def test_dataframes_share_dev_mem():
    cudf = pytest.importorskip("cudf")

    df = cudf.DataFrame({"a": range(10)})
    grouped = shuffle_group(df, "a", 0, 2, 2, False, 2)
    view1 = grouped[0]
    view2 = grouped[1]
    # Even though the two dataframe doesn't point to the same cudf.Buffer object
    assert view1["a"].data is not view2["a"].data
    # They still share the same underlying device memory
    assert view1["a"].data._owner._owner is view2["a"].data._owner._owner

    dhf = ProxifyHostFile(device_memory_limit=160)
    dhf["v1"] = view1
    dhf["v2"] = view2
    v1 = dhf["v1"]
    v2 = dhf["v2"]
    # The device_memory_limit is not exceeded since both dataframes share device memory
    assert not v1._obj_pxy_is_serialized()
    assert not v2._obj_pxy_is_serialized()
    # Now the device_memory_limit is exceeded, which should evict both dataframes
    dhf["k1"] = cupy.arange(1)
    assert v1._obj_pxy_is_serialized()
    assert v2._obj_pxy_is_serialized()
def _top_level_groupby(
    df, cat_col_groups, tree_width, cont_cols, agg_list, on_host, concat_groups, name_sep
    sum_sq = "std" in agg_list or "var" in agg_list
    calculate_min = "min" in agg_list
    calculate_max = "max" in agg_list

    # Top-level operation for category-based groupby aggregations
    output = {}
    k = 0
    for i, cat_col_group in enumerate(cat_col_groups):
        if isinstance(cat_col_group, tuple):
            cat_col_group = list(cat_col_group)

        if isinstance(cat_col_group, str):
            cat_col_group = [cat_col_group]
        cat_col_group_str = _make_name(*cat_col_group, sep=name_sep)

        if concat_groups and len(cat_col_group) > 1:
            # Concatenate columns and replace cat_col_group
            # with the single name
            df_gb = type(df)()
            ignore_index = True
            df_gb[cat_col_group_str] = _concat([df[col] for col in cat_col_group], ignore_index)
            cat_col_group = [cat_col_group_str]
            # Compile aggregation dictionary and add "squared-sum"
            # column(s) (necessary when `cont_cols` is non-empty)
            df_gb = df[cat_col_group + cont_cols].copy(deep=False)

        agg_dict = {}
        agg_dict[cat_col_group[0]] = ["count"]
        for col in cont_cols:
            agg_dict[col] = ["sum"]
            if sum_sq:
                name = _make_name(col, "pow2", sep=name_sep)
                df_gb[name] = df_gb[col].pow(2)
                agg_dict[name] = ["sum"]

            if calculate_min:
            if calculate_max:

        # Perform groupby and flatten column index
        # (flattening provides better cudf/pd support)
        if _is_list_col(cat_col_group, df_gb):
            # handle list columns by encoding the list values
            df_gb = _flatten_list_column(df_gb[cat_col_group[0]])

        # NOTE: groupby(..., dropna=False) requires pandas>=1.1.0
        gb = df_gb.groupby(cat_col_group, dropna=False).agg(agg_dict)
        gb.columns = [
            _make_name(*(tuple(cat_col_group) + name[1:]), sep=name_sep)
            if name[0] == cat_col_group[0]
            else _make_name(*(tuple(cat_col_group) + name), sep=name_sep)
            for name in gb.columns.to_flat_index()
        gb.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=False)
        del df_gb

        # Split the result by the hash value of the categorical column
        nsplits = tree_width[cat_col_group_str]
        for j, split in shuffle_group(
            gb, cat_col_group, 0, nsplits, nsplits, True, nsplits
            if on_host:
                output[k] = split.to_arrow(preserve_index=False)
                output[k] = split
            k += 1
        del gb
    return output