	def get(self):

		# Get the current logged-in user
		user = users.get_current_user()

		# List all approved providers for use by others
		providers = dal.approved_providers()

		# Expose as JSON
		output_obj = []

		for provider in providers:
			provider_obj = {
				'id': provider.key().id(),
				'name': provider.name,
				'website': provider.website,
				'logo': provider.logo_url(128)

			provider_obj['website'] = provider.website


		# Output as JSON
	def post(self):

		# Check if the gave us a uid
		if self.request.get('q'):

			session_store = sessions.get_store(request=self.request)
			session = session_store.get_session()

			# Check if their token matches our
			if 'search_token' in session:

				if session['search_token'] == self.request.get('search_token'):
					del session['search_token']

					# Save the deleted token

					# Trim and check the search term. We want to avoid any errors and keep
					# it consistant for all the providers
					search_term = str(self.request.get('q')).strip().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

					# If the term is not a valid length we redirect the user back.
					if len(search_term) < 3:

					# Get all the searchable DAL's in 
					# the order that we will search them.
					providers = dal.approved_providers()

					# Run the Search Runner to request from all providers
					response = runner.search(self.request, search_term, providers)

					# Redirect to the Search's token so the user
					# can view the result. This also keeps them away from
					# executing this page multiple times as that would
					# be bad!
					self.redirect('/view/' + str(response.token))

					# Save for Stats. This is done Async
					dal.update_or_add_search_counter(self.request, response).get_result()

					# Nope so redirect them back to the hompage


				# Nope so redirect them back to the hompage


			# Nope so redirect them back to the hompage
	def get(self):

		# Get the current logged-in user
		user = users.get_current_user()

		# Get all the Approved Providers
		providers = dal.approved_providers()

		locales = {
			'title': 'Registered Providers',
			'description': 'Browse all our Registered Providers. These providers have been approved by us and they had to pass numerous requirements to be considered valid.',
			'user': user,
			'providers': providers,
			'provider_count': providers.count(),
			'session': dal.return_and_global_session_update(self),
			'is_current_user_admin': users.is_current_user_admin()
		template = jinja_environment.get_template('provider/list.html')
	def post(self):

		# Check if they gave a token
		if self.request.get('token'):

			# They did so now let's check the client
			client_obj = authenticate_client(str(self.request.get('token')))

			# Check client
			if client_obj and client_obj is not False:

				# Found the client. Now check if they are still in their dails quota !
				# We only allow as many results as assigned to the client. 
				# We want the option to change this value for certain users that have
				# big volume sites. if the count is 0 that means we allow unlimited calls.
				# We allow 0 clients as our site uses this api too for the javascript calls

				# Get the current date and year
				current_date = int(time.strftime("%d"))
				current_month = int(time.strftime("%m"))
				current_year = int(time.strftime("%Y"))

				# get the calls
				search_apis_calls = dal.search_api_calls(client_obj, current_date, current_month, current_year)
				# Local Var with Limit
				daily_limit_local = search_apis_calls.count()

				# If the count of calls bigger than 0
				if search_apis_calls is not False and ( client_obj.daily_limit == 0 or daily_limit_local < client_obj.daily_limit ):

					# Check if the Q parameter was given for a search
					if self.request.get('q') and len(self.request.get('q')) >= 3:

						# Well let's do some searches !
						# Trim and check the search term. We want to avoid any errors and keep
						# it consistant for all the providers
						search_term = str(self.request.get('q')).strip().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

						# Insert info about the call
						inserted_call = {}

						# Get all the searchable DAL's in 
						# the order that we will search them.
						providers = dal.approved_providers()

						# Run the Search Runner to request from all providers
						search_raw_response = runner.search(self.request, search_term, providers)

						# Results
						# We just show quick info. Such as name, pic and some basic info.
						# If the user wants to send a E-Mail they can do so with the specified contact url.
						# This is to protected the E-Mail of address of the owner.
						(search_obj, search_responses) = dal.search_by_token(str(search_raw_response.token))

						# Make the result text
						result_text = 'notfound'

						# Check if the response was a success
						if search_obj.provider_success_responses > 0:
							result_text = 'found'

						# Create the results
						success_results = []
						failure_results = []

						# Loop and add the diffrent results
						for response in search_responses:

							# Create the Provider Obj
							provider_obj = {}
							provider_obj['id'] = response.provider.key().id()
							provider_obj['name'] = response.provider.name
							provider_obj['website'] = response.provider.website
							provider_obj['logo'] = response.provider.logo_url(128)

							if response.status == runner.ProviderResponse.STATUS_FOUND:

								# Parse to get details
								data = res = json.loads(response.parsed_response)

								# Assign params
								res['owner_name'] = data['owner']['name']
								res['contact_url'] = 'http://www.identichip.org/apis/v1/contact?token=' + str(self.request.get('token')) + "&key=" + str(search_obj.token) + "&provider=" + str(response.provider.key())

								# Remove owner details
								del res['owner']

								# Assign provider params
								res['provider'] = provider_obj

								# Add to list

							elif response.status not in [runner.ProviderResponse.STATUS_FOUND, runner.ProviderResponse.STATUS_NOTFOUND]:
								# Add the failed provider

						# Well we just added a count
						daily_limit_local += 1

						# Redirect to the Search's token so the user
						# can view the result. This also keeps them away from
						# executing this page multiple times as that would
						# be bad!
								'result': result_text,
								'token': str(search_obj.token),
								'url': 'http://www.identichip.org/view/' + str(search_obj.token),
								'success': success_results,
								'failed': failure_results,
								'daily_limit': client_obj.daily_limit,
								'remaining_limit': int(client_obj.daily_limit) - daily_limit_local

						# Save client call
						client_call = schemas.APICallCount()
						client_call.date = current_date
						client_call.month = current_month
						client_call.year = current_year
						client_call.uid = search_term
						client_call.client = client_obj
						client_call.search = search_obj

						# Save for Stats. This is done Async. This is the global search stat
						dal.update_or_add_search_counter(self.request, search_raw_response).get_result()


						# No UID to search ???
							'error': 'No q parameter was given ! This parameter tells us what UID to search for. Which is quite imporant ... Please see the developer documentation for this at http://www.identichip.org/developer'


					# Inform them
							'error': 'This Token has exceeded it\'s daily call limit of ' + str(client_obj.daily_limit) + ". If your client requires more please get in contract with us as we can arrange custom plans."

				# Inform them
						'error': 'No such client found. Invalid Token !'

			# Inform them
					'error': 'No Client token was given. Please login and create a client to start searching from our providers'