def layout(self): return dbc.Card([ make_hideable(dbc.CardHeader([ html.Div([ html.H3(self.title, id='decisiontrees-title-' +, make_hideable(html.H6(self.subtitle, className='card-subtitle'), hide=self.hide_subtitle), dbc.Tooltip(self.description, target='decisiontrees-title-' +, ]), ]), hide=self.hide_title), dbc.CardBody([ dbc.Row([ make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Label(f"{self.explainer.index_name}:", id='decisiontrees-index-label-' +, dbc.Tooltip( f"Select {self.explainer.index_name} to display decision trees for", target='decisiontrees-index-label-' +, dcc.Dropdown( id='decisiontrees-index-' +, options=[{ 'label': str(idx), 'value': idx } for idx in self.explainer.get_index_list()], value=self.index) ], md=4), hide=self.hide_index), make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Label("Highlight tree:", id='decisiontrees-tree-label-' +, dbc.Tooltip( f"Select a specific tree to highlight. You can also " "highlight by clicking on a specifc bar in the bar chart.", target='decisiontrees-tree-label-' +, dbc.Select( id='decisiontrees-highlight-' +, options=[{ 'label': str(tree), 'value': tree } for tree in range(self.explainer.no_of_trees)], value=self.highlight) ], md=2), hide=self.hide_highlight), make_hideable(dbc.Col([self.selector.layout()], width=2), hide=self.hide_selector) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dcc.Graph(id="decisiontrees-graph-" +, config=dict(modeBarButtons=[['toImage']], displaylogo=False)), ]) ]), dbc.Row([ make_hideable(dbc.Col( [self.popout.layout()], md=2, align="start"), hide=self.hide_popout), ], justify="end"), ]) ])
def make_detail_header(filter_data, suff=""): """ Return a card with the date selection and buttons in the header, and a table in the body with filter selections """ log("make_detail_header") if suff == "": color = 'primary' elif suff == "2": color = 'success' direction = filter_data['direction'] stations = "All" if filter_data['stations'] is None else ", ".join( filter_data['stations']) if (filter_data['cats'] is None) or (len(set(filter_data['cats'])) >= len( set(memtypes))): cats = "All" else: cats = ", ".join(filter_data['cats']) date = ' ' if filter_data['date'] is None else filter_data['date'] date_button = dbc.Button( id=f"date-update-btn{suff}", outline=True, className='rounded-0', color='link', children=[html.Span(className="fa fa-calendar text-white")]) #date_button = dcc.Link(href="#",id=f"date-update-btn{suff}",children=html.Span(className="fa fa-calendar")) date_button_tt = dbc.Tooltip(target=f"date-update-btn{suff}", children="Change the current date range") close_button = dbc.Button( id=f"close-btn{suff}", outline=True, className='rounded-0', color='link', children=[html.Span(className="fa fa-times-circle text-white")]) close_button_tt = dbc.Tooltip(target=f"close-btn{suff}", children="Close") if suff == "": date_button2 = dbc.Button( id='date-button2', outline=True, className='rounded-0', color='link', children=[html.Span(className="fa fa-plus text-white")]) date_button2_tt = dbc.Tooltip(target='date-button2', children="Compare a second date range") close_button = dbc.Button( id=f"close-btn{suff}", className='d-none', color='link', children=[html.Span(className="fa fa-times-circle text-white")]) else: date_button2 = "" date_button2_tt = "" data_button = dbc.Button( id=f'data-button{suff}', outline=True, className='rounded-0', color='link', children=[html.Span(className="fa fa-table text-white")]) data_button_tt = dbc.Tooltip(target=f'data-button{suff}', children="View raw data") if len(date) == 2: d1 = dt.datetime.strptime(date[0], '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A, %B %-d %Y') d2 = dt.datetime.strptime(date[1], '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A, %B %-d %Y') header_txt = dbc.Col( [d1, " ", html.Span(className="fa fa-arrow-right"), " ", d2]) else: d1 = dt.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A, %B %-d %Y') header_txt = dbc.Col(children=[d1]) header = dbc.Row(className='', children=[ header_txt, date_button, date_button_tt, data_button, data_button_tt, date_button2, date_button2_tt, close_button, close_button_tt ]) radio_class = 'd-none' if stations == 'All' else '' radio = dbc.RadioItems(id=f'stations-radio{suff}', className=radio_class, options=[{ 'label': 'Trip Start', 'value': 'start' }, { 'label': 'Trip End', 'value': 'stop' }, { 'label': 'Both', 'value': 'both' }], value=direction, inline=True) return_btn_class = 'd-none' if stations == 'All' else '' return_btn_tt = dbc.Tooltip("Go back to all stations", target=f'map-return-btn{suff}') return_btn = dbc.Button( size="sm", className=return_btn_class, id=f'map-return-btn{suff}', color='white', children=[html.Span(className=f"fa fa-times-circle text-{color}")]) stations_div = dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([html.Em(stations), return_btn_tt, return_btn]), dbc.Col([radio]) ]) stations_header_tt = dbc.Tooltip("Select a station by clicking on the map", target=f'stations-header-icon{suff}') membership_header_tt = dbc.Tooltip( "Select membership types when choosing a date range", target=f'membership-header-icon{suff}') stations_header_text = html.Div([ "Stations ", html.Span(id=f'stations-header-icon{suff}', className=f"fa fa-question-circle text-{color}") ]) membership_header_text = html.Div([ "Membership Types ", html.Span(id=f'membership-header-icon{suff}', className=f"fa fa-question-circle text-{color}") ]) row3 = html.Tr([ html.Th( html.Span(id=f'stations-header{suff}', children=stations_header_text)), html.Td(stations_div), stations_header_tt ]) row4 = html.Tr([ html.Th( html.Span(id=f'membership-header{suff}', children=membership_header_text)), html.Td(html.Em(cats)), membership_header_tt ]) table_body = [html.Tbody([row3, row4])] table = dbc.Table(table_body, size='sm', bordered=False) card = dbc.Card( className='mb-3', children=[ dbc.CardHeader(className=f"font-weight-bold text-white bg-{color}", children=header), table, ]) log("make_detail_header finished") return card
