def absorb_remain(M, utemp, stemp):
    anet = cyx.Network("Network/M_u_s.net")
    anet.PutCyTensor('M', M)
    anet.PutCyTensor('u', utemp)
    anet.PutCyTensor('s', stemp)
    M_1 = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return M_1
def get_psi_from_right(s, B1, B2):
    anet = cyx.Network(path + "Network/s_B_B.net")
    ## psi = s[p]*B[p]*B[p+1]
    anet.PutCyTensor("s", s)
    anet.PutCyTensor("B1", B1)
    anet.PutCyTensor("B2", B2)
    psi_gs = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return psi_gs
def absorb_right(s, vt, A):
    anet = cyx.Network(path + "Network/s_vt_A.net")
    ## A[p+1] = s@vt@A[p+1]
    anet.PutCyTensor("s_diag", s)
    anet.PutCyTensor("vt", vt)
    anet.PutCyTensor("A", A)
    A_1 = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return A_1
def get_psi_from_left(A1, A2, s):
    anet = cyx.Network(path + "Network/A_A_s.net")
    ## psi = A[p-1]*A[p]*s[p+1]
    anet.PutCyTensor("A1", A1)
    anet.PutCyTensor("A2", A2)
    anet.PutCyTensor("s", s)
    psi_gs = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return psi_gs
def get_new_R(R, B, W, B_Conj):
    anet = cyx.Network("Network/R_B_W_Bconj.net")
    ## R[P] = R[p+1]*B[p+1]*B[p+1].conj()*M
    anet.PutCyTensor("R", R)
    anet.PutCyTensor("B", B)
    anet.PutCyTensor("W", W)
    anet.PutCyTensor('B_Conj', B_Conj)
    R = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return R
def get_new_R(R, B, M, Bconj):
    anet = cyx.Network(path + "Network/R_B_M_Bconj.net")
    ## R[P] = R[p+1]*B[p+1]*B[p+1].conj()*M
    anet.PutCyTensor("R", R)
    anet.PutCyTensor("B", B)
    anet.PutCyTensor("M", M)
    anet.PutCyTensor('B_Conj', Bconj)
    R_1 = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return R_1
def get_new_L(L, A, M, Aconj):
    anet = cyx.Network(path + "Network/L_A_M_Aconj.net")
    ## L[p+1] = L[p+1]*A[p]*A[p].Conj()*M
    anet.PutCyTensor("L", L)
    anet.PutCyTensor("A", A)
    anet.PutCyTensor("M", M)
    anet.PutCyTensor('A_Conj', Aconj)
    L_1 = anet.Launch(optimal=True)
    return L_1
def zero_site_H_psi(psi, L, R):
    psi = cytnx.from_numpy(psi)
    psi = psi.reshape(L.shape()[1], R.shape()[1])
    psi = cyx.CyTensor(psi, 1)
    anet = cyx.Network("Network/C_L_R.net")
    anet.PutCyTensor("C", psi)
    anet.PutCyTensor("L", L)
    anet.PutCyTensor('R', R)
    H_psi = anet.Launch(optimal=True).get_block().reshape(-1).numpy()
    return H_psi
 def corner_extend_corboz(c1, t1, t4, w):
     anet = cyx.Network("Network/extend_corner_corboz.net")
     anet.PutCyTensor("c1", c1)
     anet.PutCyTensor("t1", t1)
     anet.PutCyTensor("t4", t4)
     anet.PutCyTensor("w", w)
     c1_new = anet.Launch(optimal = True)
     dim1 = c1_new.shape()[0] * c1_new.shape()[1]
     dim2 = c1_new.shape()[2] * c1_new.shape()[3]
     c1_new = c1_new.reshape(dim1, dim2)
     return c1_new
def get_H_psi(psi, L, M1, M2, R):
    ''' psi is Tensor, while L,M1,M2,R are CyTensor.
    Return: h|psi> (Tensor)'''
    psi = cytnx.from_numpy(psi)
    psi = cyx.CyTensor(psi, 0)
    psi = psi.reshape(L.shape()[1], M1.shape()[2], M2.shape()[2], R.shape()[1])
    anet = cyx.Network(path + "Network/psi_L_M1_M2_R.net")
    anet.PutCyTensor("psi", psi)
    anet.PutCyTensor("L", L)
    anet.PutCyTensor("M1", M1)
    anet.PutCyTensor('M2', M2)
    anet.PutCyTensor('R', R)
    H_psi = anet.Launch(optimal=True).reshape(-1).get_block().numpy()
    return H_psi
def one_site_H_psi(psi, L, W, R):
    ''' psi is Tensor, while L,M1,M2,R are CyTensor.
    Return: h|psi> (Tensor)'''
    psi = cytnx.from_numpy(psi)
    # print(psi.shape())
    # print(L.shape(), W.shape(), R.shape())
    psi = psi.reshape(L.shape()[1], W.shape()[2], R.shape()[1])
    psi = cyx.CyTensor(psi, 2)
    anet = cyx.Network("Network/psi_L_W_R.net")
    anet.PutCyTensor("psi", psi)
    anet.PutCyTensor("L", L)
    anet.PutCyTensor("W", W)
    anet.PutCyTensor('R', R)
    H_psi = anet.Launch(optimal=True).get_block().reshape(-1).numpy()
    return H_psi
def create_w_imp_cns_tms(ham,ten_a, ten_b, l_three_dir):
    'Create weight, impurity, cns, and tms with the imput ten_a, ten_b, l_three_dir'
    D = l_three_dir[0].shape()[0]
    for i in ('weight', 'impurity'):
        ## Clone and prepare the tesnors needed for contraction
        ten_a1 = ten_a.clone(); ten_a2 = ten_a.clone()
        ten_b1 = ten_b.clone(); ten_b2 = ten_b.clone()
        lx1 =  l_three_dir[0].clone(); lx2 = l_three_dir[0].clone()
        ly = l_three_dir[1].clone(); lz = l_three_dir[2].clone()

