def __init__(self, modelFilename, inputImages, nw, nBins): self.reset() self.modelFilename = modelFilename self.inputImages = inputImages self.nw = nw self.nBins = nBins self.imWidthReduc = 8 self.imWidth = 32 #Image size and width self.x, self.y_, self.keep_prob, self.y_conv = convnet_variables( self.imWidth, self.imWidthReduc, self.nw, self.nBins) self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
def train_model(dataDirName, overwrite=False, numTrainBatches=500000): """ Train model. Unzip and overwrite exisiting training set if overwrite is True""" # Open training data files trainingSet = os.path.join(dataDirName, '') extractedFolder = os.path.join(dataDirName, 'training_set') # zipRef = zipfile.ZipFile(trainingSet, 'r') # zipRef.extractall(extractedFolder) # zipRef.close() if os.path.exists(extractedFolder) and overwrite: shutil.rmtree(extractedFolder, ignore_errors=True) os.system("unzip %s -d %s" % (trainingSet, extractedFolder)) elif not os.path.exists(extractedFolder): os.system("unzip %s -d %s" % (trainingSet, extractedFolder)) else: pass npyFiles = {} fileList = os.listdir(extractedFolder) for filename in fileList: f = os.path.join(extractedFolder, filename) if filename.endswith('.gz'): # # npyFiles[filename.strip('.npy.gz')] = gzip.GzipFile(f, 'r') # gzFile =, "rb") # unCompressedFile = open(f.strip('.gz'), "wb") # decoded = # unCompressedFile.write(decoded) # gzFile.close() # unCompressedFile.close() npyFiles[filename.strip('.npy.gz')] = f.strip('.gz') os.system("gzip -d %s" % f) # "gzip -dk %s" % f elif filename.endswith('.npy'): npyFiles[filename.strip('.npy')] = f trainImages = np.load(npyFiles['trainImages'], mmap_mode='r') trainLabels = np.load(npyFiles['trainLabels'], mmap_mode='r') testImages = np.load(npyFiles['testImages'], mmap_mode='r') testLabelsIndexes = np.load(npyFiles['testLabels'], mmap_mode='r') typeNamesList = np.load(npyFiles['typeNamesList']) testTypeNames = np.load(npyFiles['testTypeNames']) # testImages = np.load(npyFiles['testImagesNoGal'], mmap_mode='r') # testLabelsIndexes = np.load(npyFiles['testLabelsNoGal'], mmap_mode='r') print("Completed creatingArrays") print(len(trainImages)) nLabels = len(typeNamesList) N = 1024 overSampling = OverSampling(nLabels, N, images=trainImages, labels=trainLabels) trainArrays = overSampling.over_sample_arrays(smote=False) trainImages, trainLabels = trainArrays['images'], trainArrays['labels'] # # Delete temporary memory mapping files # for filename in glob.glob('shuffled*.dat') + glob.glob('oversampled*.dat'): # if not os.path.samefile(filename, trainImages.filename) and not os.path.samefile(filename, trainLabels.filename): # os.remove(filename) # Set up the convolutional network architecture imWidth = 32 # Image size and width imWidthReduc = 8 a = [] x, y_, keep_prob, y_conv = convnet_variables(imWidth, imWidthReduc, N, nLabels) with tf.Session() as sess: # config=tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=1, intra_op_parallelism_threads=1)) as sess: # TRAIN AND EVALUATE MODEL cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y_conv + 1e-8), reduction_indices=[1])) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) testLabels = labels_indexes_to_arrays(testLabelsIndexes[0:400], nLabels) testImages = testImages[0:400] # testLabelsWithGal = labels_indexes_to_arrays(testLabelsIndexesWithGal[0:200], nLabels) # testImagesWithGal = testImagesWithGal[0:200] trainImagesCycle = itertools.cycle(trainImages) trainLabelsCycle = itertools.cycle(trainLabels) for i in range(numTrainBatches): batch_xs = np.array(list(itertools.islice(trainImagesCycle, 50 * i, 50 * i + 50))) batch_ys = labels_indexes_to_arrays(list(itertools.islice(trainLabelsCycle, 50 * i, 50 * i + 50)), nLabels){x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob: 0.5}) if i % 100 == 0: train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob: 1.0}) print("step %d, training accuracy %g" % (i, train_accuracy)) testAcc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0}) print("test accuracy %g" % testAcc) a.append(testAcc) # if i % 1000 == 0: # testWithGalAcc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: testImagesWithGal, y_: testLabelsWithGal, keep_prob: 1.0}) # print("test With Gal accuracy %g" % testWithGalAcc) print("test accuracy %g" % accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0})) yy = y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0}) cp = correct_prediction.eval(feed_dict={x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0}) print(cp) for i in range(len(cp)): if cp[i] == False: predictedIndex = np.argmax(yy[i]) print(i, testTypeNames[i], typeNamesList[predictedIndex]) # SAVE THE MODEL saveFilename = os.path.join(dataDirName, "tensorflow_model.ckpt") saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path =, saveFilename) print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path) modelFilenames = [saveFilename + '.index', saveFilename + '.meta', saveFilename + '.data-00000-of-00001'] try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(a) plt.xlabel("Number of Epochs") plt.ylabel("Testing accuracy") plt.savefig(os.path.join(dataDirName, "testing_accuracy.png")) np.savetxt(os.path.join(dataDirName, "testing_accuracy.txt"), np.array(a)) except Exception as e: print(e) try: calc_model_statistics(saveFilename, testImages, testTypeNames, typeNamesList) except Exception as e: print(e) return modelFilenames
def train_model(dataDirName): # Open training data files scriptDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) trainingSet = dataDirName + '' extractedFolder = os.path.join(dataDirName, 'training_set') # zipRef = zipfile.ZipFile(trainingSet, 'r') # zipRef.extractall(extractedFolder) # zipRef.close() os.system("unzip %s -d %s" % (trainingSet, extractedFolder)) npyFiles = {} fileList = os.listdir(extractedFolder) for filename in fileList: if filename.endswith('.gz'): f = os.path.join(scriptDirectory, extractedFolder, filename) # # npyFiles[filename.strip('.npy.gz')] = gzip.GzipFile(f, 'r') # gzFile =, "rb") # unCompressedFile = open(f.strip('.gz'), "wb") # decoded = # unCompressedFile.write(decoded) # gzFile.close() # unCompressedFile.close() npyFiles[filename.strip('.npy.gz')] = f.strip('.gz') os.system("gzip -dk %s" % f) trainImages = np.load(npyFiles['trainImages'], mmap_mode='r') trainLabels = np.load(npyFiles['trainLabels'], mmap_mode='r') testImages = np.load(npyFiles['testImages'], mmap_mode='r') testLabelsIndexes = np.load(npyFiles['testLabels'], mmap_mode='r') typeNamesList = np.load(npyFiles['typeNamesList']) testTypeNames = np.load(npyFiles['testTypeNames']) # testImages = np.load(npyFiles['testImagesNoGal'], mmap_mode='r') # testLabelsIndexes = np.load(npyFiles['testLabelsNoGal'], mmap_mode='r') print("Completed creatingArrays") print(len(trainImages)) nLabels = len(typeNamesList) # Set up the convolutional network architecture N = 1024 imWidth = 32 # Image size and width imWidthReduc = 8 a = [] x, y_, keep_prob, y_conv = convnet_variables(imWidth, imWidthReduc, N, nLabels) with tf.Session( ) as sess: # config=tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=1, intra_op_parallelism_threads=1)) as sess: # TRAIN AND EVALUATE MODEL cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( -tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y_conv + 1e-8), reduction_indices=[1])) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) testLabels = labels_indexes_to_arrays(testLabelsIndexes[0:400], nLabels) testImages = testImages[0:400] # testLabelsWithGal = labels_indexes_to_arrays(testLabelsIndexesWithGal[0:200], nLabels) # testImagesWithGal = testImagesWithGal[0:200] trainImagesCycle = itertools.cycle(trainImages) trainLabelsCycle = itertools.cycle(trainLabels) for i in range(400000): batch_xs = np.array( list(itertools.islice(trainImagesCycle, 50 * i, 50 * i + 50))) batch_ys = labels_indexes_to_arrays( list(itertools.islice(trainLabelsCycle, 50 * i, 50 * i + 50)), nLabels){ x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob: 0.5 }) if i % 100 == 0: train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={ x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob: 1.0 }) print("step %d, training accuracy %g" % (i, train_accuracy)) testAcc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={ x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0 }) print("test accuracy %g" % testAcc) a.append(testAcc) # if i % 1000 == 0: # testWithGalAcc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: testImagesWithGal, y_: testLabelsWithGal, keep_prob: 1.0}) # print("test With Gal accuracy %g" % testWithGalAcc) print("test accuracy %g" % accuracy.eval(feed_dict={ x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0 })) yy = y_conv.eval(feed_dict={ x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0 }) cp = correct_prediction.eval(feed_dict={ x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob: 1.0 }) print(cp) for i in range(len(cp)): if cp[i] == False: predictedIndex = np.argmax(yy[i]) print(i, testTypeNames[i], typeNamesList[predictedIndex]) # SAVE THE MODEL saveFilename = dataDirName + "tensorflow_model.ckpt" saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path =, saveFilename) print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path) modelFilenames = [ saveFilename + '.index', saveFilename + '.meta', saveFilename + '.data-00000-of-00001' ] # ACTUAL ACCURACY, broadTYPE ACCURACY, AGE ACCURACY typeAndAgeCorrect = 0 typeCorrect = 0 broadTypeCorrect = 0 broadTypeAndAgeCorrect = 0 typeAndNearAgeCorrect = 0 broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect = 0 for i in range(len(testTypeNames)): predictedIndex = np.argmax(yy[i]) testBroadType = testTypeNames[i][0:2] actualBroadType = typeNamesList[predictedIndex][0:2] if testTypeNames[i][0:3] == 'IIb': testBroadType = 'Ib' if typeNamesList[predictedIndex][0:3] == 'IIb': actualBroadType = 'Ib' testType = testTypeNames[i].split(': ')[0] actualType = typeNamesList[predictedIndex].split(': ')[0] testAge = testTypeNames[i].split(': ')[1] actualAge = typeNamesList[predictedIndex].split(': ')[1] nearTestAge = testAge.split(' to ') if testTypeNames[i] == typeNamesList[predictedIndex]: typeAndAgeCorrect += 1 if testType == actualType: # correct type typeCorrect += 1 if (nearTestAge[0] in actualAge) or ( nearTestAge[1] in actualAge ): # check if the age is in the neigbouring bin typeAndNearAgeCorrect += 1 # all correct except nearby bin if testBroadType == actualBroadType: # correct broadtype broadTypeCorrect += 1 if testAge == actualAge: broadTypeAndAgeCorrect += 1 if (nearTestAge[0] in actualAge) or ( nearTestAge[1] in actualAge ): # check if the age is in the neigbouring bin broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect += 1 # Broadtype and nearby bin typeAndAgeAccuracy = float(typeAndAgeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) typeAccuracy = float(typeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAccuracy = float(broadTypeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy = float(broadTypeAndAgeCorrect) / len( testTypeNames) typeAndNearAgeAccuracy = float(typeAndNearAgeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy = float(broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect) / len( testTypeNames) print("typeAndAgeAccuracy : " + str(typeAndAgeAccuracy)) print("typeAccuracy : " + str(typeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAccuracy : " + str(broadTypeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy: " + str(broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy)) print("typeAndNearAgeAccuracy : " + str(typeAndNearAgeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy : " + str(broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy)) return modelFilenames
def calc_model_statistics(modelFilename, testLabels, testImages, testTypeNames, typeNamesList, typeNamesBroad=None): tf.reset_default_graph() nw = len(testImages[0]) nBins = len(typeNamesList) imWidthReduc = 8 imWidth = 32 # Image size and width x, y_, keep_prob, y_conv = convnet_variables(imWidth, imWidthReduc, nw, nBins) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, modelFilename) yy = y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: testImages, keep_prob: 1.0}) # CONFUSION MATRIX predictedLabels = [] for i, name in enumerate(testTypeNames): predictedLabels.append(np.argmax(yy[i])) predictedLabels = np.array(predictedLabels) confMatrix = tf.confusion_matrix(testLabels, predictedLabels).eval() if typeNamesBroad is not None: broadTypeLabels = np.arange(0, nBins + 1, int(nBins / len(typeNamesBroad))) testLabelsBroad = np.digitize(testLabels, broadTypeLabels) - 1 predictedLabelsBroad = np.digitize(predictedLabels, broadTypeLabels) - 1 confMatrixBroad = tf.confusion_matrix(testLabelsBroad, predictedLabelsBroad).eval() np.set_printoptions(precision=2) print(confMatrixBroad) plot_confusion_matrix(confMatrixBroad, classes=typeNamesBroad, normalize=True, title='Normalized confusion matrix', fig_dir='.', name='broad') # # np.set_printoptions(precision=2) # print(confMatrix) # plot_confusion_matrix(confMatrix, classes=typeNamesList, normalize=True, title='Normalized confusion matrix', fig_dir='.', name='all') # ACTUAL ACCURACY, broadTYPE ACCURACY, AGE ACCURACY typeAndAgeCorrect = 0 typeCorrect = 0 broadTypeCorrect = 0 broadTypeAndAgeCorrect = 0 typeAndNearAgeCorrect = 0 broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect = 0 for i in range(len(testTypeNames)): predictedIndex = np.argmax(yy[i]) classification = testTypeNames[i].split(': ') if len(classification) == 2: testType, testAge = classification else: testGalType, testType, testAge = classification actual = typeNamesList[predictedIndex].split(': ') if len(actual) == 2: actualType, actualAge = actual else: actualGalType, actualType, actualAge = actual testBroadType = testType[0:2] actualBroadType = actualType[0:2] if testType[0:3] == 'IIb': testBroadType = 'Ib' if actualType[0:3] == 'IIb': actualBroadType = 'Ib' nearTestAge = testAge.split(' to ') if testTypeNames[i] == typeNamesList[predictedIndex]: typeAndAgeCorrect += 1 if testType == actualType: # correct type typeCorrect += 1 if (nearTestAge[0] in actualAge) or ( nearTestAge[1] in actualAge ): # check if the age is in the neigbouring bin typeAndNearAgeCorrect += 1 # all correct except nearby bin if testBroadType == actualBroadType: # correct broadtype broadTypeCorrect += 1 if testAge == actualAge: broadTypeAndAgeCorrect += 1 if (nearTestAge[0] in actualAge) or ( nearTestAge[1] in actualAge ): # check if the age is in the neigbouring bin broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect += 1 # Broadtype and nearby bin typeAndAgeAccuracy = float(typeAndAgeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) typeAccuracy = float(typeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAccuracy = float(broadTypeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy = float(broadTypeAndAgeCorrect) / len( testTypeNames) typeAndNearAgeAccuracy = float(typeAndNearAgeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy = float(broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect) / len( testTypeNames) print("typeAndAgeAccuracy : " + str(typeAndAgeAccuracy)) print("typeAccuracy : " + str(typeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAccuracy : " + str(broadTypeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy: " + str(broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy)) print("typeAndNearAgeAccuracy : " + str(typeAndNearAgeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy : " + str(broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy))
def calc_model_statistics(modelFilename, testImages, testTypeNames, typeNamesList): tf.reset_default_graph() nw = len(testImages[0]) nBins = len(typeNamesList) imWidthReduc = 8 imWidth = 32 # Image size and width x, y_, keep_prob, y_conv = convnet_variables(imWidth, imWidthReduc, nw, nBins) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, modelFilename) yy = y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: testImages, keep_prob: 1.0}) # ACTUAL ACCURACY, broadTYPE ACCURACY, AGE ACCURACY typeAndAgeCorrect = 0 typeCorrect = 0 broadTypeCorrect = 0 broadTypeAndAgeCorrect = 0 typeAndNearAgeCorrect = 0 broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect = 0 for i in range(len(testTypeNames)): predictedIndex = np.argmax(yy[i]) classification = testTypeNames[i].split(': ') if len(classification) == 2: testType, testAge = classification else: testGalType, testType, testAge = classification actual = typeNamesList[predictedIndex].split(': ') if len(actual) == 2: actualType, actualAge = actual else: actualGalType, actualType, actualAge = actual testBroadType = testType[0:2] actualBroadType = actualType[0:2] if testType[0:3] == 'IIb': testBroadType = 'Ib' if actualType[0:3] == 'IIb': actualBroadType = 'Ib' nearTestAge = testAge.split(' to ') if testTypeNames[i] == typeNamesList[predictedIndex]: typeAndAgeCorrect += 1 if testType == actualType: # correct type typeCorrect += 1 if (nearTestAge[0] in actualAge) or ( nearTestAge[1] in actualAge ): # check if the age is in the neigbouring bin typeAndNearAgeCorrect += 1 # all correct except nearby bin if testBroadType == actualBroadType: # correct broadtype broadTypeCorrect += 1 if testAge == actualAge: broadTypeAndAgeCorrect += 1 if (nearTestAge[0] in actualAge) or ( nearTestAge[1] in actualAge ): # check if the age is in the neigbouring bin broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect += 1 # Broadtype and nearby bin typeAndAgeAccuracy = float(typeAndAgeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) typeAccuracy = float(typeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAccuracy = float(broadTypeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy = float(broadTypeAndAgeCorrect) / len( testTypeNames) typeAndNearAgeAccuracy = float(typeAndNearAgeCorrect) / len(testTypeNames) broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy = float(broadTypeAndNearAgeCorrect) / len( testTypeNames) print("typeAndAgeAccuracy : " + str(typeAndAgeAccuracy)) print("typeAccuracy : " + str(typeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAccuracy : " + str(broadTypeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy: " + str(broadTypeAndAgeAccuracy)) print("typeAndNearAgeAccuracy : " + str(typeAndNearAgeAccuracy)) print("broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy : " + str(broadTypeAndNearAgeAccuracy))