def _dispatch_delete(self, objectname): try: self._objects[objectname]._shutdown() except Exception: _log.error("Error when shutting down the object %s:", type(self._objects[objectname])) _log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) del self._objects[objectname]
def Wait_Window_Loaded(self): tries = 5 while self.Window_Is_Loading(): if tries == 0: log.error("Failed to wait till window has finished loading") return int(False) tries = tries - 1 time.sleep(0.3) log.debug("Finished waiting till window has finished loading") return int(True)
def jsonrpc_enabled(notify=False): try: s = socket.socket() s.connect(('', 9090)) s.close()"Kodi's JSON-RPC service is available, starting up...") del s return True except Exception as e: log.error(repr(e)) if notify: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(ServiceSettings)") dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok("da_inc", getLocalizedString(30199)) return False
def _readn(self): """ Internal function which reads from socket waiting for a newline """ streambuffer = self._buffer pos = streambuffer.find(b'\n') # _log.debug("read...") # retry = 0 while pos == -1: data = b'' try: data = self._sck.recv(2048) except IOError as inst: _log.debug("Read socket error: IOError%r (timeout: %r)", inst.args, self._sck.gettimeout()) if inst.errno in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.EWOULDBLOCK): if self._sck.gettimeout() == 0: # if it was too fast self._sck.settimeout(5) continue # time.sleep(0.5) # retry += 1 # if retry < 10: # _log.debug("Retry %s", retry) # continue # _log.debug(traceback.format_exc(0)) if inst.errno in self._SOCKET_COMM_ERRORS: raise EofError(len(streambuffer)) return b'' except socket.error as inst: _log.error("Read socket error: socket.error%r (timeout: %r)", inst.args, self._sck.gettimeout()) # _log.debug(traceback.format_exc(0)) return b'' except: raise if not data: raise EofError(len(streambuffer)) # _log.debug("readbuf+: %r", data) streambuffer += data pos = streambuffer.find(b'\n') self._buffer = streambuffer[pos + 1:] streambuffer = streambuffer[:pos] # _log.debug("read: %r", buffer) return streambuffer
def _format_exception(self, obj, method, args, kw, exc): etype, evalue, etb = exc funargs = ", ".join([repr(x) for x in args] + ["%s=%r" % (k, kw[k]) for k in kw]) if len(funargs) > 40: funargs = funargs[:37] + "..." _log.error("(%s) In Handler method %s.%s(%s) ", obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__, method, funargs) _log.debug("\n".join([ "%s::%s:%d %s" % (filename, fnname, lineno, srcline) for filename, lineno, fnname, srcline in traceback.extract_tb(etb)[1:] ])) _log.error("Unhandled error: %s: %s", etype.__name__, evalue) del etb return '%s: %s' % (etype.__name__, evalue)
def _send(self, response): txtResponse = None try: txtResponse = json.dumps(response, self) except Exception as e: _log.error( "An unexpected error ocurred when trying to create the message: %r", e) response = { 'result': None, 'error': "InternalServerError: " + repr(e) } txtResponse = json.dumps(response, self) try: self.write(txtResponse) except TypeError: _log.debug("response was: %r", response) raise
def clear_fd_inherit_flags(): # Ensure the spawned da_inc binary doesn't inherit open files from Kodi # which can break things like addon updates. [WINDOWS ONLY] try: from ctypes import windll HANDLE_RANGE = six.moves.xrange(0, 65536) HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT = 1 FILE_TYPE_DISK = 1 for hd in HANDLE_RANGE: if windll.kernel32.GetFileType(hd) == FILE_TYPE_DISK: if not windll.kernel32.SetHandleInformation( hd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0): log.error( "Error clearing inherit flag, disk file handle %x" % hd) except: pass
def setresponse(self, value): """ Method used by Connection instance to tell Request that a Response is available to this request. Parameters: **value** Value (JSON decoded) received from socket. """ self.responses.put(value) for callback in self.callbacks: try: callback(self) except Exception as exc: _log.error("Error on callback: %r", exc) _log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.event_response.set() # helper for threads. if self.auto_close: self.close()
def close(self): """ Close the connection and the socket. """ if self.connection_status == "closed": return item = {'abort': True, 'event': threading.Event()} self.write_thread_queue.append(item) self.write_thread_semaphore.release() # notify new item. item['event'].wait(1) if not item['event'].isSet(): _log.warning("write thread doesn't process our abort command") try: self.handler._shutdown() except Exception: _log.error("Error when shutting down the handler: %s", traceback.format_exc()) try: self._sck.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error: pass self._sck.close() self.connection_status = "closed"
