def create_init_data(): # Open a file in "w"rite mode filters = ts.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=2) fileh = ts.openFile("place_and_route_data.h5", mode="w", filters=filters) # Get the HDF5 root group root = fileh.root net_files = fileh.createTable(root, 'net_files', NET_FILES_TABLE_LAYOUT) net_paths = path('/var/benchmarks/mcnc').files('*.net') placements = fileh.createGroup(root, 'placements', 'Placements') m = cMain() for i, p in enumerate(net_paths): parser = cVprNetFileParser(p) net_file = net_files.row net_file['id'] = i net_file['md5'] = p.read_hexhash('md5') net_file['block_count'] = len(parser.block_labels) net_file['net_count'] = len(parser.net_labels) group = fileh.createGroup(placements, p.namebase, 'Placements for %s' % p.namebase) placement_table = fileh.createTable(group, 'placements', PLACEMENT_TABLE_LAYOUT) placement_table.flush() positions_table = fileh.createTable( group, 'block_positions', BLOCK_POSITIONS_TABLE_LAYOUT) positions_table.flush() placement_id = len(placement_table) positions_id = len(positions_table) for j, d in enumerate(path('../place_results') .files('placed-%s-*.out' % p.namebase)): positions = m.read_placement( p, '/var/benchmarks/4lut_sanitized.arch', d) k = 0 placement = placement_table.row placement['id'] = placement_id + j placement['net_file_id'] = net_file['id'] placement['block_position_offset'] = positions_id placement['block_count'] = net_file['block_count'] placement['md5'] = d.read_hexhash('md5') for k, b in enumerate(positions): row = positions_table.row row['id'] = positions_id + k row['placement_id'] = placement['id'] row['position'] = b row.append() positions_id += len(positions) placement.append() positions_table.flush() placement_table.flush() net_file.append() net_files.flush() fileh.close()
def test_route(): data_root = path(cyvpr.get_data_root()[0]) arch = data_root.joinpath('4lut_sanitized.arch') net = data_root.joinpath('') m = cMain() block_positions =, arch, 'placed.out') assert(len(block_positions) == m.block_count) routed_data = m.route(net, arch, 'placed.out', 'routed.out') state = [s for s in routed_data['states'] if s.success][-1] assert(len(state.wire_lengths) == m.net_count) assert(len(state.bends) == m.net_count) assert(len(state.segments) == m.net_count) return routed_data
def sync_placements_from_paths(self, arch_path): self.sync_net_files_from_paths(arch_path) vpr_main = cMain() h5f = self.h5f['placements'] if not hasattr(h5f.root, 'placement_results'): h5f.createGroup(h5f.root, 'placement_results') placement_results = h5f.root.placement_results cre_net_file_name = re.compile(r'(?P<net_file_namebase>[^\/\s]+)\.net') for placement_path in self.h5f['paths'].root.placement_paths: with open(placement_path['path'], 'rb') as f: header = f.readline() match = net_file_namebase ='net_file_namebase') net_file_name = net_file_namebase + '.net' if hasattr(placement_results, net_file_namebase): placement_table = getattr(placement_results, net_file_namebase) if (placement_path['block_positions_sha1'] in placement_table.cols.block_positions_sha1): # This placement has already been entered into the table. continue # The placement has not been entered into the results table, so # process it now. net_file = None for net_file_data in self.h5f['paths'].root.net_file_paths: if net_file_data['path'].endswith(net_file_name): # The net-file used for the placement is available. net_file = net_file_data break if net_file is None: raise RuntimeError, 'The net-file used for the placement is _not_ available.' # Parse using VPR. block_positions = (vpr_main .read_placement(net_file_data['path'], arch_path, placement_path['path'])) if not hasattr(placement_results, net_file_namebase): table = h5f.createTable(placement_results, net_file_namebase, get_PLACEMENT_TABLE_LAYOUT( vpr_main.block_count)) table.cols.net_file_md5.createIndex() table.cols.block_positions_sha1.createIndex() placements = getattr(placement_results, net_file_namebase) row = placements.row row['net_file_md5'] = net_file['md5'] row['block_positions_sha1'] = placement_path['block_positions_sha1'] row['block_positions'] = block_positions row.append() placements.flush()
def process_placement_path(net_file_paths_table, placement_paths_table, file_path, architecture, update): vpr_main = cMain() cre_net_file_name = re.compile(r'(?P<net_file_namebase>[^\/\s]+)\.net') with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: header = f.readline() match = net_file_namebase ='net_file_namebase') net_file_name = net_file_namebase + '.net' # The placement has not been entered into the results table, so # process it now. net_file = None for net_file_data in net_file_paths_table: if net_file_data['path'].endswith(net_file_name): # The net-file used for the placement is available. net_file = net_file_data break if net_file is None: raise RuntimeError, ('The net-file used for the placement is _not_ ' 'available.') # Parse using VPR. block_positions = vpr_main.read_placement(net_file['path'], architecture, file_path) sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update( block_positions_sha1 = sha1.hexdigest() row_count = 0 for row in placement_paths_table.where('block_positions_sha1 == "%s"' % block_positions_sha1): # The table already contains an entry for this file. print ('The table already contains block_positions with this SHA1: %s' % block_positions_sha1) if update and not row['path'] == file_path.abspath(): row['path'] = file_path.abspath() row.update() print ' \--> updated path to: %s' % row['path'] row_count += 1 if row_count == 0: row = placement_paths_table.row row['block_positions_sha1'] = block_positions_sha1 row['path'] = file_path.abspath() row.append()