        ly_tmp = ly.get_block().numpy(); ly_tmp = cytnx.from_numpy(np.sqrt(ly_tmp))
        ly_sqrt_a1 = cyx.CyTensor([cyx.Bond(D),cyx.Bond(D)],rowrank = 0, is_diag=True)
        ly_sqrt_a1.put_block(ly_tmp); ly_sqrt_a2 = ly_sqrt_a1.clone()
        ly_sqrt_b1 = ly_sqrt_a1.clone(); ly_sqrt_b2 = ly_sqrt_a1.clone()

        lz_tmp = lz.get_block().numpy(); lz_tmp = cytnx.from_numpy(np.sqrt(lz_tmp))
        lz_sqrt_a1 = cyx.CyTensor([cyx.Bond(D),cyx.Bond(D)],rowrank = 0, is_diag=True)
        lz_sqrt_a1.put_block(lz_tmp); lz_sqrt_a2 = lz_sqrt_a1.clone()
        lz_sqrt_b1 = lz_sqrt_a1.clone(); lz_sqrt_b2 = lz_sqrt_a1.clone()

        ## Set labels
        lx1.set_labels([-3,-6]); lx2.set_labels([-9,-12])
        ly_sqrt_a1.set_labels([-4,4]); ly_sqrt_b1.set_labels([-7,0])
        lz_sqrt_a1.set_labels([-5,6]); lz_sqrt_b1.set_labels([-8,2])
        ly_sqrt_a2.set_labels([-10,5]); ly_sqrt_b2.set_labels([-13,1])
        lz_sqrt_a2.set_labels([-11,7]); lz_sqrt_b2.set_labels([-14,3])
        if i == 'weight':
            ## Calculate weights
            ten_a1.set_labels([-1,-3,-4,-5]); ten_b1.set_labels([-2,-6,-7,-8])
            ten_a2.set_labels([-1,-9,-10,-11]); ten_b2.set_labels([-2,-12,-13,-14])
            ## Contract
            # a1_xyz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_a1, lx1), ly_sqrt_a1), lz_sqrt_a1)
            # b1_yz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_b1, ly_sqrt_b1), lz_sqrt_b1)
            # upper_half = cyx.Contract(a1_xyz, b1_yz)
            # a2_xyz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_a2, lx2), ly_sqrt_a2), lz_sqrt_a2)
            # b2_yz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_b2, ly_sqrt_b2), lz_sqrt_b2)
            # lower_half = cyx.Contract(a2_xyz, b2_yz)
            # weight = cyx.Contract(upper_half, lower_half.Conj())
            # weight = sort_label(weight)
            # weight1 = weight.clone().get_block().numpy()
            anet = cyx.Network("Network/weight.net")
            # lz_sqrt_a1.print_diagram()
            anet.PutCyTensor("a1", ten_a1); anet.PutCyTensor("b1", ten_b1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("a2", ten_a2.Conj()); anet.PutCyTensor("b2", ten_b2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("lx1", lx1); anet.PutCyTensor("lx2", lx2);
            anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_a1", ly_sqrt_a1); anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_b1", ly_sqrt_b1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_a2", ly_sqrt_a2.Conj()); anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_b2", ly_sqrt_b2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_a1", lz_sqrt_a1); anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_b1", lz_sqrt_b1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_a2", lz_sqrt_a2.Conj()); anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_b2", lz_sqrt_b2.Conj());
            weight = anet.Launch(optimal = True)
            # weight2 = weight.clone().get_block().numpy()
            # print(linalg.norm(weight1-weight2))
        elif i == 'impurity':
            ## Calculate impurities
            d = ten_a.shape()[0]
            spin = constants_cy.physical_dimension_to_spin(d)
