    def dispatch_subgraph(self,
        """ Dispatches a code generator for a scope subgraph of an
            `SDFGState`. """

        start_nodes = list(v for v in dfg.nodes()
                           if len(list(dfg.predecessors(v))) == 0)

        # Mark nodes to skip in order to be able to skip
        nodes_to_skip = set()

        if skip_entry_node:
            assert len(start_nodes) == 1

        for v in dfs_topological_sort(dfg, start_nodes):
            if v in nodes_to_skip:

            if isinstance(v, nodes.MapEntry):
                scope_subgraph = sdfg.node(state_id).scope_subgraph(v)

                self.dispatch_scope(v.map.schedule, sdfg, scope_subgraph,
                                    state_id, function_stream, callsite_stream)

                # Skip scope subgraph nodes
                self.dispatch_node(sdfg, dfg, state_id, v, function_stream,
    def _detect_constraints(self):
            Detects scalar/vector constraints on the graph based on the following two rules:

            * Reads/writes containing the loop param are Vectors
            * Reads/writes from/to an Array access node without loop param is always a Scalar
        for node in dfs_topological_sort(self.subgraph):
            if isinstance(node, nodes.Tasklet):
                for edge in self.state.in_edges(node):
                    if self._carries_vector_data(edge):
                        # In connector must be vector since Memlet carries vector data
                        self.conn_to_node[(node, edge.dst_conn, True)].infer_as(InferenceNode.Vector)
                    elif self._carries_scalar_data(edge):
                        # Reading a scalar (with no loop param) from an Array
                        # AccessNode is always a scalar
                        src_node = self.state.memlet_path(edge)[0].src
                        if isinstance(src_node, nodes.AccessNode) and isinstance(src_node.desc(self.sdfg), data.Array):
                            self.conn_to_node[(node, edge.dst_conn, True)].infer_as(InferenceNode.Scalar)

                for edge in self.state.out_edges(node):
                    if self._carries_vector_data(edge):
                        # Out connector must be vector since Memlet carries vector data
                        self.conn_to_node[(node, edge.src_conn, False)].infer_as(InferenceNode.Vector)
                    elif self._carries_scalar_data(edge):
                        # Writing a scalar (with no loop param) to an Array
                        # AccessNode is always a scalar
                        dst_node = self.state.memlet_path(edge)[-1].dst
                        if isinstance(dst_node, nodes.AccessNode) and isinstance(dst_node.desc(self.sdfg), data.Array):
                            self.conn_to_node[(node, edge.src_conn, False)].infer_as(InferenceNode.Scalar)
def infer_connector_types(sdfg: SDFG,
                          state: SDFGState = None,
                          graph: SubgraphView = None,
                          inferred: TypeInferenceDict = None):
        Infers the connector types of an SDFG, state or subgraph and returns them in a dictionary
        consisting of tuples with node, name and a bool whether it is an input connector
        (`True` for input, `False` for output).

        This method does not modify the connectors, meaning it is read-only.
        To apply the changes, use `apply_connector_types`.

        It can be executed in different modes, depending on the provided arguments:
        * on an SDFG by only providing `sdfg`
        * on a state by providing `sdfg` and `state`
        * on a subgraph by providing `sdfg`, `state` and `graph`

        :param sdfg: The SDFG to infer.
        :param state: The state to infer.
        :param graph: The graph to infer.
        :param inferred: The dictionary of already inferred types.

    if inferred is None:
        inferred = TypeInferenceDict()

    if sdfg is None:
        raise ValueError('No SDFG was provided')

    if state is None and graph is None:
        for state in sdfg.nodes():
            for node in dfs_topological_sort(state):
                infer_node_connectors(sdfg, state, node, inferred)

    elif state is not None and graph is None:
        for node in dfs_topological_sort(state):
            infer_node_connectors(sdfg, state, node, inferred)
    elif state is not None and graph is not None:
        for node in dfs_topological_sort(graph):
            infer_node_connectors(sdfg, state, node, inferred)
        raise ValueError('Missing some arguments')

    return inferred
    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        guard = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_guard])
        begin = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_begin])