def init_components(self): """ Initialize components (graph, table, filter, settings, ...) and insert it inside components containers which are created by init_skeleton """ self.components['settings']['input_rows'] = create_input_modal( id='rows', label="Number of rows for subset", tooltip= "Set max number of lines for subset (datatable).Filter will be apply on this subset." ) self.components['settings']['input_points'] = create_input_modal( id='points', label="Number of points for plot", tooltip="Set max number of points in feature contribution plots") self.components['settings']['input_features'] = create_input_modal( id='features', label="Number of features to plot", tooltip= "Set max number of features to plot in features importance and local explanation plots.", ) self.components['settings']['input_violin'] = create_input_modal( id='violin', label="Max number of labels for violin plot", tooltip= "Set max number of labels to display a violin plot for feature contribution plot (otherwise a " "scatter plot is displayed).") self.components['settings']['name'] = dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Checklist(options=[{ "label": "Use domain name for features name.", "value": 1 }], value=[], inline=True, id="name", style={"margin-left": "20px"}), dbc.Tooltip( "Replace technical feature names by domain names if exists.", target='name', placement='bottom'), ], row=True, ) self.components['settings']['modal'] = dbc.Modal([ dbc.ModalHeader("Settings"), dbc.ModalBody( dbc.Form([ self.components['settings']['input_rows'], self.components['settings']['input_points'], self.components['settings']['input_features'], self.components['settings']['input_violin'], self.components['settings']['name'] ])), dbc.ModalFooter( dbc.Button("Apply", id="apply", className="ml-auto")), ], id="modal") self.components['menu'] = dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( [ html.H4([ dbc.Badge("Regression", id='regression_badge', style={"margin-right": "5px"}), dbc.Badge("Classification", id='classification_badge') ], style={"margin": "0px"}), ], width="auto", align="center", ), dbc.Col(dbc.Collapse(dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Class to analyse", style={ 'color': 'white', 'margin': '0px 5px' }), dcc.Dropdown(id="select_label", options=[], value=None, clearable=False, searchable=False, style={ "verticalAlign": "middle", "zIndex": '1010', "min-width": '200px' }) ], row=True, style={ "margin": "0px 0px 0px 5px", "align-items": "center" }), is_open=True, id='select_collapse'), width="auto", align="center", style={'padding': 'none'}), dbc.Col(html.Div([ html.Img(id='settings', title='settings', alt='Settings','settings.png'), height='40px', style={'cursor': 'pointer'}), self.components['settings']['modal'], ]), align="center", width="50px", style={'padding': '0px 0px 0px 20px'}) ], form=True, no_gutters=True, justify="end") self.adjust_menu() self.components['table']['dataset'] = dash_table.DataTable( id='dataset', data=self.round_dataframe.to_dict('records'), tooltip_data=[{ column: { 'value': str(value), 'type': 'text' } for column, value in row.items() } for row in self.dataframe.to_dict('rows')], tooltip_duration=2000, columns=[{ "name": '_index_', "id": '_index_' }, { "name": '_predict_', "id": '_predict_' }] + [{ "name": i, "id": i } for i in self.explainer.x_pred], editable=False, row_deletable=False, style_as_list_view=True, virtualization=True, page_action='none', fixed_rows={ 'headers': True, 'data': 0 }, fixed_columns={ 'headers': True, 'data': 0 }, filter_action='custom', filter_query='', sort_action='custom', sort_mode='multi', sort_by=[], active_cell={ 'row': 0, 'column': 0, 'column_id': '_index_' }, style_table={ 'overflowY': 'auto', 'overflowX': 'auto' }, style_header={'height': '30px'}, style_cell={ 'minWidth': '70px', 'width': '120px', 'maxWidth': '200px', }, ) self.components['graph']['global_feature_importance'] = MyGraph( figure=go.Figure(), id='global_feature_importance') self.components['graph']['feature_selector'] = MyGraph( figure=go.Figure(), id='feature_selector') self.components['graph']['detail_feature'] = MyGraph( figure=go.Figure(), id='detail_feature') self.components['filter']['index'] = dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label("Index ", align="center", width=4), dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="index_id", type="text", bs_size="md", placeholder="Id must exist", debounce=True, persistence=True, style={'textAlign': 'right'}), style={'padding': "0px"}), dbc.Col(html.Img( id='validation', alt='Validate', title='Validate index','reload.png'), height='30px', style={'cursor': 'pointer'}, ), style={'padding': "0px"}, align="center", width="40px") ], row=True) self.components['filter']['threshold'] = dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Threshold", html_for="slider", id='threshold_label'), dcc.Slider( min=0, max=self.max_threshold, value=0, step=0.1, marks={ f'{round(self.max_threshold * mark / 4)}': f'{round(self.max_threshold * mark / 4)}' for mark in range(5) }, id="threshold_id", ) ], className='filter_dashed') self.components['filter']['max_contrib'] = dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Features to display : ", id='max_contrib_label'), dcc.Slider( min=1, max=min(self.settings['features'], len(self.dataframe.columns) - 2), step=1, value=min(self.settings['features'], len(self.dataframe.columns) - 2), id="max_contrib_id", ) ], className='filter_dashed') self.components['filter']['positive_contrib'] = dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Contributions to display : "), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Checklist(options=[{ "label": "Positive", "value": 1 }], value=[1], inline=True, id="check_id_positive"), width=6), dbc.Col(dbc.Checklist(options=[{ "label": "Negative", "value": 1 }], value=[1], inline=True, id="check_id_negative"), width=6, style={'padding': "0px"}, align="center"), ], no_gutters=True, justify="center", form=True) ], className='filter_dashed') self.components['filter']['masked_contrib'] = dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Feature(s) to mask :"), dcc.Dropdown(options=[{ 'label': key, 'value': value } for key, value in sorted( self.explainer.inv_features_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])], value='', multi=True, searchable=True, id="masked_contrib_id"), ], className='filter_dashed')
width=2), dbc.Col(dbc.Button('Modify', color="warning", className="mr-1", id='modify-button', n_clicks=0), width=2), dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Delete", color="danger", className="mr-1", id='delete-button', n_clicks=0), width=2) ], justify="center"), dbc.Tooltip("Create a signal", target="create-button", placement='left'), dbc.Tooltip("Read a signal", target="readit-button", placement='left'), dbc.Tooltip("Modify a signal", target="modify-button", placement='left'), dbc.Tooltip("Delete a signal", target="delete-button", placement='right'), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.Div(id='signalid-output'), width=2), dbc.Col(html.Div(id='description-output', style={'whiteSpace': 'pre-line'}), width=2), dbc.Col(html.Div(id='s3-output', style={'whiteSpace': 'pre-line'}), width=2), ], justify="center"), html.Br(), dbc.Row([
def header(header_text=""): update_dates = update_date() data_processed_operational = update_dates[0] data_updated_operational = update_dates[1] data_process_finance = update_dates[2] data_updated_finance = update_dates[3] date_process_bouwportaal = update_dates[4] date_updated_bouwportaal = update_dates[5] data_update_text_1 = f""" Operationele data (Fiberconnect) is binnengekomen op {data_updated_operational} , en voor het laatst meegenomen in de analyse op {data_processed_operational}. """ data_update_text_2 = f""" Financiele data (BAAN) is binnengekomen op {data_updated_finance}, en voor het laatst meegenomen in de analyse op {data_process_finance}. """ data_update_text_3 = f""" Bouwportaal data is binnengekomen op {date_updated_bouwportaal}, en voor het laats meegenomen in de analyse op {date_process_bouwportaal} """ return html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Img( src=app.get_asset_url("ODH_logo_original.png"), id="DAT-logo", style={ "height": "70px", "width": "auto", "margin-bottom": "15px", "margin-left": "115px", }, ), ], className="one-third column", style={"textAlign": "left"}, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.H3( header_text, style={"margin-bottom": "0px", "margin-left": "75px"}, ), html.P( id="date_update", children=" Data updated", style={"margin-bottom": "0px", "margin-left": "75px"}, className="fa fa-info-circle", ), dbc.Tooltip( children=[ html.P(data_update_text_1), html.Br(), html.P(data_update_text_2), html.Br(), html.P(data_update_text_3) ], id="hover", target="date_update", placement="below", style={"font-size": 12}, ), ], ) ], className="one-third column", id="title", style={"textAlign": "center"}, ), html.Div( [ html.Img( src=app.get_asset_url("vqd.png"), id="vqd-image", style={ "height": "100px", "width": "auto", "margin-bottom": "15px", "margin-right": "0px", }, ) ], className="one-third column", style={"textAlign": "right"}, ), ], id="header", className="row", style={"margin-bottom": "25px"}, )
def build_cards(dff, metric, model): metric_name = column_translator[metric] #latest data latest_version = dff.model_date.max() #TODO: Maybe add cards for latest versions of LANL and IHME dff_latest = dff[(dff.model_date == latest_version)] proj_latest = dff_latest[metric].max() proj_latest_model = dff_latest['model_name'].unique( )[0] + ' - ' + dff_latest['model_version'].unique()[0] #historical max and mins version_max = dff.groupby(['model_name', 'model_version'])[metric].max() proj_max = np.max(version_max) proj_min = np.min(version_max) #model labels proj_max_model = ' - '.join(version_max.index[np.argmax(version_max)]) proj_min_model = ' - '.join(version_max.index[np.argmin(version_max)]) cards = [ dbc.Col([ dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardHeader([ html.H5(f"Projected Peak - Latest", id='projected-latest-header', className="card-text") ]), #TODO:add dbc.Tooltip to explain what this card means dbc.CardBody([ html.H2(f'{int(proj_latest)}', className='card-text'), html.P(f'{proj_latest_model}', className='card-text'), ]) ], color="info", outline=True), dbc.Tooltip( f"Projected