def test_getters():
    Test if the assignement and return of the adjacency matrix works

    A = np.random.randint(2, size=(10, 10))
    S = np.random.randint(2, size=10)
    stocks = np.random.rand(10)
    ones = np.ones(10)
    # Dummy values
    m = ExploitCore(A, S, stocks, ones, ones, ones, 0.5, 2.0)
    assert (m.get_adjacency() == A).all()
    assert (m.get_strategies() == S).all()
    assert (m.get_stocks() == stocks).all()
    assert m.get_time() == 0
def RUN_FUNC(tau, phi, sigma, mu, N, link_density, g, gamma, filename):
    Setting up the model with various parameters and determine what and how to
    save the outcome. This is done with a pickeld dictionary including the
    inital values, some parameters (for double checking) and the consensous
    state and time - if the model reached consensus.

    tau : float
        the social update timescale
    phi : float
        the rewiring probability (between 0 and 1)
    sigma : float
        the standard deviation of the normal distribution for the capacities
    mu : float
        the mean of the normal distribution for the capacities
    N : int
        the number of agents/resources
    link_density : float
        the link density of the erdoes-renyi network
    g : float
        the (homogenous) growth rate of all resources
    gamma : float
        the (homogenous) rationality of all agents
    filename : string
        the filename where to pickle - passed from "experiment_handling"
        This needs to be the last parameter of the RUN_FUNC
    MaxStocks = np.abs(np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=N))  # normal
    Stocks = np.random.rand(N) * MaxStocks  # Random inital stocks
    Strategies = np.random.randint(2, size=N)  # Random inital strategies
    GrowthRates = g * np.ones(N)  # Homogenous growth rates g
    Rationalities = gamma * np.ones(N)  # Homogenous rationalities gamma

    # Connected adjacnecy matrix
    net = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, link_density)
    while len(list(nx.connected_components(net))) > 1:
        print "Network has isolated components. Try again!"
        net = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, link_density)
    A = nx.adj_matrix(net).toarray()

    # Prepare storing inititals
    res = {}
    res["initials"] = pd.DataFrame({
        "MaxStocks": MaxStocks,
        "Stocks": Stocks,
        "Strategies": Strategies
    # Prpare storing parameters
    res["parameters"] = pd.Series({
        "N": N,
        "link_density": link_density,
        "growth_rate": g,
        "rationality": gamma,
        "mu_lognorm": mu,
        "sigma_lognorm": sigma,
        "rewiring_prob": phi,
        "update_timescale": tau

    # Running the model
    m = Exploit(A, Strategies, Stocks, MaxStocks, GrowthRates, Rationalities,
                phi, tau)
    exit_status = m.run()

    if exit_status == 1:
        # Prepare storing consensus state
        res["consensus"] = pd.DataFrame({
            "Strategies": m.get_strategies(),
            "Stocks": m.get_stocks()
        res["consensus_time"] = m.get_time()

    cPickle.dump(res, open(filename, "wb"))
    return exit_status
def RUN_FUNC(tau, phi, sigma, C, N, link_density, g, gamma, filename):
    Setting up the model with various parameters and determine what and how to
    save the outcome. This is done with a pickeld dictionary including the
    inital values, some parameters (for double checking) and the consensous
    state and time - if the model reached consensus.

    tau : float
        the social update timescale
    phi : float
        the rewiring probability (between 0 and 1)
    sigma : float
        the sigma parameter of the lognormal distribution for the capacities
    C : float
        C = mu + sigma^2/2 of the lognormal distribution. By that the
        distributions of the resouces have equal mean
    N : int
        the number of agents/resources
    link_density : float
        the link density of the erdoes-renyi network
    g : float
        the (homogenous) growth rate of all resources
    gamma : float
        the (homogenous) rationality of all agents
    filename : string
        the filename where to pickle - passed from "experiment_handling"
        This needs to be the last parameter of the RUN_FUNC
    mu = float(C) - sigma**2/2.
    MaxStocks = np.random.lognormal(mu, sigma, size=N)  # log-normal
    Stocks = np.random.rand(N) * MaxStocks  # Random inital stocks
    Strategies = np.random.randint(2, size=N)  # Random inital strategies
    GrowthRates = g * np.ones(N)  # Homogenous growth rates g
    Rationalities = gamma * np.ones(N)  # Homogenous rationalities gamma

    # Connected adjacnecy matrix
    net = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, link_density)
    while len(list(nx.connected_components(net))) > 1:
        print "Network has isolated components. Try again!"
        net = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, link_density)
    A = nx.adj_matrix(net).toarray()

    # Prepare storing inititals
    res = {}
    res["initials"] = pd.DataFrame({"MaxStocks": MaxStocks,
                                    "Stocks": Stocks,
                                    "Strategies": Strategies})
    # Prpare storing parameters
    res["parameters"] = pd.Series({"N": N,
                                   "link_density": link_density,
                                   "growth_rate": g,
                                   "rationality": gamma,
                                   "mu_lognorm": mu,
                                   "sigma_lognorm": sigma,
                                   "rewiring_prob": phi,
                                   "update_timescale": tau})

    # Running the model
    m = Exploit(A, Strategies, Stocks, MaxStocks, GrowthRates,
                Rationalities, phi, tau)
    exit_status = m.run()

    if exit_status == 1:
        # Prepare storing consensus state
        res["consensus"] = pd.DataFrame({"Strategies": m.get_strategies(),
                                         "Stocks": m.get_stocks()})
        res["consensus_time"] = m.get_time()

    cPickle.dump(res, open(filename, "wb"))
    return exit_status