def resolve_step_output_versions(pipeline_def, execution_plan, environment_config):
    step_versions = resolve_step_versions(pipeline_def, execution_plan, environment_config)
    return {
        StepOutputHandle(step.key, output_name): join_and_hash(output_name, step_versions[step.key])
        for step in execution_plan.steps
        if is_executable_step(step)
        for output_name in step.step_output_dict.keys()
def resolve_step_output_versions_helper(execution_plan):

    step_versions = execution_plan.resolve_step_versions()
    return {
        StepOutputHandle(step.key, output_name): join_and_hash(output_name, step_versions[step.key])
        for step in execution_plan.steps
        if is_executable_step(step)
        for output_name in step.step_output_dict.keys()
def resolve_step_versions_helper(execution_plan):
    """Resolves the version of each step in an execution plan.

        Execution plan provides execution steps for analysis. It returns dict[str, str] where each key
        is a step key, and each value is the associated version for that step.

        The version for a step combines the versions of all inputs to the step, and the version of the
        solid that the step contains. The inputs consist of all input definitions provided to the step.
        The process for computing the step version is as follows:
            1.  Compute the version for each input to the step.
            2.  Compute the version of the solid provided to the step.
            3.  Sort, concatenate and hash the input and solid versions.

        The solid version combines the version of the solid definition, the versions of the required
        resources, and the version of the config provided to the solid.
        The process for computing the solid version is as follows:
            1.  Sort, concatenate and hash the versions of the required resources.
            2.  Resolve the version of the configuration provided to the solid.
            3.  Sort, concatenate and hash together the concatted resource versions, the config version,
                    and the solid's version definition.

            Dict[str, Optional[str]]: A dictionary that maps the key of an execution step to a version.
                If a step has no computed version, then the step key maps to None.
    resource_versions_by_key = resolve_resource_versions(
        execution_plan.environment_config, execution_plan.pipeline.get_definition()

    step_versions = {}  # step_key (str) -> version (str)

    for step in execution_plan.get_all_steps_in_topo_order():
        # do not compute versions for steps that are not executable
        if not is_executable_step(step):

        input_version_dict = {
            input_name: step_input.source.compute_version(step_versions)
            for input_name, step_input in step.step_input_dict.items()
        input_versions = [version for version in input_version_dict.values()]

        solid_name = str(step.solid_handle)
        solid_def_version = step.solid.definition.version
        solid_config_version = resolve_config_version(
        hashed_resources = [
            for resource_key in step.solid.definition.required_resource_keys
        solid_resources_version = join_and_hash(*hashed_resources)
        solid_version = join_and_hash(
            solid_def_version, solid_config_version, solid_resources_version

        from_versions = input_versions + [solid_version]

        step_version = join_and_hash(*from_versions)

        step_versions[step.key] = step_version

    return step_versions
def resolve_step_versions(pipeline_def, execution_plan, resolved_run_config):
    """Resolves the version of each step in an execution plan.

    Execution plan provides execution steps for analysis. It returns dict[str, str] where each key
    is a step key, and each value is the associated version for that step.

    The version for a step combines the versions of all inputs to the step, and the version of the
    solid that the step contains. The inputs consist of all input definitions provided to the step.
    The process for computing the step version is as follows:
        1.  Compute the version for each input to the step.
        2.  Compute the version of the solid provided to the step.
        3.  Sort, concatenate and hash the input and solid versions.

    The solid version combines the version of the solid definition, the versions of the required
    resources, and the version of the config provided to the solid.
    The process for computing the solid version is as follows:
        1.  Sort, concatenate and hash the versions of the required resources.
        2.  Resolve the version of the configuration provided to the solid.
        3.  Sort, concatenate and hash together the concatted resource versions, the config version,
                and the solid's version definition.

        Dict[str, Optional[str]]: A dictionary that maps the key of an execution step to a version.
            If a step has no computed version, then the step key maps to None.

    resource_versions = {}
    resource_defs = pipeline_def.get_mode_definition(

    step_versions = {}  # step_key (str) -> version (str)

    for step in execution_plan.get_all_steps_in_topo_order():
        # do not compute versions for steps that are not executable
        if not is_executable_step(step):

        solid_def = pipeline_def.get_solid(step.solid_handle).definition

        input_version_dict = {
            step_input.source.compute_version(step_versions, pipeline_def,
            for input_name, step_input in step.step_input_dict.items()
        node_label = f"{solid_def.node_type_str} '{solid_def.name}'"
        for input_name, version in input_version_dict.items():
            if version is None:
                raise DagsterInvariantViolationError(
                    f"Received None version for input {input_name} to {node_label}."
        input_versions = [version for version in input_version_dict.values()]

        solid_name = str(step.solid_handle)

        solid_config = resolved_run_config.solids[solid_name].config

        solid_def_version = None
        if solid_def.version is not None:
            solid_def_version = solid_def.version
        elif pipeline_def.version_strategy is not None:
            version_context = OpVersionContext(op_def=solid_def,
            solid_def_version = pipeline_def.version_strategy.get_op_version(

        if solid_def_version is None:
            raise DagsterInvariantViolationError(
                f"While using memoization, version for {node_label} was None. Please "
                "either provide a versioning strategy for your job, or provide a version using the "
                f"{solid_def.node_type_str} decorator.")


        solid_config_version = resolve_config_version(solid_config)

        resource_versions_for_solid = []
        for resource_key in solid_def.required_resource_keys:
            if resource_key not in resource_versions:

                resource_config = resolved_run_config.resources[
                resource_config_version = resolve_config_version(

                resource_def = resource_defs[resource_key]
                resource_def_version = None
                if resource_def.version is not None:
                    resource_def_version = resource_def.version
                    version_context = ResourceVersionContext(
                    resource_def_version = pipeline_def.version_strategy.get_resource_version(

                if resource_def_version is not None:

                    resource_versions[resource_key] = join_and_hash(
                        resource_config_version, resource_def_version)

                    resource_versions[resource_key] = join_and_hash(

            if resource_versions[resource_key] is not None:
        solid_resources_version = join_and_hash(*resource_versions_for_solid)
        solid_version = join_and_hash(solid_def_version, solid_config_version,

        from_versions = input_versions + [solid_version]

        step_version = join_and_hash(*from_versions)

        step_versions[step.key] = step_version

    return step_versions