peak value for {column_translator[metric]} for the most recent model included in the selection", target="projected-latest-header", placement='top', offset=0, ), ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardHeader([ html.H5(f"Projected Peak - Maximum", id='projected-max-header', className="card-text") ]), #TODO:add dbc.Tooltip to explain what this card means dbc.CardBody([ html.H2(f'{int(proj_max)}', className='card-text'), html.P(f'{proj_max_model}', className='card-text'), ]) ], color="danger", outline=True), dbc.Tooltip( f"Projected peak value for {column_translator[metric]} for the model with the highest value included in the selection", target="projected-max-header", placement='top', offset=0, ) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardHeader([ html.H5("Projected Peak - Minimum", id='projected-min-header', className="card-text") ]), #TODO:add dbc.Tooltip to explain what this card means dbc.CardBody([ html.H2(f'{int(proj_min)}', className='card-text'), html.P(f'{proj_min_model}', className='card-text'), ]) ], color="success", outline=True), dbc.Tooltip( f"Projected peak value for {column_translator[metric]} for the model with the lowest value included in the selection", target="projected-min-header", placement='top', offset=0, ) ]), ] return cards
def generate_control_card(): """ :return: A Div containing controls for graphs. """ return html.Div( id="control-card", children=[ html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown(id="location-select", options=location_options, placeholder="Store Location", value='Delhi', style={'width': '200px'}), html.Button([ html.I(id='add-location-button', className="fa fa-plus-square fa-3x") ], style={ 'margin': '0', 'padding': '0', 'border': '0' }), html.Div(id='hidden-text-location', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Span(style={'width': '50px'}), dcc.Dropdown(id="country-select", options=country_options, placeholder="Country", value='India', style={'width': '200px'}), ], style=dict(display='flex')), html.Br(), html.B(id="select-timeframe-label", children="Select Time Frame"), html.P(), dcc.DatePickerRange( id="date-picker-select", start_date=dt(default_end_date.year, default_end_date.month,, end_date=dt(default_start_date.year, default_start_date.month,, min_date_allowed=dt(2008, 1, 1), max_date_allowed=dt(default_start_date.year, default_start_date.month,, initial_visible_month=dt(2020, default_start_date.month, 1), ), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.B(id="select-products-label", children="Select Products"), html.P(), dbc.Tooltip( "Choose the products for which you want to compare sentiment-scores" "\nTo add a new product, enter the name and press +", target="select-products-label", style={ 'font-size': 12, 'text-align': 'justify' }), html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown(id="product-select", options=sorted(product_options, key=lambda x: x["label"]), value=products, multi=True, style={'width': '300px'}), html.Button([ html.I(id='add-product-button', className="fa fa-plus-square fa-3x") ], style={ 'margin': '0', 'padding': '0', 'border': '0' }), html.Div(id='hidden-text-product', style={'display': 'none'}), ], style=dict(display='flex')), html.Br(), html.Div([ html.Div([ html.B(id="max-tweets-label", children="Max_tweets"), dbc.Tooltip( "Set limit for max number of tweets to be mined for each product. (More tweets take more time)", target="max-tweets-label", style={ 'font-size': 12, 'text-align': 'justify' }), ]), html.Span(style={'width': '50px'}), html.Div([ dcc.Slider( id='max-tweets-selector', min=0, max=5, step=None, marks={ 0: { 'label': '100' }, 1: { 'label': '500' }, 2: { 'label': '1000' }, 3: { 'label': '2000' }, 4: { 'label': '5000' }, 5: { 'label': 'no_limit' }, }, value=5, ) ], style={'width': 300}), ], style={'display': 'flex'}), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Div(id="query-btn-outer", children=dbc.Button(children="Query", id="query-btn", outline=True, color="primary", style={'width': 100}), style={ 'display': 'flex', 'justify-content': 'center' }), ], )
], width=True, align='center', ) navbar_views = dbc.Col( id='navbar-views-col', children=dbc.Navbar( id='navbar-views', children=[ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.NavLink(id='home-link', children='Home', href='/'), dbc.Tooltip( children='Select image for query', target='home-link', placement='auto-start', style={'font-size': '150%'}, ), ], width='auto'), ], align='stretch', justify='between'), ], color="light", light=True, ), width='auto', align='start') title_block = dbc.Row(
'cursor': 'help', 'width': '85px', 'padding-bottom': '1px', 'margin-bottom': '5px' }, id='target'), dbc.Tooltip(html.Div([ html.Li('Sum of Fitted Peaks: The overall ' 'fitted function for the uploaded TGA ' 'results. The area under this curve is equal to ' 'the sum of the areas of ea' 'ch individual fitted peak.'), html.Li('Fitted Peaks: Shows each fitted peak.'), html.Li('Peak Histogram: Histogram of peak centers.'), ], style={'width': '500px'}), offset=100, placement='bottom-start', autohide=False, target='target', style={ 'font-size': '14px', 'max-width': '1000px', 'text-align': 'left' }), dcc.Dropdown(id='type', options=[ { 'label': 'Sum of Fitted Peaks', 'value': 'sumcurve' },
