def test_find_contiguous_subsets():
    subset_list = [
        Range([(i, i, 1), (j, j, 1)]),
        Range([(i, i, 1), (j + 3, j + 3, 1)]),
        Range([(i, i, 1), (j + 1, j + 2, 1)]),
        Range([(i - 2, i - 1, 1), (j, j + 3, 1)]),

    result = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(subset_list)
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert list(result)[0] == Range([(i - 2, i, 1), (j, j + 3, 1)])
def test_find_contiguous_subsets_nonsquare():
    subset_list = [
        Range([(i, i, 1), (j, j, 1)]),
        Range([(i, i, 1), (j + 3, j + 3, 1)]),
        Range([(i, i, 1), (j + 1, j + 2, 1)]),
        Range([(i + 2, i + 2, 1), (j, j, 1)]),
        Range([(i + 2, i + 2, 1), (j + 3, j + 3, 1)]),
        Range([(i + 2, i + 2, 1), (j + 1, j + 2, 1)]),
        Range([(i + 1, i + 1, 1), (j - 1, j - 1, 1)]),
        Range([(i + 1, i + 1, 1), (j, j, 1)]),
        Range([(i + 1, i + 1, 1), (j + 1, j + 1, 1)]),

    # Prioritize on first dimension
    result2 = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(subset_list, 0)
    result2 = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(result2, None)
    assert len(result2) == 2

    # Prioritize on second dimension
    result3 = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(subset_list, 1)
    assert len(result3) == 3
    result3 = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(result3, None)
    assert len(result3) == 3
    def can_be_applied(sdfg: SDFG, subgraph: SubgraphView) -> bool:
        Fusible if
        1. Maps have the same access sets and ranges in order
        2. Any nodes in between two maps are AccessNodes only, without WCR
           There is at most one AccessNode only on a path between two maps,
           no other nodes are allowed
        3. The exiting memlets' subsets to an intermediate edge must cover
           the respective incoming memlets' subset into the next map.
           Also, as a limitation, the union of all exiting memlets'
           subsets must be contiguous.
        # get graph
        graph = subgraph.graph
        for node in subgraph.nodes():
            if node not in graph.nodes():
                return False

        # next, get all the maps
        map_entries = helpers.get_outermost_scope_maps(sdfg, graph, subgraph)
        map_exits = [graph.exit_node(map_entry) for map_entry in map_entries]
        maps = [map_entry.map for map_entry in map_entries]

        # 1. basic checks:
        # 1.1 we need to have at least two maps
        if len(maps) <= 1:
            return False
        # 1.2 Special Case: If we can establish a valid permutation, we can
        #     skip check 1.3
        permutation = self.find_permutation
        # 1.3 check whether all maps are the same
        base_map = maps[0]
        for map in maps:
            if map.get_param_num() != base_map.get_param_num():
                return False
            if not all(
                [p1 == p2 for (p1, p2) in zip(map.params, base_map.params)]):
                return False
            if not map.range == base_map.range:
                return False
        # 1.3 check whether all map entries have the same schedule
        schedule = map_entries[0].schedule
        if not all([entry.schedule == schedule for entry in map_entries]):
            return False

        # 2. check intermediate feasiblility
        # see map_fusion.py for similar checks
        # with the restrictions below being more relaxed

        # 2.1 do some preparation work first:
        # calculate all out_nodes and intermediate_nodes
        # definition see in apply()
        node_config = SubgraphFusion.get_adjacent_nodes(sdfg, graph,
        _, intermediate_nodes, out_nodes = node_config

        # 2.2 topological feasibility:
        if not SubgraphFusion.check_topo_feasibility(
                sdfg, graph, map_entries, intermediate_nodes, out_nodes):
            return False

        # 2.3 memlet feasibility
        # For each intermediate node, look at whether inner adjacent
        # memlets of the exiting map cover inner adjacent memlets
        # of the next entering map.
        # We also check for any WCRs on the fly.

