class StepRGB(StepMIParent): """ Stone Edge Pipeline Step RGB Object The object is callable. It requires a valid configuration input (file or object) when it runs. """ stepver = '0.1' # pipe step version def __init__(self): """ Constructor: Initialize data objects and variables """ # call superclass constructor (calls setup) super(StepRGB, self).__init__() # list of data self.datalist = [] # used in run() for every new input data file # set configuration self.log.debug('Init: done') def setup(self): """ ### Names and Parameters need to be Set Here ### Sets the internal names for the function and for saved files. Defines the input parameters for the current pipe step. Setup() is called at the end of __init__ The parameters are stored in a list containing the following information: - name: The name for the parameter. This name is used when calling the pipe step from command line or python shell. It is also used to identify the parameter in the pipeline configuration file. - default: A default value for the parameter. If nothing, set '' for strings, 0 for integers and 0.0 for floats - help: A short description of the parameter. """ ### Set Names # Name of the pipeline reduction step = 'makergb' # Shortcut for pipeline reduction step and identifier for # saved file names. self.procname = 'rgb' # Set Logger for this pipe step self.log = logging.getLogger('stoneedge.pipe.step.%s' % ### Set Parameter list # Clear Parameter list self.paramlist = [] # Append parameters self.paramlist.append([ 'minpercent', 0.05, 'Specifies the percentile for the minimum scaling' ]) self.paramlist.append([ 'maxpercent', 0.999, 'Specifies the percentile for the maximum scaling' ]) def run(self): """ Runs the combining algorithm. The self.datain is run through the code, the result is in self.dataout. """ ''' Select 3 input dataset to use, store in datause ''' #Store number of inputs num_inputs = len(self.datain) # Create variable to hold input files # Copy input to output header and filename datause = [] self.log.debug('Number of input files = %d' % num_inputs) # Ensure datause has 3 elements irrespective of number of input files if num_inputs == 0: # Raise exception for no input raise ValueError('No input') elif num_inputs == 1: datause = [self.datain[0], self.datain[0], self.datain[0]] elif num_inputs == 2: datause = [self.datain[0], self.datain[1], self.datain[1]] else: # If inputs exceed 2 in number # Here we know there are at least 3 files ilist = [] # Make empty lists for each filter rlist = [] glist = [] other = [] for element in self.datain: # Loop through the input files and add to the lists fname = element.filename.lower() if 'i-band' in fname or 'iband' in fname or 'iprime' in fname: ilist.append(element) elif 'r-band' in fname or 'rband' in fname or 'rprime' in fname: rlist.append(element) elif 'g-band' in fname or 'gband' in fname or 'gprime' in fname: glist.append(element) else: other.append(element) continue self.log.debug( 'len(ilist) = %d, len(rlist) = %d, len(glist) = %d' % (len(ilist), len(rlist), len(glist))) # If there is at least one i-, r-, and g-band filter found in self.datain (best case) if len(ilist) >= 1 and len(rlist) >= 1 and len(glist) >= 1: # The first image from each filter list will be reduced in the correct order. datause = [ilist[0], rlist[0], glist[0]] elif len(ilist) == 0 and len(rlist) >= 1 and len(glist) >= 1: # Cases where there is no ilist if len(rlist) > len(glist): datause = [rlist[0], rlist[1], glist[0]] else: datause = [rlist[0], glist[0], glist[1]] elif len(glist) == 0 and len(rlist) >= 1 and len(ilist) >= 1: # Cases where there is no glist if len(rlist) > len(ilist): datause = [rlist[0], rlist[1], ilist[0]] else: datause = [rlist[0], ilist[0], ilist[1]] elif len(ilist) == 0 and len(rlist) >= 1 and len(glist) >= 1: # Cases where there is no rlist if len(ilist) > len(glist): datause = [ilist[0], ilist[1], glist[0]] else: datause = [ilist[0], glist[0], glist[1]] elif len(rlist) == 0 and len(glist) == 0: # Case where there is only ilist datause = [ilist[0], ilist[1], ilist[2]] elif len(rlist) == 0 and len(ilist) == 0: # Case where there is only glist datause = [glist[0], glist[1], glist[2]] elif len(ilist) == 0 and len(glist) == 0: # Case where there is only rlist datause = [rlist[0], rlist[1], rlist[2]] self.log.debug( 'Files used: R = %s G = %s B = %s' % (datause[0].filename, datause[1].filename, datause[2].filename)) self.dataout = DataFits(config=self.config) self.dataout.header = datause[0].header self.dataout.filename = datause[0].filename