        # A for-loop guard only has two incoming edges (init and increment)
        guard_inedges = graph.in_edges(guard)
        if len(guard_inedges) != 2:
            return False
        # A for-loop guard only has two outgoing edges (loop and exit-loop)
        guard_outedges = graph.out_edges(guard)
        if len(guard_outedges) != 2:
            return False

        # Both incoming edges to guard must set exactly one variable and
        # the same one
        if (len(guard_inedges[0].data.assignments) != 1
                or len(guard_inedges[1].data.assignments) != 1):
            return False
        itervar = list(guard_inedges[0].data.assignments.keys())[0]
        if itervar not in guard_inedges[1].data.assignments:
            return False

        # Outgoing edges must not have assignments and be a negation of each
        # other
        if any(len(e.data.assignments) > 0 for e in guard_outedges):
            return False
        if guard_outedges[0].data.condition_sympy() != (sp.Not(
            return False

        # All nodes inside loop must be dominated by loop guard
        dominators = nx.dominance.immediate_dominators(sdfg.nx,
        loop_nodes = sdutil.dfs_topological_sort(
            sdfg, sources=[begin], condition=lambda _, child: child != guard)
        backedge_found = False
        for node in loop_nodes:
            if any(e.dst == guard for e in graph.out_edges(node)):
                backedge_found = True

            # Traverse the dominator tree upwards, if we reached the guard,
            # the node is in the loop. If we reach the starting state
            # without passing through the guard, fail.
            dom = node
            while dom != dominators[dom]:
                if dom == guard:
                dom = dominators[dom]
                return False

        if not backedge_found:
            return False

        return True
    def iterate_over_passes(self) -> Iterator[Pass]:
        Iterates over passes in the pipeline, potentially multiple times based on which elements were modified
        in the pass.
        Note that this method may be overridden by subclasses to modify pass order.
        # Lazily create dependency graph
        if self._depgraph is None:
            self._depgraph = self._make_dependency_graph()

        # Maintain a dictionary for each applied pass:
        # * Whenever a pass is applied, it is set to Nothing (as nothing was modified yet)
        # * As other passes apply, all existing passes union with what the current pass modified
        # This allows us to check, for each pass, whether it (and its dependencies) should reapply since it was last
        # applied.
        applied_passes: Dict[Pass, Modifies] = {}

        def reapply_recursive(p: Pass):
            """ Reapply pass dependencies in a recursive fashion. """
            # If pass should not reapply, skip
            if p in applied_passes and not p.should_reapply(applied_passes[p]):

            # Check dependencies first
            for dep in self._depgraph.predecessors(p):
                yield from reapply_recursive(dep)

            yield p

        # Traverse dependency graph topologically and for every node, check if modified elements require
        # reapplying dependencies
        for p in sdutil.dfs_topological_sort(self._depgraph):
            p: Pass

            # If pass was visited (applied) and it (or any of its dependencies) needs reapplication
            for pass_to_apply in reapply_recursive(p):
                # Reset modified elements, yield pass, update the other applied passes with what changed
                self._modified = Modifies.Nothing

                yield pass_to_apply

                for old_pass in applied_passes.keys():
                    applied_passes[old_pass] |= self._modified
                applied_passes[pass_to_apply] = Modifies.Nothing
def infer_connector_types(sdfg: SDFG):
    Infers connector types throughout an SDFG and its nested SDFGs in-place.
    :param sdfg: The SDFG to infer.
    # Loop over states, and in a topological sort over each state's nodes
    for state in sdfg.nodes():
        for node in dfs_topological_sort(state):
            # Try to infer input connector type from node type or previous edges
            for e in state.in_edges(node):
                cname = e.dst_conn
                if cname is None:
                scalar = (e.data.subset and e.data.subset.num_elements() == 1)
                if e.data.data is not None:
                    allocated_as_scalar = (sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].storage is
                                           not dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global)
                    allocated_as_scalar = True

