drc.Card([ html.H4('Setup', id='card-title'), drc.NamedInlineCheckboxes( name="Features", short="config-options", options=[ { 'label': 'Forgiveness', 'value': 'forg' }, { 'label': 'Rulers\' Corruption', 'value': 'adapt_rul' }, # FIXME: 3 states { 'label': 'Reformation', 'value': 'reform' }, ], vals=['forg', 'adapt_rul', 'reform']), drc.NamedSlider( name="Initial Allocation Unfairness", id='slider-u', marks={i / 10: i / 10 for i in range(10)}, min=0, max=1, value=UInit, step=0.01, updatemode='drag', vertical=False), drc.NamedSlider( name="Initial Non-Compliance", id='slider-pcheat', marks={i / 10: i / 10 for i in range(10)}, min=0.01, max=1, value=PCheatInit, step=0.01, updatemode='drag'), html.Button('Run Simulation', id='button-run', style={ 'margin-right': '10px', 'margin-top': '5px' }), html.Button('Pause', id='button-pause', style={'margin-top': '5px'}) ]),
def serve_layout(): # Generates a session ID session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Post the image to the right key, inside the bucket named after the # session ID #store_image_string(utils.IMAGE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER, session_id) # App Layout return html.Div( id="root", children=[ # Session ID #html.Div(session_id, id="session-id"), # Main body html.Div( id="app-container", className="row", children=[ # Banner display html.Div( id="banner", children=[ html.Img(id="logo", src=app.get_asset_url("Bigapps.png")), html.H2("Image Processing App", id="title"), ], ), html.Div(children=[ html.Div(className="seven columns", children=[ html.Label('Images', style={'marginRight': 50}), html.Div( id="image", children=[ html.Div( id="div-interactive-image", ), ], ) ]), html.Div(children=[ html.Label('Text', style={'marginRight': 60}), dcc.Textarea( id='textarea', #maxLength='50%', placeholder='Text output...', style={ 'width': '40%', 'height': '100%', 'backgroundColor': '#272a31', 'color': '#fff', 'min-width': '50px', 'max-width': '100%', 'min-height': '500px' }) ]) ]), ], ), # Sidebar html.Div( id="sidebar", children=[ drc.Card([ dcc.Upload( id="upload-image", children=[ "Drag and Drop or ", html.A(children="Select an Image"), ], # No CSS alternative here style={ "color": "darkgray", "width": "100%", "height": "50px", "lineHeight": "50px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderStyle": "dashed", "borderRadius": "5px", "borderColor": "darkgray", "textAlign": "center", "padding": "2rem 0", "margin-bottom": "2rem", }, multiple=True, accept="image/*", ), ]), html.Div([ html.Label('TTC'), dcc.Input(id='TTC', value='', type='text'), html.Label('Date de la dépense'), dcc.Input(id='DATE', type='text'), html.Label('Adress'), dcc.Input(id='ADRESS', value='', type='text'), html.Label('Marchand'), dcc.Input(id='Marchand', value='', type='text') ]) ], ), ], )
def serve_layout(): # Generates a session ID session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Post the image to the right key, inside the bucket named after the # session ID store_image_string(utils.IMAGE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER, session_id) # App Layout return html.Div( id="root", children=[ # Session ID html.Div(session_id, id="session-id"), # Main body html.Div( id="app-container", children=[ # Banner display html.Div( id="banner", children=[ html.H2("Image Processing And Visualization App", id="title"), ], ), html.Div( id="image", children=[ # The Interactive Image Div contains the dcc Graph # showing the image, as well as the hidden div storing # the true image html.Div( id="div-interactive-image", children=[ utils.GRAPH_PLACEHOLDER, html.Div( id="div-storage", children=utils.STORAGE_PLACEHOLDER, ), ], ) ], ), ], ), # Sidebar html.Div( id="sidebar", children=[ drc.Card([ dcc.Upload( id="upload-image", children=[ "Drag and Drop or ", html.A(children="Select an Image"), ], # No CSS alternative here style={ "color": "darkgray", "width": "100%", "height": "50px", "lineHeight": "50px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderStyle": "dashed", "borderRadius": "5px", "borderColor": "darkgray", "textAlign": "center", "padding": "2rem 