def cropImages_mp(self, xRange, yRange, padding, out_bands=[], Process_cnt=10): """ :param prefix_output: :param xRange: :param yRange: :param padding: overlap :param out_bands: :return: """ czhUtils.gdal.UseExceptions() #get images in inputPath imgFiles = [] czhUtils.getfilepath(self.inputPath, imgFiles) imgFiles_mp = mp.Manager().list() for file in natsorted(imgFiles): imgFiles_mp.append(file) # print(file) self.imgFiles = imgFiles_mp pool = mp.Pool(processes=Process_cnt) for i in range(Process_cnt): print(i) pool.apply_async(self.cropImages, args=(xRange, yRange, padding, out_bands)) pool.close() pool.join()
def cropImages(self, xRange, yRange, padding, out_bands=[]): """ :param prefix_output: :param xRange: :param yRange: :param padding: overlap :param out_bands: :return: """ czhUtils.gdal.UseExceptions() #get images in inputPath imgFiles = [] czhUtils.getfilepath(self.inputPath, imgFiles) cnt = 0 if len(imgFiles) > 0: for imgFilePath in imgFiles: cnt += 1 print("Processing: {} / {}, {}".format(cnt, len(imgFiles), imgFilePath)) rasters = czhUtils.gdal.Open(imgFilePath) srcArray = czhUtils.gdalnumeric.LoadFile(imgFilePath) img_Width = rasters.RasterXSize img_Height = rasters.RasterYSize geoTrans = rasters.GetGeoTransform() #get full path of file without ext filename, fileext = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(imgFilePath)) #origin point world coordinate # originX = geoTrans[0] # originY = geoTrans[3] h0, w0 = 0, 0 col, row = 1, 1 while (h0 < img_Height): while (w0 < img_Width): #recalculate originX and originY # originX,originY = czhUtils.pixeloffset2coord(geoTrans,w0,h0) #crop image # clip, pixel_ul_x, pixel_ul_y, geoTrans2 = self.cropImage(rasters,srcArray,originX,originY,xRange,yRange,out_bands) clip, pixel_ul_x, pixel_ul_y, geoTrans2 = self.cropImage( rasters, srcArray, w0, h0, xRange, yRange, out_bands) #save image # rasterOutputPath = czhUtils.os.path.join(self.outputPath,filename +"_{}_{}".format(row,col)+fileext) rasterOutputPath = czhUtils.os.path.join( self.outputPath, filename + "_{}_{}".format(row, col)) self.saveCropImage(rasters, clip, rasterOutputPath, pixel_ul_x, pixel_ul_y, geoTrans2) #moving window along x-axil w0 = w0 + xRange - padding col = col + 1 #moving window alogn y_axil h0 = h0 + yRange - padding w0 = 0 col = 1 row = row + 1
def mergeImages(self, image_dic, out_dic, t_w, t_h, n_w, n_h, overlap=0): pngs = [] #(filename ,row ,col) fileSplits = [] pathSplits = [] czhUtils.getfilepath(image_dic, pngs, ('png', 'PNG')) for png in pngs: png_base, _ = czhUtils.os.path.splitext( czhUtils.os.path.basename(png)) png_path = czhUtils.os.path.dirname(png) fileSplits.append(png_base.split('_')) pathSplits.append(png_path) #loop fileSplits fileNames = czhUtils.getUniqueValue(fileSplits, 1) #bug if n_w/t_w or n_h/t_h is exactly divisible # if (n_w+2*padding) % t_w ==0: if (n_w - overlap) % (t_w - overlap) == 0: # maxRows = math.floor((n_w+padding)/t_w) maxRows = math.floor((n_w - overlap) / (t_w - overlap)) else: # maxRows = math.floor((n_w+padding)/t_w)+1 maxRows = math.floor((n_w - overlap) / (t_w - overlap)) + 1 # if (n_h+2*padding)%t_h ==0: if (n_h - overlap) / (t_h - overlap) == 0: # maxCols = math.floor((n_h+padding)/t_h) maxCols = math.floor((n_h - overlap) / (t_h - overlap)) else: # maxCols = math.floor((n_h+padding)/t_h)+1 maxCols = math.floor((n_h - overlap) / (t_h - overlap)) + 1 for filename in fileNames: #reconstruct image #calculate rows and colsl rows = max([ int(filesplit[1]) for filesplit in fileSplits if filesplit[0] == filename ]) cols = max([ int(filesplit[2]) for filesplit in fileSplits if filesplit[0] == filename ]) bStart = True #topleft point # cur_l = 0 # cur_t = 0 for row in range(rows): # cur_l=padding cur_l = 0 if row == 0: # img_t = padding #tile image img_t = 0 cur_t = 0 else: # get image data in roi cur_t = cur_t + t_h - img_t if cur_t + t_h - img_t > n_h: img_t = imgH - n_h + cur_t else: img_t = overlap for col in range(cols): #check file exist #get image width and height try: idx = fileSplits.index( [filename, str(row + 1), str(col + 1)]) except: idx = -1 if idx != -1: png_path = pathSplits[ idx] + "\\" + "{}_{}_{}.png".format( filename, row + 1, col + 1) img = cv2.imread(png_path) imgH = img.shape[0] imgW = img.shape[1] assert imgH == t_h assert imgW == t_w channels = img.shape[2] dType = img.dtype if bStart: dst =, n_w, channels), dtype=dType) bStart = False #calculate actual valid image left top point if col == 0: # img_l = padding img_l = 0 else: #get image data in roi cur_l = cur_l + t_w - img_l if cur_l + t_w - img_l > n_w: img_l = imgW - n_w + cur_l else: img_l = overlap roi = img[img_t:imgH, img_l:imgW, :] dst[cur_t:cur_t + imgH - img_t, cur_l:cur_l + imgW - img_l] = roi #write image file if possible export tif with tfw file. cv2.imwrite(out_dic + "\\" + filename + ".tif", dst)