                if node.in_connectors[cname].type is None:
                    # If nested SDFG, try to use internal array type
                    if isinstance(node, nodes.NestedSDFG):
                        scalar = (isinstance(node.sdfg.arrays[cname],
                                  and allocated_as_scalar)
                        dtype = node.sdfg.arrays[cname].dtype
                        ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
                    elif e.data.data is not None:  # Obtain type from memlet
                        src_edge = state.memlet_path(e)[0]
                        if src_edge.src_conn is not None:
                            ctype = src_edge.src.out_connectors[src_edge.src_conn]
                            scalar |= isinstance(sdfg.arrays[e.data.data],
                            if isinstance(node, nodes.LibraryNode):
                                scalar &= allocated_as_scalar
                            dtype = sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].dtype
                            ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
                    else:  # Code->Code
                        src_edge = state.memlet_path(e)[0]
                        sconn = src_edge.src.out_connectors[src_edge.src_conn]
                        if sconn.type is None:
                            raise TypeError('Ambiguous or uninferable type in'
                                            ' connector "%s" of node "%s"' %
                                            (sconn, src_edge.src))
                        ctype = sconn
                    node.in_connectors[cname] = ctype

            # Let the node infer other output types on its own
            node.infer_connector_types(sdfg, state)

            # Try to infer outputs from output edges
            for e in state.out_edges(node):
                cname = e.src_conn
                if cname is None:
                scalar = (e.data.subset and e.data.subset.num_elements() == 1
                          and (not e.data.dynamic or
                               (e.data.dynamic and e.data.wcr is not None)))
                if e.data.data is not None:
                    allocated_as_scalar = (sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].storage is
                                           not dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global)
                    allocated_as_scalar = True
                if node.out_connectors[cname].type is None:
                    # If nested SDFG, try to use internal array type
                    if isinstance(node, nodes.NestedSDFG):
                        scalar = (isinstance(node.sdfg.arrays[cname],
                                  and allocated_as_scalar)
                        dtype = node.sdfg.arrays[cname].dtype
                        ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
                    elif e.data.data is not None:  # Obtain type from memlet
                        scalar |= isinstance(sdfg.arrays[e.data.data],
                        if isinstance(node, nodes.LibraryNode):
                            scalar &= allocated_as_scalar
                        dtype = sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].dtype
                        ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
                    node.out_connectors[cname] = ctype

            # If there are any remaining uninferable connectors, fail
            for e in state.out_edges(node):
                cname = e.src_conn
                if cname and node.out_connectors[cname].type is None:
                    raise TypeError('Ambiguous or uninferable type in'
                                    ' connector "%s" of node "%s"' %
                                    (cname, node))
    def _build(self):
            Builds the vector inference graph.
        # Create all necessary nodes
        for node in dfs_topological_sort(self.subgraph):
            if isinstance(node, nodes.Tasklet):
                non_pointer_in_conns = [
                    conn for conn in node.in_connectors
                    if not isinstance(self.inf[(node, conn,
                                                True)], dtypes.pointer)
                non_pointer_out_conns = [
                    conn for conn in node.out_connectors
                    if not isinstance(self.inf[(node, conn,
                                                False)], dtypes.pointer)

                # Create a node for every non-pointer input connector
                in_nodes = {}
                for conn in non_pointer_in_conns:
                    n = InferenceNode((node, conn, True))
                    self.conn_to_node[(node, conn, True)] = n
                    in_nodes[conn] = n

                # Create a node for every non-pointer output connector
                out_nodes = {}
                for conn in non_pointer_out_conns:
                    n = InferenceNode((node, conn, False))
                    self.conn_to_node[(node, conn, False)] = n
                    out_nodes[conn] = n

                # Connect the inputs of every union to its corresponding output
                for out, inputs in self._get_output_subsets(node).items():
                    for inp in inputs:

            elif isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
                desc = node.desc(self.sdfg)
                if isinstance(desc, data.Scalar):
                    # Only create nodes for Scalar AccessNodes (they can get a vector dtype)
                    n = InferenceNode(node)
                    self.conn_to_node[node] = n

                # Some other node occurs in the graph, not supported
                raise VectorInferenceException(
                    'Only Tasklets and AccessNodes are supported')

