def decode(): # Load model config config = load_config(FLAGS) # Load source data to decode test_set = TextIterator(source=config['decode_input'], batch_size=config['decode_batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], maxlen=None, n_words_source=config['num_encoder_symbols']) # Load inverse dictionary used in decoding target_inverse_dict = data_utils.load_inverse_dict( config['target_vocabulary']) # Initiate TF session with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True))) as sess: # Reload existing checkpoint model = load_model(sess, config) try: print('Decoding {}..'.format(FLAGS.decode_input)) if FLAGS.write_n_best: fout = [data_utils.fopen(("%s_%d" % (FLAGS.decode_output, k)), 'w') \ for k in range(FLAGS.beam_width)] else: fout = [data_utils.fopen(FLAGS.decode_output, 'w')] for idx, source_seq in enumerate( print('Source', source_seq) source, source_len = prepare_batch(source_seq) print('Source', source, 'Source Len', source_len) # predicted_ids: GreedyDecoder; [batch_size, max_time_step, 1] # BeamSearchDecoder; [batch_size, max_time_step, beam_width] predicted_ids = model.predict(sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) print(predicted_ids) # Write decoding results for k, f in reversed(list(enumerate(fout))): for seq in predicted_ids: f.write( str( data_utils.seq2words( seq[:, k], target_inverse_dict)) + '\n') if not FLAGS.write_n_best: break print('{}th line decoded'.format(idx * FLAGS.decode_batch_size)) print('Decoding terminated') except IOError: pass finally: [f.close() for f in fout]
def decode(config): model, config = load_model(config) # Load source data to decode test_set = TextIterator(source=config['decode_input'], source_dict=config['src_vocab'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], n_words_source=config['num_enc_symbols'], maxlen=None) target_inv_dict = load_inv_dict(config['tgt_vocab']) if use_cuda: print 'Using gpu..' model = model.cuda() try: print 'Decoding starts..' fout = fopen(config['decode_output'], 'w') for idx, source_seq in enumerate(test_set): source, source_len = prepare_batch(source_seq) preds_prev = torch.zeros(config['batch_size'], config['max_decode_step']).long() preds_prev[:,0] += data_utils.start_token preds = torch.zeros(config['batch_size'], config['max_decode_step']).long() if use_cuda: source = Variable(source.cuda()) source_len = Variable(source_len.cuda()) preds_prev = Variable(preds_prev.cuda()) preds = preds.cuda() else: source = Variable(source) source_len = Variable(source_len) preds_prev = Variable(preds_prev) states, memories = model.encode(source, source_len) for t in xrange(config['max_decode_step']): # logits: [batch_size x max_decode_step, tgt_vocab_size] _, logits = model.decode(preds_prev, None, memories, keep_len=True) # outputs: [batch_size, max_decode_step] outputs = torch.max(logits, dim=1)[1].view(config['batch_size'], -1) preds[:,t] = outputs[:,t].data if t < config['max_decode_step'] - 1: preds_prev[:,t+1] = outputs[:,t] for i in xrange(len(preds)): fout.write(str(seq2words(preds[i], target_inv_dict)) + '\n') fout.flush() print ' {}th line decoded'.format(idx * config['batch_size']) print 'Decoding terminated' except IOError: pass finally: fout.close()
def decode(config): model, config = load_model(config) # Load source data to decode test_set = TextIterator( source=config['decode_input'], source_dict=config['src_vocab'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], maxlen=None, n_words_source=config['num_enc_symbols'], shuffle_each_epoch=False, sort_by_length=False, ) target_inv_dict = load_inv_dict(config['tgt_vocab']) lines = 0 max_decode_step = config['max_decode_step'] print 'Decoding starts..' with fopen(config['decode_output'], 'w') as fout: for idx, source_seq in enumerate(test_set): source, source_len = prepare_batch(source_seq) preds_prev = torch.zeros(len(source), max_decode_step).long() preds_prev[:, 0] += data_utils.start_token preds = torch.zeros(len(source), max_decode_step).long() if use_cuda: source = Variable(source.cuda()) source_len = Variable(source_len.cuda()) preds_prev = Variable(preds_prev.cuda()) preds = preds.cuda() else: source = Variable(source) source_len = Variable(source_len) preds_prev = Variable(preds_prev) states, memories = model.encode(source, source_len) for t in xrange(max_decode_step): # logits: [batch_size x max_decode_step, tgt_vocab_size] _, logits = model.decode(preds_prev[:, :t + 1], states, memories) # outputs: [batch_size, max_decode_step] outputs = torch.max(logits, dim=1)[1].view(len(source), -1) preds[:, t] = outputs[:, t].data if t < max_decode_step - 1: preds_prev[:, t + 1] = outputs[:, t] for i in xrange(len(preds)): fout.write(str(seq2words(preds[i], target_inv_dict)) + '\n') fout.flush() lines += source.size(0) print ' {}th line decoded'.format(lines) print 'Decoding terminated'
def predict(config): tf.reset_default_graph() from data.data_iterator import TextIterator, Butian_TextIterator valid_set = TextIterator(source=config['valid'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary']) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True))) as sess: model = Detector(config, 'test') model.restore(sess, config['save_path']) #model.restore_specific(sess, config['save_path']) _acc = 0 _loss = 0 _num = 0 prediction = [] all_labels = [] all_pred = [] for idx, sources in enumerate(valid_set): source_seq = sources[0] label = sources[1] sources, labels = prepare_batch(source_seq, label, max_batch=config['max_batch'], maxlen=config['maxlen'], stride=config['stride'], batch_size=config['batch_size']) for source, label in zip(sources, labels): pred, logit, acc, loss = model.predict(sess, source, label) prediction.extend(logit) #all_labels.extend(label_binarize(label,classes=["0","1","2"])) all_labels.extend(list(map(int, label))) all_pred.extend(list(map(int, pred))) #print("step {}, size {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format(model.global_step.eval(), pred.shape, acc, loss)) _acc += acc * pred.shape[0] _loss += loss * pred.shape[0] _num += pred.shape[0] print(config['save_path']) print("step {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format( model.global_step.eval(), _acc / _num, _loss)) prediction = np.stack(prediction) all_labels = np.stack(all_labels) all_pred = np.stack(all_pred) return prediction, label_binarize(all_labels, classes=[0, 1, 2]), [ accuracy_score(all_labels, all_pred), precision_score(all_labels, all_pred), recall_score(all_labels, all_pred) ]
def decode(): # Load model config config = load_config(FLAGS) print(config['source_vocabulary']) # Load source data to decode test_set = TextIterator(source=config['decode_input'], batch_size=config['decode_batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'],) # Load inverse dictionary used in decoding # Initiate TF session with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True))) as sess: # Reload existing checkpoint model = load_model(sess, config) try: if FLAGS.write_n_best: fout = [data_utils.fopen(("%s_%d" % (FLAGS.decode_output, k)), 'w') \ for k in range(FLAGS.beam_width)] else: fout = [data_utils.fopen(FLAGS.decode_output, 'w')] for source_seq, label in test_set: # label = test_labels[idx] source, source_len = prepare_batch(source_seq, batch_size=config['decode_batch_size'], stride = config['max_seq_length'],maxlen=config['max_seq_length']) # predicted_ids: GreedyDecoder; [batch_size, max_time_step, 1] # BeamSearchDecoder; [batch_size, max_time_step, beam_width] predicted_ids = model.predict(sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) # Write decoding results for k, f in reversed(list(enumerate(fout))): f.write(str(source_seq)+'\t\t\t') res = [] for seq in predicted_ids: res.append(list(seq[:,k])) f.write(str(res)+'\n') if not FLAGS.write_n_best: break print('Decoding terminated') except IOError: pass finally: [f.close() for f in fout]
