def test_store_tag_manifest(get_storages, initialized_db):
  # Create a manifest with some layers.
  builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder('devtable', 'simple', 'sometag')

  storages = get_storages()
  assert storages

  repo = model.repository.get_repository('devtable', 'simple')
  storage_id_map = {}
  for index, storage in enumerate(storages):
    image_id = 'someimage%s' % index
    builder.add_layer(storage.content_checksum, json.dumps({'id': image_id}))
    find_create_or_link_image(image_id, repo, 'devtable', {}, 'local_us')
    storage_id_map[storage.content_checksum] = storage.id

  manifest = builder.build(docker_v2_signing_key)
  tag_manifest, _ = store_tag_manifest_for_testing('devtable', 'simple', 'sometag', manifest,
                                                   manifest.leaf_layer_v1_image_id, storage_id_map)

  # Ensure we have the new-model expected rows.
  mapping_row = TagManifestToManifest.get(tag_manifest=tag_manifest)

  assert mapping_row.manifest is not None
  assert mapping_row.manifest.manifest_bytes == manifest.bytes.as_encoded_str()
  assert mapping_row.manifest.digest == str(manifest.digest)

  blob_rows = {m.blob_id for m in
               ManifestBlob.select().where(ManifestBlob.manifest == mapping_row.manifest)}
  assert blob_rows == {s.id for s in storages}

  assert ManifestLegacyImage.get(manifest=mapping_row.manifest).image == tag_manifest.tag.image
def test_change_tag_expiration(expiration_offset, expected_offset, initialized_db):
  repository = create_repository('devtable', 'somenewrepo', None)
  image1 = find_create_or_link_image('foobarimage1', repository, None, {}, 'local_us')

  manifest = Manifest.get()
  footag = create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository, 'foo', image1.docker_image_id,

  expiration_date = None
  if expiration_offset is not None:
    expiration_date = datetime.utcnow() + convert_to_timedelta(expiration_offset)

  assert change_tag_expiration(footag, expiration_date)

  # Lookup the tag again.
  footag_updated = get_active_tag('devtable', 'somenewrepo', 'foo')
  oci_tag = _get_oci_tag(footag_updated)

  if expected_offset is None:
    assert footag_updated.lifetime_end_ts is None
    assert oci_tag.lifetime_end_ms is None
    start_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(footag_updated.lifetime_start_ts)
    end_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(footag_updated.lifetime_end_ts)
    expected_end_date = start_date + convert_to_timedelta(expected_offset)
    assert (expected_end_date - end_date).total_seconds() < 5 # variance in test

    assert oci_tag.lifetime_end_ms == (footag_updated.lifetime_end_ts * 1000)
def test_create_reversion_tag(initialized_db):
  repository = create_repository('devtable', 'somenewrepo', None)
  manifest = Manifest.get()
  image1 = find_create_or_link_image('foobarimage1', repository, None, {}, 'local_us')

  footag = create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository, 'foo', image1.docker_image_id,
                                         oci_manifest=manifest, reversion=True)
  assert footag.reversion

  oci_tag = _get_oci_tag(footag)
  assert oci_tag.name == footag.name
  assert not oci_tag.hidden
  assert oci_tag.reversion == footag.reversion
def test_remove_obsolete_tags(initialized_db):
    As part of the mirror, the set of tags on the remote repository is compared to the local
    existing tags.

    Those not present on the remote are removed locally.

    mirror, repository = create_mirror_repo_robot(["updated", "created"], repo_name="removed")
    manifest = Manifest.get()
    image = find_create_or_link_image("removed", repository, None, {}, "local_us")
    tag = create_or_update_tag_for_repo(
        repository, "oldtag", image.docker_image_id, oci_manifest=manifest, reversion=True

    incoming_tags = ["one", "two"]
    deleted_tags = delete_obsolete_tags(mirror, incoming_tags)

    assert [tag.name for tag in deleted_tags] == [tag.name]
def test_list_active_tags(initialized_db):
  # Create a new repository.
  repository = create_repository('devtable', 'somenewrepo', None)
  manifest = Manifest.get()

  # Create some images.
  image1 = find_create_or_link_image('foobarimage1', repository, None, {}, 'local_us')
  image2 = find_create_or_link_image('foobarimage2', repository, None, {}, 'local_us')