def sync_net_files_from_paths(self, arch_path): vpr_main = cMain() h5f = self.h5f['placements'] if not hasattr(h5f.root, 'net_files'): table = h5f.createTable(h5f.root, 'net_files', NET_FILES_TABLE_LAYOUT) table.cols.md5.createCSIndex() net_files = h5f.root.net_files for net_file_path in self.h5f['paths'].root.net_file_paths: if net_file_path['md5'] not in net_files.cols.md5: # Intialize VPR with dummy output files to read in net-file to # get block-count and net-count. vpr_main.init([net_file_path['path'], arch_path, 'placed.out', 'routed.out', '-place_only', '-nodisp']) row = net_files.row row['md5'] = net_file_path['md5'] row['block_count'] = vpr_main.block_count row['net_count'] = vpr_main.net_count row.append() net_files.flush()
def place(net_path, arch_path, output_path=None, output_dir=None, place_algorithm="bounding_box", fast=True, seed=0): """ Perform VPR placement and write result to HDF file with the following structure: <net-file_namebase _(e.g., `ex5p`, `clma`, etc.)_> (Group) \--> `placements` (Table) The intention here is to structure the results such that they can be merged together with the results from other placements. """ vpr_main = cMain() # We just hard-code `placed.out` as the output path, since we aren't using # the output file. Instead, the block-positions are returned from the # `place` method. place_state, block_positions =, arch_path, "placed.out", seed=seed, fast=fast) # Use a hash of the block-positions to name the HDF file. block_positions_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(block_positions.astype("uint32").data).hexdigest() filters = ts.Filters(complib="blosc", complevel=6) if output_path is not None: output_path = str(output_path) else: output_file_name = "placed-%s-s%d-%s.h5" % (net_path.namebase, seed, block_positions_sha1) if output_dir is not None: output_path = str(output_dir.joinpath(output_file_name)) else: output_path = output_file_name parent_dir = path(output_path).parent if parent_dir and not parent_dir.isdir(): parent_dir.makedirs_p() print "writing output to: %s" % output_path h5f = ts.openFile(output_file_name, mode="w", filters=filters) net_file_results = h5f.createGroup( h5f.root, net_path.namebase, title="Placement results for %s VPR " "with `fast`=%s, `place_algorithm`=%s" % (net_path.namebase, fast, place_algorithm), ) placements = h5f.createTable( net_file_results, "placements", get_PLACEMENT_TABLE_LAYOUT(vpr_main.block_count), title="Placements for %s VPR with args: %s" % (net_path.namebase, " ".join(vpr_main.most_recent_args())), ) placements.setAttr("net_file_namebase", net_path.namebase) placements.cols.block_positions_sha1.createIndex() row = placements.row row["net_file_md5"] = net_path.read_hexhash("md5") row["block_positions"] = block_positions row["block_positions_sha1"] = block_positions_sha1 row["seed"] = seed # Convert start-date-time to UTC unix timestamp row["start"] = unix_time(place_state.start) row["end"] = unix_time(place_state.end) placer_opts = place_state.placer_opts row["placer_options"] = ( placer_opts.timing_tradeoff, placer_opts.block_dist, placer_opts.place_cost_exp, placer_opts.place_chan_width, placer_opts.num_regions, placer_opts.recompute_crit_iter, placer_opts.enable_timing_computations, placer_opts.inner_loop_recompute_divider, placer_opts.td_place_exp_first, placer_opts.td_place_exp_last, placer_opts.place_cost_type, placer_opts.place_algorithm, ) row.append() placements.flush() stats_group = h5f.createGroup( net_file_results, "placement_stats", title="Placement statistics for each " "outer-loop iteration of a VPR anneal for " "%s with args: %s" % (net_path.namebase, " ".join(vpr_main.most_recent_args())), ) # Prefix `block_positions_sha1` with `P_` to ensure the table-name is # compatible with Python natural-naming. This is necessary since SHA1 # hashes may start with a number, in which case the name would not be a # valid Python attribute name. placement_stats = h5f.createTable( stats_group, "P_" + block_positions_sha1, get_VPR_PLACEMENT_STATS_TABLE_LAYOUT(), title="Placement statistics for each " "outer-loop iteration of a VPR anneal " "for %s with args: `%s`, which produced " "the block-positions with SHA1 hash `%s`" % (net_path.namebase, " ".join(vpr_main.most_recent_args()), block_positions_sha1), ) placement_stats.setAttr("net_file_namebase", net_path.namebase) placement_stats.setAttr("block_positions_sha1", block_positions_sha1) for stats in place_state.stats: stats_row = placement_stats.row for field in ( "temperature", "mean_cost", "mean_bounding_box_cost", "mean_timing_cost", "mean_delay_cost", "place_delay_value", "success_ratio", "std_dev", "radius_limit", "criticality_exponent", "total_iteration_count", ): stats_row[field] = getattr(stats, field) stats_row["start"] = stats.start["tv_sec"] + stats.start["tv_nsec"] * 1e-9 stats_row["end"] = stats.end["tv_sec"] + stats.end["tv_nsec"] * 1e-9 stats_row.append() placement_stats.flush() h5f.close() return place_state
