -3.0) maxPMinThird = np.power(parLimitPlot, -3.0) x = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.minParallax, np.min([parLimitPlot, simulatedSurvey.maxParallax]), 1001) axA.plot(x, 3.0 * np.power(x, -4.0) / (minPMinThird - maxPMinThird), '--', label='model', lw=3) if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes.min(), simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axA.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', lw=3, label='true') else: axA.hist(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='true') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes.min(), simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axA.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', lw=3, label='observed') else: axA.hist(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='observed') axA.set_xlabel(r'$\varpi$, $\varpi_\mathrm{true}$ [mas]') axA.set_ylabel(r'$p(\varpi)$, $p(\varpi_\mathrm{true})$') leg = axA.legend(loc='best', handlelength=1.0) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axA.text(0.025, 0.9, 'a', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axA.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axB = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2) apply_tufte(axB, withgrid=False) axB.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) m = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.max(), 1000) axB.plot(m, np.exp(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitude_lpdf(m)), '--', lw=3, label='model') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axB.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label='true', lw=3) else: axB.hist(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='true') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axB.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label='observed', lw=3) else: axB.hist(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='observed') axB.set_xlabel("$m$, $m_\mathrm{true}$") axB.set_ylabel("$p(m)$, $p(m_\mathrm{true})$") leg = axB.legend(loc=(0.03, 0.55), handlelength=1.0) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axB.text(0.025, 0.9, 'b', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axB.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axC = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3) apply_tufte(axC, withgrid=False) axC.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) x = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.max(), 300) axC.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, loc=simulatedSurvey.meanAbsoluteMagnitude, scale=simulatedSurvey.stddevAbsoluteMagnitude), '--', lw=3, label='model') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axC.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label='true', lw=3) else: axC.hist(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='true') if (simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes].size >= 3): if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes]) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[ goodParallaxes].size**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[goodParallaxes][:, None]) samples = np.linspace( simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes].min(), simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes].max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axC.plot( samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim), lw=3) else: axC.hist( simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes], bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim)) axC.set_xlabel("$M$") axC.set_ylabel("$p(M)$") leg = axC.legend(loc=(0.03, 0.55), handlelength=1.0) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axC.text(0.025, 0.9, 'c', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axC.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axD = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) apply_tufte(axD, withgrid=False) axD.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxesNoLim, simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxesNoLim - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxesNoLim, 'k,', label=r'$m_\mathrm{lim}=\infty$') axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, '.', label=r'$m_\mathrm{{lim}}={0}$'.format( simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudeLimit)) axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[positiveParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[positiveParallaxes] - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[positiveParallaxes], '.', label=r'$\varpi>0$') axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[goodParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[goodParallaxes] - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[goodParallaxes], 'o', label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim)) axD.set_xlabel(r"$\varpi_\mathrm{true}$ [mas]") axD.set_ylabel("$\\varpi-\\varpi_\\mathrm{true}$ [mas]") leg = axD.legend(loc='best', handlelength=0.5, ncol=2) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axD.text(0.025, 0.9, 'd', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axD.