def inspect(workspace): variants = get_variants(workspace, 'doc', exclude=['thumbnail', 'preview']) output_variants = get_variants(workspace, 'image', auto_generated = True) media_types = get_ext_by_type('image') # source_variants = [[] for variant in Variant.objects.filter(Q(workspace = workspace) | Q(workspace__isnull = True), auto_generated = False)] # output_variants = [[] for variant in Variant.objects.filter(Q(workspace = workspace) | Q(workspace__isnull = True), auto_generated = True, hidden = False)] return { 'name': __name__, 'params':[ { 'name': 'source_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Input Rendition', 'xtype': 'multiselect', 'value': ['edited', 'original'], 'description': 'input-variant', 'help': '' }, { 'name': 'output_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Output Rendition', 'xtype': 'rendition_select', #'values': output_variants, #'value': output_variants[0], 'description': 'output-variant', 'default': 0, 'help': '' }, { 'xtype': 'numberfield', 'name': 'max_size', 'fieldLabel': 'Max size', 'value': 300, 'width':200 }, { 'name': 'output_extension', 'fieldLabel': 'Output format', 'xtype': 'select', 'values': media_types, 'description': 'output_extension', 'value': '.jpg', 'help': '' } ] }
def inspect(workspace): variants = get_variants(workspace, 'doc', exclude=['thumbnail', 'preview']) output_variants = get_variants(workspace, 'image', auto_generated=True) media_types = get_ext_by_type('image') # source_variants = [[] for variant in Variant.objects.filter(Q(workspace = workspace) | Q(workspace__isnull = True), auto_generated = False)] # output_variants = [[] for variant in Variant.objects.filter(Q(workspace = workspace) | Q(workspace__isnull = True), auto_generated = True, hidden = False)] return { 'name': __name__, 'params': [ { 'name': 'source_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Input Rendition', 'xtype': 'multiselect', 'value': ['edited', 'original'], 'description': 'input-variant', 'help': '' }, { 'name': 'output_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Output Rendition', 'xtype': 'rendition_select', #'values': output_variants, #'value': output_variants[0], 'description': 'output-variant', 'default': 0, 'help': '' }, { 'xtype': 'numberfield', 'name': 'max_size', 'fieldLabel': 'Max size', 'value': 300, 'width': 200 }, { 'name': 'output_extension', 'fieldLabel': 'Output format', 'xtype': 'select', 'values': media_types, 'description': 'output_extension', 'value': '.jpg', 'help': '' } ] }
def inspect(workspace): variants = get_variants(workspace) return { 'name': __name__, 'params': [{ 'name': 'source_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Input Rendition', 'xtype': 'multiselect', 'value': ['edited', 'original'], 'description': 'input-variant', 'help': '' }] }
def inspect(workspace): variants = get_variants(workspace) return { 'name': __name__, 'params':[ { 'name': 'source_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Input Rendition', 'xtype': 'multiselect', 'value': ['edited', 'original'], 'description': 'input-variant', 'help': '' }] }
def inspect(workspace): media_types = get_ext_by_type('image') variants = get_variants(workspace, 'image') #output_variants = get_variants(workspace, 'image', auto_generated = True) # source_variants = [[] for variant in Variant.objects.filter(Q(workspace = workspace) | Q(workspace__isnull = True), auto_generated = False)] # output_variants = [[] for variant in Variant.objects.filter(Q(workspace = workspace) | Q(workspace__isnull = True), auto_generated = True, hidden = False)] return { 'name': __name__, 'params':[ { 'name': 'source_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Input Rendition', 'xtype': 'multiselect', 'media_type': 'image', 'value': ['edited', 'original'], 'description': 'input-variant', 'help': '' }, { 'name': 'output_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Output Rendition', 'xtype': 'rendition_select', #'values': output_variants, #'value': output_variants[0], 'description': 'output-variant', 'default': 0, 'help': '' }, { 'xtype':'fieldsetcontainer', 'order_field_name': 'actions', 'items':[{ 'xtype': 'movablecbfieldset', 'title': 'Resize', 'name': 'resize', 'order_field_name': 'actions', 'order_field_value': 'resize', 'items':[{ 'xtype':'numberfield', 'name': 'resize_h', 'fieldLabel': 'height', 'description': 'height', 'minValue':0, # 'value': 100, 'help': 'height of resized image in pixels' }, { 'xtype':'numberfield', 'name': 'resize_w', 'fieldLabel': 'width', 'description': 'width', # 'value': 100, 'minValue':0, 'help': 'width of resized image in pixels' }, ] }, { 'xtype': 'movablecbfieldset', 'title': 'Crop', 'name': 'crop', 'order_field_name': 'actions', 'order_field_value': 'crop', 'items':[{ 'xtype':'numberfield', 'name': 'crop_h', 'fieldLabel': 'height', 'description': 'height', 'minValue':0, # 'value': 100, 'help': 'heigth of crop area, default till bottom edge of image' }, { 'xtype':'numberfield', 'name': 'crop_w', 'fieldLabel': 'width', 'description': 'width', # 'value': 100, 'minValue':0, 'help': 'width of crop area, default till right edge of image' }, ] }, { 'xtype': 'movablecbfieldset', 'title': 'Rotate', 'name': 'rotate', 'order_field_name': 'actions', 'order_field_value': 'rotate', 'items':[{ 'xtype':'combo', 'name': 'rotation', # this name must be the same as the name of the parameter passed to run method ! 