align='center', ) navbar_views = dbc.Col( id='navbar-views-col', children=dbc.Navbar( id='navbar-views', children=[ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.NavLink( id='view1-link', children='View 1', href='/view1'), dbc.Tooltip( children= 'Detailed view of any individual (Search by human ID)', target='view1-link', placement='auto-start', style={'font-size': '150%'}, ), ], width='auto'), dbc.Col([ dbc.NavLink( id='view2-link', children='View 2', href='/view2'), dbc.Tooltip( children= 'General view of all individual/identities (Search by channel and/or timestamp)', target='view2-link', placement='auto-start', style={'font-size': '150%'}, ),
), ], width=12, lg=6, ) schema_col = dbc.Col( [ html.H2( "Schema", id="schema-h2", className="mt-3" ), dbc.Tooltip( "A schema allows validation of the YAML data " "against specific requirements.", target="schema-h2", placement="left", ), dbc.Textarea( id="schema_text", placeholder="Enter an optional validation schema here...", value=default_schema, rows=20, spellCheck=False, wrap="off", ), dcc.Store( id="schema", storage_type="memory", ), html.Div(
id="modal", size="lg", ), dbc.Alert([ html.H4("Данные о последнем землетрясении", className="alert-heading"), html.Hr(), html.Span(f"Дата и время (GMT +8, Иркутск): {l_date} {l_time}"), html.Br(), html.Span("Координаты: "), html.A(f"{l_lon} {l_lat}", href=f"{l_lon},{l_lat}", target='_blank', id='map_link'), html.Br(), html.Span(f"Магнитуда: {l_m}"), dbc.Tooltip( "Открыть на Google Maps", target="map_link", placement='right') ], color="warning", dismissable=True), html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown', options=[{ 'label': 'Землетрясения за текущий год', 'value': 'current' }, { 'label': 'Последнее землетрясение', 'value': 'latest' }, { 'label': 'Исторические данные', 'value': 'history' }],
def layout(self): return dbc.Card([ make_hideable(dbc.CardHeader([ html.Div([ html.H3(self.title, id='decisionpath-title-' +, make_hideable(html.H6(self.subtitle, className='card-subtitle'), hide=self.hide_subtitle), dbc.Tooltip(self.description, target='decisionpath-title-' +, ]), ]), hide=self.hide_title), dbc.CardBody([ dbc.Row([ make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Label(f"{self.explainer.index_name}:", id='decisionpath-index-label-' +, dbc.Tooltip( f"Select {self.explainer.index_name} to display decision tree for", target='decisionpath-index-label-' +, dcc.Dropdown( id='decisionpath-index-' +, options=[{ 'label': str(idx), 'value': idx } for idx in self.explainer.get_index_list()], value=self.index) ], md=4), hide=self.hide_index), make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Label("Show tree:", id='decisionpath-tree-label-' +, dbc.Tooltip( f"Select decision tree to display decision tree for", target='decisionpath-tree-label-' +, dbc.Select( id='decisionpath-highlight-' +, options=[{ 'label': str(tree), 'value': tree } for tree in range(self.explainer.no_of_trees)], value=self.highlight) ], md=2), hide=self.hide_highlight), make_hideable(dbc.Col([self.selector.layout()], width=2), hide=self.hide_selector), make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Button("Generate Tree Graph", color="primary", id='decisionpath-button-' +, dbc.Tooltip( "Generate visualisation of decision tree. " "Only works if graphviz is properly installed," " and may take a while for large trees.", target='decisionpath-button-' + ], md=2, align="end"), hide=self.hide_button), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dcc.Loading(id="loading-decisionpath-" +, children=html.Img(id="decisionpath-svg-" +, ]), ]), ]), ])
def layout(self): return dbc.Card([ make_hideable(dbc.CardHeader([ html.Div([ html.H3(self.title, id='decisionpath-table-title-' +, make_hideable(html.H6(self.subtitle, className='card-subtitle'), hide=self.hide_subtitle), dbc.Tooltip(self.description, target='decisionpath-table-title-' +, ]), ]), hide=self.hide_title), dbc.CardBody([ dbc.Row([ make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Label( f"{self.explainer.index_name}:", id='decisionpath-table-index-label-' +, dbc.Tooltip( f"Select {self.explainer.index_name} to display decision tree for", target='decisionpath-table-index-label-' +, dcc.Dropdown( id='decisionpath-table-index-' +, options=[{ 'label': str(idx), 'value': idx } for idx in self.explainer.get_index_list()], value=self.index) ], md=4), hide=self.hide_index), make_hideable(dbc.Col([ dbc.Label( "Show tree:", id='decisionpath-table-tree-label-' +, dbc.Tooltip( f"Select decision tree to display decision tree path for", target='decisionpath-table-tree-label-' +, dbc.Select( id='decisionpath-table-highlight-' +, options=[{ 'label': str(tree), 'value': tree } for tree in range(self.explainer.no_of_trees)], value=self.highlight) ], md=2), hide=self.hide_highlight), make_hideable(dbc.Col([self.selector.layout()], md=2), hide=self.hide_selector) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.Div(id="decisionpath-table-" +, ]), ]), ]), ])
