def test_backfill_instance(): with instance_for_test(overrides={ "backfill": { "daemon_enabled": True }, }) as instance: with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance( instance) as controller: daemons = controller.daemons assert len(daemons) == 3 assert any( isinstance(daemon, BackfillDaemon) for daemon in daemons)
def test_run_coordinator_instance(): with instance_for_test( overrides={ "run_coordinator": { "module": "dagster.core.run_coordinator.queued_run_coordinator", "class": "QueuedRunCoordinator", }, } ) as instance: with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance) as controller: daemons = controller.daemons assert len(daemons) == 3 assert any(isinstance(daemon, QueuedRunCoordinatorDaemon) for daemon in daemons)
def test_scheduler_instance(): with instance_for_test( overrides={ "scheduler": { "module": "dagster.core.scheduler", "class": "DagsterDaemonScheduler", }, } ) as instance: with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance) as controller: daemons = controller.daemons assert len(daemons) == 2 assert any(isinstance(daemon, SchedulerDaemon) for daemon in daemons)
def test_set_sensor_interval(caplog): with instance_for_test(overrides={"sensor_settings": {"interval_seconds": 5}}) as instance: init_time ="UTC") with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance): while True: now ="UTC") # Wait until the run coordinator has run three times # Scheduler has only run once if _sensor_ran(caplog) == 1: break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for sensor daemon to execute") time.sleep(0.5)
def test_different_intervals(caplog): with instance_for_test( overrides={ "scheduler": { "module": "dagster.core.scheduler", "class": "DagsterDaemonScheduler", }, "run_coordinator": { "module": "dagster.core.run_coordinator.queued_run_coordinator", "class": "QueuedRunCoordinator", "config": { "dequeue_interval_seconds": 5 }, }, }) as instance: init_time ="UTC") with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance): while True: now ="UTC") # Wait until the run coordinator has run three times # Scheduler has only run once if _run_coordinator_ran(caplog) == 3: assert _scheduler_ran(caplog) == 1 break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 45: raise Exception( "Timed out waiting for run queue daemon to execute twice" ) time.sleep(0.5) init_time ="UTC") while True: now ="UTC") if _scheduler_ran(caplog) == 2: assert _run_coordinator_ran(caplog) > 2 break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 45: raise Exception( "Timed out waiting for schedule daemon to execute twice" ) time.sleep(0.5)
def test_healthy_with_different_daemons(): with instance_for_test() as instance: with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance): with instance_for_test( overrides={ "run_coordinator": { "module": "dagster.core.run_coordinator.queued_run_coordinator", "class": "QueuedRunCoordinator", }, } ) as other_instance: now ="UTC") assert not all_daemons_healthy( other_instance, curr_time_seconds=now.float_timestamp ) assert not all_daemons_live(other_instance, curr_time_seconds=now.float_timestamp)
def test_thread_die_daemon(monkeypatch): with instance_for_test(overrides={}) as instance: from dagster.daemon.daemon import SchedulerDaemon, SensorDaemon iteration_ran = {"ran": False} def run_iteration_error(_, _instance): iteration_ran["ran"] = True raise KeyboardInterrupt yield # pylint: disable=unreachable monkeypatch.setattr(SensorDaemon, "run_iteration", run_iteration_error) init_time ="UTC") with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance) as controller: while True: now ="UTC") status = get_daemon_status( instance, SchedulerDaemon.daemon_type(), now.float_timestamp ) if iteration_ran["ran"] and status.healthy: try: controller.check_daemons() # Should throw since the sensor thread is interrupted except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except assert ( "Stopping dagster-daemon process since the following threads are no longer sending heartbeats: ['SENSOR']" in str(e) ) break else: raise Exception("check_daemons should fail if a thread has died") if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("timed out waiting for heartbeat error") time.sleep(0.5)
