def test_tasklet_parameter(): """ Test the sv parameter support. """ # add sdfg sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_tasklet_parameter') # add state state = sdfg.add_state() # add arrays sdfg.add_array('A', [1], dtype=dace.int32) sdfg.add_array('B', [1], dtype=dace.int32) # add parameter(s) sdfg.add_constant("MAX_VAL", 42) # add custom cpp tasklet tasklet = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet', inputs={'a'}, outputs={'b'}, code=''' /* Convention: |---------------------------------------------------------------------| -->| ap_aclk (clock input) | -->| ap_areset (reset input, rst on high) | | | -->| {inputs} reg {outputs} |--> | | <--| s_axis_a_tready (ready for data) (data avail) m_axis_b_tvalid |--> -->| s_axis_a_tvalid (new data avail) (data consumed) m_axis_b_tready |<-- |---------------------------------------------------------------------| */ typedef enum [1:0] {READY, BUSY, DONE} state_e; state_e state; always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin // case: reset m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; s_axis_a_tready <= 1'b1; state <= READY; end else if (s_axis_a_tvalid && state == READY) begin // case: load a m_axis_b_tdata <= s_axis_a_tdata; s_axis_a_tready <= 1'b0; state <= BUSY; end else if (m_axis_b_tdata < MAX_VAL) // case: increment counter b m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata + 1; else m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata; state <= DONE; end assign m_axis_b_tvalid = (m_axis_b_tdata >= MAX_VAL) ? 1'b1:1'b0; ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_write('B') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', B, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.validate() # execute # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 100, 1).astype(np.int32) b = np.random.randint(0, 100, 1).astype(np.int32) # call program sdfg(A=a, B=b) # check result assert b == sdfg.constants["MAX_VAL"]
def mapfission_sdfg(): sdfg = dace.SDFG('mapfission') sdfg.add_array('A', [4], dace.float64) sdfg.add_array('B', [2], dace.float64) sdfg.add_scalar('scal', dace.float64, transient=True) sdfg.add_scalar('s1', dace.float64, transient=True) sdfg.add_transient('s2', [2], dace.float64) sdfg.add_transient('s3out', [1], dace.float64) state = sdfg.add_state() # Nodes rnode = state.add_read('A') ome, omx = state.add_map('outer', dict(i='0:2')) t1 = state.add_tasklet('one', {'a'}, {'b'}, 'b = a[0] + a[1]') ime2, imx2 = state.add_map('inner', dict(j='0:2')) t2 = state.add_tasklet('two', {'a'}, {'b'}, 'b = a * 2') s24node = state.add_access('s2') s34node = state.add_access('s3out') ime3, imx3 = state.add_map('inner', dict(j='0:2')) t3 = state.add_tasklet('three', {'a'}, {'b'}, 'b = a[0] * 3') scalar = state.add_tasklet('scalar', {}, {'out'}, 'out = 5.0') t4 = state.add_tasklet('four', {'ione', 'itwo', 'ithree', 'sc'}, {'out'}, 'out = ione + itwo[0] * itwo[1] + ithree + sc') wnode = state.add_write('B') # Edges state.add_nedge(ome, scalar, dace.Memlet()) state.add_memlet_path(rnode, ome, t1, memlet=dace.Memlet.simple('A', '2*i:2*i+2'), dst_conn='a') state.add_memlet_path(rnode, ome, ime2, t2, memlet=dace.Memlet.simple('A', '2*i+j'), dst_conn='a') state.add_memlet_path(t2, imx2, s24node, memlet=dace.Memlet.simple('s2', 'j'), src_conn='b') state.add_memlet_path(rnode, ome, ime3, t3, memlet=dace.Memlet.simple('A', '2*i:2*i+2'), dst_conn='a') state.add_memlet_path(t3, imx3, s34node, memlet=dace.Memlet.simple('s3out', '0'), src_conn='b') state.add_edge(t1, 'b', t4, 'ione', dace.Memlet.simple('s1', '0')) state.add_edge(s24node, None, t4, 'itwo', dace.Memlet.simple('s2', '0:2')) state.add_edge(s34node, None, t4, 'ithree', dace.Memlet.simple('s3out', '0')) state.add_edge(scalar, 'out', t4, 'sc', dace.Memlet.simple('scal', '0')) state.add_memlet_path(t4, omx, wnode, memlet=dace.Memlet.simple('B', 'i'), src_conn='out') sdfg.validate() return sdfg
def expansion(node: 'Reduce', state: SDFGState, sdfg: SDFG): node.validate(sdfg, state) inedge: graph.MultiConnectorEdge = state.in_edges(node)[0] outedge: graph.MultiConnectorEdge = state.out_edges(node)[0] insubset = dcpy( isqdim = insubset.squeeze() outsubset = dcpy( osqdim = outsubset.squeeze() input_dims = len(insubset) output_dims = len(outsubset) input_data = sdfg.arrays[] output_data = sdfg.arrays[] if len(osqdim) == 0: # Fix for scalars osqdim = [0] # Standardize and squeeze axes axes = node.axes if node.axes else [ i for i in range(len( ] axes = [axis for axis in axes if axis in isqdim] assert node.identity is not None # Create nested SDFG nsdfg = SDFG('reduce') nsdfg.add_array('_in', insubset.size(), input_data.dtype, strides=[ s for i, s in enumerate(input_data.strides) if i in isqdim ], nsdfg.add_array('_out', outsubset.size(), output_data.dtype, strides=[ s for i, s in enumerate(output_data.strides) if i in osqdim ], nsdfg.add_transient('acc', [1], nsdfg.arrays['_in'].dtype, dtypes.StorageType.Register) nstate = nsdfg.add_state() # Interleave input and output axes to match input memlet ictr, octr = 0, 0 input_subset = [] for i in isqdim: if i in axes: input_subset.append('_i%d' % ictr) ictr += 1 else: input_subset.append('_o%d' % octr) octr += 1 ome, omx = nstate.add_map( 'reduce_output', { '_o%d' % i: '0:%s' % symstr(sz) for i, sz in enumerate(outsubset.size()) }) outm = dace.Memlet.simple( '_out', ','.join(['_o%d' % i for i in range(output_dims)])) #wcr_str=node.wcr) inmm = dace.Memlet.simple('_in', ','.join(input_subset)) idt = nstate.add_tasklet('reset', {}, {'o'}, f'o = {node.identity}') nstate.add_edge(ome, None, idt, None, dace.Memlet()) accread = nstate.add_access('acc') accwrite = nstate.add_access('acc') nstate.add_edge(idt, 'o', accread, None, dace.Memlet('acc')) # Add inner map, which corresponds to the range to reduce, containing # an identity tasklet ime, imx = nstate.add_map('reduce_values', { '_i%d' % i: '0:%s' % symstr(insubset.size()[isqdim.index(axis)]) for i, axis in enumerate(sorted(axes)) }, schedule=dtypes.ScheduleType.Sequential) # Add identity tasklet for reduction t = nstate.add_tasklet('identity', {'a', 'b'}, {'o'}, 'o = b') # Connect everything r = nstate.add_read('_in') w = nstate.add_write('_out') nstate.add_memlet_path(r, ome, ime, t, dst_conn='b', memlet=inmm) nstate.add_memlet_path(accread, ime, t, dst_conn='a', memlet=dace.Memlet('acc[0]')) nstate.add_memlet_path(t, imx, accwrite, src_conn='o', memlet=dace.Memlet('acc[0]', wcr=node.wcr)) nstate.add_memlet_path(accwrite, omx, w, memlet=outm) # Rename outer connectors and add to node inedge._dst_conn = '_in' outedge._src_conn = '_out' node.add_in_connector('_in') node.add_out_connector('_out') from dace.transformation import dataflow nsdfg.apply_transformations_repeated(dataflow.MapCollapse) return nsdfg
def create_vadd_multibank_sdfg(bank_count_per_array=2, ndim=1, unroll_map_inside=False, sdfg_name="vadd_hbm"): N = dace.symbol("N") M = dace.symbol("M") S = dace.symbol("S") sdfg = dace.SDFG(sdfg_name) state = sdfg.add_state('vadd_hbm', True) shape = [bank_count_per_array, N] access_str = "i" inner_map_range = dict() inner_map_range["i"] = "0:N" if (ndim >= 2): shape = [bank_count_per_array, N, M] access_str = "i, j" inner_map_range["j"] = "0:M" if (ndim >= 3): shape = [bank_count_per_array, N, M, S] access_str = "i, j, t" inner_map_range["t"] = "0:S" in1 = sdfg.add_array("in1", shape, dace.float32) in2 = sdfg.add_array("in2", shape, dace.float32) out = sdfg.add_array("out", shape, dace.float32) in1[1].location["memorytype"] = "hbm" in2[1].location["memorytype"] = "hbm" out[1].location["memorytype"] = "hbm" in1[1].location["bank"] = f"0:{bank_count_per_array}" in2[1].location[ "bank"] = f"{bank_count_per_array}:{2*bank_count_per_array}" out[1].location[ "bank"] = f"{2*bank_count_per_array}:{3*bank_count_per_array}" read_in1 = state.add_read("in1") read_in2 = state.add_read("in2") out_write = state.add_write("out") tmp_in1_memlet = dace.Memlet(f"in1[k, {access_str}]") tmp_in2_memlet = dace.Memlet(f"in2[k, {access_str}]") tmp_out_memlet = dace.Memlet(f"out[k, {access_str}]") outer_entry, outer_exit = state.add_map( "vadd_outer_map", dict(k=f'0:{bank_count_per_array}')) map_entry, map_exit = state.add_map("vadd_inner_map", inner_map_range) tasklet = state.add_tasklet("addandwrite", dict(__in1=None, __in2=None), dict(__out=None), '__out = __in1 + __in2') = dace.ScheduleType.Unrolled if (unroll_map_inside): state.add_memlet_path(read_in1, map_entry, outer_entry, tasklet, memlet=tmp_in1_memlet, dst_conn="__in1") state.add_memlet_path(read_in2, map_entry, outer_entry, tasklet, memlet=tmp_in2_memlet, dst_conn="__in2") state.add_memlet_path(tasklet, outer_exit, map_exit, out_write, memlet=tmp_out_memlet, src_conn="__out") else: state.add_memlet_path(read_in1, outer_entry, map_entry, tasklet, memlet=tmp_in1_memlet, dst_conn="__in1") state.add_memlet_path(read_in2, outer_entry, map_entry, tasklet, memlet=tmp_in2_memlet, dst_conn="__in2") state.add_memlet_path(tasklet, map_exit, outer_exit, out_write, memlet=tmp_out_memlet, src_conn="__out") sdfg.apply_fpga_transformations() return sdfg
def make_sdfg(dtype=dace.float32): sdfg = dace.SDFG("multiple_kernels_multiple_states") n = dace.symbol("size") input_data = ["x", "y", "v", "w", "xx", "yy", "vv", "ww"] output_data = ["z", "zz"] device_transient_data = [ "device_tmp0", "device_tmp1", "device_tmp2", "device_tmp3" ] for d in input_data + output_data: sdfg.add_array(d, shape=[n], dtype=dtype) sdfg.add_array(f"device_{d}", shape=[n], dtype=dtype, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) for d in device_transient_data: sdfg.add_array(d, shape=[n], dtype=dtype, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) ########################################################################### # Copy data to FPGA copy_in_state = sdfg.add_state("copy_to_device") for d in input_data: in_host = copy_in_state.add_read(d) in_device = copy_in_state.add_read(f"device_{d}") copy_in_state.add_memlet_path(in_host, in_device, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{d}[0:{n}]")) ########################################################################### # Copy data from FPGA copy_out_state = sdfg.add_state("copy_to_host") for d in output_data: out_host = copy_out_state.add_write(d) out_device = copy_out_state.add_read(f"device_{d}") copy_out_state.add_memlet_path(out_device, out_host, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{d}[0:{n}]")) ######################################################################## # FPGA, First State fpga_state_0 = sdfg.add_state("fpga_state_0") x_in = fpga_state_0.add_read("device_x") y_in = fpga_state_0.add_read("device_y") v_in = fpga_state_0.add_read("device_v") w_in = fpga_state_0.add_read("device_w") device_tmp0 = fpga_state_0.add_access("device_tmp0") device_tmp1 = fpga_state_0.add_access("device_tmp1") z_out = fpga_state_0.add_write("device_z") # x + y vecMap_entry00, vecMap_exit00 = fpga_state_0.add_map( 'vecAdd_map00', dict(i=f'0:{n}'), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecAdd_tasklet00 = fpga_state_0.add_tasklet('vec_add_task00', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con + y_con') fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(x_in, vecMap_entry00, vecAdd_tasklet00, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_x[i]")) fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(y_in, vecMap_entry00, vecAdd_tasklet00, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_y[i]")) fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(vecAdd_tasklet00, vecMap_exit00, device_tmp0, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_tmp0[i]")) # v + w vecMap_entry01, vecMap_exit01 = fpga_state_0.add_map( 'vecAdd_map01', dict(i=f'0:{n}'), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecAdd_tasklet01 = fpga_state_0.add_tasklet('vec_add_task01', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con + y_con') fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(v_in, vecMap_entry01, vecAdd_tasklet01, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"device_v[i]")) fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(w_in, vecMap_entry01, vecAdd_tasklet01, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"device_w[i]")) fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(vecAdd_tasklet01, vecMap_exit01, device_tmp1, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"device_tmp1[i]")) # tmp0 + tmp 1 vecMap_entry02, vecMap_exit02 = fpga_state_0.add_map( 'vecAdd_map02', dict(i=f'0:{n}'), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecAdd_tasklet02 = fpga_state_0.add_tasklet('vec_add_task02', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con + y_con') fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(device_tmp0, vecMap_entry02, vecAdd_tasklet02, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_tmp0[i]")) fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(device_tmp1, vecMap_entry02, vecAdd_tasklet02, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_tmp1[i]")) fpga_state_0.add_memlet_path(vecAdd_tasklet02, vecMap_exit02, z_out, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_z[i]")) ######################################################################## # FPGA, Second State fpga_state_1 = sdfg.add_state("fpga_state_1") xx_in = fpga_state_1.add_read("device_xx") yy_in = fpga_state_1.add_read("device_yy") vv_in = fpga_state_1.add_read("device_vv") ww_in = fpga_state_1.add_read("device_ww") device_tmp2 = fpga_state_1.add_access("device_tmp2") device_tmp3 = fpga_state_1.add_access("device_tmp3") zz_out = fpga_state_1.add_write("device_zz") # xx + yy vecMap_entry10, vecMap_exit10 = fpga_state_1.add_map( 'vecAdd_map10', dict(i=f'0:{n}'), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecAdd_tasklet10 = fpga_state_1.add_tasklet('vec_add_task10', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con + y_con') fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(xx_in, vecMap_entry10, vecAdd_tasklet10, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_xx[i]")) fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(yy_in, vecMap_entry10, vecAdd_tasklet10, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_yy[i]")) fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(vecAdd_tasklet10, vecMap_exit10, device_tmp2, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_tmp2[i]")) # vv + ww vecMap_entry11, vecMap_exit11 = fpga_state_1.add_map( 'vecAdd_map11', dict(i=f'0:{n}'), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecAdd_tasklet11 = fpga_state_1.add_tasklet('vec_add_task11', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con + y_con') fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(vv_in, vecMap_entry11, vecAdd_tasklet11, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"device_vv[i]")) fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(ww_in, vecMap_entry11, vecAdd_tasklet11, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"device_ww[i]")) fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(vecAdd_tasklet11, vecMap_exit11, device_tmp3, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"device_tmp3[i]")) # tmp2 + tmp 3 vecMap_entry12, vecMap_exit12 = fpga_state_1.add_map( 'vecAdd_map12', dict(i=f'0:{n}'), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecAdd_tasklet12 = fpga_state_1.add_tasklet('vec_add_task12', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con + y_con') fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(device_tmp2, vecMap_entry12, vecAdd_tasklet12, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_tmp2[i]")) fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(device_tmp3, vecMap_entry12, vecAdd_tasklet12, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_tmp3[i]")) fpga_state_1.add_memlet_path(vecAdd_tasklet12, vecMap_exit12, zz_out, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet("device_zz[i]")) ###################################### # Interstate edges sdfg.add_edge(copy_in_state, fpga_state_0, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(fpga_state_0, fpga_state_1, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(fpga_state_1, copy_out_state, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) ######### # Validate sdfg.fill_scope_connectors() sdfg.validate() return sdfg
def make_vec_mul_sdfg(dtype=dace.float32): # Vector multiplication SDFG vecWidth = 4 n = dace.symbol("size") vecMul_sdfg = dace.SDFG("vec_mul") vecType = dace.vector(dtype, vecWidth) fpga_state = vecMul_sdfg.add_state("vec_mul_state") vecMul_sdfg.add_array('_device_x', shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global) vecMul_sdfg.add_array('_device_y', shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global) vecMul_sdfg.add_array('_device_z', shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global) x = fpga_state.add_read("_device_x") y = fpga_state.add_read("_device_y") z = fpga_state.add_write("_device_z") # ---------- ---------- # COMPUTE # ---------- ---------- vecMap_entry, vecMap_exit = fpga_state.add_map('vecMul_map', dict(i='0:{0}/{1}'.format(n, vecWidth)), schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) vecMul_tasklet = fpga_state.add_tasklet('vecMul_task', ['x_con', 'y_con'], ['z_con'], 'z_con = x_con * y_con') fpga_state.add_memlet_path(x, vecMap_entry, vecMul_tasklet, dst_conn='x_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[i]")) fpga_state.add_memlet_path(y, vecMap_entry, vecMul_tasklet, dst_conn='y_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[i]")) fpga_state.add_memlet_path(vecMul_tasklet, vecMap_exit, z, src_conn='z_con', memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[i]")) ######### # Validate vecMul_sdfg.fill_scope_connectors() vecMul_sdfg.validate() return vecMul_sdfg
m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata + 1; else m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata; state <= DONE; end assign m_axis_b_tvalid = (m_axis_b_tdata >= MAX_VAL) ? 1'b1:1'b0; ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_write('B') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', B, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.validate() ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 100, 1).astype(np.int32) b = np.array([0]).astype(np.int32) # show initial values print("a={}, b={}".format(a, b))
def test_tasklet_array(): """ Test the simple array execution sample. """ n = 128 N = dace.symbol('N') N.set(n) # add sdfg sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_tasklet_array') # add state state = sdfg.add_state() # add arrays sdfg.add_array('A', [N], dtype=dace.int32) sdfg.add_array('B', [N], dtype=dace.int32) # add custom cpp tasklet tasklet = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet', inputs={'a'}, outputs={'b'}, code=''' always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 1; m_axis_b_tvalid <= 0; m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; end else if (s_axis_a_tvalid && s_axis_a_tready) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 0; m_axis_b_tvalid <= 1; m_axis_b_tdata <= s_axis_a_tdata + 42; end else if (m_axis_b_tvalid && m_axis_b_tready) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 1; m_axis_b_tvalid <= 0; m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; end end ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_write('B') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0:N]')) state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', B, None, dace.Memlet('B[0:N]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.specialize({'N': N.get()}) sdfg.validate() # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 100, N.get()).astype(np.int32) b = np.zeros((N.get(), )).astype(np.int32) # call program sdfg(A=a, B=b) # check result assert (b == a + 42).all()
end ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add read and write tasklets read_a = state.add_tasklet('read_a', {'inp'}, {'out'}, 'out = inp') write_b = state.add_tasklet('write_b', {'inp'}, {'out'}, 'out = inp') # add read and write maps read_a_entry, read_a_exit = state.add_map('read_a_map', dict(i='0:N'), schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) write_b_entry, write_b_exit = state.add_map('write_b_map', dict(i='0:N'), schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) # add read_a memlets and access nodes read_a_inp = state.add_read('fpga_A') read_a_out = state.add_write('A_stream') state.add_memlet_path(read_a_inp, read_a_entry, read_a, dst_conn='inp', memlet=dace.Memlet('fpga_A[i]')) state.add_memlet_path(read_a, read_a_exit, read_a_out, src_conn='out', memlet=dace.Memlet('A_stream[0]')) # add tasklet memlets A = state.add_read('A_stream') B = state.add_write('B_stream') state.add_memlet_path(A, rtl_tasklet, dst_conn='a', memlet=dace.Memlet('A_stream[0]')) state.add_memlet_path(rtl_tasklet, B, src_conn='b', memlet=dace.Memlet('B_stream[0]')) # add write_b memlets and access nodes write_b_inp = state.add_read('B_stream') write_b_out = state.add_write('fpga_B') state.add_memlet_path(write_b_inp, write_b_entry, write_b, dst_conn='inp', memlet=dace.Memlet('B_stream[0]')) state.add_memlet_path(write_b, write_b_exit, write_b_out, src_conn='out', memlet=dace.Memlet('fpga_B[i]')) # add copy to device state
def test_tasklet_map(): ''' Test the unrolled map support for M tasklets on N vectors of size W. ''' # add symbols n = 512 m = 8 w = 4 N = dace.symbol('N') M = dace.symbol('M') W = dace.symbol('W') N.set(n) M.set(m) W.set(w) # add sdfg sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_tasklet_map') # add state state = sdfg.add_state() # add arrays sdfg.add_array('A', [M, N], dtype=dace.vector(dace.int32, W.get())) sdfg.add_array('B', [M, N], dtype=dace.vector(dace.int32, W.get())) sdfg.add_array('C', [M, N], dtype=dace.vector(dace.int32, W.get())) mentry, mexit = state.add_map('compute_map', {'k': '0:M'}) tasklet = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet1', inputs={'a', 'b'}, outputs={'c'}, code=''' reg [W-1:0][31:0] a_data; reg a_valid; reg [W-1:0][31:0] b_data; reg b_valid; // Read A always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 0; a_valid <= 0; a_data <= 0; end else begin if (s_axis_a_tready && s_axis_a_tvalid) begin a_valid <= 1; a_data <= s_axis_a_tdata; s_axis_a_tready <= 0; end else if (m_axis_c_tvalid && m_axis_c_tready) begin a_valid <= 0; s_axis_a_tready <= 1; end else begin s_axis_a_tready <= ~a_valid; end end end // Read B always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin s_axis_b_tready <= 0; b_valid <= 0; b_data <= 0; end else begin if (s_axis_b_tready && s_axis_b_tvalid) begin b_valid <= 1; b_data <= s_axis_b_tdata; s_axis_b_tready <= 0; end else if (m_axis_c_tvalid && m_axis_c_tready) begin b_valid <= 0; b_data <= 0; s_axis_b_tready <= 1; end else begin s_axis_b_tready <= ~b_valid; end end end // Compute and write C always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin m_axis_c_tvalid <= 0; m_axis_c_tdata <= 0; end else begin if (m_axis_c_tvalid && m_axis_c_tready) begin m_axis_c_tvalid <= 0; end else if (a_valid && b_valid) begin m_axis_c_tvalid <= 1; m_axis_c_tdata <= a_data + b_data; end end end''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_read('B') C = state.add_write('C') state.add_memlet_path(A, mentry, tasklet, memlet=dace.Memlet('A[k,0:N]'), dst_conn='a') state.add_memlet_path(B, mentry, tasklet, memlet=dace.Memlet('B[k,0:N]'), dst_conn='b') state.add_memlet_path(tasklet, mexit, C, memlet=dace.Memlet('C[k,0:N]'), src_conn='c') sdfg.specialize({'M': M, 'N': N, 'W': W}) sdfg.validate() # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 100, m * n * w).reshape((m, n, w)).astype(np.int32) b = np.random.randint(0, 100, m * n * w).reshape((m, n, w)).astype(np.int32) c = np.zeros((m, n, w)).astype(np.int32) # call program sdfg(A=a, B=b, C=c) # check result assert (c == a + b).all()
