def div_daq_controls(): """ Generates an HMTL Div containing the DAQ controls """ config_dir = os.environ['DAQ_CFGDIR'] config_files = [ os.path.join(config_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(config_dir) ] config_options = [{ 'label': f.split('/')[-1], 'value': f } for f in config_files] return html.Div( [ # Title html.H4('DAQ Controls', style={"text-align": "center"}), # Start and stop button html.Div([ # Button that starts the DAQ daq.StopButton(id='button-start-daq', children='Start', className='one column', disabled=False, style={ "display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "width": "49%", }), # Button that stops the DAQ daq.StopButton(id='button-stop-daq', children='Stop', className='one column', disabled=True, style={ "display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "width": "49%", }), ]), # Div with the config selection html.Div([ # Input box to specify the name of the DAQ file dcc.Input(id='input-output-name', type='text', value='', disabled=False, style={ "display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "align-items": "center", "width": "80%", 'margin-top': '80px', 'margin-left': "10%" }), # DAQ config file dropdown selector dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown-config-selection', options=config_options, value=config_dir + '/config_default.yaml', className='twelve columns', clearable=False, searchable=False, disabled=False, style={ "display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "width": "90%", 'margin-top': '5px', 'margin-left': "5%" }), # Box that display the config file dcc.Textarea(id="text-config", placeholder=" ", value="", style={ "width": "80%", "height": "157px", "margin-left": "10%", "margin-top": "10px", }, disabled=True), # Invisible div that stores the DAQ process ID dcc.Store(id='store-daq-id') ]) ], className="three columns", style={ "border-radius": "5px", "border-width": "5px", "border": "2px solid rgb(216, 216, 216)", "position": "relative", "height": "400px", "margin-top": "10px", "margin-left": "0px" })
html.Div(children=[ """Choose the input (predefined, i.e. constitution) or custom input""", dcc.RadioItems(id="choice", options=[ { 'label': 'predefined', 'value': 'constitution' }, { 'label': 'custom input', 'value': 'input' }, ], value='constitution'), dcc.Textarea(id="custom_input", placeholder='Enter a value...', value='This is a TextArea component', style={'width': '100%'}), ]), html.Span(children=[ "Count of most occuring words: ", dcc.Input(id="count", value=100, type="number") ]), html.Div(children=[ html.Div(children=[ "Scale: ", dcc.RadioItems(id="scale", options=[ { 'label': '√n', 'value': 'sqrt' },
def test_clsd002_chained_serverside_clientside_callbacks(dash_duo): app = Dash(__name__, assets_folder="assets") app.layout = html.Div([ html.Label("x"), dcc.Input(id="x", value=3), html.Label("y"), dcc.Input(id="y", value=6), # clientside html.Label("x + y (clientside)"), dcc.Input(id="x-plus-y"), # server-side html.Label("x+y / 2 (serverside)"), dcc.Input(id="x-plus-y-div-2"), # server-side html.Div([ html.Label("Display x, y, x+y/2 (serverside)"), dcc.Textarea(id="display-all-of-the-values"), ]), # clientside html.Label("Mean(x, y, x+y, x+y/2) (clientside)"), dcc.Input(id="mean-of-all-values"), ]) app.clientside_callback( ClientsideFunction("clientside", "add"), Output("x-plus-y", "value"), [Input("x", "value"), Input("y", "value")], ) call_counts = {"divide": Value("i", 0), "display": Value("i", 0)} @app.callback(Output("x-plus-y-div-2", "value"), [Input("x-plus-y", "value")]) def divide_by_two(value): call_counts["divide"].value += 1 return float(value) / 2.0 @app.callback( Output("display-all-of-the-values", "value"), [ Input("x", "value"), Input("y", "value"), Input("x-plus-y", "value"), Input("x-plus-y-div-2", "value"), ], ) def display_all(*args): call_counts["display"].value += 1 return "\n".join([str(a) for a in args]) app.clientside_callback( ClientsideFunction("clientside", "mean"), Output("mean-of-all-values", "value"), [ Input("x", "value"), Input("y", "value"), Input("x-plus-y", "value"), Input("x-plus-y-div-2", "value"), ], ) dash_duo.start_server(app) test_cases = [ ["#x", "3"], ["#y", "6"], ["#x-plus-y", "9"], ["#x-plus-y-div-2", "4.5"], ["#display-all-of-the-values", "3\n6\n9\n4.5"], ["#mean-of-all-values", str((3 + 6 + 9 + 4.5) / 4.0)], ] for selector, expected in test_cases: dash_duo.wait_for_text_to_equal(selector, expected) assert call_counts["display"].value == 1 assert call_counts["divide"].value == 1 x_input = dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_css_selector("#x") x_input.send_keys("1") test_cases = [ ["#x", "31"], ["#y", "6"], ["#x-plus-y", "37"], ["#x-plus-y-div-2", "18.5"], ["#display-all-of-the-values", "31\n6\n37\n18.5"], ["#mean-of-all-values", str((31 + 6 + 37 + 18.5) / 4.0)], ] for selector, expected in test_cases: dash_duo.wait_for_text_to_equal(selector, expected) assert call_counts["display"].value == 2 assert call_counts["divide"].value == 2