# 'maxWidth': '150px', "textAlign": "center", }, style_header={ "backgroundColor": "rgb(20, 20, 20)", "color": "white", "fontWeight": "bold", }, ), dbc.Row( dbc.Button( id="update", n_clicks=0, className="fas fa-save", size="lg" ), justify="center", ), dbc.Tooltip("Enregistrer", target="update", placement="down"), html.Br(), dbc.Row( html.Div( id="import_success", className="text-success", ), justify="center", ), ] ) ], ) tabs = tab_content
html.Span("Ref Agent:", className="badge badge-secondary"), html.Span("", className="badge badge-light", id="ref_ag_lbl") ], className="reminder float-left"), html.Div([ html.Span("Studied Agent:", className="badge badge-secondary"), html.Span("", className="badge badge-light", id="study_ag_lbl") ], className="reminder float-left"), html.Div([ html.Div([ dbc.Button(id="enlarge_left", children="-5", color="dark", className="float-left mr-1"), dbc.Tooltip( 'Enlarge left', target='enlarge_left', placement='bottom'), ]), dcc.Dropdown( id="user_timestamps", className="", style={"width": "200px"}), html.Div([ dbc.Button(id="enlarge_right", children="+5", color="dark", className="float-left ml-1"), dbc.Tooltip('Enlarge right', target='enlarge_right', placement='bottom') ]) ], id="user_timestamp_div", className="col-xl-1"),
block=True), dbc.Collapse( [ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Checklist( options=[{ "label": "Semi-log Plot", "value": False }], value=False, #HACK: notice that this is a boolean id="log-scale-toggle", switch=True, ), dbc.Tooltip( "Plot y-axis using a logarithmic scale (Default: False)", target="log-scale-toggle", placement='right', offset=0, ), ]), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Checklist( options=[{ "label": "Plot Actual Deaths and Cases", "value": True }], value=[True], #HACK: Notice that this is a list id="actual-values-toggle", switch=True, ), dbc.Tooltip( "For metrics with actual historical data (e.g.deaths/confirmed cases), plot actual values as bars and projected values as lines (Default: True)",
dbc.CardFooter( [ html.P( [ "hoeveelheid aan ", html.Span( "communicatie", id="kpi1", style={"textDecoration": "underline", "cursor": "pointer"}, ), " in het netwerk.", ] ), dbc.Tooltip( "Wordt ook wel uitgedrukt in pakketjes. ", target="kpi1", hide_arrow=True, placement='right', ), ] ), ], outline=True, #color='info', ), dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardBody( [ dcc.Graph(figure = create_KPI_2() )
dbc.Button("Upload CSV | Connect DB", id="open-centered", color="success", outline=True, style=pill_button), dbc.Modal( [ dbc.ModalBody([ html.Div([ dbc.Button( children=[ html.Span("Upload A File [CSV or XLSX]", id="tooltip-target"), dbc.Tooltip( "Click to upload the table/file containing Objective data", target="tooltip-target", offset=1000, placement='auto') ], id="collapse-button1", className="mb-3", color="primary", style={'width': "100%"}, ), dbc.Collapse( dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody( dcc.Upload( id='upload-data', children=html.Div([ 'Drag and Drop',
def make_tooltip(token, idx): return dbc.Tooltip( f"Tag: {token.PoS}, Raw: {token.raw}", target=f"tooltip-target-tag-{idx}", placement="top" )
), dbc.Row([ html. A('Click here for the associated article', href= '', target="_blank") ]), dbc.Row([ # Select City dbc.Label("Bundesland", html_for="select-bundesland", id='select-bundesland-label', width=2), dbc.Tooltip( "Select the county to zoom in", target="select-bundesland-label", ), dbc.Col([ dcc.Dropdown(id='select-bundesland', options=BUNDESLAENDER, value='All'), ], width=10) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dcc.Graph(id='infected-graph', figure=fig), ], md=12) ]), html. A('Data taken from the RKI page',
'font-size': '10px' }), href="/eda") ], dark=True, style={ 'width': '100%', 'height': '7rem', 'verticalAlign': 'middle' }) # Breakline breakline = html.Br() upload_dataset_tooltip = html.Div([ dbc.Tooltip("Upload a csv file as the dataset", target="upload-data"), ], ) # Component to take dataset input upload_dataset = dcc.Upload( id='upload-data', children=html.Div( [ upload_dataset_tooltip, breakline, breakline, breakline, breakline, breakline, breakline, breakline, breakline, html.A('Drag and Drop a csv file or ', style={ 'font-size': '20px', 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'align': 'center' }),
def plot(df, hue, y, should_group_by_author, should_group_by_year, is_normalized, filename): global colors if not y: y = 'msg' metric = f' {metrics_dict[y].lower()}' if not is_normalized else f"% de l{'a' if 'words' == y or 'media' == y else 'o'}s {metrics_dict[y].lower()}" rounding = '.2f' if is_normalized else '.2s' hovertemplate = f'%{{y:{rounding}}}{metric}<extra></extra>' if should_group_by_author: x = 'author' if should_group_by_year: hue = f'year_{hue}' if hue else 'year' plotting_df = get_df_for_plotting(df=df, x=x, y=y, hue=hue) else: x = hue if hue else 'year' if should_group_by_year: hue = 'year' else: hue = None plotting_df = get_df_for_plotting(df=df, x=x, y=y, hue=hue) data = [go.Bar( x=plotting_df.index, y=plotting_df[c].values, text=c, textposition='auto', hovertemplate=hovertemplate, name=c, marker_color=colors[index % len(colors)] if should_group_by_author else '#4481e3' ) for index, c in enumerate(plotting_df.columns)] layout = dict( height=700 if not should_group_by_author else 700 + (33 * (len(set(plotting_df.columns)) // 10)), showlegend=x == 'author', hovermode='closest', title=dict( text=(' '.join(filename.split()[:3] + ['<br>'] + filename.split()[3:]) if len(filename.split()) > 3 else filename)[:-4], x=0.5, xanchor='center', font=dict( size=30, family='Rockwell, monospace', color='black', ) ), xaxis=dict( type='category', rangeslider=dict( visible=False ) ), yaxis=dict( color='#7f7f7f', gridcolor='#eaeaea' ), paper_bgcolor='white', plot_bgcolor='white', legend=dict( x=0.5, y=-0.15, orientation='h', xanchor='center', font=dict( size=15 ) ), hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor='white', font=dict( size=16, family='Rockwell' ) ), barnorm='percent' if is_normalized else None ) figure = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return html.Div( className='mx-3', children=[ dcc.Graph( id='whatsapp-info', figure=figure ), html.Div( children=[ 'Podés filtrar por autor/a! ', dbc.Tooltip( children='Haciendo click en cada uno de los nombres podés agregarlos o quitarlos. Haciendo doble click en uno, podés quedarte únicamente con ese.', target='author_filter_instructions', ), html.Sup(id='author_filter_instructions', children='(?)')] if should_group_by_author else '', className='text-center mx-auto', style={'fontSize': 25} ), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Br(), ] )