def test_tasklet_double_clk_counters(): """ Test double clock functionality utilizing two counters, one for each clock. The first 16 bits of the result should contain the count from the "slow" clock. The last 16 bits of the result should contain the count from the "fast" clock, i.e. slow count * 2 """ old_freq = dace.config.Config.get('compiler', 'xilinx', 'frequency') dace.config.Config.set('compiler', 'xilinx', 'frequency', value='"0:300\\|1:600"') sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_tasklet_double_clk_counters') state = sdfg.add_state() sdfg.add_array('A', [1], dtype=dace.int32) sdfg.add_array('B', [1], dtype=dace.int32) tasklet = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet', inputs={'a'}, outputs={'b'}, code=''' reg [31:0] max_cnt; reg [15:0] s_cnt; reg s_done; reg [15:0] d_cnt; reg d_done; always @(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 1; end else if (s_axis_a_tvalid && s_axis_a_tready) begin max_cnt <= s_axis_a_tdata; s_axis_a_tready <= 0; end else if (m_axis_b_tvalid && m_axis_b_tready) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 1; end end always @(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin s_cnt <= 0; s_done <= 0; end else if (s_cnt < max_cnt[15:0]) begin s_cnt <= s_cnt + 1; s_done <= 0; end else begin s_done <= max_cnt > 0; end end always @(posedge ap_aclk_2) begin if (ap_areset) begin d_cnt <= 0; d_done <= 0; end else if (s_cnt < max_cnt[15:0]) begin d_cnt <= d_cnt + 1; d_done <= 0; end else begin d_done <= max_cnt > 0; end end always @(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin m_axis_b_tvalid <= 0; m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; end else begin m_axis_b_tvalid <= s_done && d_done; m_axis_b_tdata[15:0] <= s_cnt; m_axis_b_tdata[31:16] <= d_cnt; end end ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_write('B') state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', B, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) sdfg.validate() a = np.random.randint(0, 100, 1).astype(np.int32) b = np.zeros((1, )).astype(np.int32) sdfg(A=a, B=b) dace.config.Config.set('compiler', 'xilinx', 'frequency', value=old_freq) assert b[0] & 0xFFFF == a[0] assert (b[0] >> 16) & 0xFFFF == a[0] * 2
def test_multi_tasklet(): """ Test multiple rtl tasklet support. """ # add sdfg sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_multi_tasklet') # add state state = sdfg.add_state() # add arrays sdfg.add_array('A', [1], dtype=dace.int32) sdfg.add_array('B', [1], dtype=dace.int32) sdfg.add_array('C', [1], dtype=dace.int32) # add custom cpp tasklet tasklet0 = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet0', inputs={'a'}, outputs={'b'}, code=''' typedef enum [1:0] {READY, BUSY, DONE} state_e; state_e state; always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin // case: reset m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; s_axis_a_tready <= 1'b1; state <= READY; end else if (s_axis_a_tvalid && state == READY) begin // case: load a m_axis_b_tdata <= s_axis_a_tdata; s_axis_a_tready <= 1'b0; state <= BUSY; end else if (m_axis_b_tdata < 80) // case: increment counter b m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata + 1; else m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata; state <= DONE; end assign m_axis_b_tvalid = (m_axis_b_tdata >= 80) ? 1'b1:1'b0; ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) tasklet1 = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet1', inputs={'b'}, outputs={'c'}, code=''' typedef enum [1:0] {READY, BUSY, DONE} state_e; state_e state; always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin // case: reset m_axis_c_tdata <= 0; s_axis_b_tready <= 1'b1; state <= READY; end else if (s_axis_b_tvalid && state == READY) begin // case: load a m_axis_c_tdata <= s_axis_b_tdata; s_axis_b_tready <= 1'b0; state <= BUSY; end else if (m_axis_c_tdata < 100) // case: increment counter b m_axis_c_tdata <= m_axis_c_tdata + 1; else m_axis_c_tdata <= m_axis_c_tdata; state <= DONE; end assign m_axis_c_tvalid = (m_axis_c_tdata >= 100) ? 1'b1:1'b0; ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B_w = state.add_write('B') B_r = state.add_read('B') C = state.add_write('C') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet0, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet0, 'b', B_w, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) state.add_edge(B_r, None, tasklet1, 'b', dace.Memlet('B[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet1, 'c', C, None, dace.Memlet('C[0]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.validate() # Execute # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 80, 1).astype(np.int32) b = np.array([0]).astype(np.int32) c = np.array([0]).astype(np.int32) # call program sdfg(A=a, B=b, C=c) # check result assert b == 80 assert c == 100
def test_tasklet_vector_conversion(): """ Test rtl tasklet vector conversion support. """ # add symbol N = dace.symbol('N') # add sdfg sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_tasklet_vector_conversion') # define compile-time constant sdfg.specialize(dict(N=4)) # add state state = sdfg.add_state() # add arrays sdfg.add_array('A', [N], dtype=dace.int32) sdfg.add_array('B', [1], dtype=dace.int32) # add custom cpp tasklet tasklet = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet', inputs={'a': dace.vector(dace.int32, N)}, outputs={'b'}, code=''' /* Convention: |---------------------------------------------------------------------| -->| ap_aclk (clock input) | -->| ap_areset (reset input, rst on high) | | | -->| {inputs} reg {outputs} |--> | | <--| s_axis_a_tready (ready for data) (data avail) m_axis_b_tvalid |--> -->| s_axis_a_tvalid (new data avail) (data consumed) m_axis_b_tready |<-- |---------------------------------------------------------------------| */ typedef enum [1:0] {READY, BUSY, DONE} state_e; state_e state; always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin // case: reset m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; s_axis_a_tready <= 1'b1; state <= READY; end else if (s_axis_a_tvalid && state == READY) begin // case: load a m_axis_b_tdata <= s_axis_a_tdata[0]; s_axis_a_tready <= 1'b0; state <= BUSY; end else if (m_axis_b_tdata < s_axis_a_tdata[0] + s_axis_a_tdata[1] && state == BUSY) begin // case: increment counter b m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata + 1; end else if (state == BUSY) begin m_axis_b_tdata <= m_axis_b_tdata; state <= DONE; end end assign m_axis_b_tvalid = (m_axis_b_tdata >= s_axis_a_tdata[0] + s_axis_a_tdata[1] && (state == BUSY || state == DONE)) ? 1'b1:1'b0; ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_write('B') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0:N]')) state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', B, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.validate() # Execute # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 100, dace.symbolic.evaluate(N, sdfg.constants)).astype(np.int32) b = np.array([0]).astype(np.int32) # call program sdfg(A=a, B=b) # check result assert b == a[0] + a[1]
def test_tasklet_vector_add(): """ Test rtl tasklet vector support. """ # add symbol W = dace.symbol('W') # add sdfg sdfg = dace.SDFG('rtl_tasklet_vector_add') # define compile-time constant sdfg.specialize(dict(W=4)) # add state state = sdfg.add_state() # add arrays sdfg.add_array('A', [1], dtype=dace.vector(dace.int32, dace.symbolic.evaluate(W, sdfg.constants))) sdfg.add_array('B', [1], dtype=dace.vector(dace.int32, dace.symbolic.evaluate(W, sdfg.constants))) # add custom cpp tasklet tasklet = state.add_tasklet(name='rtl_tasklet', inputs={'a'}, outputs={'b'}, code=''' always@(posedge ap_aclk) begin if (ap_areset) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 1; m_axis_b_tvalid <= 0; m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; end else if (s_axis_a_tvalid && s_axis_a_tready) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 0; m_axis_b_tvalid <= 1; for (int i = 0; i < W; i++) begin m_axis_b_tdata[i] <= s_axis_a_tdata[i] + 42; end end else if (m_axis_b_tvalid && m_axis_b_tready) begin s_axis_a_tready <= 1; m_axis_b_tvalid <= 0; m_axis_b_tdata <= 0; end end ''', language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_write('B') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', B, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.validate() # Execute # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 100, (dace.symbolic.evaluate(W, sdfg.constants), )).astype(np.int32) b = np.zeros((dace.symbolic.evaluate(W, sdfg.constants), )).astype(np.int32) # call program sdfg(A=a, B=b) # check result print(a) print(b) assert (b == a + 42).all()
############# # Create top-level SDFG state = sdfg.add_state('s0') me, mx = state.add_map('mymap', dict(k='0:2')) # NOTE: The names of the inputs/outputs of the nested SDFG must match array # names above (lines 30, 32)! nsdfg = state.add_nested_sdfg(sub_sdfg, sdfg, {'sA'}, {'sC'}) Ain = state.add_read('A') Aout = state.add_write('A') # Connect dataflow nodes state.add_memlet_path(Ain, me, nsdfg, memlet=dace.Memlet(data='A', subset='k'), dst_conn='sA') state.add_memlet_path(nsdfg, mx, Aout, memlet=dace.Memlet(data='A', subset='k'), src_conn='sC') ### # Validate correctness of SDFG sdfg.validate() ###################################### if __name__ == '__main__': a = np.random.rand(2).astype(np.float32) b = np.zeros([2])
def make_sdfg(): """ Creates three SDFG nested within each other, where two input arrays and two output arrays are fed throughout the hierarchy. One input and one output are not used for anything in the innermost SDFG, and can thus be removed in all nestings. """ n = dace.symbol("N") sdfg_outer = dace.SDFG("prune_connectors_test") sdfg_outer.set_global_code("#include <fstream>\n#include <mutex>") state_outer = sdfg_outer.add_state("state_outer") sdfg_outer.add_symbol("N", dace.int32) sdfg_middle = dace.SDFG("middle") sdfg_middle.add_symbol("N", dace.int32) nsdfg_middle = state_outer.add_nested_sdfg( sdfg_middle, sdfg_outer, {"read_used_middle", "read_unused_middle"}, {"write_used_middle", "write_unused_middle"}, name="middle") state_middle = sdfg_middle.add_state("middle") entry_middle, exit_middle = state_middle.add_map("map_middle", {"i": "0:N"}) sdfg_inner = dace.SDFG("inner") sdfg_inner.add_symbol("N", dace.int32) nsdfg_inner = state_middle.add_nested_sdfg( sdfg_inner, sdfg_middle, {"read_used_inner", "read_unused_inner"}, {"write_used_inner", "write_unused_inner"}, name="inner") state_inner = sdfg_inner.add_state("inner") entry_inner, exit_inner = state_inner.add_map("map_inner", {"j": "0:N"}) tasklet = state_inner.add_tasklet("tasklet", {"read_tasklet"}, {"write_tasklet"}, "write_tasklet = read_tasklet + 1") for s in ["unused", "used"]: # Read sdfg_outer.add_array(f"read_{s}", [n, n], dace.uint16) sdfg_outer.add_array(f"read_{s}_outer", [n, n], dace.uint16) sdfg_middle.add_array(f"read_{s}_middle", [n, n], dace.uint16) sdfg_inner.add_array(f"read_{s}_inner", [n], dace.uint16) read_outer = state_outer.add_read(f"read_{s}") read_middle = state_middle.add_read(f"read_{s}_middle") state_outer.add_memlet_path(read_outer, nsdfg_middle, dst_conn=f"read_{s}_middle", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"read_{s}[0:N, 0:N]")) state_middle.add_memlet_path( read_middle, entry_middle, nsdfg_inner, dst_conn=f"read_{s}_inner", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"read_{s}_middle[i, 0:N]")) # Write sdfg_outer.add_array(f"write_{s}", [n, n], dace.uint16) sdfg_outer.add_array(f"write_{s}_outer", [n, n], dace.uint16) sdfg_middle.add_array(f"write_{s}_middle", [n, n], dace.uint16) sdfg_inner.add_array(f"write_{s}_inner", [n], dace.uint16) write_outer = state_outer.add_write(f"write_{s}") write_middle = state_middle.add_write(f"write_{s}_middle") state_outer.add_memlet_path(nsdfg_middle, write_outer, src_conn=f"write_{s}_middle", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"write_{s}[0:N, 0:N]")) state_middle.add_memlet_path( nsdfg_inner, exit_middle, write_middle, src_conn=f"write_{s}_inner", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"write_{s}_middle[i, 0:N]")) read_inner = state_inner.add_read(f"read_used_inner") write_inner = state_inner.add_write(f"write_used_inner") state_inner.add_memlet_path(read_inner, entry_inner, tasklet, dst_conn=f"read_tasklet", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"read_{s}_inner[j]")) state_inner.add_memlet_path(tasklet, exit_inner, write_inner, src_conn=f"write_tasklet", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"write_{s}_inner[j]")) # Create mapped nested SDFG where the map entry and exit would be orphaned # by pruning the read and write, and must have nedges added to them isolated_read = state_outer.add_read("read_unused_outer") isolated_write = state_outer.add_write("write_unused_outer") isolated_sdfg = dace.SDFG("isolated_sdfg") isolated_nsdfg = state_outer.add_nested_sdfg(isolated_sdfg, sdfg_outer, {"read_unused_isolated"}, {"write_unused_isolated"}, name="isolated") isolated_sdfg.add_symbol("i", dace.int32) isolated_nsdfg.symbol_mapping["i"] = "i" isolated_entry, isolated_exit = state_outer.add_map( "isolated", {"i": "0:N"}) state_outer.add_memlet_path( isolated_read, isolated_entry, isolated_nsdfg, dst_conn="read_unused_isolated", memlet=dace.Memlet("read_unused_outer[0:N, 0:N]")) state_outer.add_memlet_path( isolated_nsdfg, isolated_exit, isolated_write, src_conn="write_unused_isolated", memlet=dace.Memlet("write_unused_outer[0:N, 0:N]")) isolated_state = isolated_sdfg.add_state("isolated") isolated_state.add_tasklet("isolated", {}, {}, """\ static std::mutex mutex; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::ofstream of("prune_connectors_test.txt", std::ofstream::app); of << i << "\\n";""", language=dace.Language.CPP) return sdfg_outer