        # Create edges based on connectors
        for node in dfs_topological_sort(self.subgraph):
            if isinstance(node, nodes.Tasklet):
                for e in self.state.in_edges(node):
                    if isinstance(e.src, nodes.Tasklet):
                            self.conn_to_node[(e.src, e.src_conn, False)],
                            self.conn_to_node[(node, e.dst_conn, True)],
                    elif isinstance(e.src, nodes.AccessNode):
                            self.conn_to_node[(node, e.dst_conn, True)],
            elif isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
                for e in self.state.in_edges(node):
                    if isinstance(e.src, nodes.Tasklet):
                            self.conn_to_node[(e.src, e.src_conn, False)],
                    elif isinstance(e.src, nodes.AccessNode):
                        # TODO: What does that mean?
    def apply_pass(
        self, sdfg: SDFG,
        pipeline_results: Dict[str,
                               Any]) -> Optional[Dict[SDFGState, Set[str]]]:
        Removes unreachable dataflow throughout SDFG states.
        :param sdfg: The SDFG to modify.
        :param pipeline_results: If in the context of a ``Pipeline``, a dictionary that is populated with prior Pass
                                 results as ``{Pass subclass name: returned object from pass}``. If not run in a
                                 pipeline, an empty dictionary is expected.
        :return: A dictionary mapping states to removed data descriptor names, or None if nothing changed.
        # Depends on the following analysis passes:
        #  * State reachability
        #  * Read/write access sets per state
        reachable: Dict[SDFGState,
                        Set[SDFGState]] = pipeline_results['StateReachability']
        access_sets: Dict[SDFGState,
                                Set[str]]] = pipeline_results['AccessSets']
        result: Dict[SDFGState, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)

        # Traverse SDFG backwards
        for state in reversed(list(cfg.stateorder_topological_sort(sdfg))):
            # Analysis

            # Compute states where memory will no longer be read
            writes = access_sets[state][1]
            descendants = reachable[state]
            descendant_reads = set().union(*(access_sets[succ][0]
                                             for succ in descendants))
            no_longer_used: Set[str] = set(data for data in writes
                                           if data not in descendant_reads)

            # Compute dead nodes
            dead_nodes: List[nodes.Node] = []

            # Propagate deadness backwards within a state
            for node in sdutil.dfs_topological_sort(state, reverse=True):
                if self._is_node_dead(node, sdfg, state, dead_nodes,

            # Scope exit nodes are only dead if their corresponding entry nodes are
            live_nodes = set()
            for node in dead_nodes:
                if isinstance(node, nodes.ExitNode) and state.entry_node(
                        node) not in dead_nodes:
            dead_nodes = dtypes.deduplicate(
                [n for n in dead_nodes if n not in live_nodes])

            if not dead_nodes:

            # Remove nodes while preserving scopes
            scopes_to_reconnect: Set[nodes.Node] = set()
            for node in state.nodes():
                # Look for scope exits that will be disconnected
                if isinstance(node, nodes.ExitNode) and node not in dead_nodes:
                    if any(n in dead_nodes for n in state.predecessors(node)):

            # Two types of scope disconnections may occur:
            # 1. Two scope exits will no longer be connected
            # 2. A predecessor of dead nodes is in a scope and not connected to its exit
            # Case (1) is taken care of by ``remove_memlet_path``
            # Case (2) is handled below
            # Reconnect scopes
            if scopes_to_reconnect:
                schildren = state.scope_children()
                for exit_node in scopes_to_reconnect:
                    entry_node = state.entry_node(exit_node)
                    for node in schildren[entry_node]:
                        if node is exit_node:
                        if isinstance(node, nodes.EntryNode):
                            node = state.exit_node(node)
                        # If node will be disconnected from exit node, add an empty memlet
                        if all(succ in dead_nodes
                               for succ in state.successors(node)):
                            state.add_nedge(node, exit_node, Memlet())