  # Make sure its tags list is empty.

  # Add some new tags.
  footag = create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository, 'foo', image1.docker_image_id,
  bartag = create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository, 'bar', image1.docker_image_id,

  # Since timestamps are stored on a second-granularity, we need to make the tags "start"
  # before "now", so when we recreate them below, they don't conflict.
  footag.lifetime_start_ts -= 5

  bartag.lifetime_start_ts -= 5

  footag_oci = _get_oci_tag(footag)
  footag_oci.lifetime_start_ms -= 5000

  bartag_oci = _get_oci_tag(bartag)
  bartag_oci.lifetime_start_ms -= 5000

  # Make sure they are returned.
  assert_tags(repository, 'foo', 'bar')

  # Set the expirations to be explicitly empty.
  set_tag_end_ts(footag, None)
  set_tag_end_ts(bartag, None)

  # Make sure they are returned.
  assert_tags(repository, 'foo', 'bar')

  # Mark as a tag as expiring in the far future, and make sure it is still returned.
  set_tag_end_ts(footag, footag.lifetime_start_ts + 10000000)

  # Make sure they are returned.
  assert_tags(repository, 'foo', 'bar')

  # Delete a tag and make sure it isn't returned.
  footag = delete_tag('devtable', 'somenewrepo', 'foo')
  set_tag_end_ts(footag, footag.lifetime_end_ts - 4)

  assert_tags(repository, 'bar')

  # Add a new foo again.
  footag = create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository, 'foo', image1.docker_image_id,
  footag.lifetime_start_ts -= 3

  footag_oci = _get_oci_tag(footag)
  footag_oci.lifetime_start_ms -= 3000

  assert_tags(repository, 'foo', 'bar')

  # Mark as a tag as expiring in the far future, and make sure it is still returned.
  set_tag_end_ts(footag, footag.lifetime_start_ts + 10000000)

  # Make sure they are returned.
  assert_tags(repository, 'foo', 'bar')

  # "Move" foo by updating it and make sure we don't get duplicates.
  create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository, 'foo', image2.docker_image_id, oci_manifest=manifest)
  assert_tags(repository, 'foo', 'bar')
def test_get_or_create_manifest_list_duplicate_child_manifest(initialized_db):
    repository = create_repository("devtable", "newrepo", None)

    expected_labels = {
        "Foo": "Bar",
        "Baz": "Meh",

    layer_json = json.dumps({
        "config": {
            "Labels": expected_labels,
        "rootfs": {
            "type": "layers",
            "diff_ids": []
        "history": [
                "created": "2018-04-03T18:37:09.284840891Z",
                "created_by": "do something",

    # Create a legacy image.
    find_create_or_link_image("somelegacyid", repository, "devtable", {},

    # Add a blob containing the config.
    _, config_digest = _populate_blob(layer_json)

    # Add a blob of random data.
    random_data = "hello world"
    _, random_digest = _populate_blob(random_data)

    # Build the manifest.
    v2_builder = DockerSchema2ManifestBuilder()
    v2_builder.add_layer(random_digest, len(random_data.encode("utf-8")))
    v2_manifest = v2_builder.build()

    # Write the manifest.
    v2_created = get_or_create_manifest(repository, v2_manifest, storage)
    assert v2_created
    assert v2_created.manifest.digest == v2_manifest.digest

    # Build the manifest list, with the child manifest repeated.
    list_builder = DockerSchema2ManifestListBuilder()
    list_builder.add_manifest(v2_manifest, "amd64", "linux")
    list_builder.add_manifest(v2_manifest, "amd32", "linux")
    manifest_list = list_builder.build()

    # Write the manifest list, which should also write the manifests themselves.
    created_tuple = get_or_create_manifest(repository, manifest_list, storage)
    assert created_tuple is not None

    created_list = created_tuple.manifest
    assert created_list
    assert created_list.media_type.name == manifest_list.media_type
    assert created_list.digest == manifest_list.digest

    # Ensure the child manifest links exist.
    child_manifests = {
        cm.child_manifest.digest: cm.child_manifest
        for cm in ManifestChild.select().where(
            ManifestChild.manifest == created_list)
    assert len(child_manifests) == 1
    assert v2_manifest.digest in child_manifests
    assert child_manifests[
        v2_manifest.digest].media_type.name == v2_manifest.media_type