img = datause[0].image img1 = datause[1].image img2 = datause[2].image ''' Finding Min/Max scaling values ''' # Create a Data Cube with floats datacube = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), dtype=float) # Enter the image data into the cube so an absolute max can be found datacube[:, :, 0] = img datacube[:, :, 1] = img1 datacube[:, :, 2] = img2 # Find how many data points are in the data cube datalength = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] * 3 # Create a 1-dimensional array with all the data, then sort it datacube.shape = (datalength, ) datacube.sort() # Now use arrays for each filter to find separate min values rarray = img.copy() garray = img1.copy() barray = img2.copy() # Shape and sort the arrays arrlength = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] rarray.shape = (arrlength, ) rarray.sort() garray.shape = (arrlength, ) garray.sort() barray.shape = (arrlength, ) barray.sort() # Find the min/max percentile values in the data for scaling # Values are determined by parameters in the pipe configuration file minpercent = int(arrlength * self.getarg('minpercent')) maxpercent = int(datalength * self.getarg('maxpercent')) # Find the final data values to use for scaling from the image data rminsv = rarray[minpercent] #sv stands for "scalevalue" gminsv = garray[minpercent] bminsv = barray[minpercent] maxsv = datacube[maxpercent]' Scale min r/g/b: %f/%f/%f' % (rminsv, gminsv, bminsv))' Scale max: %f' % maxsv) # The same min/max values will be used to scale all filters ''' Finished Finding scaling values ''' ''' Combining Function ''' # Make new cube with the proper data type for color images (uint8) # Use square root (sqrt) scaling for each filter # log or asinh scaling is also available #astropy.vidualizations.SqrtStretch() imgcube = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') minsv = [rminsv, gminsv, bminsv] for i in range(3): # Make normalization function norm = simple_norm(datause[i].image, 'sqrt', min_cut=minsv[i], max_cut=maxsv) # Apply it imgcube[:, :, i] = norm(datause[i].image) * 255. self.dataout.image = imgcube # Create variable containing all the scaled image data imgcolor = Image.fromarray(self.dataout.image, mode='RGB') # Save colored image as a .tif file (without the labels) imgcolortif = imgcube.copy() imgcolortif.astype('uint16') ### tiff.imsave('%s.tif' % self.dataout.filenamebase, imgcolortif) ''' End of combining function ''' ''' Add a Label to the Image ''' draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgcolor) # Use a variable to make the positions and size of text relative imgwidth = img.shape[1] imgheight = img.shape[0] # Open Sans-Serif Font with a size relative to the picture size try: # This should work on Linux font = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', imgheight // 41) except: try: # This should work on Mac font = ImageFont.truetype('/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf', imgheight // 41) except: try: # This should work on Windows font = ImageFont.truetype('C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf', imgheight // 41) except: # This should work in Colab font = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', imgheight // 41) # If this still doesn't work - then add more code to make it run on YOUR system # Use the beginning of the FITS filename as the object name filename = os.path.split(self.dataout.filename)[-1] try: objectname = filename.split('_')[0] objectname = objectname[0].upper() + objectname[1:] except Exception: objectname = 'Unknown.' objectname = 'Object: %s' % objectname # Read labels at their respective position (kept relative to image size) # Left corner: object, observer, observatory # Right corner: Filters used for red, green, and blue colors draw.text((imgwidth / 100, imgheight / 1.114), objectname, (255, 255, 255), font=font) # Read FITS keywords for the observer, observatory, and filters if 'OBSERVER' in self.dataout.header: observer = 'Observer: %s' % self.dataout.getheadval('OBSERVER') draw.text((imgwidth / 100, imgheight / 1.073), observer, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'OBSERVAT' in self.dataout.header: observatory = 'Observatory: %s' % self.dataout.getheadval( 'OBSERVAT') draw.text((imgwidth / 100, imgheight / 1.035), observatory, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'FILTER' in datause[0].header: red = 'R: %s' % datause[0].getheadval('FILTER') draw.text((imgwidth / 1.15, imgheight / 1.114), red, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'FILTER' in datause[1].header: green = 'G: %s' % datause[1].getheadval('FILTER') draw.text((imgwidth / 1.15, imgheight / 1.073), green, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'FILTER' in datause[2].header: blue = 'B: %s' % datause[2].getheadval('FILTER') draw.text((imgwidth / 1.15, imgheight / 1.035), blue, (255, 255, 255), font=font) # Make image name imgname = self.dataout.filenamebegin if imgname[-1] in '_-,.': imgname = imgname[:-1] imgname += '.jpg' # Save the completed image'Saving file %sjpg' % self.dataout.filenamebegin) ''' End of Label Code ''' # Set complete flag self.dataout.setheadval('COMPLETE', 1, 'Data Reduction Pipe: Complete Data Flag') def reset(self): """ Resets the step to the same condition as it was when it was created. Internal variables are reset, any stored data is erased. """ self.log.debug('Reset: done') def test(self): """ Test Pipe Step Parent Object: Runs a set of basic tests on the object """ # log message'Testing pipe step rgb') # log message'Testing pipe step rgb - Done')
def run(self): """ Runs the combining algorithm. The self.datain is run through the code, the result is in jpeg_dataout. """ ''' Select 3 input dataset to use, store in datause ''' #Store number of inputs num_inputs = len(self.datain) # Create variable to hold input files # Copy input to output header and filename datause = [None, None, None] self.log.debug('Number of input files = %d' % num_inputs) if num_inputs == 0: # Raise exception for no input raise ValueError('No input') elif num_inputs == 1: datause = [self.datain[0], self.datain[0], self.datain[0]] elif num_inputs == 2: datause = [self.datain[0], self.datain[0], self.datain[1]] else: filterorder_list = self.getarg('filterorder').split('|') filterprefs_list = self.getarg('filterprefs').split('|') datain_filter_list = [ element.getheadval('filter') for element in self.datain ] used_filter_flags = [False] * len(self.datain) if len(filterprefs_list) != 3: self.log.error( 'Invalid number of preferred filters provided (should be 3): ' + self.getarg('filterprefs')) else: # Locate data matching the filters specified in filterprefs for i, preferred_filter in enumerate(filterprefs_list): for j, element in enumerate(self.datain): if element.getheadval('filter') == preferred_filter: datause[i] = element used_filter_flags[j] = True break filterorder_walker = 0 for i, channel in enumerate(datause): if channel == None: for ordered_filter in filterorder_list[ filterorder_walker:]: filterorder_walker = filterorder_walker + 1 if ordered_filter in datain_filter_list: datain_index = datain_filter_list.index( ordered_filter) if not used_filter_flags[datain_index]: datause[i] = self.datain[datain_index] used_filter_flags[datain_index] = True break elif channel.getheadval('filter') in filterorder_list: filterorder_walker = filterorder_list.index( channel.getheadval('filter')) for i, channel in enumerate(datause): if channel == None: for j, datain_filter in enumerate(datain_filter_list): if not used_filter_flags[j]: datause[i] = self.datain[j] used_filter_flags[j] = True break self.log.debug( 'Files used: R = %s G = %s B = %s' % (datause[0].filename, datause[1].filename, datause[2].filename)) jpeg_dataout = DataFits(config=self.config) jpeg_dataout.header = datause[0].header jpeg_dataout.filename = datause[0].filename img = datause[0].image img1 = datause[1].image img2 = datause[2].image ''' Finding Min/Max scaling values ''' # Create a Data Cube with floats datacube = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), dtype=float) # Enter the image data into the cube so an absolute max can be found datacube[:, :, 0] = img datacube[:, :, 1] = img1 datacube[:, :, 2] = img2 # Find how many data points are in the data cube datalength = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] * 3 # Create a 1-dimensional array with all the data, then sort it datacube.shape = (datalength, ) datacube.sort() # Now use arrays for each filter to find separate min values rarray = img.copy() garray = img1.copy() barray = img2.copy() # Shape and sort the arrays arrlength = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] rarray.shape = (arrlength, ) rarray.sort() garray.shape = (arrlength, ) garray.sort() barray.shape = (arrlength, ) barray.sort() # Find the min/max percentile values in the data for scaling # Values are determined by parameters in the pipe configuration file minpercent = int(arrlength * self.getarg('minpercent')) maxpercent = int(datalength * self.getarg('maxpercent')) # Find