0", "margin-bottom": "2rem", }, accept="image/*", ), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name="Selection Mode", short="selection-mode", options=[ { "label": " Rectangular", "value": "select" }, { "label": " Lasso", "value": "lasso" }, ], val="select", ), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name="Image Display Format", short="encoding-format", options=[ { "label": " JPEG", "value": "jpeg" }, { "label": " PNG", "value": "png" }, ], val="jpeg", ), ]), drc.Card([ drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-filters", options=[ { "label": "Blur", "value": "blur" }, { "label": "Contour", "value": "contour" }, { "label": "Detail", "value": "detail" }, { "label": "Enhance Edge", "value": "edge_enhance" }, { "label": "Enhance Edge (More)", "value": "edge_enhance_more", }, { "label": "Emboss", "value": "emboss" }, { "label": "Find Edges", "value": "find_edges" }, { "label": "Sharpen", "value": "sharpen" }, { "label": "Smooth", "value": "smooth" }, { "label": "Smooth (More)", "value": "smooth_more" }, ], searchable=False, placeholder="Basic Filter...", ), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-enhance", options=[ { "label": "Brightness", "value": "brightness" }, { "label": "Color Balance", "value": "color" }, { "label": "Contrast", "value": "contrast" }, { "label": "Sharpness", "value": "sharpness" }, ], searchable=False, placeholder="Enhance...", ), html.Div( id="div-enhancement-factor", children=[ f"Enhancement Factor:", html.Div(children=dcc.Slider( id="slider-enhancement-factor", min=0, max=2, step=0.1, value=1, updatemode="drag", )), ], ), html.Div( id="button-group", children=[ html.Button("Run Operation", id="button-run-operation"), html.Button("Undo", id="button-undo"), ], ), ]), dcc.Graph( id="graph-histogram-colors", figure={ "layout": { "paper_bgcolor": "#272a31", "plot_bgcolor": "#272a31", } }, config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), ], ), ], )
def serve_layout(): # Generates a session ID session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Post the image to the right key, inside the bucket named after the # session ID res = store_image_string(IMAGE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER, session_id) print(res) # App Layout return html.Div([ # Session ID html.Div(session_id, id='session-id', style={'display': 'none'}), # Banner display html.Div([ html.H2( 'Image Processing App', id='title' ), html.Img( src="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/plotly-tutorials/logo/new-branding/dash-logo-by-plotly-stripe-inverted.png" ) ], className="banner" ), # Body html.Div(className="container", children=[ html.Div(className='row', children=[ html.Div(className='five columns', children=[ drc.Card([ dcc.Upload( id='upload-image', children=[ 'Drag and Drop or ', html.A('Select an Image') ], style={ 'width': '100%', 'height': '50px', 'lineHeight': '50px', 'borderWidth': '1px', 'borderStyle': 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '5px', 'textAlign': 'center' }, accept='image/*' ), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name='Selection Mode', short='selection-mode', options=[ {'label': ' Rectangular', 'value': 'select'}, {'label': ' Lasso', 'value': 'lasso'} ], val='select' ), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name='Image Display Format', short='encoding-format', options=[ {'label': ' JPEG', 'value': 'jpeg'}, {'label': ' PNG', 'value': 'png'} ], val='jpeg' ), ]), drc.Card([ drc.CustomDropdown( id='dropdown-filters', options=[ {'label': 'Blur', 'value': 'blur'}, {'label': 'Contour', 'value': 'contour'}, {'label': 'Detail', 'value': 'detail'}, {'label': 'Enhance Edge', 'value': 'edge_enhance'}, {'label': 'Enhance Edge (More)', 'value': 'edge_enhance_more'}, {'label': 'Emboss', 'value': 'emboss'}, {'label': 'Find Edges', 'value': 'find_edges'}, {'label': 'Sharpen', 'value': 'sharpen'}, {'label': 'Smooth', 'value': 'smooth'}, {'label': 'Smooth (More)', 'value': 'smooth_more'} ], searchable=False, placeholder='Basic Filter...' ), drc.CustomDropdown( id='dropdown-enhance', options=[ {'label': 'Brightness', 'value': 'brightness'}, {'label': 'Color Balance', 'value': 'color'}, {'label': 'Contrast', 'value': 'contrast'}, {'label': 'Sharpness', 'value': 'sharpness'} ], searchable=False, placeholder='Enhance...' ), html.Div( id='div-enhancement-factor', style={ 'display': 'none', 'margin': '25px 5px 30px 0px' }, children=[ f"Enhancement Factor:", html.Div( style={'margin-left': '5px'}, children=dcc.Slider( id='slider-enhancement-factor', min=0, max=2, step=0.1, value=1, updatemode='drag' ) ) ] ), html.Button( 'Run Operation', id='button-run-operation', style={'margin-right': '10px', 'margin-top': '5px'} ), html.Button( 'Undo', id='button-undo', style={'margin-top': '5px'} ) ]), dcc.Graph(id='graph-histogram-colors', config={'displayModeBar': False}) ]), html.Div( className='seven columns', style={'float': 'right'}, children=[ # The Interactive Image Div contains the dcc Graph # showing the image, as well as the hidden div storing # the true image html.Div(id='div-interactive-image', children=[ GRAPH_PLACEHOLDER, html.Div( id='div-storage', children=STORAGE_PLACEHOLDER, style={'display': 'none'} ) ]) ] ) ]) ]) ])
html.Div([ # left div html.Div([ drc.Card([ html.H5('Parameters'), "Stock price", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder="enter stock price", type='number', value=100, id='s', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), "Strike price", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder="enter strike price", type='number', value=70, id='k', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), "Volatility (%)", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder="enter volatiltiy", type='number', value=20, id='vol', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), "Risk free rate (%)", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder='enter rsik free rate', type='number', value=1, id='r', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), "Time to maturity (year)", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder='enter time to maturity', type='number', value=1, id='T', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), "Number of period for Binomial Model", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder='enter simulation period', type='number', value=100, id='n_period_binomial', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), "Number of path for Monte Carlo simulation", html.Br(), dcc.Input(placeholder='enter simulation period', type='number', value=10000, id='n_period_monte_carlo', style={'width': '100%'}), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.P(['(Ignore dividend payment)']) ]) ], style={'flex': 1.5, 'vertical-align': 'middle'}), # middle div
def serve_layout(): # Generates a session ID session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Post the image to the right key, inside the bucket named after the # session ID store_image_string(utils.IMAGE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER, session_id) # App Layout return html.Div( id="root", children=[ # Session ID html.Div(session_id, id="session-id"), # Main body html.Div( id="app-container", children=[ # Banner display html.Div( id="banner", children=[ html.Img( id="logo", src=app.get_asset_url("Camera_photo.svg")), html.H2("Neural Style Transfert", id="title"), ], ), html.Div( id="div-image", children=[ # The Interactive Image Div contains the dcc Graph # showing the image, as well as the hidden div storing # the true image # utils.GRAPH_PLACEHOLDER, html.Img( id="image", # src=app.get_asset_url("default.jpg") src=utils.IMAGE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER), html.Div( id="div-storage", children=utils.STORAGE_PLACEHOLDER, ), ], ), ], ), # Sidebar html.Div( id="sidebar", children=[ drc.Card([ dcc.Upload( id="upload-image", children=[ "Drag and Drop or ", html.A(children="Select an Image"), ], # No CSS alternative here style={ "color": "darkgray", "width": "100%", "height": "50px", "lineHeight": "50px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderStyle": "dashed", "borderRadius": "5px", "borderColor": "darkgray", "textAlign": "center", "padding": "2rem 