    # Try to create again and ensure we get back the same manifest list.
    created2_tuple = get_or_create_manifest(repository, manifest_list, storage)
    assert created2_tuple is not None
    assert created2_tuple.manifest == created_list
def test_get_or_create_manifest(schema_version, initialized_db):
    repository = create_repository("devtable", "newrepo", None)

    expected_labels = {
        "Foo": "Bar",
        "Baz": "Meh",

    layer_json = json.dumps({
        "config": {
            "Labels": expected_labels,
        "rootfs": {
            "type": "layers",
            "diff_ids": []
        "history": [
                "created": "2018-04-03T18:37:09.284840891Z",
                "created_by": "do something",

    # Create a legacy image.
    find_create_or_link_image("somelegacyid", repository, "devtable", {},

    # Add a blob containing the config.
    _, config_digest = _populate_blob(layer_json)

    # Add a blob of random data.
    random_data = "hello world"
    _, random_digest = _populate_blob(random_data)

    # Build the manifest.
    if schema_version == 1:
        builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder("devtable", "simple",
        builder.add_layer(random_digest, layer_json)
        sample_manifest_instance = builder.build(docker_v2_signing_key)
    elif schema_version == 2:
        builder = DockerSchema2ManifestBuilder()
        builder.add_layer(random_digest, len(random_data.encode("utf-8")))
        sample_manifest_instance = builder.build()

    assert sample_manifest_instance.layers_compressed_size is not None

    # Create a new manifest.
    created_manifest = get_or_create_manifest(repository,
    created = created_manifest.manifest
    newly_created = created_manifest.newly_created

    assert newly_created
    assert created is not None
    assert created.media_type.name == sample_manifest_instance.media_type
    assert created.digest == sample_manifest_instance.digest
    assert created.manifest_bytes == sample_manifest_instance.bytes.as_encoded_str(
    assert created_manifest.labels_to_apply == expected_labels
    assert created.config_media_type == sample_manifest_instance.config_media_type
    assert created.layers_compressed_size == sample_manifest_instance.layers_compressed_size

    # Lookup the manifest and verify.
    found = lookup_manifest(repository, created.digest, allow_dead=True)
    assert found.digest == created.digest
    assert found.config_media_type == created.config_media_type
    assert found.layers_compressed_size == created.layers_compressed_size

    # Verify it has a temporary tag pointing to it.
    assert Tag.get(manifest=created, hidden=True).lifetime_end_ms

    # Verify the linked blobs.
    blob_digests = [
        for mb in ManifestBlob.select().where(ManifestBlob.manifest == created)

    assert random_digest in blob_digests
    if schema_version == 2:
        assert config_digest in blob_digests

    # Retrieve it again and ensure it is the same manifest.
    created_manifest2 = get_or_create_manifest(repository,
    created2 = created_manifest2.manifest
    newly_created2 = created_manifest2.newly_created

    assert not newly_created2
    assert created2 == created

    # Ensure it again has a temporary tag.
    assert Tag.get(manifest=created2, hidden=True).lifetime_end_ms

    # Ensure the labels were added.
    labels = list(list_manifest_labels(created))
    assert len(labels) == 2

    labels_dict = {label.key: label.value for label in labels}
    assert labels_dict == expected_labels
def test_get_or_create_manifest_list(initialized_db):
    repository = create_repository('devtable', 'newrepo', None)

    expected_labels = {
        'Foo': 'Bar',
        'Baz': 'Meh',

    layer_json = json.dumps({
        'config': {
            'Labels': expected_labels,
        "rootfs": {
            "type": "layers",
            "diff_ids": []
        "history": [
                "created": "2018-04-03T18:37:09.284840891Z",
                "created_by": "do something",

    # Create a legacy image.
    find_create_or_link_image('somelegacyid', repository, 'devtable', {},

    # Add a blob containing the config.
    _, config_digest = _populate_blob(layer_json)

    # Add a blob of random data.
    random_data = 'hello world'
    _, random_digest = _populate_blob(random_data)

    # Build the manifests.
    v1_builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder('devtable', 'simple',
    v1_builder.add_layer(random_digest, layer_json)
    v1_manifest = v1_builder.build(docker_v2_signing_key).unsigned()

    v2_builder = DockerSchema2ManifestBuilder()
    v2_builder.set_config_digest(config_digest, len(layer_json))
    v2_builder.add_layer(random_digest, len(random_data))
    v2_manifest = v2_builder.build()