            sx,sy,sz,one = constants_cy.Get_spin_operators(spin)
            H = ham[0] 
            #H = - k *cytnx.linalg.Kron(sx, sx) - h * (cytnx.linalg.Kron(sz, one) + cytnx.linalg.Kron(one, sz)) / 2
            # H = cytnx.linalg.Kron(one,sx)
            H = H.reshape(d,d,d,d).permute(0,2,1,3)
            H = cyx.CyTensor(H,0)
            #op1 = cyx.CyTensor(1j*sx.clone(), 0)
            #op2 = op1.clone()
            # ten_a1.set_labels([-1,-3,-4,-5]); ten_b1.set_labels([-2,-6,-7,-8])
            # ten_a2.set_labels([-15,-9,-10,-11]); ten_b2.set_labels([-16,-12,-13,-14])
            # # ## Contract
            # a1_xyz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_a1, lx1), ly_sqrt_a1), lz_sqrt_a1)
            # b1_yz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_b1, ly_sqrt_b1), lz_sqrt_b1)
            # upper_half = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(a1_xyz, b1_yz), H)
            # a2_xyz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_a2, lx2), ly_sqrt_a2), lz_sqrt_a2)
            # b2_yz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_b2, ly_sqrt_b2), lz_sqrt_b2)
            # lower_half = cyx.Contract(a2_xyz, b2_yz)
            # weight_imp = cyx.Contract(upper_half, lower_half.Conj())
            # weight_imp = sort_label(weight_imp)
            anet = cyx.Network("Network/impurity.net")
            # lz_sqrt_a1.print_diagram()
            anet.PutCyTensor("a1", ten_a1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("b1", ten_b1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("a2", ten_a2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("b2", ten_b2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("lx1", lx1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("lx2", lx2);
            anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_a1", ly_sqrt_a1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_b1", ly_sqrt_b1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_a2", ly_sqrt_a2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("ly_sqrt_b2", ly_sqrt_b2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_a1", lz_sqrt_a1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_b1", lz_sqrt_b1);
            anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_a2", lz_sqrt_a2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor("lz_sqrt_b2", lz_sqrt_b2.Conj());
            anet.PutCyTensor('H', H)
            weight_imp = anet.Launch(optimal = True)
            #weight_imp.reshape_(D**2, D**2, D**2, D**2)
        w = weight.get_block().numpy()
        # print(w.shape)
        # Here we use np.einsum() to calculate cns and tms, for cytnx doesn't support contraction 
        # itself. An alternative is using cytnx.linalg.Trace(); however, it is still not that 
        # convenient
        dy = dz = w.shape[0]
        c1 = w.reshape((dy, dy, dz * dz, dy * dy, dz, dz))
        c1 = np.einsum('i i j k l l->j k', c1)
        c2 = w.reshape((dy, dy, dz, dz, dy * dy, dz * dz))
        c2 = np.einsum('i i j j k l->k l', c2)
        c3 = w.reshape((dy * dy, dz, dz, dy, dy, dz * dz))
        c3 = np.einsum('i j j k k l->l i', c3)
        c4 = w.reshape((dy * dy, dz * dz, dy, dy, dz, dz))
        c4 = np.einsum('i j k k l l->i j', c4)

