def read_basins(path = 'data/infocell/', cells = None): """ reads data from netcdf files and fills in the basins array """ descr_map = get_basin_descriptions() ncfile = Dataset(path) id = 1 for name, values in ncfile.variables.iteritems(): data = values[:] if n_cols == data.shape[1]:#transpose if necessary the_values = np.transpose(data) else: the_values = data the_basin = Basin(id = id, name = name) if descr_map.has_key(name): the_basin.description = descr_map[name] basins.append(the_basin) the_is, the_js = np.where(the_values == 1) #add cells to a basin for i, j in zip(the_is, the_js): the_basin.add_cell(cells[i][j]) id += 1 ncfile.close() return basins pass
def _determine_basins(self): """ Determine list of basins """ for i in xrange(self.nx): for j in xrange(self.ny): theCell = self.cells[i][j] if theCell.basin is not None: continue #go to the exit point while is not None: theCell = #single cell is not considered as a basin # @type theCell Cell if len(theCell.previous) == 0 or theCell.number_of_upstream_cells <= 45: continue basin = Basin(id = len(self.basins)) = 'Basin_{0}'.format( self.basins.append(basin) #assign the basin to all the cells flowing into it theCell.set_common_basin(basin)