def title_nav_layout(current_page): default_icon_color = 'rgb(220, 220, 220)' selected = 'rgb(100, 217, 236)' pages = [ '/', '/pages/home', '/pages/insights', '/pages/performance', '/pages/importer', '/pages/power', '/pages/settings', '/pages/achievements', '/pages/lifting' ] page_colors = {} for page in pages: page_colors[page] = default_icon_color page_colors[current_page] = selected home_color = selected if page_colors[ '/pages/home'] == selected or page_colors[ '/'] == selected else default_icon_color # Generate notifications and pass length to badge if greater than 0 notifications = get_notifications() notification_style = { 'display': 'none' } if len(notifications) == 0 else { 'color': orange, 'fontSize': '3rem', 'paddingLeft': '1%', 'paddingRight': '0', 'border': 0 } return ( html.Div( className='twelve columns', style={'backgroundColor': "rgb(48, 48, 48)"}, children=[ dcc.Link(html.A('', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'fontSize': '6rem', 'textDecoration': 'none', 'color': default_icon_color }), style={'textDecoration': 'none'}, href='/'), dcc.Link(html.I(id='home-button', n_clicks=0, className='fa fa-home', style={ 'color': home_color, 'fontSize': '3rem', 'paddingLeft': '1%' }), href='/pages/home'), dbc.Tooltip('Home', target="home-button", className='tooltip'), dcc.Link(html.I(id='performance-button', n_clicks=0, className='icon fa fa-seedling', style={ 'color': page_colors['/pages/performance'], 'fontSize': '3rem', 'paddingLeft': '1%' }), href='/pages/performance'), dbc.Tooltip('Performance Management', target="performance-button", className='tooltip'), dcc.Link(html.I(id='power-button', n_clicks=0, className='fa fa-bolt', style={ 'color': page_colors['/pages/power'], 'fontSize': '3rem', 'paddingLeft': '1%' }), href='/pages/power'), dbc.Tooltip('Power Analysis', target="power-button", className='tooltip'), dcc.Link(html.I(id='lifting-button', n_clicks=0, className='fa fa-weight-hanging', style={ 'color': page_colors['/pages/lifting'], 'fontSize': '3rem', 'paddingLeft': '1%' }), href='/pages/lifting'), dbc.Tooltip('Weight Training', target="lifting-button", className='tooltip'), dcc.Link(html.I(id='settings-button', n_clicks=0, className='fa fa-sliders-h', style={ 'color': page_colors['/pages/settings'], 'fontSize': '3rem', 'paddingLeft': '1%' }), href='/pages/settings'), dbc.Tooltip('Settings', target="settings-button", className='tooltip'), ## Alerts html.Button(id='notification-button', n_clicks=0, className='fa fa-bell', style=notification_style, children=[ dbc.Badge(id='notification-badge', color="light", className="ml-1", style={ 'fontSize': '1.5rem', 'verticalAlign': 'top' }, children=[len(notifications)]), ]), dbc.Tooltip('Notifications', target="notification-button", className='tooltip'), ]), html.Div( className='twelve columns', style={'backgroundColor': "rgb(48, 48, 48)"}, children=[ # dcc.Loading(id='loading-last-refreshed-label', # style={'backgroundColor': "rgb(48, 48, 48)"}, children=[ html.Div(id='last-refreshed-label', style={'backgroundColor': "rgb(48, 48, 48)"}, children=[ 'Last Refreshed: {}'.format( datetime.strftime( utc_to_local(latest_refresh()), "%b %d, %Y %I:%M%p")) ]) # ]), ]), dbc.Modal(id="notifications", centered=True, autoFocus=True, fade=False, backdrop=True, size='sm', children=[ dbc.ModalHeader("Notifications"), dbc.ModalBody(get_notifications()), dbc.ModalFooter( dbc.Button("Close", id="close-notification-button", className="ml-auto")), ]))
def make_data_modal(df=None, filter_data=None, suff=""): """ Return modal with dash.datatable of current selection """ log("Make_data_modal") max_records = 100000 # Only allow downloads up to limit max_rows = 10000 # Only show first N rows in data_table if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame() outfields = [] else: outfields = [ 'Departure', 'Return', 'Departure station', 'Return station', 'Membership Type', 'Covered distance (m)', 'Duration (sec.)' ] if type(filter_data) != dict: try: filter_data = json.loads(filter_data) except: filter_data = None if len(df) > max_records: tooltip = dbc.Tooltip( "Your selection is too large to download. Try a smaller date range.", target=f"download-data-button{suff}") else: tooltip = dbc.Tooltip("Download the records for the selected trips", target=f"download-data-button{suff}") if len(df) > max_rows: warning_txt = "Your selection produced too many results and may be truncated" else: warning_txt = "" button = html.A(id=f"download-data-button{suff}", className="btn btn-primary", href="#", children=[ html.Span(className="fa fa-download"), " Download CSV", ]) if filter_data is not None: direction = filter_data['direction'] stations = "All" if filter_data['stations'] is None