def make_sdfg(name="fpga_stcl_test", dtype=dace.float32, veclen=8): vtype = dace.vector(dtype, veclen) n = dace.symbol("N") m = dace.symbol("M") sdfg = dace.SDFG(name) pre_state = sdfg.add_state(name + "_pre") state = sdfg.add_state(name) post_state = sdfg.add_state(name + "_post") sdfg.add_edge(pre_state, state, dace.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(state, post_state, dace.InterstateEdge()) _, desc_input_host = sdfg.add_array("a", (n, m / veclen), vtype) _, desc_output_host = sdfg.add_array("b", (n, m / veclen), vtype) desc_input_device = copy.copy(desc_input_host) = dace.StorageType.FPGA_Global desc_input_device.location["bank"] = 0 desc_input_device.transient = True desc_output_device = copy.copy(desc_output_host) = dace.StorageType.FPGA_Global desc_output_device.location["bank"] = 1 desc_output_device.transient = True sdfg.add_datadesc("a_device", desc_input_device) sdfg.add_datadesc("b_device", desc_output_device) # Host to device pre_read = pre_state.add_read("a") pre_write = pre_state.add_write("a_device") pre_state.add_memlet_path( pre_read, pre_write, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"a_device[0:N, 0:M/{veclen}]")) # Device to host post_read = post_state.add_read("b_device") post_write = post_state.add_write("b") post_state.add_memlet_path( post_read, post_write, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"b_device[0:N, 0:M/{veclen}]")) # Compute state read_memory = state.add_read("a_device") write_memory = state.add_write("b_device") # Memory streams sdfg.add_stream("a_stream", vtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) sdfg.add_stream("b_stream", vtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) produce_input_stream = state.add_write("a_stream") consume_input_stream = state.add_read("a_stream") produce_output_stream = state.add_write("b_stream") consume_output_stream = state.add_write("b_stream") tasklet = state.add_tasklet( name, {"_north", "_west", "_east", "_south"}, {"result"}, """\ north = _north if i >= 1 else 1 west = _west if {W}*j + u >= 1 else 1 east = _east if {W}*j + u < M - 1 else 1 south = _south if i < N - 1 else 1 result = 0.25 * (north + west + east + south)""".format(W=veclen)) entry, exit = state.add_pipeline(name, { "i": "0:N", "j": "0:M/{}".format(veclen), }, schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device, init_size=m / veclen, init_overlap=False, drain_size=m / veclen, drain_overlap=True) # Unrolled map unroll_entry, unroll_exit = state.add_map( name + "_unroll", {"u": "0:{}".format(veclen)}, schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device, unroll=True) # Container-to-container copies between arrays and streams state.add_memlet_path(read_memory, produce_input_stream, memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{}[0:N, 0:M/{veclen}]", other_subset="0")) state.add_memlet_path(consume_output_stream, write_memory, memlet=dace.Memlet(, f"{}[0:N, 0:M/{veclen}]", other_subset="0")) # Container-to-container copy from vectorized stream to non-vectorized # buffer sdfg.add_array("input_buffer", (1, ), vtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("shift_register", (2 * m + veclen, ), dtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_ShiftRegister, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("output_buffer", (veclen, ), dtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("output_buffer_packed", (1, ), vtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) input_buffer = state.add_access("input_buffer") shift_register = state.add_access("shift_register") output_buffer = state.add_access("output_buffer") output_buffer_packed = state.add_access("output_buffer_packed") # Only write if not initializing read_tasklet = state.add_tasklet( name + "_conditional_read", {"_in"}, {"_out"}, "if not {}:\n\t_out = _in".format(entry.pipeline.drain_condition())) # Input stream to buffer state.add_memlet_path(consume_input_stream, entry, read_tasklet, dst_conn="_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]", dynamic=True)) state.add_memlet_path(read_tasklet, input_buffer, src_conn="_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]")) state.add_memlet_path(input_buffer, shift_register, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]", other_subset=f"2*M:(2*M + {veclen})")) # Stencils accesses state.add_memlet_path( shift_register, unroll_entry, tasklet, dst_conn="_north", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[u]")) # North state.add_memlet_path( shift_register, unroll_entry, tasklet, dst_conn="_west", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[u + M - 1]")) # West state.add_memlet_path( shift_register, unroll_entry, tasklet, dst_conn="_east", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[u + M + 1]")) # East state.add_memlet_path( shift_register, unroll_entry, tasklet, dst_conn="_south", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[u + 2 * M]")) # South # Tasklet to buffer state.add_memlet_path(tasklet, unroll_exit, output_buffer, src_conn="result", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[u]")) # Pack buffer state.add_memlet_path(output_buffer, output_buffer_packed, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]", other_subset=f"0:{veclen}")) # Only write if not initializing write_tasklet = state.add_tasklet( name + "_conditional_write", {"_in"}, {"_out"}, "if not {}:\n\t_out = _in".format(entry.pipeline.init_condition())) # Buffer to output stream state.add_memlet_path(output_buffer_packed, write_tasklet, dst_conn="_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]")) # Buffer to output stream state.add_memlet_path(write_tasklet, exit, produce_output_stream, src_conn="_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]", dynamic=True)) return sdfg
m_axis_c_tdata <= m_axis_c_tdata; state <= DONE; end assign m_axis_c_tvalid = (m_axis_c_tdata >= 100) ? 1'b1:1'b0; """, language=dace.Language.SystemVerilog) # add input/output array A = state.add_read('A') B_w = state.add_write('B') B_r = state.add_read('B') C = state.add_write('C') # connect input/output array with the tasklet state.add_edge(A, None, tasklet0, 'a', dace.Memlet('A[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet0, 'b', B_w, None, dace.Memlet('B[0]')) state.add_edge(B_r, None, tasklet1, 'b', dace.Memlet('B[0]')) state.add_edge(tasklet1, 'c', C, None, dace.Memlet('C[0]')) # validate sdfg sdfg.validate() ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # init data structures a = np.random.randint(0, 80, 1).astype(np.int32) b = np.array([0]).astype(np.int32) c = np.array([0]).astype(np.int32)
def make_fpga_sdfg(): ''' Build an SDFG with two nested SDFGs in a single FPGA state ''' n = dace.symbol("n") vecWidth = 4 vecType = dace.vector(dace.float32, vecWidth) sdfg = dace.SDFG("nested_sdfg_kernels") ########################################################################### # Copy data to FPGA copy_in_state = sdfg.add_state("copy_to_device") sdfg.add_array("x", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType) sdfg.add_array("y", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType) sdfg.add_array("v", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType) in_host_x = copy_in_state.add_read("x") in_host_y = copy_in_state.add_read("y") in_host_v = copy_in_state.add_read("v") sdfg.add_array("device_x", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("device_y", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("device_v", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) in_device_x = copy_in_state.add_write("device_x") in_device_y = copy_in_state.add_write("device_y") in_device_v = copy_in_state.add_write("device_v") copy_in_state.add_memlet_path(in_host_x, in_device_x, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) copy_in_state.add_memlet_path(in_host_y, in_device_y, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) copy_in_state.add_memlet_path(in_host_v, in_device_v, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) ########################################################################### # Copy data from FPGA sdfg.add_array("z", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType) sdfg.add_array("u", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType) copy_out_state = sdfg.add_state("copy_to_host") sdfg.add_array("device_z", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("device_u", shape=[n / vecWidth], dtype=vecType, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) out_device_z = copy_out_state.add_read("device_z") out_host_z = copy_out_state.add_write("z") out_device_u = copy_out_state.add_read("device_u") out_host_u = copy_out_state.add_write("u") copy_out_state.add_memlet_path(out_device_z, out_host_z, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) copy_out_state.add_memlet_path(out_device_u, out_host_u, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) ########################################################################### # State that must not become an FPGA kernel non_fpga_state = sdfg.add_state("I_do_not_want_to_be_fpga_kernel") non_fpga_state.location["is_FPGA_kernel"] = False # Build the vec addition SDFG and nest it in_device_x = non_fpga_state.add_read("device_x") in_device_y = non_fpga_state.add_read("device_y") in_device_v = non_fpga_state.add_read("device_v") out_device_z = non_fpga_state.add_write("device_z") out_device_u = non_fpga_state.add_write("device_u") to_nest = make_vec_add_sdfg() # add nested sdfg with symbol mapping nested_sdfg = non_fpga_state.add_nested_sdfg(to_nest, sdfg, {"_device_x", "_device_y"}, {"_device_z"}, {"size": "n"}) non_fpga_state.add_memlet_path(in_device_x, nested_sdfg, dst_conn="_device_x", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) non_fpga_state.add_memlet_path(in_device_y, nested_sdfg, dst_conn="_device_y", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) non_fpga_state.add_memlet_path(nested_sdfg, out_device_z, src_conn="_device_z", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) # Build the second vec addition SDFG and nest it to_nest = make_vec_add_sdfg() # add nested sdfg with symbol mapping nested_sdfg = non_fpga_state.add_nested_sdfg(to_nest, sdfg, {"_device_x", "_device_y"}, {"_device_z"}, {"size": "n"}) non_fpga_state.add_memlet_path(out_device_z, nested_sdfg, dst_conn="_device_x", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) non_fpga_state.add_memlet_path(in_device_v, nested_sdfg, dst_conn="_device_y", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) non_fpga_state.add_memlet_path(nested_sdfg, out_device_u, src_conn="_device_z", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0:{n}/{vecWidth}]")) ###################################### # Interstate edges sdfg.add_edge(copy_in_state, non_fpga_state, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(non_fpga_state, copy_out_state, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.fill_scope_connectors() sdfg.validate() return sdfg
