def prepare(): # Create the archives. os.makedirs(OUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor: with darc.DataArchive(darc_path, 'w') as archive: archive_elements = [] def handle_crop_index(crop_index): images = [] for image_index in range(images_per_crop): images.append(combineNoisyData(crop_index, image_index)) images.append(combineCleanData(crop_index)) image_stack = np.stack(images) return image_stack.astype(np.float16) for crop_index in range(crop_count): archive_elements.append(executor.submit(handle_crop_index, crop_index)) for i, archive_element in enumerate(archive_elements): archive.append(archive_element.result(), chunks=(1, 128, 128, 3)) print("Adding crop {}/{} to archive.".format(i+1, crop_count))
def __init__(self, directory, dataset_mode, load_size): = directory if not os.path.isdir('dataset'): raise Exception( 'Could not find the dataset directory \'dataset\'. Download the dataset first.' ) self.full_path = os.path.join('dataset', '2afc', directory) self.dataset_mode = dataset_mode self.load_size = load_size self.cache = { 'judge': [], 'p0': [], 'p1': [], 'ref': [], 'judge_path': [], 'p0_path': [], 'p1_path': [], 'ref_path': [] } darc_path = self.getDarcPath() if not os.path.exists(darc_path): self.createDarc() self.darc = darc.DataArchive(darc_path)
def handle_task(indices): '''Constructs a minibatch with the given indices.''' thread_id = threading.get_ident() if not thread_id in _darcs: _darcs[thread_id] = {} judges, p0s, p1s, refs = [], [], [], [] for i in indices: dataset, index = self._getDatasetByIndex(i) dataset_path = dataset.getDarcPath() if not dataset_path in _darcs[thread_id]: # One Darc per thread. _darcs[thread_id][dataset_path] = darc.DataArchive( dataset_path) db = _darcs[thread_id][dataset_path] p_data = db["{}_p".format(index)] judge_data = db["{}_judge".format(index)] judges.append( p0s.append(p_data[0, :, :, :]) p1s.append(p_data[1, :, :, :]) refs.append(p_data[2, :, :, :]) return { 'judge': np.concatenate(judges), 'p0': np.stack(p0s), 'p1': np.stack(p1s), 'ref': np.stack(refs) }
def __init__(self, path, validation=False): self.path = path self.darc = darc.DataArchive(path, 'r') assert len(self.darc) > 0 # Empty archive? self.crop_count = self.darc[0].shape[0] - 1 self.image_count = len(self.darc) * self.crop_count self.validation = validation self.dimensions = config.TOTAL_COUNT
def run_metrics(): # TODO HOX. import tensorflow as tf import elpips import darc import csv # Build graph. tf_X_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) tf_Y_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) tf_X = tf.expand_dims(tf_X_input, axis=0) tf_Y = tf.expand_dims(tf_Y_input, axis=0) tf_Y_grayscale = tf.reduce_mean(tf_Y, axis=3, keepdims=True) tf_l2 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf_X - tf_Y)) tf_l1 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(tf_X - tf_Y)) tf_relmse = tf.reduce_mean( tf.square(tf_X - tf_Y) / (0.001 + tf.square(tf_Y_grayscale))) # Note: It would be somewhat faster to just use n=args.elpips_sample_count but TF has # problems with n > 1 on some GPUs. elpips_vgg_model = elpips.Metric(elpips.elpips_vgg(n=1), back_prop=False) tf_elpips_vgg = elpips_vgg_model.forward(tf_X, tf_Y)[0] print("Creating Tensorflow session.") tf_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) tf_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.8 with tf.Session(config=tf_config) as sess: # Initialize model.[ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ]) # Iterate over the archives. tasks = collections.deque() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: for archive_path in DATASETS: # Reconstruct scene. scene_name = get_scene_name(archive_path) current_darc = darc.DataArchive(archive_path) crop_count = current_darc[0].shape[0] - 1 image_count = len(current_darc) # Read minibatches. for image_index in range(image_count): # Execute previous tasks. while tasks: task = tasks[0].result() tasks.popleft() print("Loading reference... ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() stime = time.time() reference = current_darc[image_index][-1, :, :, 0:3] etime = time.time() print("Done in {:.01f}s.".format(etime - stime)) directory = os.path.join(OUT_DIRECTORY,, scene_name) if not os.path.exists(directory): print( "Skipping directory '{}': Directory does not exist." .format(directory)) continue for crop_index in range(crop_count): if args.crops and crop_index not in args.crops: print("(Skipping scene {}, image {}, crop {}).". format(scene_name, image_index, crop_index)) continue crop_path = os.path.join( directory, "img{:04d}_crop{:02d}".format( image_index, crop_index)) if not os.path.exists(crop_path + ".npz"): print("Skipping: Not found.") continue with open( os.path.join( directory, "img{:04d}_results.