0", "margin-bottom": "2rem", }, accept="image/*", ) # drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( # name="Selection Mode", # short="selection-mode", # options=[ # {"label": " Rectangular", "value": "select"}, # {"label": " Lasso", "value": "lasso"}, # ], # val="select", # ), # drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( # name="Image Display Format", # short="encoding-format", # options=[ # {"label": " JPEG", "value": "jpeg"}, # {"label": " PNG", "value": "png"}, # ], # val="jpeg", # ), ]), drc.Card([ drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-style", options=[{ "label": "La Muse", "value": "la_muse" }, { "label": "The Scream", "value": "the_scream" }, { "label": "Udnie", "value": "udnie" }, { "label": "Wave", "value": "wave" }], searchable=False, placeholder="Style...", ), html.Div( id="div-style-weight", children=[ "Style Weight:", html.Div(children=dcc.Slider( id="slider-style-weight", min=1, max=3, step=1, value=2, # updatemode="drag", )), ], ), html.Div( id="button-group", children=[ html.Button("Apply Style", id="button-apply-style", n_clicks=0) ], ), ]) ], ), ], )
#Columns html.Div([ drc.Card([ drc.NamedRadioItems( name='Data Type', id='data-type-radio', options=localDB.dataTypeDict, value=localDB.dataTypeDict[2]['value'], ), drc.NamedDropdown( name='Sources (max 5)', id='dataset-dropdown', options=localDB.buildingsDict, clearable=False, searchable=True, multi=True, ), drc.NamedRadioItems( name='Interval', id='data-interval-radio', options=localDB.intervalOptions, value=localDB.intervalOptions[2]['value'], ), html.Button('Update', id='update-button'), html.A('Download Data', id='download-link', href='', style={'display': 'block'}) ]) ], className="one-third column"),
def getTuttPage(): (graph, text) = getTuttGraph() string1, string2 = text return html.Div( [ html.Div( className="banner", children=[ # Change App Name here html.Div( className='container scalable', children=[ # Change App Name here html.Img( src= "https://www.coloradocollege.edu/offices/sustainability/resources/CC_OOS_WhitePlain_Diagonal.png", style={ 'max-width': '30%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'left', }, ), html.H1('Carbon Snapshot', style={ 'text-decoration': 'none', 'color': 'inherit', 'max-width': '50%', 'margin': 'auto', 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'right' }), ], style={'margin': '20px'}), ]), html.Div( [ #Columns html.Div([ drc.Card([html.H4(string1), html.H4(string2)]), html. H5("For more information visit the Office of Sustainability website at: www.coloradocollege.edu/offices/sustainability" ), html.Img( src= "https://www.coloradocollege.edu/offices/sustainability/resources/OOS_qr_code.png" ), ], className="one-third column", style={'max-height': '75%'}), html.Div([ drc.Card(id='graph_card', children=html.Div(children=[graph])), ], className="two-thirds column", style={'max-height': '75%'}), ], className="row") ], style={ 'margin': '5%', 'width': '1610px', 'height': '907px' })
def serve_layout(): # Generates a session ID session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Post the image to the right key, inside the bucket named after the # session ID store_image_string(utils.IMAGE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER, session_id) # App Layout return html.Div( id="root", children=[ # Session ID html.Div(session_id, id="session-id"), # Main body html.Div( id="app-container", children=[ # Banner display html.Div( id="banner", children=[ html.Img( id="logo", src=app.get_asset_url("logo_infinity.png")), html.H2("Infinity.AI", id="title"),],), html.Div( id="image", children=[ # The Interactive Image Div contains the dcc Graph # showing the image, as well as the hidden div storing # the true image html.Div( id="div-interactive-image", children= [ utils.GRAPH_PLACEHOLDER, html.Div(id="div-storage",children=utils.STORAGE_PLACEHOLDER,),],) ],), ],), # Sidebar html.Div( id="sidebar", children=[ drc.Card([ dcc.Upload( id="upload-image", children=[ "Drag and Drop or ", html.A(children="Select a File"),], # No CSS alternative here style={ "color": "darkgray", "width": "100%", "height": "50px", "lineHeight": "50px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderStyle": "dashed", "borderRadius": "5px", "borderColor": "darkgray", "textAlign": "center", "padding": "2rem 0", "margin-bottom": "2rem", }, accept="*",), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-filters", options=[ {"label": "Time-Series Forecasting", "value": "time-series"}, {"label": "Classification", "value": "classification"}, {"label": "Regression", "value": "regression"}, {"label": "Topic-Modeling", "value": "topic-modeling"}, ], searchable=False, placeholder="Select Problem",), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-models", options=[ {"label": "ARIMA", "value": "ARIMA"}, {"label": "HoltsWinter", "value": "HoltsWinter"}, {"label": "FbProphet", "value": "FbProphet"}, {"label": "Random Forest", "value": "randomForest"}, {"label": "Neural Network", "value": "neural_network"}, {"label": "LSTM", "value": "LSTM"}, {"label": "XGBoost", "value": "xgBoost"}, {"label": "SVM", "value": "svm"}, {"label": "Linear Regression", "value": "lin_reg"}, {"label": "Ridge Regression", "value": "ridge_reg"}, {"label": "Lasso Regression", "value": "lasso_reg"}, {"label": "ElasticNet Regression", "value": "elasticnet_reg"}, {"label": "GARCH", "value": "garch"}, {"label": "TBATS", "value": "tbats"}, {"label": "Croston", "value": "croston"}, ], searchable=False, multi=True, placeholder="Select Models",), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-terms", options=[ {"label": "4 Weeks", "value": 4}, {"label": "8 Weeks", "value": 8}, {"label": "12 Weeks", "value": 12}, {"label": "26 Week", "value": 26}, {"label": "52 Weeks", "value": 52}, ], searchable=False, multi=True, placeholder="Select Forecast Term",), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-ensemble", options=[ {"label": "Yes", "value": True}, {"label": "No", "value": False}, ], searchable=False, placeholder="Select Ensemble",), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-cross_validation", options=[ {"label": "K-Fold", "value": "KFold"}, {"label": "Leave One Out", "value": 'LeaveOneOut'}, {"label": "train-val-holdout", "value": 'train_val_holdout'}, {"label": "Leave P Out", "value": 'LeavePOut'}, ], searchable=False, placeholder="Select Cross-Validation",), drc.CustomDropdown( id="dropdown-fold_split", options=[ {"label": "3", "value": 3}, {"label": "5", "value": 5}, {"label": "7", "value": 7}, {"label": "10", "value": 10}, {"label": "12", "value": 12}, {"label": "15", "value": 15}, ], searchable=False, multi=True, placeholder="Select Fold Split",), html.Div( id="div-enhancement-factor", children=[ f"Enhancement Factor:", html.Div( children=dcc.Slider( id="slider-enhancement-factor", min=0, max=2, step=0.1, value=1, updatemode="drag",)),],), drc.NamedSlider( name="Train Ratio", id="train_ratio", min=0.5, max=1.0, step=0.1, value=0.6,), drc.NamedSlider( name="Test Ratio", id="test_ratio", min=0.0, max=0.25, step=0.05, value=0.1,), html.Div( id="button-group", children=[ html.Button( "Run Operation", id="button-run-operation"),],), # drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( # name="Select Problem", # short="selection-mode", # options=[ # {"label": " Time-Series", "value": "select"}, # {"label": " Classification", "value": "classification"}, # {"label": " Regression", "value": "regression"}, # ], # val="select", # ), # drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( # name="Image Display Format", # short="encoding-format", # options=[ # {"label": " JPEG", "value": "jpeg"}, # {"label": " PNG", "value": "png"}, # ], # val="jpeg", # ), ]), # drc.Card([ # # drc.NamedInlineInput( # # name="n_steps_ahead", # # short="n_steps_ahead", # # placeholder="13", # # type_input='text', # # val="13",), # ]), # drc.Card([ # drc.CustomDropdown( # id="dropdown-filters", # options=[ # {"label": "Time-Series Forecasting", "value": "time-series"}, # {"label": "Classification", "value": "classification"}, # {"label": "Regression", "value": "regression"}, # {"label": "Topic-Modeling", "value": "topic-modeling"},], # searchable=False, # placeholder="Select