def platter_app(): app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div( [ html.Div(id="waitfor"), html.Label("Upload"), dcc.Upload(), html.Label("Horizontal Tabs"), dcc.Tabs( id="tabs", children=[ dcc.Tab( label="Tab one", className="test", style={"border": "1px solid magenta"}, children=[html.Div(["Test"])], ), dcc.Tab( label="Tab two", children=[ html.Div( [ html.H1("This is the content in tab 2"), html.P("A graph here would be nice!"), ] ) ], id="tab-one", ), dcc.Tab( label="Tab three", children=[html.Div([html.H1("This is the content in tab 3")])], ), ], style={"fontFamily": "system-ui"}, content_style={"border": "1px solid #d6d6d6", "padding": "44px"}, parent_style={"maxWidth": "1000px", "margin": "0 auto"}, ), html.Label("Vertical Tabs"), dcc.Tabs( id="tabs1", vertical=True, children=[ dcc.Tab(label="Tab one", children=[html.Div(["Test"])]), dcc.Tab( label="Tab two", children=[ html.Div( [ html.H1("This is the content in tab 2"), html.P("A graph here would be nice!"), ] ) ], ), dcc.Tab( label="Tab three", children=[html.Div([html.H1("This is the content in tab 3")])], ), ], ), html.Label("Dropdown"), dcc.Dropdown(options=OPTIONS, value="MTL", id="dropdown"), html.Label("Multi-Select Dropdown"), dcc.Dropdown(options=OPTIONS, value=["MTL", "SF"], multi=True), html.Label("Radio Items"), dcc.RadioItems(options=OPTIONS, value="MTL"), html.Label("Checkboxes"), dcc.Checklist(options=OPTIONS, value=["MTL", "SF"]), html.Label("Text Input"), dcc.Input(value="", placeholder="type here", id="textinput"), html.Label("Disabled Text Input"), dcc.Input( value="disabled", type="text", id="disabled-textinput", disabled=True, ), html.Label("Slider"), dcc.Slider( min=0, max=9, marks={ i: "Label {}".format(i) if i == 1 else str(i) for i in range(1, 6) }, value=5, ), html.Label("Graph"), dcc.Graph( id="graph", figure={ "data": [{"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 1, 4]}], "layout": {"title": u"北京"}, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("DatePickerSingle"), dcc.DatePickerSingle( id="date-picker-single", date=datetime(1997, 5, 10) ), html.Div( [ html.Label("DatePickerSingle - empty input"), dcc.DatePickerSingle(), ], id="dt-single-no-date-value", ), html.Div( [ html.Label( "DatePickerSingle - initial visible month (May 97)" ), dcc.DatePickerSingle( initial_visible_month=datetime(1997, 5, 10) ), ], id="dt-single-no-date-value-init-month", ), ] ), html.Div( [ html.Label("DatePickerRange"), dcc.DatePickerRange( id="date-picker-range", start_date_id="startDate", end_date_id="endDate", start_date=datetime(1997, 5, 3), end_date_placeholder_text="Select a date!", ), html.Div( [ html.Label("DatePickerRange - empty input"), dcc.DatePickerRange( start_date_id="startDate", end_date_id="endDate", start_date_placeholder_text="Start date", end_date_placeholder_text="End date", ), ], id="dt-range-no-date-values", ), html.Div( [ html.Label( "DatePickerRange - initial visible month (May 97)" ), dcc.DatePickerRange( start_date_id="startDate", end_date_id="endDate", start_date_placeholder_text="Start date", end_date_placeholder_text="End date", initial_visible_month=datetime(1997, 5, 10), ), ], id="dt-range-no-date-values-init-month", ), ] ), html.Label("TextArea"), dcc.Textarea(placeholder="Enter a value... 北京", style={"width": "100%"}), html.Label("Markdown"), dcc.Markdown( """ #### Dash and Markdown Dash supports [Markdown]( Markdown is a simple way to write and format text. It includes a syntax for things like **bold text** and *italics*, [links](, inline `code` snippets, lists, quotes, and more. 1. Links are auto-rendered: 2. This uses ~commonmark~ GitHub flavored markdown. Tables are also supported: | First Header | Second Header | | ------------- | ------------- | | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell | 北京 """.replace( " ", "" ) ), dcc.Markdown(["# Line one", "## Line two"]), dcc.Markdown(), dcc.Markdown( """ ```py import python print(3) ```""" ), dcc.Markdown(["```py", "import python", "print(3)", "```"]), dcc.Markdown(), ] ) yield app
