def load_questions(self, package_id): if package_id: with Connection() as con: with con: for row in con.execute( ''' SELECT id, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3 FROM questions WHERE package_id = ? ''', (str(package_id), )): print(row[0]) self.qbank.append({ "id": row[0], "text": row[1], "correct": row[2], "incorrect": [row[3], row[4], row[5]] }) else: with Connection() as con: for id, question_text, correct, b, c, d, package_id in con.execute( "SELECT * from questions"): self.qbank.append({ "text": question_text, "correct": correct, "incorrect": [b, c, d], "id": id })
def ensure_table_exists(self): with Connection() as con: con.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statistics( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, question_id INTEGER, quiz_format TEXT, corrects INTEGER, incorrects INTEGER, skips INTEGER, time INTEGER, abandons INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(question_id) REFERENCES questions(id) )''') with Connection() as con: con.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS answer_stats( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, question_id INTEGER, quiz_format TEXT, status TEXT, time INTEGER, created_at TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY(question_id) REFERENCES questions(id) )''')
def ensure_table_exists(): with Connection() as con: con.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS passwords( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, password TEXT )''') with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute(''' INSERT INTO passwords (password) VALUES ('password') ''')
def load_stats2(self): Question = namedtuple("Question", [ "currently_assigned", "q_id", "text", "correct", "in1", "in2", "in3", "time", "status", "created_at", "package_id", "package_name", "quiz" ]) with Connection() as con: with con: for i, row in enumerate( con.execute(''' SELECT, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3, time, status, created_at, questions.package_id,, answer_stats.quiz_format, packages.quiz_format FROM ((answer_stats INNER JOIN questions ON answer_stats.question_id = INNER JOIN packages ON questions.package_id = packages.package_id) ''')): if not type(row[6]) == str and row[7] != "ongoing": self.q_bank.append( Question(row[-1] == row[-2], *row[:-1])) elif row[7] == "ongoing": print(row)
def load_stats(self): Question = namedtuple("Question", [ "currently_assigned", "q_id", "text", "correct", "in1", "in2", "in3", "successes", "failures", "skips", "abandons", "total_time", "quiz" ]) with Connection() as con: with con: for i, row in enumerate( con.execute(''' SELECT, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3, corrects, incorrects, skips, abandons, time, statistics.quiz_format, packages.quiz_format FROM ((questions INNER JOIN statistics ON = statistics.question_id) INNER JOIN packages ON questions.package_id = packages.package_id) ''')): q = Question(row[-1] == row[-2], *row[:-1]) self.q_bank.append(q) print(q)
def get_password(): with Connection() as con: return con.execute(''' SELECT password FROM passwords WHERE id = '1' ''').fetchone()[0]
def get_hangman_qs(random = False): bank = [] with Connection() as con: with con: for row in con.execute(''' SELECT id, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3 FROM questions INNER JOIN packages ON questions.package_id = packages.package_id WHERE packages.quiz_format = 'Hangman' '''): print(row[0]) bank.append( {"id": row[0], "text": row[1], "correct": row[2], "incorrect": [row[3], row[4], row[5]]}) if random: shuffle(bank) for question in bank: choices = [question["correct"]] + question["incorrect"] shuffle(choices) yield (question["id"], question["text"], choices, question["correct"])
def load_packages(self): with Connection() as con: for package_id, name, quiz_format in con.execute( "SELECT * from packages"): self.package_bank.append({ "name": name, "package_id": package_id, "quiz_format": quiz_format })
def delete_package(package_id): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( '''DELETE FROM questions WHERE questions.package_id = ?''', (str(package_id), )) con.execute("DELETE from packages WHERE package_id = ?", (str(package_id), ))
def create_question(*, prompt, answer, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3, package_id): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( "INSERT INTO questions(question, correct, " + "incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3, package_id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", (prompt, answer, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3, package_id))
def set_password(password): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( ''' UPDATE passwords SET password = ? WHERE id = '1' ''', (password, ))
