def whosinclass():
    return t.reduceby(lambda s: 'present' if s[1] else 'absent' if s[2] else 'nothere',
                      lambda acc,x: acc + [x[0]],
                        datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") in s.absences]
                       for s in data['students'].values()],
文件: python.py 项目: Casolt/blaze
def compute_up(t, seq, **kwargs):
    if ((isinstance(t.apply, Reduction) and type(t.apply) in binops) or
        (isinstance(t.apply, Summary) and builtins.all(type(val) in binops
                                                for val in t.apply.values))):
        grouper, binop, combiner, initial = reduce_by_funcs(t)
        d = reduceby(grouper, binop, seq, initial)
        grouper = rrowfunc(t.grouper, t._child)
        groups = groupby(grouper, seq)
        d = dict((k, compute(t.apply, {t._child: v})) for k, v in groups.items())

    if isscalar(t.grouper.dshape.measure):
        keyfunc = lambda x: (x,)
        keyfunc = identity
    if isscalar(t.apply.dshape.measure):
        valfunc = lambda x: (x,)
        valfunc = identity
    return tuple(keyfunc(k) + valfunc(v) for k, v in d.items())
def compute_up(t, seq, **kwargs):
    if ((isinstance(t.apply, Reduction) and type(t.apply) in binops) or
        (isinstance(t.apply, Summary) and builtins.all(type(val) in binops
                                                for val in t.apply.values))):
        grouper, binop, combiner, initial = reduce_by_funcs(t)
        d = reduceby(grouper, binop, seq, initial)
        grouper = rrowfunc(t.grouper, t._child)
        groups = groupby(grouper, seq)
        d = dict((k, compute(t.apply, {t._child: v})) for k, v in groups.items())

    if isscalar(t.grouper.dshape.measure):
        keyfunc = lambda x: (x,)
        keyfunc = identity
    if isscalar(t.apply.dshape.measure):
        valfunc = lambda x: (x,)
        valfunc = identity
    return tuple(keyfunc(k) + valfunc(v) for k, v in d.items())
文件: python.py 项目: holdenk/blaze
def compute_one(t, seq, **kwargs):
    grouper = rrowfunc(t.grouper, t.child)
    if (isinstance(t.apply, Reduction) and
        type(t.apply) in binops):

        binop, initial = binops[type(t.apply)]
        applier = rrowfunc(t.apply.child, t.child)

        def binop2(acc, x):
            return binop(acc, applier(x))

        d = reduceby(grouper, binop2, seq, initial)
        groups = groupby(grouper, seq)
        d = dict((k, compute(t.apply, {t.child: v})) for k, v in groups.items())

    if t.grouper.iscolumn:
        return d.items()
        return tuple(k + (v,) for k, v in d.items())
文件: peer.py 项目: frankcash/py-evm
    def match_protocols(self, remote_capabilities: List[Tuple[bytes, int]]):
        """Match the sub-protocols supported by this Peer with the given remote capabilities.

        Every sub-protocol and remote-capability are defined by a protocol name and version. This
        method will get the match with the highest version for every protocol, sort them
        in ascending alphabetical order and add a Protocol instance for the protocol with that
        name/version to this peer's list of enabled sub protocols. Each Protocol instance will
        also have a cmd ID offset, defined as the offset of the previous item (0 for the base
        protocol) plus the protocol's cmd length (i.e. number of commands).
        matching_capabilities = set(self.capabilities).intersection(remote_capabilities)
        higher_matching = reduceby(
            binop=lambda a, b: a if a[1] > b[1] else b,
        sub_protocols_by_name_and_version = dict(
            ((klass.name, klass.version), klass) for klass in self._supported_sub_protocols)
        offset = self.base_protocol.cmd_length
        for name, version in sorted(higher_matching.values()):
            proto_klass = sub_protocols_by_name_and_version[(name, version)]
            self.enabled_sub_protocols.append(proto_klass(self, offset))
            offset += proto_klass.cmd_length
文件: python.py 项目: B-Rich/blaze
def compute(t, seq):
    parent = compute(t.parent, seq)

    if (isinstance(t.apply, Reduction) and
        type(t.apply) in binops):

        binop, initial = binops[type(t.apply)]
        applier = rowfunc(t.apply.parent)
        grouper = rowfunc(t.grouper)

        def binop2(acc, x):
            return binop(acc, applier(x))

        d = reduceby(grouper, binop2, parent, initial)
        grouper = rowfunc(t.grouper)
        groups = groupby(grouper, parent)
        d = dict((k, compute(t.apply, v)) for k, v in groups.items())

    if t.grouper.iscolumn:
        return d.items()
        return tuple(k + (v,) for k, v in d.items())
 def reduce_by(self, key, op):
     return fdict(cytoolz.reduceby(key, op, self)) 
# like `get(3)` or `lambda x: x[3]`, and a binary operator like
# `add` or `lesser = lambda acc, x: acc if acc < x else x`.
# It successively applies the key function to each item in succession,
# accumulating running totals for each key by combining each new value
# with the previous using the binary operator.
# It can’t accept full reduction operations like `sum` or `min` as
# these require access to the entire group at once. Here's an example:
def iseven(n):
    return n % 2 == 0

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

print(reduceby(iseven, add, [1, 2, 3, 4]))  # {False: 4, True: 6}
# The even numbers are added together (2 + 4 = 6) into group True, and
# the odd numbers are added together (1 + 3 = 4) into group False.

# Here is the solution for our accounts example that
# adds up the balances for each group:
binop = lambda total, acc: total + acc[2]
print(reduceby(get(3), binop, accounts), 0)  # {'M': 400, 'F': 400}

# We register multiple datasets together with `join`.
# Consider a second dataset storing addresses by ID
addresses = [
    (1, '123 Main Street'),  # id, address
    (2, '5 Adams Way'),
    (5, '34 Rue St Michel')