def test_msps001_basic_persistence(dash_dcc): app = Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div([ dcc.Checklist( id="checklist", options=[ { "label": u"Slow 🐢", "value": u"🐢" }, { "label": u"Fast 🏎️", "value": u"🏎️" }, { "label": u"Faster 🚀", "value": u"🚀" }, ], value=[u"🏎️"], persistence=True, ), dcc.DatePickerRange( id="datepickerrange", start_date="2017-08-21", end_date="2024-04-08", start_date_id="start_date", end_date_id="end_date", initial_visible_month="2019-05-01", persistence=True, ), dcc.DatePickerSingle(id="datepickersingle", date="2019-01-01", persistence=True), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdownsingle", options=[ { "label": u"One 1️⃣", "value": u"1️⃣" }, { "label": u"Two 2️⃣", "value": u"2️⃣" }, { "label": u"Three 3️⃣", "value": u"3️⃣" }, ], value=u"2️⃣", persistence=True, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdownmulti", options=[ { "label": u"Four 4️⃣", "value": u"4️⃣" }, { "label": u"Five 5️⃣", "value": u"5️⃣" }, { "label": u"Six 6️⃣", "value": u"6️⃣" }, ], value=[u"4️⃣"], multi=True, persistence=True, ), dcc.Input(id="input", value="yes", persistence=True), dcc.RadioItems( id="radioitems", options=[ { "label": "Red", "value": "r" }, { "label": "Green", "value": "g" }, { "label": "Blue", "value": "b" }, ], value="b", persistence=True, ), dcc.RangeSlider(id="rangeslider", min=0, max=10, value=[3, 7], persistence=True), dcc.Slider(id="slider", min=20, max=30, value=25, persistence=True), dcc.Tabs( id="tabs", children=[ dcc.Tab(label="Eh?", children="Tab A", value="A"), dcc.Tab(label="Bee", children="Tab B", value="B"), dcc.Tab(label="Sea", children="Tab C", value="C"), ], value="A", persistence=True, ), dcc.Textarea(id="textarea", value="knock knock", persistence=True), html.Div(id="settings"), ]) @app.callback( Output("settings", "children"), [ Input("checklist", "value"), Input("datepickerrange", "start_date"), Input("datepickerrange", "end_date"), Input("datepickersingle", "date"), Input("dropdownsingle", "value"), Input("dropdownmulti", "value"), Input("input", "value"), Input("radioitems", "value"), Input("rangeslider", "value"), Input("slider", "value"), Input("tabs", "value"), Input("textarea", "value"), ], ) def make_output(*args): return json.dumps(args) initial_settings = [ [u"🏎️"], "2017-08-21", "2024-04-08", "2019-01-01", u"2️⃣", [u"4️⃣"], "yes", "b", [3, 7], 25, "A", "knock knock", ] dash_dcc.start_server(app) dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#settings", json.dumps(initial_settings)) dash_dcc.find_element("#checklist label:last-child input").click() # 🚀 dash_dcc.select_date_range("datepickerrange", day_range=(4, )) dash_dcc.select_date_range("datepickerrange", day_range=(14, ), start_first=False) dash_dcc.find_element("#datepickersingle input").click() dash_dcc.select_date_single("datepickersingle", day="20") dash_dcc.find_element("#dropdownsingle .Select-input input").send_keys( "one" + Keys.ENTER) dash_dcc.find_element("#dropdownmulti .Select-input input").send_keys( "six" + Keys.ENTER) dash_dcc.find_element("#input").send_keys(" maybe") dash_dcc.find_element("#radioitems label:first-child input").click() # red range_slider = dash_dcc.find_element("#rangeslider") dash_dcc.click_at_coord_fractions(range_slider, 0.5, 0.25) # 5 dash_dcc.click_at_coord_fractions(range_slider, 0.8, 0.25) # 8 slider = dash_dcc.find_element("#slider") dash_dcc.click_at_coord_fractions(slider, 0.2, 0.25) # 22 dash_dcc.find_element("#tabs .tab:last-child").click() # C dash_dcc.find_element("#textarea").send_keys(Keys.ENTER + "who's there?") edited_settings = [ [u"🏎️", u"🚀"], "2019-05-04", "2019-05-14", "2019-01-20", u"1️⃣", [u"4️⃣", u"6️⃣"], "yes maybe", "r", [5, 8], 22, "C", "knock knock\nwho's there?", ] dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#settings", json.dumps(edited_settings)) # now reload the page - all of these settings should persist dash_dcc.wait_for_page() dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#settings", json.dumps(edited_settings)) assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []