def get(self, hid): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': h = get_homework(hid) comment = html2Text(h['comment']) self.render('teacher_cmt_homework.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt', hid=hid, comment=comment) else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self): gp, uid = is_loged(self) print uid if uid == str(int(1e6)): self.render("admin.html", temp=getTempUser(), active="none") else: self.redirect("/404")
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render('teacher_my_notifications.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc', info=get_teacher_notif(uid)) else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self): gp, uid = is_loged(self) print uid if uid == str(int(1e6)): self.render('admin.html', temp=getTempUser(), active='none') else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': self.render('stu_message.html', id=uid, message=get_all_notif(), comments=get_all_comments(uid), active='dsh', active_slide='msg') else: self.redirect('/404')
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': # 生成idhomework import random idHomework = uid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) while True: # 获取idhomework的值直到获取到数据库中与其他记录不冲突为止 if not get_homework(idHomework): break idHomework = uid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) name = self.get_argument('submitName').encode('utf-8') content = self.get_argument('content').encode('utf-8') try: submit_homework_vedio(idHomework, uid, content, name) self.render('error.html', title="提交成功", content='作业提交成功', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', id=uid, active='dsh') except Exception as e: print e
def get(self, tp_id): gp, uid = is_loged(self) try: if uid == str(int(1e6)): returned = authNewUser(tp_id) if returned == "success": self.render('error.html', title='认证成功', content='新用户授权成功', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='', id=uid) elif returned == 'fail': self.render('error.html', title='认证失败', content='新用户授权失败', icon='ion-close-circled', active='', id=uid) else: print uid self.redirect('/404') except: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='出错啦', icon='ion-alert-circled', active='none', id=uid)
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): """教师新增课程""" gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': cid = self.get_argument('cid') year = self.get_argument('year') start_week = int(self.get_argument('sw')) end_week = int(self.get_argument('ew')) if end_week > 20 or end_week < start_week or not (0 < start_week < 18): self.render('error.html', title='输入错误', content='周数输入有误<br><br>请重新输入', icon='ion-alert-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) elif get_course(cid) is not None: self.render('error.html', title='输入错误', content='课序号已经存在<br><br>请删除相应课程后在进行创建新课程的操作', icon='ion-alert-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) else: try: new_course(uid, cid, year, str(start_week), str(end_week)) self.render('error.html', title='操作成功', content='课程创建成功', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) except Exception as e: print e self.render('error.html', title=None, content=None, icon='ion-bug', active='dsh', id=uid)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render('teacher_commenting.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt', homework=get_teacher_homework(uid)) else: self.redirect('/404')
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': content = self.get_argument('content') title = self.get_argument('title') if len(title) > 50: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='标题过长<br>请重新输入', icon='ion-alert-circled', active='ntfc', id=uid) else: from postingInfo import infoIdState idInfo = infoIdState(self) try: if not publish_notif(uid, idInfo, content, title): self.render('error.html', title='通知发布成功', content='成功发布了一条课程通知', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) self.clear_cookie('Iid') else: print 'teacher not exist' self.clear_cookie('Iid') except Exception as e: self.clear_cookie('Iid') print e
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render('teacher_my_students.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='allstu', stu=get_my_student(uid)) else: self.redirect('/404')
def post(self): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': content = self.get_argument('content') submitName = self.get_argument('submitName') # 生成idhomework import random idHomework = uid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) while True: # 获取idhomework的值直到获取到数据库中与其他记录不冲突为止 if not get_homework(idHomework): break idHomework = uid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) # 删除文件夹下所有相同id的文件 delete_updated(idHomework) self.clear_cookie('content') self.clear_cookie('submitName') self.clear_cookie('hid') self.clear_cookie('frontal') self.clear_cookie('top') self.set_secure_cookie( 'content', base64.encodestring( content.encode('utf8'))) # 命名简单加密后加载到cookie中保存 self.set_secure_cookie( 'submitName', base64.encodestring(submitName.encode('utf8'))) self.set_secure_cookie('hid', idHomework) self.render('stu_step2.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='mcs')
def get(self, hid, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': # 仅学生可以删除自己的作业..? homework = get_homework(hid) if not homework: self.render('error.html', title=None, content="作业不存在", icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: try: if homework['type'] == 'pic': # 作业是图片类型 from submitAssignment import delete_updated delete_updated('homework',hid) delete_homework(hid,uid) else: delete_homework(hid,uid) self.redirect('/dash/myHomework') except Exception as e: print e else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': # 判断是否登陆 cid = get_student_course(uid) if not cid: # 数据库中没有课程号记录 self.render('error.html', title=None, content='提交作业要先录入课程号哦', icon='ion-happy', active='', id=uid) else: self.render('stu_submit_vedio.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='mcs') else: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='提交作业要先登陆哦', icon='ion-happy', active='', id=uid)