    # Write the manifests.
    v1_created = get_or_create_manifest(repository, v1_manifest, storage)
    assert v1_created
    assert v1_created.manifest.digest == v1_manifest.digest

    v2_created = get_or_create_manifest(repository, v2_manifest, storage)
    assert v2_created
    assert v2_created.manifest.digest == v2_manifest.digest

    # Build the manifest list.
    list_builder = DockerSchema2ManifestListBuilder()
    list_builder.add_manifest(v1_manifest, 'amd64', 'linux')
    list_builder.add_manifest(v2_manifest, 'amd32', 'linux')
    manifest_list = list_builder.build()

    # Write the manifest list, which should also write the manifests themselves.
    created_tuple = get_or_create_manifest(repository, manifest_list, storage)
    assert created_tuple is not None

    created_list = created_tuple.manifest
    assert created_list
    assert created_list.media_type.name == manifest_list.media_type
    assert created_list.digest == manifest_list.digest

    # Ensure the child manifest links exist.
    child_manifests = {
        cm.child_manifest.digest: cm.child_manifest
        for cm in ManifestChild.select().where(
            ManifestChild.manifest == created_list)
    assert len(child_manifests) == 2
    assert v1_manifest.digest in child_manifests
    assert v2_manifest.digest in child_manifests

    assert child_manifests[
        v1_manifest.digest].media_type.name == v1_manifest.media_type
    assert child_manifests[
        v2_manifest.digest].media_type.name == v2_manifest.media_type
def test_get_or_create_manifest(schema_version, initialized_db):
    repository = create_repository('devtable', 'newrepo', None)

    expected_labels = {
        'Foo': 'Bar',
        'Baz': 'Meh',

    layer_json = json.dumps({
        'config': {
            'Labels': expected_labels,
        "rootfs": {
            "type": "layers",
            "diff_ids": []
        "history": [
                "created": "2018-04-03T18:37:09.284840891Z",
                "created_by": "do something",

    # Create a legacy image.
    find_create_or_link_image('somelegacyid', repository, 'devtable', {},

    # Add a blob containing the config.
    _, config_digest = _populate_blob(layer_json)

    # Add a blob of random data.
    random_data = 'hello world'
    _, random_digest = _populate_blob(random_data)

    # Build the manifest.
    if schema_version == 1:
        builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder('devtable', 'simple',
        builder.add_layer(random_digest, layer_json)
        sample_manifest_instance = builder.build(docker_v2_signing_key)
    elif schema_version == 2:
        builder = DockerSchema2ManifestBuilder()
        builder.set_config_digest(config_digest, len(layer_json))
        builder.add_layer(random_digest, len(random_data))
        sample_manifest_instance = builder.build()

    # Create a new manifest.
    created_manifest = get_or_create_manifest(repository,
    created = created_manifest.manifest
    newly_created = created_manifest.newly_created

    assert newly_created
    assert created is not None
    assert created.media_type.name == sample_manifest_instance.media_type
    assert created.digest == sample_manifest_instance.digest
    assert created.manifest_bytes == sample_manifest_instance.bytes.as_encoded_str(
    assert created_manifest.labels_to_apply == expected_labels

    # Verify it has a temporary tag pointing to it.
    assert Tag.get(manifest=created, hidden=True).lifetime_end_ms

    # Verify the legacy image.
    legacy_image = get_legacy_image_for_manifest(created)
    assert legacy_image is not None
    assert legacy_image.storage.content_checksum == random_digest

    # Verify the linked blobs.
    blob_digests = [
        for mb in ManifestBlob.select().where(ManifestBlob.manifest == created)

    assert random_digest in blob_digests
    if schema_version == 2:
        assert config_digest in blob_digests

    # Retrieve it again and ensure it is the same manifest.
    created_manifest2 = get_or_create_manifest(repository,
    created2 = created_manifest2.manifest
    newly_created2 = created_manifest2.newly_created

    assert not newly_created2
    assert created2 == created

    # Ensure it again has a temporary tag.
    assert Tag.get(manifest=created2, hidden=True).lifetime_end_ms

    # Ensure the labels were added.
    labels = list(list_manifest_labels(created))
    assert len(labels) == 2

    labels_dict = {label.key: label.value for label in labels}
    assert labels_dict == expected_labels