def route(net_path, arch_path, placement_path, output_path=None, output_dir=None, fast=True, clbs_per_pin_factor=None, channel_width=None, timing_driven=True, max_router_iterations=None): ''' Perform VPR routing and write result to HDF file with the following structure: <net-file_namebase _(e.g., `ex5p`, `clma`, etc.)_> (Group) \--> `route_states` (Table) The intention here is to structure the results such that they can be merged together with the results from other routings. ''' net_path = path(net_path) arch_path = path(arch_path) placement_path = path(placement_path) vpr_main = cMain() routed_temp_dir = path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='routed-')) try: routed_path = routed_temp_dir.joinpath('routed.out') # We just hard-code `routed.out` as the output path, since we aren't using # the output file. Instead, the routing results and states are returned # from the `route` method, as an `OrderedDict` with the keys `result` and # `states`. route_results = vpr_main.route(net_path, arch_path, placement_path, routed_path, timing_driven=timing_driven, fast=fast, route_chan_width=channel_width, max_router_iterations=max_router_iterations) finally: routed_temp_dir.rmtree() block_positions = vpr_main.extract_block_positions() block_positions_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(block_positions .astype('uint32').data).hexdigest() # Use a hash of the block-positions to name the HDF file. filters = ts.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=6) if output_path is not None: output_path = str(output_path) else: output_file_name = 'routed-%s-%s' % (net_path.namebase, block_positions_sha1) if fast: output_file_name += '-fast' if timing_driven: output_file_name += '-timing_driven' else: output_file_name += '-breadth_first' if channel_width: output_file_name += '-w%d' % channel_width if max_router_iterations: output_file_name += '-m%d' % max_router_iterations output_file_name += '.h5' if output_dir is not None: output_path = str(output_dir.joinpath(output_file_name)) else: output_path = output_file_name parent_dir = path(output_path).parent if parent_dir and not parent_dir.isdir(): parent_dir.makedirs_p() print 'writing output to: %s' % output_path h5f = ts.openFile(output_path, mode='w', filters=filters) net_file_results = h5f.createGroup(h5f.root, net_path.namebase, title='Routing results for %s VPR ' 'with `fast`=%s, `timing_driven`=%s, ' 'with `route_chan_width`=%s, ' '`max_router_iterations`=%s' % (net_path.namebase, fast, timing_driven, channel_width, max_router_iterations)) # TODO: Finish modifying this function for route _(instead of placement)_. route_states = h5f.createTable(net_file_results, 'route_states', get_ROUTE_TABLE_LAYOUT(vpr_main.net_count), title='Routings for %s VPR with args: %s' % (net_path.namebase, ' '.join(vpr_main.most_recent_args()))) route_states.setAttr('net_file_namebase', net_path.namebase) # Index some columns for fast look-up. route_states.cols.block_positions_sha1.createIndex() route_states.cols.success.createIndex() route_states.cols.width_fac.createCSIndex() for i, route_state in enumerate(route_results['states']): state_row = route_states.row state_row['block_positions_sha1'] = block_positions_sha1 state_row['success'] = route_state.success state_row['width_fac'] = route_state.width_fac state_row['critical_path_delay'] = route_state.critical_path_delay state_row['total_logic_delay'] = route_state.total_logic_delay state_row['total_net_delay'] = route_state.total_net_delay state_row['tnodes_on_crit_path'] = route_state.tnodes_on_crit_path state_row['non_global_nets_on_crit_path'] = ( route_state.non_global_nets_on_crit_path) state_row['global_nets_on_crit_path'] = (route_state .global_nets_on_crit_path) # Convert start-date-time to UTC unix timestamp state_row['start'] = unix_time(route_state.start) state_row['end'] = unix_time(route_state.end) state_row['router_options'] = tuple(getattr(route_state.router_opts, attr) for attr in ('max_router_iterations', 'first_iter_pres_fac', 'initial_pres_fac', 'pres_fac_mult', 'acc_fac', 'bend_cost', 'bb_factor', 'astar_fac', 'max_criticality', 'criticality_exp')) if len(route_state.bends) > 0: state_row['net_data'][0][:] = route_state.bends[:] state_row['net_data'][1][:] = route_state.wire_lengths[:] state_row['net_data'][2][:] = route_state.segments[:] state_row.append() route_states.flush() h5f.close() return route_results