def post(self): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': Iid = infoIdState(self) fname = self.request.files['upload'][0].filename import os dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)[:-8] + 'static/notif/' # 生成pic文件名 import random filename = Iid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) +'.'+ fname.split('.')[-1] while True: cmd = 'find %s -name "%s"' % (dirpath,clean(filename)) if not commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]: break filename = Iid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) + fname.split('.')[-1] f = self.request.files['upload'][0].body savefile = open(dirpath+filename,'w') savefile.write(f) savefile.close() callback = self.get_argument('CKEditorFuncNum') self.write(''' <script type="text/javascript">"%s","%s",''); </script> ''' % (callback,'/static/notif/'+filename))
def get(self, cid, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': if not get_course(cid): # 如果课序号不存在 self.render('error.html', title=None, content="课程不存在", icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: try: set_course(uid, cid) self.render('error.html', title="录入成功", content="课程号录入成功", icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) except Exception as e: print e else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, hid, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': # 仅学生可以删除自己的作业..? homework = get_homework(hid) if not homework: self.render('error.html', title=None, content="作业不存在", icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: try: if homework['type'] == 'pic': # 作业是图片类型 from submitAssignment import delete_updated from import clean delete_updated(clean(hid)) delete_homework(hid, uid) else: delete_homework(hid, uid) self.redirect('/dash/myHomework') except Exception as e: print e else: self.redirect('/404')
def post(self): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': content = self.get_argument('content') submitName = self.get_argument('submitName') # 生成idhomework import random idHomework = uid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) while True: # 获取idhomework的值直到获取到数据库中与其他记录不冲突为止 if not get_homework(idHomework): break idHomework = uid + str(random.randint(99, 1000)) # 删除文件夹下所有相同id的文件 delete_updated('homework', idHomework) self.clear_cookie('content') self.clear_cookie('submitName') self.clear_cookie('hid') self.clear_cookie('frontal') self.clear_cookie('top') self.set_secure_cookie('content', base64.encodestring(content.encode('utf8'))) # 命名简单加密后加载到cookie中保存 self.set_secure_cookie('submitName', base64.encodestring(submitName.encode('utf8'))) self.set_secure_cookie('hid', idHomework) self.render('stu_step2.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='mcs')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render('teacher_publish_notif.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc', n_title=None, content=None, act='pub') else: self.redirect('/404')
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': fname = self.request.files['profile'][0].filename if not extensionJudge(fname, uid, self): hid = self.get_secure_cookie('hid') if self.get_secure_cookie('frontal') == '1' and self.get_secure_cookie('submitName') is not None \ and self.get_secure_cookie('top') == '1' and hid is not None: # 判断是否已经完成了之前的提交步骤 f = self.request.files['profile'][0].body saveFile(fname, hid, f, 'profile') try: content = base64.decodestring(self.get_secure_cookie('content')) submitName = base64.decodestring(self.get_secure_cookie('submitName')) print content, submitName submit_homework(hid, uid, content, submitName) self.clear_cookie('content') self.clear_cookie('submitName') self.clear_cookie('hid') self.clear_cookie('frontal') self.clear_cookie('top') self.render('error.html', title="提交成功", content='作业提交成功', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', id=uid, active='dsh') except Exception as e: print e else: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='请按顺序交作业哦', icon='ion-happy', active='dsh', id=uid)
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': fname = self.request.files['frontal'][0].filename if not extensionJudge(fname, uid, self): hid = self.get_secure_cookie('hid') if self.get_secure_cookie('submitName') != '' and hid != '': # 判断是否已经完成了之前的提交步骤 f = self.request.files['frontal'][0].body saveFile(fname, hid, f, 'frontal') self.set_secure_cookie('frontal', '1') self.render('stu_step3.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='mcs') else: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='请按顺序交作业哦', icon='ion-happy', active='dsh', id=uid)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.clear_cookie('Iid') self.render('teacher_publish_resource.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc', r_content=None, r_title=None, act='pub') else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render('teacher_edit_course.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='mycourse', course=get_teacher_course(uid), delete=get_teacher_course_delete(uid)) else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': course = get_all_course() self.render('stu_set_course.html', active='dsh', active_slide='mcs', course=course) else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render('teacher_publish_entrence.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc') else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.render( 'teacher_publish_entrence.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc') else: self.redirect('/404')
def post(self, hid): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': comment = self.get_argument('comment') try: update_comment(hid, comment) self.render('error.html', title='评价成功', content='您对这次作业已经评价过了!', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) except Exception as e: print(e)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': self.render('stu_homework.html', homework=get_my_homework(uid), id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='hmwk') else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self,iid): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': try: delete_notif(iid,uid) self.redirect('/dash/notifications') except Exception as e: print e else: self.redirect('/')
def get(self, hid): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.clear_cookie('Iid') self.set_secure_cookie('Iid',hid) h = get_homework(hid) comment = h['comment'] self.render('teacher_cmt_homework.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt', hid=hid, comment=comment) else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self,iid): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': try: delete_notif(iid,uid) # 删除记录 from submitAssignment import delete_updated delete_updated('notif',iid) # 删除文件 self.redirect('/dash/notifications') except Exception as e: print e else: self.redirect('/')