def get_da_inc_binary(): global binary_platform binary_platform = get_platform() binary = "da_inc" + (binary_platform["os"] == "windows" and ".exe" or "") binary_dir = os.path.join(ADDON_PATH, "resources", "bin", "%(os)s_%(arch)s" % binary_platform) if binary_platform["os"] == "android":"Detected binary folder: %s" % binary_dir) binary_dir_legacy = binary_dir.replace("/storage/emulated/0", "/storage/emulated/legacy") if os.path.exists(binary_dir_legacy): binary_dir = binary_dir_legacy"Using changed binary folder for Android: %s" % binary_dir) app_id = android_get_current_appid() xbmc_data_path = os.path.join("/data", "data", app_id) if not os.path.exists(xbmc_data_path): "%s path does not exist, so using %s as xbmc_data_path" % (xbmc_data_path, xbmc.translatePath("special://xbmcbin/"))) xbmc_data_path = xbmc.translatePath("special://xbmcbin/") if not os.path.exists(xbmc_data_path):"%s path does not exist, so using %s as xbmc_data_path" % (xbmc_data_path, xbmc.translatePath("special://masterprofile/"))) xbmc_data_path = xbmc.translatePath("special://masterprofile/") dest_binary_dir = os.path.join(xbmc_data_path, "files", ADDON_ID, "bin", "%(os)s_%(arch)s" % binary_platform) else: dest_binary_dir = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo("profile")), "bin", "%(os)s_%(arch)s" % binary_platform) binary_path = os.path.join(binary_dir, binary) dest_binary_path = os.path.join(dest_binary_dir, binary)"Binary detection. Source: %s, Destination: %s" % (binary_path, dest_binary_path)) if not os.path.exists(binary_path): # notify((getLocalizedString(30103) + " %(os)s_%(arch)s" % PLATFORM), time=7000) dialog_ok("LOCALIZE[30347];;" + "%(os)s_%(arch)s" % binary_platform) system_information() try:"Source directory (%s):\n%s" % (binary_dir, os.listdir(os.path.join(binary_dir, ".."))))"Destination directory (%s):\n%s" % (dest_binary_dir, os.listdir(os.path.join(dest_binary_dir, "..")))) except Exception: pass return False, False if os.path.isdir(dest_binary_path): log.warning( "Destination path is a directory, expected previous binary file, removing..." ) try: shutil.rmtree(dest_binary_path) except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to remove destination path for update: %s" % e) system_information() return False, False if not os.path.exists(dest_binary_path) or not os.path.exists( binary_path) or get_da_inc_checksum( dest_binary_path) != get_da_inc_checksum( binary_path) or not filecmp.cmp( dest_binary_path, binary_path, shallow=True):"Updating da_inc daemon...") try: os.makedirs(dest_binary_dir) except OSError: pass try: shutil.rmtree(dest_binary_dir) except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to remove destination path for update: %s" % e) system_information() pass try: shutil.copytree(binary_dir, dest_binary_dir) except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to copy to destination path for update: %s" % e) system_information() return False, False # Clean stale files in the directory, as this can cause headaches on # Android when they are unreachable dest_files = set(os.listdir(dest_binary_dir)) orig_files = set(os.listdir(binary_dir))"Deleting stale files %s" % (dest_files - orig_files)) for file_ in (dest_files - orig_files): path = os.path.join(dest_binary_dir, file_) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path)"Binary detection: [ Source: %s, Destination: %s ]" % (binary_path, dest_binary_path)) return dest_binary_dir, ensure_exec_perms(dest_binary_path)
def start_da_inc(**kwargs): jsonrpc_failures = 0 while jsonrpc_enabled() is False: jsonrpc_failures += 1 log.warning( "Unable to connect to Kodi's JSON-RPC service, retrying...") if jsonrpc_failures > 1: time.sleep(5) if not jsonrpc_enabled(notify=True): log.error( "Unable to reach Kodi's JSON-RPC service, aborting...") return False else: break time.sleep(3) da_inc_dir, da_inc_binary = get_da_inc_binary()"Binary dir: %s, item: %s " % (da_inc_dir, da_inc_binary)) if da_inc_dir is False or da_inc_binary is False: return False lockfile = os.path.join(ADDON_PATH, ".lockfile") if os.path.exists(lockfile): log.warning("Existing process found from lockfile, killing...") try: with open(lockfile) as lf: pid = int(" \t\r\n\0")) os.kill(pid, 9) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 3: # Ignore: OSError: [Errno 3] No such process log.error(repr(e)) except Exception as e: log.error(repr(e)) if binary_platform["os"] == "windows": try: library_lockfile = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( ADDON.getAddonInfo("profile")).decode('utf-8'), "library.db.lock") log.warning("Removing library.db.lock file at %s ..." % library_lockfile) os.remove(library_lockfile) except Exception as e: log.error(repr(e)) SW_HIDE = 0 STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1 args = [da_inc_binary] kwargs["cwd"] = da_inc_dir if binary_platform["os"] == "windows": args[0] = getWindowsShortPath(da_inc_binary) kwargs["cwd"] = getWindowsShortPath(da_inc_dir) si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE clear_fd_inherit_flags() kwargs["startupinfo"] = si else: env = os.environ.copy() env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = "%s:%s" % (da_inc_dir, env.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")) kwargs["env"] = env kwargs["close_fds"] = True wait_counter = 1 log.debug("Checking for visible") while xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'Window.IsVisible(10140)') or xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'Window.IsActive(10140)'): if wait_counter == 1: 'Add-on settings currently opened, waiting before starting...') if wait_counter > 300: break time.sleep(1) wait_counter += 1"da_inc: start args: %s, kw: %s" % (args, kwargs)) if hasSubprocess: return subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs) return False