Problem...",), # # drc.CustomDropdown( # # id="dropdown-enhance", # # options=[ # # {"label": "Brightness", "value": "brightness"}, # # {"label": "Color Balance", "value": "color"}, # # {"label": "Contrast", "value": "contrast"}, # # {"label": "Sharpness", "value": "sharpness"}, # # ], # # searchable=False, # # placeholder="Enhance...", # # ), # html.Div( # id="div-enhancement-factor", # children=[ f"Enhancement Factor:", # html.Div( # children=dcc.Slider( # id="slider-enhancement-factor", # min=0, # max=2, # step=0.1, # value=1, # updatemode="drag",)),],), # html.Div( # id="button-group", # children=[ # html.Button( "Run Operation", id="button-run-operation"),],), # ] # ), dcc.Graph( id="graph-histogram-colors", figure={ "layout": { "paper_bgcolor": "#272a31", "plot_bgcolor": "#272a31",}}, config={"displayModeBar": False},), ], ), ], )
import dash_reusable_components as drc from .constants import LABEL_ELEMENT_TYPES, LABEL_ELEMENT_TYPES_ALL, ELEMENTS user_interface = html.Div( style={ "height": "calc(100vh - 90px)", "overflow-y": "auto", "overflow-x": "hidden", }, children=[ drc.SectionTitle(title="Elements", size=3, color="white"), drc.Card([ drc.NamedDropdown( name="Select an element list", id="dropdown-select-element-list", options=drc.DropdownOptionsList(*ELEMENTS.keys()), value="Basic", clearable=False, ) ]), drc.SectionTitle(title="Layout", size=3, color="white"), drc.NamedCard( title="Layout", size=4, children=[ drc.NamedDropdown( name="Layout", id="dropdown-layout", options=drc.DropdownOptionsList( "null", "random",
def new_layout(): return html.Div( [ # Banner display # html.Div([ # html.H2( # 'More details', # id='title', # ), # # html.Img( # # src="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/plotly-tutorials/logo/new-branding/dash-logo-by-plotly-stripe-inverted.png" # # ) # # ], # className="banner", style={'textAlign': 'center'} # ), # Body html.Div( className="container", children=[ html.Div( className='row', children=[ html.Div( # className='three columns', children=[ html.Div( [ drc.Card([ # Next and previous buttons html.Div( [ # html.Button('<--', id='prev-page', n_clicks_timestamp=0), # html.Button('-->', id='next-page', n_clicks_timestamp=0), html. A('Download Data', id='download-link', download="test.csv", href="", target="_blank") ], # className='two columns', style={"border": "2px black solid"} ) # Is there a table on the page , html.Div( [ html.Div( html. H6("Is there a table on this page?" ) ), # Text for asking question html.Div( dcc.RadioItems( id= "is-table-present", options=[ { 'label': 'Yes', 'value': 'Y' }, { 'label': 'No', 'value': 'N' }, ], value='N', # labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block'} ) ), # The radio button html.Div( html.Button( "Save table presence input!", id= "button-table-presence", # style=dict( # width='50%', # display='table-cell',) ) ), # button to save the input ], # className='three columns', style={"border": "2px black solid"} ), ]), drc.Card([ html.Div( id= 'dummy-for-istablepresent-save' ), # html.Div([ html.Div( [ html.Button( 'Save this snapshot', id='btn-1', n_clicks_timestamp =0 # style=dict( # width='50%', # display='table-cell', ) ), html.Div( id= 'container-button-timestamp' ) ], # className='six columns' ), html.Div([ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Br(), ]), html.Pre(id='console'), ]), ]), ], style={ 'width': '50%', 'display': 'inline-block' # 'width': '300%' }), html.Div( # className='three columns', style={ 'width': '50%', 'display': 'inline-block' # 'width' : '600%' }, children=[ html.Div( id='img', children=InteractiveImage( 'test/0.jpg'), # className='six columns' ) ]), ]) ]) ]) ], style={'display': 'inline-block'})
]) ]) ]) ], style={'display': 'inline-block'}) app.layout = html.Div( [ html.Div([html.H1("Image Label Tool ".format(CURRENT_IMAGE_PATH))], style={'textAlign': 'center'}), drc.Card([ html.Div(children=img_div, style={ 'overflowY': 'scroll', 'height': 100, 'border': '3px', 'display': 'inline-block' }) ]), html.Div(id="selected-image"), # html.Div(id="analysis-chart" , children=[new_layout()]) ], style={ 'width': '100%', 'display': 'inline-block' }) # if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=True)