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axE = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5) apply_tufte(axE, withgrid=False) axE.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxesNoLim, simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudesNoLim, 'k,', label=r'$m_\mathrm{lim}=\infty$') axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes, '.', label=r'$m_\mathrm{{lim}}={0}$'.format( simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudeLimit)) axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[positiveParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[positiveParallaxes], '.', label=r'$\varpi>0$') axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[goodParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes], 'o', label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim)) axE.set_xlabel(r"$\varpi_\mathrm{true}$ [mas]") axE.set_ylabel("$M_\\mathrm{true}$") axE.axhline(y=simulatedSurvey.meanAbsoluteMagnitude) leg = axE.legend(loc='best', handlelength=0.5, ncol=2) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axE.text(0.025, 0.9, 'e', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axE.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) plt.suptitle( "Simulated survey statistics: $N_\\mathrm{{stars}}={0}$, ".format( simulatedSurvey.numberOfStars) + "$m_\\mathrm{{lim}}={0}$, ".format( simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudeLimit) + "$N_\\mathrm{{survey}}={0}$, ".format( simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey) + "${0}\\leq\\varpi\\leq{1}$, ".format(simulatedSurvey.minParallax, simulatedSurvey.maxParallax) + "$\\mu_M={0}$, ".format(simulatedSurvey.meanAbsoluteMagnitude) + "$\\sigma_M={0:.2f}$".format(simulatedSurvey.stddevAbsoluteMagnitude)) if pdfFile is not None: plt.savefig(pdfFile) if pngFile is not None: plt.savefig(pngFile) if (pdfFile is None and pngFile is None):
colors_muted['lightgreen'] = '#AAB71B' colors_muted['green'] = '#408020' colors_muted['darkgreen'] = '#007030' colors_muted['cyan'] = '#40A787' colors_muted['lightblue'] = '#008797' colors_muted['blue'] = '#2060A7' colors_muted['purple'] = '#53379B' colors_muted['magenta'] = '#873770' colors_muted['pink'] = '#D03050' colors_muted['white'] = '#FFFFFF' colors_muted['gray'] = '#A0A0A0' colors_muted['black'] = '#000000' colors = colors_muted plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=[ colors['blue'], colors['red'], colors['lightgreen'], colors['orange'], colors['cyan'], colors['magenta'] ]) plt.rcParams['savefig.format'] = 'png' plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 200.0 plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 5.0 plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.8 plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 4 plt.rcParams['axes.xmargin'] = 0.0 plt.rcParams['axes.ymargin'] = 0.0 plt.rcParams[''] = False plt.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False plt.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = False plt.rcParams['legend.borderpad'] = 0.0
def setStyle(palette='default', bigPlot=False): ''' A function to set the plotting style. The function receives the colour palette name and whether it is a big plot or not. The latter sets the fonts and marker to be bigger in case it is a big plot. The available colour palettes are as follows: - classic (default): A classic colourful palette with strong colours and contrast. - modified classic: Similar to the classic, with slightly different colours. - autumn: A slightly darker autumn style colour palette. - purples: A pseudo sequential purple colour palette (not great for contrast). - greens: A pseudo sequential green colour palette (not great for contrast). To use the function, simply call it before plotting anything. Parameters ---------- palette: str bigPlot: bool Raises ------ KeyError if provided palette does not exist. ''' COLORS = dict() COLORS['classic'] = ['#ba2c54', '#5B90DC', '#FFAB44', '#0C9FB3', '#57271B', '#3B507D', '#794D88', '#FD6989', '#8A978E', '#3B507D', '#D8153C', '#cc9214'] COLORS['modified classic'] = ['#D6088F', '#424D9C', '#178084', '#AF99DA', '#F58D46', '#634B5B', '#0C9FB3', '#7C438A', '#328cd6', '#8D0F25', '#8A978E', '#ffcb3d'] COLORS['autumn'] = ['#A9434D', '#4E615D', '#3C8DAB', '#A4657A', '#424D9C', '#DC575A', '#1D2D38', '#634B5B', '#56276D', '#577580', '#134663', '#196096'] COLORS['purples'] = ['#a57bb7', '#343D80', '#EA60BF', '#B7308E', '#E099C3', '#7C438A', '#AF99DA', '#4D428E', '#56276D', '#CC4B93', '#DC4E76', '#5C4AE4'] COLORS['greens'] = ['#268F92', '#abc14d', '#8A978E', '#0C9FB3', '#BDA962', '#B0CB9E', '#769168', '#5E93A5', '#178084', '#B7BBAD', '#163317', '#76A63F'] COLORS['default'] = COLORS['classic'] MARKERS = ['o', 's', 'v', '^', '*', 'P', 'd', 'X', 'p', '<', '>', 'h'] LINES = [(0, ()), # solid (0, (1, 1)), # densely dotted (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)), # densely dashdotted (0, (5, 5)), # dashed (0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), # densely dashdotdotted (0, (5, 1)), # desnely dashed (0, (1, 5)), # dotted (0, (3, 5, 1, 5)), # dashdotted (0, (3, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5)), # dashdotdotted (0, (5, 10)), # loosely dashed (0, (1, 10)), # loosely dotted (0, (3, 10, 1, 10)), # loosely dashdotted ] if palette not in COLORS.keys(): raise KeyError('palette must be one of {}'.format(', '.join(COLORS))) fontsize = {'default': 15, 'bigPlot': 30} markersize = {'default': 8, 'bigPlot': 18} plotSize = 'default' if bigPlot: plotSize = 'bigPlot' plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2, markersize=markersize[plotSize]) plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=( cycler(color=COLORS[palette]) + cycler(linestyle=LINES) + cycler(marker=MARKERS)) ) plt.rc( 'axes', titlesize=fontsize[plotSize], labelsize=fontsize[plotSize], labelpad=5, grid=True, axisbelow=True ) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=fontsize[plotSize]) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=fontsize[plotSize]) plt.rc('legend', loc='best', shadow=False, fontsize='medium') plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=fontsize[plotSize]) return
std = np.std(vals, axis=0) / np.sqrt(vals.shape[0]) ax1 = plt.plot(batches, mean, label="p={}".format(p)) ax1_col = ax1[0].get_color() plt.fill_between(batches, mean - 2 * std, mean + 2 * std, alpha=0.15, color=ax1_col) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Checkpoint ($T$)") plt.ylabel("R_(CUCB2)({}) - R_(UCB)({})".format(T, T)) n = 9 # Number of colors new_colors = [plt.get_cmap('Set1')(1. * i / n) for i in range(n)] linestyle_cycler = cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', ':', '-.', '-', '--', ':', '-.', '-']) plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=(cycler('color', new_colors) + linestyle_cycler)) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2) if len(sys.argv) == 1: filename = 'COMP_20190825_033627_batch_results.pickle' else: filename = sys.argv[1] SUMMARIZE = False print("Opening file %s..." % filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: results = pickle.load(f) print("Done.\n")
def huescale(number_of_plots, *option): #SET DEFAULT VALUES IF NO OPTIONAL ARGUMENT hue = 'None' #OPTIONS for argument in option: if argument == 'blue': hue = 'blue' if argument == 'bluegreen': hue = 'bluegreen' if argument == 'green': hue = 'green' if argument == 'gold': hue = 'gold' if argument == 'brown': hue = 'brown' if argument == 'rose': hue = 'rose' if argument == 'purple': hue = 'purple' if (number_of_plots <= 3): if hue == 'blue': colorscheme = ['#114477', '#4477AA', '#77AADD'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'bluegreen': colorscheme = ['#117777', '#44AAAA', '#77CCCC'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'green': colorscheme = ['#117744', '#44AA77', '#88CCAA'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'gold': colorscheme = ['#777711', '#AAAA44', '#DDDD77'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'brown': colorscheme = ['#774411', '#AA7744', '#DDAA77'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'rose': colorscheme = ['#771122', '#AA4455', '#DD7788'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'purple': colorscheme = ['#771155', '#AA4488', '#CC99BB'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if hue == 'None': colorscheme = ['#D95F0E', '#FEC44F', '#FFF7BC'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] clist = prop_cycle.by_key()['color'] if (number_of_plots == 4): colorscheme = ['#CC4C02', '#FB9A29', '#FED98E', '#FFFBD5'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if (number_of_plots == 5): colorscheme = ['#993404', '#D95F0E', '#FB9A29', '#FED98E', '#FFFBD5'] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if (number_of_plots == 6): colorscheme = [ '#993404', '#D95F0E', '#FB9A29', '#FEC44F', '#FEE391', '#FFFBD5' ] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if (number_of_plots == 7): colorscheme = [ '#8C2D04', '#CC4C02', '#EC7014', '#FB9A29', '#FEC44F', '#FEE391', '#FFFBD5' ] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if (number_of_plots == 8): colorscheme = [ '#8C2D04', '#CC4C02', '#EC7014', '#FB9A29', '#FEC44F', '#FEE391', '#FFF7BC', '#FFFFE5' ] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if (number_of_plots == 9): colorscheme = [ '#662506', '#993404', '#CC4C02', '#EC7014', '#FB9A29', '#FEC44F', '#FEE391', '#FFF7BC', '#FFFFE5' ] plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colorscheme) if (number_of_plots > 3 and number_of_plots <= 9 and hue != 'None'): print("ONLY OCHERSCALE FOR MORE THAN 3 PLOTS") if (number_of_plots > 9): colorscheme = clist print( "OUT OF RANGE[1-9] : COLORBLIND MODE DEACTIVATED ---> DEFAULT MODE" ) return (colorscheme)