        t1 = np.einsum('i i j k l->j k l', w.reshape((dy, dy, dz * dz, dy * dy, dz * dz)))
        t2 = np.einsum('i j j k l->k l i', w.reshape((dy * dy, dz, dz, dy * dy, dz * dz)))
        t3 = np.einsum('i j k k l->l i j', w.reshape((dy * dy, dz * dz, dy, dy, dz * dz)))
        t4 = np.einsum('i j k l l->i j k', w.reshape((dy * dy, dz * dz, dy * dy, dz, dz)))
        def normalize(x):
            return x / np.max(np.abs(x))
        corners = tuple(map(normalize, (c1, c2, c3, c4)))
        corners = tuple(cyx.CyTensor(cytnx.from_numpy(c),0) for c in corners)
        transfer_matrices = tuple(map(normalize, (t1, t2, t3, t4)))
        transfer_matrices = tuple(cyx.CyTensor(cytnx.from_numpy(t),0) for t in transfer_matrices)

    return weight, weight_imp, corners, transfer_matrices
def ctmrg_coarse_graining(dim_cut, weight, weight_imp, cns, tms, num_of_steps = 15):
    'Return energy, which is obtained by CTMRG coarse graining scheme (Orus and Vidal\s method)'
    def tuple_rotation(c1, c2, c3, c4):
        """Returns new tuple shifted to left by one place."""
        return c2, c3, c4, c1
    def weight_rotate(weight):
        """Returns weight rotated anti-clockwise."""
        return weight

    def extend_tensors(c1, t1, t4, weight, c4, t3):
        ## c1t1
        c1_tmp = c1.clone(); t1_tmp = t1.clone();
        c1_tmp.set_labels([-1, 1]); t1_tmp.set_labels([0, 2, -1]);
        c1t1 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c1_tmp, t1_tmp));
        chi0 = t1.shape()[0]; chi2 = t1.shape()[1]; chi1 = c1.shape()[1]
        c1t1.reshape_(chi0, chi1 * chi2);
        ## c4t3
        c4_tmp = c4.clone(); t3_tmp = t3.clone();
        c4_tmp.set_labels([0, -1]); t3_tmp.set_labels([-1, 1, 2]);
        c4t3 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c4_tmp, t3_tmp));
        chi0 = c4.shape()[0]; chi1 = t3.shape()[1];
        chi2 = t3.shape()[2];
        c4t3.reshape_(chi0 * chi1, chi2)
        ## t4w
        t4_tmp = t4.clone(); w_tmp = weight.clone();
        t4_tmp.set_labels([0, -1, 3]); w_tmp.set_labels([1, 2, 4, -1]);
        t4w = sort_label(cyx.Contract(t4_tmp, w_tmp))
        chi0 = t4w.shape()[0] * t4w.shape()[1];
        chi1 = t4w.shape()[2];
        chi2 = t4w.shape()[3] * t4w.shape()[4]
        t4w.reshape_(chi0, chi1, chi2)
        return c1t1, t4w, c4t3
    ############## Orus's coarse graining
    def create_projectors_Orus(c1t1, c4t3, dim_cut):
        c1t1_tmp1 = c1t1.clone(); c1t1_tmp2 = c1t1.clone();
        c4t3_tmp1 = c4t3.clone(); c4t3_tmp2 = c4t3.clone();
        c1t1_tmp1.set_labels([-1, 1]); c1t1_tmp2.set_labels([-1, 0]);
        c4t3_tmp1.set_labels([1, -1]); c4t3_tmp2.set_labels([0, -1])
        m1 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c1t1_tmp1, c1t1_tmp2.Conj())).get_block()
        m2 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c4t3_tmp1, c4t3_tmp2.Conj())).get_block()
        w, u = cytnx.linalg.Eigh(m1 + m2)
        u = u[:, ::-1].Conj()
        u = cyx.CyTensor(u[:, :dim_cut], 0)
        u_up = u; u_down = u.Conj()
        return u_up, u_down
    ############## Corboz's coarse graining
    def corner_extend_corboz(c1, t1, t4, w):
        anet = cyx.Network("Network/extend_corner_corboz.net")
        anet.PutCyTensor("c1", c1)
        anet.PutCyTensor("t1", t1)
        anet.PutCyTensor("t4", t4)
        anet.PutCyTensor("w", w)
        c1_new = anet.Launch(optimal = True)
        dim1 = c1_new.shape()[0] * c1_new.shape()[1]
        dim2 = c1_new.shape()[2] * c1_new.shape()[3]
        c1_new = c1_new.reshape(dim1, dim2)
        return c1_new