drc.Card([ dcc.Upload(id='upload-image', children=[ 'Drag and Drop or ', html.A('Select an Image') ], style={ 'width': '100%', 'height': '50px', 'lineHeight': '50px', 'borderWidth': '1px', 'borderStyle': 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '5px', 'textAlign': 'center' }, accept='image/*'), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name='Selection Mode', short='selection-mode', options=[{ 'label': 'Rectangular', 'value': 'select' }, { 'label': 'Lasso', 'value': 'lasso' }], val='select'), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name='Image Encoding Format', short='encoding-format', options=[{ 'label': 'JPEG', 'value': 'jpeg' }, { 'label': 'PNG', 'value': 'png' }], val='jpeg'), ]),
def serve_layout(): # Generates a session ID session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # App Layout return html.Div( style={'background-color': plot_style['plot_bgcolor']}, children=[ # Session ID html.Div(session_id, id='session-id', style={'display': 'none'}), # Banner display html.Div([ html.H2('Image Processing App', id='title'), ], className="banner"), # Body html.Div( className="container", style={'background-color': plot_style['plot_bgcolor']}, children=[ html.Div( className='row', children=[ html.Div( className='five columns', children=[ drc.Card([ dcc.Upload( id='upload-image', children=[ 'Drag and Drop or ', html.A('Select an Image') ], style={ 'width': '100%', 'height': '50px', 'lineHeight': '50px', 'borderWidth': '1px', 'borderStyle': 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '5px', 'textAlign': 'center' }, accept='image/*'), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name='Selection Mode', short='selection-mode', options=[{ 'label': ' Rectangular', 'value': 'select' }, { 'label': ' Lasso', 'value': 'lasso' }], val='select'), drc.NamedInlineRadioItems( name='Image Display Format', short='encoding-format', options=[{ 'label': ' JPEG', 'value': 'jpeg' }, { 'label': ' PNG', 'value': 'png' }], val='jpeg'), ]), drc.Card([ drc.CustomDropdown( id='dropdown-filters', options=[{ 'label': 'Blur', 'value': 'blur' }, { 'label': 'Contour', 'value': 'contour' }, { 'label': 'Detail', 'value': 'detail' }, { 'label': 'Enhance Edge', 'value': 'edge_enhance' }, { 'label': 'Enhance Edge (More)', 'value': 'edge_enhance_more' }, { 'label': 'Emboss', 'value': 'emboss' }, { 'label': 'Find Edges', 'value': 'find_edges' }, { 'label': 'Sharpen', 'value': 'sharpen' }, { 'label': 'Smooth', 'value': 'smooth' }, { 'label': 'Smooth (More)', 'value': 'smooth_more' }], searchable=False, placeholder='Basic Filter...'), drc.CustomDropdown( id='dropdown-enhance', options=[{ 'label': 'Brightness', 'value': 'brightness' }, { 'label': 'Color Balance', 'value': 'color' }, { 'label': 'Contrast', 'value': 'contrast' }, { 'label': 'Sharpness', 'value': 'sharpness' }], searchable=False, placeholder='Enhance...'), html.Div( id='div-enhancement-factor', style={ 'display': 'none', 'margin': '25px 5px 30px 0px' }, children=[ f"Enhancement Factor:", html.Div( style= {'margin-left': '5px'}, children= dcc. Slider( id= 'slider-enhancement-factor', min=0, max=2, step=0.1, value=1, updatemode='drag')) ]), html.Button('Run Operation', id='button-run-operation', style={ 'margin-right': '10px', 'margin-top': '5px' }), html.Button( 'Undo', id='button-undo', style={'margin-top': '5px'}) ]), dcc.Graph( id='graph-histogram-colors', config={'displayModeBar': False}, style={ 'background-color': plot_style['plot_bgcolor'] }, ) ]), html.Div( className='seven columns', style={'float': 'right'}, children=[ # The Interactive Image Div contains the dcc Graph # showing the image, as well as the hidden div storing # the true image html.Div( id='div-interactive-image', children=[ drc.InteractiveImagePIL( image_id='interactive-image', image=im_pil0, enc_format=enc_format, # display_mode='fixed', # dragmode=dragmode, verbose=DEBUG, style=plot_style, ), html.Div( id='div-storage', children=STORAGE_PLACEHOLDER, style={'display': 'none'}) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])