        for node in intermediate_nodes:
            upper_subsets = set()
            lower_subsets = set()
            # First, determine which dimensions of the memlet ranges
            # change with the map, we do not need to care about the other dimensions.
                dims_to_discard = SubgraphFusion.get_invariant_dimensions(
                    sdfg, graph, map_entries, map_exits, node)
            except NotImplementedError:
                return False
            # find upper_subsets
            for in_edge in graph.in_edges(node):
                in_in_edge = graph.memlet_path(in_edge)[-2]
                # first check for WCRs
                if in_edge.data.wcr:
                    # check whether the WCR is actually produced at
                    # this edge or further up in the memlet path. If not,
                    # we can still fuse!
                    subset_params = set(
                        [str(s) for s in in_in_edge.data.subset.free_symbols])
                    if any([
                            p not in subset_params
                            for p in in_edge.src.map.params
                        return False
                if in_edge.src in map_exits:
                    subset_to_add = dcpy(in_in_edge.data.subset\
                                         if in_in_edge.data.data == node.data\
                                         else in_in_edge.data.other_subset)
                    raise NotImplementedError("Nodes between two maps to be"
                                              "fused with *incoming* edges"
                                              "from outside the maps are not"
                                              "allowed yet.")

            # find lower_subsets
            for out_edge in graph.out_edges(node):
                if out_edge.dst in map_entries:
                    # cannot use memlet tree here as there could be
                    # not just one map succedding. Do it manually
                    for oedge in graph.out_edges(out_edge.dst):
                        if oedge.src_conn[3:] == out_edge.dst_conn[2:]:
                            subset_to_add = dcpy(oedge.data.subset \
                                                 if oedge.data.data == node.data \
                                                 else oedge.data.other_subset)

            # We assume that upper_subsets are contiguous
            # Check for this.
                contiguous_upper = find_contiguous_subsets(upper_subsets)
                if len(contiguous_upper) > 1:
                    return False
            except TypeError:
                    'Could not determine whether subset is continuous.'
                    'Exiting Check with False.')
                return False

            # now take union of upper subsets
            upper_iter = iter(upper_subsets)
            union_upper = next(upper_iter)
            for subs in upper_iter:
                union_upper = subsets.union(union_upper, subs)
                if not union_upper:
                    # something went wrong using union -- we'd rather abort
                    return False

            # finally check coverage
            # every lower subset must be completely covered by union_upper
            for lower_subset in lower_subsets:
                if not union_upper.covers(lower_subset):
                    return False

        return True
    def apply(self, sdfg: sd.SDFG):
        graph: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.nodes()[self.state_id]
        map_entry = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry])
        node1 = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._node1])
        node2 = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._node2])

        # Steps:
        # 1. Find unique subsets
        # 2. Find sets of contiguous subsets
        # 3. Create transients for subsets
        # 4. Redirect edges through new transients

        edges1 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node1))
        edges2 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node2))

        # Only apply to first connector (determinism)
        conn = sorted(edges1 & edges2)[0]

        edges = [e for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry) if e.src_conn == conn]

        # Get original data descriptor
        dname = edges[0].data.data
        desc = sdfg.arrays[edges[0].data.data]
        if isinstance(edges[0].dst,
                      nodes.AccessNode) and '15' in edges[0].dst.data:

        # Get unique subsets
        unique_subsets = set(e.data.subset for e in edges)

        # Find largest contiguous subsets
            # Start from stride-1 dimension
            contiguous_subsets = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(
                dim=next(i for i, s in enumerate(desc.strides) if s == 1))
        except (StopIteration, NotImplementedError):
                "DeduplicateAcces::Not operating on Stride One Dimension!")
            contiguous_subsets = unique_subsets
        # Then find subsets for rest of the dimensions
        contiguous_subsets = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(
        # Map original edges to subsets
        edge_mapping = defaultdict(list)
        for e in edges:
            for ind, subset in enumerate(contiguous_subsets):
                if subset.covers(e.data.subset):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Failed to find contiguous subset for edge %s" % e.data)

        # Create transients for subsets and redirect edges
        for ind, subset in enumerate(contiguous_subsets):
            name, _ = sdfg.add_temp_transient(subset.size(), desc.dtype)
            anode = graph.add_access(name)
            graph.add_edge(map_entry, conn, anode, None,
                           Memlet(data=dname, subset=subset))
            for e in edge_mapping[ind]:
                new_memlet = copy.deepcopy(e.data)
                new_edge = graph.add_edge(anode, None, e.dst, e.dst_conn,
                for pe in graph.memlet_tree(new_edge):
                    # Rename data on memlet
                    pe.data.data = name
                    # Offset memlets to match new transient
                    pe.data.subset.offset(subset, True)