    def create_projectors_corboz(c1, c2, c3, c4, dim_cut):
        c1_tmp = c1.clone();
        c2_tmp = c2.clone();
        c3_tmp = c3.clone();
        c4_tmp = c4.clone()
        c1_tmp.set_labels([-1, 1]);
        c2_tmp.set_labels([0, -1])
        upper_half = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c1_tmp, c2_tmp)).get_block().contiguous()
        c4_tmp.set_labels([1, -1]);
        c3_tmp.set_labels([-1, 0])
        lower_half = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c4_tmp, c3_tmp)).get_block().contiguous()
        _, r_up = cytnx.linalg.QR(upper_half)
        _, r_down = cytnx.linalg.QR(lower_half)
        rr = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(r_up.contiguous(), r_down.permute(1, 0).contiguous())
        s, u, vt = cytnx.linalg.Svd(rr)
        vt = vt.Conj();
        u = u.Conj()
        dim_new = min(s.shape()[0], dim_cut)
        s = s[:dim_new]
        s_inv2 = 1 / s ** 0.5
        s_inv2 = cytnx.linalg.Diag(s_inv2);
        u_tmp = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(u[:, :dim_new], s_inv2);
        v_tmp = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(s_inv2, vt[:dim_new, :]).permute(1, 0).contiguous();
        p_up = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(r_down.permute(1, 0).contiguous(), v_tmp)
        p_down = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(r_up.permute(1, 0).contiguous(), u_tmp)
        p_up = cyx.CyTensor(p_up, 0);
        p_down = cyx.CyTensor(p_down, 0)
        return p_up, p_down
    ########## Coarse grain
    def coarse_grain(c1t1, t4w, c4t3, u_up, u_down):
        u1 = u_up.clone();
        c1t1.set_labels([0, -1]); u1.set_labels([-1, 1]);
        c1 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c1t1, u1))
        u2 = u_down.clone()
        c4t3.set_labels([-1, 1]); u2.set_labels([-1, 0]);
        c4 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(c4t3, u2))
        t4w.set_labels([-1, 1, -2]);
        u3 = u_down.clone(); u4 = u_up.clone();
        u3.set_labels([-1, 0]); u4.set_labels([-2, 2]);
        t4 = sort_label(cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(u3, t4w), u4))
        return c1, t4, c4

    ############ Mian program
    c1, c2, c3, c4 = cns
    t1, t2, t3, t4 = tms
    energy = 0
    energy_mem = -1
    steps = 0
    while abs(energy - energy_mem) > 1.E-6 and steps < num_of_steps:
        for i in range(4): # four direction
            ######################## Extend tensors
            c1t1, t4w, c4t3 = extend_tensors(c1,t1,t4,weight,c4,t3)
            ######################## Create projector
            ## Orus scheme
            # u_up, u_down = create_projectors_Orus(c1t1, c4t3, dim_cut);
            ## Corboz scheme
            corner_extended = []
            for _ in range(4):
                corner_extended.append(corner_extend_corboz(c1, t1, t4, weight))
                c1, c2, c3, c4 = tuple_rotation(c1, c2, c3, c4)
                t1, t2, t3, t4 = tuple_rotation(t1, t2, t3, t4)
                weight = weight_rotate(weight)
            u_up, u_down = create_projectors_corboz(*corner_extended, dim_cut)
            ###################### Coarse grain tensors
            c1, t4, c4 = coarse_grain(c1t1, t4w, c4t3,u_up, u_down)