            # Removal
            predecessor_nsdfgs: Dict[nodes.NestedSDFG,
                                     Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
            for node in dead_nodes:
                # Remove memlet paths and connectors pertaining to dead nodes
                for e in state.in_edges(node):
                    mtree = state.memlet_tree(e)
                    for leaf in mtree.leaves():
                        # Keep track of predecessors of removed nodes for connector pruning
                        if isinstance(leaf.src, nodes.NestedSDFG):

                # Remove the node itself as necessary


            # Remove isolated access nodes after elimination
            access_nodes = set(state.data_nodes())
            for node in access_nodes:
                if state.degree(node) == 0:

            # Prune now-dead connectors
            for node, dead_conns in predecessor_nsdfgs.items():
                for conn in dead_conns:
                    # If removed connector belonged to a nested SDFG, and no other input connector shares name,
                    # make nested data transient (dead dataflow elimination would remove internally as necessary)
                    if conn not in node.in_connectors:
                        node.sdfg.arrays[conn].transient = True

            # Update read sets for the predecessor states to reuse
            access_nodes -= result[state]
            access_node_names = set(n.data for n in access_nodes
                                    if state.out_degree(n) > 0)
            access_sets[state] = (access_node_names, access_sets[state][1])

        return result or None
    def apply(self, sdfg):
        # Obtain loop information
        guard: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.node(self.subgraph[DetectLoop._loop_guard])
        begin: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.node(self.subgraph[DetectLoop._loop_begin])
        after_state: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.node(

        # Obtain iteration variable, range, and stride
        guard_inedges = sdfg.in_edges(guard)
        condition_edge = sdfg.edges_between(guard, begin)[0]
        itervar = list(guard_inedges[0].data.assignments.keys())[0]
        condition = condition_edge.data.condition_sympy()
        rng = LoopUnroll._loop_range(itervar, guard_inedges, condition)

        # Loop must be unrollable
        if self.count == 0 and any(
                symbolic.issymbolic(r, sdfg.constants) for r in rng):
            raise ValueError('Loop cannot be fully unrolled, size is symbolic')
        if self.count != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError  # TODO(later)

        # Find the state prior to the loop
        if rng[0] == symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(
            before_state: sd.SDFGState = guard_inedges[0].src
            last_state: sd.SDFGState = guard_inedges[1].src
            before_state: sd.SDFGState = guard_inedges[1].src
            last_state: sd.SDFGState = guard_inedges[0].src

        # Get loop states
        loop_states = list(
                condition=lambda _, child: child != guard))
        first_id = loop_states.index(begin)
        last_id = loop_states.index(last_state)
        loop_subgraph = gr.SubgraphView(sdfg, loop_states)

        # Evaluate the real values of the loop
        start, end, stride = (symbolic.evaluate(r, sdfg.constants)
                              for r in rng)

        # Create states for loop subgraph
        unrolled_states = []
        for i in range(start, end + 1, stride):
            # Using to/from JSON copies faster than deepcopy (which will also
            # copy the parent SDFG)
            new_states = [
                sd.SDFGState.from_json(s.to_json(), context={'sdfg': sdfg})
                for s in loop_states

            # Replace iterate with value in each state
            for state in new_states:
                state.set_label(state.label + '_%s_%d' % (itervar, i))
                state.replace(itervar, i)

            # Add subgraph to original SDFG
            for edge in loop_subgraph.edges():
                src = new_states[loop_states.index(edge.src)]
                dst = new_states[loop_states.index(edge.dst)]

                # Replace conditions in subgraph edges
                data: sd.InterstateEdge = copy.deepcopy(edge.data)
                if data.condition:
                    ASTFindReplace({itervar: str(i)}).visit(data.condition)

                sdfg.add_edge(src, dst, data)

            # Connect iterations with unconditional edges
            if len(unrolled_states) > 0:
                sdfg.add_edge(unrolled_states[-1][1], new_states[first_id],

            unrolled_states.append((new_states[first_id], new_states[last_id]))

        # Connect new states to before and after states without conditions
        if unrolled_states:
            sdfg.add_edge(before_state, unrolled_states[0][0],
            sdfg.add_edge(unrolled_states[-1][1], after_state,

        # Remove old states from SDFG
        sdfg.remove_nodes_from([guard] + loop_states)