def predict_without_window(config): config['max_epochs'] = 15 config['batch_size'] = 6 tf.reset_default_graph() from data.data_iterator import TextIterator valid_set = TextIterator(source=config['valid'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], shuffle_each_epoch=False) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True))) as sess: model = Detector(config, 'test') model.restore(sess, config['save_path']) _acc = 0 _loss = 0 _num = 0 prediction = [] all_labels = [] all_pred = [] for idx, test_sources in enumerate(valid_set): sub_source_seq = test_sources[0] sub_label = test_sources[1] sub_sources, _ = prepare_batch_without_window( sub_source_seq, batch_size=config['batch_size']) pred, logit, acc, loss = model.predict(sess, sub_sources, sub_label) prediction.extend(logit) all_labels.extend(list(map(int, sub_label))) all_pred.extend(list(map(int, pred))) _acc += acc * pred.shape[0] _loss += loss * pred.shape[0] _num += pred.shape[0] print("step {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format( model.global_step.eval(), _acc / _num, _loss)) prediction = np.stack(prediction) all_labels = np.stack(all_labels) all_pred = np.stack(all_pred) return prediction, label_binarize(all_labels, classes=[0, 1, 2]), accuracy_score( all_labels, all_pred)
def pretrain(): # Load parallel data to train mwlist = data_utils.readMalware(FLAGS.source_train_data, 0) print('Loading training data..') train_set = TextIterator(source=FLAGS.source_train_data, source_dict=FLAGS.source_vocabulary, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle_each_epoch=FLAGS.shuffle_each_epoch, maxibatch_size=FLAGS.max_load_batches) if FLAGS.source_valid_data: print('Loading validation data..') valid_set = TextIterator(source=FLAGS.source_valid_data, source_dict=FLAGS.source_vocabulary, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle_each_epoch=FLAGS.shuffle_each_epoch, maxibatch_size=FLAGS.max_load_batches) else: valid_set = None # Initiate TF session with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True))) as sess: # Create a new model or reload existing checkpoint model = create_model(sess, FLAGS, mwlist) # Create a log writer object log_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.model_dir, graph=sess.graph) step_time, loss = 0.0, 0.0 words_seen, sents_seen = 0, 0 start_time = time.time() # Training loop print('Training..') for epoch_idx in range(FLAGS.max_epochs): if model.global_epoch_step.eval() >= FLAGS.max_epochs: print('Training is already complete.', \ 'current epoch:{}, max epoch:{}'.format(model.global_epoch_step.eval(), FLAGS.max_epochs)) break for source_seq, label in train_set: # Get a batch from training parallel data source, source_len = prepare_batch_without_window( source_seq, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) _, step_loss, _, decoder, target, _, acc, summary = model.pretrain( sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) loss += float(step_loss) / FLAGS.display_freq words_seen += float(np.sum(source_len + source_len)) sents_seen += float(source.shape[0]) # batch_size print(decoder, target) if model.global_step.eval() % FLAGS.display_freq == 0: avg_perplexity = math.exp( float(loss)) if loss < 300 else float("inf") time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time step_time = time_elapsed / FLAGS.display_freq words_per_sec = words_seen / time_elapsed sents_per_sec = sents_seen / time_elapsed print('Epoch ', model.global_epoch_step.eval(), 'Step ', model.global_step.eval(), \ 'Perplexity {0:.2f}'.format(avg_perplexity), 'acc {0:.2f}'.format(acc), 'Step-time ', step_time, \ '{0:.2f} sents/s'.format(sents_per_sec), '{0:.2f} words/s'.format(words_per_sec)) print(' {} decoder'.format(decoder), decoder.shape) print(' {} target'.format(target), target.shape) loss = 0 words_seen = 0 sents_seen = 0 start_time = time.time() # Record training summary for the current batch log_writer.add_summary(summary, model.global_step.eval()) # Execute a validation step if valid_set and model.global_step.eval( ) % FLAGS.valid_freq == 0: print('Validation step') valid_loss = 0.0 valid_sents_seen = 0 for val_source_seq, val_label in valid_set: source, source_len = prepare_batch_without_window( source_seq, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) step_loss, _, decoder, target, _, acc, summary = model.eval( sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) batch_size = source.shape[0] valid_loss += step_loss * batch_size valid_sents_seen += batch_size #print(' {} logit'.format(logit)) print(' {} decoder'.format(decoder), decoder.shape) print(' {} target'.format(target), target.shape) valid_loss = valid_loss / valid_sents_seen print( 'Valid perplexity: {0:.2f}'.format( math.exp(valid_loss)), 