def test_multiple_error_daemon(monkeypatch): with instance_for_test(overrides={}) as instance: from dagster.daemon.daemon import SensorDaemon def run_iteration_error(_, _instance): # ?message stack cls_name cause" yield SerializableErrorInfo("foobar", None, None, None) yield SerializableErrorInfo("bizbuz", None, None, None) monkeypatch.setattr(SensorDaemon, "run_iteration", run_iteration_error) init_time ="UTC") with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance) as controller: while True: now ="UTC") if all_daemons_live(instance): # Despite error, daemon should still be running controller.check_daemons() status = get_daemon_status( instance, SensorDaemon.daemon_type(), now.float_timestamp ) assert status.healthy == False assert len(status.last_heartbeat.errors) == 2 assert status.last_heartbeat.errors[0].message.strip() == "foobar" assert status.last_heartbeat.errors[1].message.strip() == "bizbuz" break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("timed out waiting for heartbeat error") time.sleep(0.5)
def test_healthy(): with instance_for_test( overrides={ "run_coordinator": { "module": "dagster.core.run_coordinator.queued_run_coordinator", "class": "QueuedRunCoordinator", }, } ) as instance: init_time ="UTC") assert not all_daemons_healthy(instance, curr_time_seconds=init_time.float_timestamp) assert not all_daemons_live(instance, curr_time_seconds=init_time.float_timestamp) with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance) as controller: while True: now ="UTC") if all_daemons_healthy( instance, curr_time_seconds=now.float_timestamp ) and all_daemons_live(instance, curr_time_seconds=now.float_timestamp): controller.check_daemons() beyond_tolerated_time = now.float_timestamp + 100 assert not all_daemons_healthy( instance, curr_time_seconds=beyond_tolerated_time ) assert not all_daemons_live(instance, curr_time_seconds=beyond_tolerated_time) break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("timed out waiting for instance to become healthy") time.sleep(0.5)
def test_error_daemon(monkeypatch): with instance_for_test(overrides={}) as instance: from dagster.daemon.daemon import SensorDaemon def run_iteration_error(_, _instance): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError("foobar") yield # pylint: disable=unreachable monkeypatch.setattr(SensorDaemon, "run_iteration", run_iteration_error) init_time ="UTC") with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance) as controller: while True: now ="UTC") if all_daemons_live(instance): # Despite error, daemon should still be running controller.check_daemons() status = get_daemon_status( instance, SensorDaemon.daemon_type(), now.float_timestamp ) assert status.healthy == False assert len(status.last_heartbeat.errors) == 1 assert ( status.last_heartbeat.errors[0].message.strip() == "dagster.core.errors.DagsterInvariantViolationError: foobar" ) assert not all_daemons_healthy(instance, curr_time_seconds=now.float_timestamp) assert all_daemons_live(instance, curr_time_seconds=now.float_timestamp) break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("timed out waiting for heartbeat error") time.sleep(0.5)
def test_warn_multiple_daemons(capsys): from dagster.daemon.daemon import SensorDaemon with instance_for_test() as instance: init_time ="UTC") with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance): while True: now ="UTC") if all_daemons_live(instance): captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Taking over from another SENSOR daemon process" not in captured.out break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("timed out waiting for daemon status") time.sleep(0.5) capsys.readouterr() init_time ="UTC") status = get_daemon_status(instance, SensorDaemon.daemon_type(), now.float_timestamp) last_heartbeat_time = status.last_heartbeat.timestamp # No warning when a second controller starts up again with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance): while True: now ="UTC") status = get_daemon_status( instance, SensorDaemon.daemon_type(), now.float_timestamp ) if status.last_heartbeat and status.last_heartbeat.timestamp != last_heartbeat_time: captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Taking over from another SENSOR daemon process" not in captured.out break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 10: raise Exception("timed out waiting for new daemon status") time.sleep(0.5) status = get_daemon_status(instance, SensorDaemon.daemon_type(), now.float_timestamp) last_heartbeat_time = status.last_heartbeat.timestamp # Starting up a controller while one is running produces the warning though with DagsterDaemonController.create_from_instance(instance): # Wait for heartbeats while two controllers are running at once and there will # be a warning init_time ="UTC") while True: now ="UTC") captured = capsys.readouterr() if "Taking over from another SENSOR daemon process" in captured.out: break if (now - init_time).total_seconds() > 120: raise Exception("timed out waiting for heartbeats") time.sleep(5)