def delete_product(self, id: int):
        Deletes the specified product from the database

        :param id: The id of the product to delete
        model = Product.get( == id)
    def get_product(self, id: int) -> ProductDalModel:
        Retrieves a product from the database with the specified id

        :param id: The id of the product to retrieve
        :return: The product
        product_model = Product.get( == id)
        product = ProductDalModel.create_from_model(product_model)
        return product
    def edit_product(self, product: ProductDalModel) -> ProductDalModel:
        Updates the product in the database

        :param product: The product to update with the new values set
        :return: The new product

        model = Product.get( == =
        model.description = product.description
        model.target_stock = product.target_stock

        return ProductDalModel.create_from_model(model)
    def get_or_create_by_name(self,
                              name: str,
                              description: str = "from api",
                              target_stock: int = 1) -> ProductDalModel:
        Ensures that there is a product with the specified name, if one cannot be found it is created

        :param name: The name to find
        :param description: The description of the product if created
        :param target_stock: The target stock level if created
        :return: The product with the name specified
        product_model: Product
            product_model = Product.get( == name)
        except peewee.DoesNotExist:
            return self.create_product(name, description, target_stock)

        return ProductDalModel.create_from_model(product_model)