class doExit(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value isGit = os.environ["TEST_SEARCHER"] == "git" print isGit try: ancestryFilename = os.environ["TEST_ANCESTRY"] testDir = os.environ["TEST_DIR"] loc = int(os.environ["TEST_LOC"]) f = file(ancestryFilename, "r") (identifiers, parents) = f.close() N = len(parents) thisDag = dag.dag(parents, N) t = testDetector.detect(N, 1.0, thisDag, False, loc) numbers = {} for i in range(len(identifiers)): numbers[identifiers[i]] = i if isGit: os.system("git rev-parse HEAD >$TEST_DIR/__head__") where = open(testDir + "/__head__", "r").readline().strip() where = numbers[where] else: where = sys.argv[1]
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with BBChop. If not, see <>. import randomdag import random import dagRead try: for test in range(100): N=random.randint(10,100) dagDef=randomdag.randomdagTxt(N) dagDefShuffled=dagDef random.shuffle(dagDefShuffled) (dagIds,dagParents) dagCheck=dagDef for i in range(len(dagDef)): dagTerm=dagIds[i] for p in dagParents[i]: if p>i: raise "invalidDag" dagTerm+=' '+dagIds[p] if dagTerm not in dagCheck: raise "missing term" dagCheck=[x for x in dagCheck if x!=dagTerm] print "test %d passed" %(test) except: print "FAILED"
ancFname = testDir + "/anc.txt" os.environ['TEST_ANCESTRY'] = ancFname def sysc(cmd): print cmd,"->" os.system(cmd) sysc("mkdir -p "+testDir) os.environ["TEST_DIR"] = testDir os.chdir(gitRepo) os.system("$topdir/interfaces/git/git-bbchop-list "+failVer+" ^"+passVer+" >$TEST_ANCESTRY") ancFile=open(ancFname,"r") (identifiers,parents) N=len(parents) gitcmd = "./git " import pdb def commonBefore(rev,searcher): os.environ['TEST_LOC']=str(rev) os.environ['TEST_SEARCHER']=searcher sysc("cp /dev/null $TEST_DIR/tries") def commonAfter(where,rev): sysc('wc -l $TEST_DIR/tries >$TEST_DIR/count') count=int(open(testDir+"/count","r").readline().split()[0]) return (where==identifiers[rev],count)
def write(self, sep): pass def close(self): pass #runner=profiler("profiles/master") runner = timer("tlog-master-mpmath") for i in range(1, 10): fname = "rc" + str(i) + ".anc" f = file(fname, "r") (identifiers, parents) = locations = len(identifiers) prior = [1 / float(locations) for i in range(locations)] f.close() runner.startSet(str(i)) thisDag =, (parents, len(parents))) finder = BBChop(prior, 0.9, fakeTest(), likelihoods.singleRateCalc, thisDag), [finder]) runner.write(" ")
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with BBChop. If not, see <>. import randomdag import random import dagRead try: for test in range(100): N = random.randint(10, 100) dagDef = randomdag.randomdagTxt(N) dagDefShuffled = dagDef random.shuffle(dagDefShuffled) (dagIds, dagParents) = dagCheck = dagDef for i in range(len(dagDef)): dagTerm = dagIds[i] for p in dagParents[i]: if p > i: raise "invalidDag" dagTerm += ' ' + dagIds[p] if dagTerm not in dagCheck: raise "missing term" dagCheck = [x for x in dagCheck if x != dagTerm] print "test %d passed" % (test) except: print "FAILED" exit(1)