def save_answer_stats(*, id, quiz_format, status, time, created_at): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( ''' INSERT INTO answer_stats (question_id, quiz_format, status, time, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (str(id), quiz_format, status, str(time), created_at))
def create_stats(id): with Connection() as con: with con: for format in ["Multi-Choice", "Hangman"]: con.execute( ''' INSERT INTO statistics (question_id, quiz_format, corrects, incorrects, skips, abandons, time) VALUES (?, ?, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ''', (id, format))
def create_answer_stats(obj): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( ''' INSERT INTO answer_stats (question_id, quiz_format, status, time, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (obj["id"], obj["quiz_format"], obj["status"], obj["time"],
def get_stats(id, quiz): with Connection() as con: with con: return con.execute( ''' SELECT question_id, quiz_format, corrects, incorrects, skips, time, abandons FROM statistics WHERE question_id = ? AND quiz_format = ? ''', (str(id), str(quiz))).fetchone()
def get_package_questions(*, package_id): bank = [] with Connection() as con: with con: for row in con.execute(''' SELECT id, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3 FROM questions WHERE package_id = ? ''', (str(package_id),)): bank.append(row) return sample(bank, len(bank))
def update_stats(obj): obj = {k: str(v) for k, v in obj.items()} with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( ''' UPDATE statistics SET corrects = ?, incorrects = ?, skips = ?, time = ?, abandons = ? WHERE question_id = ? AND quiz_format = ? ''', (obj["corrects"], obj["incorrects"], obj["skips"], obj["time"], obj["abandons"], obj["id"], obj["quiz_format"]))
def get_quiz_questions(*, quiz="Multi-Choice"): bank = [] with Connection() as con: with con: for row in con.execute(''' SELECT id, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3 FROM questions INNER JOIN packages ON questions.package_id = packages.package_id WHERE packages.quiz_format = ? ''', (str(quiz),)): bank.append(row) return sample(bank, len(bank))
def get_answer_stats(id): with Connection() as con: with con: return con.execute( ''' SELECT, quiz_format, status, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3, time, created_at FROM (answer_stats INNER JOIN questions ON answer_stats.question_id = WHERE question_id = ? ''', (str(id))).fetchall()
def delete_question(id): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute("DELETE from questions WHERE id = ?", (str(id), ))
def save_question(id, question, correct, inc1, inc2, inc3): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( "UPDATE questions SET question = ?, correct = ?, incorrect1 = ?, incorrect2 = ?, incorrect3 = ? WHERE id = ?", (question, correct, inc1, inc2, inc3, str(id)))
def get_question(id): with Connection() as con: with con: return con.execute( "SELECT id, question, correct, incorrect1, incorrect2, incorrect3 from questions WHERE id = ?", (str(id), )).fetchone()
def ensure_table_exists(self): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS packages (package_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, quiz_format text UNIQUE)" )
def save_package(package_id, name, quiz_format): with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute( "UPDATE packages SET name = ?, quiz_format = ? WHERE package_id = ?", (name, quiz_format, str(package_id)))
def ensure_table_exists(self): with Connection() as con: con.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS questions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, question TEXT, correct TEXT, incorrect1 TEXT, incorrect2 TEXT, incorrect3 TEXT, package_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (package_id) REFERENCES packages (package_id))" )
def search_format(package_id): with Connection() as con: with con: return con.execute( "SELECT package_id, name, quiz_format FROM packages WHERE package_id = ?", (str(package_id))).fetchone()
def add_package(name): with Connection() as con: with con: return con.execute("INSERT INTO packages(name) values (?)", (name, )).lastrowid
from Quiz.multiplechoice import Multiplechoice from Quiz.package import Package from Quiz.statistics import Statistics from data.connection import Connection import random # !!Nukes current data!! for t_name in ["questions", "statistics", "packages"]: with Connection() as con: with con: con.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + t_name) # Ensures that databases are created Multiplechoice() Statistics() Package() # helper function def gen_num(): return str(random.randint(100, 999)) data = [{ "Harry Potter trivia": [[ "What was Nearly Headless Nick's last name?", "de Mimsy-Porpington", "von Grieve", "van Orton", "Delaney-Podmore" ], [ "How old was Nicholas Flamel in the Sorcerer's Stone?", "655",