'acc {0:.2f}'.format(acc)) # Save the model checkpoint if model.global_step.eval() % FLAGS.save_freq == 0: print('Saving the model..') checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, FLAGS.model_name), checkpoint_path, global_step=model.global_step) json.dump(model.config, open( '%s-%d.json' % (checkpoint_path, model.global_step.eval()), 'w'), indent=2) # Increase the epoch index of the model model.global_epoch_step_op.eval() print('Epoch {0:} DONE'.format(model.global_epoch_step.eval())) print('Saving the last model..') checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, FLAGS.model_name), checkpoint_path, global_step=model.global_step) json.dump( model.config, open('%s-%d.json' % (checkpoint_path, model.global_step.eval()), 'w'), indent=2) print('Training Terminated')
def train(): # Load model config config = load_config(FLAGS) # Load source data to decode test_set = TextIterator(source=config['source_train_data'], batch_size=config['decode_batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], maxlen=None, n_words_source=config['num_encoder_symbols']) #test_set, test_labels = data_utils.load_data('test') #valid_set, valid_labels = data_utils.load_data('valid') # Load inverse dictionary used in decoding # Initiate TF session with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True))) as sess: # Reload existing checkpoint model = load_model(sess, config) # Create a log writer object log_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.model_path, graph=sess.graph) step_time, loss = 0.0, 0.0 words_seen, sents_seen = 0, 0 start_time = time.time() for epoch_idx in range(FLAGS.max_epochs): if model.global_epoch_step.eval() >= FLAGS.max_epochs: print('Training is already complete.', \ 'current epoch:{}, max epoch:{}'.format(model.global_epoch_step.eval(), FLAGS.max_epochs)) break for idx, source_seq in enumerate(test_set): source, source_len = prepare_batch(source_seq) # predicted_ids: GreedyDecoder; [batch_size, max_time_step, 1] # BeamSearchDecoder; [batch_size, max_time_step, beam_width] step_loss, summary, predicted_ids = model.train( sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) loss += float(step_loss) / FLAGS.display_freq words_seen += float(np.sum(source_len + target_len)) sents_seen += float(source.shape[0]) # batch_size if model.global_step.eval() % FLAGS.display_freq == 0: avg_perplexity = math.exp( float(loss)) if loss < 300 else float("inf") time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time step_time = time_elapsed / FLAGS.display_freq words_per_sec = words_seen / time_elapsed sents_per_sec = sents_seen / time_elapsed print('Epoch ', model.global_epoch_step.eval(), 'Step ', model.global_step.eval(), \ 'Perplexity {0:.2f}'.format(avg_perplexity), 'Step-time ', step_time, \ '{0:.2f} sents/s'.format(sents_per_sec), '{0:.2f} words/s'.format(words_per_sec)) loss = 0 words_seen = 0 sents_seen = 0 start_time = time.time() # Record training summary for the current batch log_writer.add_summary(summary, model.global_step.eval()) # Write decoding results print( str(source_seq), '\t', ) for i in range(len(source_seq)): res = [] for seq in predicted_ids: res.append(list(seq[:, i])) print(str(res)) print(' {}th line decoded'.format( idx * FLAGS.decode_batch_size)) if valid_set and model.global_step.eval( ) % FLAGS.valid_freq == 0: print('Validation step') valid_loss = 0.0 valid_sents_seen = 0 for idx, source_seq in enumerate(valid_set): label = test_labels[idx] source, source_len = prepare_batch(source_seq) step_loss, summary, predicted_ids = model.train( sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) batch_size = source.shape[0] valid_loss += step_loss * batch_size valid_sents_seen += batch_size valid_loss = valid_loss / valid_sents_seen print('Valid perplexity: {0:.2f}'.format( math.exp(valid_loss))) # Save the model checkpoint if model.global_step.eval() % FLAGS.save_freq == 0: print('Saving the model..') checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, FLAGS.model_name), checkpoint_path, global_step=model.global_step) json.dump(model.config, open( '%s-%d.json' % (checkpoint_path, model.global_step.eval()), 'wb'), indent=2)