write_b = state.add_tasklet('write_b', {'inp'}, {'out'}, 'out = inp') # add read and write maps read_a_entry, read_a_exit = state.add_map( 'read_a_map', dict(i='0:N'), schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) write_b_entry, write_b_exit = state.add_map( 'write_b_map', dict(i='0:N'), schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) # add read_a memlets and access nodes read_a_inp = state.add_read('fpga_A') read_a_out = state.add_write('A_stream') state.add_memlet_path(read_a_inp, read_a_entry, read_a, dst_conn='inp', memlet=dace.Memlet('fpga_A[i]')) state.add_memlet_path(read_a, read_a_exit, read_a_out, src_conn='out', memlet=dace.Memlet('A_stream[0]')) # add tasklet memlets A = state.add_read('A_stream') B = state.add_write('B_stream') state.add_memlet_path(A, rtl_tasklet, dst_conn='a', memlet=dace.Memlet('A_stream[0]')) state.add_memlet_path(rtl_tasklet, B,
def expansion(node: "Gearbox", parent_state: dace.SDFGState, parent_sdfg: dace.SDFG): (in_edge, in_desc, out_edge, out_desc, is_pack, gear_factor) = node.validate(parent_sdfg, parent_state) is_elementwise = in_desc.dtype.base_type == out_desc.dtype.base_type sdfg = dace.SDFG( in_desc_inner = copy.deepcopy(in_desc) in_desc_inner.transient = False sdfg.add_datadesc(in_edge.dst_conn, in_desc_inner) out_desc_inner = copy.deepcopy(out_desc) out_desc_inner.transient = False sdfg.add_datadesc(out_edge.src_conn, out_desc_inner) state = sdfg.add_state( input_read = state.add_read(in_edge.dst_conn) output_write = state.add_write(out_edge.src_conn) vec_it = f"_{}_w" entry, exit = state.add_map(, { f"_{}_i": f"0:{node.size}", vec_it: f"0:{gear_factor}" }, schedule=node.schedule) buffer_name = f"{}_buffer" if is_elementwise: dtype = in_desc.dtype.base_type if is_pack: small_veclen = in_desc.dtype.veclen large_veclen = out_desc.dtype.veclen else: large_veclen = in_desc.dtype.veclen small_veclen = out_desc.dtype.veclen sdfg.add_array(buffer_name, (large_veclen, ), dtype,, transient=True) nested_sdfg = dace.SDFG(f"{}_nested") nested_in_desc = copy.deepcopy(in_desc) nested_in_desc.transient = False nested_out_desc = copy.deepcopy(out_desc) nested_out_desc.transient = False nested_sdfg.add_datadesc(f"_{in_edge.dst_conn}", nested_in_desc) nested_sdfg.add_datadesc(f"_{out_edge.src_conn}", nested_out_desc) read_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(f"{}_read") write_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(f"{}_write") read_nested = read_state.add_read(f"_{in_edge.dst_conn}") write_nested = write_state.add_write(f"_{out_edge.src_conn}") buffer_name_inner = f"{buffer_name}_inner" nested_sdfg.add_array(buffer_name_inner, (large_veclen, ), dtype,, transient=False) buffer_read = write_state.add_read(buffer_name_inner) buffer_write = read_state.add_write(buffer_name_inner) elem_it = f"_{}_e" if is_pack: # Unpack the input vector into individual elements unpack_name = f"{}_unpack" nested_sdfg.add_array(unpack_name, (small_veclen, ), dtype,, transient=True) unpack_access = read_state.add_write(unpack_name) read_state.add_memlet_path( read_nested, unpack_access, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]")) # Now write the elements into the large buffer at the # appropriate indices unroll_entry, unroll_exit = read_state.add_map( f"{}_elementwise", {elem_it: f"0:{small_veclen}"}, schedule=node.schedule, unroll=True) unroll_tasklet = read_state.add_tasklet( f"{}_elementwise", {"unpack_in"}, {"buffer_out"}, "buffer_out = unpack_in") read_state.add_memlet_path( unpack_access, unroll_entry, unroll_tasklet, dst_conn="unpack_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{unpack_name}[{elem_it}]")) read_state.add_memlet_path( unroll_tasklet, unroll_exit, buffer_write, src_conn="buffer_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name_inner}[{vec_it} * " f"{small_veclen} + {elem_it}]")) # Only progress to the write state if we're on the last vector nested_sdfg.add_edge( read_state, write_state, dace.InterstateEdge(f"{vec_it} >= {gear_factor} - 1")) end_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(f"{}_end") nested_sdfg.add_edge( read_state, end_state, dace.InterstateEdge(f"{vec_it} < {gear_factor} - 1")) nested_sdfg.add_edge(write_state, end_state, dace.InterstateEdge()) # Write out write_state.add_memlet_path( buffer_read, write_nested, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]")) else: # Is unpack # Only read a new wide vector on the first iteration start_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(f"{}_start") nested_sdfg.add_edge(start_state, read_state, dace.InterstateEdge(f"{vec_it} == 0")) nested_sdfg.add_edge(start_state, write_state, dace.InterstateEdge(f"{vec_it} != 0")) nested_sdfg.add_edge(read_state, write_state, dace.InterstateEdge()) # Read new wide vector read_state.add_memlet_path( read_nested, buffer_write, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]")) # Read out the appropriate elements and write them out pack_name = f"{}_pack" nested_sdfg.add_array(pack_name, (small_veclen, ), dtype,, transient=True) pack_access = write_state.add_write(pack_name) unroll_entry, unroll_exit = write_state.add_map( f"{}_elementwise", {elem_it: f"0:{small_veclen}"}, schedule=node.schedule, unroll=True) unroll_tasklet = write_state.add_tasklet( f"{}_elementwise", {"buffer_in"}, {"pack_out"}, "pack_out = buffer_in") write_state.add_memlet_path( buffer_read, unroll_entry, unroll_tasklet, dst_conn="buffer_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name_inner}[{vec_it} * " f"{small_veclen} + {elem_it}]")) write_state.add_memlet_path( unroll_tasklet, unroll_exit, pack_access, src_conn="pack_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{pack_name}[{elem_it}]")) write_state.add_memlet_path( pack_access, write_nested, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]")) nested_sdfg_node = state.add_nested_sdfg( nested_sdfg, sdfg, {f"_{in_edge.dst_conn}", f"{buffer_name}_inner"}, {f"_{out_edge.src_conn}", f"{buffer_name}_inner"}) buffer_read = state.add_read(buffer_name) buffer_write = state.add_write(buffer_name) state.add_memlet_path(input_read, entry, nested_sdfg_node, dst_conn=f"_{in_edge.dst_conn}", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]", dynamic=True)) state.add_memlet_path(nested_sdfg_node, exit, output_write, src_conn=f"_{out_edge.src_conn}", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[0]", dynamic=True)) state.add_memlet_path( buffer_read, entry, nested_sdfg_node, dst_conn=buffer_name_inner, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name}[0:{large_veclen}]")) state.add_memlet_path( nested_sdfg_node, exit, buffer_write, src_conn=buffer_name_inner, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name}[0:{large_veclen}]")) else: # Not elementwise, one side is a vector of vectors vtype = out_desc.dtype if is_pack else in_desc.dtype sdfg.add_array(buffer_name, (1, ), vtype,, transient=True) buffer_read = state.add_read(buffer_name) buffer_write = state.add_write(buffer_name) tasklet = state.add_tasklet(, {"val_in", "buffer_in"}, {"val_out", "buffer_out"}, f"""\ wide = buffer_in wide[_{}_w] = val_in if _{}_w == {gear_factor} - 1: val_out = wide buffer_out = wide""" if is_pack else f"""\ wide = val_in if _{}_w == 0 else buffer_in val_out = wide[_{}_w] buffer_out = wide""") state.add_memlet_path(input_read, entry, tasklet, dst_conn="val_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{in_edge.dst_conn}[0]", dynamic=not is_pack)) state.add_memlet_path(buffer_read, entry, tasklet, dst_conn="buffer_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name}[0]")) state.add_memlet_path(tasklet, exit, output_write, src_conn="val_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{out_edge.src_conn}[0]", dynamic=is_pack)) state.add_memlet_path(tasklet, exit, buffer_write, src_conn="buffer_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name}[0]")) return sdfg
def make_sdfg(squeeze, name): N, M = dace.symbol('N'), dace.symbol('M') sdfg = dace.SDFG('memlet_propagation_%s' % name) sdfg.add_symbol('N', dace.int64) sdfg.add_symbol('M', dace.int64) sdfg.add_array('A', [N + 1, M], dace.int64) state = sdfg.add_state() me, mx = state.add_map('map', dict(j='1:M')) w = state.add_write('A') # Create nested SDFG nsdfg = dace.SDFG('nested') if squeeze: nsdfg.add_array('a1', [N + 1], dace.int64, strides=[M]) nsdfg.add_array('a2', [N - 1], dace.int64, strides=[M]) else: nsdfg.add_array('a', [N + 1, M], dace.int64) nstate = nsdfg.add_state() a1 = nstate.add_write('a1' if squeeze else 'a') a2 = nstate.add_write('a2' if squeeze else 'a') t1 = nstate.add_tasklet('add99', {}, {'out'}, 'out = i + 99') t2 = nstate.add_tasklet('add101', {}, {'out'}, 'out = i + 101') nstate.add_edge(t1, 'out', a1, None, dace.Memlet('a1[i]' if squeeze else 'a[i, 1]')) nstate.add_edge(t2, 'out', a2, None, dace.Memlet('a2[i]' if squeeze else 'a[i+2, 0]')) nsdfg.add_loop(None, nstate, None, 'i', '0', 'i < N - 2', 'i + 1') # Connect nested SDFG to toplevel one nsdfg_node = state.add_nested_sdfg(nsdfg, None, {}, {'a1', 'a2'} if squeeze else {'a'}, symbol_mapping=dict(j='j', N='N', M='M')) state.add_nedge(me, nsdfg_node, dace.Memlet()) # Add outer memlet that is overapproximated if squeeze: # This is expected to propagate to A[0:N - 2, j]. state.add_memlet_path(nsdfg_node, mx, w, src_conn='a1', memlet=dace.Memlet('A[0:N+1, j]')) # This is expected to propagate to A[2:N, j - 1]. state.add_memlet_path(nsdfg_node, mx, w, src_conn='a2', memlet=dace.Memlet('A[2:N+1, j-1]')) else: # This memlet is expected to propagate to A[0:N, j - 1:j + 1]. state.add_memlet_path(nsdfg_node, mx, w, src_conn='a', memlet=dace.Memlet('A[0:N+1, j-1:j+1]')) propagation.propagate_memlets_sdfg(sdfg) return sdfg
def make_sdfg(): N = dace.symbol("N") sdfg = dace.SDFG("fpga_conflict_resolution") sdfg.add_array("host_memory", [N], dace.int32) sdfg.add_array("global_memory", [N], dace.int32, transient=True, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Global) sdfg.add_array("local_memory", [1], dace.int32, transient=True, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local) state = sdfg.add_state("fpga_conflict_resolution") # Copy memory to FPGA pre_state = sdfg.add_state("pre_state") pre_host = pre_state.add_read("host_memory") pre_device = pre_state.add_write("global_memory") pre_state.add_memlet_path(pre_host, pre_device, memlet=dace.Memlet("global_memory[0:N]")) sdfg.add_edge(pre_state, state, dace.InterstateEdge()) # Copy memory back post_state = sdfg.add_state("post_state") post_device = post_state.add_read("global_memory") post_host = post_state.add_write("host_memory") post_state.add_memlet_path(post_device, post_host, memlet=dace.Memlet("global_memory[0:N]")) sdfg.add_edge(state, post_state, dace.InterstateEdge()) gmem_read = state.add_read("global_memory") gmem_write = state.add_write("global_memory") local_init = state.add_access("local_memory") local_write = state.add_access("local_memory") # Initialize local memory init_tasklet = state.add_tasklet("init", {}, {"out"}, "out = 0") state.add_memlet_path(init_tasklet, local_init, src_conn="out", memlet=dace.Memlet("local_memory[0]")) # Accumulate on local memory acc_entry, acc_exit = state.add_map("wcr_local", {"i": "0:N"}, schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) acc_tasklet = state.add_tasklet("wcr_local", {"gmem"}, {"lmem"}, "lmem = gmem") state.add_memlet_path(gmem_read, acc_entry, acc_tasklet, dst_conn="gmem", memlet=dace.Memlet("global_memory[i]")) state.add_memlet_path(local_init, acc_entry, memlet=dace.Memlet()) state.add_memlet_path(acc_tasklet, acc_exit, local_write, src_conn="lmem", memlet=dace.Memlet("local_memory[0]", wcr="lambda a, b: a + b")) # Write with conflict into global memory wcr_entry, wcr_exit = state.add_map("wcr_global", {"i": "0:N"}, schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) wcr_tasklet = state.add_tasklet("wcr_global", {"lmem"}, {"gmem"}, "gmem = lmem") state.add_memlet_path(local_write, wcr_entry, wcr_tasklet, dst_conn="lmem", memlet=dace.Memlet("local_memory[0]")) state.add_memlet_path(wcr_tasklet, wcr_exit, gmem_write, src_conn="gmem", memlet=dace.Memlet("global_memory[i]", wcr="lambda a, b: a + b")) return sdfg