the final data values to use for scaling from the image data rminsv = rarray[minpercent] #sv stands for "scalevalue" gminsv = garray[minpercent] bminsv = barray[minpercent] maxsv = datacube[maxpercent]' Scale min r/g/b: %f/%f/%f' % (rminsv, gminsv, bminsv))' Scale max: %f' % maxsv) # The same min/max values will be used to scale all filters ''' Finished Finding scaling values ''' ''' Combining Function ''' # Make new cube with the proper data type for color images (uint8) # Use square root (sqrt) scaling for each filter # log or asinh scaling is also available #astropy.vidualizations.SqrtStretch() imgcube = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') minsv = [rminsv, gminsv, bminsv] for i in range(3): # Make normalization function norm = simple_norm(datause[i].image, 'sqrt', min_cut=minsv[i], max_cut=maxsv) # Apply it imgcube[:, :, i] = norm(datause[i].image) * 255. jpeg_dataout.image = imgcube # Create variable containing all the scaled image data imgcolor = Image.fromarray(jpeg_dataout.image, mode='RGB') # Save colored image as a .tif file (without the labels) imgcolortif = imgcube.copy() imgcolortif.astype('uint16') ### tiff.imsave('%s.tif' % jpeg_dataout.filenamebase, imgcolortif) ''' End of combining function ''' ''' Add a Label to the Image ''' draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgcolor) # Use a variable to make the positions and size of text relative imgwidth = img.shape[1] imgheight = img.shape[0] # Open Sans-Serif Font with a size relative to the picture size try: # This should work on Linux font = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', imgheight // 41) except: try: # This should work on Mac font = ImageFont.truetype('/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf', imgheight // 41) except: try: # This should work on Windows font = ImageFont.truetype('C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf', imgheight // 41) except: # This should work in Colab font = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', imgheight // 41) # If this still doesn't work - then add more code to make it run on YOUR system # Use the beginning of the FITS filename as the object name filename = os.path.split(jpeg_dataout.filename)[-1] try: objectname = filename.split('_')[0] objectname = objectname[0].upper() + objectname[1:] except Exception: objectname = 'Unknown.' objectname = 'Object: %s' % objectname # Read labels at their respective position (kept relative to image size) # Left corner: object, observer, observatory # Right corner: Filters used for red, green, and blue colors draw.text((imgwidth / 100, imgheight / 1.114), objectname, (255, 255, 255), font=font) # Read FITS keywords for the observer, observatory, and filters if 'OBSERVER' in jpeg_dataout.header: observer = 'Observer: %s' % jpeg_dataout.getheadval('OBSERVER') draw.text((imgwidth / 100, imgheight / 1.073), observer, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'OBSERVAT' in jpeg_dataout.header: observatory = 'Observatory: %s' % jpeg_dataout.getheadval( 'OBSERVAT') draw.text((imgwidth / 100, imgheight / 1.035), observatory, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'FILTER' in datause[0].header: red = 'R: %s' % datause[0].getheadval('FILTER') draw.text((imgwidth / 1.15, imgheight / 1.114), red, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'FILTER' in datause[1].header: green = 'G: %s' % datause[1].getheadval('FILTER') draw.text((imgwidth / 1.15, imgheight / 1.073), green, (255, 255, 255), font=font) if 'FILTER' in datause[2].header: blue = 'B: %s' % datause[2].getheadval('FILTER') draw.text((imgwidth / 1.15, imgheight / 1.035), blue, (255, 255, 255), font=font) # Make image name imgname = jpeg_dataout.filenamebegin if imgname[-1] in '_-,.': imgname = imgname[:-1] imgname += '.jpg' # Save the completed image'Saving file %sjpg' % jpeg_dataout.filenamebegin) # Optional folder output setup baseimgname = os.path.basename(imgname) folderpaths_list = self.getarg('folderpaths').split(':') for path in folderpaths_list: path = time.strftime(path, time.localtime()) if not os.path.exists(path): if self.getarg('createfolders'): os.makedirs(path)'Creating directory %s' % path) else:'Invalid folder path %s' % path) try:, baseimgname)) except: self.log.exception('Could not save image to directory %s' % path) ''' End of Label Code ''' # Set complete flag jpeg_dataout.setheadval('COMPLETE', 1, 'Data Reduction Pipe: Complete Data Flag') ### Make output data self.dataout = self.datain.copy() self.dataout.append(jpeg_dataout)