def train_without_window(config, maxs): config['max_epochs'] = 15 config['batch_size'] = 6 tf.reset_default_graph() from data.data_iterator import TextIterator test_set = TextIterator(source=config['input'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], shuffle_each_epoch=True) valid_set = TextIterator(source=config['valid'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], shuffle_each_epoch=False) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True))) as sess: model = Detector(config, 'pretrain') model.restore(sess, config['save_path']) for epoch_idx in range(config['max_epochs']): print(epoch_idx) oldtime = for idx, train_sources in enumerate(test_set): source_seq = train_sources[0] label = train_sources[1] sources, _ = prepare_batch_without_window( source_seq, batch_size=config['batch_size']) loss, acc, pred, logit, summary, _, _labels, _1 = model.pretrain( sess, sources, label) print("step {}, size {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format( model.global_step.eval(), pred.shape, acc, loss)) newtime = print('%s microseconds' % (newtime - oldtime).seconds) _acc = 0 _loss = 0 _num = 0 for idx, test_sources in enumerate(valid_set): sub_source_seq = test_sources[0] sub_label = test_sources[1] sub_sources, _ = prepare_batch_without_window( sub_source_seq, batch_size=config['batch_size']) pred, logit, acc, loss = model.predict(sess, sub_sources, sub_label) print("step {}, size {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format( model.global_step.eval(), pred.shape, acc, loss)) _acc += acc * pred.shape[0] _loss += loss * pred.shape[0] _num += pred.shape[0] print("step {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format( model.global_step.eval(), _acc / _num, _loss)) if _acc / _num > maxs: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(config['save_path'], 'detector'), checkpoint_path, global_step=model.global_step) json.dump(model.config, open( '%s-%d.json' % (checkpoint_path, model.global_step.eval()), 'w'), indent=2) maxs = _acc / _num
def train(config, maxs): check = False tf.reset_default_graph() from data.data_iterator import TextIterator, Butian_TextIterator test_set = TextIterator(source=config['input'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], shuffle_each_epoch=True) valid_set = TextIterator(source=config['valid'], batch_size=config['batch_size'], source_dict=config['source_vocabulary'], shuffle_each_epoch=False) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True))) as sess: model = Detector(config, 'pretrain') #model.restore(sess, config['save_path']) model.restore_specific( sess, '/home/dbtest/lan/Malware/model/detector/gru_False_2att/detector-9650' ) for epoch_idx in range(config['max_epochs']): #print(epoch_idx) for idx, train_sources in enumerate(test_set): source_seq = train_sources[0] label = train_sources[1] sources, labels = prepare_batch( source_seq, label, max_batch=config['max_batch'], maxlen=config['maxlen'], stride=config['stride'], batch_size=config['batch_size']) for source, label in zip(sources, labels): loss, acc, pred, logit, summary, _, _labels, _1 = model.pretrain( sess, source, label) #print("step {}, size {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format(model.global_step.eval(), pred.shape, acc, loss)) if (model.global_step.eval() % 50 == 0): _acc = 0 _loss = 0 _num = 0 for idx, test_sources in enumerate(valid_set): sub_source_seq = test_sources[0] sub_label = test_sources[1] sub_sources, sub_labels = prepare_batch( sub_source_seq, sub_label, max_batch=config['max_batch'], maxlen=config['maxlen'], stride=config['stride'], batch_size=config['batch_size']) for sub_source, sub_label in zip( sub_sources, sub_labels): pred, logit, acc, loss = model.predict( sess, sub_source, sub_label) #print("step {}, size {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format(model.global_step.eval(), pred.shape, acc, loss)) _acc += acc * pred.shape[0] _loss += loss * pred.shape[0] _num += pred.shape[0] print("acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format( _acc / _num, _loss / _num)) #print("step {}, acc {:g}, softmax_loss {:g}".format(model.global_step.eval(), _acc/_num, _loss/_num)) if _acc / _num > maxs: save(sess, config, model) maxs = _acc / _num