def make_backward_function(model: ONNXModel, apply_strict=False ) -> Type[torch.autograd.Function]: """ Convert an ONNXModel to a PyTorch differentiable function. This method should not be used on it's own. Instead use the ``backward=True`` parameter of :class:`daceml.pytorch.DaceModule`. :param model: the model to convert. :param apply_strict: whether to apply strict transformations before creating the backward pass. :return: the PyTorch compatible :class:`torch.autograd.Function`. """ if len(model.sdfg.nodes()) != 1: raise AutoDiffException( "Expected to find exactly one SDFGState, found {}".format( len(model.sdfg.nodes()))) forward_sdfg = model.sdfg forward_state = model.sdfg.nodes()[0] backward_sdfg = dace.SDFG( + "_backward") backward_state = backward_sdfg.add_state() gen = BackwardPassGenerator( sdfg=forward_sdfg, state=forward_state, given_gradients=[clean_onnx_name(name) for name in model.outputs], required_gradients=[clean_onnx_name(name) for name in model.inputs], backward_sdfg=backward_sdfg, backward_state=backward_state, apply_strict=apply_strict) backward_result, backward_grad_arrays, backward_input_arrays = gen.backward( ) replaced_scalars = {} for name, desc in backward_input_arrays.items(): if name not in forward_sdfg.arrays: raise AutoDiffException( "Expected to find array with name '{}' in SDFG".format(name)) forward_desc = forward_sdfg.arrays[name] # we will save this output and pass it to the backward pass # Views should not be forwarded. Instead the backward pass generator should forward the source of the view, # and rebuild the sequence of required views in the backward pass. assert type(forward_desc) is not dt.View if isinstance(forward_desc, dt.Scalar): # we can't return scalars from SDFGs, so we add a copy to an array of size 1 fwd_arr_name, _ = forward_sdfg.add_array( name + "_array", [1], forward_desc.dtype, transient=False,, find_new_name=True) bwd_arr_name, _ = backward_sdfg.add_array( name + "_array", [1], forward_desc.dtype, transient=False,, find_new_name=True) backward_sdfg.arrays[name].transient = True fwd_copy_state = forward_sdfg.add_state_after(forward_state, label="copy_out_" + fwd_arr_name) bwd_copy_state = backward_sdfg.add_state_before(backward_state, label="copy_in_" + bwd_arr_name) fwd_copy_state.add_edge(fwd_copy_state.add_read(name), None, fwd_copy_state.add_write(fwd_arr_name), None, dace.Memlet(name + "[0]")) bwd_copy_state.add_edge(bwd_copy_state.add_read(bwd_arr_name), None, bwd_copy_state.add_write(name), None, dace.Memlet(name + "[0]")) replaced_scalars[name] = fwd_arr_name else: forward_sdfg.arrays[name].transient = False backward_sdfg.validate() class DaceFunction(torch.autograd.Function): _backward_sdfg = backward_sdfg _forward_model = model _backward_result = backward_result @staticmethod def forward(ctx, *inputs): # setup the intermediate buffers if any(not inp.is_contiguous() for inp in inputs): log.warning("forced to copy input since it was not contiguous") copied_inputs = tuple( inp if inp.is_contiguous else inp.contiguous() for inp in inputs) # prepare the arguments inputs, params, symbols, outputs = model._call_args( args=copied_inputs, kwargs={}) # create the empty tensors we need for the intermediate values for inp, val in backward_input_arrays.items(): if isinstance(val, dt.Scalar): # the value we need is actually in an array inp = replaced_scalars[inp] if inp not in inputs and inp not in outputs and inp not in params: inputs[inp] = create_output_array(symbols, forward_sdfg.arrays[inp], use_torch=True) DaceFunction._forward_model.sdfg(**inputs, **symbols, **params, **outputs) def _get_arr(name, desc): if isinstance(desc, dt.Scalar): name = replaced_scalars[name] if name in inputs: value = inputs[name] elif name in outputs: value = outputs[name] elif name in params: value = params[name] else: raise AutoDiffException( f"Could not get value of array {name}") return value # save the arrays we need for the backward pass backward_inputs = { name: _get_arr(name, desc) for name, desc in backward_input_arrays.items() } for name in replaced_scalars: backward_inputs[replaced_scalars[name]] = backward_inputs[name] del backward_inputs[name] ctx.dace_backward_inputs = backward_inputs ctx.dace_symbols = symbols if len(outputs) == 1: return next(iter(outputs.values())) return tuple(outputs.values()) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, *grads): backward_inputs = ctx.dace_backward_inputs if len(grads) != len(model.outputs): raise ValueError("Expected to receive {} grads, got {}".format( len(model.outputs), len(grads))) given_grads = dict( zip((DaceFunction._backward_result.given_grad_names[ clean_onnx_name(outp)] for outp in model.outputs), grads)) for name, value in given_grads.items(): if not isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError( "Unsupported input with type {};" " currently only tensor inputs are supported".format( type(value))) if not value.is_contiguous(): log.warning( "forced to copy input since it was not contiguous") given_grads[name] = value.contiguous() # these are the grads we will calculate input_grad_names = [ DaceFunction._backward_result.required_grad_names[ clean_onnx_name(inp)] for inp in itertools.chain(model.inputs) ] # init the grads we will calculate with zeros grad_values = OrderedDict() for name in input_grad_names: grad_values[name] = create_output_array( ctx.dace_symbols, backward_grad_arrays[name], use_torch=True, zeros=True) DaceFunction._backward_sdfg(**grad_values, **backward_inputs, **given_grads) return tuple(grad_values.values()) return DaceFunction
def make_sdfg(with_wcr, map_in_guard, reverse_loop, use_variable, assign_after, log_path): sdfg = dace.SDFG(f"loop_to_map_test_{with_wcr}_{map_in_guard}_" f"{reverse_loop}_{use_variable}_{assign_after}") sdfg.set_global_code("#include <fstream>\n#include <mutex>") init = sdfg.add_state("init") guard = sdfg.add_state("guard") body = sdfg.add_state("body") after = sdfg.add_state("after") post = sdfg.add_state("post") N = dace.symbol("N", dace.int32) if not reverse_loop: sdfg.add_edge(init, guard, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments={"i": "0"})) sdfg.add_edge(guard, body, dace.InterstateEdge(condition="i < N")) sdfg.add_edge(guard, after, dace.InterstateEdge(condition="i >= N")) sdfg.add_edge(body, guard, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments={"i": "i + 1"})) else: sdfg.add_edge(init, guard, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments={"i": "N - 1"})) sdfg.add_edge(guard, body, dace.InterstateEdge(condition="i >= 0")) sdfg.add_edge(guard, after, dace.InterstateEdge(condition="i < 0")) sdfg.add_edge(body, guard, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments={"i": "i - 1"})) sdfg.add_edge( after, post, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments={"i": "N"} if assign_after else None)) sdfg.add_array("A", [N], dace.float64) sdfg.add_array("B", [N], dace.float64) sdfg.add_array("C", [N], dace.float64) sdfg.add_array("D", [N], dace.float64) sdfg.add_array("E", [1], dace.uint16) a = body.add_read("A") b = body.add_read("B") c = body.add_write("C") d = body.add_write("D") if map_in_guard: guard_read = guard.add_read("C") guard_write = guard.add_write("C") guard.add_mapped_tasklet("write_self", {"i": "0:N"}, {"c_in": dace.Memlet("C[i]")}, "c_out = c_in", {"c_out": dace.Memlet("C[i]")}, external_edges=True, input_nodes={"C": guard_read}, output_nodes={"C": guard_write}) tasklet0 = body.add_tasklet("tasklet0", {"a"}, {"c"}, "c = 1/a") tasklet1 = body.add_tasklet("tasklet1", {"a", "b"}, {"d"}, "d = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)") tasklet2 = body.add_tasklet("tasklet2", {}, {}, f"""\ static std::mutex mutex; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::ofstream of("{log_path}", std::ofstream::app); of << i << "\\n";""", language=dace.Language.CPP) body.add_memlet_path(a, tasklet0, dst_conn="a", memlet=dace.Memlet("A[i]")) body.add_memlet_path(tasklet0, c, src_conn="c", memlet=dace.Memlet( "C[i]", wcr="lambda a, b: a + b" if with_wcr else None)) body.add_memlet_path(a, tasklet1, dst_conn="a", memlet=dace.Memlet("A[i]")) body.add_memlet_path(b, tasklet1, dst_conn="b", memlet=dace.Memlet("B[i]")) body.add_memlet_path(tasklet1, d, src_conn="d", memlet=dace.Memlet( "D[i]", wcr="lambda a, b: a + b" if with_wcr else None)) e = post.add_write("E") post_tasklet = post.add_tasklet("post", {}, {"e"}, "e = i" if use_variable else "e = N") post.add_memlet_path(post_tasklet, e, src_conn="e", memlet=dace.Memlet("E[0]")) return sdfg
def expansion(node, parent_state, parent_sdfg): sdfg = dace.SDFG(node.label + "_outer") state = sdfg.add_state(node.label + "_outer") (inputs, outputs, shape, field_to_data, field_to_desc, field_to_edge, vector_lengths) = parse_connectors(node, parent_state, parent_sdfg) ####################################################################### # Parse the tasklet code ####################################################################### # Replace relative indices with memlet names converter = SubscriptConverter() # Add copy boundary conditions for field in node.boundary_conditions: if node.boundary_conditions[field]["btype"] == "copy": center_index = tuple(0 for _ in range( len(parent_sdfg.arrays[field_to_data[field]].shape))) # This will register the renaming converter.convert(field, center_index) # Replace accesses in the code code, field_accesses = parse_accesses(node.code.as_string, outputs) iterator_mapping = make_iterator_mapping(node, field_accesses, shape) vector_length = validate_vector_lengths(vector_lengths, iterator_mapping) shape_vectorized = tuple(s / vector_length if i == len(shape) - 1 else s for i, s in enumerate(shape)) # Extract which fields to read from streams and what to buffer buffer_sizes = collections.OrderedDict() buffer_accesses = collections.OrderedDict() scalars = {} # {name: type} for field_name in inputs: relative = field_accesses[field_name] dim_mask = iterator_mapping[field_name] if not any(dim_mask): # This is a scalar, no buffer needed. Instead, the SDFG must # take this as a symbol scalars[field_name] = parent_sdfg.symbols[field_name] sdfg.add_symbol(field_name, parent_sdfg.symbols[field_name]) continue abs_indices = ([ dim_to_abs_val(i, tuple(s for s, m in zip(shape, dim_mask) if m), parent_sdfg) for i in relative ] + ([0] if field_name in node.boundary_conditions and node.boundary_conditions[field_name]["btype"] == "copy" else [])) max_access = max(abs_indices) min_access = min(abs_indices) buffer_size = max_access - min_access + vector_lengths[field_name] buffer_sizes[field_name] = buffer_size # (indices relative to center, buffer indices, center index) buffer_accesses[field_name] = ([tuple(r) for r in relative], [ i - min_access for i in abs_indices ], -min_access) # Create a initialization phase corresponding to the highest distance # to the center init_sizes = [ (buffer_sizes[key] - vector_lengths[key] - val[2]) // vector_length for key, val in buffer_accesses.items() ] init_size_max = int(np.max(init_sizes)) parameters = [f"_i{i}" for i in range(len(shape))] # Dimensions we need to iterate over iterator_mask = np.array([s != 0 and s != 1 for s in shape], dtype=bool) iterators = make_iterators( tuple(s for s, m in zip(shape_vectorized, iterator_mask) if m), parameters=tuple(s for s, m in zip(parameters, iterator_mask) if m)) # Manually add pipeline entry and exit nodes pipeline_range =', '.join( iterators.values())) pipeline = dace.sdfg.nodes.Pipeline( "compute_" + node.label, list(iterators.keys()), pipeline_range, dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device, False, init_size=init_size_max, init_overlap=False, drain_size=init_size_max, drain_overlap=True) entry = dace.sdfg.nodes.PipelineEntry(pipeline) exit = dace.sdfg.nodes.PipelineExit(pipeline) state.add_nodes_from([entry, exit]) # Add nested SDFG to do 1) shift buffers 2) read from input 3) compute nested_sdfg = dace.SDFG(node.label + "_inner", parent=state) nested_sdfg_tasklet = state.add_nested_sdfg( nested_sdfg, sdfg, # Input connectors [k + "_in" for k in inputs if any(iterator_mapping[k])] + [name + "_buffer_in" for name, _ in buffer_sizes.items()], # Output connectors [k + "_out" for k in outputs] + [name + "_buffer_out" for name, _ in buffer_sizes.items()], schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device) # Propagate symbols for sym_name, sym_type in parent_sdfg.symbols.items(): nested_sdfg.add_symbol(sym_name, sym_type) nested_sdfg_tasklet.symbol_mapping[sym_name] = sym_name # Map iterators for p in parameters: nested_sdfg.add_symbol(p, dace.int64) nested_sdfg_tasklet.symbol_mapping[p] = p # Shift state, which shifts all buffers by one shift_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(node.label + "_shift") # Update state, which reads new values from memory update_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(node.label + "_update") ####################################################################### # Implement boundary conditions ####################################################################### boundary_code, oob_cond = generate_boundary_conditions( node, shape, field_accesses, field_to_desc, iterator_mapping) ####################################################################### # Only write if we're in bounds ####################################################################### write_code = ("\n".join([ "{}_inner_out = {}\n".format( output, field_accesses[output][tuple(0 for _ in range(len(shape)))]) for output in outputs ])) if init_size_max > 0 or len(oob_cond) > 0: write_cond = [] if init_size_max > 0: init_cond = pipeline.init_condition() write_cond.append("not " + init_cond) nested_sdfg_tasklet.symbol_mapping[init_cond] = init_cond nested_sdfg.add_symbol(init_cond, dace.bool) if len(oob_cond) > 0: oob_cond = " or ".join(sorted(oob_cond)) oob_cond = f"not ({oob_cond})" write_cond.append(oob_cond) write_cond = " and ".join(write_cond) write_cond = f"if {write_cond}:\n\t" else: write_cond = "" code = boundary_code + "\n" + code + "\n" + write_code ####################################################################### # Create DaCe compute state ####################################################################### # Compute state, which reads from input channels, performs the compute, # and writes to the output channel(s) compute_state = nested_sdfg.add_state(node.label + "_compute") compute_inputs = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [["_" + v for v in field_accesses[f].values()] for f in inputs if any(iterator_mapping[f])])) compute_tasklet = compute_state.add_tasklet( node.label + "_compute", compute_inputs, {name + "_inner_out" for name in outputs}, code, language=dace.dtypes.Language.Python) if vector_length > 1: compute_unroll_entry, compute_unroll_exit = compute_state.add_map( compute_state.label + "_unroll", {"i_unroll": f"0:{vector_length}"}, schedule=dace.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device, unroll=True) # Connect the three nested states nested_sdfg.add_edge(shift_state, update_state, dace.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) nested_sdfg.add_edge(update_state, compute_state, dace.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) # First, grab scalar variables for scalar, scalar_type in scalars.items(): nested_sdfg.add_symbol(scalar, scalar_type) # Code to increment custom iterators iterator_code = "" for (field_name, size), init_size in zip(buffer_sizes.items(), init_sizes): data_name = field_to_data[field_name] connector = field_to_edge[field_name].dst_conn data_name_outer = connector data_name_inner = field_name + "_in" desc_outer = parent_sdfg.arrays[data_name].clone() desc_outer.transient = False sdfg.add_datadesc(data_name_outer, desc_outer) mapping = iterator_mapping[field_name] is_array = not isinstance(desc_outer, dt.Stream) # If this array is part of the initialization phase, it needs its # own iterator, which we need to instantiate and increment in the # outer SDFG if is_array: if init_size == 0: field_index = [s for s, p in zip(parameters, mapping) if p] else: # Create custom iterators for this array num_dims = sum(mapping, 0) field_iterators = [(f"_{field_name}_i{i}", shape[i]) for i in range(num_dims) if mapping[i]] start_index = init_size_max - init_size tab = "" if start_index > 0: iterator_code += ( f"if {pipeline.iterator_str()} >= {start_index}:\n" ) tab += " " for i, (it, s) in enumerate(reversed(field_iterators)): iterator_code += f"""\ {tab}if {it} < {s} - 1: {tab} {it} = {it} + 1 {tab}else: {tab} {it} = 0\n""" tab += " " field_index = [fi[0] for fi in field_iterators] for fi in field_index: pipeline.additional_iterators[fi] = "0" nested_sdfg.add_symbol(fi, dace.int64) nested_sdfg_tasklet.symbol_mapping[fi] = fi field_index = ", ".join(field_index) else: field_index = "0" # Begin reading according to this field's own buffer size, which is # translated to an index by subtracting it from the maximum buffer # size begin_reading = init_size_max - init_size total_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, shape_vectorized, 1) end_reading = total_size + init_size_max - init_size # Outer memory read read_node_outer = state.add_read(data_name_outer) if begin_reading != 0 or end_reading != total_size + init_size_max: sdfg.add_scalar(f"{field_name}_wavefront", desc_outer.dtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) wavefront_access = state.add_access(f"{field_name}_wavefront") condition = [] it = pipeline.iterator_str() if begin_reading != 0: condition.append(f"{it} >= {begin_reading}") if end_reading != total_size + init_size_max: condition.append(f"{it} < {end_reading}") condition = " and ".join(condition) update_tasklet = state.add_tasklet( f"read_{field_name}", {"wavefront_in"}, {"wavefront_out"}, f"if {condition}:\n" "\twavefront_out = wavefront_in\n", language=dace.dtypes.Language.Python) state.add_memlet_path(read_node_outer, entry, update_tasklet, dst_conn="wavefront_in", memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{data_name_outer}[{field_index}]", dynamic=True)) state.add_memlet_path(update_tasklet, wavefront_access, src_conn="wavefront_out", memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{field_name}_wavefront", dynamic=True)) state.add_memlet_path( wavefront_access, nested_sdfg_tasklet, dst_conn=f"{field_name}_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{field_name}_wavefront")) else: state.add_memlet_path( read_node_outer, entry, nested_sdfg_tasklet, dst_conn=f"{field_name}_in", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{data_name_outer}[{field_index}]")) # Create inner memory access nested_sdfg.add_scalar(data_name_inner, desc_outer.dtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=False) buffer_name_outer = f"{node.label}_{field_name}_buffer" buffer_name_inner_read = f"{field_name}_buffer_in" buffer_name_inner_write = f"{field_name}_buffer_out" # Create buffer transient in outer SDFG field_dtype = _, desc_outer = sdfg.add_array( buffer_name_outer, (size, ), field_dtype.base_type, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) # Create read and write nodes read_node_outer = state.add_read(buffer_name_outer) write_node_outer = state.add_write(buffer_name_outer) # Outer buffer read state.add_memlet_path( read_node_outer, entry, nested_sdfg_tasklet, dst_conn=buffer_name_inner_read, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{buffer_name_outer}[0:{size}]")) # Outer buffer write state.add_memlet_path(nested_sdfg_tasklet, exit, write_node_outer, src_conn=buffer_name_inner_write, memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{}[0:{size}]", dynamic=True)) # Inner copy desc_inner_read = desc_outer.clone() desc_inner_read.transient = False = buffer_name_inner_read desc_inner_write = desc_inner_read.clone() = buffer_name_inner_write nested_sdfg.add_datadesc(buffer_name_inner_read, desc_inner_read) nested_sdfg.add_datadesc(buffer_name_inner_write, desc_inner_write) # Make shift state if necessary if size > 1: shift_read = shift_state.add_read(buffer_name_inner_read) shift_write = shift_state.add_write(buffer_name_inner_write) shift_entry, shift_exit = shift_state.add_map( f"shift_{field_name}", {"i_shift": f"0:{size} - {vector_lengths[field_name]}"}, schedule=dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.FPGA_Device, unroll=True) shift_tasklet = shift_state.add_tasklet( f"shift_{field_name}", {f"{field_name}_shift_in"}, {f"{field_name}_shift_out"}, f"{field_name}_shift_out = {field_name}_shift_in") shift_state.add_memlet_path( shift_read, shift_entry, shift_tasklet, dst_conn=field_name + "_shift_in", memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{}" f"[i_shift + {vector_lengths[field_name]}]")) shift_state.add_memlet_path( shift_tasklet, shift_exit, shift_write, src_conn=field_name + "_shift_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[i_shift]")) # Make update state update_read = update_state.add_read(data_name_inner) update_write = update_state.add_write(buffer_name_inner_write) subset = f"{size} - {vector_length}:{size}" if size > 1 else "0" update_state.add_memlet_path(update_read, update_write, memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{}", other_subset=f"{subset}")) # Make compute state compute_read = compute_state.add_read(buffer_name_inner_read) for relative, offset in zip(buffer_accesses[field_name][0], buffer_accesses[field_name][1]): memlet_name = field_accesses[field_name][tuple(relative)] if vector_length > 1: if vector_lengths[field_name] > 1: offset = f"{offset} + i_unroll" else: offset = str(offset) path = [ compute_read, compute_unroll_entry, compute_tasklet ] else: offset = str(offset) path = [compute_read, compute_tasklet] compute_state.add_memlet_path( *path, dst_conn="_" + memlet_name, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}[{offset}]")) # Tasklet to update iterators if iterator_code: update_iterator_tasklet = state.add_tasklet( f"{node.label}_update_iterators", {}, {}, iterator_code) state.add_memlet_path(nested_sdfg_tasklet, update_iterator_tasklet, memlet=dace.Memlet()) state.add_memlet_path(update_iterator_tasklet, exit, memlet=dace.Memlet()) for field_name in outputs: for offset in field_accesses[field_name]: if offset is not None and list(offset) != [0] * len(offset): raise NotImplementedError("Output offsets not implemented") data_name = field_to_data[field_name] # Outer write data_name_outer = field_name data_name_inner = field_name + "_out" desc_outer = parent_sdfg.arrays[data_name].clone() desc_outer.transient = False array_index = ", ".join(map(str, parameters)) try: sdfg.add_datadesc(data_name_outer, desc_outer) except NameError: # Already an input pass # Create inner access nested_sdfg.add_scalar(data_name_inner, desc_outer.dtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=False) # Inner write write_node_inner = compute_state.add_write(data_name_inner) # Intermediate buffer, mostly relevant for vectorization output_buffer_name = field_name + "_output_buffer" nested_sdfg.add_array(output_buffer_name, (vector_length, ), desc_outer.dtype.base_type, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Registers, transient=True) output_buffer = compute_state.add_access(output_buffer_name) # If vectorized, we need to pass through the unrolled scope if vector_length > 1: compute_state.add_memlet_path( compute_tasklet, compute_unroll_exit, output_buffer, src_conn=field_name + "_inner_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{output_buffer_name}[i_unroll]")) else: compute_state.add_memlet_path( compute_tasklet, output_buffer, src_conn=field_name + "_inner_out", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{output_buffer_name}[0]")), # Final memlet to the output compute_state.add_memlet_path( output_buffer, write_node_inner, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{}")), # Conditional write tasklet sdfg.add_scalar(f"{field_name}_result", desc_outer.dtype, storage=dace.StorageType.FPGA_Local, transient=True) output_access = state.add_access(f"{field_name}_result") state.add_memlet_path(nested_sdfg_tasklet, output_access, src_conn=data_name_inner, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{field_name}_result")) output_tasklet = state.add_tasklet( f"{field_name}_conditional_write", {f"_{field_name}_result"}, {f"_{data_name_inner}"}, (write_cond + f"_{data_name_inner} = _{field_name}_result")) state.add_memlet_path(output_access, output_tasklet, dst_conn=f"_{field_name}_result", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"{field_name}_result")) write_node_outer = state.add_write(data_name_outer) if isinstance(desc_outer, dt.Stream): subset = "0" else: subset = array_index state.add_memlet_path(output_tasklet, exit, write_node_outer, src_conn=f"_{data_name_inner}", memlet=dace.Memlet( f"{}[{subset}]", dynamic=True)), return sdfg