{}.csv".format( image_index, crop_index)), 'w') as csvfile: fields = [ 'crop_index', 'l1', 'l2', 'relmse', 'elpips-vgg', 'elpips-vgg-stdev' ] csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fields) csv_writer.writeheader() print( "Handling scene {}, image {}, crop {}.".format( scene_name, image_index, crop_index)) # Load image. print("Loading image... ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() stime = time.time() current_image = image.load_npz(crop_path + ".npz") etime = time.time() print("Done in {:.01f}s.".format(etime - stime)) # Run metrics. print("Running metrics... ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() stime = time.time() err_l1, err_l2, err_relmse = [tf_l1, tf_l2, tf_relmse], feed_dict={ tf_X_input: current_image, tf_Y_input: reference }) print_dot() err_elpips_vgg = [] for i in range(args.elpips_sample_count): if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0: print_dot() err_elpips_vgg_single = tf_elpips_vgg, feed_dict={ tf_X_input: current_image, tf_Y_input: reference }) err_elpips_vgg.append(err_elpips_vgg_single) err_elpips_vgg_mean = np.mean(err_elpips_vgg) err_elpips_vgg_std = np.std( err_elpips_vgg, ddof=1) / np.sqrt( args.elpips_sample_count) etime = time.time() print("Done in {:.01f}s.".format(etime - stime)) # Save results. csv_writer.writerow({ 'crop_index': crop_index, 'l1': err_l1, 'l2': err_l2, 'relmse': err_relmse, 'elpips-vgg': err_elpips_vgg_mean, 'elpips-vgg-stdev': err_elpips_vgg_std })
def createDarc(self): '''Loads a dataset of images from disk and stores it in the Darc format. Darc is similar in idea to HDF5 but much simpler and should handle multi-process parallelization issues better.''' print("Reading dataset '{}' from disk.".format(self.getCacheKey())) archive = darc.DataArchive(self.getDarcPath(), 'w') judge_files = cached_listdir(os.path.join(self.full_path, 'judge')) judge_files = [ os.path.join(self.full_path, 'judge', file) for file in judge_files if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.npy' ] judge_files = sorted(judge_files) p0_files = cached_listdir(os.path.join(self.full_path, 'p0')) p0_files = [ os.path.join(self.full_path, 'p0', file) for file in p0_files if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.png' ] p0_files = sorted(p0_files) p1_files = cached_listdir(os.path.join(self.full_path, 'p1')) p1_files = [ os.path.join(self.full_path, 'p1', file) for file in p1_files if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.png' ] p1_files = sorted(p1_files) ref_files = cached_listdir(os.path.join(self.full_path, 'ref')) ref_files = [ os.path.join(self.full_path, 'ref', file) for file in ref_files if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.png' ] ref_files = sorted(ref_files) def handle_task(judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path): judge = np.load(judge_path)[0] # Modify to use this code to use exactly the same data as the original LPIPS paper (as far as we know). # # This applies a bilinear 4x downscaling to the input images of resolution 256x256, which in reality # are just 64x64 images upscaled to 256x256 with nearest neighbor. We do not know why this is the case. # # A couple of the images are, for some reason, 252x252, and there's a slight difference in the images in that case. ##### #import PIL # #p0 ='RGB') #p0 = p0.resize((self.load_size, self.load_size), PIL.Image.BILINEAR) #p0 = np.array(p0) / 255.0 # #p1 ='RGB') #p1 = p1.resize((self.load_size, self.load_size), PIL.Image.BILINEAR) #p1 = np.array(p1) / 255.0 # #ref ='RGB') #ref = ref.resize((self.load_size, self.load_size), PIL.Image.BILINEAR) #ref = np.array(ref) / 255.0 # #p0 = p0[:,:,0:3] #p1 = p1[:,:,0:3] #ref = ref[:,:,0:3] ##### p0 = load_image_uint(p0_path) p1 = load_image_uint(p1_path) ref = load_image_uint(ref_path) assert len(p0.shape) >= 3 and p0.shape[2] >= 3 assert len(p1.shape) >= 3 and p1.shape[2] >= 3 assert len(ref.shape) >= 3 and ref.shape[2] >= 3 p0 = p0[:, :, 0:3] p1 = p1[:, :, 0:3] ref = ref[:, :, 0:3] if self.dataset_mode == '2afc' and p0.shape[0:2] != ( self.load_size, self.load_size): p0 = skimage.transform.resize( p0, [self.load_size, self.load_size, 3], mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=False) p1 = skimage.transform.resize( p1, [self.load_size, self.load_size, 3], mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=False) ref = skimage.transform.resize( ref, [self.load_size, self.load_size, 3], mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=False) # Note: Images now in [0, 1]. return judge, p0, p1, ref, judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path # Check that each dataset sample has judge, p0, p1 and reference. if not all( len(collection) == len(judge_files) for collection in (p0_files, p1_files, ref_files)): raise Exception('Dataset files missing!') with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: postponed_image_sets = [] for i in range(len(judge_files)): judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path = judge_files[ i], p0_files[i], p1_files[i], ref_files[i] postponed_image_sets.append( (judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path)) queued_image_sets = [] i = 0 while queued_image_sets or postponed_image_sets: while len(queued_image_sets) < 20 and postponed_image_sets: judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path = postponed_image_sets[ 0] queued_image_sets.append( executor.submit(handle_task, judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path)) postponed_image_sets.pop(0) judge, p0, p1, ref, judge_path, p0_path, p1_path, ref_path = queued_image_sets[ 0].result() queued_image_sets.pop(0) print("{}/{}".format(i, len(judge_files))) p_tensor = np.stack([p0, p1, ref]) archive.append(p_tensor, chunks=[1, -1, -1, -1], name="{}_p".format(i)) judge_tensor = np.asarray(judge).reshape([1]) archive.append(judge_tensor, name="{}_judge".format(i)) i += 1 archive.close()
def extract_dataset(): import darc if config.model.input_enabled('gradients'): out_dir_input = "input-gpt" out_dir_reference = "references" else: out_dir_input = "input-pt-2.5x" out_dir_reference = "references" # Iterate over the archives. tasks = collections.deque() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: for archive_path in DATASETS: # Get scene inputs. scene_name = get_scene_name(archive_path) current_darc = darc.DataArchive(archive_path) crop_count = current_darc[0].shape[0] - 1 image_count = len(current_darc) # Read minibatches. for image_index in range(image_count): # Execute previous tasks. while tasks: task = tasks[0].result() tasks.popleft() print("Loading metadata... ", end="") stime = time.time() sys.stdout.flush() minibatch = current_darc[image_index] etime = time.time() print("Done in {:.01f}s.".format(etime - stime)) # Extract inputs. directory = os.path.join(OUT_DIRECTORY, out_dir_input, scene_name) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) for crop_index in range(crop_count): print("Handling scene {}, image {}, crop {}.".format( scene_name, image_index, crop_index)) print("Extracting inputs... ", end="") stime = time.time() def getSlice(which): return minibatch[crop_index, :, :, which[0]:which[1]] def saveSlice(data, slice_name): tasks.append( executor.submit( image.save_png, data, os.path.join( directory, "img{:04d}_crop{:02d}_{}.png".format( image_index, crop_index, slice_name)))) tasks.append( executor.submit( image.save_npz, data, os.path.join( directory, "img{:04d}_crop{:02d}_{}.npz".format( image_index, crop_index, slice_name)))) saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_PRIMAL_COLOR), 'primal') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_DX_COLOR), 'dx') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_DY_COLOR), 'dy') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_ALBEDO), 'albedo') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_DEPTH), 'depth') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_NORMAL), 'normal') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_DIFFUSE), 'diffuse') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_SPECULAR), 'specular') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_PRIMAL), 'var_primal') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_DX), 'var_dx') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_DY), 'var_dy') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_ALBEDO), 'var_albedo') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_DEPTH), 'var_depth') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_NORMAL), 'var_normal') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_DIFFUSE), 'var_diffuse') print_dot() saveSlice(getSlice(config.IND_VAR_SPECULAR), 'var_specular') etime = time.time() print("Done in {:.01f}s.".format(etime - stime)) # Extract references. print("Extracting reference... ", end="") stime = time.time() directory = os.path.join(OUT_DIRECTORY, out_dir_reference, scene_name) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) crop_name = os.path.join(directory, "img{:04d}_ref".format(image_index)) tasks.append( executor.submit(image.save_npz, minibatch[crop_count, :, :, 0:3], crop_name + '.npz')) tasks.append( executor.submit(image.save_png, minibatch[crop_count, :, :, 0:3], crop_name + ".png")) etime = time.time() print("Done in {:.01f}s.".format(etime - stime))