def get(self, infoId, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.clear_cookie('Iid') self.set_secure_cookie('Iid',infoId) info = get_info(infoId) content = info['detail'] title = info['title'] self.render('teacher_publish_notif.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc', n_title=title, content=content, act='edit') else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, tp_id): gp, uid = is_loged(self) try: if uid == str(int(1e6)): returned = authNewUser(tp_id) if returned == "success": self.render( "error.html", title="认证成功", content="新用户授权成功", icon="ion-checkmark-circled", active="", id=uid ) elif returned == "fail": self.render( "error.html", title="认证失败", content="新用户授权失败", icon="ion-close-circled", active="", id=uid ) else: print uid self.redirect("/404") except: self.render("error.html", title=None, content="出错啦", icon="ion-alert-circled", active="none", id=uid)
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': content = self.get_argument('content') title = self.get_argument('title') if len(title) > 50: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='标题过长<br>请重新输入', icon='ion-alert-circled', active='ntfc', id=uid) else: idInfo = generateInfoid() try: publish_res(uid, idInfo, content, title) self.render('error.html', title='资源发布成功', content='成功发布了一条课程资源', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='ntfc', id=uid) except Exception as e: print e
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 's': fname = self.request.files['profile'][0].filename if not extensionJudge(fname, uid, self): hid = self.get_secure_cookie('hid') if self.get_secure_cookie('frontal') == '1' and self.get_secure_cookie('submitName') is not None \ and self.get_secure_cookie('top') == '1' and hid is not None: # 判断是否已经完成了之前的提交步骤 f = self.request.files['profile'][0].body saveFile(fname, hid, f, 'profile') try: content = base64.decodestring( self.get_secure_cookie('content')) submitName = base64.decodestring( self.get_secure_cookie('submitName')) print content, submitName submit_homework(hid, uid, content, submitName) self.clear_cookie('content') self.clear_cookie('submitName') self.clear_cookie('hid') self.clear_cookie('frontal') self.clear_cookie('top') self.render('error.html', title="提交成功", content='作业提交成功', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', id=uid, active='dsh') except Exception as e: print e else: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='请按顺序交作业哦', icon='ion-happy', active='dsh', id=uid)
def get(self, hid, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) homework = get_homework(hid) if not homework: self.render('error.html', title=None, content="作业不存在", icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: if homework['type'] == 'pic': # 作业是图片类型 path = get_file_path(hid) if len(path) != 3: # 没有获得三个文件 self.render('error.html', title=None, content=None, icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: fname = [] for p in path: f = p.split('/')[-1] if f.split('.')[-1] in {'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'JPEG', 'JPG', 'tiff', 'tif', 'raw'}: fname.append(f) if len(fname) != 3: # 没有获得三个图片文件 self.render('error.html', title=None, content=None, icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: if gp == 's': self.render('stu_homework_once.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='hmwk', front=fname[0], portrait=fname[1], top=fname[2]) elif gp == 't': self.render('teacher_view_homework.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt', front=fname[0], portrait=fname[1], top=fname[2]) else: # video类型作业 if gp == 's': self.render('stu_homework_once.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='hmwk') elif gp == 't': self.render('teacher_view_homework.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt')
def post(self, infoId, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': content = self.get_argument('content') title = self.get_argument('title') if len(title) > 50: self.render('error.html', title=None, content='标题过长<br>请重新输入', icon='ion-alert-circled', active='ntfc', id=uid) else: if not get_info(infoId): self.render('error.html', title=None, content='通知不存在', icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: try: if not update_notif(infoId, content, title): self.render('error.html', title='通知更新成功', content='成功更新了一条课程通知', icon='ion-checkmark-circled', active='dsh', id=uid) else: print 'teacher not exist' except Exception as e: print e
def get(self, cid): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': self.write('haha') # 测试消息 else: self.redirect('/404')
def get(self, hid, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) homework = get_homework(hid) if not homework: self.render('error.html', title=None, content="作业不存在", icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: if homework['type'] == 'pic': # 作业是图片类型 path = get_file_path(hid) if len(path) != 3: # 没有获得三个文件 self.render('error.html', title=None, content=None, icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: fname = [] for p in path: f = p.split('/')[-1] if f.split('.')[-1] in { 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'JPEG', 'JPG', 'tiff', 'tif', 'raw' }: fname.append(f) if len(fname) != 3: # 没有获得三个图片文件 self.render('error.html', title=None, content=None, icon='ion-sad', active='dsh', id=uid) else: if gp == 's': self.render('stu_homework_once.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='hmwk', front=fname[0], portrait=fname[1], top=fname[2]) elif gp == 't': self.render('teacher_view_homework.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt', front=fname[0], portrait=fname[1], top=fname[2]) else: # video类型作业 if gp == 's': self.render('stu_homework_once.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='hmwk') elif gp == 't': self.render('teacher_view_homework.html', homework=homework, id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='cmt')
def get(self, infoId, *args, **kwargs): gp, uid = is_loged(self) if gp == 't': info = get_info(infoId) content = html2Text(info['detail']) title = info['title'] self.render('teacher_publish_resource.html', id=uid, active='dsh', active_slide='ntfc', r_title=title, r_content=content, act='edit') else: self.redirect('/404')