            ###################### Rotate tensors
            c1, c2, c3, c4 = tuple_rotation(c1, c2, c3, c4)
            t1, t2, t3, t4 = tuple_rotation(t1, t2, t3, t4)
            weight = weight_rotate(weight)
        cns = [c1, c2, c3, c4]; tms = [t1, t2, t3, t4]
        for j in range(4):
            norm = np.max(cytnx.linalg.Abs(cns[j].get_block_()).numpy())
            cns[j] = cns[j]/norm
            norm = np.max(cytnx.linalg.Abs(tms[j].get_block_()).numpy())
            tms[j] = tms[j]/norm 
        c1, c2, c3, c4 = cns
        t1, t2, t3, t4 = tms

        ####################### Measurement
        ## build network (see plotnet.py) 
        anet = cyx.Network("Network/measurement.net")
        norm = anet.Launch(optimal = True).item()

        ## expect (reuse network)
        expect = anet.Launch(optimal = True).item()
        ### Other method using ncon.py
        ### ncon.py can contract multiple tensors in a single operation, and it can also 
        ### find the optimized contraction steps.
        #all_mat = [a.clone() for a in all_mat]
        #all_mat  = [mat.get_block().numpy() for mat in all_mat]

        #weight_np = weight.get_block().numpy()
        #index_array = all_mat.copy()
        #weight_imp_np = weight_imp.get_block().numpy()
        #norm = ncon(index_array, 
        #          [c1_label, c2_label, c3_label, c4_label, t1_label, t2_label, t3_label, t4_label, [3,6,8,5]])
        #index_array = all_mat.copy()
        #expect = ncon(index_array, 
        #           [c1_label, c2_label, c3_label, c4_label, t1_label, t2_label, t3_label, t4_label, [3,6,8,5]])
        energy_mem = energy
        energy = 3/2*expect/norm.real
        print('Coarse-graining(CTMRG) steps:%d'%(steps+1),'energy = ',energy )
    if steps < num_of_steps-1: print('Converge!')
    return energy
from setting import *
import cytnx as cy
from cytnx import cytnx_extension as cyx

anet = cyx.Network("extend_corner_corboz.net")
#anet = cyx.Network("weight.net")
#anet = cyx.Network("impurity.net")


from setting import *
import cytnx as cy
from cytnx import cytnx_extension as cyx

# anet = cyx.Network("extend_corner_corboz.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("s_vt_A.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("L_A_M_A.net")

# anet = cyx.Network("psi_L_M1_M2_R.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("A_A_s.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("R_B_M_Bconj.net")
anet = cyx.Network("s_B_B.net")

anet.Diagram(figsize=[6, 5])
chi = 20
RGstep = 20

Q = cytnx.Tensor([2, 2])
p_beta = np.exp(beta)
m_beta = np.exp(-beta)
Q[0, 0] = Q[1, 1] = p_beta
Q[1, 0] = Q[0, 1] = m_beta
w, v = La.Eigh(Q)
Q_sqrt_tmp = v @ La.Diag(w)**0.5 @ La.Inv(v)
Q_sqrt = cyx.CyTensor(Q_sqrt_tmp, 0)

delta_tmp = cytnx.zeros([2, 2, 2, 2])
delta_tmp[0, 0, 0, 0] = delta_tmp[1, 1, 1, 1] = 1
delta = cyx.CyTensor(delta_tmp, 0)
anet = cyx.Network('Network/Q4_delta.net')
anet.PutCyTensors(["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "delta"], [Q_sqrt] * 4 + [delta])
T = anet.Launch(optimal=True)

lnz = 0.0
for k in range(RGstep):
    print('RGstep = ', k + 1, 'T.shape() = ', T.shape())
    Tmax = La.Max(La.Abs(T.get_block())).item()
    T = T / Tmax
    lnz += 2**(-k) * np.log(Tmax)
    chiT = T.shape()[0]
    chitemp = min(chiT**2, chi)
    ## Construct U1, V1
    stmp, utmp, vtmp = cyx.xlinalg.Svd_truncate(T, chitemp)
    s_sqrt = stmp**0.5
    U1 = cyx.Contract(utmp, s_sqrt)
from setting import *
import cytnx as cy
from cytnx import cytnx_extension as cyx

# anet = cyx.Network("extend_corner_corboz.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("s_vt_A.net")
anet = cyx.Network("L_A_W_Aconj.net")
anet = cyx.Network("C_L_R.net")

# anet = cyx.Network("psi_L_M1_M2_R.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("A_A_s.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("R_B_M_Bconj.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("M_u_s.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("s_B.net")
# anet = cyx.Network("psi_L_W_R.net")


def simple_update(ten_a, ten_b, l_three_dir, D, u_gates):
    for i in range(3):
        ## first set_labels, which will be used for contraction later
        lx = l_three_dir[0].clone()

        ## those will contract with ten_a later
        ly_a = l_three_dir[1].clone()
        lz_a = l_three_dir[2].clone()

        ## those will contract with ten_b later
        ly_b = l_three_dir[1].clone()
        lz_b = l_three_dir[2].clone()

        # pair contraction + apply gate
        #ten_axyz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_a, lx), ly_a),lz_a)
        #ten_byz = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_b, ly_b), lz_b)
        #pair_ten = cyx.Contract(ten_axyz, ten_byz)
        #apply_ten = cyx.Contract(pair_ten, u_gates[i])
        #apply_ten.permute_([4,0,1,5,2,3]) # Not trivial, please use print_diagram()
        #apply_ten = sort_label(apply_ten)
        anet = cyx.Network("Network/ite.net")
        anet.PutCyTensor("u", u_gates[i])
        anet.PutCyTensor("a", ten_a)
        anet.PutCyTensor("b", ten_b)
        anet.PutCyTensor("lx", lx)
        anet.PutCyTensor("ly_a", ly_a)
        anet.PutCyTensor("ly_b", ly_b)
        anet.PutCyTensor("lz_a", lz_a)
        anet.PutCyTensor("lz_b", lz_b)
        apply_ten = anet.Launch()

        # apply_ten.print_diagram()

        ## SVD truncate
        d = ten_a.shape()[0]
        dim_new = min(2 * 2 * d, D)
        lx, ten_a, ten_b = cyx.xlinalg.Svd_truncate(apply_ten, dim_new)
        ten_a.set_labels([0, -1, -2, 1])
        ten_b.set_labels([1, 0, -1, -2])
        ly_a_inv = 1. / ly_a
        lz_a_inv = 1. / lz_a
        ly_a_inv.set_labels([2, -1])
        lz_a_inv.set_labels([3, -2])

        ten_a = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_a, ly_a_inv), lz_a_inv)
        ten_a.permute_([0, 1, 2, 3], by_label=True)
        ly_b_inv = 1. / ly_b
        lz_b_inv = 1. / lz_b
        ly_b_inv.set_labels([2, -1])
        lz_b_inv.set_labels([3, -2])
        ten_b = cyx.Contract(cyx.Contract(ten_b, ly_b_inv), lz_b_inv)
        #ten_b.permute_([1,0,2,3]) ## not so trivial, please use print_diagram()
        # ten_b = sort_label(ten_b)
        # ten_b.print_diagram()
        ten_b.permute_([0, 1, 2, 3], by_label=True)
        # ten_b.print_diagram()

        Norm = sum(lx.get_block().numpy())
        l_three_dir[0] = lx / Norm
        l_three_dir = Lambdas_rotate(l_three_dir)
        ten_a = Tensor_rotate(ten_a)
        ten_b = Tensor_rotate(ten_b)

    return ten_a, ten_b, l_three_dir
import cytnx
import numpy
import cytnx.cytnx_extension as cyx

N = cyx.Network("pess.net")