else ", ".join( filter_data['stations']) if stations != "All": if direction == 'start': stations = f"Trips starting at {stations}" elif direction == 'end': stations = f"Trips ending at {stations}" elif direction == 'both': stations = f"Trips starting or ending at {stations}" if (filter_data['cats'] is None) or (len(set(filter_data['cats'])) >= len(set(memtypes))): cats = "All" else: cats = ", ".join(filter_data['cats']) date = ' ' if filter_data['date'] is None else filter_data['date'] if len(date) == 2: date = f"{date[0]} to {date[1]}" row1 = html.Tr([html.Th("Dates"), html.Td(date)]) row2 = html.Tr([html.Th("Membership Types"), html.Td(cats)]) row3 = html.Tr([html.Th("Stations"), html.Td(stations)]) table_body = [html.Tbody([row1, row2, row3])] table = dbc.Table(table_body, bordered=True, size='sm') else: table = dbc.Table() modal = dbc.Modal( [ dbc.ModalHeader("Raw Data"), dbc.ModalBody(children=[ html.Span(warning_txt), table, dash_table.DataTable( id=f'data-table{suff}', columns=[{ "name": i, "id": i } for i in outfields], data=df.head(max_rows)[outfields].to_dict('records'), style_table={ 'overflowX': 'scroll', 'maxHeight': '300px' }, ) ]), tooltip, dbc.ModalFooter(button), ], id=f"data-modal{suff}", size="xl", ) log("make_data_modal finished") return modal
), html.Br(), html.Br(), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ html.Center( [ html.H2("Yield per Variety"), ], id="tooltip-ypv" ), dbc.Tooltip( "The following graph allows you to observe the total yield for the selected year(s), for each variety.", target="tooltip-ypv", ), html.Iframe( sandbox='allow-scripts', id='plot1', height='500', width='500', style={'border-width': '0'}, ), ], md=6, ), dbc.Col( [ html.Center( [
def make_date_modal(suff=""): fdata = filter_data if suff == "" else filter_data2 output = dbc.Modal( size='md', id=f'date-modal{suff}', children=[ #dbc.ModalHeader("Explore trip data"), dbc.ModalBody([ html.Div(id=f"filter-meta-div{suff}", children=fdata, className='d-none'), dbc.Row( className='pb-2', children=[ dbc.Col(width=12, className='m-2 px-2 pt-2', children=html.H3("Select a date range")), dbc.Col( width=12, className='m-2 p-2', children=[ dcc.DatePickerRange( id=f'datepicker{suff}', min_date_allowed=startdate, max_date_allowed=enddate, #initial_visible_month = '2018-01-01', display_format='YYYY-MM-DD', start_date=startdate_iso, end_date=enddate_iso, #end_date_placeholder_text="(Optional)", minimum_nights=0, clearable=True, ), ]), dbc.Col(width=10, className='m-2 px-2 pt-2 border-top', children=html.H3("Filter by membership type")), dbc.Col(width=6, children=[ dbc.Checklist( id=f'checklist-member-header{suff}', options=[{ 'label': 'Member', 'value': 'Member' }], value=['Member']), dbc.Checklist( id=f'checklist-member{suff}', className="checklist-faded-custom", options=[{ 'label': memtype, 'value': memtype } for memtype in memtypes_member], value=memtypes_member, labelStyle={'color': c_gray_600}, ), ]), dbc.Col(width=6, className='border-left', children=[ dbc.Checklist( id=f'checklist-casual-header{suff}', options=[{ 'label': 'Casual', 'value': 'Casual' }], value=['Casual']), dbc.Checklist( id=f'checklist-casual{suff}', className="checklist-faded-custom", options=[{ 'label': memtype, 'value': memtype } for memtype in memtypes_casual], value=memtypes_casual, labelStyle={'color': c_gray_600}, ), ]), ]), dbc.Tooltip( "Pick a date or select a range of days to see details.", target=f"go-button{suff}"), dbc.Button("Go ", id=f'go-button{suff}', color="primary", disabled=True, outline=False, block=True), ]) ]) return output
html.P( "With various merged data types e.g. CSV, XLSX, JSON, from multiple trustable sources such as US Census, US government,, etc." ), html.P(dbc.Button("", color="primary"), className="lead"), ], width={"size": 5, "order": 2}, lg=5, md=5, xs=12), dbc.Col([ html.Div( html.Img(src="/assets/virus.jpg", style={'height': '', 'width': '100%', }, id="the_id")), dbc.Tooltip( "The state is still clearing a backlog of coronavirus cases. DSHS added 550 backlogged cases to Wednesday's state total on August 19, 2020." "", target="the_id", ), ], width={"size": 7, "order": 1}, lg=7, md=7, xs=12,) ] )] ), html.Hr(), dbc.Row( [dbc.Col([ html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id='map', figure=fig
className="twelve columns app-background", ), html.Div( [ slicer1.graph, slicer1.slider, html.H6( [ html.Span( "1 - Slide to find the occlusion and draw a path around its contour ❓", id="tooltip-target-1", ), ] ), dbc.Tooltip( "Draw a rough path which encloses the occlusion at all heights", target="tooltip-target-1", ), *slicer1.stores, ], className="app-background", ), html.Div( [ slicer2.graph, slicer2.slider, html.H6( [ html.Span( "2 - Draw a rectangle to determine the min and max height of the occlusion ❓", id="tooltip-target-2", ),
className="config-label"), html.Td( html.Div([ daq.DarkThemeProvider( daq.BooleanSwitch( on=True, color='#00cc96', id='gpu-toggle', )), dbc.Tooltip( "Caution: Using CPU compute for more than 50 million points is not recommended.", target='gpu-toggle', placement='bottom', hide_arrow=True, style={ "textAlign": "left", "font-size": '15px', "color": "white", "width": '350px', "padding": '15px', "border-radius": '5px', "background-color": "#2a2a2e" }) ])), html.Td(html.Div("Color by"), className="config-label"), html.Td(dcc.Dropdown( id='colorscale-dropdown', options=[ { 'label': 'Total Count by Viridis Color Scale',