def _make_sdfg(l: str = 'Python'): language = dtypes.Language.Python if l == 'Python' else dtypes.Language.CPP endl = '\n' if l == 'Python' else ';\n' sdfg = dace.SDFG(f'map_with_{l}_tasklets') _, arrA = sdfg.add_array('A', (20, ), dace.float32) _, arrB = sdfg.add_array('B', (10, ), dace.float32) _, arrC = sdfg.add_array('C', (10, ), dace.float32) state = sdfg.add_state(is_start_state=True) A = state.add_read('A') B = state.add_read('B') C = state.add_write('C') me, mx = state.add_map('Map', {'i': '0:10'}) inputs = {'__inp1', '__inp2'} outputs = {'__out'} ta = state.add_tasklet( 'a', inputs, {'__out1', '__out2', '__out3'}, f'__out1 = __inp1 + __inp2{endl}__out2 = __out1{endl}__out3 = __out1{endl}', language) tb = state.add_tasklet('b', inputs, outputs, f'__out = __inp1 * __inp2{endl}', language) tc = state.add_tasklet('c', inputs, outputs, f'__out = __inp1 + __inp2{endl}', language) td = state.add_tasklet('d', inputs, outputs, f'__out = __inp1 / __inp2{endl}', language) te = state.add_tasklet('e', inputs, outputs, f'__out = __inp1 * __inp2{endl}', language) state.add_memlet_path(A, me, ta, memlet=dace.Memlet('A[i]'), dst_conn='__inp1') state.add_memlet_path(B, me, ta, memlet=dace.Memlet('B[i]'), dst_conn='__inp2') state.add_memlet_path(A, me, tb, memlet=dace.Memlet('A[2*i]'), dst_conn='__inp2') state.add_memlet_path(B, me, tc, memlet=dace.Memlet('B[i]'), dst_conn='__inp2') state.add_edge(ta, '__out1', tb, '__inp1', dace.Memlet()) state.add_edge(ta, '__out2', tc, '__inp1', dace.Memlet()) state.add_edge(tb, '__out', td, '__inp2', dace.Memlet()) state.add_edge(tc, '__out', td, '__inp1', dace.Memlet()) state.add_edge(ta, '__out3', te, '__inp1', dace.Memlet()) state.add_edge(td, '__out', te, '__inp2', dace.Memlet()) state.add_memlet_path(te, mx, C, memlet=dace.Memlet('C[i]'), src_conn='__out') return sdfg
def _make_sdfg(name, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.CPU_Heap, isview=False): N = dace.symbol('N', dtype=dace.int32, integer=True, positive=True) i = dace.symbol('i', dtype=dace.int32, integer=True) sdfg = dace.SDFG(name) _, A = sdfg.add_array('A', [N, N, N], dtype=dace.float64) _, B = sdfg.add_array('B', [N], dtype=dace.float64) if isview: _, tmp1 = sdfg.add_view('tmp1', [N - 4, N - 4, N - i], dtype=dace.float64, storage=storage, strides=A.strides) else: _, tmp1 = sdfg.add_transient('tmp1', [N - 4, N - 4, N - i], dtype=dace.float64, storage=storage) _, tmp2 = sdfg.add_transient('tmp2', [1], dtype=dace.float64, storage=storage) begin_state = sdfg.add_state("begin", is_start_state=True) guard_state = sdfg.add_state("guard") body1_state = sdfg.add_state("body1") body2_state = sdfg.add_state("body2") body3_state = sdfg.add_state("body3") end_state = sdfg.add_state("end") sdfg.add_edge(begin_state, guard_state, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments=dict(i='0'))) sdfg.add_edge(guard_state, body1_state, dace.InterstateEdge(condition=f'i<{N}')) sdfg.add_edge(guard_state, end_state, dace.InterstateEdge(condition=f'i>={N}')) sdfg.add_edge(body1_state, body2_state, dace.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(body2_state, body3_state, dace.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(body3_state, guard_state, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments=dict(i='i+1'))) if not isview: read_a = body1_state.add_read('A') write_tmp1 = body1_state.add_write('tmp1') body1_state.add_nedge(read_a, write_tmp1, dace.Memlet(f'A[2:{N}-2, 2:{N}-2, i:{N}]')) if isview: read_a = body2_state.add_read('A') read_tmp1 = body2_state.add_access('tmp1') body2_state.add_nedge(read_a, read_tmp1, dace.Memlet(f'A[2:{N}-2, 2:{N}-2, i:{N}]')) else: read_tmp1 = body2_state.add_read('tmp1') rednode = standard.Reduce(wcr='lambda a, b : a + b', identity=0) if storage == dace.dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global: rednode.implementation = 'CUDA (device)' elif storage == dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global: rednode.implementation = 'FPGAPartialReduction' body2_state.add_node(rednode) write_tmp2 = body2_state.add_write('tmp2') body2_state.add_nedge(read_tmp1, rednode, dace.Memlet.from_array('tmp1', tmp1)) body2_state.add_nedge(rednode, write_tmp2, dace.Memlet('tmp2[0]')) read_tmp2 = body3_state.add_read('tmp2') write_b = body3_state.add_write('B') body3_state.add_nedge(read_tmp2, write_b, dace.Memlet('B[i]')) return sdfg
def expansion(node: 'Reduce', state: SDFGState, sdfg: SDFG): """ Create a map around the BlockReduce node with in and out transients in registers and an if tasklet that redirects the output of thread 0 to a shared memory transient """ ### define some useful vars graph = state reduce_node = node in_edge = graph.in_edges(reduce_node)[0] out_edge = graph.out_edges(reduce_node)[0] axes = reduce_node.axes ### add a map that encloses the reduce node (new_entry, new_exit) = graph.add_map( name = 'inner_reduce_block', ndrange = {'i'+str(i): f'{rng[0]}:{rng[1]+1}:{rng[2]}' \ for (i,rng) in enumerate( \ if i in axes}, schedule = dtypes.ScheduleType.Default) map = ExpandReduceCUDABlockAll.redirect_edge(graph, in_edge, new_dst=new_entry) ExpandReduceCUDABlockAll.redirect_edge(graph, out_edge, new_src=new_exit) subset_in = subsets.Range([[i] if i not in axes else ([0],[0], 1) for i in range(len( ]) memlet_in = dace.Memlet(, volume=1, subset=subset_in) memlet_out = dcpy( graph.add_edge(u=new_entry, u_connector=None, v=reduce_node, v_connector=None, memlet=memlet_in) graph.add_edge(u=reduce_node, u_connector=None, v=new_exit, v_connector=None, memlet=memlet_out) ### add in and out local storage from dace.transformation.dataflow.local_storage import LocalStorage in_local_storage_subgraph = { LocalStorage.node_a: graph.nodes().index(new_entry), LocalStorage.node_b: graph.nodes().index(reduce_node) } out_local_storage_subgraph = { LocalStorage.node_a: graph.nodes().index(reduce_node), LocalStorage.node_b: graph.nodes().index(new_exit) } local_storage = LocalStorage(sdfg.sdfg_id, sdfg.nodes().index(state), in_local_storage_subgraph, 0) local_storage.array = local_storage.apply(sdfg) in_transient = local_storage._data_node = dtypes.StorageType.Register local_storage = LocalStorage(sdfg.sdfg_id, sdfg.nodes().index(state), out_local_storage_subgraph, 0) local_storage.array = local_storage.apply(sdfg) out_transient = local_storage._data_node = dtypes.StorageType.Register # hack: swap edges as local_storage does not work correctly here # as subsets and data get assigned wrongly (should be swapped) # NOTE: If local_storage ever changes, this will not work any more e1 = graph.in_edges(out_transient)[0] e2 = graph.out_edges(out_transient)[0] = dcpy( = dcpy( ### add an if tasket and diverge code = 'if ' for (i, param) in enumerate( code += (param + '== 0') if i < len(axes) - 1: code += ' and ' code += ':\n' code += '\tout=inp' tasklet_node = graph.add_tasklet(name='block_reduce_write', inputs=['inp'], outputs=['out'], code=code) edge_out_outtrans = graph.out_edges(out_transient)[0] edge_out_innerexit = graph.out_edges(new_exit)[0] ExpandReduceCUDABlockAll.redirect_edge(graph, edge_out_outtrans, new_dst=tasklet_node, new_dst_conn='inp') e = graph.add_edge(u=tasklet_node, u_connector='out', v=new_exit, v_connector=None, memlet=dcpy( # set dynamic with volume 0 FORNOW = 0 = True ### set reduce_node axes to all (needed) reduce_node.axes = None # fill scope connectors, done. sdfg.fill_scope_connectors() # finally, change the implementation to cuda (block) # itself and expand again. reduce_node.implementation = 'CUDA (block)' sub_expansion = ExpandReduceCUDABlock(0, 0, {}, 0) return sub_expansion.expansion(node=node, state=state, sdfg=sdfg)
def create_gemm_sdfg(sdfg_name, alpha, beta, A, B, C, dtype, transA=False, transB=False, vec_width=1, expansion_args=None): ''' Build an SDFG that perform the given GEMM operation along the given axis Input data A, B, and C is not vectorized ''' sdfg = dace.SDFG(sdfg_name) ########################################################################### # Copy data to FPGA copy_in_state = sdfg.add_state("copy_to_device") A_shape = A.shape B_shape = B.shape C_shape = C.shape N = A_shape[0] K = A_shape[1] M = B_shape[1] vec_type = dace.vector(dtype, vec_width) # Create data containers sdfg.add_array('A', A_shape, dtype) sdfg.add_array("A_device", shape=A_shape, dtype=dtype, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global, transient=True) sdfg.add_array("B", [K, M / vec_width], dtype=vec_type) sdfg.add_array("B_device", [K, M / vec_width], dtype=vec_type, transient=True, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global) sdfg.add_array("C", [N, M / vec_width], dtype=vec_type) sdfg.add_array("C_device", [N, M / vec_width], dtype=vec_type, transient=True, storage=dace.dtypes.StorageType.FPGA_Global) # Copy A in_host_A = copy_in_state.add_read("A") in_device_A = copy_in_state.add_write("A_device") copy_in_state.add_memlet_path(in_host_A, in_device_A, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"A[0:{N}, 0:{K}]")) # Copy B in_host_B = copy_in_state.add_read("B") in_device_B = copy_in_state.add_write("B_device") copy_in_state.add_memlet_path( in_host_B, in_device_B, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"B[0:{K}, 0:{M}/{vec_width}]")) # Copy C in_host_C = copy_in_state.add_read("C") in_device_C = copy_in_state.add_write("C_device") copy_in_state.add_memlet_path( in_host_C, in_device_C, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"C[0:{N}, 0:{M}/{vec_width}]")) ########################################################################### # Copy data from FPGA copy_out_state = sdfg.add_state("copy_from_device") out_device = copy_out_state.add_read("C_device") out_host = copy_out_state.add_write("C") copy_out_state.add_memlet_path( out_device, out_host, memlet=dace.Memlet(f"C[0:{N}, 0:{M}//{vec_width}]")) ######################################################################## # FPGA State fpga_state = sdfg.add_state("fpga_state") in_A = fpga_state.add_read("A_device") in_B = fpga_state.add_read("B_device") in_C = fpga_state.add_read("C_device") out_C = fpga_state.add_read("C_device") gemm_node = blas.Gemm("gemm", transA=transA, transB=transB, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) gemm_node.implementation = "FPGA1DSystolic" fpga_state.add_memlet_path(in_A, gemm_node, dst_conn="_a", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"A_device[0:{N}, 0:{K}]")) fpga_state.add_memlet_path( in_B, gemm_node, dst_conn="_b", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"B_device[0:{K}, 0:{M}/{vec_width}]")) fpga_state.add_memlet_path( in_C, gemm_node, dst_conn="_cin", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"C_device[0:{N}, 0:{M}/{vec_width}]")) fpga_state.add_memlet_path( gemm_node, out_C, src_conn="_c", memlet=dace.Memlet(f"C_device[0:{N}, 0:{M}/{vec_width}]")) ###################################### # Interstate edges sdfg.add_edge(copy_in_state, fpga_state, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.add_edge(fpga_state, copy_out_state, dace.sdfg.sdfg.InterstateEdge()) sdfg.validate() if expansion_args is not None: gemm_node.expand(sdfg, fpga_state, **expansion_args) return sdfg