async def test_gh_8991(c, s, a, b):
    # Test illustrating something amiss with HighLevelGraph.key_dependencies.
    # The intention is for this to be a cache, so if we clear it, things
    # should still work.

    # This is a bad test, and we should rethink/remove it as soon as the issue is
    # resolved whether, it's fixing the underlying problem or removing
    # HighLevelGraph.key_dependencies alltogether.
    datasets = pytest.importorskip("dask.datasets")
    result = datasets.timeseries().shuffle("x").to_orc("tmp", compute=False)

    # Create a dsk and mock sending it to the scheduler.
    dsk_opt = result.__dask_optimize__(result.dask, result.key)
    unpacked = HighLevelGraph.__dask_distributed_unpack__(
        dsk_opt.__dask_distributed_pack__(c, result.key))
    deps = unpacked["deps"]

    # Create a version of the dsk without the key_dependencies and mock sending it to
    # the scheduler as well.
    dsk_opt_nokeys = dsk_opt.copy()
    unpacked_nokeys = HighLevelGraph.__dask_distributed_unpack__(
        dsk_opt_nokeys.__dask_distributed_pack__(c, result.key))
    deps_nokeys = unpacked_nokeys["deps"]

    # The recalculated dependencies should still be the same!
    assert deps == deps_nokeys
async def test_annotation_pack_unpack(c, s, a, b):
    hlg = HighLevelGraph({"l1": MaterializedLayer({"n": 42})}, {"l1": set()})
    packed_hlg = hlg.__dask_distributed_pack__(c, ["n"])

    annotations = {"workers": ("alice",)}
    unpacked_hlg = HighLevelGraph.__dask_distributed_unpack__(packed_hlg, annotations)
    annotations = unpacked_hlg["annotations"]
    assert annotations == {"workers": {"n": ("alice",)}}
async def test_pack_MaterializedLayer_handles_futures_in_graph_properly(
        c, s, a, b):
    fut = c.submit(inc, 1)

    hlg = HighLevelGraph(
            "l1": MaterializedLayer({
                "x": fut,
                "y": (inc, "x"),
                "z": (inc, "y")
        {"l1": set()},
    # fill hlg.key_dependencies cache. This excludes known futures, so only
    # includes a subset of all dependencies. Previously if the cache was present
    # the future dependencies would be missing when packed.
    packed = hlg.__dask_distributed_pack__(c, ["z"], {})
    unpacked = HighLevelGraph.__dask_distributed_unpack__(packed)
    assert unpacked["deps"] == {"x": {fut.key}, "y": {fut.key}, "z": {"y"}}