def test_get_args():
    def foo(one, two=2, three=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument

    assert len(seven.get_args(foo)) == 3
    assert 'one' in seven.get_args(foo)
    assert 'two' in seven.get_args(foo)
    assert 'three' in seven.get_args(foo)
def _unpack_value(val, enum_map, tuple_map):
    if isinstance(val, list):
        return [_unpack_value(i, enum_map, tuple_map) for i in val]
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get('__class__'):
        klass_name = val.pop('__class__')
        klass = tuple_map[klass_name]
        val = {
            key: _unpack_value(value, enum_map, tuple_map)
            for key, value in val.items()

        # Naively implements backwards compatibility by filtering arguments that aren't present in
        # the constructor. If a property is present in the serialized object, but doesn't exist in
        # the version of the class loaded into memory, that property will be completely ignored.
        args_for_class = seven.get_args(klass)
        filtered_val = ({k: v
                         for k, v in val.items()
                         if k in args_for_class} if args_for_class else val)
        return klass(**filtered_val)
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get('__enum__'):
        name, member = val['__enum__'].split('.')
        return getattr(enum_map[name], member)
    if isinstance(val, dict):
        return {
            key: _unpack_value(value, enum_map, tuple_map)
            for key, value in val.items()

    return val
def _validate_type_check_fn(fn: t.Callable, name: t.Optional[str]) -> bool:
    from dagster.seven import get_args

    args = get_args(fn)

    # py2 doesn't filter out self
    if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] == "self":
        args = args[1:]

    if len(args) == 2:
        possible_names = {
        if args[0] not in possible_names:
                'type_check function on type "{name}" must have first '
                'argument named "context" (or _, _context, context_).'.format(
        return True

    raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError(
        'type_check_fn argument on type "{name}" must take 2 arguments, '
        "received {count}.".format(name=name, count=len(args))
def def_from_pointer(
    pointer: CodePointer,
) -> Union["PipelineDefinition", "RepositoryDefinition", "GraphDefinition"]:
    target = pointer.load_target()

    from .pipeline_definition import PipelineDefinition
    from .repository_definition import RepositoryDefinition
    from .graph_definition import GraphDefinition

    if isinstance(
        target, (PipelineDefinition, RepositoryDefinition, GraphDefinition)
    ) or not callable(target):
        return _check_is_loadable(target)

    # if its a function invoke it - otherwise we are pointing to a
    # artifact in module scope, likely decorator output

    if seven.get_args(target):
        raise DagsterInvariantViolationError(
            "Error invoking function at {target} with no arguments. "
            "Reconstructable target must be callable with no arguments".format(

    return _check_is_loadable(target())
def _validate_type_check_fn(fn, name):
    from dagster.seven import get_args

    args = get_args(fn)

    # py2 doesn't filter out self
    if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] == 'self':
        args = args[1:]

    if len(args) == 2:
        possible_names = {
        if args[0] not in possible_names:
                'type_check function on type "{name}" must have first '
                'argument named "context" (or _, _context, context_).'.format(
                    name=name, ))
        return True

    raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError(
        'type_check_fn argument on type "{name}" must take 2 arguments, '
        'received {count}.'.format(name=name, count=len(args)))
def _unpack_value(val, enum_map, tuple_map):
    if isinstance(val, list):
        return [_unpack_value(i, enum_map, tuple_map) for i in val]
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get('__class__'):
        klass_name = val.pop('__class__')
        klass = tuple_map[klass_name]
        unpacked_val = {
            key: _unpack_value(value, enum_map, tuple_map)
            for key, value in val.items()

        # Naively implements backwards compatibility by filtering arguments that aren't present in
        # the constructor. If a property is present in the serialized object, but doesn't exist in
        # the version of the class loaded into memory, that property will be completely ignored.
        # The call to seven.get_args turns out to be pretty expensive -- we should probably turn
        # to, e.g., manually managing the deprecated keys on the serdes constructor.
        args_for_class = seven.get_args(klass)
        filtered_val = {
            k: v
            for k, v in unpacked_val.items() if k in args_for_class
        return klass(**filtered_val)
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get('__enum__'):
        name, member = val['__enum__'].split('.')
        return getattr(enum_map[name], member)
    if isinstance(val, dict):
        return {
            key: _unpack_value(value, enum_map, tuple_map)
            for key, value in val.items()

    return val
    def value_from_storage_dict(cls, storage_dict: Dict[str, Any], klass: Type) -> NamedTuple:

        # Naively implements backwards compatibility by filtering arguments that aren't present in
        # the constructor. If a property is present in the serialized object, but doesn't exist in
        # the version of the class loaded into memory, that property will be completely ignored.
        # The call to seven.get_args turns out to be pretty expensive -- we should probably turn
        # to, e.g., manually managing the deprecated keys on the serdes constructor.
        args_for_class = seven.get_args(klass)

        filtered_val = {k: v for k, v in storage_dict.items() if k in args_for_class}
        return klass(**filtered_val)
def _unpack_value(val, whitelist_map):
    if isinstance(val, list):
        return [_unpack_value(i, whitelist_map) for i in val]
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get("__class__"):
        klass_name = val.pop("__class__")

            klass_name in whitelist_map["types"]["tuple"],
            (f'Attempted to deserialize class "{klass_name}", which is not in '
             "the serdes whitelist."),

        klass = whitelist_map["types"]["tuple"][klass_name]
        if klass is None:
            return None

        unpacked_val = {
            key: _unpack_value(value, whitelist_map)
            for key, value in val.items()

        if klass_name in whitelist_map["persistence"]:
            return klass.from_storage_dict(unpacked_val)

        # Naively implements backwards compatibility by filtering arguments that aren't present in
        # the constructor. If a property is present in the serialized object, but doesn't exist in
        # the version of the class loaded into memory, that property will be completely ignored.
        # The call to seven.get_args turns out to be pretty expensive -- we should probably turn
        # to, e.g., manually managing the deprecated keys on the serdes constructor.
        args_for_class = seven.get_args(klass)
        filtered_val = {
            k: v
            for k, v in unpacked_val.items() if k in args_for_class
        return klass(**filtered_val)
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get("__enum__"):
        name, member = val["__enum__"].split(".")
        return getattr(whitelist_map["types"]["enum"][name], member)
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get("__set__") is not None:
        return set(
            [_unpack_value(item, whitelist_map) for item in val["__set__"]])
    if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get("__frozenset__") is not None:
        return frozenset([
            _unpack_value(item, whitelist_map) for item in val["__frozenset__"]
    if isinstance(val, dict):
        return {
            key: _unpack_value(value, whitelist_map)
            for key, value in val.items()

    return val
def def_from_pointer(pointer):
    target = pointer.load_target()

    if not callable(target):
        return _check_is_loadable(target)

    # if its a function invoke it - otherwise we are pointing to a
    # artifact in module scope, likely decorator output

    if seven.get_args(target):
        raise DagsterInvariantViolationError(
            "Error invoking function at {target} with no arguments. "
            "Reconstructable target must be callable with no arguments".format(

    return _check_is_loadable(target())