def set_rcParams_scvelo(fontsize=12, color_map=None, frameon=None): """Set matplotlib.rcParams to scvelo defaults.""" # dpi options (mpl default: 100, 100) rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 150 # figure (mpl default: 0.125, 0.96, 0.15, 0.91) rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6, 4) rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.18 rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = 0.96 rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.15 rcParams[''] = 0.91 # lines (defaults: 1.5, 6, 1) rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5 # the line width of the frame rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 6 rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 1 # font rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = \ ['Arial', 'Helvetica', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'sans-serif'] fontsize = fontsize labelsize = 0.92 * fontsize # fonsizes (mpl default: 10, medium, large, medium) rcParams['font.size'] = fontsize rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = labelsize rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = fontsize rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = labelsize # legend (mpl default: 1, 1, 2, 0.8) rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = 1 rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 0.5 rcParams['legend.handletextpad'] = 0.4 # color cycle rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=vega_10) # axes rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 0.8 rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = 'black' rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white' # ticks (mpl default: k, k, medium, medium) rcParams['xtick.color'] = 'k' rcParams['ytick.color'] = 'k' rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = labelsize rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = labelsize # axes grid (mpl default: False, #b0b0b0) rcParams['axes.grid'] = False rcParams['grid.color'] = '.8' # color map rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'RdBu_r' if color_map is None else color_map # frame (mpl default: True) frameon = False if frameon is None else frameon global _frameon _frameon = frameon
__all__ = ['ex', 'graph', 'circuit', 'tn', 'peo', 'sim_costs', 'sum_flops', 'step_flops', 'max_mem', 'SEED', 'EDGE_IDX_FOR_SEED', 'EDGE_IDX_FOR_SEED_JLSE', 'sim_profile', 'step_sim_time', 'plot_with_filter', 'get_log_flops_vs_matmul', 'time_vs_flops_plot'] # Cell import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import qtensor as qt from cartesian_explorer import Explorer # Cell import matplotlib as mpl from cycler import cycler mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=['#db503d', '#02C6E0']) # Cell ex = Explorer() # Cell @ex.provider def graph(n, d, seed): return qt.toolbox.random_graph(nodes=n, degree=d, seed=seed) @ex.provider def circuit(graph, edge_idx, p, composer_type='cone'): gamma, beta = [.1]*p, [.3]*p if composer_type=='cylinder': comp = qt.OldQtreeQAOAComposer(graph, gamma=gamma, beta=beta) if composer_type=='cone':
def __init__(self, hourly_data, label, yearly_ax, monthly_ax, daily_ax, agg_by_day=None, agg_by_month=None, style_cycle=None): '''Class to manage 3-levels of aggregated temperature Parameters ---------- hourly_data : DataFrame Tempreture measured hourly label : str The name of this data set_a yearly_ax : Axes The axes to plot 'year' scale data (aggregated by month) to monthly_ax : Axes The axes to plot 'month' scale data (aggregated by day) to daily_ax : Axes The axes to plot 'day' scale data (un-aggregated hourly) to agg_by_day : DataFrame, optional Data already aggregated by day. This is just to save computation, will be computed if not provided. agg_by_month : DataFrame, optional Data already aggregated by month. This is just to save computation, will be computed if not provided. style_cycle : Cycler, optional Style to use for plotting ''' # data self.data_by_hour = hourly_data if agg_by_day is None: agg_by_day = aggregate_by_day(hourly_data) self.data_by_day = agg_by_day if agg_by_month is None: agg_by_month = aggregate_by_month(hourly_data) self.data_by_month = agg_by_month # style if style_cycle is None: style_cycle = ( (cycler('marker', ['o', 's', '^', '*', 'x', 'v', '8', 'D', 'H', '<']) + cycler('color', [ '#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf' ]))) self.style_cycle = style_cycle() # axes self.yearly_ax = yearly_ax self.monthly_ax = monthly_ax self.daily_ax = daily_ax # name self.label = label # these will be used for book keeping self.daily_artists = {} self.daily_index = {} self.hourly_artiists = {} # artists self.yearly_art = plot_aggregated_errorbar(self.yearly_ax, self.data_by_month, self.label, picker=5, **next(self.style_cycle)) # pick methods self.y_cid = self.yearly_ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', self._yearly_on_pick) self.y_cid = self.yearly_ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', self._monthly_on_pick) self.y_cid = self.yearly_ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', self._daily_on_pick)