'allowBlank': 'false', 'autoSelect': 'true', 'width': 50, 'editable':'false', 'triggerAction':'all', 'lazyRender':'true', 'forceSelection':'true', 'fieldLabel': 'rotation', 'store':['0', '+90','-90'], 'mode':'local', 'description': '90 degree clockwise/counterclockwise rotation', 'help': 'performs a 90 degree clockwise/counterclockwise rotation' }, ] }, { 'xtype': 'watermarkfieldset', 'title': 'Watermark', 'name': 'watermark', 'order_field_name': 'actions', 'order_field_value': 'watermark', 'renditions': variants }, ] }, { 'name': 'output_extension', 'fieldLabel': 'Output Format', 'xtype': 'select', 'values': media_types, 'description': 'output_extension', 'value': '.jpg', 'help': '' } ] }
def inspect(workspace): variants = get_variants(workspace, 'video', exclude=['thumbnail']) #image_variants = get_variants(workspace, 'image') #output_variants = get_variants(workspace, 'video', auto_generated = True) audio_rate = { 'xtype': 'numberfield', 'fieldLabel': 'Sample Rate (Hz)', 'name': 'audio_rate', # 'width': 200, # 'value':44100 } resize = { 'xtype': 'cbfieldset', 'title': 'Resize', 'items':[{ 'xtype': 'numberfield', 'name': 'video_height', 'fieldLabel': 'Height', 'width': 150, }, { 'xtype': 'numberfield', 'name': 'video_width', 'fieldLabel': 'Width', 'width': 150, } ] } wm = {'xtype': 'watermarkfieldset', 'title': 'Watermark', 'name': 'watermark', 'movable': False, 'renditions': variants, 'wm_x_name': 'watermark_top_percent', 'wm_y_name':'watermark_left_percent', 'wm_id_name': 'watermark_filename', 'wm_id_width': 120 } frame_rate = { 'xtype': 'select', 'name': 'video_framerate', 'fieldLabel': 'Frame Rate', # 'value': '30/1', 'values':[['24/1'], ['25/1'],['30/1'],['25/2'],['57000/1001'],['57/1']], 'width': 150, } bit_rate_b = { 'xtype': 'select', 'fieldLabel': 'Audio Bit Rate (kbps)', 'name': 'audio_bitrate_b', 'width': 200, 'values': [[64, 64000], [80, 80000], [96, 96000], [112, 112000],[128, 128000], [160, 16000], [192, 192000], [224, 224000], [256, 256000], [590, 59000]], 'value': 128000, 'fields': ['kbps', 'bps'], 'valueField': 'bps', 'displayField': 'kbps', 'hiddenName': 'audio_bitrate_b', } bit_rate_kb = { 'xtype': 'select', 'fieldLabel': 'Audio Bit Rate (kbps)', 'name': 'audio_bitrate_kb', 'width': 200, 'values': [[64], [80], [96], [112],[128], [160], [192], [224], [256], [590]], 'value': 128 } video_bit_rate_b = { 'xtype': 'select', 'fieldLabel': 'Video Bit Rate (kbps)', 'name': 'video_bitrate_b', 'width': 200, 'values': [[64, 64000], [128, 128000], [192, 192000], [256, 256000], [590, 59000], [640, 640000], [1024, 1024000], [1536, 1536000], [2048, 2048000], [4096, 4096000], [8192, 8192000], [12288, 12288000], [20040, 20040000]], 'value': 640000, 'fields': ['kbps', 'bps'], 'valueField': 'bps', 'displayField': 'kbps', 'hiddenName': 'video_bitrate_b', } video_bit_rate_kb = { 'xtype': 'select', 'fieldLabel': 'Video Bit Rate (kbps)', 'name': 'video_bitrate_kb', 'width': 200, 'values': [[64], [128], [192], [256], [590], [640], [1024], [1536], [2048], [4096], [8192], [12288], [20040]], 'value': 640 } return { 'name': __name__, 'params':[ { 'name': 'source_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Input Rendition', 'xtype': 'multiselect', 'media_type': 'video', 'exclude_rendition': ['thumbnail'], 'value': ['edited', 'original'], 'description': 'input-variant', 'help': '' }, { 'name': 'output_variant_name', 'fieldLabel': 'Output Rendition', 'xtype': 'rendition_select', #'values': output_variants, #'value': output_variants[0], 'description': 'output-variant', 'media_type': 'video', 'exclude_rendition': ['thumbnail'], 'auto_generated': True, 'default': 0, 'help': '' }, { 'xtype':'selectfieldset', 'fieldLabel': 'Name', 'title': 'Preset', 'name': 'output_preset', 'select_value': 'FLV', 'values':{ 'FLV':[ video_bit_rate_b, bit_rate_kb, ], 'FLV_H264_AAC':[ video_bit_rate_b, bit_rate_b, ], 'MPGETS':[ video_bit_rate_b, bit_rate_kb, ], 'MATROSKA_MPEG4_AAC':[ video_bit_rate_b, bit_rate_b, ], 'MP4_H264_AACLOW':[ video_bit_rate_kb, bit_rate_b, ], 'AVI':[ video_bit_rate_b, bit_rate_kb, ], 'THEORA':[ video_bit_rate_kb, { 'xtype': 'numberfield', 'name': 'audio_quality', 'fieldLabel': 'Audio Quality', 'width': 150, 'value': 0.9, 'minValue': 0, 'maxValue':1, 'allowDecimals':True }, ] } }, { 'xtype': 'cbfieldset', 'title': 'Sampling', 'items': [ frame_rate, audio_rate ] }, resize, wm ] }